HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-21, Page 4E S) 3""(,T,LY 21st, 1904,
There's nerve nourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea.
There's rest for tired brains and worn-out bodies. There's
food for impoverished blood.
The most delicate and fragile kaasea of the t a plant are in
tea--tbas why it is so fragrant and aromatic.
Blue Ribbon Tea invig,orates the faculties -makes Vois
clear, gives new zest to living.
Or *
********04+444. +444**** •
to heve the chick:ails
plump n ell fitted for tbg, mar-
ket. wIten tliey are at the most pro-
fitable age,t1gr SI.1001d be eaaced in
the fatterung crates ;when they are
three oionthe °la. Is is not tueaal hy
thjs ltar chieleens caanot be fatted
profienbly when they are more 'auto
three months old. Suitable niarket
chiekens of any age will 8110W gairr$
in the 0ratcs. In eelecting ohiokens
for fat tening. t ItOSO NI10041 be fatted
that Isere a good eonetitntion do-
iute shoot strong beak, head lei&
between Ow eyes lively appearance.
tine thee are a medium size. and are '
of a brOatt4 Square shape, eV it 11, Shen
rai,?,itt legs Set Well apart,
Equiptuent for Fattenings-In fat-
teniesees eldekeue for market it is ad-
visable to 08e t faetening erate e re-
vommentled, by Ilse Poultry Divisiozo
Ottawa. It only a small number of
chiekens ore, to be far ted, packittg
boxes of suitable dimensions can he
manned for the purpose. The open
op of i; he box sbould become the
t t be crate and ono side
Fie removed for the fronts
s slould be nailed up and. down
ibe eleo lengthnays otthe
o the Mier. Tb e laths
aT(placeeeetethe sense dist ance apart
eetratmended in the eonstrocelou
f Ire C:,:t ming crate. A board
Itt1i le looseued in the top Oahe
rate toove the 1iexe from.
eed gb arraigol in front.
c,r;, ooft ipoing bueei
FatteningBal'ons.-A. Sal Isfactorc
ttell104 Val l00 is one that is palat-
abhe :rod [leo will produce whita-
ed fle,le (lrmand tett s. finely
ith the coarst:r hulls
ti should form the basis of
graill lures. 01.1-litai1 corn
es.o.,-ss v. ill result IR n yellows;
e fleelt of inferior qualit a ;
d pens imp aro; a liardoesi to
Creels t het noi desirable. Ground
s, ground buck whear , ground bar-
ena low grade flour toes the roost
suitable meals for fon. ening.
eltlisfactory Meal Mixturee;
Ground oet eteirser hulls removed.
Siftinge from rolled witsno hull-
dus1 should be ineluded, 3
'wo per ts MI t t 11.11 pins
lotekitheac, one par; essa0and
orn. I„Eoteal pen, promo' oats,
ot outel tie rley end ground lashes hee t
Two p ties ;engem' Irtrley, Iwo
retie flour, ono tetra a heai
orporated by Act of Parliarneut 1S5Z1
.o....... ..... .......... $ti,1100,014 .1i
I, 1-4 ...... ... .. ...4000.000,00
11 served Fund......... ... . ' '
.. .... 2.550.000,00
IT Bombes in Ontario* arieleee. ill . .istsatelain•bi i. tkcil al tnitoba.
* Open nvery Lawful Day tem 10 4. M. to e M. e1eet aaterJy El 4.N.S. le 1 1.7.44
4 Fart -wars' Seal* Not 4.9 cashed or collected. Fotns supphiec
• •
On anplicotiee. DRAFTS en all points le the Dome:ace. theet 11r1abn and nee
ited States, tweet and eclat at lowest Sal eS ot eVIICIPA
positto at $1.00 and upwards received,
ea dee heft ace/sleeve and etitdcd to princirot Juri•'cm ,a;;J, Petal:Ater
"no -1 et.I.Tes lase issuod and biguest ourreet rates of interest alleacta
• stassivattecos outdo to farmers, stock dealers and busioess IUC11
• teesest totes and ea most; feverable tetras. Agents at Feeler tor Pew. (.1 evererite
1. Dickson et. Carling, Solicitors. IV. D. 1-11.;RDON, Nall:Moe
44444+44******•40.440444 444. 4444 411.44444
The Exeter Times
Vab3ndar for July 1 904
3 10 17 24
BIGNEt.sx.„ - • 4 11 18 25
TUESDAY ... 5 12 10 211
WEOltolsDAT... , 0 13 20 27
1 It 21, 28
FR,1DAsa.. ...... 3. 8 15 22 20
SATOtroiVit- 2 9 16 26 SO
T1llaltSDA1 jULT also,
lel •
11 1ht 1UgtiU110 len
to i s oI
vhs rQUt11l1t for 11 1ig14i*1 got tile
Cornwafl11. 11:11ICI1 the AWlitt
t :lieges i, e seandah
1 pply consider:Oa e progree
'4ii th".. The Government bill to
o t lee Iteilway set was a ISO
1 0 14/ and advanced.
