HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-21, Page 6‹el,14E4eft.
ntelkie'405(Sena(E etleleS4S*Sel.£1.1 a.F.444EcE•Cq
Or, Kinship Between Man and
CXLWR X XI C out )
I see you are bent on the eue" he eahl gaily, "You won't he-
Uee a capital hand I am at
ooki g after young ladies."
"I can quite believe that if ,von
are not it „is from. no lack of ex -
!Reece," retorted Ware vivaeiouely.
eetbelees, Wi$hoilt wiehire" to
e, lace any elur upon your capacity, I
think1 feel inore eecure uader
the wing ot a fat, good-natured,
ddle-eged lady like Mrs. Tryon."
"Ohl Si she's !at and good-natured
PI/ forgive her for being a duenne,
trae leen, eoergetic on
Who er'e like parched peas in a tin
pot.and wliose et1ss. Pe-reii e5'
eeere. to lOok you through a
"If yOli were an irrainaculate you
*O. 3;0 70.),MtIlleVitOrldollatile
lwould believe to what an extent who
was not behind the scenes, Tien we
guardsmen are always Onoeking about
town, and expeeted to entertain our
frieods, dispense hospitality, and
put our bands in our pockets ou CV-
'You might exchange into a eav-
Oro/ reginient.''
"Yes. aud be ordered off to Iedia.
I've often thought of 4.1ang so, but
the old governor objects to the plan.
,It's -very easy for rich tellews with
several thousand a year to keep plear
Lurainate the corners of her mouth, *oloseneeeseaneearieoeeeeteaneelleeeetteeares.
you look more like yourself agaia. 1 si
hardly know you with that serious
face aod without your usual cheery le
So he rattled, on, endeavoring to
restore ber to her customary gaiety,
though all the time there was an un-
comfortable choking sort of a serisa-
tiori in his own throat which reuder-
ed diffieult, and neuelly brought
about another silenee.
Tile short December day was draw-
ing to. a close; the dusk, was fast
't I It t - gathering romol them, the soft lain
rilaucseecwi ithn et-looptiletst prainasY. 13e held in
As soon as possible, when the cans
ere full, take them out of the stable.
Coel down and aerate the milk Ore
neediately. This is absolutely im-
perative M hot weather, in order to
keep the milk in good conditioa. At
any rate, be SUVO to aerate the rnilk.,
even if you do nothing more. Air
maps are now advertised for this
'con ssion seemea easier then he bad ,of f had 0 s 1111
expected. "Only tilts very erearnieg row I'd uever owe a sixpence, but do pattered noiselessly to the ground in
the forage -dealer Fent in a bill fee ,you know what my income is?:' a. continuous etream; lowering grey
the howared pouods, and actually She fancied lie Might think she 'clouds filled the sky, Rebrokee by
the Pertinelace tO deelere he ;wanted to acquaint herself with the any streak of light, and close '
"YRIZ ShOuld not col), iropertin., delicaey from any such thoreglit matte Foxington, the dull, Ilia-
enee," said she in tones of grave re- tee. soy hastily, "Not in the least, ering width, struggled
,prImeed. man bas right to net pleaee dora`t tell enz.a Tetr eir brla‘Iely te relic\ e tile general glonna-
clalna Ills own, and daresay has maim) .no difeerence 00 • y e ' ere the cross-roads divided, just
must be paid within a week." atate of his finances, and a ahrinking hand shonmder e the wet pavements or
:Seasonable and Profitable
flints for the Busy Tillers 'tie:
a the Soil.
Gathered Prone the Experiences
the Makers of the \World's
Above all things reverence eroure
CLEANLINESS IN TIIE DAIRY. Purpose. eelf.-Pythagoras-
In traVeling over the countrY and erany, to nee easeaes and eeornfng's know lio'w to read hina-Channipg.
visiting the clans/. farms in the sone -
freer 'time, nothing nos impressed it-
self so inuch on the writer's mind
as the necessity of clonliness, evrites
Mr, J. II. Rr0071.
It is a poor plan on the farm, e,e,e- Every man is a voiame, if Yon
milk together, When we separated What mos la ate net•
0U0 Milk, it WAR dOne in tlie morn- oity is time. -Mad. Swett/ line,
ing. Night'e' milk was slightly Deliberate with cautiou, but act
There aro so many ways in wwell .+Ww;s7g4e4;:ig wtiliToGugtille°tlinel°:pinefo'stoilenislok wlth deei$i" ithd PrQm1C)ttle$s--U1*
milk may be infected. with bacterial ienta"pel•Ttuwr?eloolfe818sultlow8115/ dlengartsa. a OirTehetrchaIts not
• eaatistlgokrd7tRowIlltose.,--ill
germs Mat are detrituental to its potroas cg, a creamery have a duty Goulourn,
welfare, that it keeps a daigryernoli: 4.tcs, ptielt.a.ftor: tiinheatbiusttieolltattlalswirt,oportant, Truth is the foundation of
ait.ieialuetty diopiazrod, eonsiderable for- other..
nt of
nearanee,22 Perbeps she herself bardly knew Efate came to a standstill.
