HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 2444-tfelet4;Q.4041**11.41)
Or, Kinahip Between rian and
hat's the /natter witb e-ou to- !down into the ditch, scramble
dere" looking at him wonderingny, 'through the broken-down twigs of e at six weeks. bet it is better to
sunnosen-ready to ily out et every -put the passage of a large and int- e t! some special reaeou, Cut down the
*.ninnoneenneeeetne.nn.e.neeeenee:neoninsennek incresaft growth rapidly, Wean
"Nothing. I'm in a bad temper, .1 the hedge, and so into the ne-xt AQUI. , po FAR nERs .4, wait until eight weeks unless tor
thing and .eirerybody, ' patient body a etinestrians throgn. a '
"And sow onehalt for our
yet you expect me to follow siegie levain • was not to bQef°f
, •••4•• feed of the sf
en clay.s„ then still more so in anality,
ladvive Yon refune to Aet OP to Yew -led withttt gcousiderable nelay. :16._ S.. easonsbie n34 Proitbt which w1L'.
self?" ispite the feet ttiat the sterns a the C Mete for tile 1,3Sey Tillere -1.7 mid a a week, separate the sow
l' "Yes. There, Can be no compari-neediug hounds u ere alreadY dinain^ 1of tiut SO.: U 44 and litter, turniug theta together
,son between a fresh, yoong girl with, peering in the distance, The Melt T1,
; ca tho world at lier feet and a des- could, push, and shove, and jostle to Ittz•w*:#.4.:*44;24:0.7A4..*c...-V••4*...****4 °ti -$1d
dlone,°17witt‘h°thedALS;v. 4f1•Ielt
1e frohnt
Perate fellow like myself, almost at their hearts' content, but '<ate. as 4 ,.4
WS WitSs eada-'' laden found nerself at a, considerable AngglAllsnr;Nal.s.Nreilk.11Mtl8; ifAritl'ilit‘ 3, eetkoKurieldl euo4elelit;'iotia,,naThee4sdirget totrer'etestearri4e
"Yon are unkind," she said, giv- disadvantage es t� yield preeedence! y y ng no( or ed witttoot the loss of growth,
fa x stn. a IA
CITAPTER XXVI. ling out at the serrounding landseape n
' a 01 " 1 1 to the 1 • an oe. sloe, eine some kinds a vegetables, and in a
seat hire ancin
T oven:inn, elm fn„etre Kate., rereeived the green ge"ass to be wit:la g 0, his hind tile present, the accepted creed 'not, dry -climate tbev nen often ba pens
tot:Ito...boo so, ere, FO-osa-stoo—v•deriSot- oottasto,Ortee more visible und 010 SnnW mett-iegs. andenantrn'ein a tremulous ..antongst the masculine members hes almost a tetras° eillese special pre- SKIM Mla.;"; 1.7" ds"
• - . 4.
COMIt 0S "good fr,Ilows," and be T-lgg Plaint and peppers are especi0.1- M. a recent bnlictol. Sera of the eselue
.ine• re, aith e'rh 't jee- '1/4. Otte— you don t understand," that women who hunted ought Palltions are taketi at that -thee- The Missout 4, Expel Statioe
end eetreeses conveyed, no impreesion 'about in diecolored strealts, and ia! That lee certainly did not, for since
/vimt4ver t.° Jr 14.1144' 'S4e 1°°I;"4 many plare.s, having drifted titan. tbe '5'hetennieloe's reisfertone he had been,
them and Irstenad to them Pleell•-, force 0E the wenn, fernent toleyablyn in that dissatisfied mood ellen all
ard"i'v." "1"11`: time teeliug 1? -s in ' "" beers under the he igerows. - things secen to te,o wrong, tual when
able to shift for themselves., j;lat ter lioble to show a weakerxed condi-, and uses of skive milk. on the farm;
King Olaf xvas too thorough a gen-, tine. the leaves often turning to an "As a rade. More e;5411untilk is fur -
tan to fall in with these views mdicalrilY aolor and the frldi by 4 herd LA "Ms than is re"'
a' e e ICate's first act on rising was to one looks at the wnole world winh and uoderstood 210 reasou for de- o Ana e proper month. There ie Outred for raising" the calves. One
would many execute Ills intention of leo!' a message out to Stirrup, ash- lionntin'ed ey s. The. bad been times lay, 'evernl times be endeennwed to `a vel7 simPle 20111edy for this troubb. of the best. 1u:es that can be wade oe:
woudee whetiter Colonel Cntneer
goolg aoroato ,o.oroo ottaatoo Polities opiniou s-. 1u the bourels: wben he fancied he dotneted some 1.1141 at the gall, and ssus oldY re- it In.ing a small. beedini *WI' and this t° Iced' it u>
timid of affection strained by an tynasuany nam band, 'nxtleatelted wood ashes in Maui nowt 'Coder some conditiOas 114 large re -
far 1,,,rage 1,111. and two lotraireo isalisrhegtout.:,,orutucums‘11.1.:erNl.t•ltl:geld11)004hil;ltet 'ia.Lsitae'ernitil.egwser,s, manner, hut uuw he vpun wilieb 110 bouuded up into vile , sine/nand ors 'ft groins). eturns can be realized from, feeding
to make good Slitrwilsthe's defeat- • 2,They were prOty sure to do so was disposed, to look upon any each air with a intif rear and impatient areand the stem of the plea, Unlese 'slam millt to pigs aa to at e' The
Tbe'te knew or n'ilre.leidS" 'Ind blew later on lo. the day, tieesed M,se idea as a. delusion and a falluey„ and lunge at the brittle. In fact he grew raja falls soon after it is applied, it r•ifierit vale° of this precinct. is seldom.
