HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 1THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -NO 1 •fit.' P. I. - ov u � Q f�iorsoll 'S Doubly fluting oroc Pump This is the only pump manufactured: that lug pe leather suckers, and xe uire rtoackin orpacked Joints of any P �' , kind Always Primed and Never Freezes We also handle all kinds of pumps, both Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps. ZINCS Cast IrQta arad Steel Enameled, Galvanized Steel Cast Iron Painted. T. HAWKINS SON URON ID L ESEX GrZPITT g . EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4th, 1904 Or Ufll flICE range of AnF�ZS brit Lar Suitinga and. Trolls - wings. We do good Tailoring. Els our pleasure � re to lease 1: you. oil Cutting aridd Fitting Good Sewing and Stitching good Linings and Show. W. W Taman. Neer c-t'neats .t Tc►titica {M1►4444 !' Baby Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go -Carts are always in it for style and finish. a nicely as- sorted stock just arrived . BicycieS Summer Parc Hensel'111"ednesday evening;, between seven I su re I ani a Licenses. ees. IR F al � acnm e n ta and r ig h t o'elook. -Mr. Nelson Holtzman ot Msliritty 1Q'T, Suther1nod Notary ?Rblia, �o,avaYan who haske aon a v1ac here. 1s g carp Commissioner, Fire Insurance Aant,and accepted, a position in gr. 4 carefully drawn at reasonable rate, lUoneg i'n'eeter 5 est ablaellnteut toloanon real estate atlowratesot interest, Mr. 1 d Deschort of arirlada Olr ee at the Poet Office Homan -Sir, Mc ertitl, of Landon, was, .s.. '3' week ,.iti in the. Tillage 1s r e vi n re- latives. a this g' --Mrs. Wm, Colwil lives in ]smite- ford this week visiting her sister, Mrs, James Beverley: Nicholls a l 'it e" 1�11s, Gn little d were. i vil- lage f Landau r the t u litn 1 0 11 n , tuts week visiting relatives. 4 -Miss ?V 1 o e�of Minnie Sheffer, brTermite. i i n. So u f 0 , foraaterly of lensall, is hero vieit- g here relatives and friends. Mrs. A. Farber. of Eeafortle irate the village ibis week visiting Ler caner, elrs, J. McAllister. AAfr, and Mrs. Tl,o is • Murray of Owen Stung are here visiting Mr, Murray:'s tatter and relatives; -Mrs. l�raneixMershall and elaild- rele .are visiting: •Mrs. Marshall's mother in Sault. Ste. Marie. Our local stock buyers have been hipping away a large number of tic and hogs during, ;he lust l:. Mie;3' Stanley, u Lucie, Las !leen (inl;• the past week or two t kla her aunt, Mrs. +<1I11or Edwards -"'fir, Wm, Dent, science venter in Collegiate Institute at Sault Maarie was here 1,WS reeds viSit- his a aunt, ;V1rrs, J. Sutherland, Monday. Aug, 'i tit leas been pro- claimed by our reeve as a civic Judi - day, so our .friends in. the rural dia. triots will please remember the dat ll, t1.ag�tr*lttc�r t^ 1) T Bell, f utas 4 illatlrai Farquhar --Most t a.l.. the farmers 'r6 lr• i. .0 1x f e .ac ftuiahet: cutting' their wheat. Th crop and quality are generally pee _ this y$anr, Armada, , -Rev, d. A. Turnbet , L. L. J3„lc£c 341ich. i4 home for a.' fees weeks vials � this 'v e - tto i s k r s o t> •a Tor a e fp 11► li m eta• that atrtgtirs l nitfor nJixs br1Pt}aers r;11oI! an 1 Mass Myrtle :Sledge is spending, The fazrners ]wave been huhy cut. t leo i hodidays with friends in Sr. re Their rvlicat this .vests. 1n M -Mrs. S. lwaorett, of Brantford, is Beane sections the yield will he I'nglit,! the est oe her sister. Mrs i'4'n. arJai1e ethers exp�cv o, good stew. guest , 1 �1• b r 1 Turnbull, -Mr. Abe Slet-e affix few; a : , 'i 'ss a1 1 . l :0.eeirkiesitt,53:ey:t.iivtab.3 ferieltd4 in tt119 v] -a l:l 1 y .