1 h • 1" lack' and there
atrbeesosoidzysdaiorrympeaosteainutrautiiroeed uon_elleyss paant or o roo edroneiseghisinf u :• CT; tlieetg,--e • . the ee ale alt
• Method is the very hinge of bust -
bustling to get ahead of the
what am I to do? I can't thet she loved so well Ireeney “We Port here." she said, holding it men who think that if tho 1nilk is ing e-ood, clean mila for delivery in- ness; and tbere is no method with-
eath night utterlY impossible, meld nerer come between velem. that out her smell, deipping hand to wish ',going to be pasteurized anyway, to the weigh can, he cam opt blame
eomethlog turns up. lie oindit we -e he a ICroesos or a pauper it nue good -night; "Maas for having when it reaches the creamery or a first-class butter -maker if Rey of I have always been a quarter of an
r "You can eel. orp, or two of your ire, as useal, put a totally dirleren "Q.:awl-night," he ce:hoed. boldin butter is off fl - • hour before nay time and it ha
to have see enough to know that." was equalio- indifferent to her: but escorted me home so carefully."
citYddiffeenrieenreeinwretrbkeret laneiyik'goitodlnackaeren r" oa .
out puectualitya-Ceell.
made a man me, -Lord ltifeleien,
'TREATMENT roe. ortoanant-ps. We are not sent into tile work! to
ad Joe or raonese perhaps elionoh 1)oe "I'm not stich a big foot as 0 to come, don t You? It s eomething
/ ly 0 would fetch a conStruetion on her meaning. ,it fireane in his own, "),”ou promise
• •
fancy for one moment it could make to look forward to if tile weret
ng ' °netting bie
nnv differene(`' Foot." be said irri- .,ceraes' to the worst."
:Irma ought not to oblect to t
iorees •
othe 'vote debt."
lata ,sorsly. esssy. „s.ould uOO , her tanly, ' nevertheless. for my own sat- She bowed et .ette 'e
bad not ssty pounds at the jornieti of the feet that I possess out self to sneak. Two big tears bad
"Rot I'm. not an 111114.1aCult
A, and therefore do. A e
A1,011age over orre enoUg
* the beet-contineted indlv
s world break loose now
•il IZate syto
.1p feeling eor
411 the odium
re ond, text little a
It be Wr41190111e
i. 44 if I were as poor as a gourds nsostst., iefaction. shouid like ;you to be in_ assent, for she could not: trust tiere
no- ei lit bemired a eea4, Now " tier- welled up into her eyes and overflow-
- bank,"
"Von are weoog; you
vaid deetiledly.
In her lunoceuee oral i
could not ilnag
ntleraan. leading
olvIY Inning '-eer feat/eve, 't'ean- ed. where thoy nungled with the rain-
wander upon so paltry a mini, drops. char -ling emir ,Other down her
erienee find next tlaor impossilde 'clieel4s as she rode away. 'Ilia horse
and Inake endS meet? is it matter woe tired and impatient to 'return to
s lira ,for sererise if ineets necenallate in its Wa1111 SIAliks, bat he stood watch-.
atierying every want, 'et canable an alarming feellion and peYment ing her retreuting form until it WaS
t his legitimate engagenients. con, a ckery? or do roil el ill hist in the derlinees of evening.
ne about ouch things were }blear& me 49 Ii11411 fici es Pr?" 1 "011. daKing I" be 1nurniured
,v strict. tor slie heti tie- t "Vel." she said ii 1h rne Passionately. "if only were worthy
ci ^ clear eves to his with a fear- of You! If onlY had net PO cruel'
given the inilk or not.
The writer has actually seen one
man epit on bis hands right. over
the milk pail, while sitting on, the
"If I were to give speeillt advice ee enYtIhng auto which we cannot
to 4 • *went of oto ,put our bearts•-•Icalui [Makin..
