HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-21, Page 2cast Desk 1+1NCILIS ,s .L„ II (1 `�l � i x GI, s, lift. It. .Is 1`t'ported dozen n gitr- 5ssritltA, tell) ;t• 11anealt 1 W )o \ t to t i t lei tr tetialI has expired, 1• .J 1 .z '" „ �., tgoing to s 1 Itn tt) assist is repairing Ilea.\',,• arl'4rrltt'kleie ±,lar ] li es Ito is Making as on oaf the Government iron works inveetigating elle r capacities. s. stIn ut tits fvi L'.as- e:., with t':e)kne seventeen anet reef ore. 't-3sited 14tt IMMO tl urn in, t "i"needatee «lune 213th, anti rt\alnined bit elieew in ei number of the larger wholesale hour<,s; the proprietors in ▪ {•nrh it•:stence :hu1t'ina evert wining - r: 1','Sr to1;ctit+ their <,1 eeee teett�rl anti despatch �°It, :-f apt i . Rost., rr$ the Indian eTeillea .5 i et•v'ice. leis stueeeeed in celtiva tin tee bacillus of 121+1•O v, zrecr`rding k t :expetii _cfull% the defects found ,despatches from tti111!„,,f fl llurntalt o,and the requit•:eel/1s-of the trade- , - in lt,i)tcint; over the cheese it. was • noticeable that a number of the fee '•bowed that the soil in sod eon- tafned rroza 50 to 100-er cent, p less watts than adjoining soil in cult,ive- 1 cnta a. Tfn11'S Sprmia1 from London lie hoe Mlde substance fr<,nt floe en] tezreit \v'laieh lce calls le; ro1iatxltic 1 when p en inihctetl into Ieeerti bas tu•tia•lcr• CAVALRY t S SC ?ILI:. A i' ) Y 1t, tifr. 1 h from il.ti er ch .i, to > :— A _ d etas h;-.1ent of Major-General el e ehertko's erne. fought a en -Mina 1e- st:e;etat'lt Tu srlay i, 'air the Black Mutat `es. ti •1e 't a v_ .t 11 t.,t)..cts ett'earc take. , '1' •J•r.. . ;. ;; ,. T,tr.ts>t ztre . r„,Itrc.,,chln• thernselees live alit "1°t e, E 4 1 )rix '"I`ttttilte'• kiao,, ` Terribly hot weatherre- vails here. The 'Russian troops op are in excellent :spirits. Il,LY CO TO TUE FRONT. The St. correspondent Petersburg g of no Loudon Telegraph says a widespread sensation has been caus- ed, by elle announcement m the news- papers that the Czar, who is osten- sibly t,, , visiting only the depots whence troops are going to the front, has arrived at Ufa and started for 'Ia- tousk. The opinion is growing, al- though there is no confirmation, that his Majesty may continue his journey to the seat of war. JAPANESE LOSSES. A despatch to the Japanese. Lega- tion io at London m fY' k' o Tokio on Wed- nesday announces that Gen. Oku re- ports that is the fights • g s l e<udfng to the occupation of Iiaichau the Jap- anese n anese easuaIties, from July 5 to .Jill 7, were four men Y killed ed and twent wounded. y The casualties of the Japanese July '8,nnd July 9 were :about one hundred and lofty,I killed e or wounded. tot "•s which formerly i:ettt lit poor li 7 cat t w., .,r,a t3ratt• it•ni;,laing a first- beneficial lrst- )3ene icial •iiia 1 . J7 ,Alae\`iiltiSl , S'•at'� t; the ,. n1 ,aa and >• lnt)ietttl•4+ on.. the esti alit I,xperiluental farm for sey- ^; eras years, ',Mini, May title, rem, we • found thut there was 130 toss more tl \v.zfer per acre, to a depth of 1 t , mehces, in cultiveted soil than in ihe ad;olnin; plot tallying a vigorous i,growt:h of cluster, This lneans that t th•' letter soil contained but one- �a'hr•)f the water in the Curti atc'd soil net grass soa is more n 1110 L7[hanstlVe ihau clover sod. 7n 1902, from May to Jule, trials every two weeks d It,s •r'• t lest. tt'l3)le other fttetnlias which were �1ook d upon s first- class, • I sl 9 St class, arc+ !low eN crienein)r diflfculty s in keeping up' their stiinderd,. II halt. 1- might we hat -e- expecte'-1 from the I)<)orer Iflrt.