HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-28, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEArt---Xo 19
HURON- ..gfpOL.K.SgX..
. Solo: f1oolit.S•01.tho Ton tor t116.1torOvon:
tincrson 's D0110:18: -
..86t1110 FOr607.filAIp
This is the only katup manufactured that has no leather,
suckers, and regime no packing or packed joints of any
Always Primed and Never
We also handle all kinds of pumps, both
Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps.
Cat Iron and Steel Enameled, atvanled Stec
Cast Iron Painted. .
tleusall Farquhar
Q. J.Sut,herland, Notary Public,. Convoyan While Nellie Stoner tee
a •-•
--Mr, Frank Dwidle spent S i
eenCemmissioner, Fire Insurance Agetire and daughter or Mr. I. Moue, ofb 4 • at Eden visitinfr, friends.
lierreerteurutfyraarwttgaeetreateesnsoners433%1409.5130744 M
lk.th c?rtecssion rkeberimeewbas peering,
-Mee anti rs. Reid, of Seeforide
to maeon real estate at low rates of interest.; coorx los /est "N , t ye lim on witteet spent a few days wit* Mr. and efre.
Qin" 4 tilaPc4Clace Ifensa4 1 sbi le er ItICe.a$thsetlIgultiutcl,b7kciTstallnrceellielet3lti, WI 1,1,1i88Q.9 Ethel and Edna Gedenet
eoli-7B.crilnQstbir:d;;Cdaillilisriprtr f°01, to,hee94,17p9ie* , feet, battiy fret:cure-le Ler left & 'pen e eaterday anti Sunday visiting
1, shoulder. Ors- e- W. end Harrel Mr. Traquair's family near Kippeo.,
-Mrs: Rev, Shaw 'sand ellidren ! Browning at .tmted 1 he iniurea --Mr. Je 'Cre JOIlea and family left 1.
ere visiting eelecivee in t he north, i elenTher and "ow the reel' girl le' on 'Wednesday for Grand Deed where ,
1 .
I clout.; nieeiY,
ern parts of Huron. hey intend to camp for a week or;
fa--milyr: baarivdeeMbres.enJoble%riezultter)ioanInd il ------ee-
- -----
for tbe past week or two visitince
• t
T & 0
-Mr. Dickson, of new eork, met signed has first-elese
, - ; Cedar Pilaff tee Sale
ks with eekkeleee- Either, Creditor -4 Orin
. 1
J is wife here this week, she elaelng for saie at Centralia'? io
been on a visit tor the past two 'the grein /muse weigeer
/lee- n- 1A, Wen, er 'Weeklee^ -Miss Emma Leen.. ' •,,i-Iring
on Territory, formerly Miss Area -
meg is here visaing retatIves af- _eves Ida, WiriPt, Of W,yedoce "e
friends at Exeter.
r an absence, of mane Y3,ars- t , . - . . .
Morrtson, of London. form- _eritee Dora Wienztti, of Drupe
9 nome visittete ner parents
erly of Reesall. is epending (I,'Nang relatives in the valve.
two with her friends here who J tem A t i rent , of Grout on,
en daye.
-Mies Wiggins a Goderice,
iforniete teacher ea eatr ,,abeiai, spent
a few days in the village the guest
a poets of Miss Ella Itebieeen.
',21 a -Some ill disposed person or per 'US Arline in search gravel some
'meago in the vicinity of Sunshine
it de themeelves annoviact -rnn1r--73
ve a buggy awl r.-iteas 1“. -une
eniertt piece ape tires inelea-
veniericiog a member of gentleitieri.
--Mee Martin, wbe ea elleceeefully
It the junior depertment
cot rot the past year ond
, has tendered her reeignetion
bee secured a pesition in tlie
Eetcr 130bliC Scbaoi, Marti*
wl ,getieral feverite with all, and
whileegret to lose herwe wish
tee ronti,uo4euecees in the work.
irm of
4-edw rdClark. formerly of Owl
roin Pete JonqrsouttlioelareTsipe.rrldUaryneel
last week to spend a few days ree
newing obl acquaintance%
bas e lucrative position as
window dresser in 4 large &parte;
mental etore fl Peterborougle anti*
seems to lie getting alOng
pleiesed to meet her Ugain in the Sunday n itit Mr. ^3ntl Mrs.
enjoyment of good bealt le
Jtuues Coxwoe queene's Hotel, eas 'commence 0.;r:ICt aLrlot'd Kt=
ir. rteowner, o
work a improrbig and iotends
veneering it and otherwise improv- . end eerie C. I
nterchant. who has attended, very
closely to ids business for a num.
