HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-14, Page 4I13 XThTE1 ernment 1ms no such exce.ss ot re- venue over expenditure, At the most its surples for the year does not exceed $7,500,000. Teking the witoie perioe that the present. GOV- wrnmera has been in power, the ex- cess cif receipts over expenditures is ot more than a million doletre, and n this has 'been orneted, 110/' of rtinaTy evenues, but from the- e- aseets in the form ef public land, Stands any Test The most severe judgment of' the expert tea taster 1ueWbben Tea absolutely the best, Why? It is free from tannin and other bitter substances fibrous leaves employed in its making. The taste is pure, rich and creamy—that nameless quality that agnifies to the expert and lovers of true tea that it k the best ; leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly coxed, onounces no coarse tue Ribba 011 40c0 b. 01.01, be- 111101ASONS (I»eorporated by .A et of Parlit. latent OlitnTeet. , • . Capital cnta, rAin ren ......... . ... .......... ,00Q.000.00 Reserved Fund,...., 6,850.000.00 nc liralaczi in Onterie, Quevee. alocrte; enite,eeetentnie ueent a. „ riaRAN*.;', nrerr Lawful eeey 4 -ern 0, n• te3r. tt. except te ineniey t.N. WPM Z,S, Notes cashed or coll‘vt-41. -.s supplied Ott arelleatiee. DRAFTez VP all eoluti in theVenein, toe' eye nee:getter. Longl.t and Feld se lowest rates of exeliereee, ,SAVINOS DEPARTMENT TUE LADIES FANO TE. leexa-leser Pitts ore" the le es fay- medleine. The'y cture co/esti:eV- irnSteklieadaehei diillionsuees, and reeteei.le wit bout teripittg, ear,eing or li'V 'ER CROPS' VALUABLE. bL COLL ftsrence it inpLors, is nt • f. b '40 .044. sa oi • eriment• e natio0 of ops to It bleit the, following, is • ong the Many aftiva derived fton 't he • system, tel cult uree, uldob include e v t of •.eCIVer.'erops, we tee4 eito the .twO .ntost :important t be enxt rel tlie- soil moisture ant 11 ‘ovemetit of the soil; nserving 3oiI loistureee. nerelly, it is desirable thst itelsrtiee should be consery- oe the orehard trees during the ' 'r months tit the eeason. Up to lst., the tree in ILI3U.ing griMfb LILO IS I. t%tnspifing Ough js leavie. large neteraities, Walt te. it her I he swelling fe ,tis 'reeking its demand for Water. For every nound of dry matter of leafet wood or fruit, the tree uses least e00 lbs, cif tvatee. Hence. diet ricts where droughts troy pre 1 in spring, or the raistielt bet uty, ,the importance of • surface Ovation i, nsarked. Ile this wine 1114 tnitleh le produced "1. thus evapoTation checked or lire t ed. 'ow cov crop eye,;,,,,:e a euriace 'eultivation in ih sring and 'eerie' summer mom • periments Expeeintents ' been made to seertant the et- ps and cult ivat ion titre oa the Centrel Ex - 'arm for several years. May Otb, 04 we found that was 130 tons more water or „ to a depth of 11 inches, In ultiveted eoil than in the adjoining lot carrying a vigorous growth, of c1o'er, This means that the. la t ter soil contains but one half the welter tite cultivated soil. But gra. od is more exhaustive than clover cel. In 1002 ,from May to July, "els every tuo• weeke shoiN ca that soil in tot contained. from 50 to 10 per cent less water than ad- joining soil itt cultivation, -the ferenee being at times over 260 tons eer ;lure.The drought he the early part, o( 11O3 etnpleasized theSefacts and showed most merkeillY the value of cultivation. In the autumn, on the other hand it is desirable that the 'Water suepty should be diminished, so that vege- tative growth should be ehecktel and the wood given an opportunity. 