HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-28, Page 4Et 1.1 EXETER T 1 M E S, J U L y 281h, 1904. A Connoisseur's Teo+, The tender top shoots of the tea plant, known. as °Orange Pekoe' are mainly used in 1ue Ribbon Tea, The "crOme de la crOme" of tea growths! The ntOst deRdois d tasty tea in the world. People who hnow,recOgnize this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon ea. The deous taste and fragrant aronaa Mean Inner excel - nee to them., 1itIOLLS131%113 I elueorpenated tee .iket of Parlianie x.$5,000,(100.01) pital ram no) ees 00,000.00 • ervect Fund. -* * • 2,850.000.QC, * "BritereesiuQutagl,. nuterta.DritistiVoianible And Nmituta.• EiXM91-.nR orel ery Inwital Dee lime V N.tta:r. ee. except Saturday le A. Forttiores* Soktgg, NotOtf3i Melted or collected. Forms ult Aorpeauon. 1)1tAF Ts en al rointain the Domittlete Great liriteta nett ee tater. Invent anil tole at. loweet ratea 9C excitation. W4NIN8 DIEPARTIVIENT pots -lees of 01%00 and upwards received. Interest, adedhalfeletexten, fled lidded to pritieleal June:ails. arse December titelleceinte o15. r.iuld anal Vigite•Z cUrreut rates nriaterest alleyed. VelitICOOLattikt to farmer% Stock dealers and busmess men at • •est ratto*to* mon, favereble. terms.. Aged Fi at Exeter for Done. Goverereesit. • toksort Carling. SolicitQrs. N. D. a vavoN, Manager. •••••••••••••••••104r......$0.******......•••••••••••• p in is jostified in. repelling thee dnerou and unteuteful stories that are aseodaten with Isis nam Nei merely is it ViS Tigixt to defen himself agairist the cluarges so rial- neiously presented, but it is Isis duty so to dolf an officer a higla Tank, of worlft-wide reputation ac- cepts in silence soda insinuations as nre made by the Ottawa Gevero- aent, he gives then* the color of Lru'th and this •in the intereate of British melon they ouglit met to tees.. The Exeter Time TtflitliDitin..., one. VirEDNUSDA.T... . THITV.SDAY - 1 te 15 2e. ell tilierunn.tx....... 2 0 13 2.3 July 1.904 3 10 17 24 4 11 IV 25. 5 12 18 20 4; 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 TiirltSDAY, LLOYD Q1OflOgTO TURRJSCUE It is not a. fact that Lovt litmenet- ahl has been "recalled" by, the imie perial Government. Lord Dunden- aid was lust sent here. by the Iv- I ial authovIties. but es= on lite in-' sttation elf the Government of Cersj ada. He cannot be revelled bn these* ;who did not send hint. Evzry 7011 ti - of Great and Geeeter Brit. in, every officer of the British Array and Navy, not on duty may reside where he plenses, enethe Government cannot order slide 'citi- zen or officer either to remaiu one place or toremove to anotiter. What. then, has heppenetli Tbe situation is made clear by tbe ies of incidents ae preeenteel shying the peer few weeks ann by the speeches in England. Wits n Sir ;Wilfrid Laurier despatched the in- sulting dismissal to the Scottish ot- ficer, that politician assumed that bis victim would accept the injue- lice in silence, and thet the people of Canada would acquiesce. fiat this eves a miscalculation. The General replied; and the people were with him. Then the Goverainenti open- ed a campaign against Lord Dun- donald, •with a view to ereating sentiment injurious to Id 4 Jr- puatiori. Tbie campaign. had L phases -none for Ontario and the other for _Quebec. We were told in Ontario that Lord Dunclonald had propoeed a ridiculous and expensive of titicatione, anil t3iut vts wellthe author ot sucb flM .bOU1d to. When it was a that t1s 51017 was; 1101 tflW wer aslze*J.assume that tnona1d was a very enlace °ner- d tb rzrni to believe th-st he done UOt1iUe in. South Arrion, anwhile Sir Wilfrid Laurier was • through bis press in Quebec. lie was making' ont that Lord Dun- donald was an "Imperiel Mennen" an enemy ot the Frenelt-Canadieue and an opponent of civil liberty Just so long as Lord Duudonald WOuld allow the politicians to slan der bite he was liable to Om sort of troalxseu. It happens the t ise entered a defence. When Js nsore iw geve &ft nee to en any steer could be made. Unable to meet this situation, the Minieters trans- ferred their .eampaign to London, hey zipproached llte imperial Gov- t, end implored hat legit authority to protect them by call - n upon the officer whom they have grossly wronged to abandon les defence and return to Engl end. While they have been time mov- ing tbe Imperial Ministers they have had the active sympathy of the anti-British and pro -Boer element. Thus we find W.T.Stead and Harold Spencer representing their views in the press, and Lloyd -George speak.