HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-14, Page 5T .7- M .if; S, V la: 0s+ .` Td a •1 t....a ;! . .s.S; 1 C` X.(1 -1 y `4 i Is ilt true you want to look old ? Then keep your gray hair. if not,. then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. u`us"�it'ulco' rw(aoa.cow ,iEDIC;ATA The Exeler Times T 'V, BROWNING;[, M. D., M, 0, THt,RSDA , J1'l,i 14 LP* F. S„ Graduate Victoria hint. tit 1901 versus-. odiee and. residenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. DEANTAIa Rats[ AC,AN, L. B. S. AND DR. A, R, it:INSMAN,1,, D. $, D. D. S.,Honor Qraduete of Toronto University, 'leoptasts Teeth eetractedwithout pain or grad eftee orot-e. office ut aY1 eon's block, West Bide of Maw ain tree,.` Exeter• /D,A• ANDERSON, (Q• 0.8,1,'0.8.1 DENTIST. $once Graduate of the Tomato Civeaa4tF and Royal Coleof Dental Surgeonl intaso, with 'tonerehoP�rya Soschool ste tPtO thof ! lweerebie mermen. as Svc t4in. krtonrn to the Dental Prc111e ioLt demote this ofttce. ;Bridge work. crowsels hununam, gold and vulcaniteelates all dcae to the neatest manner nesse"tale. A perfeetls 1 se ext rete L tin eG x finrmle anaesthetic used erg ss tion. Glace ontdoor s ntL ot Gariiu; Bees sear xeter,Q. rieete fumes to Manu ;sand ane halt per cent run sl'eatt atu "eta>r T ONEY TO LO, Wx1 halve unlimited I!rtv;kt4 tuuds for ilavcsl react tnP0a farm or village prupertp alt lew ig statCesotlttCCY 1) QI aON ea CABLING Exeter. ONEY T( A have a, large anteattt of private f nude to oft f;;ree aaed vUlagepropertice ai;lotsrette ate tw. obikrtudai & STANRL"Ri Barristers gsollc.•ttor s, 3falo St. Exeter. DiCKSON a (, RLING, olicitora. Notettee. eonv lei era, Seldcitere f mat lowest rata's cS Int QFPi? E. lkid1 STREET, EXE ,44 r,, ir, bio Locals 25e, pays for tate. Titres till the end of 1004 -.-for new subscribers only, s'F s haze , Damning left. on Wed-, nestlay- for a month's Damning with re- latives in Port Iiuran, Misses Tennant and Nudham, of LOnden, are guests of sir. A. E. Tennant, this week. Tuesday the 12th of July passed off very quietly here, the Exeter lodge net raising part le any demon,- stratiotl at any point. Notes SQ.v1i rr n., a s I hrGtLU rinks. skipped kly 1; znund d. 4t"cid, H. Pincher -0p, and Grebelra, defeated the howlers,,a' Clutton. tin Monday evening; terelvi; sitcatit. Tey tw: nt.. up the eveniing tf'tan on t leer way, the Soak, rth tournamem , . the metext titer: e, tenth annual, tourualnent that Seaforth Bowliett Club opened on Tuesday with a lerg;e _ number of rinks, Tee weather, was batt In the xxtcorning, taut cleared en ay, and soma clots ,gamer were re played on the club's green. The tournamentwin attlldoubtedly one of the most r.uccess ful in the history of t he club, In the evening an oven air colleen was held on tate green, when Ilan. James McMichael, formerly president of the bowline club, _ presi(Insl. Bowling Notes, --7;'11x• bowling club ere engaged last Thursday after - in the opening match , bet%seen ie' rink` aliosen by .a r, eldc°rtt Dick - 14 end Vice -President. O'Neil. The ntataIt was well contested up to fh'' bill i+And, but in the? last Iwo ends tite t*atOs end managed to get G x lteaad. The members of the re llttile ern iatts4nstin 0v11r the anti a new set of bowie has fbeetl ordered. The fullest ing are the names of members who played in. Thursday's match and score ;- "'reg. tide. Vice. Pres. skies L. Il. 1)ick'on, B. 5. O'Neil Jos, Davis. W. C. Huston, R. M. Samuel Rev. Mr. Perkins J. Muir Dyer ll'ur�1an. „skip «2" "skip 16 The. Beatory la wt te kept to good condition egad is a credit to the "wvorlaing" members of tire Club. The banlcere are out with a challenge. Who accepts! Boot ors, lawyers or lncrch;snc4 h.