Mr. Jaen -Weiemiller, general r uelerflo:lov'll:iiiftiiii.tei.. 5 a
ing it for Dr. Blacken, Iiie Xenent,
bee of years, find lee° has establish. it
ed a good trade, left bere on Tiles- eenweee le tee rain
day last for a well earned trip and
visit to the West. We unite with
les friends in wiseing hint a eate
d pleasant Trip
-David iluettenan,
'Itiani Iimilianan, of ths
ecompanied by ble nife
ecently arrived here from
Argentine, Republic, South Atneri
, Mr. Buchanan is a very euceessfu
missionary Inere in connection With
the Presbyterian church alma i
touring through t he Provinces le
ing money for the carying On OE
1 missionary work in South Amery
Tbe intent inn et Rev. /13, M. Smit
SHen' 1114 on Ttiesdny,26th inst. Tber
was a very Jame congregation pre-
sent'. Rev. f. CarsWeit, of McKiliop
E. A., took pingo in Cannel chUrel
Rev 22 - li "I am the Alyea, and the
An elegant range of
Suitings and Trous-
erings. We do good
Tailoring. It is our
pleasure to please
0 cod Cutting and Fitting
Good. Sewing and Stitching
Good Linings and Sho
W. W Taman.
Merchant Tailor.
The Prince of Wales Carriages
;and Go -Carts are always in it
for style and finish. a nicely as-
eorted stock just arrived.
pre-icheo exce140111 sermon from
, „
We have a nice assortment of the
fnrnous He1Warp Cloths, it will make
you a nice pair of summer trousers,
ad they are the beet geode obtaluable
made only from specially prepared
yarns of eelected pure %Pool, guaran.
teed to stand sun in nny climate.
ennegaet art(T.Whiell qUeSUOIIS were
pnt to the new painter regarding his
doctrine and To:teeing, and Ito was
duly inducted to. tee. paetorate , of
the' congregation ley ;he Rev. Mr.
Salvers, Nc3i0 bad been appointed to
preeide. Rev. C. 'VW t eller, then ad-
dressed Mr. Smith as to hie duties
; as pi end paetor. and then
Come in and rez%,..ii1:,.,?tt,ig,t,rtgrrgflettl.‘‘'tli)t
tor. The whole service was of a
see them
We also give MO Accident and
Disease Policy, gnod for one year with
the Ontario .Accident Insurance Co.
of Toronto, with every order amount -
to en or over.
We will close our sbop at 6 o'clock
except Wednesdays and Saturdays
during June, july and August.
most interesting °hared or 8041 al
terWartle the ladies or the congre-
ga 110» most bospi t ale y enter t nine d
the 13 hole audience to an exceleInt
ea. The congregational . singing' oe
the $ervice was good, led by Mr.
Frank If use.
-Mrs. L. Bice is on tee eick list
at present. It to be 1101)041 elte
soon will he better again.
V. (Cunningham, or 51eGil-
livray luid the misfortune. to get
his leg broken on Tuesdny het. The
hoi•ses attaebed to the, hay wagon
started up quickly, th.rowing hint
fr_ont, the wagon, and one of the
weeds passed. over hint with the
results stated above.
-On Tuesday last Mr. Win.
evening: last the band eel
postponed until rriday, of ons weee
A good programtoe tr»l-d.
'Ft iday
n as
4 lame
a as tai
0. Duffield, of Moe
-Mr. Absolvers Dom
visited Mende' hi 114e v
atter part oe lee; ween.
-Mr. Norman Pletelier
'ends in the village en
1 031 His stey W s eliorn
A goodly number from tete
lege and vicinity spent the Vgl
rusticating or Grand Dead.
Mr *and 'Men Roberr Robins()
drove to Londeeboro, on Satur-
day Viet returning again on 11031.
-Miss elabet Money, ei Stratford,
spending a feu tee ke visiting her
grandinotlier and other friends in
the neigliborhood.
-A large congregation emir(
divine service in the elethodist
eburele on Sabha* evening last, it
being the annual sermon to the, T.
0. P.. A membership of ,ibout
a body, of the oreler, proceeded in
tlie church, anti a Iteinarkable geed
*xenon was preeehed by RPV. ASP-
- Mrs. Charlie Weber is on the
siek list. We wish her it eeeedy
Mrs. D. Steinbach, who has beer
rY 111 tehe Past week slatt1Y.
