HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-14, Page 21
II"1. "at
If he• is not crazy, Jack is certainly
queer. One day Jack comes in and
tells us he is going to teach winter
school in order to go to college, We
think then he is crazier still. After
awhile Jack, by working all hissum-
Times When a
mers and all winters, gets through,
eo end then comes biome. and
Man is to Fight and
telis us that he is going to the law
Titres When He is to Run Alter awhch001. Wile think he is razier
Jack, by years of sot -
00 cstill.
sacrifice and bard work, is graduat-
. Theo be goes to New Yerk eitelh
Aftee awhile my brother Jack pusbee
tis way to the front of the New
York boa. What is the result? Do
we boys praise Jack for his "labors?
Do we say, "If we had worked 44
he ItVOT:011 we could be where he br
Plethape. pa that is not the getter-,
al rule of the averaze family. We
inimoliately begin to complain. be-
cause :reek dots not send us money
'atered aceording to Act of the r.tr,- cows
liewent taireteee, iu the vea- tele f d a Pr°rnd ise14nd.
`rit„ousauti Nine 'Mildred aite ^leer, 1.krost hitn, brothels. Coatiatie t
flaw -F. of, Toronto. At the itrust Clod Be pettent. Juet go on
Department et Agrieultura Otte -eel .1 coot -tine to do vo,3rv1 hest.
despatch from Los Argeles eavs ;Mi tbfugs w41 41t.1441telYC(1111 ()Ut
rratik Ite Witt, Toiteado peeode. yight if you do. That is the teach-
2st the teaming text, Ityodus Ong of this exited old text. '''Staud
13„ ...Steed sem dot tho still end ke, the ealvatien Qf the
th° bnLerd'" l''',1'11.1:1(13ttliere is enether class of hear-
,ek,,m, .Glx4n-10 go ,er ,L,os I find to- dey eneanMed among
OA -
d, cone ee r ahtisa lasts oeer Fahalue iltAfi help to support us. We take
towe• tmtcomit, to ,7 • Is
..ine'; aye. oat, is the course oeest, oath- 1hey are the raen and the irrom himall we eau get. And so,
cii td imce to tae. at women who aro not necessarily when any Man honestly tries to
4ast once eeore, tees wen straiggling for a, finaecial existeuce, make a suceess out of ma he hoe
clecoptie 713.txt who are titiluippy and dissatisfied inediately has a lot of indigfut, set -
' /of. -n-tost. ei es to with the gelds in wbto ilaelt1)0er.nd TlbIenys vc (1,iat ,zYthefotl.ekssulatbsoolubisinebet:.•Lb,:frnetdo
evazel hi the itattle of life wilea °,°14„.,Pell.ft4 tlloeT
ewe. cottlitt tad 16, g..11,,,?;:l clearly to., (7 r011iMM MO better 1,r raif. rant LI t
zed dietinctly ocaereef Tee late 'other serroundiege. Or they are
hole hoe charge". Eesy it is for aa.Ylagto theawelves z "I not
of Its to retrivt uhett the coat, -§bouk bo raliscomerued a 41 neap- Bet when the advanelug years pass
Tio gam teodt,,dt distiootIte -Treciated, U God does Ucltoeu to O1arid by sickness or old age we
the* teheqe tire, eau me ;mother field a work soon I ba11 seem to be laid away upon the saw
ackldt But h. is or.otaer matter te. idroP this Position anyhow.' as useless by a busy worldthen
atient12.- watt. Yet waiting is a 00 ".001,-.11 WORK' TIIE1.).EST '5:0u most of us do net appreciiiite the pe.
gi eat eletnent.ii spiritual sae -
It st
IF, to the
tee welbtrnorrn
I had a wry a
threat pad tightness
times when I wanted ,
tot I would olniet ebe
wife got me bottle o
,prise fouled speedy- relief.
net be v4thout it if it cost $L
tle, and t'an recommend it to
bothezod with o, cauRli er reit!,
24%1124 •Celatil
s it is in temporal •euceess.
telt a thttdr i8 "Tate Wat4taa ition?
cols . in LI -K. , Iraill it?
tition •of that eoree prarer. We do
not- wthin
ont to be "nog, nothing."
