HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-7, Page 8aPeeetteeesteeeete Yes, it has been hot, is hot, and is going to be hot. Are you prep^ 1 ed for'Uie hot spell, Here ate a fest/ hot weather suggestions c for white Muslin with open embroidered stripe, very prettyand the thing for t ,, just� ho days. f7c 1 cr2._ G�ec"11111� at 1,��1�, Very swell new White Muslin w c for with open lace stripe, quite the correct thing for odd waists or dresses. * '7 full :tal.esses, ,�Occlearill a�> 15e.,g' for 7 a A Swell new black Gloria Parasol guaran- teed not to facie, spot or cut, lovely O`c el} 11Cw handles pearl and gold mountings. $2,25 clearing $ �'a 11 g at �. 1,75, 0 Ladies Blac k_ del c e,, ,�. zl�ed Hose,wztlz fancy open Lace stripe full fashioned good quality, cheap at' 15e clearing at 25e. .00 for Moll's new lo- ' crown Fedora Hats, latest ew York Block, sln,art and nobly.. $2.00 Q clearing at 81.50 e habit of trading at Stew z;t it will pay you Butter and Eggs Wanted A. ST EWA ttiew readlsag e aS space co The Peo�. Bank n Gd1nest effort to accommodate all clasc eC. lilzl is to make this in every re . ect the People's ,.. nk where all may feel at home ; a, where those of 13flf)3peat: deratt3 means inay expect the same treat- ment as those more favorably situated. ated. Call , u at an of Uc. our Branches, 4 ti ,*o � � who we ,hall 11e glad to tape me M. talk mach those who may wish to know more about cur nietbade .of dealing with the public. Bra riches .in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood. Hensall Zurich Clinton ■ The Sovereign Bank of Canada GLAD MAN tt STANBURY, F, E. DARN Solicitors. manager, Exeter For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spaecteecies tc t11 .T, ON R C CKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. DROVENS or LONDON, ■ ti Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist, laccases, Eye; Earl Nose and Throat visits Exeter monthly. Masses Properly Fitted Easal Catarrh and Deafness treated_ OMoe COMMERCIAL, MERCIAqL, HOTEL' Dates of visits, WEDNESDAYS, Feb. 3, Starch 2, march 30, Way J rine i , June 24, J r1y27, Sept. 7, Oct. 4.1ov. �ov.3J. London e n ons .Ave. TO ADVERTISERS. he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 11tr, Robert Sanders is spending the summer at Grand Bend, iri Ivan- hoe cottage. Mr, end Mrs. Aquilia Sheere, of Sarnia, spent Sunday here while on a honeymoon :trip. Miss Stella Gregory who is engage ed as teacher at Mayfield, ishome for the holidays. Mrs. A. E. Bennett. and Miss Greta, of London are visiting friends t and relatives here. Will aIuir is home from Water- loo, loo, spending a short vacation 'and er the parental roof. Tire Misses Evelyn and Nina Car- ling are spending their holidays with friends in Brantford,; Mr. n „ndr M s. 3. G. Flaming, and family are holidaying ;at the form- er's home at Cobourg, Mrs. Fowell and Miss Cora Folwell left this week for their summer vacation at Grand Bend. Mrs. Jno. Davidson and daughter an d Mrs. Down, of Veinghem spent the holiday with friends in town. Mr. J. R. Merrifield, and bride of 1904 the Soo spent Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gidley. Mr. George. Brook, of ' Killarney, Manitoba. is at present visiting his mother, Mrs. Brook, Exeter North. Miss Moriock and little Miss Mary left on Saturday for a month's vis- it Ohio. with her daughter, at Crestline, Miss Tillie Eager, who has spent the past, .season as milliner at Ba- den, has returned home for the sum- mer holidays. Mr. John Penhale, 1 , bIrs, Penhale, and little daughter, of London, are visiting his mother, Mrs. "Penhale, Gidley street. Mr. and. i4Lrs. P. Armstrong, of St. Marys, attended the marriage of their cousin, :Dr." Adelaide 'Holland, on Wednesday. canescla . y For Sale. -25 acres of hay to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to L. Mc- Taggart, Flay P. 0. r , M ,and Mrs. P. Gowans are visit- +c4,04.4•00�•a4®®oaeaaa®o0o0eo .4 e 0 A s ;00444.4O�C l>4. 