- ing for them in Parliament. These three men are the most fanatinal and uncompromising "Little Eng- landeen" in the Britisb Ides. They are always ageinet their own country, and they are in nn especial degree the enemies of every man who fights rot the honor of Btitain who figlits for the honor of Bri - Min. While thee, the Laurier Gov- ernment. has boon urging the Imper- ial authorities to come to itshelp by- applying tbe gag to Lord Dun- donald, it hes had the Little Eng- land faction fighting along the same lince, and in opposition to :tree speech. Now r the result of theefran- tie appeals to Br•itein is, eot that Lord Dundonald latie been recalled, but that the Imperial Government has told the General that it does not think it would be prudent for bim to take part in a political agi- tation in this country. We believe this posision to be correct". It would not be well for Lord Dundonald to espouse a political side. AL the same time the Imperial _Ministers must bear in mind that a duty has be performed towards the Empire in the present situation. It has beeri remesented that an Itnperial officer has been "dragooning" Canada. It has been said that this "foreignar" has been unfelt to Frencb-Canadians It has been aliege.ci thee this office has tried to deprive eigi of our civil rights. ic tvollOd iit Lioyd-George and nee t teen to he ve, such a cousa tions page unanswered. It ' would 4 suit Stead and Spender to ill VC, flritisii PAS x 'bottle, misrepresented in ties coue- Alti=zeitiati for wininninneeineem , . • I) .1 I try. Jill It Li contrary Lo oreeee •••••••••••••••••••• Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; ked it with the only food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It „checks falling hair, makes the hair air VI groW, completely cures dan- druff. And it always restores colorto gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. " My Imir was Sillth5 out baSly awl 5 afraid 1Idould loot, It ell. Tllen IL tried Etzas Vigor. It' quteltly ,topped tlio fall log aStI' maple vrty buil, %III could wish it to be." RsgOcj,, E Ell 'both N q.1 ' AN ASTIINIATiC'S STORY TOLD -„ Sleepelss nights, seffocating sea- satious, difficult to even breatlati. "I can searcely describe eil I suffer - bed frora aStlinia." writes Mrs. E. Cavanaugle oe Colborne. " Spasms if cougeing would come on that made me -weak. Nothing did me any neocl until 1 used the fragrant, heal- ing eatarrliozoneJ auldelightedto resoulmentl this remedy which sur - e� of claronie agitate after steer - of good. playsician% had gtven, ui up Catarrhozone is better for as- , gives onicnee relief than any teed" I know of. My -cure is a serfeet Olie+. "Try CatarrItozone, it lever fails to OUVO stisun. VOM - Tete outfit $1.00r, trial size eee. the same in any court of competent eurisdietion, who publicly advertis- es a reward for the return of any property Maine has been stolen, or lost, and ia seal advertisement uses any words purpertbag that 40 ques- limas will be asked." The eerie fol- lows an old Englisle Aot passed many years ago, the object being to break -up a band of thieves who used to steal and thee renarn the goods to the owners for b. reward which they, were only to willing to pay in ord- er to reolatm their goods and at tbe sarae Uinta they abio undertoek not to prosecute and to as nO questions A few days after tbe above advertise anent appeared is the Free Press, plaintiff brought his action to re- cpver the peealty of $250, under tee under the code The judge found for the defendaot narehele on the ground that the plain - till did not allege or attempt to prove that the property mentioned n tee advertisement was or had been eitbor stolen or lost, DATES or FALL F W ster London DouiQn Winnipeg -.Jul don, Manitoba ..:Aug. T to. Industrial -Aug.808 hstet'C.a nada, Ottws 'it on, ... . sopt. 7 Sout h Perth, St nu ford ...Sept. 27.28 uortbvetern, ingMtm...Sent, 20-30 Central, Guelph , . .. .„, -.Sept. 20-22 W. MiddleseN, Strathroy-Sept.23-25 oreat N. W. Goderich Northern, Ailsa Craig Sept.27-28 Glencoe ... 