• up antl ni- ter their scalps. ti 1 A. C. RAMSAY, V. S. 'honor Graduate Otetarto vett riflery- Cal lege; honorary Follow in Ontario voodu%ry As,oclt►4ton. All diseases of domest.lo animals ectentilleally sleeted. Melt Lover treated by the Latest oS g;en treatment. , OFFiC g. °' enedooreouth et Town l;;alt RFS1DENCE : Vecand bongo north of Prey bi terien cbtlrch, The Usborne and fllbDert Farmer's Mutual fire In&err- anee Gompanl. Head °ffide, Farquhar, Ont. -"r DIRECTORS S PI RYAN, , � D Li3T.It P. 0. Vice -Pres,: -W. . ParsslttartL, r.,,.It<(UU &U.P. 0. 1,iy..Al.ORLE.,Y, WIIAVE P. O. 3. A. NoTtras, Ci o TARTY P. U. W51, Riot:, Boise rlOLM P. O. J. L. Buss'[.[ RussELDAL1 P. U. AGENTS. 5. QAii:1IICITA1m, ',S',AITt1. ONT. A, DLTtiGAN It'ABQtlfAB, Orli. 5. Wie seN, Ftlrx.ATtTON, ONT. 5. S. 'GIT.r, 7: ser, Lve =tee, 014T. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy. -`Trees. F at~ clchar, %NOR SOLD CHEAR.-- tt comfor 1tn vine, .table boilsc;•wl;th 21-2 no - a .rete eoitland axing) a good,gaeden -teeth •a choice var'ie'ty of all bentIS of frnijt ;['roes and:email fruit, a., never failing [tell iaf the beat of water. For 'par- :t eeiers mats teethe owner, ;tiVm. muses, Exter P4.0 - FOR SALE Part Lot 23, eon. 6, in Usborne, con- tainieg live acres of land. Good brick. house, stable, ab 1 ', good orchard Chil dand gar- den. This property is mile from Thames Road Post Offite,and must be sold to close estate. Terms easy. For particulars apply to THOMAS CAMER- ON Esq., Ferri 9 Liba Po. r a 'Flt SALE. --Brick houses and near - .i: ly ,one -Half aerie of land, at The house house contains 8 rooms, Gori re•:'3x--il hr. tteghoutd-Gooch water, also stiib3 ..-A num tor- o of" leoffruittreesrand a quantify Ismail Fruits. Stetisiactory remote fox, tie , doAi!ntge Teems: ptaaa;. �.4 r Apply THIOIS VALE, ElirnYSlle, tqr Jdno. Sma ll,agcome, t,xdeltt°r. HOISTHOSIN DURHAM "BULLS for aale.-The undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pedigree or eligible for registration Sly aged bull which 5s. the sire :of ithe edgers, is includeed in the etffetring andbas proved himself a sure, stock get ter. He wasaired by Riverside Stamp. whichedid sueh''good service in the herd of J. and W. IB. Watt, of'Salem, and is a bale i rotherto ;Star of Morning, recently. , owned by s Snell, of Eullett, which 'took prize at London fair and of dispersion sale'for 8400. Apply t 16, Concesion2, Hay, or 'John Hensen P. O. RM. FOR SAL.. -,An eacell,retcn lapin of 101 act•os situated' oa a goatt'grave1 road, half way between Gtoctlettpch and leuckuow, , tl' 1.-4 mi.1 'Rican' Dungeinnon and :1.20 rodiN, krona echcol:. The farm has splendid build - The .bares is 3,3 te 50 .fie'a.L, . A e Present there are 50 acres in crop and 30 acres in hay. -. The fences arein s 5 c_it-lei SS cio,ndittidn: Never failibe welll fit cac'celeent: sea tee, h acres 'oft i, . butslh, and nearly 4 miles +af undr..,re Immediate pe,ssefssion. .^ delsi,ted• This will .baa snap, fro tet quick purchaser:' for, fuller par- t:icula'rs apply tn'Dr. D. A. :Anderson, El vater P.O. Babylon Line -Miss M. Broderick spent Sunniest with Miss Collets, s, u; t wasd . -.Mr. and Mrs, Madie, from Xan - Ras, are visiting at Mr. John Heys' Sr. -The farmers in ibes parts are EXETER MARKETS Wheat per 1 85 to 85 bushel) e Oats new . .. .. ,+ 30 to 31 Ba lev 3S to 30 Flour .. , $2.50 Rutter Eggs l i Wool... 111 to 10 Pork live weight ..S4,00 to 84.60 Pork :Dressed .... 