�'t �raquair, of .Cil pen has been lenerriLg aaetluiiuta11e) Hak et.r uffalo last Frida l 13 ,Y,3 • u � tirior t a }ri5 t•> T, es, xn Q i' c,,inttr5 - Ii -Kathleen .a turas to the 1.4est, fx, klale n IiPbli,: of Striate The iled, is visiting' rvitll 51iss '.141ae1 Tia dates of site Zurich ,ta11 f:t'r au, have been changed from Sept, 141,1 and 15th io Sept 21st. 7snd .'T. aicl. The -. tis. tg;ur. ti I,o11(lon, and reason for changing the dates is '13as, (lar,) Irving, of St. 141ii r 4 :are that file two best days oe the west_ holidaying at 1lres.a 1a r.i •, ..: •s ern fair are on the milt end 15th of (heer,) l�lelr11"" September. The semi-annual btasine•ss i4t of the Y. P. ,1, was held on Tu vetting June Ft ll. That elect ct officers resulted as follows; Beatrice Stelatbacla Vice. Pres. die Rennie'; Rec. Sec.;, Mum Mar- lton; tieI . lion; Cor. Sec., Flla. Rennie; Treas7- User, spear Koehler ; Miseionar' Car, tyska Fatter; ; Orgranist, Ethel Wile Hun%) 'sistaint orga=nist, Laura Ifarrietb ; Librarians!, Rotaed (lt ger and Alf. Gellman: .Chorister Lizzi!* }tn►alai!>. 1 -Mrs, 1144auestatt and daughter, Miss Luey� returned this week from Reeser, where they leave Peen visit in Mrs. Higgins. Mrs, llumeston's -Dr. James B e , el has again succeeded in tate hoard examination a4ltct 1s r4orr l�raatE dent*st or "ow qt slag orenroxtduacolleges in flab avarld. •^4010 it number "from Hensel! nal vicinity a(itended nal funeral o late James a c Sproat, at Tucker- J.m , of Saturday 'last, the deeeas- td being well known n and highly r. - specte.d here. -Mr. Wm. Cltaltanan, of this vi age, while assisting lois eon, \Vin. the homestead farm, in drawing In hay, had the misfortune to /leeo the load on which he was driving, up set when crossing the approach at the barn and Sal falling sustained mob sot" by injuries that ar he has .� been confined to t}i r1 house ever since, but, we are pleased to learn that he is improving anile 11-011,,et hnt he will soon fu11y recover lila ac - Monied, health. Horses for Brandon Shoe\'--llx". T. J. Berry, the well known horse im- porter is shipping his fine pair of black Clydesdale Stallions, p1 r1- zel, the great premium horse and Royal Cambrian, to the Brandon fair, where they will be exhibited. These horsey travelled this section this season and have given the best of satisfaction.: We expect to see them carry oft the first money at Brendon. Mr. Berry se ill keeps h19 ]0 el Shirehorse, Prior'sior's Hero Haat1Sharp. Lord hA p We; have at nice assortment, of the Patmous Belwarp Cloths, it wilt make you n nice pair of summer trousers, and they are the best; goods obtainable naaade only from specially prepared yarns of eoleeeted aurl wool, uara . teed to stand sun in anyclimate. te, i Come . in and see therm Awrommiormir We also give a :$ILO Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with F, the Ontario.4. a e n cc'd zit Insurance Co. of 'Toronto, with every order amount- ing to $10 or over. We willclose our Atop at 0 o'clock exceptt Wednesdays and Sat urday s during jute, July and August. Merchant Tailor NOTICE t. n hand Constantly o and at Ex- eterr theBest and Centralia a s We are again showing the Cele- Cement in Canada. brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market ��j money. o, for the to -day tto a1 Brand YNat ion al Reoairing e t Bring in your old wheel and ve it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE . ]Ylartin. Prices low enough to suit everybody. J.Cobbledick BORN SA'T.Ti1it.-In Usborne, en July 24th to. