HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 3Gera tine rtees We Liver Pills. Of MOOtliti SCEN Wonderful Are the Triumphs Over Natural Laws and Forces, nccor (Ung to Act ot '010 "Is" blioded eves and the only one of hia (Cnitieergteeto tlenaee. in the yeer Ono ThyholuvislitdBaNii41,e, elitunic1,0rerodntaa,ndatieetie4 tbiir000ed who could send tbe gginh health cotusing through tile Department ot Agriculture, °new% withered- limbs of him sick witli th your belief to become an enthroned king? You bear on your soul the markt; of sin, bat if you will come to him he will the you into his em- ploy and will send you forth to bless and belt) the world. As the ore on oy s Daen SP; ia it treating at tift**4 1401t THE 110,NiE apostleb h d th nark o s for the fe tater) EF) e . . of the Lord Jesus, So you InnY etp W"" Hygiene ° the badge of Ids service and in his and Other Notes; for th Housekeeper, * name and by his power carry on the 0 Olt work thet ha began. To you, too qite lieveth on me the works that 1 do ta le aiteige,ettaMoeneeeeeeefate,60440 the promise is given, "Ile that be - SOME GOOD RECIPES, s I 11 I 10 ( 0 as 4, ant !neatr eerie t 1, than these shall he do, because 1 g unto my Father," square yard of carpet, and one pound .of chain is enough for three yards. When the new carpet comes from the weaver, measure the carpet strips the length of the floor, ek- ing the end a each strip by putting a pin in the place. Take it to the machine and sow aorose the breadth taice; leave two inroads of the rags and ieev twice nore, then cut the width between the threads, This will prevent the carpet from. ravel- ing. Bind the ends with tape. CharlesPudding.--One cep a ell- ttap 0. eweet Wine, one gag, Beet Salad -Cook doeert gar, one tahlesliatenful a melted but- pSALADS, ert one O1) e and one-holl tablesnetrnSful of young beets Wait very eaner an baking• powder; miX with one pint a nice unto Line a dine with crisps GRAZWG UNDER WA'rElle flour; bake one -ball hour, And eat. white lettuce leaves. ned pittee the with .•••• beets in a. pile in the ceatre, 'May - Must _Borer Sign situro of A. despatch from 1,,os Angeles ennet 1),ia s AnimalS Austrarea, Adapt .Thern- lsy. Yet to -day as I studY Devonshire cream. --Stand new milk emleise dreseing may be poeree Deer • , ed from the following text: Jolm Bey. wank no Ititt creheag., preach, trnist, the healer of the sick,. I set that the work be did has been taken selves to circumstances. atillte nciigehatin,, tubftenit eg•eitnhoi3ut 1(11 isthitterhving it, or served in a. pitcher with the salads e -station West - 44„tonzseliO env., 1'2, "Greater works than these bY his followers and its tri- While on a cattl ier0t00 had :teovz :tershdclileel::e was set, On to the shall he do." ntultiPlied, By the word or era ,A.ustralia Atr„ izerpry Bean Saiad-Take cold beans and , et until a thick slciu QV f See Fee -simile Wrapper Relore. ore seeaU Nora as 005.1 te1.414e zug= Alt7; FOR REARAORE. AO. roa 0112111ESSi. ITTLE ran mous/mks. ivrEit FOR name uva. Plus, FOB CONSTIPATION. FOR MOW SKIN. FOR TRZCOPAPLEXIO ot virt CUR SICK HEADACHE. Man increosee nthis gospel faith 111 Power be gave sight to a fere an opportunti y o seeing a remark- ortes ad cold potatoes1 equal part51 one U rt t 3 st boil. Ile - two onions.3 littl° slaeted ca bbage . :en lowering the standards of the Idled men, but in our day the Chris- able instance l'4 the waY in which move it. stand in a, mot place until chop an eiei:-•tj . i.&. i.,., .,,,...n. nphiii of its own o.o, are giving Fight to tbousands. inc their surroundings. Y. orksbire 'Melding is made by e a pound of flour u'i li ZaP1),°,Pfulmrg; ttTi-goetite:.lealtraear6e-e.nlus- ' cord, or violets to grow daring mid_ Virtue from bis garment stopped ono On the upper reaches of -the river inlxiite; :;..,alfana- Iv aegrees, oue pint*, 4 wiatex, in a mowbcolk, or daylight tissee of blood. but in our daY the there wee a large pool juet, fordable two Turnip Salad-Ileel and flat the twn to follow, after the srolons, or the Quest tan physician. with his htedj,, at most tirae$, but in it dry season Of milk. Grease a net yorkehire„ nips into small