HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-28, Page 2LONELY LIFE OF A KING SORROWS OF THM-• EMPEROR. OF AVS'IditIA. Truth of Shaleespaare's Words; 4 "trae-asY LIes the Head Th.s.t Wears a Grown," An old, lonely man, Seveaty-twc. year of unreleotiog toil hove whit- otted his lir toed bowed his broad shoulders, and it evould ohoost seexn tbat the malignant fate e had exhaus- tea themselves in heaping catas- trophes upon him n'ht he is It -Ma'- am; soverelool lord of a, mighty ewe e. AIL the sweets which princely blood vreet 1.v.s bring in their train #utve beeu his from ids youth op. Men and women fawn tipon ser Tants sped their lives In anticipat- ing' 91 -IS slightest wish. He need only give the word, mid the ends or the earth would be scoured to obtain for him whatever it is xi the power of man to desire. But be does not it the luxuries nnd glory of this wenn& Oue thing only he deeires— deratn. Suit. a mart is Pratte Josef, Eta- peroe of At:stria, Apostolic King O f Henegary, Xing of Itokternia, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, of Jerusalem, and the bearer of over a hundred titn les ranging from •e pt. to count, d ruler of forty rn lns Of mile - est oy t uWl hee e scho ht went t the hingly craven ii let of thorton surely the Mos rest ingeplares. FRANZ JOS Iris teem one lo ranotr. alld more titan eny other living man. Must apPreolate the sinist•-r truth of Shakespeare's wOrd3, "Uneasy lies the head that WiNtrii erOW11." In himself the most. reckless of brave uteri. nothiag but de;eat 144.9 ben hi lat. battle. At. Solferiutt, Sailow 1114010d, and a long list of other plaves. teething but hunitliotion and disoster net his forces. And who but one born and bred a soldier eau know the full" bitterness of this? Ile has triefr harder than cow other ;ler to govern bis country wisoly I well; but on all aides nothing butbasest ingratitude And foulest ult, and, wben possible. the most ojen dellanee, bore net him. And i but a king eau Ihnow the sharp anguish of tbis? By nature he is an ensely de- elleetio mart; but here again life bas held. notihing for him exrept heart- breal.ing sorrow. Ms wife has fal- len it Vietinl to an assassin. Ills firstborn son died by hi; own hand, after eastsing hint unutterable Inieer,y for fliteen years. Another son, as the result Of a quarrel alth his fa- ther, renounced his rank, mid went to aro. as a etelitniOn eallor, never to be heard a again. Ifis dansOters and other' feminine relatives have caused him UNSPEA.KABLE SORROW by disobeying him, and even flagrant- ly ignoring the common convention- alities of life. And who but a father, the head Of an Tame/lel house, can know the sharp sadness of this? And yet he appears to ,:ia.ve done little to deserve so much of sorrow. In spite of every 'lemur:tattier& to sur- render hie:ascii to a life of luxury and ease, Franz Josef always fared as eimply as the poorest of his subjects while it IS certain that he has work- ed muck harder than any of them in trying to do his duty. Bilt in seek - beg the bread of his country's love filo hos bitten upon the sharp stone of ingratitude. and this must be his lot till the end comes. Poor, lonely old man! It is given to few to know the blazing glory. of a mighty throne; but to fewer still come the bitter dregs of such despnir and =leery as you have known. Life, they say, has its com- pensations; but Fate is a frolic, and has laughed at you in bitterest ir- ony. She has poured every lux.ury into your hands, and left your heart erapty of the bareet comforts. The poorest and most needy of your sub- jects need not envy you your place, for there is none but you that has not someone's love and trust. And yet bis death, whicb Franz Josef so ardently desires, will as- suredly shake Europe to its founda- tions when it occurs. The succes- sion the throne is in dispute, the subjects .are in revolt, and the neighboring Powers look with greedy edres upon the territory. But the Poor old man needs not the glower- ing. signs. All he wants is the rest which death alone can give. CHANGE3D HER MIND. The young man had been sumaimon- ea for assault, and after the charge had been read over to him the mag- istrate, who was a somewhat pom- poue indiiidual, said severely : "Young man, the charge against aou is that you tried to kiss this young lady against her will. What have you to say for yourself?" ••Only this, your Worship," replied the prisoner, who was just as good- looking a young man as one could meet in a huedred days' journey, -"taat I am exceeding sorry, indeed, k 'hat I was unsuccessful. When I .r.e, upon the lovely face and the Ups of the young lady who no Ie charge, I feel that, if rosy quecessful in my attempt 0."