yollr pr....iillt VO.F.,,, ri-wo want to to ...something, smut.
fuecesses of lifen
baPPY 'll i " d hl
that something a
erned in taie words winch winit y in I Ines brother. .t.or.. +: 4 4 • r- = • 0 G.
be w
wheat lte aid, ”I have. 'ham conetere rtttino, (i ,1., of 1.,
rt. •Cu.t./er taught a few yeare ago. eeishi of rs is a
solo grea'we see a suggestive floral tribute O
ttltgligw°jIttit.iini., tinives :t"tglitV: f atufeet.3:15e;f4"Itelgsstrea;°aZniae;
eaaut in my time with theimands of .11 just ute,e you ow. ttut"do" a brolcen eelltitrin. tthat ineena th
failtives of talented teen, both invo best wa.:.,, ,,yon, call ',Mau died in hie p That ineana
New York and lircoldyn, and 1 can ion of the Lord. la°St Or Oft SAY, ' not too bad
teethesony Abet nineee.eine Min-
oee rule cem his , that be had to g when he had so
of ull theee fas ilurewere. t.,-.-
0 43Ortkt. +.1G;4" to the lark of pa- gwat, 1,utr/Linnr ,.,2,_,.41,111113:,-41't"iloeatilil,ff ,tull:illicilt: itt°tlaililitelera'.:IY a3s4 intedl:)dirillttoot
oth in a tiAiiiitial eerae us inibleude to a biabrr po.4tion of ea i, grace to tile la your physieel azul
1 as fat a tqaPoral*" It is t°' ilttence. When Christ WOUtiNli to nal- !mental Primo as it talus to live
the important lesecms Of sat;e'" eet his eabieet and to fill the apos- 'kin physical invalidism or in decre
jattenee tkCtCtt1 . ?'. '1'P tOlie peNtiOus Or tLe "fisl'ers of , o.d age. in the tirAt instance a
ftbis f'dwria°n• men." he did not go into /he marel'hellirietiaa wan like a warrior is
"wa5tiing crlSis cones ,,,td.2 ,t1,9,11: itet place, :a -tare Ine cettal find the. strUek (WWII at a Wow. In the see
Poll tho,u5as,,ds .(4._'4,1",.til:J" I.nifers itilirg arourtle le went , Orli irletanee a n an is 111e an aged
a In 14°' "•'114:4;.11-' ""r down to ti e eboree of tale. Cliitilee N'oterari in ft soldheA home lile 0
JULli" 17,
Text of the LeeSen, Obron
xiv„ 1-12. Golden Text,
11. Gleroa. etiva 11.
Ta our study of the kings we must
bear tu maul that Jehovah Himself
Was the rightful ruler over Israel
Mkt.' they sat upon the Orem: of the
ItingdOm of tho Lord over 1=0,
representing Him, obeyiug yadee,
doiog His will ,Sam. 7;1.
Citron, xxviii., 6). As Isaiah said,
"The Lord is our Judge. the Lord
is our Lewgiver„ the Lord is our
Xing; Ire will Foxe us." (Isa, xxxiii,
22)- The matt atter God's own heart
was the one who did right in IIis
eyes, not turning aside front any -
king that He commanded, (I. Eings
8;., XV., 5), The personal AP
plication to eoch believer is that, as
the eedeenzed of the Lord, we are
here in Christ's stead to manifest
1 life and show forth Ilie praises
men may come to Min (IL
Cor, v., 20: iv., 11; L Pet. ft., 9).
Jerusalem was the city which the
Lord had chosen out of all the tribes
1 Israel to put His umue there, and
believers are the chosen of the Lord
to bear His iane, that people may
be drawn to Ulm (If, Chron.
13; kph. 4; Acta ix., 1i5).