56.25 to $0.25 Turkey e9 .. , 14 Ducks. 8 Chicken .... 6 experiencing bad wvc:Wier for their haying. -Mr. John Broderick has been laid up for a few days with an at- tack of pleurisy. --There was a dancing party at Alr, J. I./echoes on Tuesday evening all report a good time. -Mrs .Leo 1''ostel is recovering rapidly from her recent illness, and wig lsoon be able to be around , again. t f' TORONTO leXWWWB TLON PRIZ I.LST A copy of the prize list for. the Oanadi.an National Exhibition to bo held in Toronto this year from Aug. 29t11 to Sept, 6tl has been received, at exceptionally hendsome and, well printed production. The cover is in three colors and tastefully em- bossed, A.11 the classes are ;nicely ar- n>ctged, and the executive are picas - cd to say that the greatest care has beer n taken to have the rules, egu- lations and conditions explicitly -set forth in clear and unmistakable len- guage. There are no fewer than 250 classes covering practically every in- dustry known is Canada that is worthy of en:ouragexttezy;t. and call- ing for G35,O00 be prize money. In several- depart went s considerable [bongo* have been made and the premsiuuxs adc,ed to. A new art gallery and a new adiiniseration. building aro being erected and im- provement s 41a113 tat the grounds. The fat:gone I11aolt i "tatell llaand, by gracloue permission QC lit- Majesty the I>;.in r and of the enlonel and officers of the gallant 'old "Forty- twa," bas been engaged nn) will play three tints( each day during entire period of the exhibition. tredve of other decidedly gtniler- attraaiionehave also been aaz,• aalgod, for, ""-'ether, therefore, Executive feet just Pied in, pro'n- ssing that Torentos' Oren Fair, Situ will eclipse all glredeccasors. opies of the prize listcan be )vul u application LO .1. U. Cllr, Manager, G KF ing; Sz, l; R Toroxtte. NOTICE TO C ZEDITORS In the mater of the estate of Am- brose Allen, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, farmer deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to R 8. 0., 1897, Cap. . 129- All persons ha,vinr claims against the estate of the said Ambrose Allen who died on or about thethird day of March, A. D„ 1904. are required to send post pre -paid, ii d, or to deliv- er e1hv_er to icnpe h Goodman, of the town of Parkhill, in the county of Mid- dlesex, Solicitor for the. Admin- istratrix, on or before the Gth day of August, A. D., 1904, their names, addresses and description, and a full Statement of particulars of ,,,their, claims and the nature of the secur- held bythem duly cer- tified, (if any)d Y Y, tified, and that after the said . day the Administr atrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice Dated at Parkhill, this 8th day. of July 1904.. MALVINA ALLEN, Adm inistra trix. by Kenneth Goodman. .L' ARM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, ' 10 can. and llth con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being composed of: 100 acres on the. 11th' con. and 120 acres on the 10th These farms a.re under good state' of cultivation ww'cll drained with good house and out buildings, thereon al- so fruit bearing orchards . Never failing wveli the year round. For further particulars apply to