- .'. lane;tat if no in- etre Cf In n had d) a u lieen given, 'when \ lr] th(' ! , letolns of the' rl):=i•;)• <a,, il.Ia'.t�a. �n,. k n land t f. LI Dasa the lartcilltt `Ss to extract the cults Seoul the nt talent media, and flnit ("apt, host t htis dfscovicerea the len isles of leero.•~v' n• the ill not :«� t rut•' l t ,r rr ,w • ni' 1 [ of f) 1, t it salt. i In ort.c rt[ )«w .•• such nu t,.., trient medium he slistilllt beef extract soaked in pumice stone in a current of sliper)te ite rt i ti:tn). Anil- obtains a metihrnt in which ttae bacillus - a ro`w l that eu lip- and also .. ,tt oi' tatlrerctllosis y grows with the gl•c:itest ea to pr lin is ntad.i on :�trl'ri`abet shn- liar lines to those first fenpicrvc« by Prof. Koch in the manufacture of tuberculin. Over 100 nes of 1r'prosr are be- ing treated in 13:if-m ll b,- injections of this, substance, and the treatment is also being tried in 3(l places he Ja;r)iit. Already four cases leave been reported cured, and in the great ma- jority jority of those under treatment the )' S 7m t o ci r? n.11t is said 1sad tok be marked. e FAMINE THREATENS RUSSIA best, 113a. � ! 5 ]Il:, many c eelfa)IIS are g ., " ex ter , x act 1 n diili tellies c)f o i.h , e fact pries in Perth District which 161, had in previous years been counted • as first-class, changed makers1 his cptil, air1 tale Cl'eevt' favi at the beginning of the-setxson was rejected by the buyers. Application \les at once made for a visit from the Instructor, and after a fete hours of consultation and instruction the masker was able to manufacture.. Ghee: e which were classed as "fancy" The loss on the two • shipments, (about two weeks' make was about :100, and even then the buyers laid not "curt" them as much as they would co d hart the factory not had a good re tt< pt ^ttitnn. III another small • factory a cut of $40 was made on one shipment.. The Instructor suc- ceeded in overcoming the difficulty at once, and the patrons are now re- ceiving full price. In another instance ' a first-class factory was cut half a cent per pound on one :shipment, and one cent per pound on another shipment, but after only one visit from an i.nstruc- tor,h to cI)et.' se brought . full price. Tho instructor ' o .311 this case succeeded in bringing tbequality cu'ti' Ity of the cheese from inferior to first-class. Some oftl t e aloin defects noticed in the cheese in Montreal were as follows : First, weak in body and too mtuh. acidity. Second, objection- able flavors. A weedy flavor, of what is called an "off" flavor, due to carelessness on the part of some person, either patron or maker. Third, defective finish; but much su- perior to the general appearance of cheese marketed in previous years. No excuse can be made for unwork- inanlike manner in which some of the cheese is put up. They are not un- iform; carelessness is dis pla l � c.d in ]'nit' ting the cloths on the ends'of the cheese; the boxes are not properly trimmed after the cheese are put in thein; and, 'in some cases the boxes are not high , enoughallowing the �> 0 e weight of the ;top cheese to rest , on the bottom cheese rather than on thea p. boxes. In some eases boxes.: are;. too large, in circumference, allowing the cheese to work from side to side and wearing rough patches ON T.IT•E ENDS AND s:IDES There is also g' evidence.. f rig n .n. it