• Reholioam reigned seventeen years.
doing evil. Abijah, his son, reigned
I three years and walked in the sins
e of his father (IL Citron, 18, 14;
1. Ulags xvo 3); yet the matter
of a confliet between And
,tromp-F.t. tie
who, ns der
wav st' o1
ersiss• enme9 "4/t and found two eltelwert :nen casting l'Job's war charger expelling the bat -
'or nothing husr.on
II ere ore, t ,T,i-4.1t tvia) 104tie yOtt Tho sadIde-t Fame dlintli.c4
-s not to the
their vete ietat tiee eel, eeid to 'tie from •afar aial .7.-44 Lot able to
that of ,Jeroboam the Lord delivered
111M II/ a gteat rwelgtat, 4.21 excellent 111160111 honey
• • • ,• II •
Ita2040000/1114 ofteggetit Ottel)kflOi
Recipes for the Kitchen.
0 istvgleno and Other Notes °
tel for the floaselteeper,
Coffee stains on linen eaa be re -
2)101 -ea by soaking.; for twelve OictUrs
11)11Q;a1xea3b.t.1°Iclieelrnataetir'rl' edo.
To ItTfiticki vs4al\tv,iniqnoiteatie7 isrr wit hot
t'wh4rieet4tg.'11 tianntclil tlPieousIt'aitbsoildiinfappwe4ar.1
wit 'on Ppiellg-einsig optietglitierocilllotbsglittPiltlIgt
theta water eath time before they
are Tbis ow•aiililtencliakfc:xtt-1.= liaosit• or yleifloinsr.s-
To heep stockings Mack they should
he turned before being washed and
kept- inside out until they are dry.
Wh them iu warm itcls and rinse
them in warin water. If they are
washed in this way they will never
turn uhriel:alferwt lteouvettelhstinC110.414fdpose tei;E;
stain be old, dissolve a tablespoon-
ful of chioricle of lime in four quarts
of cold water, and soak the fabric
till the mildew disapuears. :Muse
it thorougbl,y afterwards.
To Wash a earpet.-Slathe and beat
'it well; lay it upon the door and
ink it (Iowa. Then with a clean
flannel wash it over with a quart
of bullock's gall utixed with three
,quarts of soft water, Rub this off
witli lspote ehould rutalted with pure
g, clean Oannel. Any very dirty
children of Judah prevailed beeause
bo made ae folio/Ye: To 10 pounds
they relied -upon the I,ord God of ap04 brown sugar add 4 pounds
18). Notwithstanding our great Iskimming„ it wens Let roui. awl
their fathers (II, ('llron, NUL, 14- water. Gradually bring it to a boil,
onwortionees wares for Hie own add 2 pounds of bees' honey and
name's sake,
eigat drops of peppermint. Mix
Asa. non of Abliah. •reigned. forty- well, and fill in jars in the ordiaary
one years, just a little longer than may
either Satil or Pavia or Solon -ton. 'When crape ha
rusty. and praett 1 1
and did that which was good and
tlw world (r"?' Peter ord A^tdr-sw %T.^ lav User "Rd • - gusrer the (nu for the grand Clod (verses 1 2 N1.1 1'1) 1 h" did
f it
Oh And
'right in the eyes of the Lord hi -7, 1.0,tored iolow tu
d dt,eur nn." It l•lttteth oltWlds 011 oty situdo in *he ete et wes when
a great deal toward diestroving idol-
atry and Main Or iet to the
Refill sortie Ft-zitntilo'cl aud
to! 1 .t. o g •VIP
e I 4, the cr.iFe into this while boiling, let
en *14o great e• d rtrog.ele for a matt ;.1 'in the rtlethofiti‘t Is7.14s?opo1 confer* Lord God of their fts.ti:ers t verses it, meal:, take out. squee7c. and dry
f4,111,111; It 64-M 10 oli847,11 up Into a la,1-&74Fr iihnett five noble taco who hail ,,r‘e3 a•-ta,w, own removing the queen Mohlh'ilt. It will be Improved more if.
ilagt it 3 nP^‘Eir alvdhts their clench ae P./ hop IOW!, and er berauso of her idolatrY end tklat). it is rotielt through rot_
Come in toueli. . It
t roUnft w14° 4"?t5s4f $,-.411 to rolled to- a .opon the superannuated But as aut the high placee wtre not all ra- Whit a tablet of orange jelly in
ILIztac--::111-thss .5troigt:le ftrv osaltbisn7,47,- Nvcre r &tail fitt'oying her idoi (i. ittinfia xv., tem.