Ily 1 lee deal h of John Meinoelo
ta. of Sherbrooke, the Conserve-
s lost an 1.1)1e. sapOorter, and
e 9 sterling public man.
Be fore ;the 4i1Umer comes.
TUB WEEK IN PARLIAMENT aNaeotTa acorway Ploo 'Syrup conquora
Couglos,. alias, Sore, 'Throat, Iloarea-
wow ine ween lite mint mese Bronehitia. Intl all Diseases oull f
711"1( a"
was paesed. ith, the exception a a
single CIA 11SP. Well was 114d. v.r; No.eie teo oommaesT
for further discussion .
Crops; in Ono eta) iiro approaching
It e.nit 0111 in the course ol 1 IW rnt utit v. Et is o cal understood thet
debate t bat the Government leid dee the yield et v. inter et heal will he
terroined to melee all future appoint- _
„ comp:troth-0y small, ow hos 1 o th
)21en ts 10 1 be militia on political ist,writs, hit zr 1111,1
grounds. Each minister l'"/ 1° 991 as j smothering of the blades by lee. The
!grain. has eotee up very ;well in soot.,
'district Ito retsreeents, The opitoal" I eeetions of the Province, but in
lion made a vigorous protest against I others ow Iruvr, um not got,
this clangorous policy, and 1le7 were setae seed,
hacked up by lion. Wm. Ross, who
wos Minister or the Militia io the The -ernienent eontomp a tes es -
Mackenzie cabinet. Sir Wilfrid tb1ih1n 6 i,11 hatcla•res on an
osier, hots over, r!efused to entertain exteneive stei eetnl,t Dort cta the
tlao objections. lake, either Sarni a, Goderich. Owe
It transpired too, that in the let- Sound or Collingwood. A represen-
ting of itta;ly militia contracts tend- I eat ire of 1 he fa,11 'ries department
dors are wirer called for and party o ill shortly visa; t hese places to de. -
favorites ere paid their own prices aide where a is to be learded, and
for services awl goode. A. number
a depot y 1\1 inlet er or 'AIM la in tile
of glaring' instances Poi this kin( e
Holmes M. making an. r-
evere broughthe to tattention of the ' for.„to halo. G ler le chosen.
* *
The leader of the Conservative The Stet ist scut Yea r Book 01 Ca -
arty asked the Government to con -
older a draft. bit 1 to increase tbe
powers of the Auditor General, who
under the terms of the present Ana
11 act, 15 unable to prevent -anlawful
expenditure of money. Again the
Liberal leaders attacked the Auditor
General and refused to give him the
power o he hos been asking for for
acme years. By a vote of 94to
a6, Sir. Wilfrid Laurier and hisfol-
lowers turned the guardian of the
treasury out of court.
.A. special committee was named
Losing your hair? Coming
OUR by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
that/ Why .don't you use
yer's Hair Vigor and
air VI
romptly stop the falling?
oitr,hair will begin to,grow
too and all dandruffwill dis-
, ,
ppear. Could you reason -
expect anything better?
nitioviger Is a great sueOess with
tido.My hair was falling dut very badly, but
the gair Vigor 8 tqfppOd it and.now my hair is
, rat eigbtoia‘w. CLerteitert, Liadtrer, cal.
stet a bottle., o. ATER, tee,
au ate ista ; go- towels nee.