pieces, bet/ ebent sun in the west, or the flush of cements. is stepping thousands of erel' low- Among the horses Ululate; Pudding tio theroogetly, pour in theg tea athletes la salted teeter, drama uith to be 5(5111 011 the pt.,d,, cheek issues,. Christ's touch relieved a few i their run in tile vicinity of., this pool, .r_hAtter,,_ and bake under the. tneat, And keep in eold water until wanted, of a. corpse, or a humming bird to , surferers of pain, but, in the hospi- , an old mare and a bevy of foals And ..4110 urinPing Irwin beef -wakes this then drain aed cover with remouiade . oluatarily ieseeo her nest in tee ,tas or am lIine thonearids pass ;3r -earrings nsed to colne down every hveoru'Y'r gi:oad. 00131"be-oraortle.rns ,,,,,4 as l Sallee, ark inberinthe Wee a ground mole l'intrde-Fster through suffering winch in daY in the long, dry summer. winlan teand sofnefoit time to aQuow. A 1 0 Carrot Salan--Wash tut t fel, 0, redh.pet faith carpal*, oi former times would here raceed tile herbage was scald and ecoreliee ee„... , , „ . , .:Seiile rich colored carrots, testi:wining tiharecter to exist in them with excruciating torture, into deenees. They wetted into the ,,,v ee mmen 01111so likKO one PoUno 01' boiling NN,ito., mid cool, luau 1%101)1.I antemple unless the chief lli.11)I0INE. i pool until the water neatly reur aebed "ee taeo teesPoenftils or bahluille: eut into thin slices, sprinkle y eorriere lN e stone or tint tern no 19 •/cent; Christ 'their heads, and stood. there f rwevaee* s" aunees ef butter andlsu"111.F edd the juice of ono , .-, ,:t.,Dss. you tajaht as wen expect tian surgeone, by their operatious, ' animals ran adapt. themselves te xt morning, -then skim, Feasort wt. eepper and salt and a. little vitieea,r, a RECif E A MANON ADY Tints or 117.4 E:UIDIDTZITCE 'WITH DOAll'S KIDNEY PUS The Great iiYiell-Knovil Kidney Spine I07 to Cute at all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Trs. P. Bertrand, Breehe A Iranone trrites.te-I think it nothing but right for me to let you know wiiat 001WS KIDNEY PILLS liave done for tee. or ANT month* I was Itailly troubled with a eore beet:, and such revere pains in my kidneys that 1 could scarcely wall: et times. I got a box of DOAN'S 1 -EY PILLS, awl before I had them ball teken I WAS greatly relievee, awl with ouothez• box I was completely cured, I cermet itaip but give them all the praise I ean, and will never fail to recomtnend them to ell kiduey sufferers. DOLV'S ICIDNEY Pizza r.re �O. h, or 3 for SI.25; all dealers or The Dean Eidney Pill Co., Toronto, Out, Norwa.37 Pine Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Pain or Tightness in the Cho3t, Etc. It plops that tickling in the throat, if pleasant to take and soothing and heal. ing to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, tee well-known Gait gardener, writes : - I had a very, severe attack of sorsa throat and tightness in the &est. Some times 'when I wanted to congh and could not would almost choke to death. My wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to ray Sur- prise I found speedy relief. I would not be without it if it cost $1.00 a bet. tle, And I Oftn reconunend it to everyone! bothered with a. cough or cold. Price 25 Ceuta. Turns Bad Blood into Rich Red' Blood. This spring you will need ,sometning to take away that tired, listless feeling brought to!I, 1)yi,liesvstem being clogged with impurities which have accumulated during the winter. BurdOele Blood Bitters is the remedy you require. It has DO equal as a spring -leine: It has been usedby thousands for a? quarter of , century- with unequalled But tu-clay are the wondere of boure, diving to the bottom for 0. ' h 4.4nd 1, if 1 bo lifted tip from uao,lero wirger.)," luore nutreeious mouthed of secculent weeds. °deb erail•(,:nitlitiltiludt.514: %%Tr Int:‘3Bger':),ti,14. ceUictsr:lebtt‘uvelethietarels..gieett "49" male will drew rfle0 nn1 o me." than, the "wcaultws of modern inedie they ebewed at leisure With their flour, add the other ingrediente, Mix Jesus Chrifit 10'4 alme't time einee" Is the pewer of uledern wed- dripping tweets raised ebeive the with on egg end little /um" moue