cnce 5 in the care of the shelves; theCI l,S 1f ' of the cheese in o few l i st' e z .vtcc:5' be- ing geite dirty �i l'i 1 _ vI ic, tale sides C4 kt'Ct"e el .a- ' Vee ie , . �.. tial: wholesale , • � ,,, a .e df.t le ,�tcticcl timeeoit:' .of e0 Fr):. s reenived he had VLADIVOS:POOK SQUADRON. A 'despatch to. the London. Daily Mail from Tokio says it is rurtiored that torpedo boats belonging to the Vladivostods squadron were seen off I.I'okkliido Wednesday night. It is a1,o stated that the Russian cruisers have reapl)eareil. INTO . MONGOLIA. The e Japan Mail remarks that Gen. ho ro atki z u Si 3 is evidently concenerat- mg at Tangillai against Gen. Nod zu's Taku • sllaii arzsiy. The level country there would give an Oppor- tunity the tI7 y for , use b the powerful Passion ravalrS'. �r'• The a'vicbr tiicht, of Tokio, com-- naentin r upon Gen. Kouropatkin`s I parent 1udeca.'i1 epi t s o21; states ` that, while lour lc' w i g � o f l was temporarily ,S I g.., . T,.. + t . i . 4, a•n the .<tiI1A�•fa f .ai`,n, spent their t U) tit in ' attacking -, c n„ has' Banks P li , ie<tiiti . the Motion g Cyt -..t. a.:5 ,.t l2ti b� �', d� fenced. Now the line halo .M.ongolia. Pail -are of the Crops in Some cf the Provinces. ,,.. A St. Petersburg despatch says :— The prospective failure of the crops in some of the southern provinces, pas eibly ettezidant -with famine, and the necessity of adopting relief measures is beginning to- attract attention. ;, 'Ile Governments of Xherson, Bes- sarabia, Taurida, Poltava, and Kharkofi are principally affected. In the district of Triaspo the peasants already have been. compelled to, har- vest the unripe crops ops to feed the live stock. Committees have been appointed to relieve the distress. The failure of the crops is attributed to unfavorable weather. In some dis- tricts no rain has fallen. In many parts of Bessarabia cattle are being sold for almost nothing. TWO HUNDRE i D .,IVE;S LOST. Cloudburst Caused:Destruction of Philippine Town, A despatch from Manila says: ; A cloudburst over the hills north-east of Manila caused a flood which has destroyed San Juan Delnonte on Wednesday. Two '.hundretl` linos were ee lost. The logy lying districts were inundated. The homes of Americans and foreigners are isolated. Trans- portation through the streets is car- •icd on in boats only. Rain has 'fal- en for twenty-seven !tours totalling 17 1-5 inches. This is unprecedent- ed, C oxnlniinicatit7n with outside side laces is in:terr[3 D pt ed. The damage to property is st 2, P IY e. Izuated at :x_,000 ,- 000: tii'n--the diiiel•cnce being at times over 200 tons per acre. The drought in the ,'aril• part of 19013 eatp liasieed these facts and showed most mark- eclly. the value of cultivation. In autumn, utr lin r c u the e other- hand, it a d Ss d Sfrlt r e ) It thltt the water supply should be dilllinished:, .so that vege- tative egctative rnv)tt'i+±)' should be checked and the wood given an opportunity to zi r I If b t tI e the winter 't. c st, s in This' -is readily brought about by:: i g w o ng the cover crop in June or part alert of July. . IFTTh.ITIS ANSI) NITROGEN. The improvement' of soils by the growth of clover or some other le- gume is effected by the addition of hrnxus and nitrogen_ Experiments go to silow that by this means. the soil can be enriched to the extent of 100 ib. or more of nitrogen per acre -this nitrogen being appropriate cd from n the atmosphere tl I e by to plant through