'zee peel:artily at nnd gt4Vi3 fine reelta et. Chihli'. uttered Salim) iGea ha e phleed FraL40 of you upoe moved. yet it is said that IOU 14 alt 'half a pint ef hot water. mai tint it
11/1•1'` t'tt°141'„Pl°11eltufll-Y,?rtel,finit„,„*.f.t, PhrldhliPLY tytela 11.0 raki 1413 1)4141 -lithe great, "waiting het" Ives Iterffeet with the ',I„„04,11 till Ids ,asido to cool. :Melte a etieti,trd with
tor tO tvl° ble ther..:074. frOM !tor mental ineviemeq. be patient. idaye. There WAS one of all the wri pint of 03iik etoi oee ectg. and
and lwehrulie ho ari'' Mat au4I Jai" 41141n Winl 'Alt° b°111 wm. Even in your relh'ed iltingn of the ten tribes who did 'whoa enol enough. end the ir.;
t luxe nahaaot . tem 0 and it ill
1434,„ olways Feent te 4.n the Norge of Lathtol..a„s awsF even - ne otOet -- we. a.- ;who did so fax., 32; XX cow aater. pour t (mint to. and
fd•h1 ^ rut ;Ammo of Nom Ner,„ ta 10, (.4die.a but g will all con& reit 1 _ time.•There is only ono Bible re-• '1'4a remove eeratebee from ighly
MAN, y „um FoirprNA,TE, to a prosperous church or the "waiting" 107; cOrd 01 an absolutely' perfect Men ;IleoliS110 (10.1111er,1 earriages. tom
TI,e;ee men a .(1 good men, But • ndnister without a pulpit. uto Is too oartit'st of 01.1 go el I who never failed to do right in filo ;a -coarse cloth and saturate it with
fl OYA Liz)eltn.4,1P.4"asv:11; ,tvklen;e1(in 1144:11'11;t.:(1,411; g‘i,Tetna :.(1.17?4.* 014/11tifi of waiting you Jr*' a tecolt to irigid in the sight of the LOrd and beginning to set, stir it ell to-
- io 'orc' lre '201 le tvh° ''r t I' him that It will all con:9 out riglit. Yea: !only st!ven of all the 012.Judvall ,igttlier. well. alixtele 0. poeld withi
9.4 *!zIrli:(iTnnr.71 atogretaet ielentietke•essol!alentltoe"etven3711 l rhaof a 6nmicir.... t
It ''" ""' •"'"'“*" ."` able to understend tiod's ways now, 2), and some of these only for a misty IM0et.
h„,t, .ettliet ant 10n *Loy not be ,2; xv.}.. xxN xxxiN. put it aside to se:. Thic. is
. • . • .
The Great ail Well -Know') Kbluey %noble ,
for the Caro of all Kidney ,
and Bladder Troubles,
Mrs. P. Bertrand, Breehe Mann,
writesr—I think it noth;ng but
right for me to let you know what
DOAN'S ICIDNEY PILLS have done for
inc. For five months I was badly troubled
...vatla a, !ore hack, and such severe pane
an my kidneys that I could scareely walk
at times. I got a be of DOAN'S ILIP-
BEY PILLS, and before I had them half
talren I -was greatly relieved, and with
another box I was completely eared. 1
amnia help but give them all the praise
I can and will never fail to recommend
"therZto all kidney sufferere.
41'0 500. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or
The Doan ridney Pill Co., Toronto, On
but tit -Sot -Mr a `I hey are though he be a elient among preeehe
what worldly eeeple "ttiilliehy." ors. Lan en IthOOSt insurmountable
how there ii 110 Such thing as undertaking to ho called to any
luck. Men tire not Itichy or tut- strong pulpit. "Me man without a.
lucky. but there are clime who Eee111 job Is n, Wan whose failure i';7, stomp.
to have Moro misfortunes than eft upon Ws hrow, and every one
Others; who, through no fault of loohs at Itim with fast:felon. De pa -
their own, ndts the good things 01 tient. :Even:titling will come, out all
life. The strong roan triumphs over right. Just be patient.
them, but afi the world witnesses Ityrvf, A rArtlferimp A NT ft.s.
his struggles under StlereESI170 strokes ""
of advent° fortune it calls him "we- MINX.