04 and fan
:Ili 110Ssje ;WWII/
1OIi1,79 i.a1,04i4t,SiilitrAtir. at t
angelical thumb pure/lewd tt fine
eceli): Junior Allience of t
Water for tlw basrMent of [be
ln*roilyn cod Paste . Paint has
ior, end at- less' cost than 04b
Call al E. P. Paulin's herdnare
and get a booklet on how to paint.
Mr. M. Fenn bas sold hie ear -
lees business to Eddie Nadiger,
lias been working for Mr. Fenn, Ed-
die is a good mechanic, and an ewer -
;retie young man, we believe tient
ILO 'will clo well in his new peeition.
Mr. (co. Sehoellig, dentist, of
fle vit. paid leis old friende flye
Ig reef • TURFilaY laSt UPOrgq is 1
no of our Hay Township boys, and
• are pleased to hear of 1118
411(1 sueecem in I'nele Sarn's domain.
-Dr. MeLatieedio has returned
after a stamen hat extended holiday
For a tine' the doctor was under the
care of ler. Wishful, of London,
where be was being treated for a
sore finger. that at one lime threat -
fled his life. We are glad to note
-1 he has so far recovered The(
le finger is almost healed.
Mr. Fenn has purchased the
farness business in Parkhill, form-
erly conducted by Thomas Watson.
We- understand That 7,3like has made
good stroke of business when lo
succeeded in closing with Mr. \Vat-
liar.-13'enn expects to net Pos-
session at once end as soon after
mock Taking ae possible. The fame
ify follow than]. 1.0 their new
benne. There are ,tnany sincerere-
I's expressed at the prospect of
loosing !melt good citizens from our
burg as the Fenn family- We wish
heint every sucees s heir now
Uas Any pody.
Found in Huron Co.
place where furniture can p with so I
mortq. as at our store? No! such is
We have an 6rUi e variety a Furniture
ription which is g figure
use.cleaning time.
you are interest OW fail to cafl on
VANT Rowe Atkinson
RADE .1121401/13
If .rcices, Valsety and Qual4 eoant 14 get it.
'Undertakers -4W Funeral Diree
1V3N ba el 10 od.
2: a. ut on July ne,nee
r of Millie Glee. on
The execution nee
by Radcliffe. Gee was
dyad twelve mieutee
liog ef tlie drop. (lee
mem after leaving the
44 nie teethe, were cons-
ei zee former he -
year's ottl,
er Mies (lee
. Y.
\AI:uritr a
oet3) inhtePOP5a'selnujoy .
1384 cre4 04 `v
istle 11
tr.a e0 si lenditily exhibited,
- 43 Dr. and Mr', Robte
-,.- eveniug. There
4:1 twe eindred gueete pre.
el clef- their hearty emigra-
te , i Tee eeth anniversary
of t rearri eve. Every one most
aree e beve 411017ereled for the ample
a" 04v sn.nil .3y toe wriklitir hest and host-
4 Osroet* Ciller 4,444111 4131,4 wii1104 31144: t 1 .4 Q410 for body, soul and
"fie reed. elm girl lived (94.
e but finally succumbed. es.'" 1" ar/aPgc4"is ''''''"4.' Par-
show8 3'1.3 1•elteneete weee 'net° irnsgc°11;:rucleefil-gislibrinIPare°eilluieitytrC114tt accOlinje:
G:tli.t:n I) 11"1 011 tie.** W0°041 benquet, the '.o.eal and inetrumenial
040 W" leeeeer Teel ineeletion foi• tee 44 ,-.4 number of
" e'se e deeth was d''0 to 1.4A0 people, Asitir :OAS tbe splendid
cal doctors shortie- after she
t'39 filt06.
The great Angevin, eathedrel, Live
el, whose cornerstone Waft laid
. ng Edward on euly 21,0, will
e• largest in the Kingdom. It
wilt built on Si. :Yarnell' elounte
35 feet above the river
ble from every vessel approaclOng
tbe'-flersey. ittt 1,NVO greiti, towers,
ty far 111e highest objects in the city
mill rear their heads 415 feet above
tbe level of the sea. The groned
occupied by tee cat /retiree w it h
haprer bowie Itrul morning cbapel,
ill be about 90,000 square feet,
exceede the area of any other
Englislt ca t ltedral. Including 1 he
Musical ntennere, and aiso tbe
iiter ire luxuriee of the, program.
were ricbly enjoyed. Mrs. Sim:tatter
presided ai the piano with ber usual
grew. end eineity. The swine by,
elesclemesE. J. Thompson and W.