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Salter, a son. DIED HOWARD. -At London, on. Tues day, August 2nd, Mr, Edwin S. Howard, aged 55 years. -THE -11r. J. F. Rickbeil took a busi- toss trip to London, on Saturday. -Mr, M. Cameron, of liansali, spent Sunday evening in the village.. -Mrs. W. Stoddart, of Seafortli, visited her !aunt, Mrs. S. Geiger, of the Bronson Lille for a fern days last k viz - 'Ring- Limerick isr D ,' ilei r m -airs. sit o icing her mother, Mrs, Coster, a; present. -Miss Mittleholtz, of Detroit, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity for a .few weeks. -The flax pulling has started. The crop is not up to the average,. a fair yield is expected, misses Lydia, Welma and Clara - Koehler spent Wednesday With friends in Bayfield. -Miss Westlake, of Barfield, is spending a fele weeks in town at Mr. II. negate. -Messrs, hobs. Williams and Wil- liam Baker left for the West last week. on the excursion. -Mrs. Moyer. of Berlin, attended the funeral of her grandchild, Elda Preeter, on Saturday last. -'The regular meeting of the lid. C. T. U. was hold at the home of .. Mrs. C b11Lzon Monday evening. -Mr. Sam E: Faust left on Thui•s day for an extended visit to Detroit and other': points in Michigan. - Mr. and Mrs. J. D..Me.rner left on `Wednesday to visit ,Criends in Montreal and other eastern points. -Mr. and Mrs. llaW kshaW, all(' daughter, of London, are visiting erchants Bank of Cant Dr. and 'Mrs. Canapbell for a few clays. d a -`r. Hairy Y 3dr f cr returnedcc • to Detroit• last: week atter a pleasant HEAD OFI+'10E, MONTREAL. two ~reeks' visit with his parents at; • CAPITAL '(all paid up), • • • E'SERVE....... ,3,zoo,oao R . 18 c 'IS PROFITS + . • $ ,959 I�;.FL SEEB. F. HE13DII N, I 0 . er Superintendent of Branches t�enoral Manager g5 Branches in Canada SAVINGS BANK $6,000,000 Interest>at most favorable sank Accounts and Deposit R Special attention given to :nen, to whom loans are made Letters of Credit issued to rld4 irf as A' GENERAL BANKING. BUSINESS TRANSACTED current rates allowed on Savings g eceipts, the business of Farmers and Cattle - on approved names, travellers, payable able in all parts of the Blake. -Mr. Melvin Torrance, of the 'Do- minion 13ank,staff, Oritlia was re- newing acquain'tances' heat last -Miss ,Beatrice Stcinbach who has teen visiting her, sister, Mrs. s, Baldwin, at. Sea.fori.lr, has returned home. -Mr. ancl. Mrs. 11. Magel :and daughter, Ger tie, bat. on Wednesday for Detroit, to visit .relatives and friends. Cann left M.: petite• • .L --M.14, and 1v. ,. for the Northwest last week. They intend Making their future home Out there.' - Mr, and Mrs.. Fred W rless ;and son, George, left Wednesday for Blue, Point, near Kettle: Point .Cor a tvee1:'s outing. -Mr. and 1MTrs. F. Witwer, and daughter, . and :Miss Rel- . nits. Koehler, spent Sunday at the ..C.REDITON BRANCH Graiad Bend -A severe rain, hail and electric al W, :S,_ CHISHUELM, Manager. storm. passed over this place: on ,+r a Thantes Road The Rev. Dr. A. R. Mcxdr4an,, of 14211444(1, where he has charge of a teertauat congregation;; Ss thief' vee11 calling en eld: friends slat: the Thaws lioad. He. is the g►aes. of r4lr,axid :+test, F1etc14er at tit+3 anse s Dr. 'n 11 oaoupy tk4a pulpatn.it of T11a0ao4 13nta!1 414arcl4 MU Sabbath Aug 7th. I,lis many friepde will be glad of another opportunity of hear- ing Miall. `.Phe Thames Road ce igre- gatlon eras reason to feel proud of alae marked snecess of its boars; another of its its sons Rev. 3. A. tail L. L. Il„ of Toronto, cltra cl4i. 4 t tic isulpia ,a rvae4it aigo preaaelai*ag *nest a8ccptably; t0 44 very 1~►r1c' cnaaga e; oltion, Russeldale and etre. Jas. 11 tl ftaaaaly aarce tad, , and 11: z -is Mrs. v cat the and Rend. � `. l,l1t a Elliott, 1, I1e11. and Mr, (,leo, Moen tete vis• ktc*ir uncle in Clinton, Ge- ste does, --14h'. Reid, „of Glasgoe, is a guest et "Woodbine'" -•-o.a Thursday last sIi". Josue hell bad a valuable horse 1l sltoa1 large uncovered. cistern With 1141 tivael, ;fid or heveral neishbore, tla0 horse 'teas finally raised to the tole none the 1 0ree of its sudden tilt rsioaa. tt u :1 1 rcaula iVat. 