- Kate must be careful, as 1be ninon, to rail against laileself as a glad,. so trritaltle, his blood being tbore will be well to water the ground .aft,Preelaten even its the older dairy
,th xt. payment wen ditneult, if not
as 'sere nx s ipp, ,.. at k titan, gY n g on
r.ossiewle. Tient the idea sttddettlY er d I' e'n "
011 111 • b • ti 11 ^t 11 tbOroughly so thet tbe minium wit! etions„ Jmehtn sa,vs *As a
anti far from safe." Snch a reply "Cotre, eorne," interrupted Mr. PreviOnslY indulged in. that Kate, ,:te dtaFolved and be in condition te ',mean.% of PrOinekting grOwtb, and a.
strecit ber if only e cot d
'41"to d° was not sufficient to deter Na. ° fa oet Or tilt with good lomunnei ronewn, neeing an indieidual witose. eiorse was' be USed tbo roots a once., In a condition or 'wow, and vigor, and
ehertel she not make good the deaci- equipping beroon, for old it00000rsoeut:eyoe two are seaways sparring et, probably en -nailer troublesome. emerge very iew dans a difference will bo also as a supplement of cereal grain
ManeY "thiag ihn.; partlealarly as the meet happetted to eat% other about something or from tho crowd, eharg„e the Once, awl, instlsed the color of the foliage, 7products, skim milk ,and buttermilk
She. bad more than she nnew what to he within easy distoure,, owl not fur,• other. Pc' 3! I4't'Jieveyou both get over with n bit of a pea, fold enfold the plantn qohnelv shut into ne-n-are not escelled, and peximps oot
do with. 4flo. wwitta nevt'r In titer 311311 thre0 or four n-iles from love an argaminz I, nd 'amen," notanter. sow no reason wIty she tive growth ,;s1 i* ed ley any other feedieg stuffed
INMI° it leigilt P°S5ibke PreNeet Isoeington, ,SQ though the eke, Woke never lose the opportunity of 121ong-, $11W1111 not follOW suit. Whet had When retie' cabbage begins to „The principal Macon for the high
Ieasing And th1•22 Me a. Iltieh of oveveast, as ir ther•e might be en- Mg iete one. Da on tide osetteem,' hest!, poesible tor him Was Nure!,y 1208,. loirSt oe it is likely to do !naltie of sklul Inn 03 ar. feed for
4^`Iltuirt-4. "ali.‘'.e° what had 'other downfall, she pt4t on her covert serry 0121 tO Sido Ofla228t: UK( alble for leas. ese 3,Sleg (tea's; ese-2,';', when tee growth is. almost 43.4.40eted growing pigi'S is ilat, it is esi7eittisi,
111;t11. -P141 stildi°"7'Y entkrtvCire`"° iC011t, end started TO trifle later thanlatly, 'leek is; ptrasetly right. Tbe Sigbt was so 11'o:e2rn:a1es good inn and 0/teaser rain rolls on them, the ly a gronth producing food contain,
1",w;IY"sel,t,4T; 1„, e
1111,1 Slleu(.bo,a41 (b'etsibu,'; 1,0 ride ging ()L,It 0112 go:21g realls" is not &lie. Miee linters was, eafe e •2. the ditch. Mit]) "gruse1'1" Considers thetn rattiest to,,,ing uit this.a elements originally in
ee -4 w 4slasei as 414. ed hereof Instead of Fending him oe F0 410 be car. Tun" stotw 11 woe, and t'lqitt'1 it 1""'. "k''''1 P"I he so t one the it is 4 /vP/14';°°Nvn tin'tt
0 '0•
and nil 11:1•v°Tis.livr. 1b.1 4.h lier way to the nwet She gator a little sae lig of eon, 11'1'11 4,8 41 her soutth and inees,',. 'will till to 1.744tV11 1lunn 1•108e1y. As i.111 /.110 corn 1/01 1, tile tonclolc,y Li to
sb bud fells% head over ParS nt siie wee oveetVintn
anen by Colouel er O
leuiPt, but in spite of . n later ,perieuee set. ettle,1 to reelee the fon „ Noon ,1.4,41. 4 1,„ ifidiksatioo lived gigs ton 11111111 or a fattening :r.1.-
o o,i‘Naetly 'ars. Vorrisytor bad awl otto oreoratot., woo oao art0000 oo cote hoolod, ioo in a leit •iti,111,4,44, bo..0 tn, hero Is or creel:ins; is seen, 2111'• )tion in the form of corn, Stich 0 111-
t11 • -i " ; g I 11 1 1 1 1 1 ' I *- • 1 i .1 Alle 110W she -I, ovesi f no lad should l'a gru•sfled Wi 11 ball 0011 growdh-inoleitig ties
oratold, e ot ous eNea 4. to 1 p an it or.s. ore an e a t
▪ IP' eceirelsri ssraugeiy 1 d
"a~ lout next, clay. throuh them old eito 1.0 omeg, slit, whether Ring tiler got IMO 4•108(‘ tO courl'h•S ulto ne ond twieted suf.- molts whivii, aro supplied in the 11e3t.
t be .1 444ms esieelt be , t -----------------; t t 4' 0 . 14"4. Nnow Ir2 Ilea in 11' lenity tO break 043 many Of the tOnlil 1•31,4i121 milli: and twitter. le.