'a) ripen before the winter sets in. This is readily brought about by sowing the cover crop in June: or eerie" pert of July. Legumes for luenrovement of So- ils,--Tbe improvementof soil$ by the growth of clover or some, Other legume is effected by the addition of humus 'and nitrogen. Experiments go to :show that by this means the soil can be enriched to the extent of 100 lbs. or more of nitrogen per acre this . nitrogen being appropriated feom the, atmosphere by the „plane through the agency of Certain :bac- teria tliat reside in the clover roots. It seems more than; probable that a good 'crop of clover turned under will enrich the soil to an extent equal to an application of 10 tons of ordinary barnyard manure. Not on- ly is that valuable and necessary Plant food, nitrogen, furnished cheaply by this means, but humus - forming material is added in large quantities, and this by its partial decay is particeilerly important he ameliorating the physical condition of the soil. And, lastly, the mineral matter stored up in the cover crop is finally set free.: in forms readily assimilable by the roots of the orch aid trees. fluron Perth ThStratford Fall Fair wil be sclieol has resigned, Olies. Leppert' held on September 22 and 23. e Principal Torrance a Gorrie of Moleswortle IS to be, Ins sueoese sor, During: the electric storm early 'Wednesday morning of last week, a cow owned by Its John Mining, Wingliam, NSW', truck by lightning and killed,. The steamer Midland Owen, toe with grain. from Fort Williaru. to Goderich, went aground last oight in a fog about a tulle south of KM- eardine. The weather WPS calm. More etenes ot sieke head:ache. billie inuenees, censeipaiton can be, cored in less lime with leSeenedieirte and, less moues'by using Carter's Little Liv- en Pills than by any other means The managers oe the Queen's hotel ia Dlyth, received official notice on Alonday te be in readiness to (memo. - °date aeang of C. P. R. workers who will lie there in three weeks, F. Holrosted, who is himself an en - to husiastic bowler, has presented to 1 he seaforth Bowling Cluj) a life size a n portrait, bandsomely framed, of Air. men Jamee McMichael, the veteran 114'e* vaiw, tiiLlent of the elute to be hung up in the club hoese, Th • 1 *e esserdialf lungeheall ng terinei- ?Pt pal or the pine tree has finally- been 1 enecees.fuily separated and Teftned --- to ••A. in r- 1eeteerteeon5b• rpe. NdlorwPine Syu. Sold by I all dealc,,ni on a gue,rantee oglsatisl.1- lion. Pelee 25e. 11. • feeteltee o *to:›4› And urownte's received. lenereet 14•„ d, wet e-earlee, and adiecil to nrinetral uz tU PLA. IderalltAT, :45% 050 1Silled mid idgliest element raw, ef 'freveco, ail eued. traces niarle to far ere, stock etenlere end Ineeineee reen at sazul °Alms; tz.,-1-3'We teems. AgenteatEvecer far Ilcro.(teverreewet. on Sz Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURPO, Manager. 40.41,44,114...400•444•444.44414.044.....40440.****4,44 The Exeter Times v••••••orm,s4romna,m,}7Miai lam .4 ol- nial 'was le a int a tandar for July 1904 um a h14, itt vet'yaossure deficit ens reeponsipi . 1r t large' of 1be past year. When the eetineit Ite lin- ister of Tred.• and Co t Ikea up, the andel er was 1 1) ' 1 to nlinOttlIC v.' ,v•S itt t1tt, ehl abilShilatItt o o ,l, Sa T 4:1 Ix 140, low viee. 1t w;.s. pont ed 1 that the Government nes neu pting insub- TI!i WEEK IN pArtritANENT sides, an zunourte (-quit to 3-1 Eract lolly the entire week, in Par.. that whirl, ll be n ere eeteocl to 0 liament was devoted to supply. The for a fast !in:. in Fele. Minister of Railways made the cut-, SUDDIrSIN ATTAMED. •-------0-..-- A tOnaary financial statement. It 1 * slum cd that for the 1() months of I °-----1 3,une 0. , taCelhildreni areiorten iztuadealydaat- - ' dm ,vast fiscal year endlog ked by pauiCul q laud, -ngtr 1004, the -.receipts on the Intercol- 'ous Colic, Cramps Diarrhoea, Ay-, , onial has been $5487,521, a decrease :mettiery Cholera INtarbus, Cholera in - ranting, etc. Dr. Fowlers Extract of of some thousands of dollars. The Wild S'crayborry L.