'I1 .l Ea4 tap ark Clark vex Oillta'a , ',tauallaa t ;a to (1 timville kJ t•tr t a (1 1 ,a1 ! , ai , raI OE Kingston spent the peat .44001.. vieit- inp her waster, '\h'l, ,T, 1ln;ere. -Several of the Jo14rr.l end their families 1►ieni0c<1'At the lathe onSaf- urday last. -Mr. Drank I)elbtrudge, a!f Hensell and Geo. We teott, of Exeter, spent. F Sunday 1` the guest d ! test of � r. thee Ai - z o .An - 'drew. -Mr. and Mrs. A. .latdrr.W, of Ex- eter, spent Sunday with :tie. and Mrs. J. Andrew. -Jars. White, of Sr. Marys is via- lting 1ae1' daughter, Mrs. ;F, 4liuere. � ' -11:r,. . ul. ' :.Lina•rs+, 01: Exeter, spent the pasitweek vi lung;' relatir' test and friends here. -By the enol of the week the fall \Omar will be x11 in 1c 1 • 1 ] the barn. The crap is 0 light one told the w}ient- not the hest of quality. 1 Centralia -rte -Miss pinata Elston, of Exeter, is visiting friends here. --Miss Lewis, of London, is visit- ing her sister, Yrs. Thos. Neil. -Miss Lou Neil,. of London is vis- ., itrn,, her sister, Mrs. Thos. Elston. --Miss Alice Handford. of Exeter, • N . , v is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. -Rich- ard Handford. -Mr. Wren Shea.rdown, of Lunen, .pent Sunday in Centralia,. the guest of Mr. Baynham a y }lam Y -Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. Du- plan, visited friends -at Zion, dur- ing thepast: week. -The Ladies :lid purpose having. .V i • a bun and 1r < curl• on the par - soilage l on„ .o pa slanage grounds on Thursday evening' next. -81188 .14/111. a•e11,..04 It, y, who have been visiting; friends here left for Blyth on Monday where she will 'visit: her brother, Mr. Charlie Veil.. Kirkton -1411.14. Robinson is recovering from her. recent serious illness. 321r.' John Elliott, who had his leg broken recently is able to be around again. The telephone line front St. Marys n t'on as to Exeter is nearing • co ale i g t '{ • rl all upawaiting the poles are nearly . J g the Wire. this is a long needed con- venience which will '17e ai3(,rectated by the pu blio. -lfer many friends it ll be glad Lo learn that: Mrs. Alex.. Kirk, who leas been on the ,sick list for some time is able to be about amain. 'Mr. N. Reginald Pletcher, who has Grand Trunk been in charge of the Co's store office at: Fort Erie, has resigned that position and accepted a, very. lucrative position as office manager with the Sarifi,`d Furniture and 1Vooden�t ere Co., Limit ed,. of a?eitela,.t Falls, • Ont. W Ntoor:e W. J. I�'rcd P,Lyloi, nz C. Brown, P. N. Shier, N. H. loupe, and Dr. \V .13. Ca 11, some of our village '; sports, spent one day last: week at the Sauble river, pike fish- ing. They report, lots of fish of good size end duality, The largest one caught was less :than nine . pounds. Mr. A. Switzer, our bui,cher• under- took to dispose of the surplus catch e to ang- lers. - which tt as a grest:.reli £ to tl a � lers Subscribe for the Exeter Tin Creditor a" Cd.irl:; ten a ace o. The l:ilb cat Oran Rr -1 .trg,1 Co roar her parent 1 liber. -Several clothes -lines have been relieved of t• 1.'tely: 1►y meals tlaac+ves -Mr. anti 3frs. Longneatc, txeiti ere vieitin , Mrs. Long father, Mfr, 1Lt ]lir i 1. nn! Mrs.. irt. bee. bate ba South Paie•, are visiting 61n411%%.gif 1 ,•E, g ,iti friends ' n in the village. -Mr. and Mrs. Ed.�I<estei at family or London are visiting Mrs. ant Mrs. Eli Niug and other.aelativ- es ]sere. -1•`la� pulilue has cousauealced and a large number of realities have been engaged to pull .flax during summer. nl itl.,.n 1 P` . -Mr.