( would have paid any 111,1 olalnielioaric, :13,,,,:!.:76:th,ou:estv'cr,ech._-'rdgetsp.,:r•-,:e.-, 74: the 15 court,ti eand:n h -3ssed oler hen the complainant' mind, "'Your woiship, if you don t arge Should. like to withdraw tine cle. a go in st th is gentle -anon ' erxipha- There was an unraistaleable ea She last word, and the Monis- ss ate, smiling to the off:ail-de, allow- ) the -your.g man to bc• dietharged, mast's fnults, e sYrmIlY- e. trith man. eccentricO- 4-4-4-4-4-44+4+++++++++++++ .YOUNG 4 + IT FOLKS 44-44-4-f.++++++++++44+4+41. THE MOO -COW -MOO. 'My pa ileid me up to the enoo-cow moo So elost I could almost touch, En I fed him a couple of times, or two, Eo 1 wasn't a fraid-cat—much. "But ef uy papa goes into the house En mantilla ehe goes in. tote just keep still. like a, little mouse. Per the moo-taew-moo might moo 'The moo -cow -moo's got a tail like 4 rope it's raveled down where it grows, En it's just like feeling a. piece ot SOAP All over the U100-coVe Mesa. the MOO -CAW -MOO has tete of fun Just swinging his tail about: Cn he open e his moutit aud then I 'Care that's that's where the moo eollieS t "E.0the mocaeowe his heOd. En his eyes stick out of their piac di the nose of the Moo-eow-moo spread All over the end of his face, trick he once played on one of these animals. "I was hunting osteiches," lie says. aent o nerd ite the tavine the bird disappeared, ond I was about to fol- low lt, when, by the merest chance, I loonect behind xao axid to my Sur- prise mad horror saw that a large lion was not over seventy yards lie - hind me, and evidently stalking me as carefully as 1 had beeu stalking the bird. "If I could, have gained, a tree should certaioly have climbed it in a hurry; but xio tree was mar. To make a run for it would have brought the lion upon me at mice, kept steadily along the edge- of the ravine till 1 caueo to a place that prooliend ehelter; it was a drop of four feet to a ledge about thirty inehee wide, and afterwards a per- pendiculer cleeeent of fifty or sixty feet, terminating in 0, quantity of broken bOwlders and jagged stones. "With as little aoPearenee of alarm. as I could essence I sat down u the edge of the precipice, ever and anon takieg ig. careful gimlet) be- hind to see where my foo was. About twenty rods beldnd me were a, few raged bushes. Behind tbese the lion bad taleen elite/ter, and wen keeping a earelleSurvey upon myl 111ANITOIJLIN OLN I What shrunk your woolens? Why did holes wear so soon? DO HEE PART' You used COMMOIl soap. SHOWING THE GOOD WORBI DODD'S KIDNEY 11.17t.g ARE DOING. Mrs, Thomas' Reunley One 0# Many who Pound 'Health in t44 Great Canadian Kidey Remedy._ Silver Water, Manitoulin Island '1.1115r 33.—(Std),—Every part of', Canada seethe ms to be testifying to good work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing and there is oar reason why, .Manitoulin Island shoold not do her part. Ttjany a, man and 'woman here: 'blesses them for wales relieved awl; l'/iebaletsha;_ eterecl. Take for instasacet 'the Case Of Mr. Thomas Rumley.i s "I doctored for years and did not :seem to get any better. It seemed_ Ito be my kidneys that was the trou- 'bie SO thooght would try Dodd's° Kidney Pills and they helped me very ca "very Inevemerit- Darknesg Was rap- 'taken for inyS3ItYPwma t olsieienenier wbint‘h'5-" idly coining on when I slipped from :put them sod whenever I don't feel' ply seat and dropped down to the ht I take a few, My heshancl 414 d nd hung it on xmorl° Qr ifistil them a spiendtd menicine t , tisket. and shoved it up carer 'Adde balld oper ledge where 1 bad so lotelv , • Dodd's -Kidney Pills are the greate "IdlesaittnteillT•was tide dente when MY k ue laistat,i, 3 s IBe 0 ike so tokee them once fo a while. 