1 le (run s nt . 1•.'r zOs ° 1;2‘i.s. f2.*.te ;;141,1 Etoiest,221 bii ten,. 4144 4)1I t seta Iter reols. but erat enotigli to feittling skint to pigs it is nelthe
warty atter satutufloee ned hive ett'er tInd was Ado., eseiee 110 elestip to lose Ets eold er necessary nor dcitrable to feed
seas -t °On 8Sole (r(er her senSes. clutuned 01 4.0 a trete weese bump of 4'4::44,411 4reaglit ,,,IE10:46i41° to tket°10i°°.
• ony211,34, the ,oatteo.. whisps you arm what, aid (11'-4. 4(22* in 1141 '*421 how 3,30 &ow isetindesee Tito 11e/44 11411 I grow no more eliddlinge with it, as is often
er'1 PoIonel f,„"linlia.r. seeing hove pale ". - ado *-os,' -dooto",t/rt ati -80 a. 2 tete 013114i. So I, mg 1.111.‘ AN. lilt an ()W. .11 'O4til'S11. fore, an110'440ft proper. Skies rinatural-
rx°11 sot -111:1'0v iletrtr neforfuneen Vile; a'nunin -04 int Oh)" eru'd2 W1,' the nest lield, Where -------------------------------------------------- wist . uit can kir goefi beat n, whieh iS
gtl*a*4ss aeib
ve been
rWe ,fi., agtnbrittoolodu, t gt
nblaeltsheanwdwnealY lost nlv tram hitling- 1elabbet % a
tr•lglingsmlethouh he atheytoo*l
ldissWhitbread14-124.114121tueu Jack n°edei
..sa'd.d,lenennie„ el 01ek414
ne.xt aull
ee'4 11°4 5.2 10`11, 2014.01Med at aY Moe d-ing lergely rat-produeing„ emal
thing 2,4.4 4-, 4,1.444 (*'It of hethefolowingleis daYSt101 Of te grain retiouhowever
Van ip anything for you'
as1t, "Will voltsan 1510.of tianim, dare
"-0, llOtLltng,
it, will Etass off by-en:I-by"
She t through the wiole
formateethough t tl'eend
oLu, t', 4''1147Mnleotf4''1147Muatkhointg tymotu. ann• dd
reArer the truth. • (v-, i ,
lol"uWnao .ab1o0u1t (0h1 eaindinragncthhoan '111024'eaolrte-
AcnoaMyniioton eilhetagke a feieftlIdnegelsrlei.illto M
LA,A 44„ refS"S11)C101)411,111101/. ,011WberebIi
pre..lieted the diseipations 14.111 4qui tde5l'1it1 e-,vewo3 ,541itle44.4 oaueenieis,sagean l' aids' la the wrk by to pigs is vrfecelingIalowed,
e eneteopons had prorNI so 04,,,Opnionfor hw414Ws ( s 42 efo24' 44 a tru1 holoug11,t2r0Viding 0, iloavy ninleit of fresh theewil gore therest4ves with the
9111iug vou would hot reenn 4.4) 00(1 ranitv14unt ia p i. 1r1 bore111*O224(2 44211.1-'.'. (4.44.4. 1018114-1nPmadind it all 010144111 lnilk 111111 Will not thrits as *Inv
.t. tee Netts—see ,•4,1,,,,e him throw out the :AVM of each. plant for altent a would tat loll: milk and more grain.
`411ozt, Lodge for an nine:mite nNiod„ '14.:41°Y °I '41'03 1.11.'''''''
r „
n Iwo forelenee awl with 22 power- inet in (ty:li "irt"bin• WI -11 fraelt The :veldts of experiments carried
nd yet the eery East 1 ,esson we :nest ' "Viliere are t3ee !, wee,. dee, I .