iuk; .rdbacarr
nada, edited wit h such care and
ability by Mr. George Johnston, Do -
minion Statistician, lme been issued
It i even mare complete than terra -
et yea re, contaioinis several now
feel ures, such as the results ot the
ceusue of 1001 in connection with
manufactures, education and other
'natters; illustrative of the growth
of the country. One important fact
brought out in the latter connec-
tion is that the number of persons
who etermot read or write has de-
creased from 1,750 per 10,000 of pop-
ulation in 101 to 1,266 per 10,000 of
Population in 1901. All the provinc-
ee show a marked reduction in the
percentage of Mitt:rates, particular-
ly Quebec and the Northwest Ter-
ritories, the decrease in the former
being equal to 29 percent of the
totel. In this as in all the work ho
has to do with, Mr. Johnson shows
himself a public statist of great
value to this country and one whose
services evneot to too highly appre-
$35,000 IN PRIZES
This year the Canadiaa Nal ional
Exhibition of Toronto, to be held
from August 2911t to September 10111
wilt give es:rem-aline to the extent of
thir ty-five t house rid dollars in specie.
beselee some three tbousand dollars
le medals and tape, of which twenty
eoven tbousatd dellare be d000t-
od to live stock. Particulars of com
petition for thie handsome gift of
money and teopenes oat; given in the
good -hooking prize ,ilsts which cab
leo'baa on appJi into Manager' .T.
Oar,' 70 Iring Street Feist Toronto;
id meal should
L'1 1 hint porridge with thin; sour
It -milk or .bultertoiliz. On the
averages ten pounds of meal require
from 15 to 17 pounds of. sour skint -
A 41011 quentay of Fait tamed+
be roldert to the Mesh.
Wheel enfeleient skint -Milk or Out 7
Tioilk cannot ae obtaioed for lnix-
hzg 1111'
niasheset quantity of animal
or raw vegetable fooa should b's add --
l; to the fattening ration.
Toe coicken6. should remain in
fattening crates for a period of' 21
tinys iore or less:depending on Ora
conditions el' the bird. Before. they
are' placed in the crates they should
Ile well dusted \vith sulphur to IIIII
lhe Rea. They should to -again sul-
phured three days hefore t hey are
hilted .
firet n eek. -1 is rteeessory
to feed the chickens lightly the first
eek. 1107 are in 1110 orate& A small
unity of (be fat t ening food eliould
18 spread along thetroughs, and as
this is eaten more food is ndd3dbni
riot as much as the chickens would
consume. The food should be giveo
three times a day, and after feeding
the irons:its should be eleaned and
turned over. The chickens should re-
ceive fresh water twice n day, and
grist t wo 06 111106 tittles a week while
in the crates.
The Second Week. -The chickens
should be given twice a 'day as much
oodas titey will eat, Half en hour
Jeer feeding the feed troughs should
be cleaned and turned over. •
The Lost Ten Days. -At the eom-
meneement of this period one pound
oil tallow a day should be added to
the mashesfor every 70 click -ens. The
quantity of tallow should be .ssradu-
ally increased 'so that at the latter
part of thee period one pound of tal-
tow is fed to 50 chickens. The chick-
ens should receive the, fattening:food
twiee, a day.
Mr. la 1'. Preston has leritten
long letter to the London Times ex-
plaining the Fisher difficulty. Is
Mr. Preston to be dieraissed? Lord
?Dundonald was retired for entering
a Protest against a wrong at a semi-
private gathering,. It was said that
he was an officer of the Government
and therefore should not speak.
Has Mr. Preston privileges which
do not appertain to other officials?
Everybody, particularly Scottish-Ca-
nadiens and other foreigners, will
watch for tha action that is taken
the Government in Mr. Preston's
case. -Montreal Gazette.
And they can take it out in watch-
ing. Instead of telegraphing bau
leis dismissal and the inforneotion
that n check for his salary to date
is awaiting him, the Government tvill
probably raise. Preston's wages. -Ot-
tawa Citizen.
Siz hncierzt Foe
To health and happiness is Scrofula -
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the neck, dis-
Egures the skin, inflames the eaueoes
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con-
"Two of my children bad scrofula sores
vvbich kept growieg deeper and kept them
trom going to school for toree months.
Ointmente and medicines did no good until
1 began giving them Hood's Sareparifla.