the agency of certain bac- t teria that reside 'n the over roots., c It seems more' lee,. •'• probable that a good crop r,t (,r turned under will enrich ell to an extent equal to an a 'ion of 10 tons of ordinary bai manure, Not only is that vale. '11d necessary plant food, nitro•_;.,: .,ri•nished cheap- ly by this means, but humus -forming material is added In large quantities and this by its ,partial decay is par- ticularly important in ameliorating the physical condition of the soil And, lastly, the mineral matter stor- ed up in the cover crop is finally set free in forms readily assimilable by the roots. of the orchard trees. d IMMIGRANTS GRANTS TU CANADA. Over 8,000 Have so Par Arrived. This Year. A Toronto despatch: says::—The growth- of immigration to Ontario during the last few years is striking- ly shown by the 11' S to otvin figures t y �'' o given out by tilt. 'Comrnissiorter of Crown Lands. Tliey cover the ar- rivals at the ,Ontario Immigration. Office, cor3ducted the Departmente 1?y. of Crown Lands at . the Union Sta- tion, and for the first six months of each of the years mentioned : 1.899. 780,, 1900 912 1Ci0.t. 1-.. ,2. .. 8 1902 2,729 1903 (1,(1111 1904 These figures do .r.ot include INN thousands who have - ac,ac)ieil• Elie province end 1 1 a z< c,nnc direct to .places of einploti'nient•' or to friends in. different parts, but, only ,those who have e - ported to the: ofilce .at 1110 Union Deoo t. zu -, ordinary to choice I !large rolls, 12 to 11e; law to niedl- uln grades, 9 to 11c; ereaznety prints, 17 to 18c; solids. 16 to 17e. i• ,r;:— 5 , !, (:aso Jots are selling at "Sv to 100 per dozen; seconds, 1;3 to Ile ('11"e -e ---True market is quiet, wit prices unchanged. at S} to 82c, ttil )rater for twins« 11 C IMO(. I" IOLI3 CTs, 1t e, tluote; 13acort long '-'7etoo 7.a. , lo1 E, clear, � per 11). in case lots. Mess pork, 815 to $15.50; do., short Cut 17 to $17.50. ,San ok eel Itit',tt.s-. • Ilatms, light to rnediuu), 12 to 12?c• do.,heavy, to 11.3e; rolls le ,1 e , 11 , lc, shoulders, 81c, backs, �• , 1:3 to 1:31c; lu•eakfast bacon Lard--'I,'he demand is moderate with p)'ices steady.1Ve. • uote:—T' q irs ces, 7d' tubs, 4e;7e Al1S BUSINESS AT 1TONTRI; Mlontreal, July 19.—The (• • .tat Market is quiet. Oats are quiet, I)ut prices are 111121 in view of : strong, advances from - England, and dealer, are demanding previous quotations 37c store for No, 3,, and 38c for No. 2. Peas are about steady at GJ a afloat, Montreal; No, 2 barley 49c; No, 2 extra, 48ec; and No. 2 rye 69c. Floor—Trade is fair Manitoba patents, -$'4.75 to $4.80; stron • bak- ers', $4.50; Winter wheat tent 3,1.75 to 34.90; straight patents, .- rollers, $1• (10 to $4.70; straight rollers in bags $2.15 t 2`)r a 0 5 ...o. b`eed—Ontario bran in bulk b at 316.50 to 17- sh shorts, o is 318.50 to 319; Manitoba bran, in bags, $117; shorts $10. Provisions— ITeaty Canadian short cat pork, $17.50• to $18; light short cut, $17 to $17.50.; American fat backs, 317.- 50; compound lard, 6.'.