before Ws erneitlxion. "I nut the iehie vire diseziee alr; more mar-, water„ Ito small Janne, And bal;0 111 a (pia: TH-p Horse -Shoe Pads are a real neee Bitty winter. o summer --- they supply the give nature intended on hard roacla and pavements-, protect the fro of the hoof from stones and from balling in wint- er, Improved Dunlop " Ideal " Horse -Shoe Pads cure or prevent lameness -- prevent cracking or spreading of the hoofs--raake a horse's working We longer, e- If you have ahum troubled with lame - noes Omni' bad cols write our expert for advk45 free. CO g 011 1011108 and a wineglass of fine Oliva way, the tallith and the Hee No mon wittO$ tO"atly than tile power of The fleet Moe I witnessed this vvo quarter of on beim. 14E44)S cornett% note the leather hut by Mei JPOdern beeteriolo deel Yveere; Co melange feebt woe during a dry sea- (4.0'118.11°11p Cel.e.,.-Sift together gesnel tvoeeers of in'eeent ; ettitioltig /lore mad there le) °licit v.' ks our resiarriieteti Ileitc,iniier to , it) iire•verit tlif5eatift? N'.044 sv(' t'hrist, ROO when 1 wee riding with the over- otp ur sugar auti a cup of I • ' liliadeti eve or to unstop e deaf cite seer I° seAr°I1 cl some straYc41 stock. r°unding (easP"" °L eream et et be clearly understood at the oe to loosen the heavy and labored AN we apprOklehed tlio pool. zny rem. eite level eteaspu of soda, set that by no word 00 _thought 10.0atiliug 0t the a t staferei,,i paeion bade me keep quiet if I de. and one-half saltspoon of salt. Break` 0ort.t s,,et,z to d,,,preeiate vao pow.. fee '„,„ the' SU 0(1 te see something wa ell worth into cup two eggs end beat till and influence of Christ's pereonale her -t; torui leehhIg at‘ As we "de "P light. fUl the cut) with thick cream re y and work. Ile it Is who ells all tied there an isnInted owsicni cure,t° the P001 1 SSW a gr(1111) 11"Fei and add el"' tens11°°11 °1 ornnge ex eeted thiegs.; be II is , 1 etc the lights in tboweinds of /wee; standing in the water. eml (neap- tract. Turn into ere mixtore anti, fe, nateral, mental. soeial. ie windows gle,toillig 111,e t he. Pealing front thlle to time em they Add earefelly and ileiroughty teg-eth- inspirer, the wing, from wbieh Mare M the heal, ene, ere the dueled their heads below the sue - come ell our trimupbs, lett I went white robee nurses and the doctors, face. ¥y wonder wafi 5005 nt an to show %in that 11 plonl • •• coming forth os tbe an ON of erld when I saw 0110 of their heads • I g fie gave. to his eieetrees. Jreator heeltil who troubled tie; waters et suddenly Came out with a, mouthful vie /lane tlie saute as sponge cake. Swedish. Itreati-Mix In 4.1 eleve wade tlieu run tlirteettit it 1 qt. Tishbi INTER ATIONAL LESSON, .41.170. 7. of the Leeson, 1-16. olden 'Text, ve 7, oduced to e with E1ijb, ehe the gote ar thy eity the widow Is %re 115WEi1N. Drop tot a Card tor Oat ee-erbeeldet"aereoelecr," 0111110P TlIE 00,, Melted, TORONTO. widow womenat Z rephatin or ac eording to Luke iv, n enerenta, and there is our Lord's emit-mutationaf this part a the 6tOrn also. Zere,. photh eigeines a place of refining, and, while at Cherith he was Cut off a front all human belp, be iv now to he retried still mere lee most uriliLely, human miiiistrotion, Setely deetranen, for the Lord Can 1114111 25 ore while abiding, and erten ho arrivee at ortheintabltane, there gAthe rin f ga eti t es or flour, 3 lit,eping teaspoolis buelio.; of t1ii,.L Pflr ri1& hint 11, ea161,', for herself and her ewe. wores than these Amu Ile LI the pool of ueiheeda, erytog to the. dr111Pine', WeRdS., NO sooner was powder. 3 tablespoons sugar. e contuins t ,,L‘tv:i4tetwZih:1:111.11!: at bruel laailter"nehdieuti ° Ole ; eetlienettt le en a fithillee nd that man :Aspired sick everw e bT ere, ',ome and he eared this mouthful disposed of thou thu spoon enit. Ruh 2 tablespoons but-lbiitliptace and : die with his spirit bas with the natural 01 Yu" aaMealsr. 1 see thensends head disappeared ha search of an- ter Into tile mixture and wet with e eeizedee, he eta s heroro us on the Whet a boarding 'louse! 'What a, Scant Pt- cold 1)11114 Stir nuiehle. 11.0,Pages - Svripture without an " weieellae 1°1' a SWarY •Anci r forree at big dititac.