.1'. Wilber -nel,e sweet awl charm-
ingly tendered. The reading
Mrs. John Sehatt eati. given as all
adinga should 1.0 00On-with ar-
tette, distinct:me% er was an en-
joyable numben, as WaS th0 beenti-
ful peen) by Lonefellow reed by
our cepable ptineipal. Prof. It W,
Ungl". Jahn R. Clarke was in his
usual Mc burnor in original re-
marks, and in giving- the ap tropri-
ate 4 -entail selection. 'lhe arried
orthern entrauce and inoening
'"•4111's bY." "The Orthodox:
eltaPel tete cathedral *11 bo 68,4' feet t0.110." eree,ram was conducted
long. Tile Tee ve uP to Joe 'cross- by a nolo be- the Rev. A..1. Purdy,
inn" tbe tramepts, measured in- •.;
41ifi rich voice never fails to please.
ternally, will be 192 feet long, or up The presents to Dr, and Mrs.
to the entrance (1l thc choir 2.40 feet- Muir were numercus and exquisite
and mere nitwit .ippreciated by them
The goodly nonibe r cf immediate
relatives front afar taust have been
highly gratified by whps they saw
and heard.
Yes,life is V. orth living end one
of Re pleasures to recognize char-
acteristic 'earth such as Dr. and
Mrs „Muir enjoy Gur eommunity
It was an evening long to be re -
e e r ed. -G o w Al sla Leader.
Wu JOnDITS -Misses Tillie and Nellie
e The m ull 11 of the nave between the
centers of the pitere will be 53 feet
rose, of Baden, are visitime .
6 inches. The towers will be eaeli
Merchant Tailor Johnsten's. ttboUt as large in .area aci the greet
-Mr. Nelson Rol t man, of lid- Central tower of York Minster, 65
m1y. is visiting relatives lien feet square,. and until. now the large
a few weeks. eet In England, and will surpass it
Nagel and Mr, R. Wil- in heig,lit by 62 feet, rising to '260
101811.1e 01ReleiWorello113e gni:.:TssztilveALAI jvilasttheffxer t411; i14 -1,1f l' -'‘ii
disssft _. llandford, ot Centralia, the meet 'remarkable and strikin,..
limns, spent Wednesday afternoon feet above -floor level. One of
chain by which 'the pulley of the I 4440)1(10 (1 the funentl of Eltla Preet-
bay fork rope was held to the •posi GENERAL. NEWS. features of the cathedral vrill be the
height of the vaulting of the nave
and was Atanding over it to see a --Mrs. „T. A. Williams and son, -- Dr- anti Mrs. Mute AVer0 former
er on Satu.rda. anti choir -measured to the barrel - ' - e
started up the chain broke and the vh3it ing friends. of, th4 Grand Trank Railway. Cotre,' joins eett 1 ahuteo tient e en 111
r :sjet_d.e_rt4t,so ,,e.f.,,,r,,, et er, art t Ito Tittles
it was all right. As the horse The reight and baggage handlars transepts 1/0 feet-. Ne cathedralin
vaulting rig feet and into the higils . • ..- 1 e e.- I e . •
Robert, spent Monday in Dastiwood
pulley came up suddenly and struck -
. Miss Stine, of New Manburg, is nany at Tornoto, have been endeavor The nearest is l•liestaninster, the
the conntrY approaches t his height . c.„_.`"'"" """ - - - "
him full in the face, splitting 1 is
-1 ( visiting her cousin, Miss Maggie ing since last March to °erne to an na•ve of winch has a height of 102
hours. Manager McGuigan agreed CASTOR I A
Seed Oats and Barley lip, the end of his 'lose and tutting Rupp, ror a few weeks. understanding with the company re-
garding an adjustment or wages and
We are again showing the cele- 1
brated Cleveland Bicycles whioh American Corn
are the hest -value in the market I National Brand Portland Cement
to -day for the money.