5 his feet is nothing but naile Ea his mamma do lie gives folks ni E e don't beep I nee,,er 't neer: 111;watetapail de ,s :hut. "'Cause ef you er me pi 1 le lizui- tfles. why The moo -cow -moo says it t s ; But time hired man he sits clown clost by Eu squirts, en squirts, en gti NPERIENVE A LION. . it seems. take to man -eat- " as a means of self-ilefem. they become too old to be foz the oilci prey, the flavor which they so mama prefer. Old esiare that they never knew to "stalk" a morn that, ns a I ey rather 'turn up their s eivilized flesh, and are lore or less easily diverted frorn the scent. In "Days and Nights by the Desert" Porker anihnore tells us of a ou ALL OVER THE ORLI). Dodd's Kidney Pills Riuding Their Way I:ato Every Oivzlized Country. the little chickens into it, high and looks like a baud printing then- lle press, it makes records on the roll Wlzile ()jammers are ditaamung da carried them off to an empty oat - of paper attached to the machine - bin in the barn where there Was ' get a firmer foothold in the British „ania of man; den deem to 1„„ Made through power gained from the znarliets. there is one Canadian pro- Lai;`,",rt. '"'" rolling of the wheels of the car over duet that has got away ahead of the, al eat, mental, wdaa i\r, Al- the track. The paper is unrolled by agitation and now measures its tuar-12anIsIlit, out to tbe ba7in to'. toll ket front the Baltie-wenhed. shores of Arthur to hunt for sonee—eidi. car. a shaft attached to the axle of tbe Tile paper is tlhus moved slow- ly as the ear travels. Suspended over the paper are a number of glass tubes, each eontaining red Mk. They are really glen's needles that makes a eoritinnOtte mark on the paper. There is one needle for each traele, one for the gauge of the rails. an- other to measure the distonee the ear IS travelling, These needles are all connected, firet, by shaft attach- ed to the side, and then by delicate ;mei:anises attached to the shaft. If the ear is travelling aver a perfect level trnek, these glass needles make a straight line, lf there is an undu- lation in the track. of a fraction an inch, the sensitive mechanism. wavers, and the line beeorries broken. this respect the doctors of the end- that a young girl, barely of age, record for the best road -bed in Am - Since no track is perfectly level, the ent home of civilization are reading eliould be in n. sense responsible for a lesson in frankn • t the bloodlled in the struggle be- erica. is wavering. When the undulation or brealc in their brethren of the Anglo-Saxon the fact that she szapplied both pow- ers with practica.Uy all of their guns. The young woman in question is aline Krupp, who, on the death of her father, became chief proprietor of the. world-ftemed Krupp Works, at Essen, Germany, and likewise be- eaoae the wealthiest woman in the world 4est familv medicine of the age. They', coat was turn away and uw gun 'art he taken by yeung or old with; burled to the bottom of the gully. But they did uot go olone. No; no: aesailieut was with them, and there lie renmoined ell night, grunt - Whig over his ilisapPointment ot not %living roe for supper. "A colder niglit I never pain but I had to nude° the.best ef In the morning found my aesallan bad eniatelled Eis fore leg in bis The muehet was not Much injured, end I soon ended Ids suffering. " AN ADOPTED TER. ,nrthur Allan Wie, Try ten rted little hoy, an there wer S in Lis eyes when he came IMO itcheo (me morning, carrying in ruts a big brown hen winch bad tuu over by liay-wagon and • 'perfeet safety. They cure all loclneY ,uilinents and nine -tenths of tbe =nese of the present day springs frotd ;had kidneys. S T AILS, DIachine Which Provic3.es for Safe- ty of Travelless. American railroad development has reaelwd the poirit where a man can sitcomfortably in a private cor cosi recorded on paper before rs imperfection of the rails over t It be is riding, soys W000ls ". Twenty yeses ago. a ireck r with a. hanuutir polio -ea the o -ties to find out this same thing. The track walker's work and much "What become of Brownie's more is now done by the dynograph, little chic. mama?" he asked, a mechanism 'which not only records "They am outinder a currant-busla, the CleViaii0118 the rails make from all 'peeping' for their mother." Mrs. Allan went out in the gam - with Arthur to look at the poor little chickens. There were tbirteen of the yellow, fluffy little thiege, and tbey were only tbree days old. nuieln't eald Arthur. tate euro of them myself." Ile broUght a basnet, and put all a straight and level line, but auto- znatically computes these deviations in feet and inches. It is the inven- tion of Dr. P. II. Dudley. The in- vention is attOehed to his private car, which hos been his home for fifteen years. The dynograph tests mils, It is a machine 42 inches nniarn o where the sun ellats; stopped at the oat-hin to look at the off the pyramids ia the land of the 'motherless little chickens. roaeae 10 I Pharodhs- Thut PurelY Canadian one currier of the bin hung the big product is Peold's hidney Pale. feather Oster., tend gathered under Among the letters 'that dome in It weer, all the little chickens! 