Thig medicine caused the sorea to beai, and.
toe children have shown 110 signs of scrof-
Ma since:" J. (1,7. letecotas, Woodstock, Ont.,
oad s SarsaparWa
will, rid you of it, radically and per.
mazootly, as it has rid t.houstiods,
3. Us Crich has been appoinlea tlVl
ww chief of police at Seaforth.
Toro, Murdock's Joe Stanton, of
Ifensall, took fourth mooey at the
Seafort h races.
Mr. W. 0, Learoyd, wbo has Car -
'led on a Mercantile business inSea-
forth for the las, our or five years
purpoee5 moving to 'Windsor, where
he fermerly resided.
A pretty wedding look place. at
0,04 -texas -1t. laet week when Mise
Margaret, daughter of ligio-house-
keePers llobt. Campbell, was united
in roarr''‘
iaoe to Willieux T. Pellow.
Wil 1 be. found an excellent re -
for sick, neadaelte, Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Thousands of
letters froni people who have used
them prove this face. Try them;
5Ir 11 lie,e of laurinh eame
into oosee,s.sion of a -warm of bees
last Sunday in rathef a novel wee
The swarm was first usnieed 011
tree afterwards making a bee line
or an empty hive widish was stand-
ing in Ids back yard, and the swarm
is now right at home there.
Miss: E, 'Turner of 1 It pUb1i0 Sf3/4001
teaatirlg Stair, Clioron, has resigned
and accepted an eagagamea at
Maple Creek, Asea., at a salary of
ctigo. Shoal:as a teacher teaching in
Alberto. The resigoation of Miss
King., of the same place is also said.
ro he, impending, -Anse Tuaner leave
s for the West next week.
'Therel ono form of Xidney trouble
Gm. a back:who down to Brivlit's
oe. that Deao's Kithsey Pills will
liece or cure,.
yolrore troubled w141 any kiml of
eomplaiuts givo Doan% Kidney
are sorry to report 1 lie death
11. Thos, aleAsh, Ilayfield road
not Varna's oldest residents, bay -
Ig settled in this vicinity sortie for-
ty-five years ago. $he lived to the
Reed old age 01 our Ncorik y:sars.
She was a member of the Preebyter-
len church and as beloved by aft
who knew her
By the sudden snapping off of an
electric light wire in *he large
boersling bootee kept fry Mr. Laug-
her& \Vingbatn, alto,. end Z',Iiat
Lougiteed were 10,1 severely affect,
ed being now under the doctor's
No cause has get been assign.
Ifor the heat bioaking off the
triiirtoer trona Toeout
rTes1Cd in Wingletut. on July
eltarg kit stealing, a vain -
6 planead. other toots from
carpentora eotployed in the coo-
troctiou of the litalutes! Mock Fom?
f the tools baCe alreatly been re-
vered from the parties to whom
they bail been sold.
11`o not: 'the WflatlIc"r t a ri,o f
' your aystein eleaged won otason-
al:Valais. :that makes :you trod
dull, drowsy, Wea K and, oriiserabi,..
Burdock. Blood Bit tem- clear away
ol the poisons, purify n nd eurieh your
blood. makq 'you : feel bright and
vigorous. :
The death took place 00 Nloodity
July lltb, at his fu k her's hoine on
the Sauble hia, llay Township, of
Edgar, eldest son Of 'Mr. Daniel
Smith, at the"age of 21 years. TIO
deceased had been oiling for nearly
a month from heitra trouble, trot
Itis sickness was not thought to be
olotigerous. On Sunday he got worse
and ou Monday death claimed him
Ile. was a bright and industrious
young man and made friends with
;411 whao'eame in .contact with him.
A sotiaimen of one of the rarest
eritnnt leiotalete in this section was
killed by yoUng .Lone. of Tucker-
sotitb, yesterday, It is a porcupine
and weighs 25 pounds. The fur is
derk but studded, wit]* white .quills
113e11e5 in length anti bristles six
inches long. Its head 15 bumpy like
a colic "pup, with a beaver's mouth
and tooth, and four powerful claws
n each foot. Mr. Lane was fortun-
ate in getting close enough to the
brute SO as to be able to kill it with
a club without injury to himself,
It was. turned over to Dr. Free-
man, who skinned , it, and will
have the hide stuffed.--(41inton New
Era. • . :
A liver pill that i ssmall awl sure
that. acts gently, quickly and thor-
oughly, alma doe's ;not earipee Lax:t-
ide-or peasosseet theses
and are a sure cure for Liver , Coma
plaints Constipation Sick IIeredoelso„
alty of opt more than $$25 or 20
days in jail, for violation a the by -
Mr. John McMartin, tae well
known ex -proprietor a the City HO-
tel, London, died on Saturday nigha
at or near Winnipeg, Deceased was
i -route for Vancouver, when the
end Dame.