T. U. Marlyn, Exeter. "4-11Aroyl FOR SALE, -The unde,rssign- .G ed is offering for sale his ex- cellent liarmklat 1, con. 4, township of LTsl,orns, about two miles from Cen- tralia, containing 100 acres of well c,iliiva,ted land for farming or, pats - tuns being well drained. There le a + robank goodfralmei home'anti. tww beaus, two good wells of, waterrwitb wincimi11 ,pumps aIso, an orchard with good fruiit, tearing 'tneee., 1C'er fur, the,r particulars apply on thei pram - 'pea or to MR.. W. J. CAVES, Centra- lia entralia P. 0. A QUESTION STION OI AP1'1.1rS Us e tt•c=e lli;t Noncar; .luxl� (t t „ave his derisia►a int alta eats+ of [['coal t 1"'tax, The itc'ei ion iy iatllz trt ctanQ clot., ,off*'ea in as: i. dues that hatttlling tad deposing of op ►les, one of 'Canada's principal Products, A, C. Attwoode farmer :of bo, sought to recover ,$20,9 earn - far far the lossu8 about 220 barrels apples, alleged to have. ]teen de rayed: by frost through the net lcot of Mr ,joint I•oe, tat' Llecan, to remove thele front the orchard with- in[ n r'easonnitle time, De,endant it nets stated had agreed to take cer- tain apples at $1 n barrel. In giv- ng hie decision. Judge Elliott saint,' "l must find as 'a fact that it was the plaintiff's duty to care for these apples until backed and delivered to tlgo defendant." :recording to the evidence, the ;Indite Con tinaued, t h' buyer has a titan to pack the ap- ples up to the 1st of. December, and often up t o the middle, of that ntontb The injury was done to t h' apples on the 18th of Noventle r. Plaiutiff could b av e protectedt hem tnuch better 1 tin he did, lcould have from absolutely pL•oteat cd theta in- jury l jury by frost, by an e,xPenditure of $20. The Judge holds that it, is quite clear upon the evidence that the ap- ples which were sold to the defend- ant should he apple:; which the de- fendant had the right to select, from a large quantity or apples, put by the plaintiff in his apple house, and that tit defendant never made ac- lection of any apples with the excep- tion of the forty-eight barrels which he paid for, Ile finds that no prop- erty in the apples other than the forty-eight btarrelx, seleoi ed end paid for by the defendant, ever pass - sed to the defendant, and that the property in these t tauk rl tipples in the apple house remained in the pleinitff, and be should have pro - 1 ected them. JULY 14th 1904. SUP SCOTT'S >*t11U1S#Qt1: Serves as a bridge to carry the weakened and starved systett alonS until it Mt find firm support in ordinary food, Send for free sample. SCOTT & 1303rNu, Chotnuts, Toronto See. 4114 $t,00; atI1 ereeeets. e�rttaria, } scoffed at the idea ,,but finally de - o. te•l to fake Lha advice, Two weeks ago her watch was stolen from nee bureau drawer and has since been found in a Detroit pawnshop. With - oat the aid of the number it would have been difficult, if not izi't possible A- S. 1 sr 1� "r< "• ile' •(' It ttsa piece, a 0 1 to recover i i c t#e( aolice told her. 1 . i _ess-- . s 3 xetet• Municipal Council. SITTIMMMIIIIII?tMIMIrMIMITOT-trtm,mintmInmil. • ilmtrimt. tt • .r- Council nae; at call of 1Ra ve, aat to,.vu ball. July Sth, ' AU presets.. louses of previews meeting re el iv J "l4 'r Ql Il J r• u 0 a4 hi t $t 1 # t+rt be 1 lot tel potted. keeper ll e North End. --Carried. rxnstrong -R Taylor. Thai We,1, ,.