00000 Read Popplestone & Gardi tiers ad. on page 5. Mr. F. E. Karn has purchased an automobile. Mrs. R. Knight spent Mondayat Grand Bend. Miss Nettie Frayne is visiting fri- ends at Elimville. g Mrs. E. A. Foilick r is spending a few days at Grand Bend. Miss Lilly Robertson from Auburn is home orxae for the .holidays. We make a:: e p cialty of watch' and clock repairi:n . D. Hartle' rb. See whySovereign Bank e li peoples bank, in' ad. last page, Out of a' .million people 225 p ri women and only 82 men reach the age of 100 years. Miss Stella. Spackman is the guest M1' of 7 . and Mrs. Humphries, at Parkhill. The C. 1'. , R. 1 will spend ., $500,000 at Dant'', in improving Anthracite p lr h ache coal mines. Mr. Czar Rollins, s Mr. lin £ o , o Detroit,spent p he, re r:: i Lo pat of this week at-his; home here. aand Mrs. Joseph Case, of To- ronto, are renewing acquaintances in v' ` las acanit . t a Y LOCALS an friends in St. Marys until Tu- esday'ext when they will take a trip, iso the Soo. Miss Ethel t e God bolt, of Tilbury,;, as returnedhome and will spend e summer vacation with her mo- er at Sunshine. 1Ar a ' nted,-W> a < nte<I to biay or sell olonial Investment and Loan Stock "preference" write quickly, Box 535 Globe, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bee, of'Bowes den Alberta, Berta and Miss s Ethel Bee, of Parkhill, visited: over Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gidley, h th th C ':XittILf 'I3.11;._t f, Mr, A. Uastiegs is holidaying this week at Grand Bend. r3lr, Norman Creech, of Brantford, spent the lioliclay at his home here. Mrs, Joioey horn, has sold her residence in Exeter North to Mr, I. Hall. Mrs. E. 3, Knight left on Monday morning for an extended trip to California• Mrs, I1, Ievett, of 1' a• a, 1:1, spent he holiday here tri.,u nor son Mr. W. I1• Levett, Miss Nellie Daa Risme); of Loudon, is renewing eegalaintanees in town for a few weeks, "Elie members of Caren church, itiliove ossionn Rd Weaandnesdliicniayve.d at 13aawden's gr frien Mrdss. T, BoylMaarekette, and .children are spending a couple of weeps visiting 3 Mich, 14tr, J. 0. 13e11, of Sr. Marys, was here this week visiting his brother, Mr, A. Hell and inspecting the oreamery. Mr, Prank Delbridge formerly with E..1, Spackman, has accepted a position with the Sovereign Bank, at llensall, Mr. Frank Bissett, of London, vis- ,• Lit his grandmother, A r Mrs. n anal er ., b. g la 1z Jas. sett, Huron street, the .forepart sof is ~reek. The first Wednesday in Augtyst has been declared to be observed ars a civic holiday by the corporation of tla( town. of ialQ:ierich, :I s, White. nee Miss 11(tttiv liana k,sbeer, of Detroit, is, Visiting ter time at the home of her fa- r. John aa.