It you once try Carter's Little
Liver Pills for sick Iseadaehe. bil,
iousness, or constioation, you will '
neverbe witboot them. They are ,
purely vegetehle, araell and easy. to
Ptkee Dou't forget this '
Loe•lonecs reeved deserved honor
the anoteel convention of the ex-
eoutive 1 eaal. ailicers of Ontario,
whieti reueleess t 1 Sarnia on Thurs-
days Dr 0. T. Campbell, a member
or tho o pot MU from the local
Board of Health, Was el;keted viee-
lresident, and Mr. Wm. Skioncr.
another member Was 11110SZ11 as ono
of the executtve committee of five.
The wedding took place in London
1 Tuesday last of Mr. W. J. Fyle,
President of the 'Wilson-Fyle Co.
Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Ftuth Mor.
ray, a Illyth. The happy cereraony
was performed at the parsonage, by
Her, 3. B. Wallwin, pastor a the I
Empress Ave. Methodist °Introit. I
West London. Mr, and Mrs, Fyie
ent few days in Mythtrishaws"
bride's parents. Mr. and. Mrs.
limas Jones;
Waieteiver Caere.,ue ckly people
Witll Weal; bearls and ranged nerc.
'„Ner.ve, Pelle
vilh bo • TOUnd On efetual enedielne.
;They restore enfeehl enervate&
sled:devitalized or ereivork-
and women to vi r • bail -
ad :oh 16 one of the eddy
SYZOj(toflls of catarrh, which sbould
eltecked at once and not allowed
to run into consumption. 'The sur-
est core is fragrant, heeling, Cater- ,
rbozone, which 011166 catarrh by re- I
moving the cause. No case IS tool
airdnito-even the most stubborn;
ield in a short time to the ba1sa-
nile of Catarrhozonts, 11make
ee cures that last, for once curec1 by
tattarrhoeorte .you etey cured, Va..
torrhozone is plcasaut, ronveziimit
„ t.ofte10 uso. r..lieves, almost in-
, ,ry typo of catarrh, bronchia I",
may 1114 guaranteed to rote
d asthma. Use only ertiarrito-
zoos". complete outfit, $1.410: s 1
5136 2e.
-Mrs, Won Purday moved to Sea -
write last ueek where she 111! ends
Making her home in the future„ hej
on. Norman. being employed wit It
r. 13. Lot 11(161.
-Mr, and 1is. .1. Keys tool four -
Y, of Nashville, Tenn,, tro! sion'Illog
heir summer 'aCa 1011 Mr.
Keys has roiled tbe houso 011 Wm.
Dennison's farm %there he lute ds to
ii' Ottawa, arrie-
al bore on • 'Friday
-Messrs. Charles root .aolin
-dour, of Stretford, visited friends
here on Sondny. .
-alr. George .Camobell hos taken
the coutract 01 mang the cribs ;with
stone at $3.50 a cord.
Messrs. L, Jeffery anti S.. Leube
re makin(r o scow to MOWS stonos
00 the lake for the dock
-111178. Matilda Brenner, dought'er
of IfelSon l‘lasse, wwinr lives in Mil-
ilershorr, Iichi., arrived bere On
Sunday afternoon. :
-Mr. Arland, foreman of.- (he doCk
has :engaged Mr. Overholt. who with
his three dvughters from Ottawa or -
rived here on Mondity evening.
. -On Thursday last a numaer of
young laales quIted a loeutrul
for Mrs. D. Jeffery. and the evening
was &erre:miles speot 1» dancing:The
25c. pays for the Tim,es till the
end of 1901 -for new subscribers
For Cholera Morbus,Cholera In-
!ta.ntum, 'Crumbs, •Coli, Dtarrhoari,
trees:watery and; Summer Compaainte
Do. Fowler's Exeraee of Wild' Straw-
berryis a prompt, sate and sure cure
(.bat ha a been a popular fa.vori be ;for
nearly GO years.