% a prompt1 and maintenance expenditure .was $5,835, Isure cute which Sitruld nlways 'be 01, a very largo increase. The de- keipt in be1touse. :Mit amounts to $317,773. This is I, -.....-2,... an appalling 1,bowing on a road', NOTE ..ND commENT , Stele'V.. • ..,... NESDA.Y... „. 3 IP 17 21 1.1 18 25 12 10 20 ti 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1. 8 15 23 29 2 9 16 2.3 30 ;which has Leen so greatly m iproved , , tut. .t,rou nin2-. er over 600 mini - 'during the pus i few years. ' grants and seamen be the destruc- The opposition was able to show i tion oc LiV.' Se•tiidin'tvi171 American that the bye -election last winter in ;+ line ste:ni:,„r, Norge, ohich struck Guyshoro, employees of the Govern- il a rock tont„. rounder ' the ".relortli enent railway were engaged in eine- i s Let e thr oret , rine disaster tioneering instead of ottending to I -en' reco,, ti -ii in meaty years. their bus:nees. Mr. Eramersore de- fended their eause. Ile further laid! T., ., 179 American down the policy that only Liberals ' "iirfng la Y(''''Ir. inimigronts took up homesteads in , recommended by Liberal members of , the Canadian Wes*. OZ this total Parliament should be engaged on the were from North Dakota, 3,- road. ,rhis decision was recocomend 3,491 272 eroni 'etinnesote, and 632 from cd by lion. Messrs. Fielding and Neeiseonsin. These figures justify Itulocie, mho expressed the view that the impression t het the great bulk - the interests ot the party in power I of the immigration from the "United end not those of the railway should' I States is made up either of ex -Can - be first considered. This line of 1 adiane or of Scandinavians of the action, it was stated, will be follow- li ,,..„,,e, or second generation. ed ha the appointment of judges and i - - all officers of the government. Mr. Emmerson showed a woeful 5. Dr. Lee, Secrete ry of the U. S. I3oard of Ile:11th collected the lack of- knowledge as to the affairs number of aetitlents that occurred of his department and was unable 0 supply information inn irnany ime July 4th, 1903, in tie: United Stat- es as a result of the use of toy pis- tols and cannon crackers. Ile re- ports as follows ;-Died of lockjaw, 406; died of other injuries, 60; to- tally blinded, 10; number who lost orte eye, 174; ,nurober injured who recovered, 3,983. Tote' number casu- alties in United States, 4,319, Dr. Lee announces that the figures were obtained by him from t•eliable sour- ces, 5. ,Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. if you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured Wingliane Oddfellows st itt oh Thursday, August lith es 3etortion Day. Arrangements are being wadtt so that the members will leave their dgo room at 4 Olt:look p. rn, The 'ingbant citizens band will head e proeession. Tito entire properly and plant o te Wiarten Beet Sugar Atartufae- g Co.. Limit ed, wiU be offered amnion at 6f3 King street, East oronto, on Friday, July letle at .30 p. in. The factory was complet ,ed ea 1003, and was equipped with new modern beet sugar machinery. That the neevspopers of the coun- try aro doi,ng thoir share 'towards keeping the post oefice department Ion a`easring basis is shown by the ye - I . , , tarns of the postage paid, given to 1 ., Parlialthet leY Sir. Wm. lerteloclr, The the dandruff, saved your hair, 1 sums collected itt ea r;la year since aad added roach to it. if i June, 1898, was as ' fololws ;-1898-9 riot entirely bald now is your, 1 six niontlts, $21,703; 1899-0, twelve inon t Its, $104,859 ; opportunity. Improve it1900-1, twelve•. 