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Exeter Times, 1904-7-7, Page 7
UTE CITY. ten entine tic ' ,,arter's tie Liver Pills. t ix Dear Signature of See Pac-S;^_;ite Wregper H;law. Very amen eine* ce easy tR taS.e as sags. �gq. �t)k� f3�tkllG��� €1 I ltY>r S. ' ria 4Z mix IVE PI LL Fon RILIOUSRESS,, FRR Tt .Pio LIVER. FRA CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. F ri TB►CQMPLEXIOf euaeaute WMVP..,� THE DOGS OF 11113 EAST CUM SICK IiEAPAGKE, PO a combination of the-aetive prinefles of the aneSt valuable vegetable renned}cs tPor dee ea$es arida-heelers ottbet l tVert'Mtet?naalz and Qatt` `, tr Jaundice, � damns*. Ju it s. to i3lzzi+ thaE� TnsVtaxs, rttarsiiof Iotot es anc4Pimplas. Take Possession of the Streets •o the Great Cities. Dpaspopsdin dsour oto tomb, Inver Complain udder CQ*»Plaxaan. death. No sooner does his physical think that without some of their, d 'ud east i o xn n there ar s nc. ; c m on se a d o 3e e te q common. en n 3 t weaken n ns $ strong h e� � l,estial on Seipentilae cannibals of Mlle Lord will hardly be able to ac soiree enean3• of his species ready,' to ;eomplisl, 13is purpoeer Will the feed upon his d3'ing body. and still , Lord's people never learn to obey the feeble or the quick beatings o#' Prov, iii,, 5 ti?' his heart."' That means every, deer i Jeroboam must or fawn that dles dice atta i s story of the golden Yctavle iknnothsen: wthit- death. Every quick dyed and hap dcrMess which tlanaii iiiado incl of clawed Iynx must fail in time before 'the thousands ,Vlao fell bee�xuse of a mortal foe. Every monster leader that slue yet. he disobedier.±ly, de- maned nal king, must d a eio- i - , telt' and presumptuously car of the elephantine hemi, every seas-- lobes I lent death. So dies the dog; » t, rxinis the sae sin and px oclesinxs the d accordingto Act ot. the vete tis 't ll us that no men has truly do. s lio i tlto `:salts Iia* (ver::e 2$;. E,:. xxxit., 4. i3)• (Entered f Gaa 'le. in the, veal (Jne a e, • en has heard le tisk ttod, so c t d o butter la a stalca l tlal;ia;g tilt oa` lata- Ilei v Qua g nr• (heard a lion roar unless tehr,styan, I# any oasts had, 'enaiiaded Nina of f the prof?# dish, Melt, it, bre. the egg of king in the dart; jungles i o ! Sometimes tis trove Haat the body lOod's judgment. upon Israel and had 'n forest, sound his efit • su listed that late resent conduct into the tial. Vince tele dish in theh the kin ,,, of t, o sif inaaa aaaaY alae tits death of se* dol;, l $g p overs for three minutes ,hen the egg African continent, liven the awe- but the . Christian has hope ala his wale both dangerous and openly wick' ,-w•1 e c ke ower of that voice seems iaou yla his bod + perish in ed he nt *bt have replied, if be had i l b oo tt striking, P _ death. 'I 3 p x6 of Pdmin, white settee—Work. ohs and *et .. r ther. fssed .ole , to corn fromeverywherehht >ttl oa xn a.ecadent, thou a it ma , wisdom 01 scone pec.,. or uzli e tt, c R � I , aualce or Pious into z Pastia o a,d � froua nowhere. 'hThe :hifis aa'e sound -Ilse erusizcil ar, burned, so that it i1enders: of the, feith to -day; "Oh, ; with a hint a Qf tants;, and csc.d a tee rar �as � ic • r�tbe echoesz hi. o fo and yr de toss hnl e s s u syears a • •d which a -eco d !that was 500 u Dait b ha, t ever tk�a 1 s.. anno b ,to f ir. Stir a b bG hasYspn# ao saga the battledores thro,V the shuttle- ( Aare. Be the eonsctoRasness that gnat know whether there was arty 4:r -0 -tit -it Moils, and coots it for three, cocks backward and forvVard. Than 4Glirist is able to beep 'thou vrhich truth in it or not. That ie an. old 'xreioloitas, stirring a13 the time. If c 1 . { i o, i a •• it the lawns. squat c.,^„ati with fright, ..Irons boor) coinoxiited t ll na ma ,.star,* ;auak .perh:a3as .only a tt,ad von, in,3cheL sntuea is dt:sired, half au ounc4' h mother birds toss lower x31„ ttha#c,^cr uaa * bef« 11 fixe body, the , o t hose idol a'zicl high , hQ id added. and the u t p Se aI ',Look •t t groves