4.01./1 %••••• 1547P t 2748 West Kent, Chatham Sept.27-2S possiBLY 1-01'11 WIPE Look so young and pr e used to; If her cheeks ate boUow and pale, if site is tired and UVOUS she needs Ferrozone, widelt Is noted for restoring the bloom of boaltb to sickly girls and woraen oupeioR quickl,v becalms rosy i1nritS rise. and strength increases dall). Health and vigor will sous reLurn to our wife or datoNitter if Farrozone is taken. it's the best tonic made, and costs 50e at drui.- pests . 111 t. () 0 GENERAL ELECTION NEAR AT HAND 11 is aftogetl tr likely, nos that the Imjeriul 1rivy Council bas giv- en judgment practioally dismitising the ;splice' of the provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward /a- loud against ihe reduction of their representation in the House of Com- mons, that the Government will be induced to hasten prorogation end prepare or a general election in the fall. While the ease was pending and the validity at the Redistribu- tion Act was in question the Gov- ernment could hardly risk bringing tha session to a dose while tbere was even it remote possibiliiy o a decision in favor of the appellants, Lor suds it decision have necessitated changes in the Redistribution Mt. Hence the ministers of laic heve been conducting the business of the House in leisurely manner that was most noticeable. Now that this question has been removed, we may reasonably look for a apeedy winding up of the session's bueiness, followed by dissolution and a son - test in the autumn. Fztllin . tete-mita to permit such falee eiitites tee be cultivate -1, end for his reaeou orcl.Thinderead, as a responsible A BLOATED STOMACH Distension and .pains front in- digestion are cured quickly by Nor- ville e. When you get an attack of stomach trouble take a stiff dose of Nerviline which is perfectly harmless but marvellously quick in effeetino, e lasting care. "1 .was once taken HI with stomach trouble writes Edward Rowell, of Rochest- "I was in great peen and distr ess but half a teaspoonful of Nerviline fixed me up in a few minutes. "I can recommend Nerviline for sick headache and cremps; and consider it an invaluable household remedy." Try it yourself. Price 25c. see ...rug EVILS or CONSTIPATION ARE Well known sndthent best thing. is to know a relabin ewe. Mrs. W, Eddies., of Stony Mountain, Man" says: "I/r, Ifamlitonie Pills are just the thing. They go rigid to mewls at owe. 1 'WV only Dr Handl-, ton's Pills," Price 25e per box; AN UNUSUAL ACTION AGAINST:; NEWSPAPERS Huron nd f e. rs 25 Harsh, live '1w:teethes are fest giving way to the gentle eetien and, mild oto" ot awes Little Liver Pills. 'Lf you try them they will certainly please you . The annual Sabbath seised and ngregational picnic of St. And- twe's churniu hayfield, lotik place en Wednesday the 27111 Inn.. at Mr. 8. Bouston's grove by the lake, For Cholera lgorbus, Cholera Tautum, Vrturip, Celie, Mamba -u. gyaeutery mut Summer ennipalintx Pr. ottlor44 Ext. -mot or vita Straw- berry' is a ;prompt, safe and sum cur* tlat hais been a pi4lu1e.r favorite for nearly 00 years. The body of Al „G. Richardson, tailor of Brussels was taken out of the harbor at Nincardine, on Ahem - days July 10111. Ile was last alive on the 12115 ot July, when took the wrong train from Win ham . A petition to the Mayor, at Se; forth, very numerously signed, has been gotten up asking that Wed- nesday, August 10111, he proclaimed a civic boliday. 11 is likely the Mayor will lssuo his proclamation in accordance t Iterew it It. If you bad taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have bad that coaled ton - Rae or bad taste in tbe mouth this tnorning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. Thom' was a pleasant gathi,ring at zho residence of Mr. Robert Willis, Seaforth, ou Monday evening, when the teaobers in Ow Methodist Sun- day saool and the members of the choir met to say farewell to Miss L. Willis, who meth her mother. lett on Wednesday for Detroit, where they will make their home in the future. Ws'itot ijJc weal her that's a fa,ulf It's yiier :system clogged with poison - pus maleaiiala, ;that inaithe you feel (bill, drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Burdock Blood Bitten% deer away al the poisona.purify and onrith your lal000d, makq you • feel height and vigorous. nudge Myers, or 'Winnipeg, has giv- en judgment in the County Court case of Kay vs, The Winnipeg Free Press Publishing Co. In the month of May the Free Press