HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-28, Page 8M h, S. JULY '?bell 1904 STEWAF2' , .I.LO Are you getting your shire of the hot weather bargains that are going? Do you over compare prices p itCompare other' dealer's' _.., anti values? Just tryi rices'with Stewart's, you'll And quite a di#lerauce. -ere are a few plums picked at random from our big stock. 21 pounds Iledpaths extra standard gratnXt a, i d Sagar for $1,04 lQe:Bottles best Extracts, an flavors ..,. ,. . •for oniv tc tl bars Comfort Soap, , ... fon` 25c 0bars R•icbards Pure Soup , , forage ti bars D'auagmans ElectricSoma. ........ for 25c. 0 bars V'ietor soap... , .- .. , . • far `Xie'. 12?e package for Orange Unci, laIic package for Gsrape Nut. 124e package for Swiss Food 12??4-cpackage for Shreaded 1k beat Biscuits 1S0 each for best Globe Wash Bolt ds a doz. best, clothes pegs ,.. .for 5c Best Glass Wash Boards, .,,,S7xe Sailor Boy Tea, Black. Japan, or Mixed , . , .25e Forest City Baking Powder, quart sealer ...., ..1Se. Royal East Cakes.,.,..,, .,.. ,.,, ,. per boa. 40' Atte the can "for• best Vorn. Fees and Tlptuatoes The best brownie the trade tf sheets tatiglefoot Fly paper* , .- . - , , , . ,. f,,r zxc Bare Lard guaranteed best quality : , , , , •, , , . , , ........ , 4e Choicere4Salmon ..,.«....... .... .4...4.-,4... the can Mc lil erect Bettis s best stnality . - „ - , , , , ..10e, Kippered Herring ill`l,'omateStnice ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..., '3lilnts rcUouttrdsTablteco , *oar ` s .,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0r274 Eddy'aa best, Matches the boli , ., •.1t'1u Best ernekerMatches 1000inlana,,.,,.,,••.,, ..,•••. ter ac The :Misses Gould, of Detroit, are e. of >k r. a jos. Davis. 8 pe cal guests ..l 1F, W Gladanan was at ixoderich ectalPrices n on, Saturday on legal business, Miss Mabel Leathern, of: London, i .tla • t, town, }` i 5 Y25r in rt, lY S 1a ef ummertooU$ Misses Remember every article sold by lis est be as repre- sented. ,a, your money back for. Gbe asking. Can you find deal? W e don't thick so, we will protect, you 3Ctt01, place to f t''c l , . against all combine prices, we belong to no association or combine, Any Quantity of Otaod Butter and Eggs "'`anted. J. A. Lauri and Hina Bina>m 1n are visiting relatives at Sarnia. i ; 25c. pays for the Times till the Ladies Black Sateen Suitings. 'nisei col - Mrs, is wide flounce made fol[ ° orings, light grey's ganef fawns, Medi- Mrs, Will. J. Glick, end daughter, With two. frills, ti it • around bottom worth $150,special 98c, i tun atnd, dark shadings dings makes t s a pretty vd. of hnpnirpeh, zX e Y is i;laxg fi It gds 17n suit reguIal $1.25 redo ed o t°,_, 1r Laidlgs' ,lack Lustre Skirts:bright 1Qn'..l;,,Xsti:t' Coats with fine Yvbite end of 1904 -for new :st;7serthers k a t Underskirt Scotch Tweed STEWART st Prepar For it Mrs. Tom r, '.11 t, of London visit- finish, tvt jr XXlade and good. fitting, Sill -Pe well lnade rand hnislned. special d her father, 1111, Fxayae, over Sun ~;peetat $2,?5 $1,09. 11 ' Ladies' One white lawn ShittSVaists 4 s Men's two-piece Summer Solt fancy Mrs, Thomlpsan,. of Toronto Yvas finished with tucks and insertion. ,; tripe all pure wool, : regular 8.50 re rd n, 1 - cr st twee Men's Fedora hats, dight grey witthe h See host- in insure your Gator;; Ladies" white farce gloves lovely and s 1, band t shape worth $1 50 • h price l P las week, of lira. R. i3l.ztcli_o Special Sac I duced to $0 9. la k lastsperitoy in the Sovereign Bank ad, cool for hot weather regular pr. p clearing at 1v -c a pair. iV1r.. Howard Powell. of Toronto is spending a vacation under the e tae 1 The only wayto insure your future prosperity is to pre- pare for it. All your business projects should be begin . i shaped rsd toward a d:efinata olid. you. should be,, u ea it y, „ and begiu right ; and the right way is to open and run a Savings Account at this Bank. You can withdraw fro your account when you like and ad to it when you ` pleas At Yotit Convenience Call and See Us. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches ia, Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensall MADMAN 15T.A.NBIIR'Y, Solicitors?. li••rental roof aching sweating- swollen, tired,: ten- Worth from $1,40 to $-LUU, clearing at aS, b ac' Hewes s i reduced to 9Sc, lI Millinery • s this season, most attractive styles Bargains , 1laYrey:'s T,' oot J' der relieves Aboral 50 Ladies Ready-to-wear hat lX • • rug Store, der feet, -New isI •t the business dies Cotton Gowns, One cotton,. Advertising 4 Lai awhat ;,team is to the machinery several styles neatly to limned with -the great motive power. embroidery, insertion beading silk Mrs, Il. McDougal. off Farquhar, ribbon drawn in lace, length 51 to CO slseat Sunday with her father Mr. in, Special $1.00, $1,25. 'nn, lIurttnn, whin leas beean U.Ladies' Drawers. fine cotton fttnialxeii Messrs. J0hu Hairkaluitv and Will with One tucks and embroidery all R wkshaiv with their families pie.- ; sizes 2.1e, Vie, s00a*, atiee'I ait Grand Bead, on Tuesday. Ladieaa Corset Cover matte: or tine Zurich: Clinton P. E. KARN Alan/agar, Exeter For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks; Jewelry, Spcctascllsea Et CAL''. ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Read Dr. Oven's ad. and notice dates of visit to Exeter, Miss Slavin, of London, is visiting her mother .for a. few days. /► We, mala a :specialty of watch an clock repairing. D. i artleib. Rev. George Webber, of Toront called on friends in Exeter, on Fri day. l.1rs. Elliott. of Mitchell, is visit- ing her. mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Ander- son . Mrs. 11, N. Rowe and daughter. Rota, are visiting her mother, at Clinton. Mrs, Geo: Bissett spent a fes clays of last week visiting friends in London. DR a OVEN S rg LONDON, Surgeon, Onulist, Specialb.t. Deseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat visits Exeter monthly. Masses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. 0II1ee MMER CIA L H OT EL • Da te s of vis its EDNESDAYS,Jnly27Sept.e 7'Oct. , v.Nov. 33. Louden since .25 Queens -kV*. Miss Nellie Davidson, after as pleasant visit with friend^ here re- turned to 'bot home in London, on I`Fri. _da;f last , Miss Flossie Taylor, of Pimple- ao;ie Ai Gardiner has return?d fraan aaa Hie.saint holiday spent at St. Thoma and London. Miss Edith Reel.„.of London. rend- ered a vsteai scleetan with good et - toot at the union services in Main streat Methodist church on Sunda: evening lust, Mrs. 11. l'iokard and family or spending a vacation in Muskoka IIIr, Pickard having returned to Manitoba on a Business trip. Dr. Amos returned home on Saturday :from Brockville, where he had been in attendance tat a meeting of the Grand Lodge of the A, h'. and A. 1i, " able Property for Sale, - Desirable Mr. Samuel Smith, London Road south. lost a horse last week, from infla:mmat ion. iii';. 'and "V7rg. Caleb 13eyYvoodand family arc spei.ding a month at Grand rgand a d. R E P G KA 13n Miss Beatrice Robinson, milliner at Teesvater has returned to Exeter for a vacation, f. General Selling Agent for LandsGP.R. Any persons, farmers or others, who contemplate purchasing lands in -Manitoba or the. North-west Ter- ritories will find it to their ad- vantage to call on me, as I have recently been appointed general sel- ling agent for all C. P. R. and C, N. W, Land Cos lands. Prices range from $3.50 per acre and upwards: Persons who settle on C. P. R. lands within one year after pur- chase have ten years in which to pay for: such lands. For further particulars apply, to R. E. PICKARD, Exeter. Or at the "TIMES" office. OINIUMPI/0130201116 4•11.1 4♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦i•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' ♦ LOCALS r DCALS ♦ ► • ...11040.41/4 1•♦♦o♦♦♦ Read Popplestone & Gardiners ad. on Pate e 5. ' and Bend, Miss Stvales, of Kingston, ing Mrs, (Dr.) Athos. Mr .. A. I+ ollick spent Sunday at 3S vis w k a. carload o Fred. HatvkshaY too horses to Manitoba, for Mr. Thomas Handford, Thursday last. Willie Bissetf, -avho has been vis- iting his brother, Grover, in Brant- ford, returned . home on Friday last. date o your ti examine he n Please x11 In the label and if not correct kindly let us know and we will make the alter- ation . Mr. Sant Gilley, who has been in- disposed during the past few months was able to take a drive Saturday last. See M. Jackson & Son's ad. on page 5. They will buy, scrap iron, brass, rags, old- rubbers etc, paying high- est cash prices. Bert Gidley, of Duluth, who. has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gidley, for the past week, re turned' to Duluth h boat, Tuesday. Y (tattoo lose neck finished; with enXbroi- dery frills or lace, special 25e, 25e, 50e.. -ed. Goods for Summer wear, special 221, cents. 100 yards fancy stripe Gingham, wear: and color guaranteed, regular price 144. clearing at 8i cents a yard,. Colored Lnstte in grey atnd fawn, bright finish, splendid Swearing for shirt Waist suits, best material for Bathing Suits 35 and 50e, a yard. Canvas Suiting in colors and biacl. .for slnirG waist suits, wilx not sho dust or shrimp, pure 'wool, fast dywe, Special f.te, NV bite Waistinga. Mercerized, Brocaded, Hemstitched, D nnity,Cord.- ♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦rl'+4♦Q♦♦♦♦♦ ♦+♦ +* •♦♦ ♦♦f♦♦♦♦o ♦♦♦ •, •z o -. cr,9 .••: -c.: 1• °•z4• ti •i °•i+•£•OP'+- o'- • •1• • • 3•-:3•:w• r r +3••i••F••l• ?• •+ Sumrnertime Values Ladies' Whitewear 40c. Drawers to sell at 25c. $1.00 Nightgowns to sell at 750 $1,00 Skirts to sell at 950. 004 Corset Covers to surntx?er weight Vests 10c. 1asdres vests ribbed cotton, low neck, short sleeves and no sleeves, e and ribbon (white), Special See nor Display of White and Colered Muslims at 10 cent?. s az 1R-QW.113 Miss Laura t3a'egery has ,roturnacal from a visit ai'lUi rrfonds at Toron- to. Miss May Armstrong has return- ed front a pleasant 'visit with 1rb ends at. Strathroy. Mrs. Douglas, who is slXenahiX g the summer at Grand Bend was in town for a few days this week. 'Hiss Taylor, of Toronto, is visit- ing Dlisa Edna Dow. Mr. J, A. Stewart was: eu Strat- ford on business this week. Dr. Harry Browning is holidaying ;ret Grand fiend for ;a couple . of weeks, Airs. Tait, ;;.t loo leis been vs sit ng Mrs. Chas. Cann, has returned to property In Exeter„, awstra suitable :Nits. harry].'arsons, Miss. 'Wfloo . iras1 '.'0od, residence thereon. Good investment and twice, Miss Pearl Iiutobifocal. Mss. P. T, `1lalls and son Reggie; pply to Wadman Sc Stanbury, left this week for a visit with tri -1 of Oodericb, are visiting with Dins.' sell at 40.., Ladies' Vests We Vests to clear at Sc.. 8c Vests to clear at 5e. 20c Vests to clear at 15c.. Wrappers 1..00 kind, . goodfast colors for 75c.. " kind, good fast colors for $1.10 only a few left. Cotton Hose 10 doz. of real heavy Cotton moose, waleand fast kl ao all sizes regular Vie for 10e, Summer Dress Goods sold out hot weather goods to be A,11 our Welove left but the IIi 0 only a few pieces left y are Se, 10e, and 1241c per yard, lloga Wanted. -A, Q. Bolster is aging $5,25 for bogs this week. tipping day every Monday from toter and Centralia. Wanted. -Wanted. to buy or sell Colonial Investment and Loan Stock "preference" write quickly, Box 1135 Globe Toronto. Ads at Muskoka, Jas. h all, a•iIowoy's Beef, Iron and Wine, lir ,T3ert G 1gtr, of Montreal, is The kind that stimulates, Just than 'biting his parents, sir. and Mrs. thing. for this hot weather.-- NOW a r. , Grigg. Drug Store, Miss Nettie Linklater:. of Wing - „Br, and Mrs. Anderson have re- haul, is the guest of Mss Jennie turned front Grand Bend fora few Murrey, weeks, having rented their cottage ;til'. and \trs. A. Nevin. of 'Lon o., don, calledon friends in town ort, Wednesday. .1♦tiss Jennie Taylor, of Detroit, is ' r Elbott, c and aF 1 11 •. g• t t o. n Xr and Mr, tared. Mrs. J. G, t3tanbt y• their guests, Miss Staubury and Mauler. Miss Eastwood have taken a cot- ,. 'Eyes tested .free ;and glassesa tloat Grand Bend for a week. sup lied, -.NeY Drug Store. home e fo r a few w ceks her For Sale.