611„,,,,,, „,;„,i ji,e;',, ;„1,-vjvo,„ft,,,,,,„,,,,,,,, 1.26rit hs, $107,344 ; 1901-2 twelve vets. Jam tow elecer4eteo.rteiieve,e'..eeee;e: months, , $116,578 ; 1902-3, t wet ve gvioribrInI'n5120,417; 1903-4, till APrl I al71110,1_1, L Si c.0tal0 070 el 6 Ate bottle, e. oeeree 00 & ' ' Alldva its. 1•towoft Diss4' 7 4 J` e Peaking cl, the boost that the Do - 0 minion Government has a iulpltts SPRING ''.6,1EDICINE 3t, Joseph's church, Clinton, was cene of a June wedding. when flev,Father Pinsonneattlt united itt t riage ltliss Lizzie Alaguire, date. r of Mr, Andrew Maguire, t lerich township. and Thames Line, of Tueleersmitle They ivilt up housekeeping on the Milt lto.id, Tucker:ix-W*1e Robert McCosit, jr., of Hinton, on of Mr. Wm. MeCosit of Ellie ardine, had six eat etc poisoned lait- y A Government lnspeel or was sent for and he declared it was eoie- °Wing, and the supposition is that it was caused by a trailing weed, with a blue flower, known as "creeping Charlie." On Wednesday, June 15th, at 3 p. u„ Miss Annie Maud Pitchard, of Minto, and Ntr, Fled 0. 'Mahood. oL Howick, were united in the bonds or matrimony at the Congregat lentil cleurelo 'Howlett, by Rev. W. S. Prit- eltard, B. A., 13. D., at Granby, Que., a brother of the bride . t Ite M. Arthur Mutton, of Mitchelt Jia s sold his 100 aere term °tithe 4th eoncession of Fulletrton, to etr. Geo. Kemp, for $6,500. Always avoid harsh, purgative pills. TheY first Make yen sick emit Mien leave Vote constipaetea., Cartler's LU- Ue Llver iPlis„ tenant Ate the hoevete make you well. Dose, one pine IL X. .Crawford, of the 10.01 con, ot Blanshard. hes bought the new briek residence of N. N. Johnston, St. Marys, Mr. Crawford has sold his farm in Blanslear& and is rear- ing front farming. Mrs. Edward Cleaver, a Milverlon died on June 21th, rather suddenly following, an enterntion frone witieh good results nad been hoped. The sad bereavement has elicted the deepest sympathy for the stricken husband, , lt there ever wea.o, epeeific for any ene compleint then Carter's Little Li I ver Pills are a k,pecifie fox: sink heath, ache, and every wonlark ishould know this. only one pill a doee. Try them. Doanet Kifine(nrileeetet. ott Wei kid-, nesse bledeler ,and urinary organs only. Tthei euria lanekaehe, weak back, rite- naa risen, deteheltes, coggestien, itt- •eeeaitt en, Cam= tion ,gravel, 13righ disouoz. and all other diseases arising from 'MARRIED wrong e,ellon or nil e, kenoye,, 4.4,1 MUSTARD - etcGREGOR - At t lie beaddeete Me. W. J. Ward, or Myth, passed '11"Yebn Tuesd'i:V, after an illness ex,- tentling over several months. De- ceased had resided in East Wawan- osh, but on account of the failure or his health, moved into Blyth. Ite was about 33 years of age, and leav- es a widow ond one child, who will miss the head of the home . To the list of euccessful taindidae- es af, the examinations that were held at Albert College, Belleville, re.- cently, the name of MissFrances W. Manning, daughter ot :Rev. Mr. Man- ning, of Clinton, stands prominent. Miss Manning won first place in the Sonat e scholarship, first with hon- ors in intermediate vocal and first in primary theory complete. Jtarry Knott deed at the House of Refuge last week. He belonged to Clinton and was formerly a well- known personage ebout town. He had a most persuasive way of. saying "Lend one ten cents, please," arid generally got it. Good-natured, op- en-hearted, easy-going, he let to- morrow take care of itself, and the cares of this world mever worried Mr. W. J. Elliott. of the Central Business College, Stratford, has ad - tilted Mr. D. A, McLachlan toper,- nership with him, and will open business college in Toronto in tit near ittinte. removing