lucky." Bu,t there is still another reason
l'oti are unlucky in the fact that why / do not want you to give - up
Just as You ',we nhout to gto that potation Natick st,..ans to fret
college your father died and you were you. As far as I can make out, you
taken out of school and hod to go are getting in life jun as =eh as
work. You aro unlucky in the you deserve. Instod of complain.
fact that knit. after you hod saved , ,
gt, y yellow with ag,e, or greatly soiled, (Isa. xxxii., 1, 17, 18). In hull- substance under whieh the
noun to learn. I aux going
• sight of the Lord. 1Te knew no sin. braved oil, ;Ind lay npOn the serateb
tho heartiful words of one who', lie did 110 sin, there was no sin in or blemisheS which have ttucli to
peon has been very near and Ire always pletmed the Father: the s After soaking a litti
tO me. I am preaching cgainnt my lie (no for our sins Ile is alive for- rub with a soft. dry c!lOtil, and if
wn impatience just as r against , ever more, our great Priest -Xing neetssary, apply the oiled eloth agem
mire. / linear that a 'myelin Can Cod's right, hand. till all signs of the aeratches have
never bring his ebild up riga unlese
he teaches that child to learn to Tbe Lord gave Aea and his penple disal-Peah,
truet him and wait; e f nO rest an every side; the kingdOm. was As cuts are aeceeditatly n
emit! of God eau ever tti,1111sItle (41:0'-d urt... quiet beforo him (\Trees 1, 5, 0, 7). and it is sometimes dithenit to er-
ss he is at limes ready to "stand This leis our thoughts to the time twit the bleeding, the following tete.-
wean a Ring shail reign in right°. pound should be in overt- Itthi.e.;,••
• and Fl‘c! the salvation th° ourness and the work of righteous- 'Collodion, 20 ports; carbolic meet, -
nesa shall be peace and the erred of parts; tannic acid, 1. part; Iteueoie
rigeeteoesneFs quietness and a.Ssur- Atid, 1. part. In the event of a cut,
twat forever, and the people sotol the above should be applied tlnielia.
VW TO IVIIITEN LACES. driel; peaceehle habitations, sure to tile spot. It will instantly co.i:_;a-
1 aces :Ind linens which have become teachings untl quiet resting places into the blood, end Sorra a lee-er
up a little money and put it in tho 1 1 ti "3 a f i wl 'ten I b fold n eh in vidual experience, We who bare tut will readily heal,
bank the cashier became (1, defaulter cuas °1" mu ° °I, t- I° Imsi- '° )("( Y g e
J12 0 I t tj t • st ft . Lad should you expect God to make 1,•ott to soak in a strong, solution of holy- 3); there is ito other wny. lie gives drops of strong solution of anunonia
' i .
learned to be a good draisttinin and 'hilt favorite child and allow you to ax and water. As the water is ab-
aud let Ilem rest us.
had a fine position about 1.0 be of_ rest upon a. bed of roses? Are you .sorbed or clouded, add fresh water, faith
fered you fell aud broke your arm any diirerent ft•ont any of his other and if the water becomes quite SUCH rest is too provoking to the
or had your Ongers cut off by having thileiret? Are you so smart or so
them caught in the muff.' of a fae- good or so horrible that you have a
tory wifeel and you had to start life right to expect more than they? In -
ail over again. You are unlucky be- stead of grumbling about your small
cause just as you were about te be poeition, you should see men, in
appointed to a certein positien au overe- way your superiors, physically,
enemy Tied about your character as mentally and spiritually occupying continue two or three days or
an enemy lied about a yourtg friend Isinaller positions than you, 33e pi- nights without injuring the most de -
of mine who was about to beeonie tient in that work God has given Beate fabrics. Care Should be tak-
paetor of a prominent church, la the to ou last of us—a 'a erha ts n how v i 1 r n v' or ti I
• h --------------- ' tl t1 believed do enter into rest” (Hod. iv, o cle.en lad gloves, take fifteen
tion winch tic as given to you. Why .cale y p acing tem sun
anti volt lost all. Ya• n are unlucky •
rest, but we must come to Him in and add half a pint of spirit of tur-
pentine. Either put your gloves on
your own hands, or on wooden
"trees," and apply the mixture with
cloudy from 1 he loosened dirt, pour hdversary either iit a nation er an
in a new solution of borax and wa- ntdividual (.1 oh reedy, 29), and he a brush. Then rub the gloves with
ter. Turn the lace or linen at least wIll do his utindst to disturb it. In. fine pumice stone. Apply the mix --
case he stirs up a million of tura again, this time with a flannel.
onto while it is whitening. In the thin
nu mu,
against Asa. s army of half a Repeat tho process -two or three
warm weather the yellow is eamsial,iy !Ilea
. . . • .