- to -7c; Can- adian lard, Gi to Tee; kettle render- ed, 8e, to Sec, according to quality; hams, 11" to 13c; bacon, 12 to 18c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, 37.50; • ,e g •, 5. ,� ]Ile ]totes, Sv..,5 to 35.40,.' weighed off cars. .7 ;gs—Select new laid, 17c, straight gathered, candled, 156; No. 2, 18�; to 14e. Butter—Fancy grades, 1.7 to 17;c; ordinary finest; 16t. to 17c; Western, dairy, 11 to 141 c. Cheese :Ontario, 7e to 7-7,e; best Quebec at 7c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. ,es Metal silence the in -chief reported the aGiatir l;7 tele - a otY, lav back ou his bed and graph to the (`far, who illllueelatel. id, "I ran die happy now," PAUL KRUGER DEAD. Ex -President of Tralsvl.al. Dies in Switserlan.d. A Clarees, Switzerland (1,s says ;—x'uul Kruger, former Presi- dent of the '1'r,tusvit1l Republic, died. hero at 8 o'clock alt Thursday morn+ Ing, from PJ10ul onia end superven- ing heart eveakeeso. ilfr. Kruger lost causeionsttcess - Bromley, 7lis daughter and son-in-law were 121 hintx ie at the time of his dcttiU. I'Io had been otrt, only once since his ar- rival here, at the beginning t b ,,waning• of lest I-�. month. Tho ex -President's csldettt's i)ody was embalmed, ani will 11 be placed in a vault pending funeral iirrange- nients. Application tviIl be made to - the British 3 Go\•et•nrnc t n for author- ity O transport. t h remains c talus to the Transvaal. In the meantime they will be temporarily interred here. n 1%rr. Kruger, who was staying alta at the Villa Du Boic)iet, had been grad- ual' t failing fel• a Ion1,* tone, ±tut' he s teas ab)e aatire the 1tetvspapetors,ttend andto receillit'ers, visitads until Saturday. 'A change for the tvbrse set in on Sunday. Slee :became unconscious Monday, and remained so unhd• s 1 Etolfs,til Mr, , •eaths rte I�.ris itg<a tvas a]3ettendeded. by his own physician, Dr. IT ymann, and b, his secretary, Mr. Itedel. On several occasions Mr. ICrug er had expressed a desire to be buried be side his wife, in his owe country. Bti.12Y+ankee, July 19)-Wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.01: No. 2 Northern, 97 to 993c; new Septentber, 86-ic bid. Rye—No. 2, 72 to 75c. Barley—o. �+ ey 1Vo: 2, 02c; ±sample, 85 to 58e. Cern - No. 3, 50 to 51.1c September, 4 ;t 9-' '� 1 ae , 19 to 4Jc. M' Inn% ea• oris Kinn., PJuly 19--"4Ylteat —July, 99ec; Sept. 8830; Dec.; c; 84 ontrach No, 1. h• r 8e . a a, fp1.01�; No:. 1 Northern, $1.001: No. 2 Northern, 943 to 963e. ' Flour -First patents 35.10 to 55.20; second patents,,5 $5.10 ;first $.I to ,5.. 4 clears, .„.o5 to o$.- 65; second clears, 82.50. Bran—Inhulk,31;3.50, shorts, Ch1 J.J f). St. Louis, Mo., .July 10.--Wheat-- July, 961e; Sept., 86c Dec. 86.,tc . 'CATTLE MARKET. ;SET. Toronto, .1 19.-e Good. 19:- (:,00d. >Jutchers' cattle . a c steady. and there a <;•' clsgood demand: Other t.l (,L Y,lfLSSCS are easter- 0.ul 1racle idaS 810%V. 1 x'a -J y ;sett lihiie tl;ezca.r c still some gtw13 lends'' of cattle coaling in, the;' ADVANCING ON-:t3_tiSS.P.. Resistance to British Aission Will r be Punished. A despatch from Oya,ntsee says: The ,,despatch f b a the I:iritish mission on Lhassa, the capital of Tibet, has cornInc)nced; ,, Col. Younghusl)and hes issued a lengthy proclamation) . an- nouncingthat a, It is the intention 'of the British Government to' secure re- paration from the Tibetans for their "overt acts of war," and that any interference with the progress of the mission "will meet with condign punishment, and only.result in utak--' ing the terms demanded more weed- ing g and the measures to enforce o cc then t more severe." BEEF FOR WARRIORS. [ . Shipment of 1,000,000 Pounds .for Japanese Army. A despatch from Minneapolis says: The; heaviest order of canned n` n ed Iueat'ta cross the Pacific has been loaded aboard the huge shipShawl a nutfor transportation from Puget Sound to Yokohama. • The shi )7nent consists