$r41 done niore tor end tees of thoueauds of steeling :men- other uplift lag inouniaity. as chcm said tlii!1 t w. or.u!:.us, 1,0.huouglevi7u:bduntiagey daierdo r4.1e,iortoyettig•sieletr stooxitte 1T‘iretiolill.,t sivilrxkitg.axist ti).11(1);?,.1,1 "::itrirri11,1,1r11-7,1:tillelliialf;41 ifollairr: i izeto..ca:•.d nottd. fijiltehe earpir.?lerzoi.italiiirdot:04ectr; n. e.:ii a" nxiii stitil:3..1s: i:41:::::11.tals, tr: 1.;:11,:le,s(rii,zi:e Ili): vet it is the Lord 8 way. Plied It heYend the olnrcitriunitie4 not. Christ as tee pbysiciati of le tee old mare had discoeeree that l'ivee 411'• 1441ael? 0411 inane eignifies "XS' Ced is Jehov- 1 but listen yet ; "After that matte tile multitudes; Chnet oPened the , ailmente la accomplishing int' Mere. be rorored bv div.(i)nc, 'for b; and name nit1::::0,cri'Ll,o1.1, T,'. er7,11,ie, conaeo senteuee troth his lips. -The, barrel of mettl Shell not waete. neithe (*00 ('11 1111115s; Christ acstlagNI pith only opening the eyes of those horn blinded eons and straightened the than Owlet ever did, Man iN not ba.ern;.,,, `once PUL* hee'die.oeet,y into tanittrecttee- e..,,et - sa , -es41‘..,,,. .„,..t7' tlii'm Lord GOK1 Of 161111:1 liV01 11, helOro:er &eau, the orosk. of -'0it fall until" end stopped tile chronic iSslie of blind, but he,ts making ley the thou- „ practfeo she oontiolied 10 110 Oa of treing -sin. b‘i'ir 11100(10itsS'elf Is wh""1 1 stand:" (ver" 1)* gives us i'* * I* And u° jt eialle t° Pf3" a°. Wood. Cbrist was a great preacher send And teus of thousands the -'re e e ce 1 i r ii. whet she had been driveu really delic'ious end worthy of being lilii:1 iriffTsItytt: toftitiiteuatsitT (101,/7„innlo'lltIleaureg' 1 etiTe'ditlit)egaittlitalr ot4irttlettef thmueltilpnirft:.:34.1fionie it ' • shottl 1* thou (lid °heist hims(4r• new bad thee Heed atid heen teen in previoun when hardly a ventigo of hi/ledenuegsist iv-ii7lotIspoaous II g.4,445ziat,s4tn::34 31113tikbt, r.ontuntie elterac-e flex ,ars'Ic,t,iel'ai,;1'1, itas•ti 'Wan 1141R taken hold of the power ow •c, wh'ert ehr;01,, lived and be' reed Iva,: iert tho run auti hush %lea, e 1012.11 (111,1,st bad to vomp et.A. the b(my was o woader worker. Tio: there Ives .deof y of fuficlow., Xi .d at s ice an int thick. llake -0 nilrei oh,'" and before Jehovah be stood, tor theu and eon thy ;Furl, fur thus which (1114'4' hes'telved 1`"Is had s4;2 !heal not. cr touebed tiller fires bed laid bare the 'Sand-0.11ns. t1V S/141 CUP °I gurct"Its"amt. leruel ever prodneed• Ilie: wet thought mu1.120 s*omon , songs crazy menp. wase‘• that ho initiatt.:11. Christ fed man to -day as a F.urer PbYeical the bottoinj of the P ols which c°tItti t t C Ti and unto IIim he lived* The' hrs't eaith the Lord frien Ierael. tho and th•etv the multitudes about him. ileat and the dumb Speak. Until Christ fought against the heathenish uuelent miracle h is CeaSI`d to this, to (10 by Peee88 . , ing the frown ,nor eeeking the fliNCt la full year (Vereies 10.40 end margin einest, wos the greatest at all work- k Now, study Christ, from. another; ed ner example, although none or the ere' or wonders flint .tbe world had 'edandpoint, What did Jesus cenicifull-grOwit horses had joined thp am - Over seen, There • was only ono down upon earth to do? Ito eame to phibieus group. Mee, then, seemed Christ. There will never be another. SaVO tbe World? 011„ yes; he cameit0 bo new variety of leorse in evo- Yet tbere ate sensee, natural ns well° to save the world by drawing men ibition which, if left undisturbeil, as spirituel, in weich his promise has iirito himeof and bendier: them to- might breed and separate from. the boon kept to ids followers, and they anther an Christine% That means,nm, perhaps to survive through droughts SeVilre enough. to extermin- ate all others, : ',erect' with dainties concocted by The several generations of foals the aid ot tl doctrine Vint "might le right." wonder because oi COULTUOnDOSS. 