•z'.John Uaw.kshaw, l?roperty for Sale. -•- Desirable llrniaerty in Exeter,, with suitable residence thereon, God investment Apply to Glatlznan Stanhalry, In Abe South American regions i ^here cattle are 'killed by the tens •ot thouyaztds for the export of: meat and bides, the bones are used for fusel, tjr. Robert S4utheott and son O o Went of Londe)), ,r who have been holidaying at Grand Rend, ;spent a few .days here with friends;, on their return bone, Mrs. ei;ltnour, of 4t, Thomas, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, D C`rat * nden, at Myth, spent the tslre- patrt of this week with her mother. hors, 1'eniaaale. Mrs. joints Wanless, has return- ed. home from visiting friends; in Toronto, While le there! Mrs. lis"^a Ir , , a z less attended the closing e ,ereises at St. 3Eargaaret's College. our local dealers are fraying the Ialghest prices for wool, and con,sid- eerable quantities are being mark- eted. Prices have advanced 10c be- ing - t the price le v4 c, now paid, laid, 1 errs, John Ilawksbaw attended silver wedding, of Mr, and Mrs. Bry- ant, of the Sentinel, at Luckuow, on July lst, Mrs, Bryant is a neico of ?Zr. Ilawkshaw; and was a former resident of this place The Tunes and the Family ILerald and Weekly ysti'will hes sent to any address in Canada, or the United States till Dee. 31., 1064 for lac. To take advantage of this offer you must subscribe at once, Mr. Mrs. s A. as'[cGonnell,of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs A. Holland, on Wednesday, on the occasion of .he !marriage of their k dau bier i. , Dr. Adelaide aide i 1 errand to Dr; George Wenig, of Vinland, Ohio, Tlae Sun Portland cement works at Owen Sound, which has been idle for some time, will resume operat tions this week. The process of manufacture has been changed from the dry to the slurry or Wet p:rtes cess, It was been announced that the T. Eaton Co„ of Toronto. have purchased a whole block on Portage avenue, Winnipeg, at a cost of 5500,- 000, and will proceed to erect a large departmental store as soon as passible. Miss Aggie Beaman, who has been the guest for the past two weeks of her cousin, Mr. W. J. Heiman, left on Monday morning :for Grand Bend, acea'mpanied by Mrs. Manion son Clyde and nurse, who will spend a couple of weeks at the lake. FOR OVERS1%TYIEARS Ax OLD AND LL-TaWinelow's oothingSyrupjhas beREen usedMrs for over sixty ears b y ns of mothersfortheir children y millio 'while teething, Zvither success feet I6 soothes the child Softens the p s gums, allays all pain,cures wind colic: and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taster Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrupand ask for no other kind. At the birth of a Japanese baby a tree is planted which must remain untouched until the marriage day of the child ,Then the tree is out down and a skilled cabinet maker transforms the wood into fur- niture, which is considered by the young couple as the most beautiful of all the ornaments in • the house. Friday last, J3ily 1st, passed off every quietly in town, a number of citizens attending the strawberry festivals at Elimville and Centralia, while a greater number partook themselves to Grand Bend, but the day being exceedingly cold, a stroll too near the shores of the beautiful lake eves not fully enjoyed as on for- mer years.. It was ont of the cold- est July firsts in 14 years, the titer- urometer registering . 22 degrees above freezing at day -break. GOING WEST.— And we offer for sale our property on Main and North streets, consisting of one brick store` one b, ick work drop, and frame tr house, dwelling l .e, nice stable for two horses, -and a splendid well. This is ;a compact and "'convenient premises, well situated for flour and feed busi- ness, and equally well for a butcher, baker, shoemaker, tailor, veterinary etc. This is going to be sold to ,the highest offer receiyed by July 15th.