ri teejt, onuseie end mantes, tetnnot be lied, the sety 0012 024 les liestry, I -infield 04141 Robertson
ur noeysinp (slime; goole out' petite 1 1.4114 ; 0 'see 41.n.,.11 1,1242., oti ot, too otoat1 woolt 11,41 157„ A to, w4,11 neektel before u,seleeeecirivaneiansiirti ‘114,1tenthaeh :ne;
co:11,1 not have told „trim wpm t coeect, raitte! bet volt sligiued :its" sae tieSell with artsfeee, , •
'main T. ineitient s of the pieree Her Ile've the -----Chire (clam 61;i102'. • m I iteee eeeiee., '77 t, Nide ee Cie elaest ,12:41 helped t oeing m
mind sees
oo oteiitob.e
n.e1112 e(stbh11ee1ita
1 1d lsai
ew-l.Ili.Ot" ttIIo ep8.,7er,:r c1atpleoesriotilo1.1l
Wh11e 11iehlg4
h3 t Ooftf elthl we2•114a1c,4m{
ea1 rreosewi.* ,4
e.corn teiees1useoenltyo intheresseeitiogo
insignificanee,ono000snbzervenl.wenethn,nebanlannbleg;thMdantweMohm?is !thethoogoof taarles appf.azarg(a.it. 4Y24 *424 ii 4.114 .4. 441.U. .1 t f
ilr; wayrverylting else sank in- and 4.121' very redel 14) 4.4 is ffrriIfta 124.212 1Vdonee reiee reeson 1444. 0 loat 1441e. N le0o 4.120 Wel tillioof mainfind 20111gooas!Cdtearta'"fvotinge itieres s usually meets atter fed deperel somewhaupon 1-120 prses
,aiitllsth,.nowv4i,s„ 1- ,271 4011211011Iva to, i„ -----------t1,7477474414(Zu. uppfis91linat.lar
poorKat(-she12.14i 111. cl twpritc, imyoua„0 1074 tg1 .inso11;10,1y"ooloo(4ihot524)notspatweeare a total tssrottieer amounts Of in 01121 be fedle„ . lit o
d wfoe b, ut, 021.0
hclitoirneIeand dinidg.
I m1-.0450141-1ve1 ia
1 14t "412 1"41t1 1140 4"bt s1414 ‘lilh r°10Neil 1237 00111. CO1'11 15 high and thelteazie at e rsollsti. Io44 . tewolis .ftloeMelcinehiatcreelsslyrlainle11;11dnto it.
twoy,itraof her lifevithontever e wont .noekne.e
bahaf"It 4. *1) torturing dat 811°11/"I`eIlow bWron?1 isme' - re 111 ngleSSowlOW 1 4.11Won 'that 11(4"illeY belenne fuly rpthan if tte relatve prces were re
04mla▪ •fT,os.th,etelCrin(100011,4144(01t'atfrt
but,nowatla;1,lone!Y521021214.4415 1Aiwelascattlec-xpeste1,tuirdeiwesny„pges,,'l.
t„on4'U 4.441(1 t:er14741 e!iz1:111,, on We1)`41bil;1 4:1? 1171 1f1;!lelvi11fo-
el42e44; hi:4Ashnattlito12en1e. iseeteotrhettetti
cops eoesde bed oyertan,,,,n her. the li tck 22,12 ,t is litm,./escir And they 411(1, only (Own nee be 441 01,1 e it eeissest as thole:St lie 'track of an 'Oa show sirals of it. to :it -AV!: 11:22(4 am sucking pigs, Corn.
I„ it, feels, ai rot its pangs sorting. anti h never be dt to jinni one at the aotuels bsiet, (der titre ea' la tnovo.. 8110 telt fomo At" soon an one in tliscoseverl. the bleed inidillings and earn it le
21:1 well P.S its pl 7, 151'. beettn anY nrere• rve never known a saver: t*11 'e into Ili l'aad• ov 11 122"L 11344444 IP" t and 4.an-1 sien2 should he eel. about led( the probably as :400(1 vi ration es tan be
n bronea don.% to tnrottelt tit retteuey pert *nee. 410,1 1.1101 024. 81 2 attgle I o rise front Wa:.•° throu'fh, mit.11 a sharp knif,,. ;mottle for this purpose."
for the Ilret time to lmfold
io,oloottoa. mot she was o, xo to the, 7e.e..e.,, and „e4 the era lone dee, 1144' to tie, greeee 4141(1too!, 113i id, !odd thund
e grohbed eome
e hoor other
w inn 22*') to the stem, cutting
emotions it revealed; new to 14',' poi- ,2(4,'S(' (42271(5 1101/10 .271415, as 4,4;21,. ,4( 'With a joy.0.4„; 444l4.'1',.1id, sprained his 81144211,1er, 841 site 11 1,0'21 12'11f 11,1152 lestween the melon
guild joys end st111 more poignant • • -• •41 . .S • n • 6
g.1 fe, to the latge capacate .
014 Tarry rn./611e,I. 142 .111(1 Iht) iml„ilt ;it ion 0 1 rie,1 20 voin fort het et.lf by Vainkin,t, Hoori vont the vine. rind 111
got -0 or for evil she felt growing op
withln her bosom. So new, cincl per- e, I truet See intetal rellew in t heir wa"..e nulte Irsest sone ille Imre!' might le• selieriess, friint 111114o .1 every cuss" It perfect, int.lon
hers so foolish, that wiren she re- ;la; vant iolisly f o clue, •; Tilde...et.. A, fair propoztion ot crowd soon. sone. temporary blow, the eat...As of 151.1 11,0 nrotlaeutl, wilivin 'though 1104.
tired to rest bat /light, ittel could vnd won't 4.4,22 and e• 'el% '42" 21.041... ed ner s int n 1 I a ;terms tense, *abh ll Would ProbublY Pass ,r.V147 in (Ion 1 0 vo largoo will the llenwet in
:111.4 Orel -,1241‘ e 1 1 111.0,22,12 111,' upon 8%1140 a; IP Vh11,13,:. 13Y, 1,2(4:4 ""t1 :vele° °rid °I good thivar,
en"oo the lusery• of solitude, she took I'Ve 'dot 0 s'IPerelitiot.e :1, .ns
from her pocker-bendkerehief where naw. and midotienies nd'os' Ouse a hand ivith 4',110W nr seine 8110 llvdeil ad1414 that on. fuel Ile,
; •
end Si(),t1" ,,4 • •I rcin nlho wit it ,4 bid • 044 21 214,011, of 4114 2" 121 "11` 1 11 Pi411V While reeeiving lees
f •( • ' • • • • e41 (leen 024.102I "4. but faded, to de_ aril tbe irate This et -test's it to
Vell-Known Product of Ancient
and Modern Bees.