1Whieh she bad reared bad all follow- eluding dish, Cream curt butter of mortal man. Ilie opening werdS of 3 5). This poor widow ate all invee been enable,/ through tliopoen, men were to become followers of 00 emanatiflg. from him to do works himself. Yet, nfter he came to which surpass those lie did in his earth (521 was 210" in thc. manger life on 4qtri,11, 'But let it never be and lived in Nazareth, be literally forgotten, that these .,greatar became tint 'despised and the reieet- works" wnielt MAn has done levee c..d,nef ipen." After be hod lived and MEALS BEFORE LESSON - been aceinnpliehed only' because Jesuslc`""ere(1* preached and worked on and -- „ has lived and Jesus' proplietic on ""til the dttY v.Ilen he WaS 00001- Land= School May rrovide Chin- ned, the converts lie had won were words heel° been fulfilled. In oeder dren With rood, to get a better grasp of this theme Ire, a little liandful of followers at , , let me read to you. the full verse in e foot °I 111 . The London, lengland, County which the words •of my text are WRIST NEVER VISITED INDIA. Council has more than the filling el ' found "Verilyt verily I say unto All India was yet to give up its the empty heads of the pupils in ite widow burning rind the tosedrig of its schools to look after. Islington is helpless girl infants into the Ganges demanding that the local authorities to be eat en by crocodiles and the should be given power to feed under - heathen tvorship of idols, but Christ red children. Something of the. kind oil of India. William. has been mig,ed by certain municipal set foot on the s was riot, in body,. able as a man to bodies before but not directly inter - Carey and 'Alexander Duff and Ilish- ested as they are now in the manage - op Thoburn were to do that. Africa, meat of the schools, little has come, with its nturder and rapine end can- of their representations. nibalistic orgies, was to build its An old School Board. member, now and so On. liave the last layer altars to the worship of the "tree on the London County Cornell, the crumbs. Last of all, add 1 Pint God,'' but Christ, as a physical Rev. A. Jephson, said: -"It is use- water, cover the elish and bake 45 man, was never to penetrate into less attempting to teaePa underfed _ minutes in a. moderate; oven, Yoe he that belleveth on me the works, 'that I det shull he do also, ,and greater works than these shall 'he do, beret -Ise I go unto my Fa- ther." .A.MAZED ling GENERATION. Jesus Christ was the amazement of amazements to the people of his day and generation as a worker of natural phenomena. Ile seemed, to his time superior to all natural laws, When he went out 1,0 visit his disciples in their &tip, ne did not have to use the land, as other people had to do. He stepped upon. the crystal pavement of Lake Gain lee as easily as an Al,pine clinaber might rest his foot upon solid rock, as easily as a hind's feet might glue themselves to mountain crag. When he spoke. the homage of obedience was rendered to him. not alone by men in the synateogue. by beasts of the Eeld, and tl7e fowls of the air, but by the winds and the waveu. Ec called to tire Galilean tempest, "I3eaee be still." At the glance of his eye the "conscious water blushed to see the face of its Lord" at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee. At a word from his lip the fig tree dried up and withered. away. All he had to flay woe, "Let no fruit g -row on Lhee henceforward forever." At his' call came whole schools of fish to be caught by the Galilean fishermen. I3y his touch whole ovens full of bread seemed. to be miraculously ere- , tecl. After the sermon upon the mount he fed the multitudes by simp- ly breaking five loaves of eread into pieces. Ile kept on breaking those pihces again in twain until at last all were ted with bread, as much as they cared to eat. Christ was a wonder worker in natural phenom- encl. He could tell Peter -lust Ncluire to go and catch a fish which had in its mouth the "piece of money'' by Which the disciples should pay the 1just taxes to the Roman governonent, In tho hour of 121,4 suffering and death the earth trembled and the sun N574.5 E.,11rot3,ded in darkness. In him was the power which the success:" psalinist ascribed to the Most `51 -re looketh upon the eerie and it trembles; he tourlietlt the hills ahd 'they silloke,'' Not only did (lirist' astonish the people in his day ley his poNyer over HERE IS PROOF.. 