$100 reword is offered for the re-
covery of the diamond trom the
ring ot the late R. M. Graham, kill,
ed at St. Marys Junction.
The school trustees of No. 2, Ful-
lerton, hava engaged Miss Janet
Good to sucCeed Mies B. MeNaught
as teacher there .
People of ten get blinding hen d-
itches that sutler from comstiprdion
Simplest remeay is Dr. 'Hamilton's.;
Pills of lelanctrake ;Ina Butternut.
Tbey are mild certain ;ant safe. FOC
headzieles and ebillioneneesi uee only
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 'Price 25c.
Mr. C1. E. Ganes, who bas been ease-
PlaYea byethe G. T. Ile as night
operate-, at Lueen, lies been t:rans-
lerred to Peteasleurg, for tvideli
Tattoo he left Monday .
al sick headache is misery, what
ie Carter's Little Livrir Pills 11 they
tell! positively cure it? People who
hava used tbern speak frenicly of
their worth. They are, fingttll and
easy to tairt.'.
.'Parlehill Gazette :-A by -la iv t o
prevent spitting en eidewalke, pub-
lic buildings, hallo' a ea, etc, was in-
troducea by Councillor , Gibbs end
iyaS passed ough tha necessary
stestee. Tha by -leve provides a p.o-
Miss Alice M. Smith, of Min.
neapolis, Minn., tells how wol
man's monthly suffering may
be pennanently relieved by Lydia
"DEAR Mns. Pnesetem : -I have
never before given my endorseraent
for any tnedicine, but Lydia E.
Pinkhara's 'Vegetable Compound
has added so much tomy life and
happiness that I feel like malting an
exception in this case. For two years
every month I would have two days of
severe pain, and could find no relief, but
one day vibeu visiting a, friend I ran
across Lydia E. Pink -haul's Vege-
table Compound, -she had used
it with the best results and advised
me to try it. I found that it worked
wonders with me; I now experience
no pain, and only had to use a few
bottles to bring about this wonderful
change. I use it occasionally now
when I ani exceptionally tired or worn
out."- Miss Ailing M. Sono, sot Third
Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair-
man Executive Coranaittee, Minneapolis
Study Club, -$5000 forfeit if original of above.,
ktter proving genainenese cannot be produced.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through the '" various natural
crises and is the safe -guard of
, Woman's health. .
The truth about this great
medichke is told in the letterg
from women being_publiShed ix
thspper constanityl.
, Nee, "aa, assaaNaaae.W..„'W.aaateeaecate'eseses.aerOasaaaaseSeaseValless
The Kind Ton Have Always Bougbt, and which has been .
-in -use fOes over 30 years, has borne the signattltre
And alas 'been made 'Under his per.
souidsupervision since its infancy,
w(.14 41,1 low no one to deceive yeti in this.
11 Voluderfeilts, Imitations and "Just -as-good," are but
xporiments that trifle with and endanger; the health of
ifents and elaildren--xperienee against 2:x1/Orin-lento
($4ti4631is a harmless substitute for astor 01), Pare-
goric,' Drops and Soothing $youps. It IS IneaSalate It
esinittalus neither Opitunp illorpltine Dar other WargotiO
listanee. Its age is its guarantee. it destroys W01131S.
ellletcys Veverishness. It tures Diarrixtea. and Wind
0011e, It :relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. it assimilates the 1'004, regulates Om
Stomach, and ,Dowels, giviug healthy and uatural Steppe
Tit() Clki1tireet76 Panacea -The Mother's Vxieud,
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bou
in Use For Over 30 Years.
0e0rau Prneraett. URFIAV itt(W Yttttin
vantage by writing to
Tile Diabetic Insti-
tute, St. Dunstan's
um.Londort, E. C.
, ling la 1 ropori * are
theln li uggiest.
;rteacadri.for num of the v
Bu ie
Exete Alunicipal Council.
OU Ha 113101 rsuent to adjourn.
meht at Town Ilall, July 15tb,
sent Councillor Armstrong. Minot...