VOA; 114,
h Ile who remaina within lihneelf and
gbri'reufitausraiollioct;s111:Cae' 'irsulenslorh0istEra7Itngde.-s711t04011:11
iu ildaetstc:joulzinaantdinlJeiiet nbeetoLterssaAleiwng..11TruTdgabne ItA
ertg tobaieeo and used tbe juice fel - We exaggerate niiefortune and p-
' •
steed of mille for loin -real -nig los
hands. ITio Pxcuse was that "all
this 'ere milk is pasteurized. 'before
it used." It is a feet that nes-
COver$ a Multitude of sins
ou more Vann one dairy term in the
Cleanliness in every detail is the
et important point to be COP'
Pnreendninmgensnonf%explessrnile‘ucteil.is 'ePilleilrdsis.?ral911.5e61)Wp-ey 441.4.e wIlQevIlrY7
e41,11stutite:441:go ilyXaeorb‘:attilltee,thtti ifea:v:en:ea: t nthnt. never tierNe'estii-
4&L JUVU. role in pruning tTere can he WO t°11ell th" /ley" (Marl('
dawn is to cut ont all dead wood, •1)1°Iiens"
Dr011ehea that are badly injured, 1' QQQ(1 s°°s(•' h°141.1ess heat, and
proPer self-respect ere trIa 4,110-
C . cros. C QI 14 oim, ota
otly impreased upon the tlairyman crotciles should he removed, after meuts of the best manners. - `Wean
d Ws belp, in tlieir doily duties in -
I ht Peng and teee-er rl'Ite .
perhapS I might tineve gahled end overy'where milk ie handled or 911t 444 iftt''° t911 i4 1NreY ti -1W`- ' P°IlIcliess Is 4 InIxtuM 44 disre.
in the desert to , i itey at, eke era s of Lou fare ;wtr l. , 1 tk fa ear. eon JuOt as nolea hen
'io.e I 1 1 1 04 ' ' t
the fainting. splr. IMO •S a la.
oroural tile stable milk room Is /gh °414° MAII limbs he cut tldwilra°'
there should be a judielous thinniee dVIIItS. °T/11/14151111e°' 414111
riust with only supper, Cumpbe 1. Coloeta Clinker woe pu11- hn-o Oaee, "1 do. 'Oo klFt; your own lY misspent and moused my hie. s 6
_ .-n _ .
oo eye.. To I •• of ciittieg N -our You: hot as it IR feel ashamed to stored. Cleanliness must be looked, or ioxso brutehes.
Let the prutsurti,ellitepeetion spread over all we do
woo tt I "Do you object
running ing?" she asked
I nnow I have n
• int erfere."
en the
n have v
t the wa
atter Is, however.
eat hunter 1 neve
toyeelf to lose Ids role-
or so lung period."
And " • not an !invert
etion, What has rt.vonelled ai
se Taw:v?..
speak,. coat deem -diet; to your cloth. ewe aS1Z that yea should link Your destiV after In all the details Of Milk
FCC the futlire. how differently We ne.,,NDLING maielelOp
...of course `sue..-. :1,^4yi Gest entered, orno,7 yoe mine. ir we could but foe- facture and in
FAvery daireMan knoWs that better sod. • This must be broken op-absceihe 'WAS 1/abit°411'Y Witattilf°1 to 11/5
, It was on the ilia of his towene tft wiandi as reit yours to opt.nd, I Then he gathered up •We
igitt to advise or Irate reperiretely been iiving beyond
rather than oue. 1 could never thiuk or a Penn gi
- 'veer eve e e -spending inonve% in ' Wonld etet:!.
re Were
butter can be Vieth:, In private lutely must if success is to be ate ar5P°Inttatilts'-'3111°°/15*
.„ "I wish to Okad yoti natl." net Lave elreo-lo exoreeecti N1*•WS on rode down the (leeerted 1 '
ot pet.ottal coutrol drestaiag or stoble manure, or plow genulae and Paosienato love for
teltoinsel, trod contented hitneelf that sah;to I. Mat yoe treekt to do either side of ethich the ga
$411,t‘ stilgt.,. yoar drearY ShOPti. dOW11 whose penes- oNer the whole prowess. from t he i d .
"readiee•-Ittifue Choaie
feeding of the eows to the marketing
of the ilniehecl product.
F.very patron of a creamery,
• t ,e0eare te-P: einceent of filled with yellow raving, wt
dairy, as general rule, simply be- tained. Stort its eultivatiou IldsOPY
catase one man, or one woulan, usu.- liven it goinge flow in o 04, yoxith, and bald fast in all fortune.
. olly has chorea% . ,s •
0 IOU areQW 111 a, goo dressing a "" ' •
of fertilizers sieli in potash owl phos-" 1/171111 you giX('' tnko 10 Y°114"'ir n°
bode acid. In tile words of the erelit fol. gener°51t7' 1181eS Y"
elleal Eng. Von" tle reble Of tile barren fig tree, 4e14-",dellY Yourself something in order
hey cannot affenel t
ed the girl, "It*
'People old
bat teirma at a.
n :.;it aretiori it is 0 .thrit you may give.---Irtury Taylor.
ut It and dung it.'