'Airs. J. T. Skine of Shigawake, „Que.. writes: "I have used Burthek Blood Bitters as a spring. m.eciicine for thenast font 'ears, s equal. When I feel drowsy, tired and ,have 00 desire. to eat get a bottle of 13.13.B. It purities th.e.: blood and builds up the con. 41.0.11:00 better than any other einedyee and 2 eups sugar. Add 4 well beat, Are repealed in 3.371i1., 15, end mane to the Lord; the widow who had en cite's, 1 cup milk, cup melted us thiak elabriers words M Lueo two mites gave all; the lad with the ehocolate, 1 teospoon each venilla, ie 11), "1 am Gabriel that stand in ; OAT loaves gave ale When me as cinnarnou, cloves, nutmeg, and- 3. ilae presence of God." They aleo unreservoily give all, we shall see cuP misled potatoes, seasoned and carry us bock to the Lord's word to the Lord's increase. "There ie that prepared as tor the table. }teat Abram in Gen. xvii., 1, "Walk be- seat teretb and yet ineretieeth" (rnm thoroughly mei into this mixture fore me and be thou perfect'. (mar- xi, 24). The rest of the verse tells stir 2 enpe flour into which lies been gins upright, sincere). Tilis is the why mew tire poor who might ' be sifted 2 teaspoons baking powder, only way for those wlio would be the 1 rieln and 1 cup English walnuts chopped reunite meeeengers fine. lialte In motlerate oven Concerning his niessage to Ahab, ;..e RK I I 45. about 40 minutes. "There shall not be dew nor rain k AS Tomatoes Belted with Nute„-For A WO ING TOOL;, - this diel, take 1 dozen blenched al- wthoers(Tso years shelled peanuts; grind or pound the but according to My • W4 must consider ATAS. 1,.... for the student and the writer,' ',1 wands, 2 dozen chestnuts and .4. e 11.2118 11110 (the chettniltS Mast -11:Pe 17, where it, is written that be pray- . as an authoritative reference book boiled first), mix 1 cup stale or dried cd earnestly that it might not rein and also *Deletexi.,.. 17, where we for schools, teachers, families,: and add teaspoon powdered sugar, ers 'tle °II InV ng bread ertilnles with the prepared nuts authorityhaveitheLbusiness and professional ioir1 sue:. a pry - there is one book which offers 3. teasPOon minced onion and a little shUt " the heavens "d 1s7t IL° lairt. bread crumbs, put in some of Luke baking dish, sprinkle the bottom with to taste and set aside, Butter a were thus stint un in the daYS of tomatoes through Ileithilieveci;t. esoeasonoecni ram 11 tilideoy.„ist:tiined froxa ThIn to Elijah is confirmed b,y our Lord Believing PraYer nre8t One's admiration for Webster's a hat the heavens value of its info ation, and the in ease with which it is obtained. aalt and pepper. superior advantages in the solid purretdonertzio,b,stiztielold an lgver boars thote but- be based upon some plain assurance in the word of Cod or eeme Clear re- InternationalDictionaryincreases ter; now another layer of tomato velation from God concerning MS daily as it will, George Mallet' hag called the comes to be better former the grace of faith and the known. Itneverrefusestheinfor- latter the gift a faith. III one way motion sought and it never over - ca. the other God will guide vs. Verses 2 to 0 give -us :the story of the brook Cherith and the ravens and all was according to the word a the Lord, which both Elljth raid the ravens obeyed. The first time this title or expression, °The word of the Lord," is used is in Gen. xv., 1. It may mean. a message from God or it may mean the Son of God, who is called "The Word" (joint L, 1; RoO. xix., 13). Either way it is Clod con- trolling, and. our part is "willing and obedient'' (Isa. 1,, 19). The prophet, is now told to hide himself; he has denyered his message, and thae is all that is required of him at present. May the life of every child of God be summed up le Ibis: "Striving ac- cording to His working. which. work- eth in Me mightily" (Col. I., 29), for unless it is God working in us it can- not standoDut when we thus seek first the kingdom of Clod and His right- eousness we may' be sure that all temporal thiugs shall be added, even though ravens feed us or poor wid- ows, minister to ue. In these days of