- ding > t apy ointed pound -keeper the South End, and that be t,tt 1 the use of one of the eat tic' iters at :town }tall, an ;l thee the clerk prettare a by-law eonfirntiitgr both appottttients,+.,,t arrietI. Muir. -Wands -That Mr, Pit t outs offer of $25.00 per annum to k.' -p the town clock in running ora: ,t -,1;s, tt e asp ted. -Carried, 11ui't-Wogc1-That Brown tiros, ctevonnt for trees for 4:eme t e ri na:4- punting to $43.0? l.e 1:4i.t,.-.,,Carta 1. Taylor -Armstrongs.-That, if 111` future any member of this council, or cf the cemetery committee, con- tract any deb for the cemetery without tirst submitting tlhe Tatra, to the council feet their approve they shall he held personally rt'spon-'1 fible for the sante . atttd tbnt the clerk ltrep;tre a by.lat• in eouformit y with dais resolution...Carrieft. Cotlneil adjourned to Pt July rub at $ taYthaek. p. ni GEORGE Il. PlitISETT, Clerk. Free Gifts in TOR aAt y o Our mare n rests Yoi 4A -tiers Free Gratis l t ecause we willpresent you �vit�� Ee � � and ilver= r . I. i, . s,of expense tl.«' ware, absolutely free .�; ��� �wo� a cent x ease to you, if 'lpurchase Sa Wds from HS. By special and exclusive, arrangements 'A who have agreed to futrtish up with an ;-xcinsi+•r ate ware, We are enabled to present these be aulitit.ii nr-• Sr•- GENERAL, NEWS. A Hamilton young lung in rem° - ting $100 to his step -mother dedu ed front the amount 32Dents, top y for the money order and postage . The step -mother sued him for this 32 cents adenine,- Mt t without this is she was not receiving- the hundred dollars to ,which she was entitled. To preventmany simil•ir 1-1w suits it is desirable to advertise the fact that judge Meredith l as decided that the young znan must pay over the 32 cents and two dollars costs. Mrs. Porter ; Foster' corner < of Windsor avenue and London street, Windsor, is thanking a - person who advised her some time ago to mark clown oli a slip of paper the number of leer 'eetch. At the time she We do not1? ublish testimonials SPEAKS FOR ITSELF CURES � uu ADA►CH E �i within 30 minutes ed or money rds�Sat.traai ail Druggists 25c a bo Sample and Booklet Free. THE HERALD HD' REMEDY CO. Mottre(tl • Ste The Council to Toe nship cif letephen'conveneel in the Town Nall, Crctditott, on Monday, the 4th day oP July, A, T)., 19111, at 1 p. in. AU members were prevent. The minute re of the previous meeting were read and approved. Webbs -Anderson• --That Ly -law, No. re slteeti lie "'cite London, I'at kltill, an at Grand Bend Elt`etrio ltotlway Coutllaany "be --rend the first tiule.---' Carried. Mr. joint 1. Schroeder present- ed A petition, signed by tbe. Major- ity of owners affected by awards uratic under the "Ditches and Water Courses Act." asking that pursuant to Section 84 of ,The 'Municipal. Drainage Act" the council should tiIoul take over. and transfer the drains mentioned in the said peti- tion, constructed under "The Ditoli- es and Watercourses Act" to "The Municipal Drainage' Act." Anderson--Finkbeigcr,-That the prayer of the petition So ' far as award No. 1, e, 58 and 73 are con- cerned be accepted and that the said Y .t�i the g the aC C, t.a ..rreliable .Sri �goods. l �'X It l~al quality . t # O a The alza the to1 l ,t the ctfit send OiFrt l 1 l 1,. � ,� l+tTi from a4 ,ate- durability axld e:cuelGeilce are atnp'y gurantr'et.. r-- E Read it The Crown Sit 'Pr Plate Co, o1 Toronto, - .4x:1Lt x of their Extra Triple Plated Silver- } p stats to. cur patrons absolutely free elf S•l • 'l r ,and favor - at Silver er .a,a.• Co.