'a bo pronally $, Witei, a short noodle 1100 01.1 It is with oarroweeouled people as
• 0 wa:citiorisi ,?: sinTentneerill;dy olilsialcoett.hoseuxans(eiratpuneig.i.renunez4wthiQtyli maaar:oowin-nereoheuralinlgietitt170,7i_orolee:
the old rough nal* eenteu ammo% ia.,Ithey have in them. the more noise
rietell: caorpopeil'i Sttlilleph(aktrolltiallaYtu.tt:C'etirilliedtietlutilali! 111Oligl:IttlreYailvi::11 olbtsylt1' trytnna(1;;Iriegtedngle.°711°:*Yr"131"::111:41ky:
•eveie if neede leo reduce Ow rain traelded incessantly. looked,
. , dismal oral forlorn 'Noble allise
Alia , are go tra'n,IL. ir0ia Foxing- shook bei' heed with an angry pre-
on ie Oa, mialare of the bunt:Aug •test, 'Mile%seemed to See as clear-
aileM4'1'. ,ty as hismas Fveech. came. come, matter what his relation to the c ne
lite lip treinaled, but s adied irlort't dawdle any Imager. It'S teriibly roanY„;,2.°11°Ii„hoe.:ofhloanzirliatinYi,alr,:n14itl,"
Ler voiee larevele and uaid Yea." ,Wet. For gtiOdaleee ROW make baste' "" --' ---g7- -- - -- ..-- "--
77 wo
I Ti''FI ;r1.,4VS
111111S Ve, 'Is not
enfeed, especially when 41,
0 atvfielly hard up as I
• owning to ,you the
a seritele Metter ilidee
411,7ell, ou•Tare a qi011.43 comforter." 'and oo home." te see that his Mille is furnisheil
daily at the creamery in the best
A disregard of any of the details
which aesist, in furnishing pure, clean
oui sera .1. eaiil with en inveilile sign,
oar. if wouto ”Ant, woreL. you aelmewlede.,
yen weld(' thhib 50
only eorislOer t .a Ill's to 1.-e ;al t.he right?'" eta. replied,
There was a size Bello. a feel:wee, t: '1. to ege•ae theerity, 2.1 Ili=
trit•es obout her reproof all f.st
tO1Wited to the quid.. •
old horse does not
week fol X ehell "I told Yon I was a had fellow," 111.7,1....Toe Wait. 1 Tbe
Loudon Expreoe eays: Atirairal
a l.e repeat *A in (ISPee:: rotor. aoaea. ,14.4.144 halood..over •1tift)erdebealinanrvielsaIrleeirt...siiioarsd.dereauw.in141tantd,tielillgo
wiueh n'av to oara Or
11:1)/•( mr14114 r }mow z„oli .
with Cif it most- poiniee manner in
lot teely care- WaY wlifeb liritislt MerCall.•
do " 1, • e•th1 frankly."owl I nnow
1.,„,*•• Taere strug--
(To be cauthrecd.)
• Ships Are Largely
by Foreign Seamen,
milk, every night and =Wiling. ale One pound to 25 gallans of water. tehlea 11 ° tuNo 15 g
ilea ways affeets the quality of the whole .2d, Iran -0 up your nand to few. iSationd Smiles.
of that ilaaes supply of Milk at the prone, spray. sow Over crops and! AP, Poin,,t_111,54 "c° tf°14°' ht.'*(r..1°
tTlitenurYiltearlenfiroraill°1s °e.riestlialinedwilsbouttoser. enlitN(relreoP''itsQrlcifilea.r4iItttolL tob:eharrd '‘Ielna' 41 1 na" "lad" 1" "P""1"4-'
snort with you, I owe you punctual*
ieeted. fails to appreciate the treatment out-!ity: .1 hare m right to throw away
The eon's should be kepi, Just aS lined above cut it down and plant'Yeaur Wile. I!,.I.,,t,I.° 1117 owite7I7°.141,
clean as possible. There is hardly anew, 'Why einenereth it the, i neerare Oi. intim Jegts: toe 17)131.0
any necessitY or keeping cows with ground?' Do not expect too much ,truill thelt carrY with there. the
costs barely nothing, exeept, a. few twig is bent the tree is inclined,' and the greater smerts they eau, the
nor look for qui& returns. 'AS the 'greater the wcalnds that they give:
filthy Mullin, belly, and teata. It
fix the stalls or stanchions in any mane up for a lifetime ot neglect. Do 'them. -
to a season or two of good care cannotogreater sears they leave •behind
nourds, a little time and energy',
cows will soli tbeinselves if they are tions." come the opportunities for gear'
nelnelllher that if the opportme,
Old ecor stable', so that the cotes not follow years of outrageous
cannot get soiled. Or course, some treatment With unreasonable expecte.- Wes for good deeds shellad 430V4r
obliged tO almost locale their necks
to win
nunoaity, itien
, against S'nov:-1 "And 1." •
bracned him altogether "tell yo
two thousaiul penntle Icss. at
d l
" •
)55 eehape a little too. limehOalso that yoo are riett and that., '1,010 marine is hugely sailed hy allot
• • ,
-indulrenee. Yellr heart 1,0111 rognier brute; 11511 If S11°11.14'11' seamen. Iiis signals at at.a are often
11 the coup only' coines off T shall be e • 2, wins 1 ninniae te tine O5(9' n tie •
:ignored by, inerebant vessels. Tho
I"' -
in clover. *but if it don't -well. I is goeol. and so are :Your abilities. i 1 • .