- W. Tsu -annuci , Exeter. Lawn as n Bowlingm ._ A very cxciti ._ game of bowls was played. gond . evening, darkness prevented '-Inane''- the fullgame. The result •~vas, W. Iluston, Ie. Lan:. 1 Wood, , FL' Huston N. D.IIurdor ?, W. H. Levett W. J. Neaman, skip 14 ; 1?. Blatch- ford skip. 12. Two �c rinks n s skippedb'hP ` . the res. 5 and Vice -Pres. will play Thursday afternoon at 3,36. BA G About 3 due, ladies black Iace irate warranted fast colors, worth 25e a pr. reduced to 15e, About 25 dol, ladies black cotton Bose, in plain orritabrcl, regalia. price 15e cle:4eing at 10e• Big value, Ladies' Lame Gloves in bleak, cream, and white, very, fashionable, special 25 and 500 a, latah; About`Idoe Ladies. Silk and wash collars -r<=,n„ nl<ar preen 25a end Sae yoer choice for 10 cents, Ladies Print 'Wrappers with ilaitnce in blues andreds, :Special $1.00, 150, G'hld's S-lor, Fancy Colors. silk bends and strings. Specs al 25 and 35e Bay's Narrow Sailor, Fancy Straw with pretty silk band worth 40c for 25 cents, Barc's Cotton Snits mole o good Drdli guatra,a eed t':asa, a•ador , lar dark and light coitus, Sp,.•xlsl $1.25 INS Boy's ,Sweaters all puce wool. pretty stxilres, in lduees and reds, Special 75e Boy's Shirts tnede of line English Zeptbor,cbcrk and ligbt colors, warrant- ed to wash and not fade. Special 50c. irlren's Z'la:het^ Shirts, (leek arzd light st views, special 50e. Min's Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ers, nice tine goality worth 350 clear- ing' at 25 cents,. 59 doz. 11 QC Ter'r'ors, large size, pure linen, regular price 15e reduced to 124, each. About 50 yards Pore fool Delgaine light colors, neat patterns, regular price 50e reduced t:a. 25e. 100 y anis White alustin with fancy lace stripe woi tit 13e. (,fearing at 10a a yard, 10 may Ladies Lace Collars large round shape. verylist, v effect. over c a lore, the tri c'eerin ; pa ire special 25e The Balance of our Big Millinery Stock must be cleated during u� �t � dile next 30 days Regardless of costs. SIT:LI The Itossz:p, Thorny.at),, of Chicago in boxes fursr down is ,quite in, III, aro guests for a l3-lk, , of ferior, and in ono ease trash was their aunt, Mrs, W. llawkshaw,On found. There' have liven many MTV. their return hoarse they will be so- plaints this season against the pack cowpanied by :Miss Jean ilawlsbaw of American strawberries that have Naha will spend a month in the been placed ace d ot the Canadian marketVtnd^ City." Theinspector says the Canadian law miss McLennan, of ,Stratford, dau- t cannot reach the growers or ship- ghter of the lata David McLennan, pers direct, but the dealers here of this place left on Tuesday from who have in their possession 0r• of - Roston , by the collard ,St cr i e a f r a to r 'for f 1, a sale fruit ern rt sopacked, e l kec are1'- azia for England, .after spending as able to a line end can be prosected few weeks with relatives in Scotland i Births, Marriages and Deaths.— will join her brother. Prof. Mei The, following 'circular has been is - Tian. of tlw t'niversity. a Toren- sued to the Warks et tlaa„ie. different to who is at present in Europe. municipalities by the Registrar -Gen, me, Crawford and Percy 't eofq-! eral of Ontario; --Returns of Lirtltsj way, I to En rl•. . a London,s a la eg - en ypent the holiday � Z; and deaths are.dale to b„ re vim the litter's sister, Its, A, i received at this office on lst July. Pord. These young men have vol- and not later than 16th July, Di-; unteered tllcir services' las 3lissianar- d