'Illere are man.y recortis of poison-
s honey: peritups the most famous
is that related loy .leenophoe In Ms
44 'tread lettuce i's hard to obtain late Metal's* of the iletreet, of the Ten
it „am toneempti. that eohl. Cold,4 are tolor,lete 100,1 1171.1 elMIllinetilt,',V 1101 HMI 0 aaetime an t lolls, I soul( tine in the summer, lest if n lempornry Thousand, where he seeaes of the
bis thr,epeliny oit, and pro.;,,ed it, 1 0 bt. t Tray rtemenber tit 21 the taffies' to the .lartng nee who had (4.2(14. 01 wan tenth's, did his best to ,tvaillo be ;milt Over the Plants and 41 180114,y of T1,0)1,0114, lie says that
ie.:emu:at to hie 3111`dr1,12S's desbh(hS, try- :1111181in cover In, Placed owe it -end those who teols a little of it bemire:
her lit q Tiv,11 st:.e IV"ed eide melt. fetwo is owailly ridden vit-th, Pp to 11041111s from the
ing hard to I,eop pave with those wet) ProPer attention he Paid to watering lihe drunken men, and those who
'three,' tit rough the hole, ;eel hues; hard and s l • eine y• besidos most of ntst •
it likr„ round how where the (lit -ch. -3 are (hock fed of enow. 'Vie sten now iieolei to ...moo W4;re ow 111122 by the score, some ver,s" 11110 heads 140 foamed. bad ettiell 21114011, like madmen, while
22 (44:11-421 4101114. the smell, worn, biaceened object leo. ".1 he Isest e•.'etybotl,y goes in for !,tonp..! Itrigilly that the molted snow jay The brave spirit Was willinss enough, 'rho ground if very
dry 'should be '; sortie even died.
io elet"I t tl .• strew or ill ter be applied er an ISTlish traveller writing trent
sebite leg the bett tee"
in striking cot2trasit to her
. lett, 1!". des11 Wealt. Ile cantered Well 2,0121Wil and a heavy 11124101 ot Illore than P4V0 thousend years lat-
f eltle 1421,2 slowly oss toe /Relay
skin. . meta not follow :,•22,1, 21. 1 nt.he furroW8, allowing the grtvan
, •
Trelii,Zont skates that he has ob-
Tee following da3,- it eame on to ;siliMose." enid Kate al.,01.0y. points of the. gra,s hero nil 44.1 24.14 field in Which they found -tlitne-
eerved prerieely toe. eatne elterts on
snow so hard, and Mrs. Tryon de- It matters little whet, Intiwonc.; neer,* through *11212 midst 2.1 12111214,41 out of it int o 1110 Tit1,..,A,ommo-T 3001,, sows, 3
(^tercel Ile:self to be so reluctant to 'to sneh an unlecky dog 48 1 ," 110 s; 1U 1,p in ..,,,howe,,y _ Plosgle over 0 tiny bank, and then
e es
I lose who eat this llama.. lie as -
4.17 far -e Ile inclement atmosidlere, that, reCurned deepondently. "If I were the Nests galloped by. That st•elit. 11.11324.441 Int° n 314-b°141'°11n 114)4" The first and 212081. important ibieg critics the poisonous qualities to the
anon many corsultations the two bct billed 0211 Inintina to -morrow too, we5 improving soon becalm, even lmlin Ws's valddlY becoming more to do ill the raising of jure -bred dower known ces• "azalea pintice."
girls at lenr;th. decided ae (Wen my Iwnt friends could. r) lly look reeit from the increasing pa4e. utt and mote elreetned, for,sbe ktew his hogs Se the scare:thin of the, brood Pliny also speaks of 4.5 poisonous ber-
ried goittg to the. racce. Then ae tile upon it in the light of a ;rood lid- to thie polut a line of friendly hoed- gallant disposition so well she felt sow. No animal 0/1 the farm will id 110107 101121(1 in Persia.