published inits advertising coin/eras an advertise- ment which recede -Ton dollars re- ward. Lost, red pocketbook contain ing letters, tickets, etc. No ques- questions. Apply Free Press office, The Criminal Code of Canada pro- vides under section 157 that "Eyelet! one is lieble to a penalty of $250 for each offence, „recoverable with costs by any person who sues for All Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat. • No wonder catarrh causes headache, Impair e the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom- ach and &fleets the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional -alterative and tonic. "I was ill tor '17Jur months with catarrb In the bead and throat. 'fad a bad cough and raised blood. I had become dR,- couraged when my lrgisband bought a bottir of Hood's SarwriaArilla and persuaded 11'as. to try It. I adyia/ all to take it. It ba, Cured and built m -s up." Mag. Peon Rt. boLexr, West Liscomh, N. S. Hood's Sarsaparilio Cure e catarrh -it soothee and etrenesi erail the mucous useetabrane and lentee up the Whole system. MiSs KELLER's TRIUMPH That Miss llelen Keller Amulet win the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Radcliffe College is a reason wliy Most persons who are not afflieted 55 ehe le should be rather ashamed a their limited, attainments. This young lady wise bas been blind and deaf frem infamy, has been able. to keep pace with her aelleolusates,who bare all tbeir senees intact. By the I mere cultivation of the seuse oI touch, Ness Keller has mastered tlae art of convereatioo, and is capable of speaking with lser venal organs. When all the difficulties in her patls are considered, the fact ant see hes gained an unusually high eduoation as marvellous , Iler example shows to what an e - tent refinement of delicacy of toueli and mentel sensitiveness to imprese ion may be developed. Many deaf mutes leave learned the oral method of communication, readily reading the lips of a spealser and 41so speak, ing witbout tee napeotone welch is natural to olio 'who cannot hear, Miss Keller, however, has not had the benefit ot sight, but has heti tot ain her fingers to read the move - 21101115 of lips and throat. Her ap-1 plication must have been selieendeue" while the patience end pereinacity teacher have been hardlyles he e atone- ing, Tresi ole is time nstead of a t e at unvarying darkeene, the iiar1ness 0E ignorance and help- tesq, the young wOMan bas re- s greater tbart aro those of most people. She has a fine literary taste; she 'has written verses which show skill As well as knOWledg ; the world of books is opeo to her; slie enjoys musi0 which she is unahle to hvir, but the vibrations of which "her great pleasure x she has In - friends with whom. she Con.. vorses easily . 11 is plata from her case like that at ths juggler, that people el:MMOVt". ly do net make anything like a fair or their powers. She has bad he advantage or her teechor's scien- Utic study of methods, but the hardest work has been her owes, There Is hardly a conceivable limit to the training whiolt the hands may eive and the senses may be made o do 'reside' greater service then mon by careful training. No at - pt is made to educate them, man- ' d being content with the eft - ion incident to living. A meeting of Temperance workers ers, of Clinton, was held in the coun- cil chamber. Rev. Greene presided and Mr. John Houston acted as secretary. After considerable dis- cussion it was decided that an influential deputation wait upon the council to ask that a local option by - leer be submitted to the people at the January election. With that object in view a vigorous campaign will shortly be begun. Thar el Imo form of kidney trouble rrom; n backaceeelown ,to Bright's disease, that Dotuns Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure.. If you: are troubled Nith any kind a kidney complaint givo Boanee Kiduey Pills a trial. The "Beavers" and Owen, Sound lacross teams battled for a decision on the Seaforth grounds on 'Wednes- day afternoon, for the senior cham- pionship of this 'district. On ac- count of the Wednesday half -holi- day the attendance was a leerge one Mid the result 5 to 3 in faror of lbe "Beavers" was popular. The play was rather draggy and hardlyinp to cliampionship form but at ttmes developed into brilliancy. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try them. Tuesday of lase.week was a_ busy day around the cattle yards in Sea - forth. Mr. Robt, Winter, Huron's Cattle King, broke therecord in Ibe way of large shipments: He shipp- ed twenty-nine cars, making a full train of as fine cattle as ever left Seaforth station. There were 4.95 head, being the largest shipment made at one time from Seaforth tit - ation and they were all purchased eyithin a raeies of tea miles of the town. • The elotiee of Refuge is adve.rtisihe for a new manager and matron to uedeetake the duties niter the New Year. The committee will find it mighty hard to get ones who will fill the position as well and as sat- isfactorily as Mr. and Mrs. French have done and they would, no doubt, be very pleased to retain their ser- vices, but ears. French has grown weary of hes' duties ant wants a te,,t and the council desire to have lira position filled by man and wife if possible. "V7herever there are isiek1 people with weak hearts and deranged nerv- es, iebures Beare and Nerve L.1l ; will he found an teffe,etual medicine They restore enfeebled, ene r va L exha meted.' devi La lized or 'over- work ed men and wonaee to vigorous heal- th. GET RID OE TEAT COVGIf. taTe rl.bo ninuMer roMee. Dr. Wgzotris Norway Bina Syrup conquer,s Coughs, oCids, Sore. Tbroatilloarse. nem, Bronchitis, and all DiseaGos ot the Throat and Lungs. GENERAL .NEWS.. Tbo T.11.0O3 and the Family flerald and 'Weekly Star will be sent to any. address in Canada or the 'Pealted. States till Dec. 31., 1901 for 75c. To take advantage of this offer you must subscribe at once. The. report • t t Bon, Clifford Sit - ton will go to Englund as Agit Commissioner to succeed 'Lord Stra- Oltenia is unfounded. Mr. • Sifton will continue looking after the in- terests at bis department. as hereto- fore. • • Al the Police Court at, lfaudIton 3. Atnberg Dundas tailor, NNW found guilty oe aiding and encourag ing the importation of foreign tabor Ile brought a couple of Russians Isere under contract from the 'Fla- iled States, paying the fare .ofene. Amberg tried to show that Freres Weaver, who preferred the °barge did it for revenge. The com- plainant's counsel declared that in- divieuel complaining was the only wee' of 'detecting those who im- ported aliens. Canada should have an inspector like the States has. This 'wss the Hilt case ever tried In that vicinity. and the heavy pen- alty was therefore not imposed. :Tee defendant was allowed out on sus- pended sentence upon paying all the costs. tlie kreVelohloPtcparationforAs andReti1a- sg thz Sloutachs stul flowels of ,...,••••••,,,, • PromolesDigestion,Cheerful ne5sandllest.Containsueithe OpunrUlorphine lior 'Waal 150T lg..4,:ac 0'11V. AW,FearcliirifriVaftlaPli=a 23 -"PG 41-4k* 1 lif.X4Rang oii R04414 %Pt '"' 114 fig#000•44* ,Nigemiwt - Ilimagig I. k itige$4tif . CeainN sR150P‘ s irgeorrOV t 1 114,acct Remedy for coma ion, Sour Stontach,Diarrho Norms,Convulsions.reveis 055 andi4Oss OF SLEEP Simile Sinotarc of , STOMA For 'ideate and Children": 11 The Kind You Ratio Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over, Thirty Yearsi;- STORIA -rmigt cogrAftg.' ;ow voym t eneeer oo OF fiAnenet. 44.rittr',4-'. The letter of Miss Mertley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that thousands of cases of inflame• tion of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. • "Deem Mess. Pienenem:--Gradual loss of strength and nerve force told me something was raclically vvrong with me. I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs, cramps and extreme irritation compelled me to seek medical advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble and ulcera- tion, and advised an operation. I strongly objected to this and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compel -and. I soon found that nay judgment was correct, and•that all the good things said about thie Medi- cine were true, and day by day 1 tet less pain and increased ,appetite. The ulceration soon healed, anti the other complications disappeared, ansi in eleven weeks I wad once more etrong and vigorous and perfectly well. "My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me."- Sincerely yours, Miss 1SIX.RGLICEll Mnnikr,EY, 275 Third St., t‘lilwariltee, Wia.