',The former profits me netters-4 ;leel ;Ina ive.orae a reaormeal enaract- lh,rhant service ouild,
really bartinv knov: what on earth of Liver -
tie. graeohltie eyes shot tett en
v°(y° s°1Leneell' 'pool, states that the reason for this
porsesees me to give you this de- ethe latter I nave never turnei to ,er. Nett'," and Ills
tailed acconnt of Inv financial difli- , better af count than a professional !and
eanaler • el ee t lee dat t .might easily have been that the cap -
milt les -I shall in all probability I 'trekker," he replied. bitterly. N‘hich thrilled her' N.' el'. tain or ohne-4' in charge WW1 an all -
aid you ,belloa "Kate. will You he 311:17 MM.' `cn "who e•onld not feel Int:lined to
have to make a bolt of it. 1 such, circumstances what would
"A bolt of it?" echoed Icate, ail- I leave roe do?" tor nrul help me in nay good resolu-1
kan-scer the signals of a 1,1 at` 1 -
(4 ) .e. • • 1 tiors? T nlanost tbink that ir you , ,,, 0. • an is a. Man
111g to under:Mond his irearlime. 1 o. echoed she with /Iasi) Ylg i . , o -ever. .1 his poseible cense cannot
1 ;Nobody 110:1 ever talked to me III ..
to give ope's creditors the slip. Drs- Would work -go out into the Worh „ . . a :the truth that the British. mercantile
appear from society, and reside for give .-up all the litlfe petty luxuries rals, or acquired such In llence over marine is passing out of the builds of
a space in a retired Frenell watering which enslave and deteriorate, put ree Sinre my dear mother died," 333,10,sh savors?
town." Ile spoke with an assumed iliV shoulder to the wheel, and earn 1 'Ter tears were rising fast, but slie We bow that of recent years little
levity which but badly hid the under- rny bread by honest toil, until such , could not bear that be should tree
i I, ( has been done to render life on a.
lying current of anxiety lie found it time, as Longfellow says. I could ,thein, or that sire,
so self-possessed and cora, $11011.0. e
ewil° nw", usually :merchant steamer popular among the
impossible wholly to conceal, 'look the whole world in tile face. , , eeb !seafaring population of these is -
"Oh, how dreadful," exclaimed and owe not any roan.' Anything calleln, thus deePlY umvcd' 1`.°1" -"n -lands. Miens have been conteut to
e like she soueht refuge in a counter -
Kate, thorooglily distressed at this rather than defraud my neighbors. i . • - ' !work for a smaller wage. and to ac-
ProsPeet. "That is easier said than done. int -rogation,
"And eu a ca,in Snowflake does , '
1 cent rations which the Britisber, ac
"Do you think so?" he said with Practicelly, if one turns oneself into , . - IS? • g . . . , customed to a higber standard of
a , not win? NN ill you --will you -really
make occasional Continental tours, pound a, week by the sweat of one's li-tnalee a b -h bolt of it?" 'comfort, r
,ship owners and masters have, there-
ebelled against. Many
a forced smile. "Inertly of people a working man, and gains say
end return after a lengthened period brow, life would not be long enough i in ;fore preferred to sign on foreigners.