-entered, though the soaking . -: a e 1 unto te o
d his God, and his prayer in verse 41,
should be Carefully memorized, not
only the part assigned as the Golden
Text, but the whole, verse. Jehovah
changes not, and the heart that can
truly pray this prayer will iind it
not .in vain.
- p e or, e to it le ace,
— east. Though your character in one all of us --have ail we deserve in life, when 02100 it is clean. It should be
sense was vindicated, yet the dam- and moro too. If God wants us to takee out folded, not squeezed, but
• age was done. tenothei• stepped ill go higher, he will open the way. If unfolded carefully on folded towels,
and got the place, even as the poor He does not open the way, then let pinned out neatly and left in the sun
invalid at the pool of Bethesda, was us do what he wants us to do. You to dry. If the Ince sticks to Ulm
pushed aside by others again and and I are not so important or so towel, let it soak offt•-don't try to
again when the angel of health perfectly sanctified as some of us pull it away.
"trent down at a certain senson into thi
upon you this fact, I would read to
After having been repeatedly street:
Turns Bad Blood into
Rich Red Blood.
n we are. In order to impress
the pool and troubled the waters."
This spring you will need
something to take away that
tired, listless feeling brought
on by the system being clogged
with impurities which have
accumulated during the winter.
Burdock Blood Bitters is the
• ren-leoly you require.
It has no equal as a spring
medicine. It has been used by t
thousands for a quarter of
a century with unequalled I
you a quaint piece of poetry by
down by misfortune after xaisfortime
you are to -day on the verge of coin- James Whitcomb Riley. It has help- CONVINCING THE 13AROMETER.
pieta despair. You are saying to and encouraged rae much in life. Sir Archibald Cleikie tells a story
hope the reading will make you con- in his book, "Scottish Reatiniseene-
yourself : "Olf, I am always unlucky/
tented in the field of labor to which es," which he says is characteristic
What is the use of try,ing
arLY• God has called you to work. of the simplicity of some of the
But, roaming in and out among Scots. It concerns a farmer in the
mh the Israelitish hosts encamped at Cheviot Mils who bad been told
Pi-bahlroth, I find the ranks of the that it would be useful to have a
Discouraged, are you? "Yes," you Mosaic army cursed and retarded baroraeter in the house, for it would
mutter, "fearfully discouraged!"
with hangers on. There were many let him know whether the weather
You. have conscientiously done your
braxe mon in that army. Men there would be good or bad.
level best? "Yes, I have done my
, were like joshua. and Caleb, but After he had been porsuadeti to buy
level best. I can do nothing more.
there was also a host of lazy, good an aneroid barometer, which has a
Oh yes, you can, my brother. 'Von
for nothings, as in. every army, who large round dial, he hung it op in
can let God now come and do the
expecte! others to do all the tvark. his hall, an dully consulted it each
rest. You, are simply "encamped be -
When the tents were to be /ifted. day, but without mach edification.
fore Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and
they were not there; when the man- At last there came a spell of wet
the sea, over against Beetizephon."
na was to be collected, they' were weather. The barometer continued
Cod is going to open a way for you
the five foolish virgins who to record, "set fair." The rain con -
through the Red nen, to escape the like
pursuing Philistines. lIow? I do wanted to borrow the oil of the five tinued to fall heevily, and still the
not know, Title, however, I do wiso virgins. And so to -day when I dial made no sign of truth. Then
know. God will rescue you if you see a strong, willing man inevit- the farmer's temper ros0.
are patient, ouly patient,. Re will, ablY see a lot of human leeches He took the instrument from the
if like Job amid the tragedy of a clinging to that man as barnacles nail and marched \vale it to the bot -
wrecked home and amid a rained for- stica to a ship's hull. Fnrthermore, tom of the garden, where a brook,
of sw.ellen with the drainage from the
t� -day I see scores and hundreds
you hardworking men and women re- upper slopes. was rushing along,
brown and muddy. plunged the
belling' at the injusti c e by which
others are trying to live off the re- barolnoler into the flood.
sults of the sweat of your brow. ‘`Will you- believe Your ain eon
'SUCCESSEUL MAN'S BURDEN. n0w, thcill" he cried, argldha.