1 the daily mail of The Dodd's Medi- "I thought the duster could be a eine Co., Limited, there are those mother to them, mania," said Ar - marked with the stionos of almost thine every country in the world. A couple So Mrs. Allan let the duster hong titat came in tovther the other in the bin, and the thirteen little morning shows how the fame of the chickens gathered 'under it until -Choy great Canadian Kidney Remedy has wire old enough to roost on a bar. spread. One is from Den/nark and —+ tihe other was peneed by a true son EMB PASSED V/ITII RICHES. of the Prophet in the eMee of the — Minister of Vinnnee, Cairo, Egypt. Heiress of the Krupp Dlillions Has It is noticeable that in the case IVIany Worries. of the Egyptian Dodd's Kidney I'ills were perscribecl by his doctor. In It is one of tile grim ironies of fate - tween Russia, and Japan, owing to rate. The latter would probably have preeeribed Dodd's Kidney Pills but utierl another name. But however that may be, the fact remains that wherever men are found there is Kidney Disease; and that no matter how or where Kid - neer Disease is found there is a de- mand for Dodd's Kidney Pills—the one remedy that has never failed to mire it. The letters referred to are as fol- lows; They are naturally interest- ing reading for Canadians. DGIDTS KIDNEY PILLS IN EGYPT The Dodd's Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs,—I ihave been suffering for some months from a Kidney Complaint. Time doctor who attend- ed me hob recommended xne to take your pills, "Dodd's Kidney Pills." After two boxes I got some relief. But, unfortunately, I have not been able to go on with the treatment, beitg unable to fixed any Pills in Cairo. The Chemist who sold me the two boxes lia-s informed me that lie sent an order for some, and has been keeping me waiting for over one month This is the reason why I am writing to you to have the good- ness to send me by return of post six boxes for which I will pay as soon as I receive them from the post. Kindly let me know at the same time where your branch ageney in Egypt is to be found. Thanking you in anticipation, 1V101IAMED le ACHED, "Immeubles lams de l'Etat", Office, of the Minister of Finance, Cairo, Egypt. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS IN DEN -I MA , The Dodd's Sledieine Liraited, Toronto, Ont. Dear 'Sirs,—I warit to purchase six boxes of Dodd's I<Idneer Pills, but I don't know exactly where to apply, at Toronto; Donald or London: I suppose the can be sent by express er registered Mall'from, and of these neee. Please advise me of how eeened in oreler to get the pills to Pre- 'thout aistalo yourseete eh - J. P. ST-MONSON, Viborg, y, elfax5d., d- Denmarlz The heiress seems to have inherited some of the family, capacity for in- dustrial organization, for she takes the greatest pride and delight in su- pervising the work of the different departments, and declares that at some future time she will have gain- ed suf&cient experience to take an ac- tive part in the direction of affairs. Meanwhile her interference in buei- ness matters is limited to passive supervision. but she takes a more active part in controlling the man- agement of the numerous auxiliary departments of the establishment. The school's for the children of her employes and the hospitals for the care of the sick receive regular visits from her, and she has a sharp eye for defects of all kinds. Knowing human nature, it is hard- ly surprising to find that Miss Krupp's employes ine not appreciate her good qualities, and charitable ways. Living in Miss Krupp's hous- es, sending their children to the schools, applying to her hospitals when they or their faxteilfes are sick, attending her churches, drinking beer in her restaurants, buying meat from her slaughter houses, flour from her mills, bread from her bakeries, and bats and clothes from her stores make them feel that they are her serfs, and not free-born, laborers. Miss Tdrupp's charitable disposition has become known to the general puelie in Germany, with tlie result that she receives on an average, over 200 purely begging letters .a :day, and over 150 letters daily en - tenting her to grant some position in the works to some worthy young man. She also has, to undergo some of the inconvexiiences which ere general- ly confined to emperors ar,d kings. 