of butter t� a he an their lassos, .lath the vete lea�e9 soul will bt pre,. ive 1piaces ou Olivet Sihieli tele great a Dandelion beer-i3oi} in five gallons seem too terror-stricken s , 'r r �s built for his wives* and' watertwo ounces f dandelisit to the trees 1,TG1.,'vD QF gI:vta SOLO .fr ., gSolomon bit r c8 arcs Q Like t e ro:arin;.; lions in re worshipped'also, a td ;vet : eaves rave aunees of iii cr, :aina l to move. L kc h Oli ye mortals, destined, to, five . woe. Rael g K . r a nr ni ins s n gibes, are the ho,vlirigs . , i , he r n rostered and died peacefully-. ;half an ounce: alt hops. ""-"' n III � 11 s rests of 1)ananaa= forever either in bliss or . veil Feat p of tits dots in t e , t d at the offer that Christ auatkes 1 Jeroboam bad ties sparat of 4ain, and b g When one can ., „ i Jerusalem, h vs 031.106* git;wiiky Waage el FOR TH HOME ii • " teci as for the Kitchen. E er Notee f ea ro cl#a t t uad for the eiou?fe}ceeper. o ogninlianSoConenengefeMeOnithe COOKING RECIPES. Baked eggs. Place halt an oak. a)a 'Thousand Nr , klundrett by Wee nai.e, of Termite, at tee Deesi aceto o; i ricttit are. Qttz,ea A despatch from Los Angeles says; Rev, Frank, De 'Witt Talmage preach- text: Rovelar eti from the taliarxdng ., n O S. "Withoutd a -e a tions frit., 15, >F' ""I never could sympathize with the slur which the "Bible casts upon my ,, old d an canine friends," once said mart to lase, "St, John in that Pas- sage of Scripture, `Without are " east to des se the dog as T dogs. seems £ Tie despise the 'buzzard or the hyena, seems to picture the infernal regions ee as the only editable place for their kennels. Ile insinuates their come panionship for Iran to ben benzine.. tion and a degradation. N , in 2e*, Iiriraton #Sallow one 1<acten the breath nalct clear away all was pob'onees etalttr from the system, -tee ono. a bottle or 5 for LOG. All dealers Tarn T. h ieueiu; Co., lt�ed. Toronto, tboughts a oil a adn, addingthree pounds ass ie*. . osis and '" sire r salvation , ubopreferredis o n _, s and of sugar and two ounces es speedsit a ado of all veal stih ;voui er. for Allow at to ferment for lase tribe p,ungc� ul?ain n 'Accept his proffered gbRt. and 'ben' be vcmy's to those of God and Stared not juice. a t o other trine which wanidms into their i , t assci ttoai, I itsate i , s syciur ea t at a'aay. yaur being , to des . . it hexa fie o f r se, at, to contrast a that street or territory it nee.ns a rooted up from tits sorlsl. vrith ars taopke, It: as too n^ be far. , a to o u r respect, ,for sh noaae5t dog i t•, ices of y os o ire 9 rue . sa4ou fat na hl r p ,. though vii the demoniac,? Qs batter fruits of sarrovs ,aaad Paha nand ;get tel► to dciu akexi ter - c}t deceit .- ,.. c I have for sv dishou " let baso^ e- • i© s.il, inhe aaaiert or iroait tura slices of tliaxa . ha iha ith0T �nn ret lot ,Ar iSer \Call mean notnin. repot% #hail tal,ved hive tl de t ni � deaei� w ,# as aaa�t into II .man.. I taunt aaala g . • , • l rca caaiiacs t?at? sharp,. ani,ry - t'a sal ntcal into thBtt �F,den vziiere br r,atgrt"otcd to Eve that `each Slice t eednta� berg tl.a liana itaan t nit a ,- of tkita xepa a � ce i i' bel ar .fru ilaeaaa si i c,h la fl nds salxac a clot lino al >c i avail Cf d falai Clad t o ixaaael a;, est ac bnxls, A5, tlaaa gin tlaQ pa or l ,irticra in i veli � ane cid t: bees of the canine raccp Izadeed I feat array hied fired n gain to calltgr xv van it' Ri bear fruit h h ;ufgestct3 to aSclaata that it t,rippang .oral" that ro far iia away respect" for dogs the host to setons, Glen muttered ytilta igo r and glary of iltad roars Was too =Ugh self tleiaittf not to takci 'with grated Ghee found it e that lbeautif land i growls, then the frightened bank of found a tic of the beautiful dogs xa the pursued flag, the n a very pBandce- have owned on earth sleeping a y maniuni at iiaritngs and gaowlinb'"s feet in that anode of ells or lacking Anil. angry, snarling ennint, valves, up into any nice with the