(,t2is even • t-0' -, €^l their t t �1 �: _. c' x rrAa ,.. bears their stamp, 'tl tM Our Offer to You Basin goods front its for cash will receive Silverware Coupons or Tickets to the ° • . � Eyery customer taut c Lasing g; g: ud be and aro Horeb irnstsfcrred from �- ><lt.le of ten per cent of the amount of each purchase, and We pledge our business honor to quote our �t.,- vt l#11r store in redeemable able at o Tickets are re e m ."-Ica ...- ,,r c s. ole I Watercourses me a„ hese Getz. ens a T "Th t 1)at 1 sa and Act � � lowest pikes ars all such customers. T Coupons " „ a.- vetiT o P ,Or••z .. Silverware t Ori .tett.. Choose to�j.' to "The Municipal Drainage Acf. ,,,,,, ten of The Crown Silver Plate. Co.'s Silvers etc . y�• -serve as an ,inducement to our Andersen -.Webb. -That W. D. *�•� Our object in offering these elegant•articies c°i Silverware free is to v . Sanders and Joseph Guinan be a r o to all them cash nrchdse•l'avitb us. We are enabled thus to secure our cash customers concentrateu pointed Drainage lViewers with )owinour stacks of cads tend we Ova este curfewees the benefit of the very losses[ e 8 1 discounts when purchasing goods, freeof anycharge. errs as provided- by "The 8 i =. tees and furnish them 'houses with elegan'tSilyerware, made byereliable firm, a catch pr pow - Drainage Ac." It. S. O. 1897, Chap.,'� 226, sec. a, 1, 2, 3, 1. -Carried. 11' Yearley -Webb, -That I tern l. comb be requested to make a report with the drainage viewers on what is known as the Mud Greek drain. which was constructed under "The aeunieipal Drainage Act" and such drains as have been transferred from the ditches and l,Vatercourses Act to the Municipal Drainage Act, as to repairs and mnintainance and ands liable to assessmemt as provided by section 76 of the "Municipal Drain- age Act. -Carried. Anderson - `Yearleyplc3 - That Wil- liam Ilam Le is, Edward 13rok s 1rr, and William Oliver, be :appointed In- spectors of noxious weeds for the Township of Stephen. -Carried. -appointing laws No. 6' and 7 ]lea zi Y I1 g inspectors of noxious weeds having been read the third time were pass- ed. The following orders were passed; Good Roads Machine Co., repairs for grader and express, :$8.65 ; Har- ry Spearman, work on the 18th con 510.00; C. iiinlzle and others, grad- ing, $161.25 ; C. 1. and nd others grading, N. B., $21.00 ; Jacob '%'ink- beiner, culvert, $2.00; ; F. W. Earn - comb, surveying 3rd S. R., $16.25 S. Prouty, rep. bridge. con. 4, $1.50 ; Fred Heist, brick bats, on 3rd S. R., $1.50; Robert Gower, work in Hill's pit. $19.50; Wm. Maier, rep. road on 18th con., $6.00; jos. W. Lawson, work in Hills pit, $8.00 ; Thos. El- ston, soft elm lumber, $6.00; Robert Hodgins, rep. Mud Creek bridge, $1 ; J no. 1Z. Willis, repairs and lumber, Staniake's bridge, $1.50 ; Jno. Law- son, burying one sheep, 50c ; Thos. Webb, repairs to bridges-Suttons and Moir s, $15.75 ; Geo. Webb, rep. to washout and drain $2.00; Geo. Mason, repairs to Moir's., bridge, $9.50 ; John G. Wein,- contract work, con. 6, $23.15; Joseph Gill. putting in concrete tile, $15.00 ; Jno. G. We - in, cutting ice and other work, $3.00; Jno. Statton, rep culvert and bridge, also burying sheep, $11.00'; Jno .G. Wein,' commission work on . . ' E. S. R. < $ 11.2.51 . Allan & Tetreau, rep, road and bridges, $33,00 ; Step. Morrison. rep. bridge and road, $6.50; Henry` Weet;on, rep. ,road and lumber, S. B. $:1,58; R. Ricks, put- ing in culvert, Deo., $4 00 Dougal al Mcisaac, constructing new 'bridge, . 