vision Registrars are specially re., les #o China, and twill furtlzor .quip quested before forwarding their sib- #'Iaowselves for elle great �wark iTM edules secure as complete a list svhiclr they `wish to engage ween. th(s opportunity " C0 pp lues for y them to go Rev. 1'rc'n1, Godwin and family will pastel; e. M it may soon become ne- cessary, the y. Province ae of Ontario for the protection of children nutter pro - spend ai month rt Itingsvillc, Mr. l the age of 14 years to make the pro - Godwin and stone file svfll bei'fi o. duction of a birth certificate Coln the tarn 1y ivakirag t1►e aurzacy }ry s nlured, illraQ lnpart•atenleeita ccobe- driving. They left on Wednesday. j Note registrationm evening expecting to spend Sunday virus. ��'o would suggest is ora-. at" 731onlreiva, Mr, tio(I((ita'S work ggest that you will be taken by Rev. i.is'. Andretwas, .request the local press to draw the a[ un t tae ra of the n o" •1au f ipublic ba e S•oto Sylvan circuit, u't he y alae tr, on Sunday a vlty of coznpli(anaee with the a1at09- next both morning and.: evening. and by the Rev. W. 11. Cooper, of flee El I ianvilte circuit on Sunday, July i7th Report P urther nnnouncenaents latest Exeter School ,p • A•valuab1e pony, the property of ?r, .T', aurt,,in, of .Centralis, iris .Phe following. are the natures of stolen from a pasture .field, on the the pupils who have been the nam- 18thsful atthe or ecce Jt examination, f a una �h' ,t t^ih'�h ref i o mounting tln 5t g , es and riding off. Trace was had of being arranged in order 70' 'par the guilty one at different points lienors far those taking over Honors. an 1 fii+ally captured by Chief 47514 tat Formiya to Farr Martha III., ins, 82. Rockawood, Mr. Gill went after Iain 1lfary II;Oa'ell 87, ine Carling, 82. th victim bringing hint to Exeter, on oncur, Alvin- 1y DMi g03 : Edith Thursday evenin taking :M1:Ioncur, G:i : Daisy Dillin liU a ghim to 5 g, I2, 1 Coderinh, next morning, where Ira vee la iilI , ; hotel Browning, McDougall l appeared before the judge, pleading' Theo.l'ed Trove, jjc Bella erG guilty. ',Che young man gives ins 54, Fred d Trevethick, a3 ; Oliver Gray Home as Lawrence Cedmore, and Oriel, 51; Wallace Fisher, 50 ; Irene 58 about 20 years of age. Ile dispas i\'c 114, 50, ed: of the horse to a farmer living Parra 11I t o Form Ib Hoo Teacher near Stratford, far 518.00. The pony McPherson, �80; 01 far' Honors, n. 83 lits been returned to Mr, Curtin, Harvey Gardiner, 74. McPherson, 83 jubilee number of the Globe 5 The ar roar, issued last Saturday is an exceed- 1 ass,63Lanai Bissett, 63; Milton ingiy interesting production. It af- Pfaff, 63 ; Willie Triebnere 60 ; 1'Sri1- fords convincing. evidence of vitalit Nellie Knight,iull, Estella;,Lillie 1Vr y Ach59 e - In quantity and general. make-up,= on : Elm, a o, May Ache - In the issue establishes a record for , ' 8 , Elmore :Senior, 58 ; Roy Can'idian newspapers.Dyeroras, 56; Homer Bagshaw, , anent of newspaper activity depart- D yer IIs dory, , Ida RoyArmstrong',Frmer progress of the past sixtya r ,Alice Howard, _u4, Farmer, Years ,3 ;. mo're .'narked than in the nee -1 W J. O'I3 chanical. The typographical excell- ; Sr. III to Sr,RIh,IV.—lienors, Teacher: ence of the edition as compared with { 1;illee , the first issue, n Farmer. mer,. 