1 -ler vast wealth and the ownership of an entire city make her a likely target for anarchists' bullets, and her eriends are in constant terror of assansina,tion, For tbis reason her guardians nave insisted on her being coatinually guarded by a special corps of detectives, who are always In her vicinito, the level of the track is one-eighth of ati inch or more, the mechanism opens a hose attached to a can of blue paint on the tracks, tbe paint is splurted on the rail and the de - feet is thus plainly marked for the section gangs. Every time the paint litXDUCES nx7szasz RAU Ter the octagon Ear. ••••••••••••T•-••, , ••••vv-"-••••••••••••••, is thrown on the track a mark is Made by the glass needle, giving a record b,y which to check the work of these track repairers. At the end of a test trip a perinan- ent record. of the real is made and copies printed for the various meth- anical departtnents of the road. By this record the rood isapprised of the actual condition of its road- bed. VALDE OF AN ANOESTOR. "Why are you losing sleep and ex erting your energies to win fame land fortune?” asked the man who avoids enthusiasms, don't know exoctly," answered 1;tlie man with a passion for work, °I 'suppose my reword 'will eonte in Ins store generations when sons° young !moo is enabled by say previous ex- 'ertiOns to wear a monocle and say 'By Jove' instead of working," DARK BLI3E, OITTPFON HA,TS. There is quite a. rush now for the small hats or turhaus made of side - ed chiffon. dark blue in tone. These aro speedily picked out from the groups of hats on, loillmers' stands and the shop windows. The color is not necessarily navy blue, but should, if possible, be an exact match for the tint of thee skirt 1' eostume, be it admiral, hyaeinthe em brighter blue material, RACE DONE? Not a Bit of I's A man who thought his race was run triode a food find that brought him back to perfect hrnith. "One year ago I was -unable to perform any labor in fact was told by my physicians that they count do nothing further for me. I was fast stinking away, for an attack of grip had left ray stomach so weak it could not digest any food sufficient to keep me alive. "There I was just wasting away, growing thinner every day and weak- er, really being snuffed out simply because I could not get any nourish- ment from food. "Then neer sister got after me to try Grape -Nuts food which had done much.good for her and she finally persuaded me arid although no other food had done me the least bit of good my stomach handled tlie Grape - Nuts from the first and this supplied the nourishment I had needed. In three months I was so strong I moved from Albany to San Francis- co and now on my three meals of Grape -Nuts and cream every day I am citrong and vigorous a.nd do fif- teen hours work. "I believe the sickest person in the world could do as I do, eat three meals of nothing but Grape -Nuts and cream and soon be on their feet again in the flush of best health like "Not only am I in perfect physical health again but my brain is strong- er and clearer than it ever was on the old diet. I hope you will write to the namee I send you about Grape -Nuts for I want to see my friends well ad streng. "Just think that, a year ago I was dying but to-dcy, although I am over 55 years of age most people take me to be less than 40, and feel just as youeg as I look." Name given by Postexe Oo„ Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Look for the little book, "The to Wellville" in each pkg. OT WEATJUbR DANovals, rew.t.rtic. 017314 a It411,41 1111144414 OR WOK ;if, glra ../X0e0 • I LOWER PRICES f USE BETTan 9iim.rrY OAN Ela HAD IN Pas, Waf sh Basins Milk Pans, Arty Firet•Class Grocer. Can Oupply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. .•-••••••••••••••••••• Eggs,Butter Apples Potatoes Poul Left 1•14 have your consienarat;,1outotototrigond opfritchere. articies and we will g THE DANHON COMPPIISSION CC): Limited or Vent Market anti Ootbern eta. TORONTO. "Woman," said the dejected young "is a disappoiutment and a. Ifra.ud." "Indeed?" apOke Otle lietetee er. "Yes. I saved up alt PNY ham money and lived, on porridge two weeks to treat Miss Truelove to the opera ond 13. supper. Then I lasked her to marry me, and site said lhoeutwaakargoodsaafahiwba lIwastonotte,,,xtravagant For Over .SiXtY YeArl Wgtist sof:franca ereee tap bank usel then for tiatIr ehiiiken !little teething Ud.roftene thogiluni. arsnaln. enrol atea nnentch met Lowela. see titba months At this ittle QIme$ 410 cluring the .11,04 ety other season. tornaelt and bowel