sure something Very serious must be give its owner such a liberal in- The reddish honey -stored bsr the
ueetteer grellt 4,teadily worse, and (24224 17.0 Mise Drewser. Jon't p,aer's had insiSted 04.014. the MOSt
Thaws out of number ercase for the money expended and Brazilian wasp is knoWn to be pois-
tovat looked extrelnelY dreary, after „low Ine. nnn in a reclasse mood 'i. timid with courage to 3)14)4-11011, 24.71(1 ' , "1"1",`",
maning Mrs. destron promise to pay rto-'10:7`2 furl should only lend you the field forged merrily ahead, /01, tlets site bad ridden her favorite the food consumed as the breeding onous owing to the floiver from which
it 1,1 51021 (l ns ir 1.01,1 wore titeet net she had nes er known him sow, set It eit ale Able.. it la gathered. In South Africa's a
Orem return visit at Sport Lodge, int denalt•T,"
theetook leave of Mat lady and de-'‘./k.13d is not that danger the same likely to beeonn• fled and furious. to 1 1leg like 1s , or ci eplise such it ily buying a gilt from, reliable sperees of cephorbia, and in the
• I '• • -
' ,
p21.4 ed for Isoxington by- an efter-you as for me? Why should you But aIthoesell 1 120 hounds did eel. dull and drooping She made breeder, 01 three to six inonflis of 2101'11101'11 parts of the United States
, for
mind on the spot to go age, the eost will not he. large. (let the 0814(4.) bush, are also credited
/won train, instead of ley tee later '414 such things? You can't possibly check, a check was shortly destined lin her
and onlv the best, Intileieg quality your with prodeeing honey which is dang-
one they had originally- intended to In'an them eeriously?" opening her to 1.e plaeed on the ardour ot the 'hiraiglit heme' and Se°' it sbe
Stirree between them could not dis- standtxrd. Skhemilk, mixed feed and 010115 -to eat. No such cfmracter can
patroeise. 'rho homeward journey big grey eyes Wide With a peeled ex- OUrsuorS 113'. '11)13)>' of an unavoire cover what ailed
able obstacle, a rel this heroic me 1 ti- „ t • , soakerl corn make Si well-balancrel ra- be ascrioed to the stores of Ilritish
eves accomplished without adveuture • Pression of reOroas'll.
i-lor unes never come singly1" Lion that gives bone and musele, bees•
-4)) onv kind, but when they reache21 Ily Jove! didn't 1. though. don't tilde sfound a disagreeable proidom.
Voximeton Kate was delighted to believe, with the exception of ery staring them . encompromi, inglyColonel Clinker had 2111111 to her only without too 11111(.11 fat, and If allowed
find that a most 'welcome 01131415*'bria old governor, that there it: a 50111 the face. To jump or not to ono.) .that morning, and 1104422 41.11 nt (Mee pasture or the run of an orehrtad,
the conditions ar0 ideal for the best
development of a 81.1-e1/54. animal.
lf confined in a pen or yard, freslt
cloeer, rape and green corn should
be given. I have fed rape with liest
results and it is good for sheep arid
calves as well. The, SOW ShOUld have
good length of body. Avoid having
a swayback, and yet to keep up the
length of the offspring, mate with a
male having a slightly arched back,
or by using a sire that is shorter or
more compactly budi.. My choice is
the first methodfor length, gives ex-
tra weight, hence extra dollars. C4et
a gilt whose dam is- an. excellent
milker, nod from a family of good
milkers and mothers.
Di•eed the sow at eight to ten
months of age, preferring to 'use a
mature sire rather timn, a young
male. Fut the sow in the farrowing
pen about one week before slut is dee.
With proper bedding and other condi-
tions being favorable; the sow will
not need nitwit attention at bulb ot
eulese it. is cold weather, 14.
railing' evound the sides of the pen
Will prevent - the sow crushing 1401-
p3 if she is large and heavy.
Veeding th'e st,w 'and litter is said
to be an rtrt, but many men make a
success of this Work. A thin bran
=ugh the first 24. hours is all the
feed required -r --then follow witli a
light, sinft diet of warm water, a
limited amount of sleimmilk, with
set in, for altbough the fields end who would mind what really became that was the question; on the one
-hedges were still covered dith seo e, of me. I con useful to fellows be- side to place life and limb In
th air felt several degrees vvarmar, caese I ride their horses, but beyond palely, a state of things alw.ays ra-
and there appeared every prospect of that nobo•lv ,:ares twopence. Tt is ther trying, 1)01, rendered doubly
st. thaw. Neither were these hopes the way of the world; therefore its dangerous by the snow; 011 the other.