--- acres f hay to be'llo ea,„ Corn Care cures.Try *alter, Mrs, Thos.,• I1' s tt, sr., M in lots to salt purchasars. l+arti it. -Hatt Drug store• Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Dfalait, of 'a •at to fguests the Am- on f luf silta am wit Ilse u Clinton McCallum, 0 1 Chatham,t; son..of Dir, and Mrs. '1', 1:I, .McCallum es street parsonage during August. Kpar- with his • c •s • weeks ♦ it tYt , left ' sands 0'4 ort ss•, 1 f n111 s , s XS nS. Thomas outs at " i'inecroft"", Grand Bend, 1 Wednesday morning for a few days who are summering there, i with relatives ;and friends in Lon Mr. Geo. House has purchased the property of Mr. Wm. 'Trcvethick, on Main and North streets. Mr. d 1 f t01d urthor particulars apply to L. Mc- Taggart. Hay: ]'. O. Mr, 1I. Al. A. Dignan, manager for The Boli Telephone Co., Oshawa and I3uwnnanvillc, visited his mother and sister. Andrew street, last week. Mr. :Harvey Dignan with his moth- er and Miss. Hazel visited at Mr, John McKinley's and Mr. Arm- strong's, Goshen Line, daring the holidays. Messrs. Harry and Percy Brown- ing, John Spackman, Earl Browning Roy Farmer, John Newcombe, and: T. Carling are camping at Grand Bend. 1)r. Buller, London, will be at the Centralotel, Exeter, oat :Saturday July30th for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consultations. Tryos tested and glasses .supplied. Mr. George Jewell, while working on a. scaffold at a building near I1- dertan, last Friday,, fell to the. ground, receiving injuries which ne- cessitated medical attendance, Ile is now progressing favorably. Shoop's Rheumatie Remedy and Shoop's Restorative and System Re- novator, ;also Vito Tonic, The great tissue builder and laxative Fruit !'ills. For sale at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Will J. White and is I` •s _hla me and Greta White, of y •e and lVl: r. T. M. lWhlt ., Mrs. ttawa lI s Cooper White, of Windsor ; Mr. and Mrs: J. 3. White and Dorothy, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. John White during the past week. Rev. Mr. Martin held union ser- vices for, the Presbyterian and Main 'Street Methodist church last Sun- day,• at the Presbyterian church in the morning and the Main street Methodistthodst church in elle evening. g. Farn er.s in some sections of this locality complain that, while the crops look splendid, on close inspec- tion they find considerable of the wheat is rusty and will hardly be of any value even for feeding pur- poses. The High School department of our public school is bound to go ahead. It now offers a complete Corrmc.rcial Course and thoroughly covers the wort' for second class certificates, Ins attendance should the West in the near future. Miss Carrie Reid, of London, who was visiting at Exeter and Grand Bend during the past two weeks, returned home Saturday evening last, _ Mr. R. Southcotl, who has been in the employ of the Michigan Cent- ral Railway, at St. Thomas, for some time, has been transferred to Buf fano, and left for that city on Tues- day. Ir. and Mrs. ' Thomas Handford and Irene Handford left Wednesday for an extended trip to Manitoba and the Northwest, Mr. Handford will combine business with pleas- ure -whire Mrs. Handford and; Irene will visit friends. Shope a marked increase this fall. Mr. and :Mrs. Whiteman and fain- Tlaa railway sc,rvice is most helpful ply as Citi" zeas. south bound trains permitting :,full session; and .north, the loss of but Rev. C. W. Brown, .formerly : pas- half an hour in the morning Par- tor of James-st church, invited his A team composed of the mer - cants. between 'Denficld and Bruce- congregation in Mitchell to wor- chants defeated 'clic bankers in a field should make a note of this. ship last Sunday evening on the 'closely contested game` of eighteen church' lawn, Yt+bleb ryas comfort ends 1Vlond iy afternoon., "tip i;o the -0n Mond a night. there I hsheg`. y S ably'seated"fo.r the occasion. An or- 10th end the,. as me \vas a tie, but in Rev. Mr. Down. son of our es- teemed 1.otwnsma t occupied the pal - pit of Saunas-st. church Sunda Y whining delivering n very thought- ful and practical discourse, evening. Mr.:13rasdell has taken a positron The Tinges 