troubles assume their most danger- OnS Sons, and sometimes a few hours deley ia the moats the loss of a little life. Beby's Own Tablets is the heat medicine in the world to prevent, these troubles, or to cure them if they attack the little one unexpectedly. Every motber Should bove a, box of these Tablets in the house—their prompt USe Mae' savea, child's life, Mrs. Arthur Cote, St. Fortunat, Que., says: 19Siy little one Was greatly troubled with colic and bowel trouble, but since Using Baby's Own 'In.blets the troll - bas disappenred, untl she is grow- ing nicely And IMS good health." These Tabletare guarauteed to con- tain no opiates, and are safe for a new born baby or a well grown child. Sold by all medicine dealers or Fent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Sir!" exelaimell the injered party, "you stuck your urabrella into my eye," "Ob, no," replied the cheer- ful offender, "you are mistaken." "Mistaken?" denaanded the Irate man. "You idiot, I know when my eye is bort, I guess." "Doubtless," replied the ebeerful fellow, "but you don't know nty umbrelln. I bor- rowed this one from a friend to- daydt How's This Wo offer One Ifundred Dollars Iteward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Dell's Catarrh Cure. * J. CIII•INEY• & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have known, F. J. Cheney or the last 15 years, and believe hint perfectly honorable in all businees transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Arne WALDINO. KIINTNAN &MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo', 0. Haire Catarrh Cure Is taken internal- ly, acting directly upoa the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price,75c. per bottle. sold by all Druggists. Take Family Pills for consti- pation. THE PENALTY. Kipling once described the. Sunday morning service of a battleship on which he took a cruise, It was a very well -attended service, every sail- or not on duty being there, and after it was ovpr Kipling said' to one of the jackies, "Are you obliged to at- tend these services every Sunday morning?" "N-n-eo," said the sail- or, "not exactly obliged, but our grog would he stopped. if we didn't." TAKING NO RISKS. The following matter-of-fact ad- vertisement. recently appeared: "Wanted—A really plain, but ex- perienced and efficient governess for three girls, eldest eighteen. Music, Frendh, and German required; bril- liancy of conversation, fascination of manners, and symmetry of form ob- jected to, as the father is much at home and there are grown-up sons. Jack—'`Why wouldn't she marry you? She loves you to distraction. I know it, because she told me so." George --"She insisted on my prov- ing that I am not already raarriecl because she says there is a great deal of bigamy nowadays. Well, it is easy enough to prove that one is married, but how the dickens am I to prove that I azrz not?" - make some other woman a good husband. could you—er—give Me a letter of recoMmendation to my next plaeeent it is his he lo o m ateliSigertittie Avner." Si 10 whme whe per loses Lever's (Wise Bead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any borne. It disinfeets and cleans at the same time. A man's success depends on what he does with his failures. There is only one Genuine Fly Pad; that's Wilson's. Avoid poor imitations. She (eored)—"No, adr. Lytely, I Can never love you. •I honor and re- spect you. I am sure you Would keep Minerd's LillifflOrit in the Hulse, It pays to buy the hest, and Wil- son's Fly Pails are the best fly kil- lers ramie. Altgough water t iuboclentlng It mattes barrels tight. .4. bnahel of files have actually been killed by one packet of Wilson's lily Pads. No other liy kilier com- pares with Wilson's. IT IIS) A msTorty. rather a unique Ash- tray of yours, old mon. Where did you got it?" 13 --"Well, there's a little history atta.checl to that. You remember an apple -tart I,told you ray wife made seem after we were married?" A—"Yes." 13 --"Well, that's the crust. My dear wife has often tried to smash It, but She can't." Baddeck, June 11, ISM C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs.—MINARD'S LINIMENT is my remedy for NEURALGIA. It relieves nt once. A. S. MeDONALD. 6.41wgeowl•Ww.sorat VERY SOOTHING. The driver of the stage, which was rolling down. the Rocky. Mountains as fast as six mules on the gallop could keep ahead of it, may have noticed that I was (writes a correspondent) a, little nervous, for after a bit he soothingly, said "No use to grip that railing so mighty hard, stranger. 