But I have a brother Jack. The
young folks say he is queer and
mean and stingy. Some People say NOT REGULAR EXPRESSION.
he is crazy. My 'brother jack is Photographer --"I• would euggest
not lazy. Ile works just as hard as that you relax the features a little
we do, but when he makes a dollar, and asetene more pleasing expres-
inst cad of spending that dollar as siort.''
we do. he saves it or goes and buys Mrs. Vick-Senn—"I suppose V can to lean upon an al ni of flesh, but. by sorrek_L with .„1.t. peple.) and a
some books. Instead- of loafing' do it if you insist, but can tell the grn re of God we n;Lty overcome tablespoeeed of vinegar, and serve
about the village store in the even- you hight now it won't look like him and L,'reLdf astly lean on 1...e quickly,
ing Jack is always home studying. mad Lord elee I Pota nes G en evoi se. ---Peel
Una and in the agonies of physical
au -well es mental pain, you can say,
and still continue to say, "Thoegh
le slay Me, yet Win trust him. '
Ood will show to you a direct means
of escape if you will only stand still
just where you aro and continue to
look for the salvation of the Lord.
You 1.1.141Y. not now think it, but all
things, even amid the groates dis-
couragements, all things are working
together for good to them that love
the Lord. After the darkest of
nighte there always comes the bright-
ness of a light: [4 -lying- dawn, Amid
the blackest of troubles there will
always come a piilar of fire to lead
know why it is that all my labors
Mrs. j. T. Skine of Shig-awake, Que.,
writes: 'I have used Burdcok 13lood
Bittees as a spring medicine for the past
four years and don't think there is its equal.
When 1 feel drowsy, tired and have no
desire to eat 1 get a bottle of B.B.F.. It
purifies the blood and builds ep the con.
stitution better than any other remedy."
With sueh reliance upon God on the
part of Asa and 1119 people, it is not
strange that we read, "So the Lord
smote the Ethiopians before Asa and
before Jedah, and the Ethiopians
fled" (verse. 12). But it does seem
strange that, having proved the ben-
efit of relying on the Lord, he should
afterward rely on the king of Syria
instead of on the Lord and thus'
bring upon himself a rebuke from the
Lord throe& Hanani the seer (X. -i,
7-9). When ate trusted the Lor(1 and
he and hie people 'aimed to the Lord
ad sought Him with their whole de-
sire, encouraged by Azariala raessen-
ger of God, after the victory over
the Ethiopians, then the Lord gave
them rest round about, and: there
was no more War 1.1221.0 the thirty-
fifth year of his reign (see tlie.whole
of chapter xv).
After that came the fellowship
with the king or Syria, the Lord's
rebuke by Hariani, the anger of the
king with Um prophet (an(1 therefore
with Clod, who sent bim), evea put-
ting him in prison; the bing's illne.ss,
in which he also turned away from
the Lord, told his death in the forty-
first year .of his reign (chapter xvi).
Taking warning by his failures, let
es imitate him in his reliance upon
the Lord and his light against idola-
try arid note that from the ten
tribes there came to him an alma -
tittles until clean, and then hang the
gloves in the air to dry and to lose
the smell of the turpentine.
Sweetbread and Cucumber Salad.—
Place the sweetbreads in cold water
as soon as received, and change the
water repeatedly entil the mea -*2 looks
white and free from blood. Put them
in a saucepan with one-imlf of a tea-
spoonful of salt and a slice of onion
fctr each pair, cover with boiling wa-
ter, and simmer for fifteen minutes.