Tile full lips quivered pitifully
tile of their owner"- vaunted. coin.- 5 '
thoroughly whitewashed. Perhaps to pay off arrears." ,sl. .' at first the idea prevailed that the
Neeeeleg ',lige and det ermine tion , but tb Or were
the operation might do me good, and "I would rather he the ships should be ofiltrered by British -
and Jack Clinker could
wipe away the stain.s of a.ccumulated man on a pound a week with an :turned owaY, , ers, but naturally the smarter men
see:their tremulous twitchings.
years." honorable ambition, than lie who .flo‘t, of the alien crew have gradually
"I wish you would not talk like lives in idleness and corruption." i • • ,
' "Ves ` he said firmly. "In that -
- ' , worked their way up the ladder, and
case India, will most likely be my :
that, even in fun. I can't bear it." :Elis brow darkened as he listened '
!del tinat ion. 11 I exchange I shall , now we have ships flying the red en -
"I wish it was fun," he a.nswered to her words. In his heart he knew
I get double pay, and probably earn manned ..)y
sign which are both officered and
moodily, ”but it's sober earnest, she was right; he honored her senti- i a cosmopolitan crew. This
onore than if 1 '-he
to turn myself i
Miss Drewser," with a sudden fit of merits, and yet be did his very best . is a condition of affairs which should
'into an holiest' -he emphasieed the O _
• • • 1 word -''but home] y agriculturist. I Inert our riational pride. Moreover,
candor, feeling he should like -her to to combat and reduce them into in -
1 it augurs ill for our supremacer on
"Yes, go away somewhere for a bit ' ro] 1 • 1 vole-. might improve in earneet. ,he iigIithr
passed over. Is it really
learn the worst; ”you do not know significance.
he soh/ iwould sell all tne gees -a , perhaps; I
what a bad fellow I am. a regular `"Talldng is easy enough,"
except deer old Snowflake and Opal, the high seas. If, in times of peace,
spendthrift." impatiently, "but in my position you
whom I should like to keeo, if only f '
these alien skippers deliberately es -
”You may be a spendthrift, but have no idea how great the tetapta-
, 1 or the eake of .asm last, syseeossd riore the signals of the admirals of
you are not bad. I won.*t allow you tions are to spend money. It, flows
the life of a regular miser until , our squadrons, are they more likely
to call yourself by such hard names like water on every side, often evithe live to pay heed to them when there is
in illy presence." out any power on my part to binder
"I'm awl ly worried. contin ed at. The regimental expenses mount
he, finding once he had commenced, up enormously to begin with; no one
Who ilave Had Splendid Oppertuni !es in
Their Practice of Testing
the illierits of
afiss C. Stanley -Jones, profession-
al inasseuse and -nurse, 283 Siracoe
street, Toronto, Ont., writes:--"Tn
my occupation as a nurse I have
crane across many cases in which Cr.
Chase's Ointment has been used
w;th extraordinary results. One case
1 tecall was that of a child of six-
teen months who was in a bad way
with scaly head. It, was a really
nasty case, causing the child, to suf-
fer very mach and to be very trou-
eSome. I persuaded the mother to
11133 Cliase's Ointment, and in
ten days the child was entirely- cured.
"Another case was that of a lady
who vas greatly troubled with ec-
zema on the face. The doctor was
dca-ing her witit, raedicine, which was
doing m, cyl, thif: ease ctire
fortune once more began to smile."
She did not answer. Iles- heart
eves too full for speech, and the pos-
sibility of his going far away wrung
it strangely. Neither seemed dis-
war, and when the information which
they may possess or convey might be
of most vital importance?
"So long as aliens are permitted
and to command and officer 13ritish ships,
posed for further conversation,
they rode on In silence, with the so long -are such unsa.tisfactory- iuci-
dents likely to continue." These are
rain trickling down their moist faces the words of the Liverpool Merchant
aed the dark, shiny coats of their re-
spective horses. Service Guild. Surely this permis-
sion rests primarily with British
Presently she said in an almost in-
audible voice, as if she had at length
arrived at some conclusion to her
thoughts, "I hope to goodness Snow-
flake will win."
Her words broke the spell that
was fast falling over them.
"Yes," be said gravely, "it will
be a bad look out for me if we are
beaten. But corne"-enaking an ef-
fort to throw oft the feeling of de-
pression that seemed creeping upon
them both -"it's foolish anticipating present time a single officer of the
British navy. This is a Subject on
m is or tunes which may never occur.
which, a eaval officer would be listeta
It was just like my selfishness to
ecl to with close attention. What
tell you anything about these Wor-
ries. Why could I not have kept - ,
practical steps can ha taken to rem-
• COY 1A3C OVir A return, showing the
shipments, and not with the British
Legislature. You cannot make peo-
ple patriotic by Act of Parliament.
If the national ieterests involved ie.
this question were more 'keenly rea-
lized, we believe that less would be
heard of alien skippers in the British
naercantile marine.