'We shadn't come to the danger p'int for a while yet." "Then its still ahead?" I queried. BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works •trell both on etaelso alto In Wow: isnloade an kinds of hay and grebe either 10060 aria shaaves. Setulfortataleaas to Kt DUO-JAVAN & CO., Ingersoli3Out, It is worth 110 cents to clear your house of flies, and one packet of Wilson's Idly Pads will de it. You should keep, your old lave -let- ters. One, of the famous Lord Nel- son's has just been sold under the. hammer for $5,130. Mines Liniment lased !II Physicians inil-OVEROOATI— Sult4 weal 190X hatOecbied, 11 Ii egtirt ours in rein 1.4111. irittI dime, dloom41, 5aT ITI8111 AVARRIOAN OTRINO 00, 1107:121tIZAlit HAUNTS AND GADItl Attractions tor Sportsmen on 'the Line of the Grand Trunit. OranTrunk Itailway company, bus iSSUed t handsonle ptibileation# proluseiy ilditi:tvrritiptteldvo loViitithilettlfin41010110 Attractive localities for sportstuen oa their line of railway. Many at tile regloos reached by the Grand Trunk Egon to have been specially prepared for the delectation .of mankind, and whore for a brief period the cares of business aro cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not oul,y ilo the "Iligblands of Ontario" present unrivalled facilities for both hunting, fishing zu3d camping, but the 30,000 ells.1,anniddsea.: it::: (alenodrg Thou* and mild Islands and St. Lawrence Div. John, and the many attractive 10 ealitles in Maine and New ITIAMO'i. Silire, present equal opportunities for health, pleasure end sport. MI these localities are reached by the Grand Trunk Itaihvest System. and on trains unequalled an the continent., Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que- bec, New Hampshire and Maine fish and game laws are inserted in the publication for the guidance of sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail- way has also issued descriptive il- lustrated matter for each dbstrIct sed- arately, which are sent free on ap- plication to the agents of the Com - pony and to Mr. .T. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, G. T. Bo Union Station, Toronto. "Ot what age do you consider women the most charming?" asked the inqUisitive female of more or less oncertain years. "At the age of the; Woman who eskes the question," an- swerecl the man, who was a diploma - INDIAN ETIQUETTE. A leiter sent to a native Prince in India is often a very elaborate af- fair. The paper is specially made for the purpose and is sprinkled with gold leaf. Only the lazt few lines Of the somewhat lengthy docinnent contain the purport of the letter, while the remainder is made up of the -usual roundabout axed comotlimen- eary phrases. It i8 felled in a pe- culiar way, with the flaps outward, and plaeed in a muslin bag, and this latter into one of crimson and gold tint. witha slip -knot of gold thread, attached to which is a ponderous seal. The address, written on a slip of parchment, is attached to the outsititobass These details are very important for. polite letter -writing in India, and if any orie of them were omitted it would be an insult to the person addressed. Mioard's UAhI1CRI for sale everywhere "Sir," said the haughty individual with the anbarbered locks, "there is poetry in everything." "I'm sure there is," rejoined the village editor., "Even our stove is full of it!" The cheapest Ply Killers made are Wilson's Pads and they are sold everywhere. Beware. imitations. Small Tommy—"The teacher want- ed to box my ears this morning.". Grandma—"iiow do you know he did'?" Small Tommy—'"Cause he wouldn't have boxed 'cm if he hadn.'t wanted to." Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians NVE/eLTII 11AS NO CHARMS. Fred—"There are times when I care nothing for riches --when I would not so much as put forth a hexed to re- ceive Inittie--"Indeed! 'Mat roust be when you are tired of the vidt and its struggles and vanities—when your soul yearns for higher and nobler things. Ts it not?" you are wrong." "Then when is it?" "When lin sl " 1 .... Summer CrOV1 A croupy emech is a .dengereus tin for the little folks M summer time. Th fever that tietempanies it is liable to mum serious illness. , Give them Shili)119s ConsuEnption CureThe. Lung Tonic • ' - I It is pleasant to take, will cure them , qnickly end has em unpleasant after effects. ', At all drueelsts, .254 100 And $1.00 a bottle. ....,,,,,==,....-,grivin•=••••••............,....-i--'''' ' ISSVZ ,X11,,, ,39-444.