Drop into cold water and let stand
until 011 Med, dry on elotht"
-and -Gutit small pieces with a silver
knife. Measure. and acid an equal
quantity of diced cucumber. Marinate
the meat with a plain French dress-
ing, and let it stand until late in the
day. then drain and 'Mix with the
cucumber. One quart of the salad
should serve ten persons. I -lave
ready sortie thick cream, -whipped to
a solid froth. To each cupful and
a quarter (sufficient for a quart),
add, beating gently a clash of salt
and cayenne; and, a few drops at a
time, two tablespoonfuls of strained
lemoa juice. For each guest have a
large ripe, but firm tomato. Cut off
the stem end, scoop 0311 the centre
with a spoon, and turn the tomato
head clownWarci to drain. ,Il'hen the
salad and dresS'ing are mixed, fill the
i,0111:11' 0 s, and put a reserved tea-
spoonful of ihe dressing on top.
Potatoes 13at•ieoule.--Peel and wash
es many rather small potatoes as
will be needed for '1110 11100.1 Place ill
a saucepan and pour ever them., suf-
ficient clear soup st,ock to cover. A,dc1
dance or people when they saw that
the Lord his fled was with him (s:1T,0nonnte[41)001C1 1 110111thatentec,t
ftill doraf
9), for the Lord honors those w
a small saucepan have !halting sur-
May . all wile read be . Fts much fleient fat to immerse the potatoes --
helped as I have been by xvi, 9, and thc; original or of this recipe calls for
may we ever be whole hearted for 'olive oil. When the fat is smoking
p rar thee we can a ct 111(011 and hot, gently drop in 11 the pota toes
expect a fulililinoni of -Ter. 8, , and cook 44) 31 long enough to Color
ancl live in the comfort or rslxii, ithent 11 nnifo:•nl iyrown. Drain on
5. The devil pt•rsistt.nt ly ontifts TIS Pape'*. place in ti serving dish,
No Tire
The question
or tires is the
all ituportant
item in bicycledom. Tiros that are
reliable or can be quickly repaired,
if necessary, making -wheeling plea-
sant •and comfortable, are tae
They can be removed or replaced
with the two bands—a twelve nica t ha
guarantee with each pair.
he Dunlap Tire Ooly
and. dralie ken rather lergo potatoes
tuul gut into long, thin shreds with
a flated vegetable •cutter, or elice.
t into strips. Season tbem,
hing and dryiug, with owes
teaspoonfel of salt and
0 n teaspoonful of white
Pepper. ready oneet:tird of a,
etipfUl of grated ParMesan or dry
AMerican cheese. Mittel' a mimber
of patty pees, and MI them with al-
ternate layers of the potatoes and
cheese; over the top of each drop a
,tabitspoonfal of melted butter. Stand
11 s on the :op of a hot stove
vo minutes. then place t
and bake for twenty -live
sties. 'Send to the table in the 3fttk
Tonato 8041). --One
one quart tomatoes . two
talacspoons cornstarch, Won JAW,
and slit to taste. Heat the stock,
add a quarter of a Itetspoon of soda.
to your tomatoes. Turn Coen into
the st oelo thicken, add onion juice
and salt last of all,
• Cream of Tomato Soup.---Egeal
measuree of tomato and
with dour or cern stat•eh as for
nfl thee milk sotto. With tomatoes
ala• thieken the fh•st. Men
pot your t °mat flee. They must
not boil in the milk. but only be
healed 1 o the boiling point. Use
soda and flavor with bay leaf, or ()Il-
ion juke, or parsley, e:7111 pepper and
[must win upon their
merits. The International
Dictionary has won a
greater distinction upon
its merits and is in more
general use than any other
work of its kind in the
English language.
44.4 Xt. Sayea, 31,11.,, oif Oxford
'University, T;ngland, has recently said of
it: It is indeed a marvelous work; it 18
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exbaustivo and complete. BrerythIng ia
init--not Only what we might expect to
ifincl in suet], a work, but nlso what few of
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A supplement to the new edition bas
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looking through the batter with a feeling
of astonishment at its completeness. and
the amount of labor that has been put
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"A Test inPronunciation" which affordan
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Illustrated pamphlet also free.
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Mi!burn's Beast a rtd Nerve
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