to that cite Al, MoLachlan sW have charge of the Stratford cellege. No tit Furtney, employed a. ler in Ritiee,s llotel, Milverton, found hanging to oue of the beams in the stable. The body was cold ellen found. tbe man.evidently Lev- lettuged himself during the night ,1'tuteny bad gone deliberately aboui e not and stripped off all his elotbes. lie was about 40 yeare of ititi nernarried. e Fe O'Neil, priest died on. July Stlt.Some taotttlts ago he received a stroke o oolexee, and has been gradually sinling since, lltt was born edue and ortlailted in • Ireland, and 1 at Kinkora shortly after emniug to this, country. e For 33 years be ministered to the parish of Kioheira, and Wati greatly beloved:by hie Ftetre* ON;'il 510571 ears of ago • The Mitchell Advooate says ag:sinst Jennie who is gcal with placing Paris pre; a on Ontario st re ighbor was in the habit of cu grass for hie con- and horse, inUM on Friday. Dr. Arnesta wild be had analyzed the stuf brought tit him and found it to eon- ain copper and arsenic, said ingre- dients making Paris green. The w0 - Malt was cnntmit Lcd to stand her reti at 11,eNt attlirl of coMpepent jur- isdiction. In 1 in meantime etre: out On $.61111 .1 pod)) STORI Tufalits and Childreif, The.Kidd -BOars.. the. Si.ga*Tre. • .A744.ctsb!el"v:parallattfprAs-, sliallati1gtefeet1 Getategttla- aligitosWacor,m413p-orets a 'tamales Digestion,CkeTful- aess /1124P4st,Coltains neDer pallorphine ;nor }-,theral. • N,,,,,ta-tc ()Tx 446-401,,m, Apprrii4 azIkaz47:',4, • PgAgow c y ta Worta3iCatIVIASiOnS.reverAS ?Se; and:LOSS 0? 8LE tn "kt T,413t#A 0 ZNACT 0PQt VIRIe, Use) For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA SO9$(TY. DORN GRAD AM. -in °whole's, tut the tintt iust 10 Mr. and MIS. WM, ra. ham, a daughter. 1 re ELL n Hay Tp.. on J one 40te to elle end Alt's. Ches. Keller, AA a spring medicine edardock Blood BitteaS,hasi., no equal. It tones up. ,the teystme and 'reranves ;all ion - ipuricine ;from the blood, *and taken away ilea t tired weary feeling, as valet in spring. Rev. John Hector, the "Black Knight," has turned up at Indian- apolis, where he spoke at a great prohibition convention. A TIM spa - per remarks tient he was "the most amusing talker." Hector has a deep fund of natural wit. Pains in the Back Xan,- ,peopt e say 'they are "all ,ner- 'veis," easily! stter;tled or upset, caa- ilyt . Al" 3,r ri *and irri ta,ted. eVailleurries Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy. such people require. 'They retetore' parrot> tharmony of the ner- ve Centres a ad give new nerve force to ishattered nervous .systeras. A. largely attended meetitig of the, Are symptoms of a weak, torpid cr etagnant condition (el the 1-.ioneys or Jiver, and are a warning it is evieternely hazardous to neglect., so important ie a healthy action of teese orgrunt , • They are emritnoey ettenef',1 by 14;sP Of energy, lack of eoerage, and some- , times by gloomy forelitidine eric de- spondency. "1 was teecn 10 'Wit?", latdoey tree blr, rind became so Weak 1 l'0121L.1 Fe: reply pet 0 I took or:Alio/no wi;rArw.st 1,eenetit, and reeeny decided to tey Beene!. seireapnvilia. .Aticir tbe first bottle 1 fett votriect better. thet 1 continued itt u.se, teed 'eel bottles made me a new VIOLDILP, were ',rev riLtle )1115 baby, Libe 00.0141. POI tete) tenything on tier stomiticie, end. we gave tier Ilood'a Sarswire-' rilla welch cured leer," :Sees. l'etor,ces To. Wailecentirg. Get. Ho d s .Sarsapari a Cures rkidney and' liver troubles,. re - 144 • this year ,of $16,500,000, The Par- Reyes the baek %rid bat rner's eon eey; ;--"T/te Dominion Goy whole system.. representive farmers of the town- ship of Ilullett, was held to consider the project of forming a joint stock company for the purchase of a 'threshing outfit. The outfit com- plete will cost in the neeighborhood of $3,000 and is one of the new mach ines with an attachment for cut- ting the straw. The project was favorably looked upon by those pre- sent, and in all about sixty farmers will form the company. The following are the list or li- censed auctioneers and pectin -1.s in the county of Hut op.