Bring in your old wheel and
have it repaired and. cleaned
. satisfaction guaranteed, '
. Marti
visited at ller -uncle's `Mr. Richard
For Milling Purposes,
Wheat, Oats, Barley,
Top Prices Paid at
Exeter, Gcntralia,Glandeboue
J. Cobbledick
P. S. -Seed Peas direct from ,Mani.
toulin Island for sale at Cobbledicker
Storehouse, Exeter.
just received another lot of clean
Manatoulin seed Peas.
eye end gave him a rather bruised Susie Melville called on friends ea feaTtlie Montreal Family Herald and
his cheek. It else . blackened one e_enes Eva &extern= and Mi4s
•-Miss Pearl Wartz. is visiting her not as high as they ought to be b t-.." of 1904 fox- 60e to' new subscribers. ihe PorInfantsand Children.
looking. face. town , on Thurs,day evening. that the wages of the men were Weekly Star and Times to the end
...- Dashwood for 'a. few weeks. t
suongzeisgteedsytslitaet . ,. u
ily leotard sent to their address for
Old subscribers can have the Fara- m au Have Always Bought
Centralia cousin, Miss Mild Kellerman, at the men work on the
Cit y, visit ed f titan's here, Monday. wood is visiting a few days with tee Weekly Globe or Bears the
the,t they were noltliseurfiecinontlystzetotend- 30c for the balance of the year. Tote
--el r e a dr G reenway, of Crystal --Miss Eva Guenther, of
111g hi, his aunt, Mrs. Wreath, of Lu- -Mr. Wilfred. ,Faust, who has
The family of, the late Mr, Kruger Signature of
versant with that system to agree nlaY l've
-Master Austin Duplan, is Visit- her cousin, Miss Elva Reyrock. to a change. Weekly SAM at the same rate.
can. been visiting his pa rents here, re- 2,5c. pays for the Times till the, 25c. pays for the Times till the
-Mr. anti Mrs. A.-NeViil arta fain-, turned to Caro, Mich., on Wedoes.. arranged for a public funeral end- af 1004 -ter 11CW subscribers; end of 1004 -for new subseribers
at The Hague, on July 2601, when
_The 0. seeeenle, er Detroit, ,v1,2 range With Premier Kuyper for the., anly.,
ily, of London, are visiting at Mr. -day.
the body of the former president of 01.13. .
Sam McCoy's. -Mrs. Rudolph Heideman, was
tha the Transvaal Republic was tak-
-Mise :Marguerite liandford, 0 4.- in Detroit last week attending
en -with imposing ,Cormalities to the
tended the funeral of the rate Ed/a funeral of her grand child, who was
chapel of the Eikenguitien Cemetery. •
Pree'ker, or. Zurich, on Sa.turday last accidentally drowned in Detroit.
Pending the arra tigeme.nts for its
Mr. Joint Cornish ain't Mr. 'Charlie -Mrs. (Dr.) Buchanan and son,
transportation to South Africa. TI
Either, of Crediton, visited Mr. Jas. Mr. Georg,e Buchanan, lawyer.' of
101 is understood that 1)r. Leyds, tha-
Sudbury, left here on Monday
Ilandford, on Sunday last.
--11liss Ruth llooner, of Exeter, St. Louis, where they will visit the ,filetenennsetranitentieuetioei.)e,aieseitirtyinogf to tp.e.,
big fair.
Ricks' a few days last week. Mee, conveyance of the body of Former
-Mr. D. O'Brien and Dr. • Orme, ited his parents, Mr. and
eeeetene, et the ekeehett Line,' for President of the Transvaneerugee
spent SundaY at Gro10.1361-Idt_ UT' a faw days, Ho ,,,.etwros,,,d. to Do_ to South Africa .'' on board a Date)!
glICSI..8 ot: Ilia MiSSCS COra leowC • . 1
and Lillian job*n Mo
ns.' • troit o.awarship.
daY. , .-
-Bei-ry picking 18 all.' the rage in ---Mrs. Wm.' Durnart, who has Two weeks . 'age an order was is -
this vidnity at present. We are been the guest of 'Nies. Greta, and sued. from Ottawa discontinuing Abe
told the berries* are, very plentiful other relidives in this vicinity for redemption et -any- mutilated coin,
and of a fine quality. - • some time, returned ,to her home in or denworn smooth. or coin thilt
' -Miss Mande Porter,. of Clinton, ltdilverton, on Monday. Miss Nora has accidentally been injured. lo
has.been engaged by the trustees of Greb aecotnpanied her. and will 41/1:44 Toronto the other day a; man 04-
5, S. No. 1., to teach the junior de- friends there torsome time. fered a i..1 -ver half donna- with three
partment. . , ' -Obituery.-On Thursday . morningtele.rge lettere stamped on one side,
• rho fariniq'S are, busy cutting end, death visited the home of Mr. and as l9g6,1 tender but even the depart-
drawing their, fall, wheat, although Mrs., T. ' Preeterold. claimed 'their 'mutat stoles turned up their nos -
44 will 'take most ' of .,thee 'week ,5 -year-old daughter,, Elda,,The '11E: es at it. There is' no legislation for
to finish' haying. ' ' ' . ,tle one' -was taken sick. last Terare:- the reaomption. ef envoi. coin. In.