delusive, for early next day, on look- eseles reviling at it." to beat 4111 ignominious retiselt, iirob-
ably lose the hounds for the 1,0111a11 -
der of the day, and afterwards ex-
perience the disagreeable sensation
of towardice. '
Now the man who has the courage
boldly to turn away at the first sign
of Oatiger cseapes all the discomfort
awaiting those who, 'unable to de-
cide promptly, dare neither advance
nor recede. Fearing their neighbors'
opinions, but fearing the formidable
fence in front still more, they re-
main hesitating, until finally carried
backwards or forwara, as the ease
may be, following tho moveinents of
the inajority.„, To do the field jus-
tice, most, of them did not hesitate
for long, but executed a masterly re-
treat to the rear, and frorn. twilhignee
into 'the road; for tele fence ch
had, 1)afiled them though not large,
was eisentially 11212114.37, the snow in
front of it having drifted to a depth
of several inches, and so completely
filled up.the shallow- ditch on, the,
taleine off side that it appeared al -2
most impossible for horseg' to dis-
tinguish The sense itself was
not very fornlidable, tieing little over
three feet in height, but it had been
lately trienned, • arid the smooth
pointed ende of the cut growers stuck
up in its midst like' an ugly 'Adieux-
of dangerauS bmst/es. Luckily",
about '.14.121181-1241 yards'to the right,
there' was a gap across 'which a
sheep-leirdle had been placed, and it
'd not tate long for the- foremost
,1101.nnall Or tete to' descend from
their Iterges
lift it alt 4.3"9 :1 -Ton
44.51)11111 proved It • comp:ital. ely
'511112310 12.114tt&1 , walk 'or Crawl
Ins in ack
After, Twenty Years of Suffering From
Kidney Disease and Dyspepsia a
Perfect Cure is Made by
whieh will mare sttcla. it
se10e:4•e doIeri: kidn3*- diseitee,,as that
ihed Ixelow •cn en t I
deser ar a. ' 3 r,e-
lied"'apOtt for any ••rerdinary,case of
11- eeeins ;folly 'te experiineet svjth
:meld .and- untriedireatedieS when th„ ere'
ore -thoitsands , ready ten. Certify 'that
cata;i4&oL 1(1,dney'-Li-Ver-A7111s, :have
oeiti,Veliecured them 'Od:this -1)4i/s-
al 4ndestati:nlaladY. • :
1‘..1011e • ':(1 04,rin; resident
Therald Chit.
• X, -
;40Y O: ancl
le,dder'",aerangenieiitS.: 'f>aring
sifieter, and 110,
4.fl46, Sifs'Aos:.'tWeiveitinlesittigh-t-
, .
• • :i3121
-1ga1t11to 45.1 511 A '251
;•• „ . . ,
, ..„„:„„.„,• , • •
.x ,
leidneY-Inner Pills and sob!' found
relief. Thus encouraged I continued
to use these pins and after having
taken twelve boxes was again in per-
fect health 'and vigor. 1 can now
sleep undisturbed, the pains in the
kidneys and back are gone, and I
am feeling well and strong. I con-
sider 'Dr, .Chame's Kidney -Liver. Fins
a great been to suffering humanity,
and. had I' known about them when I
was a' youngman cOuld have ,eseaped
suffering all , the .best yeere of my
Dr. CliaSe's aY
Kid n -Liver Fills;
one oil 'a dose, 25 cents a„box,
all dealere, .or Edinanson Detee
gomP14rt5'7, Toronte- o , pro, et y
the words recurred to ber ears with
an egly significance, and made the
very blood in her evins curd1e. with
diencl forehodinge. What could be
the matter? What could have !hap-
pened to King Olaf to have wrought
so swift and terrible rt change?
She had already begtm to retrace
her steps, intent on putting her pur-
pose into execution, when a sonor-
ous voice from behincl said—
"Peg pardon, mise; I hope you
will forgive my making so -free, but
if you don't get off 'is back direkly
rm afraid that there 'osS of yours
will bleed to death, I've tracked 'On
all across the snow for the last two
field.s." -;
(To be continee(l.)
Most people nowadays lieaa. a lot
about the com-Ira-43°o: or ,wasto, but
it is astounding what a number of
eccentric commodities are utilizen for
beide perpeses. The skins .of mil-
lions of eels are tanned and used as
leather ' boob laces; frogslein. hat; be-
come one of the most beautiful and
useful artieles known to the binders
of fancy bodies ,and the malcers of
rans; walrus whiskers provide the
most elegant , 'toothpicks known to
the modern man of fashion; and
.beetiee of a ,certain kiad, are export-
ed by the hundredweight ,for Ilse on
theatrical, ciressee.
, ,
"-• ,
....'e„••itove tOyah'4245t li
•„..obrAse,g .01ntitnerittitcttottita•
and' alinnIntentge foe' ease '
andSevese' foint of ,itching'
, neit1itifnct4.te14it'llaire"1aU0-antec;d121, .SeO ilia.
'ebbditile,..ese4eiirsiesk, Serer .liefatt,
s.lietthey'..rfank oat,:Can' use it.cinit
trita-reie Meese licielelf,216b.earect: esti:crape, et •
;211 eaciaste`orEssatesseserleS*a &ci0;7'.veteeds:
as's% tram
.m.-C*O4 '1144- 011111 tbe -pig take - a11
er11y, abolit what 411144 54)422 -'w113 eat;'
:- "At !:ti5ree'..'•,•to:•',:1'.Orin.,'s41eekt h12 pigs.
e,' o., , • eel
'tiff b.:. l'e!'ti.6 '1' e
r, e t*.d :22(30t r: OPOTY:
George was caught trapping.
A pair of soft little hands covered
his eyes surd a sweet Iroise command-
ed: ''G'uess who it is.'',,
Nothing very dreadful for George
in this, you.think; but then you
don't know that George has •two
sweethearts and for the life of him
cotildn't decide 'whose voice it was,
which 'rade it re very embarrassing
situation fot• bine A wrong guess
would lead to, complicaLioes awful
to think of. But a happy thought
inspired George, he announced:—
"It's tlie dearest, sweetest little
girl in all the world."
"Oh. you lovely boy!" gurgled the
satisfied one, as she removed ,lier
And now Georgu thieles'of applying
for 'a siliplomittic post, feeling that
hie talents wottld be waeted in any
°Cites field.