imbelief and tnoffing, if any should Hear ite mid that .Arabs, not birds, Sed Elijah, just ask what kind of an Arab flew out of Noah's ark, for the word "aseen" in our lesson is the same in the Hebrew as the word 5`ravenn in Gen. viii. 7. By what- ever instrumentality the Lord may minister to us. while truly grateful to Him and. to His ministering ser- yarts, we intut be stayed upon Him- self alone. lest some Ceerith dry lin and we thereby geow discoUraged. Halo iii, 17, 18, is a fine word to appropriat,e, for whoever or what- 00Cir inay fail us we cau nlways truly say, 'Thou- , 0 Lord, remain eSt for- ever " (Lain. Y. 19; . i, 11). It wes nOt for Elijah to 1,hink out nen 'en. n thosa dark miseionary fields!. A Liv- instone, a l'intylor and a Bartzell were to d.o that. Europe et that time shaking 'under the tread of the Roman legions; North and South America utterly unknown to civili- zation; the islands of the sea, most of them ouevieited-all are yet to bow to Christ and come under the reign of love and gentleness and purity and truth. These are to be won through the instrumentality of inen. Men energized by the Roly Spirit are to gale the whole world for him. Truly, es we look at such a conquest and compare it with the work that he accomplished in Palestine we see what he meant when he said, "Great- er things than these shall ye do." Christ saw all this fame conquest of the world, but as a man lie never went away from the Paleetine hills. 1 -lo grew up iu Nazareth. He jour- neyed from Nazareth a few tiettes to Jerusalem. There at the Davidic capital he was at last led as a guilty criminal out to the Calvary heights to ignominiously die. To his followers he left the stupendous task of evangelizing the world, promising tliat he would be with them to the end that through his power they should be able to win more souls than he had clone. But though 'We have been praising inan's "greater works.' -we would have you bear well in mind this On0 tremendous fact. No week of 711011 Wavo of 10.050212 crime which some - is truly greater than ChriSt'S times extends over half ci year, and because all of man's greater works 1sO910n2et1Taiessoenieg,hteeini months. The year are the outcome of jesus' warit o, „iese years of crime you read the verse in which my text waves. In 1903 the total number is found you .will find the whole of perSons tried en Great Britain trend of the thought in the one word was 661,667; while in 1902 the fig - children. I am not greatly concern- ed as to how it should be done, but it is essential that you should first feed the child, don't'eare if the parents are thriftless or drunken; the child must have food before we have any right to t.eadh. it. I say, feed the child, even though you have to prosecute the parents afterwards. I bavo always advocated prosecuting those parents who can give their children food, but don't; I have as- sisted in such prosecutions; but in the meantime you must feed the chilci. Whatever changes of method are introduced, we must take care that hungry children are fed before being taught. So far there has not been any serious difficulty 10 raising the necessery funds b3r voluntary agencies. The newspaper funds are very helpful. Of coerse, if voluntary agencies fail. then 1 eee no objection to taking the mone.y out of the rates as proposed by the Islington Borough Council." WAVES OF ,CRII4IE. On the whole, during the heat. twen- ty yeairc, there has been a, reduction in crime of what IS ternied the grav- er sett; but every DOW and then, at fairly regular interVals, there 11 "liecanse."' "Ile shall do greater tires Were 787,676. This increase works t,han these because I go to was ehiedY CrinleS against PrePer- my rather.'' Decauce Christ is in ty. :All published statietics show God. and God is in tie is the reason that neither penal servitude nor im- man is able to accomplish greater 1)1 501)1110111 tierves to deter the hal)i. amount, of that color you have on t;orao new place to go to, for the tic tl Cl tu 1 ti ci f • 't To-cley will yea 110 t, fee) that ;) OIL the nmst incorrigil)le of all being any one of the fair judgment to de- hid and sustained hem theee