--,$5000 forfeit If original of above Mtge probeggirmIneoposs cannot boigroglueet will hear of f 1 fisozuethiug to their ad vantage by writing t'o. - The Diabetic Insti- tute, St. Dunstan's 11111, London, E, C. NOTHING TO PAY. 101100011.111111a139111111311121IMMIPIIIIIIIIIII. 111101110111111M701.11111101.11181ellaillbit W,UfVFM7,4,(0.10) WESTERN FMR LONDON Active preparations are einder way fOr this year's Exhibition to beheld September 911 to 17115. The rrize List has just been issued and is now in course of circulation. The Secre- tary. informs us that he will be pleas - t3 ntfil one „ to any who has been overlooked, on receiving their address. Liberal premiums are of- uggies! Buggies!: Bo yiu Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in tam:, feted. open to all, and fairly dis. all the latest styles, in the newFs tributed among menY departments, eomprising about every conceivable J Our prices arelow as CAD be foarn. industry, a large portion going to tor first-class material and workman, *ler& Ship, the live stook &teens. The condi- tions, rules and regulations are eon- BEFORE YOU BUY vertiently arranged so that any one GALL fAND 8EE U6. can easily understand teem. The improved entry form willies Was R originated by the Western Fair willI j usse I 4 appreciated by the exhibitors, as it . saves time and avoids enista.kes. Contracts have been .let for a Finpular Stallions used again -this year. It is mucli • 14ivo Doors South TOWD Hall. L" Lit new Dairy Hall, which will be com- pleted in time for the opening oE the Fair. The building will cost $10,000 and will be of first-class constric- tion throughout giving a floor space of 8.500 feet. The Demonstrating Hall is well equipped with up -to date appliances for demonstrating the manufacture of butter and cheese. Butter -making competitions for both professional and non-pro- fessional butter -makers will be held daily during the Fair. The portion of the building set apart for exhib- its will be suitably fitted up with refrigerator cases for butter and cheese, and platforms and stands for dairy mathinery, including cream separators, churns, etc. In fact everything in connection with- this departinent will be in keeping with the -importance of London as the centre of one of th ebest dairying sections in Canada. -- The removal of the Dairy Depart- ment from the old Dairy, Agricul- (ural and Horticultural Hall provid- es very much more room for agri- culture:1 and Horticultural products and will tend to better the excellent displays of past years. Manufactures and Arts building It is'conficlently expected that the will be largely filled with exhibits of proeesses of manufacture of goods made in London. Leading artists will be represented in the Art Gal- lere-a better display than ever is anticipa ted. The list of attractions is about complete, and we are assured it is ie best yet. The speeding in the- • ring, always a feature of the Wes- tern Fair, will this year with enlarg ed purses, be more attractive than ever. The people of Ontario have al- ways shown the highest appreciation for the Western Fair, and we feel that, in wishing them a prosperous future we but express the senti- ments of everyone in this section ot the province. ;,;(0th, Messrs. Eawden 411;;ADeinell'eether- ouglahbred Shire, Cliideadale and Hacks ney Stallions will: stand Ur theim.--- iplriuve•mtetrkt1 !of utozie this seasen at peek own. tsbaibles, Exeter. CANONGATE No 10521, elydeisdole" at their own et ble, Exeter,' 515 1.0, in2:11'0tre. LTON 'WILLIAM No.'21675,- Shhiee, a beautiful grey, will, ceased a't their' etatblesiExerteir, 815 'Lo in.. 13131.,LER, No. 7382, a thhoroughbredi Hackney S,taltion, will Sitand at their sbaible, Exeter, $15 to insure. THOMPSON,Manager. BAWDEN eellIcDONELL Pre ` leollowing closely upon the resigna tion, of Rev. Mr. Fate, rector of St. Paul' s Palmerston is losing- - another popular pastor in the de- parlutre of Rev. Mr. Jones, of the Baptist church, wlao has accepted a eie call to the church at Pet.rolia, tofi unanimous call from the congrega- tion The church at Petrolia is re- corded as a. fine $15.000 edifice, with 800 members, and a free manse at- tached. EXETER MARKETS Wheat rer butthell .... 88 to 90 r Oats new • . . 29 to 31 Barley ..... • ..... 88to 39.- Butter ...• .. 13 16 to 16 eie IE1L X AL e Pork live weight . S1.60 to $1,60 Ileazi the Signature of The Kind you Ha" Always Boot til”ark Dressed e6 25 to $6.14 2..5 urkey Ae4ezi Ducks Chicken •