We trust that the questiorCwill be
raised in Parlianieet. Unfortunate-
ly, there is not, in the I -louse at the
lova. *I••••
!deeds is renewed for you day ny day,
to do it. In such a case it might CLOANLINESS I1N' FEEDING. iThe thing for us to long for As The
chance to do the "breaking" provide otnlirto:owe attoeunsodf,tbfuotadgivaiI i gFarrar.odn ess . not t" gi°r\r' ."-' r' W.
be better to give the butcher a
ed he is willing fo pay a fair price the
Self-clenial is an excellent guard of
in troughs, or in any Seitable ves-
FOR TUB PRIWLEGIII. sel into Which the fowls cannot il'irt,ue* for It is sal5Ir n" NlitIr to
Look out for the veetilation of place their feet; but bard food, such triortee sowewliet at law -Cul 6"
is just as pure as possible„ especial- advantage. GiVO -the food prefer-iJoyments than to gratify /Mr 4losiras
eto the utmost of wbat is permitted
the cow stable. See that the air as the grains, army be scattered with
the manure to be disturbed in the change the feeding -place frequently. i sure hurry us further.---Townsou,
the bent of nature toward plea-
ly at milking time. Do not allow ubly in the yard or the fields, and I lest
gutter or stalls until after milking is When there is not a pore stream of ii It is to you, ye workers, who do
the stable, fresh water, which should be placed :noble and honorable in a sort, that
work, end are as grown men.
over, and the milk removed from water, supply the fowls daily With ialreadY
We !nave tried. to prevent raising in the Shade in a vessel into which ithe whole world calls for new work
one-half hour before milking time. in mind that the germs of disease :eord,tobleness. Subdue mutiny, dis-
widespread despair by maeful-
any, dust in the barn, for at least they cannot get their feet, 13ear iargi
lTay, Corn, stover bedding, etc., are are easily carried from an infected 'Ilea", justice, mercy and windom.-
all handled and arranged early in the farm on the soles of the boots and L'arlYle-
day, on this account. Then, when feet of the attendant sonic disease, To go beyond the bounds of mod -
the cans and milk pails are eneried es are invariably produced in dirty.eration is to outgrow humaniter. The
in to inilk, the atmosphere is just as surroundings, and they can best be Igreat"ess al the human seal is s.h°w11
pure as we can provide it. There is
more danger of bacterial inoculation
from dried matter floating in the air
than many suppose.
Of course all pails, cans, strainer
and strainer -cloths should be per-
feetly clean and sweet. A combina-
tion of cold and hot water, . fresh
and pure, with live steam to finish
with, when possible, can make all
work in tbis lite very satisfactory,
and is far ahead of any pasteuriza-
tion corrections later on in the
Do not buy any cans or pails that
aave seams unfilled with solder. If
you have them on band, do not
throw them away, but have your
tinsmith fill all holes a.ncl cracks
with solder. This will prevent one
source of troubleoin hot weather. ,
When ready to milk, and before
putting the pail into position brush
the cow's 'Udder and teats with your
dry hands, or with a clean dry
cloth. Despite suggestions to the
contrary, we advise against the prac-
tice of washing the udder and teats,
as a general proposition. There is
no need of it, unless these append-
ages are obsoletely filthy with cow
manure. In that case we advise
nutting the Whole cow to soak. •
was effected in seven days with only them. to myself? Anyhow, we will •
one boxof Dr. Chase's Ointnaent. try and look on the 'bright side of number of British owned ships, with
Both of these cures were lasting." affairs. After all, it's not the first the names of their owners, that sail
Mrs. II. A. Loynes, nurse, Philips- mess I've been in by a good many, from British ports during the year,
burg, Que., writes: "I consider Dr. and soindhow or other T. have always
shoeld be instructive.
Chase's Ointment a perfect inedicine.
I have used it myself and as a nurse
have reconunended it in a good many
case 5 'for itching piles. It always
gave perfect satisfaction in every
case, and once people used it they
would not think of being without it
in the house."
Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a
box, at all dealers, or Edmanson,
Bates & Company, Toronto, To pro-
tect you against imitations, the por-
trait and signature of Dr. A. W.
Chase, Vito famous receipt book w.,-
thor, rata On every box.
managed to pull through. So let's
cheer up."
13ut Kato shook her head, refusing
to be comforted, for a vague pre-
sentiment of evil had cast its oppres-
sive influence round her.
"Come, come," he said once more,
seeing how grave she looked, a.m1
trying very hard. to appear cheerful,
"we have talked ourselves into a
regular fit of the blues instead of
remembering that we are all going
up to town together and mean to
have a jolly time of it. That's
right," as a faint smile began to 11 -
The game of chess is still included
in the curricuinin of Russian schools.
Nothing amuses a baby that
doesn't annoy grown folks.