I4 of previous meeting read nod con-
Muir -Wood.- That 1110 folloWing,
aceounts 18. passed and orders drawn
on treasurer for swims -H. Parsons
;rec1 waterlog to July 16111 $24,00; '
John Evans, repairing sidewalk, aa ;
W, 3. Manion, tile, $33,00; 1, W.
Browning, forntelahyde. $17.70;
11. Bissett. postage, $2.00; Connor '
Bros, grinding lan n. mower, eemeta
etery, $1.50: Jno, Cottle, flowersfor
emetery $7.75, -Carried.
Tay/or-WoOd.--That by-law No,
6, apeointing poundkeepers as read a
first time be. read a second aod
Do you Want a Fuggy
We bare the finest stock in town
ail the latest styles, in the neweo.,
Our prices are low as can be faun
for first-class material and workman,
third time and finally passed. -Car -1 Russell
Wood-Mni r. -The t by-law No. 7
re cemetery, as read a first time be
I 'a
read a second and *third time and
finally ottssed.-Carried.
Wood -Moira -That the Reeve it
Treasurer he authorized to borrow
the sum of $10000 to meat -current
Council adjourned to meat at can
of Reeve.
Australia has long been suffering
from a plague of foxes, the descen-
dants of a few brought out some
years ago for sporting purposes.The
Viet aria agricultural department
pays a bonus at 50c for each fox
head sent in, and last year the re-
cord was 45,400 heads. As the skins
with brush attached are worth as
high as a dollar each, it is proposed
to avoid mutilation by adopting
some other method of identifying
the animals on which bounties have
been paid. The English sparrow
brought to America has proved a
nuisance. Thil English fox and the
English rabbits have over -run Aus-
tralia .
KLOPP-On Zurich Road, Hay Tp.
0:1 Wednesday, July 61h, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ells -nor Klopp, a son.
lelaWATTERS-WELL-On Jaly .4th
t the Evangelical Parsonage,
Sagiorew, Mich., by the Reve Bul-
green, Mr. J. W. MeWatters. to
Miss Maggie S, eldest daughter of
Mr. U. Wells, f Zurich.
SMIT11.-Cla tlseDSauDble line, Hays on
July litb, Edgar, the oldost son
of Mr. Daniel Sniffle, at the ago of
24 years.
BROOK -In Itetess• North, on Friday
July 15'th, 1901, Hannah Little, re-
lict of the late Wjfljani Drook,
egad 63 years, 4 snout s and .0
BENN. -I Bidttulph, Thursday
morning., July 1411), at the resi-
dence of bee brother l'homas, Lot
8, S. L. R.,, Wm, M. Bone, in his
75 year.
ears the The Kind Yrou Have Always,Bolight
o AttasP
Two Doors South Towr
Popular Stallions
Messrs. Be wden & aletton.ell's thor-
aughhbrecl Shire, Clydeadala analiecese
ney Seallions will: stand TOT the;ime-
takseve.mtaret f teock this season at
tlieer own atr tebles Exetea.
; •
CANONGATE Ne 10521, elydeadole;
at their own etsble, Exeter,' $15 toe
MOULTON WILLIAlt1 No. '..21675...
Shhire, a beautiful grey, will, issaand
at 118ir s,taibleseExetet, 815 to
.BULT4ER, No. 7382, a tbhoroug,hbrede
Hackney Stallion, will tand at ,their •
sta!bles Exeter, $15 to insure. ;
J rtliOIVIPSON,Aranateer.
Mr. S. Gracey, who recently sold
Ids interest in a businees at St.
Marys lias puechased a furniture and
undertaking business at Aylmer.
Goderich S t ar.-Tlie stoppage of
passenger boats by the SooeCo'eateates.
uro bas beeit a serious injury to sum
mer trasel, and as these boats ran
other lines oft, there wil I be no
boats thie Season ;unless lase Soo
line starts rgain.
The other day Mr. E. C. Atteill,
Ridgewood Park Stock Faem, our- ,
chased from John aleIlroy, of Mora.
ris, (*Oat; five, miles from ,Blyth)
a splendid yearling ent.iro oolt, siced
by Desford Marquis. The auimal is
peobably the lieSt of its °lase in Hu-
ron and will certainly be hiard to
beat. His weight is about eleven
bunared pounds, and the peace paid: "
s $200. lir. Attrill will show the
colt at the big exhibitions, '