�, and :the. i1 ltocddin>; have, a+,- ttirned to their Imine in London, af- ter spending a !.hart: time visiting relatives and friends in the village, Cedar Posts for Sale-Tlee under- signed 1st ny -. lgll.d ]r. first-class cedar posts for sale at Centralia, in Charge of the grain house weigher-1Ienry F. Either, Crediton, Ont. --Croquet is 0uitC a popular game in our village this season.; Several of the older citizens are becoming 50 enthusiastic over the game teat they can scarcely take Ole time to eat their meals. --.i, friendly game or football was played here on Friday evening last between Zuticb and Crediton teams. resulting 7ns,n tie both =ides securing a goal. The Pulte was a. fast and xeriting: one. Scientific playing. was one on both !sides.,. 0 lel tillers_ ;aria)LsCr1d- nd, Ial at, picnic Tlrtrsday) s1 trait, 1s !F a tt anti d harden of clothes nP 11,x_ a -The band concert 1 he It rien 071 .Lr. r Srre1 u 'Friday cern 1 o 1. last a as a very ! 1 •t t1 � a.. �, very 1 a, as. nk event: and wit, 111uc•11 enjoyed and appre- ciated by the citizens oL our village, Which was shown by the large crowd that was in attendance... 1 t t W, A ons programme -of' bright and lively selections were rendered and ice cream and lemon ado were served on the grounds. We are anxiously forward r another concert looking r. o t which will be given by the 'band i1 the near future, Cockranc has greatly :un- proved the appearance of his rest, dence, by having it enclosed witii Metallic siding. Dashwood . Mr. 1Vnr. Snell; has been on file sick lista - Flax pulling is she order of the day now. -The painter's are working at. E. P Paulinow house. -7-Miss Gilbert has ,•eturned to her hone near St Thomas. -Mussell Bastard is home for a fern- weeks prior to leaving . for the West. - Miss Flossie Snell and Mi_s Flos- sie Gilbert Spent: :t week at Grand Bend. -Mrs. C..Eritz ,tad Pearl, ,of Zur- ich,� are va.iirnat t le relall's. r -Mr. Moser is having the glass in his hotel repltiactd, that had beets damaged with the fire last spring. 731r. A. 11. Lloyd and son Miele it'd, el: Lloyd.' & Son,'s door fac- tory-, VVnigbein paid a llyi'ag visit. to our village. -A. number of our villagers went. to 3-lensatl, to the re -opening of the Methodist church, last Sunday. Rev. 11,. Robbs, :President of the London Conference occupied the, pulpit. .-.Mr. and, "Ars., Fenn were the re- cipients of a handsome oak hall rack last Monday evening, by a large, nuiitber• o;: friends who met at their home in . ur Pries. After the presen- CASTOR A For Infants and Children. Always The Kind You Have A s Bou ht � 'Bears the Signature of a "1--raZ JOHN WHITE $ SOBS • •4+ •dos r.444,4�+M• 44.4444,44.44........444•11444444....:: 4 ">se f a -e et + "e , `'�#. , ''� . ...*. ;"r' s..A ee' .r + W e • > • J. a.. el .* .e 'r,('" ' Ch '+•�r,#4i••'•i ' „�,w • ♦.: 4s:. 'fee •. e. r► .f A. place where ittrititure can be 'purahased with so little ♦ • rad ' Ota' 1 r � . at our store? ..4) No! suchimpossible., . +F fi••We have >,.il ellellesas varlet of Furniture of every �' Y Y description which is goingat a lo; figure during ,1e: 4 =" house"cleaning tune 4• * • • Hascl Body Found if you are interested don't fail to call on tis; 40; G . =NT 1owe&Atkinsons YOUR : TRADE I armts e Hous_ Anal if Pekoe, Variety and Quality count, rciesl attld get it. Undertakers and Funeral Directors. +++4.444444-4444+4444+++ xw+++.«"4+44+44-:"44.:-1-444„.4 r•#� 1..1 °"*'�,t1P#�1R�F�►�'w„+�lk��tlri►�M�11144'eY�l4+►#'�l4!l��14l1�# 1!.