To prove to you Chat V?.
SChase's Ointment is a ecrtain
and absolute cure for °ace
and everg form of itching,
bleeding end. protruding piles,
rio manufacturers have rizaranteed it. Seetee
Imonials in the daily press arid ask your n eieh,
iorswhatthey think Olt, Yea can ese it and
pit your money back if net cured. telo a bon al
el dealers or EnieeNSONASATES & Torontg
Dr, Chase2s '01ritral ail
()Very time. TI it is necessary for the
tired man to spit on his hands, try
and induce him to do it, after milking
is over. Milk quietly and quickly,
milking two teats at a time, of
course. Some professor once advo-
cated milking one teat at a time,
but that was probably because of
his own personal disability or help-
lessness. It was at this time that a
friend of ours ridiculed the profes-
sor, and Suggested that experts
should be trained to milk all four
teats a at' once. We will illustrate
and describe his plan in a later is -
Just as soon as each cow is milk-
ed, the milk ehouhl be strained into
the cans. The strainer should be
proVidecl with el oths, held in place
by a ring. or clamps. If cheesecloth
avoided by cleanliness and disinfec-
tion, •These preventive measures
will guard against many diseases to
which poultry are liable, chiefly roup,
gapes, tuberculosis and diseases of
the CO1T11) and skin, and will also
iraprove the deneral condition of
the fowls, as well as materially in-
crease their market value.
Choi:deans Were Likely the Ear-
liest in the Art.
The Chaldeans were probably the
first to culti ate astronomy, which,
with its siste science, astrolergy, ap-
pears to hay!. been evolved indepen-
dently by Egyptians, Chinese and
Chaldeans, who ead all distinguished
the planets from the fixed, stars,
and. grouped these into constellat-
Drawings of tho heavens were pro-
bably common to ,the observers of
all three naticms, but owing to the
wholesale ,destruction of records it is
impossible to say whother any charts
upon plane surfaces, ,ehich alone can
strictly be called maps, were made
by them.
I. raore recent times the first to
project a chart of the heavens was
Inipparchus, who, upen the appear-
ance of a new star, decided to record
the state of the sky in his time, and
to compile a catalogue of all the
stars visible above his horizon. He
enumerated 1,080 stars, and in or-
der to fix accurately their positions
invented the plainisphere, a projec-
tion of a sphere upon a piano sur-
face, which is for most purposes,
more usefal than a globe.
by knowing how -to keep within pro-
per bounds. So far from greatness
consisting in going beyond its limits,
it really consists in keeping within
them. -Pascal.
The "continuance and frequent fits
of ringer, produce in the soul
propensity to be angry: which oft
times ends in choler, bitterness and
morositywhen the mind be-
COITIOS ulcerated, peevish and ()eerie-
lous, and is wounded by the loasti
occurrence. -Plutarch.
Many mon are knowing, many are
apprehensive and tenadlous, but
they do not rush, to a -dal -el -Oa
in our flowing affairs a decision
must be made -the best you can, but
any is better than none. There are
twenty ways of going to a point,
rmdoene9 o
e oisLhiele.s_n
hraorte:ronts;b.ut set out
The following matter-of-fact ad-
vertisement recently appeared:
"Wanted --A really plain, but ex-
peelenced and 'efficient governess for
three girls, eldest eighteen. Music,
French, and 0erraan required; bril-
liancy of conversation, fascination of
manners, and symmetry- 01 fOrin ob-
jeethd to, as the father is much at
home and there are grown-up sons.
Address Mater."
Interesting Figures in the Recent
Health Report.
In his animal report, Dr: Coiling -
ridge, medical officer of health ,for
the City of London, :England, States
that the rateable value of' the city,
which has an area of just over
square inule, is nearly$25,00,9,000.
The population at night is. 24-,0155
and in the daytime 358,0.30, while it
is 'computed 1,500,000 ,peopIe visit
the city daily.. In a 'recent 'week
847,468 'vehicles entered. etnci left the
city in one day., •
LaSt year the 'city b ii:th rat e was
13.6 per annum, tl.ud the death rate
12,0 3. In the ,Igetrsps,,IIS-,' "
the, ,birthrate, was ..28'.4 and, the dee, ill
rate 15.6.
, One hundresi and seventeen ,cases el
notifiable infections, disease had beim
registered. No cases of smallpo. bad .
occurred itt the city, but 4,8 "coy,
tacts'' were eeported :11,nrl.' tree
'and 1,508 Persons were re -vaccinat-
ed. •
A matter which 'gave, great 'trouble
to the sanitary authoeities the
introduction of infected w '1r blankets.
from South nfriea. 3,1-02
were dreiefected in ttte eteree.