-The -Misses Katie and Lillian El- day, the sympt•Vms being inflantina- England they make tie appropriation
„tiatteleft on Tuesday for Toronto, tion Of the bowels, bat on eaturday when required for the redemption
'where; .they '.will visit a 'few . weeks 'seer' 'seemed to be better and , was, of worn coin, but wheo met it is is-
pretions to reeving, for Winnipeg.' . playing Avi44: the other children. Atsued in Canada, it is the property et
Seven pupils front the Centreline about noon ,elle was:taken l'It again, the nnialic; and the 'goVernmentis
scheol.arrote, at the Entrence axe' and ell 'thenneving 'hands' end- 'Mein- not further 'responsible 'for it. . Sil-
aminatiens and,.all Were slaccessful. icat aid could' do was-, denq'b.ut 40 310 ver is enlY legal tender for '$10, and,
Thi e , 'reflects ' intreh. credit,: , -open .avail.'.Slin lingered:in. great 'pain ;Uxt; it is, ti, felony todeface the coin,, and
thentselveS and Upon their teacher.' tiLdeath, relleved'he.r. , She 11Oe' • ' ta a*isdemeatior, to circulate- it whOU
'Mr. M.cNiingliton.'.,, ' ,., , . •„ ' ' , . bright:,little,:gill.'a4d.'.:*4-,A:..,faVeri,te, in defaCed. Anyone found deing','Se
Mrs,,' Salton, of. Lone" ,witer. ell: ':whee'leneet;;"lier•-,'N,Le. and. ii,' liable' to ,fine :,and, impiisonruent',
don; -are.; sPenti in f4 '....peeee:,'.tik fh0r,, Mrs..: 'Prep:tee . eaeo , the sympat be. , of Tee ' oply :redrew). Y.011.'3144 •have -,i,s;'' to
holidays . with ' friends ' here:, - ., ',, The' theirin any:. friends in thole ', sad leSs.; 3)8113 44)0 person ,arrested ',Avila -gave
'Reverend' gentleman took'prt in 41ie May •-0011- coinfott - thenr, ;awl, help, you the., coin..,'.,If ,Yett tryfte Tags , it
gLgroing,•,.Scoi,to,'„ori' ,:Sabbaat'last. them .'hear.,,,tlic, eressee-The funeral you. are', lia, ble't,',03 PrOsecotton.:' 'Pa.',
u ,thriur gvioulk'hoia:.,were L'deliglate tobk,'•plaed ,:on.,,'SaturdaY ',. afteinoon per 0301103" 18 redeettlable, no matter
-to eece'dinnhear hini':agaitt.'••••'•' 'end .,•Wliir,
aa. dqk 'dttended. ' , mw wern nt tit 't,ered it anitY, e.•
, e . . ..• .. . .„ e .
erchants Bank of Canada
CAPITAL (all paid up) ...... .... ...... ...... ......$6,000,000
StIR.PLIS PROFITS .... .... .. . .. .. .... .. ..$ 18,959
system b ' ' THoseFIES314,
000n/.. ! genera). ESuFpeHriUnBteDnEdNen
of Broaches
and rdiso7 rcnes in Canada
becomee '-'
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle -
to whom loans are 'made on approved natnes.
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the
-- world.
FtEi)itotsi BRANCH
Gold Medal Binder Twine
and liollyvvood Paint.
The Plymouth Twines are best becnase they are evenly
spun and go farther than any other twine.
Gold Medal 650 feet. to pound.
Silver Sheaf 600 feet to pound.
Ply Special 500 feet to pound.
Our Prices are Guaranteed.
Hollywood Paints
Try a can and be convinced that the Hollywood is good
Paint for inside and outside.
150 per half pint
2e per pint
45e per quart