75 ; Katie Collins , 75 excites the admire- , Lillie Hodgen 74; Kathleen Stewart tion of the reader no less than the 74; Lillian Jones, 73, Anna Dow,72. enterprise of the management in un- Lois Birney, 7I ; dertaking the publication of a jubi- Pa lee ;number upon so grand a scale. �' ss,—Clifford 1Lungoy, 68 Louis. Sheere — Saunders,—The home off Day, Pickard6Vinetta Larrag, ]a 5; Ella Mr. ,Joseph 'Inborn, No. 9 Meda, I rien, 68;, lady Bissett, 65-; Ow - street, St. Thomas, was the . scene eO'Brien, so : Gladys Bissett, 65 ; , 64 of a quiet wedding on Thursdayev Jessie sicAts, Manson, Clarence mos, , ening � Jessie Willie June 30th, when his {{i lie Amos, 64; mice, Miss Maud Saunders, was un- 61; Alma Lela a Gould, 5, 64;63 l RuthaHooper,5 i.ted, in marriage with Aquilla I Roland Brintnel], Clara Davis,D", 55 ; Sheere, a printer, of Sarnia. The 52. bridal couple were assisted by 14liss MISS WALROND, Teacher. a?••g®®a00C®10®•0.OsA: `x•••4.00 PerI Boom VI.—Sr. II Pearl Reidof 1 toJr. TI[. Pearl •MANY c Copenhagen, and R. Johns, .Annie Lang Elmo Howey � MANY •i. A LS Southcott; St, Thomas,. The bridal (131•an h Atkinson, ® • i <s the . ® are rec it W e ed r • e •� from buy s tco ' - business firms and tt W• , acl 11 O ,dig White Wear ,Salt , All 3. z our P <Wear e utlful Ladies' iVllite we are now offer- ing for sale at trig bargains 75c white Skirts, for 55e $1.00 white Skirts for 755 1.50, white Skirtsfor o1 $1.20 2.00 white Skirts for $1,50 1.00 white Nightgowns for 75c, 150 white , w Ie Nightgowns; .fob $1.04 'Corset , lse Covers Iac, 25c, 40c, Drawers 20o, 80e, 50c. Chemises at only 50c, Rain Coats $4.75 for a good . genuine Cravenette Rail Coat perfectly rain *proof a regular $6,7S l.iile. 0. for a i ,v $ 00 111C0 Cravenette +szlette Oo at will:, shoulder cape all. ,. trimmed with steel- buckles. A regular 8.50 line, $8.00 for the swell new Belted Rain Coat, shoulder cape and" steel buttons. This is always sold for $10,00. We Have a, full line of Men's Rain Coats in Rubber and Cravenette at from 1.50 to $Q.50. Come and see thein on a wet day NG Furniture and Undertaking During the summer months will give 5 per cent, off for all cash sales. rt Cp. LISTON Funeral Dire or azid, l.'cactiaaiile :Euliaalzuor, Opera House Rioc 4 •4.4••000♦•4*•••;lA•••k•#!A• The Exeter Roller Mill HARVEY BROS • Proprietors. Manufacturers of and dealers —m• — Flour :and. Feed Brands Put a Manitoba MIME STfIR Wii1IT FLOUR Best Family Flour PRIN6ESS WBEI(TLET Coice Pastry Flour y Breakfast Food,. Wheat and Oats wanted for which ' highest market price will be paid. 0000000000000.000000000000 company entered the.parlor° e anson,llar.ry %oke; Bert march was being played by Miss . ren. Wallace Fuke,.'Paul Phip- •MANY STUDENTS are placed in good Beatrice and Mr. Malcolm Hilborn 0 ci positions each year by the famous • The bride who was ver _rbc iPass.--Ida WLati Evar filasdell; • y -becomingly I' Minnie JetYell, Latimer Grieve, Lucl- attired was given away b her Godwin, Harry performed by; the Rev. W. C. McDou- Louisa Russell gall of the College hearty congratulations of r• Lord �j the guests, the company withdrew :rile Hatter, Willie Fergu- son, "Willie Davis, Bella Macii iy, Lu - in Snell. Pass.—Young Crcech W' S a illie ~Hell, Nellie Pickett," Gordon Taylor," Ce- cil Pickard, Ethel Taylor.No. en rcll 5k :'average attendance 46 6. 'ELSIE A. bitCALLUM Teacher c,her Promoted o n :e of d fr om Room ' VIII to Room VI.a 1 from o r , n pt.., i nc to second. cond.' -Passed with ' . y mo-.} la Blasdell :['earl ther. After the ceremony; which was ' Sweet E ldi 5 of the. Disciples, Jr, IT to Sr.and the hear '1I.