-Auctioneers-- T.homas Gunclry, W. A. Currie, Jiiin OS Stanley, F. 8. Scott, I'llornas Cam- eron, Ilend "Posenberry, W. N. N eNV ton, J. G. 111cMicbael, 3 Oen Oill, Henry Brown, josepli Cowan, 11.M. Chaeles, C. ET. 'Wilson', James Jones, Wm. 'Welch, Al.ex, McEwen, Alex. Kelly, Thomas Brown, John Pur- vis, Aley. leIorrison, Edevard Boseen- berry, 13, S. :Phillips, C. liamiltoa Joseph 'White. l'edlars-Louie Rash,- kopski, 3, E. lIcernwell, Hugh Con- olly, Wm. Henry Hole, Wm. Goyim', simmens, James Herald, V.Nr81.LC Asti ee:$ Itoel,botel:e.aes. MLuoitirl Whaley, W. :T. Miller, George Dealty Anthony McDonald, James t - • Shane, J. :frleCraeken, .r41,0 a 1)4 u '- rmoo,p,vrcztee: Byfil,zehafieGlods,sraJ.aEo iffrrreeyri, G. 61:.'„_ gall; James II. Trines ";"..). 'O'Gormen, • Willis . °welt ' reskh'ntt, et tiro bride's par - 011 June 29th, by Rev, M. Mc- Lean:tit Mr, James Mustard. to Miss Jessie McGregor, eldest dnughter of Mr. Arcle McGregor, all of Kip - pan. CANN-11.0WALD-Al 1 he resident° of the bride's parents on June 22m1, by Rev. E. Schuelke, Mr. Harry C:11111, of F,xeter„ to Miss llowald, eldest daughter of Mr, Jecob noNvaid, or this place, DIED TAYLOR. -In Stenley, on June erith lleitry Taylor, age.i 1Z4 yeeen ERRArr.-- In Steniey Tp., on June 201e, Pore, daughter of Mr. Isaac E 1.11111 , at ilin tt gee of 30 yeere. lents will bear o oinetbing to their ad- vantage by writing to The Diabetic Insti tutel $t. Dunstan s 11111, Londono E. C. NOTHING TO PAY. Mrs. Fairbanks tells how ne- glect of warning symptoms will soon prostrate a womai. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. DEAn Msa. Pinnium -Ignorance and neglect are the cause of untold female sufiering, not only with the laws of health but with the chance of a. etre. I did not heed the warning's of headaches, organic pains, and general weariness, until I was well nigh pros- tra.ted. I knew I had to do something.. Happily I did the right thing. I tool; Lydia E. Pinkhana's VegetabiO Compound. faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and painr. Active preparations are under nay r this yeor's Exhibition to be held September 9th to 1.7th, The Prize List has just. been iseu.ed and le now m course of circulation, The Seer ry informs us that he wIll be plea d td nual one to any who has been overlooked, on receiving their address. Liberal premiums are of- fered, open to all, and fairly dis- tributed among many departments, comprising about every conceivable industry, at large portion going te the live stock cleeses, The condi- tions, rules and reputations are con- veniently arrenged so that any oue can easily understand them. The j improved entry form which was originated by the Western Fair will used again this year. It is much Buggies Buggies. 0 Do you Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in town ail tbe latest styles, in tbo newes olors. Our prices are low as can he from, for first-class material and vvorkman ship. BEFORE 'VOI7 BEI! GALL 1114D SEE US. ussell 1 I,' Hall Two Doors Sout t ovvr . appreciated by the exhibitors, as it. 1 saves time and avoids mistakes. °pular Stations Contracts have been let for a p 1 new Dairy Hall, which will be com- pleted in time for the opening of the \ Fair. The building will cost $10,000 and will be of first-eluas construe - tion throughout giving a