8.50 •- Jno . - Hepburn, drawing g 51x `� loads of bats, 1st S. R., $3.00 ; puna. Pickering, rep. bridge,. C. R., $1.50; Adolphus Hooper, elm lumber, $7.70 J. Kellcrmann, spikes cor, culvert, Ziler's S. Rd:, 35c.; Chris. Stade, work on con. 12, and...com. work oma'-.-• adr _POPPLESTON & GARDINER NORTH OF POST OFFICE ' TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE DOOR 9 i1 33�� 22 $14.50 Ford & Hamann. work and material at Ford's s bxi dM e $ 15.40. SidneyDavis, rep. culvert ert on L. R $1.50Sidney Davis, rep. bridge, $1.50; Aaron Ireland, digging drain and drawing gravel, $2.00 ; Jno. lc Linc rb'd bridge, sang Baird, rodsfor g , Ii 1 , $1.00 ; Jacob Zeller. rep. culverts on 18th con. $2.00; Adolphus Hooper, and 'others, work on bridge, N. B.. $12.10; Joseph Ziler, rep. bridge, and planks, $2.75 ; Thomas Keays ; 3 boxes and hauling same, Rata's S Rd., $3.50; Fred Procter, stone for , bridge, 14th con 50c William The a o orago u nder cr op in t e Nor thwest Territories this season is 500,000 greater thanlast year,and the growth could not he better. CArig O RaA.., Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of 1rovn atone for bridges 14th con. -s` hi jAcKson $1.00 Ernie Rader, 600 elm plank, , $13.20; M. tiler, red beech, $6.00 ; Henry Jones, cleaning .dirt out of ,1. ditch, L. Road, $1.50; Stephen Mor- rison, contract on bik. 8, C. R., 'Y' $42.50 ; M. Leary, contract on bik 2 q E. S. R., 28.80; Jno. Beaman, repay= ing bridge, 3rd S. B.. 75c. ; ' Jonah 11- 4.. Kestle, com, work, and rep. culvert, • $4,50; Geo. Orange, gravel, $6.80 ,. H. L. Kraft, contracts on E. S. B. $144.00 ; H. L. Kraft, gravel from pit,' Tp., $10.32 e H. L. Kraft, grav- el from pit, N. B., $1.28 ; C. Kienzle, etal, grading acc't, $11.50 ; Wm, Hill, work in pit, $11.25; Wm. Hill damages for opening pit, 810.00 Jno Love, rep. culvert, $3.00; Good Roads Machine Co., edge' for grader, scrap- er and express, : 518.30 ; Silas Stan - lake, rep. bridge and spiles, Pl'. Be $11.65 ; Fred Green; worse on baidge, N. B., $2.00 ; M. railer, gravel and work in pit, $20.81; Geo. Down, tile across road. 75o.; Henry Rader, tile, N .13., $5.50;. Jos. Pollock, contract, bik. 10. C. R., 16.25 ; Wm. Pickering com. work, bik., 10, $1.25 ; Chester Prouty, Gratuity, $25.00 D. 'West - man, part payment of concrete tile account, •$100.00,; R. Hodgins, build- ing bridge, 18-19 ;,con., $6.00 ; W. C. Huston, balance of gravel account, $14.04. Council adjourned to meet again in the Town hall, Crediton, on Mon- day, , the 1st of August, 1904, at 1 o'clock, p. m. r... HENRY. EILBER, Tp. Clerk. Junk Dealers. ain-St Exeter. Occupying J. P. Ross' Store, one door south of Metropolitan Hotel. Will pay highest cash , price for the following 4. goods,such as all kinds of . Scrap Iron Brass Copper, Zinc Lead Pewter Horse Hair Wool Pickings Rags Old Rubbers Bones and Bottles . . 4. •o CREDITOR Roller Mills Gristingand Chopin PP g l Done. Chopping- Prompty We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re modelling; our mill He Sweitzer SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1' ,t No quantity too large or too Sall.[ M'1 ,�,.� .;.yo•.i: k.;.�,•1••�y°:le.�z.°s• go'� 3- i•-i-°+L•ic• z•`i••i• : -i Anyone sending a gateklF aseertnir. od' .1naentton i6 pr01'Ab Mons strictly cen,ldr sent free. Otd:st mt : PAtehte tal.en t species/notice, notc , withb A handsomely 11' culatton of any year;four mon+: Air eh cmc TRADE MARtcS Dt_Storls 't .P .H75 &C. ' W 'lily.