-13 onors., Willie to the dining room ^and partook of a dainty wedding breakfast The gifts to the bride were valuable and servicable. After. the customary congratulatory remarks the balance of the evening was spent,in a gen- eral round of. merry -making inter- spersed d � ith v songs o n s �• 8 ,and readings by some of the younger n er e guests. Mr. and: Mrs..Sheere will reside in Sar- nia. ,.Mr.. Sheere is an Exeter you:ng man and an' old typo of the Times. the entire staff : joining in � hearty congratulations and best wishes. Woman's Institute -;The re ul: r ,meeting of the'Woman's Institute? t w ill be held i in the library roou of the town hall, .on Tuesday, July12, at 3 p.'m., A full attendance is re - nets, honors 11 red ;Brock, Edna Brock, Claire Wood. Passed.—Reggie F3isseti, Wilfred Stewart, :Russell Flynn, Beatrice Da- vis, Mabel Sutton. Recommended on Wia1.'—Eddie An- derson, Iler.mic Elliott, Gordon Fan - son, Bertie '' e TT• al nes s, S. J. 'IRWIN, Teacher. Room VI:I., to :froom VI. —1, .art ]I. nested iso to `second, honors, David Ilan, Ray q make arrangements for nearing,.Fred : > Ac - an adjourned P d Mel or k, O Maryed- sic l nae.-, Mrs.; A. Inst- heron, Fred Shaddock Oliver I Ings, Sec, Miss M. V. W, Hod - hags, Pres. ' ger. t Willie I[e ideman. The Best on To -P. J: Carey, r 5, Do Piss J W lk , L'1 aures a e.i i Y .May minion Fruit Inspector reports sev- Frayne, Theodore W it e Stella a ca es, of violations ina p r• e - the pack- �, 5outlYcott T � - c.lma East.' Lo- ing eill, , Lo 0 xi Canadian nadian Stra�vbexrres. In , ]a. Taylor, .o « Russell 1 Bu kwill rl crates holding r fom twenty ' nt to �' Y •.xt r Re n Y cc n e' ` m nded I on Trial. --Oscar boxes the top tier of the box&ll`,con- dorso 1.a . An- tain Fruit of .Cine quality, but that n' Maui ice; 4 1�'. E. CARLING, Teacher. 414. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. jaThis,achoolstandsfor the H1GFIESTfit AND BEST in business education in • • Canada to -day. Many ,business colleges •, employ our graduates. as teachers. We 0 s hauve scores of apjalications from other •• colleges, Ask to see them the day, Toil !f • enter. Commence course no«^. Catalogue 0 the iGreat Battle �'ou. Zc t and Won Won :.V•otwth sGa ndrn t; battle e w1tl, the snow .blockade, Ross R Taylor aim. still on top with a'laarge stock of build `"a' ing materials, Having placed our: orders for Thirty carloads of Lumber Lath and Shin les We will be in a bettor position than ever to supply our many customer= with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery. Place your Orders for Tanks. early. Estimates cheerfully given. ,: Cali in we like to see rou,'01 ROSS & TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. Get After the Bugs For the Best and Cheapest Paris Green iellabore Blue Stone Sze Sze Try rownin s Drug Store e • fret Made •W. 3. ELLIOTT, • • • • Principal • 000e0 99••Oi00000610,00000, rF HOUSE jj{{]�\\1xX�nj� 1 \LA1 1 LI, HOLD DYES These Dyes will dyeWool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in bath -the are latest the and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at C. Peva; Exeter. Sa ibscxibe for the Exeter Times. The Canadian ' steamship lines no Great Britain have reduced the steerage passage to that country lir , $15. „dc 714 4444 'Diem Eyes Made Bright Eyes Young I can brim track to your eyes, weak ened with strain, a clear vision, the natural ease and comfort of twenty years ago. And whynot t?'Ini specialtyof sight testing, and make a t , >; use e the. latest appliances for this important work. Satisfactionguaranteed, b r G aduat e of Canadian College e g of Optics, �ownings �rug story