l of a rush` order of 1,000,000 0,000 ppiinds of canned: beef for the subsistence Department of the Japanese army. It was handled from. Chicago by the Northern Pacific in special 'trains of forty refrigerator cars. A f1' coinnlission cc b o Icer will tan '.0 charge of : ;the Northwest - Mounted Police at Iaerschel Island. SGl? t t,' 70 iia erald is at present. incommand, 4 l c comntat.d, butt there are grave e.. v. r s, g G ponsil)ilities of intetnr•'ional importance in con- nection ••I;lth: the post, 90 an ()Mem- o lneneai' rarik has-been appointed. ordered Boris hone., It was rumored in St. Petersburg Sat the beginning of the month: that Clrand Duke Theis had iaecome in- volved in a quarrel with Gen. Kure- pntl.in, but no details were given. It was started, Iiowover, that as a result of the altercation l.uris had been transferred to Hairpin.. BOERS FOR CAAADA,. Send Delegation( Ahead to S Ont the Land. PY A riesatcii •c f P from 'Montreal szi:,ys:. Believing ,that Canada offers a better field than Africa, Sauk 800 Boer femilies aro contemplating a remov- al here, nn,d with this end in' view, have sent two or their emissaries ahead to "spy out the land." These emissaries are Piet Krause and Al- bert Vr oolnan.1 Y I e leftfor o West- ern Canada anadrt on ltieducsday Iuorning. Seen at the 11•il,cisor, Mr. Irausso said that many of the Boers were dissatisfied with;. South Africa,' and were Anxious to change their places of abode, Their dissatisfaction was not occasioned by social conditions but they believed Canada. offers a better field for 11u'nlers. "We have talked the whole thing over, and Mr. Vrooman and myself were chosen to go to Canada and look at the Western farm land." Some of the' Boers desire to go into mixed farm- ing, others to raise' wheat, and a large proportion incline to cattle: 'If a satisfactory report is received froni the emissaries it is quite likelythat the party will be ,stere next year. It i ill s estimated that it ' will Heather' about 1,200. 41, "MAMMA, WATCH ,a1,"t1, SH 0T; A Little Boy Accidentally `Killed His. Mother. A despatch from 1lforristown,iN.J., says: "Mamma, mamina; watt 1, me shoot.'' said four-year-old Ott ''Brit - ling to his mother on Tuesday flout- ing in their home at Shoran %L l . The little fell t a ow managed to p his lather's, shotgun out of b the comer of the room, where ` it stood at .full cock. As Mrs. Brit;tiutg ran ,tcivard the child there was an explosion and she fell to the floor. A charge of large'cshot had passed through her abdomen when she was within a foot of the +sizzle and entered c ed the', twallo of the roc, ' a ;dozen feet; awa. Britting live. nearl )r twohours. Slhe 3 howls. 5ihe was in alyon most of the tune, but she e car es ' sed clitt 1 e boy with t herdying breath. ,,Sateseemed child seem . realize what he's had done, for he cried pitifully and`seid as he stroked her cheek, "Poor mantilla,:t; ooeeea,- ma, I did not, mean, to hurt'. '{ Inatn- rna.,' ----4-7--- PLAGUE Bu. bowie"P1a ue, y, .z T �thus r?' a.x,d Smallpox. A , despatch from Cityf e Mexico says: Great cxei t t? ',,ias zlrCtt{; was been caused here anti elscallcr e in ;' the ,re; Ptb li c by tee. . arrival in Sal i.uaCruz oC, JChinese emigrant shipwith eaSCSofbubonic i)lague on board besides eases of typhus levee � and several r;aS •' '. smallpox. c5 0! s..t,<)ilpo.,. Thi t. ..,hip's passengers we - e laborers who were to work 1(11 contl,.:tu,-' S Utt port' improvements.