floor space of 8,500 feet. The Demonstrating Halt is well equipped with up -to date appliances for demonstrating the marmite cture of butt er and cheese. Butter-roakine competitions for both professional and non-pro- fessional butter -makers will be held daily during the Fair. The portion of the building set apart for exhib- its will be suitably fitted up with refrigerator cases for butter and ehee.se, and platforms and stands for dairy machinery, including cream separators, churns, etc. In fact everything in connection with this department will be in keeping with the , importance of London as the centre of one of th ebest dairying sections in Canada. The removal 01 the Dairy Depart- ment from the old Dairy. Agricul- tural and Horticultural Hall provid- CA very much more room for agri- cultural arid Horticultural products and will tend to better the excellent displays or past year's. Mn nuf actures and ,Arth building It is confidently expected that the will be largely filled with exhibits of processes of manufacture cif goods merle in London. Leading, artists will be represented in the Art Gal- lery -a better disploy than ever is a nti cipa ted. The list of attractions is about complete, and we are assured. it is disappeared, and I again felt t' he g "t he best yet. The speeding in the of health through my body. Since I ring, always a feature' of the Wes - have been well lhave been, more care • tern Fair, will this year with enlarg fell., I have also a,d,vised member of ed purses, be illOte. attractive than an#' sick friends to take Lydia E. ever, oo.oplo of ontorio hove evays shown the highest appreciation for the Western Fair, and eve feel that in wishine' them a prosperous future We ,,but exprees the senti- oecheanIt)srooyfinaoveeryone in this section of. Pinkhattes Vegetable Com- pound; and they have never had reason to be sorry. Yours very truly, • MEIS. MAY FAntra.d.ene, s, 216 South 7th St., Minneapolis, /414.14.” (Mrs. Fair- • banks is one of the most successintand Iiighest salaried travelling sales -Imam in'the'West.)-$8000 forfeit If 01001 or • dhow letrer proving gernititeneo cannot bo pro*Fejl. Pin a' inyiteS_41,849,g. 211 3e1 -3C 'tibiae/1 to Wilt° bd. for "Wavle& 13eato the• TN Kind You Have Always 130figta ign 1 th• 'Address, 1,7roli inass t• he has gutded thouisa_lads tr, e:ftuo A/?? , (11 Ikt..44.4 AV Messrs. Balvden 11110Deniell'ae:thaie oteghhbred'ghlie, Clydesdale, and.Hacks, nay Stallions wile stand ;for the iirr- p1rioVC,1nn,C futaeli ,tivis sera son at Cheer :0{1711 staibles, Exetels. CANONGATE No 10521, clydesclaler at thekr own. ettble, Exeter,' $15 to,' insure. 1VLOULTON WILL1A1\1 No. '21875,- Shhere. a beautiful grey, will tnemnre at their stables,. Exertette 815 to suee, 'BULLER, No. 7382, a tbleoroughbre& Hackney S,Lallion, will sland ah their stable, Exeter, $15 to insure. THOMPS.0Manager. ' 13AWDEN & McDONELL, Prop, ..o.usete.tonewsaaftamnr Itorstrewevvmmto RtanuersIMIWialf, • GENERAL NEWS. Mr. 3. j. Kelso, superintendent of' neglected anct dependant children, made it startling statement in Lon- don one day last week. He said "One half of the dependent Childran of Ontario tow being cared for in public institutions are left in a de- pendent state _through their fatle-,' ors deserting them and running away to the United State." He dee: plored the fact that so little effort iwtts (made (by the authorities to fob - low these deser terse bring them bale and punish them. Mr. Kelso's Com -- plaint is Sustiried. 'Tho number • of "grass widoWes" ,in Ontario is re- merkable end many of them are, left with families to support. From a financial point or view, if from no other,. ,it would, pay to compel these Onen to loek after. their .owee, • H.,. I