'wishes to extend con- es .dict, with a firm, in Chatham. gt'ntulations to 11r. and Mrs, Wm. and loft for that 'place on. Tuesdny, t lrigg', on this the 60th anniversary Mrs. Blasdell andfamily will remain of "their wedding. hero for some time yet, Mr, Harry Sanders who has been in Denver, Col, for the past few years returned home on Monday evening and avail spend .a months Mx, •Wm. :Mitchell and little alae - vacation Here with his mother, tterIter. Parker, connected with alae Mrs. Garf ldAlicevSheere isited is Brantford,, r daughter ford, free sanitariums for consumptives, fora few days this week. of Toronto, and Gravenhurst will Mrs. R. Fountain, .and Mrs. It. preach next Sunday morning at the Soutllcoti, of Toronto. Yvho are churn services at the Presbyteriancamping at Grand Bend, called on. church• rel: of London,: M'rs, T• B, Carl ing, on: Tuesday of Miss Rose Fitzpatrick, this wek. ;after a: pleasant visit here with While a sopa af. Mr. Chris. Wolp- er, of the 13. lin~:, Stephen, was cut- ting wheat, Tuesday' last, the horses he was 'driving took fright at some colts in an ;a'djacant field and ran away. The binder being in gear at the time rendered it almost useless. Mr. Walper jumped from the mach- ine thus saving himself from injury. It soothes the child, softns the gums, allays. all • - pain. cures wind colic and is the beat remedy Weather Probs.-Rick's forecasts for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 for the first week in Aug - setae abottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo ust are as follows. The te- sti" and take Mrs Window's Soothing gulag, Vulcan storm period is Syrup and oak. for no other kind, central on the 3rc1. The cul - Those who Ypere, not at. Main-st pre"natin daysof life trioti will be don. Miss Mabel Kemp, n iter a X:nonth'a pleasant visit with .friends xtt To- ronto, returned home on Wednesday Miss Edna Dow entertained a number of friends on Wednesday ev- ening last in honor of her friend, Taylor., of Toronto. some price. and thea .A.RL`NG 13R0 .F r .,i ,, .. •,, y,,,,,,.1• •i,. : ""i'P• i"i,•' ' :•'3' , 1 .'s'at, 4 4 • .'j` y,.I ' : . .'„ ' i r..r,.rf"i' C `! hn' c!` 'd friends, left . Saturday for Kincar- dine where she will spend the sum- mer. She, was accompanied by Miss Annie Sanders \no will camp there weeks. •two k for v Yviiii friends o FOR OVERSIXTY ,EARS .-Mrs . FOR OLn AND 'srt-Txrsn R xan.Y Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for aver sixty ears by millions of mothers for their y children while teething,with perfect success League on Tuesday night last to i g P hear N n t N. liogarth's address on. 3rd, 4t11 and 5th. Onand I ho toaii: missed great treat. The touching these dales ,genesral storm P. conditions will develop and pass ia. ]heart ilivtation ♦1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦O h .a g uc extend Y across the noun - from Yvest • t o coast , . to all t o come Heal weak. Miss E. •r . 'ections which. have been visit t y S ♦ C }• ilo a rt is will tripe charge of the to rm 0 eons e]Pj. U. 6011.♦ ed by many electrical, ♦ Fali T e p ;plc. much of: Jul .and • storms, during pri y Mr. Whiteman, , a u'r( • - a: p and tor- same cha.ractea; of storms clueing ] E1r A 11AL moved lacrl, from Clapp i, . i Furniture and Undertakin tiring the summer mouths we will give. 5 per cent. oil for all cash sales. . Cr_ HUSTON Funeral. Director and Practicable Embalmer. Opera Horse 1310 S6OIItl to NoaT0 the Front Again -is-- sTflR FLOUR Customers sa I -I want nothing better than Ile last lot." II "Give me the same as be- ll'. `t' a never had . better bread than we are get- ting now." When in need of flour for Makin bread call at the mill "Star." g for Our Princess makes excel- lent pastry. p Y Mill feed always on hand. Y Y BROS. HARE. ♦0•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rical rain and hail til who recentlyre- August, will most likely have: the chased Mr. A. Cottle's residence, has this period; but sections which have. decided. to return to cast his lot had little rains ,for weeks prior, we again with the people