11111)(10 £011!!.:-. 011411,fli
1'4411 0.1P% his
'Orielt • nittell.' p 01.S Ilis
. if SiertSe.:•. and,'.reletienSe :ieSiefed 0,1,i,
.ii74"0ct1heS•."Sert.d.'inwinel'.h10 4.244122.
.the,,,da\Ke, ,0•(
'..,CatTip,'ci,•,•••13y, :Whof.fire•
sS 55444. 1411-'
the•:•ffi ri ere 1. istellieit''lerf ,‘,6Ve5a3,
•• • • •
i" 01 '1314. 1412e
Gripe and, Signs Used in Bargain&
ing for 'Plena.
The peculiar bosiness iciethods
-byOrieetal Merchente are illostritted by,
the manner of buyeag rubies in Duo -
tea, In the examinetion of rubies are
brilliancy or the gems. Seles must,
tificial light is, not used. 'the ruer-
therefOre, take place betweee 0 tans,
and 3 p.m., and tbe eky neuet
The purchaser, placed Item- wia,,
done bas before bim a large copper
plate. The sellers come to him one
Plate hie little bag, Of rubies, The
purehaser proceeds to arrenge them
for valuation in a munixer or small
heap% The lira division is into
thret. grades, actoidong te sxze, e
of these groups is agam divided into
three piles, according to color, and
each of these piles M torn is again
divided into tram° groups accevding
to shape, Tne brignt eopper plate
bas a curious use, - The sunlight re -
fleeted from it through the stooge
brings out, witb true rubiesa, color
effect different from that with red,
slues and tourmalines. which a
thus easily separeted.
The lever and seller thee go
througb a Very peculiar inethedoo
nargaming by signs, or rather grips,
in perfect silence. Alter agreeing op -
on the fairness Of the claesificatiOn.
they join their right, covered
with a handkerchief or the flap or a"
gaement, and by grips and pre.ssuree
, metually understood among all these
dealers they inake. modify and cm -
rept proposals of purchase and sale.
The liaildS Ore then unroveren and
the jnnees are reeorded.
Nowhere in the Orient have great-
er changes been wrought in the as
few .1,ears, says the author of "Kor-
ea," than in Scold, tho capital or
the 'hermit litugdonn There Ameri-
ns ond Europeann as WOli as tut -
res. under the general directien
r. DIeLeavy Brown, the Fauelislimaa
has charge of the foreign WS, -
have beeu busily engaged im
1 work of reconstruction. The
1leW Seoul ie 110W Seareely RAW,
years old. Old Seoul, with its fen -
tering alleys. ita winter eccumula-
tions a every species of filth, its
plastering 11111141 and penetrating foul-
neSS. has 111121Ofit VaUlSbed
front within the rolls of the City.
In its place 1-11'0 eangnificent new
streets. SpaCiollS, clean, aihnirnbly
made and well -drained. To narrow
Mrty lanes have been widened. (*ut-
ters 'taco been covered and readwaYS
broadened, ontil, withits truinS.
trolley -cars and electric Delfts. its
Miles of telegraph -lines, Its Rallevay
Station lTotel, 1tS brink houses (mil
glass windows. Sot is within DIMS-
urabl0 distance of becoming the
most interesting and (^leanest city in
the East. is still not one whit
Kuropeanized, Ilowever, for the pic-
turesqueness of tbe purely Korean
principles and standards of architec-
ture has been -maintained, anti -is tap -
be observed in all future improVe-
Carnivorous Habits Said to be
Scientific observation has sholvti
that perfect health and mental vigor
may be obtained on a ineetless diet.
A - rieS of '-st mien:1de has `est been
carried out at the University of Cali-
fornia, which demonstrated that note
and fruits are all thee are nece.seary
to nutintain faealth. ender 011 ciremne
stances, and it may uot amiss to
state that the Japanese are milking
a phenomenal campaign against the
Russians on a meatlese diet. No
meat is -used in Japan by die mass-
es- And in Central Anieriett the na-
tives will cut mahogany- logs—about
as hard as iron—in the intense heat
of the tropic sun, sustained by a
diet of bananas and rice. No meat
'eating laborer could perform this
Meat is stimulating, just as coffee,
tea, or intoxicants are; and it is or-
dinarily thought that the weakness
W143221). follows when one is deprived
of meat shows that meat is essential
to strength. The "goneuess"
lows when coffee is ono ted It is
now agreed that meat eating is par-
tially the cause. of many complaintsS
there 18 more or less poisonous inat-
ter remaining in tbe carcasses of
teals, caused by various clietnical
changes, and these toxic elements
gradually affect those who Make
meat a staple article of diet. Uric
acid is largely caused by a flesh diet.,
312 mats, fruits, grains, etc., wa
find a food better adapted -to man's
needs than animal food. The per -
cordage of nourishment in meat is
small compared to several vegetable
prodacts .that can be had • at every-
grorery, so. that the body may': be,
amply sustained cm vegetable Pro-,
, • • "
ducts at a much' lc,•Ss costrt.uhe;titletInglteeeh
eats',are used.
Seine' of the percentages :are here .
, ,
',-,110.11:0FVO 4