•araotE tort sly e43.ialg rs. Venn every 'b1 of labor. Slreecl4es being neer, tattles then s.vve(1 the c3eleeht V refreshing lunch rvlaieh ild d 14E3 sociableness of the :gathering. rot :!Trs. Fenn anal Rally ex - leave for Pnrlkltill on Wed - was made by )li, jos- r. Fenn made one of istio replies. A number e01ies were given es:- 1 xl at loosing fir. and family and eluting (mai in their new ;ablyon bale Flan hailing is the *tolet° (1f t110 in these Iaafs ar present. Mrs. Aaron Broderick', of •ohit;an, sltcnt ac fees days Wille tier titer -in-law ;t1r. a rorgte 13ro!iei ,Ire- Jll. J01111itcll anti etis3 Lyda ,kfsje, who have spent is month Vias icing relatives, returned home to 1,onlion, last week. ---�ii•ls Marjorie Broderick tams e turitod from visaing with frienels r., ti . fiver andClinton. I 1 foal a tau, -Mr. and Mrs. A. Swayze, of Lon - key, spent ne few days ned41: the par- emir roof at "32iaplelturst Place." -ms- $tep }gin Council The Council ,• a Conc1u i of the la ua L, 01 h 1 btepllen convened in the Town 11:11 Crediton, on Monday the let day of August, 1004, at 1 17. ni.,, ;'111 mem- bers were present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Anderson seconded b y 3.e:rrlcy.---'Clint the cleIk notify the clerk of the village of Exeter, that this council will agree the with ' r . a Cott:toil o: the Village of Exeter, to pay ogle -half of the cost of any tile crossing the boundary lists between Exeter and Stephen. whish may be required by the residents o£ Exeter for draining their lands, -Carried. The following orders were grant- ed; -1V, Brunner, gravel, '$22.88;74 Leary, gravel contract, block 4, C. R. e4/.151 es W. Farncomb, re Lynch award, $2147; express co., - ex- press on voters' lists, 50e; D. Grigg, contract: and ditch, $17.20; J. Sch- roeder, repairing, 50c; J. Keys, re- pairing Mud Creek. bridge, 50c; Jas. Sanders, repairing culrer1, $8.2.00 • Wm. Bill, gravel and work in pit, $28.15 ; I.I. Carruthers, gravel S. B. gravel, H. Carruthers, y13.04 D. Mcllaac, repairing bridge, $1.25; Win.. Pickering. Commissioner, blk. 9, $5.90; Fred Heist, repairing bdge. 50c; Hill,R cu1 alt 3 Oc • Jos -"Motz, ep.ulvert, $1.00 Arch 'Morrison, gravel eontract, blk .9,C. Rd., .$60.00 ; Geo. Orange, gravel. $8.72; R. Armstrong, road to gravel $1.50; C. Wilbert, rep. road,$4 W. Brunner, drawing cedar plank, $1.00; J. Wlllcrt, burying sheep,' 503; Jos. Brenner, cedar posts. $25.50 Walter Station, rep bridge, $3.50.;. J. Pollick, drawing' gravel, $17.00; 4.40 440 440. 4.4";. j',4.♦ +40 440 +40 +40 4-40 -II• 40 4.1t• ii 4*0. e. -1•� ^ 4, • 4410. The Weather is liot But rvoca,n mail . . A ..air,fti iE more pleasaanta for you 7gii Are buffering from head- (ich@a. Frontal headaches Q which medicate will never cure) relieved in short or- der by means of Blames. 3oirE ea tested Y +l free, NEW DRUG STORE One Door South Poet Office W. S. Ka : PliM. B., (`hrnlitg.at;d Qptleaa, TRY STATHAM'S BREAD: ROM CRUST Tv CRUST, right F through from end to end -there is who n io eso r ene39 11to e lthfuiln ees inthe brew e that is made: }fere. Odra in the snaking -care in the baking. - makes the perfection that makes our bread the equal a1 of to h 11 that was ever q made. e Wedding Cakes a Specialty Try Statharn's Ice Cream and Coo] Sparkling drinks W. J. STATHAM Successor to J. T. O'Brien. E. Stanlake, drawing and putting in. box, $1.25. Council adjourned to meet again in the town hall, Crediton, on Satur- day e2tit.'. ins tat 7,0 day,th 0 3 1 HENRY ETLBER, .Tp. Clerk. The Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star and Tinges to the end of 1904 for 60c to new subscribers. 01d subscribers can have the Fam- ily Herald sent to their address for 130e for the balance of the year. You 'may have. the Weekly Globe or Weekly Sun at the same' rate. ' Subscribe for the Exeter Times. O INNERS Gold Medal Binder Twine and liollywood n The:,Plylnottla. Tvvines•are best brecau.se,th ,y. are evenly c " leer tw rie. � go1 that!. anyof spun and fel th Gold Medal 650 feet to pound Silver Sheaf 0Ofeet to ponnd. Ply Special 500 feet to pound OurartCBS are Guaranteed. eed. Prices • ii� Paints 1 !'ll' can and be convinced that the T? c l wood Trya Y , Paint for inside and outside. 15c per half pipit, 25c per drat 45cper quart � .l HERMAN'S HARIiWA s - god