had. his convince tee people in leis day of Oli. my frie2eq, marked with the thought to the 13ritish taepayer inat as it. is useelly the warp thet wears about: it. teen, at the eiget teen, divine 'nature by s'n owing 1.11 powel• work Christ luls given to eon to do show it Marko:1 inere0,4,2 04.2 neeraers to peoeuce narmontous (net:ls. and sew rot tee eiecant.etaeces. and the forcee of 'nature; lie revealed his call only aecomplisa the greater women. Of the graver crimes Which cid° whet colo should go together eVe- 1111011 him (II. Chron Nthni urtat11,etc:., cae4n3cli.hccsItterregdyiysohstratenes5 0101 payeieal- diete,80,- ti led tn by ievolg and working in eltrisq, and burglaries. It is not a pleas:int (4et the hest four Or live -ply ware, doulitlees Elijah taiked wi , , RAO CARPETS. In a family where there are sever - t.1 children, there is always a quan- tity of faded and worn-out clothing, telso sheets and pillow cases that are no longer useful in that capacity. Very pretty and serviceable carpets may be made of them. When -the weekly washing was done every soiled garment. was put in. Those intended for the carpet did not need ironing, but were sort- ed out, all the buttons cut, off and saved for future 'use. All seams axed other thick places were cut out, as they would make rough places in the carpet, the white and light-colored ones put in .one box, and the dark ones in another; both boXes have close fittieg lids which' keep out all the dust. My carpet is composed of wide or miss stripes of dark rags alternat- ing with the bright stripes. If you wish to make carpet of that kind seve the dark rags uutil you have the amount required, then cut or tear them in narrow strips. Thin goods...must be wider than thick, so. they will make'ea. thread of the seine size when beaten up, and the tex- ture will be uniform. When you have enough for your careet, neix them thoroughly, so all the stripes will be alike, and begin sewing. The white or very light rags must be colored for the bright stripes, and diamond. dyes for cotton are excel- lent for that purpose. Red, yel- low, blue and green brighten 0 car- pet wonderfully. Do not leave the arrangement of the colors entirely to the weaver. Wind the strips that you wish copied on a board, being careful to have the amount of each eolor used correspond with tne s tactdiola, o en er • tom lc\ ing to crime, band. little stinly teen enable e,orei alio sera eine o Olterith and whelras one with a mass of mis- information illogically arranged. The St. James Gazette of London, England, says: For the teacher, the pu- pil, the student and the litterateur, there Is nothing better; it covers everything. The New and Enlesged Edition recently is- sued has. 25,00 new words and phrases, a com- pletely revised Itioe-raphieal Dictionary tted Gazetteer et the World, 2380 pages and 500e illustrations. Our name is on the title -pages of all the authentic dictionaries of the Webster series. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test in Pronunciation" -which affoals a pleasant and instructive evening's entertam- meat, illustrated pamphlet also free, G.& C. MERRIAM CO, Pubsenerinteneld ente- Are Are. True ilea.rt TopAtc, Nerve Rood ond Blood Enricher. They* bariid up and renew all the worn oat end ivastEd tisstutS of the body, cod restore perfect headtbi and vigor to timed:ire system, , Nervanseess,'Siecttlessness,NervounI)rec- tratien, Brain Fag. latl: of Vitality, At:or Effects of La Grieve, Antetaba, Weeic nee Eizey Spells. Lass of nothoYy, Pa/pilatioa et his power its a healer of spiritual ,,,,ignF; of infamy elidn. your liee,rt hae to pay nearly $6,000,090 a ollt tirSt• 15, iS C'aS, to estimate ree• too soten %%or 'tee-) late, the senle t4till;, nett's Heard erve , P inp.1 acl i es ley • 3)101 1(1 in eel f, tbo tnie signs of reb9lion ,1011 loi the 45 2]1511 or cr11110, thee (1241 441. ty of 1111 terial (1, (10(1 ['or word or. the I,orc; Wil() by to cleanser of leer ots the 01;4-ner opspr a g'ainst NVi 11 3021110t C ; al 1 - or $1 2 000 0,00 Lor • o or • (lief11 Toren cs 11f 1 ags win en e 0 Cenci 111 411111114 24141 5 n 10 go to 4. c tiej,. 100071 tie ,ate