of that burg, fear will -get more threatening having purchased the ltedmondpro- storm -clouts and, bluster than rain perty. Mr. Whiteman has secured a during these disturbances. After very comfortable home, as in ad- heavy storm and blust•er about dition to the house thcr' care five 3rd, 4th and 5th look '.for rising bar - acres of land. We are sorry to lose ometer, svesterly «inds, and cooler. Bowling ed eacefuily at ay rt he residence of his neice„ Mrs. i lam, sist:ed the choir in the musical part -aa rets pulled away from their oppon-. Dauncey Mr Robert fisher, form- t min in year ofJy of Wyo €; a.l "agar- was very hearty• The 'of his. age. Deceased was-. a nativeMc,tcli,a aisBankers novation is popular our, in 1Vipt tt o cI ell came to this country' about forty-Sttanbury, five years ago, and finally settledin National Sanitariuni Association- Ileaman, Mr. Fisher came to Ex -Officers protein.'" Dr. Rollins, 'l'resi- Muir, 'Wyoming. i1 his home dent• :f,_:G-. Stanbury, Rev. Martin, skip 17. eter this spring and made ` e where in his feeble nese with his Y pass p chestra from the town band as- the 17thand.18tH ends the merch- 1 M William • .of the service 01d the congrega ion-' eats. ''1he pore Ls as" follows the:86th - .. - Leavi Westmoreland, En land Wand f.g Se MU el, Davi,, lfurilon, O'Nei:L Skip 1.3. ed at the be a c n ese t al will n crs n 1 v cion Exeter cr in Dr. Lutz Di. Ad o loh l'ai•1 health and declining strength here- Committee N. Dyer llutdon, Secy -: bowling, tournament at Goderich, on. ceivea everycare and attention..Treas. On. Sunday next sermons will August 9th. There will be no re - During the past month he was be preached in th e Presbyterian presentation at' the London tourna- closely 'confined to his bed, while church in the morning by lieu. Cllf- rnent as has been stated. slowly his life ebbed away. .the re- ton Parker, and in the - evening at 13.S. O Neil a.ti ended the Lawn mains were taken to Wyoming. on either Main el: James Street Met"- :13owling Tournaments, at - London, adist church,` and >a mass meeting on , Wednesday morning,;; accompanied l e h 5 this ecl . and laced in Monday evening' following, to` elect Mr. and Mrs. Dauncey p Y , . the family plot there. 9 officers, etc' Subscribe for the Exeter Tunes., STRATFORD. ONT. With a consignment of short Ica Georgia Pine.It makes t most beautiful interior finish any lumber on the market toda Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a better position th ever to supply our many custome with all they may require either fro shop or yards. Be. Iteepers 'Supplies ready delivery. Place your Orders for Tanks earl Estimates cheerfully given, sas Call in we like to see you. ret ROSS & TAYLO EXETER, ONT. Get et Aiter th -v. Bu . For the Best and Cheapest Paris Green l-Iellabore Blue Stone i &c &c ♦ It pays to get a business educa- _ o Browning's Drug StoreO ♦ tion and it pays to get it in our ♦ school. Our attendance this O year has been the largest in the o 9 history of this college. We have • placed more students in positions ♦ ©ld - es anyprevious .. this year- than in O p y year. • ♦ • W. J. ELLIOTT Fresident, o Made .•s!:• - _ Young♦ ••- ♦ D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal v A Write to .the ,College for a magnificent ♦ ♦ Catalogue. oo♦♦♦•♦♦•s♦♦♦♦••e♦o♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ( HOUSE KEXflL L HOLD DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk,Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -thy are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in the world,„ Try a package. All colors at C. Luiz, 'Exeter. Subscribe for the Exeter Times. 25c.; pays for the Times till the end of 1904 -for new subscribers only; F kFl *INF. Dim Eyes, d - Bri ht, I'can bringbackto youreyes, weak- ened ak- enedwith strain, a clear ;vision,:,,,.the: natural ease and comfort" ,!''twenty years ago. And why not? I make as specialty of sight testing, and use the latest appliances for this important work, Satisfaction guaranteed. Graduate of, Canadian College: of Optics. rownin Drug Store