expressiox► of love and fidelity I have seen ao They aWnk° the sleeping, teue^tst so n blight. : sud4ei 1t' that at first be will start often 1 lili4alad not feel itl any g u fr MS bed with fa•Igbt. T hen but rather an enbancentent or my --p oPl ,"foliowr oboe wog cstivc sileEO its iha happiness, • battic evidentlyends by the death of We love to loo{ at er, Masterpia victim PI, la #ha escape of the of Sir Edwin Landseer, tits patratca Y There scerim to. lie some- Pursued. of lags. r 1 1i 4 VEE . even more than lumina in hip loot' SELFISHNESS 1B I thing a Chief Ileum - What i3igllfand Shepherd's C 'that is the Jolaannien nseaeniug of er 1 something more #lean mee this mortal combat between tits brute ferocity in bis “Stag at Bay,' triilai dogs ar the east? 3Sia;F, t somethiing more than a frortstDe means that' in lileaaven there are tip �laallaa in Iiia "Return from Deer- said to o tucnt `-four litiair , and then bottle _i at of the crust <- �,ile loaf, cut square.% end • xtA g ay a x. rorv;n in' geed. nee/ , d Writ .t; n andc ar to 'when a these very thiekly with, v b r' l ii .� s ixab t^ , p nd that. when King Sol- that gar at.ent and gold, or wisen he salt and cay*eurte i�a'peer. Place in a o " one'tic ' be begged saaggested to the Lord assns through hot even till' slightly brown. :Scatter i Y 5 vita 1d e. o sit w hint a miracle. Siiiiou Peter that it firms. too mucin ''elaopf=e( p'areely over and serve. Ne teach r t o i ,. a e. sl r. ie—Cut upinto pieces" i finger into the f Hint to thirds of suffering and by lf,sin � ii a p Natharn tlBrtast ll s nag - _on � SOH and dropped therein a little ing at Jerusalem. The don is ever ,,;ono pound end . a half of mutton, 3c says ^ Boil some potatoes, mash diem with :; •,..-- Med. Immediately Haat. seed began talkie au the same lines. I 3 y �'..,�.� t.eW While the 'Ind molted en tan is too much for you to go twice ?ia, little dripping, pepper turd salt to i t, }a nee in (leant ta errant. ,v ,. }i;ua,° into reh on Sabbath or to go so • tante, Line the hest[s�La'>< and sides , the two little Veen lea a s �, n to ekiu t a and stent. 'then the sterni swell- far tte church ret all; to mach to ',pf n dish with po*o1a, put • in the Neons. n out with the trunk of.4 largo � etiaat yourself asp ea Sunday when 1uaeoat, setx:aaneti ,with chopped onion.; glatses the .A#f tr Then the tree,. like "the seven you have been shut nap in the stets ei�eplsen" and stilt, and add <l small , ruble in the b Horse - Shoe Fads axe a real neces sfty' winter , - or stxftimer '�- the " supply' the give intended Attu,. l2 AC�(t'ld t;. on hard roads and pavements -- protect the. ,frog of the hoof from stones and from balling in wint twr: Improved Dunlop Ideal' Pads r re orprevent is enes —' present cracnm Or -spreading of the i oofa- -paIe a horse* 'working We longer, It youhove troubled . i It tell > masse through bad ritte. our export for m+'+IFwY he for tieveral eetent ' dine ere en Basic teadencer sand to axe* It be a reaps for Milker. It mon ale i s clar of the altars,'" and the stet` you to give b<aalc to God any: Si potato,Ian: a foe*• an � � y rift c to . , . •e you hour art: a steadyoven. Sere hot. t ret tie used 05 a gargle in *lee, of of the rats flx�w into those •our bard carried Morey When , ;,. rr� ttir,i t. It is an c�rz+azrinical. ;. I^a plain baked pudding, to ro throe t. and blinded the- 3 tests and rneetl it all, end aaiorc, for aaar ekE . r a 1� n i g Fand, rt>sch other are i Verne 'A 'Aitia JAM sauces, take half a ,,vvay to buy this, in ar. at%strcBl tlnQir ytaur£g. While he laals ;rarick-faaxiil„v, � �tirleg tl,, are in eonstarnt nee ionnd of flour, half n pound of Wen' upon tl tree, �t lir, i lest, l T t?d lilossaaits caa#. k of a golden calf € e ua .tit and the " llaaa ofr- hottnehold, by the til as y, . avid tfat±rt those liletc'*Bstii were a the korai bad revealed Hint- LW aihi' rice, a salt+sfiainrfaal lei -cap W*411 ,se* Pleat xti save �e •' aViavial f the licOW(' t'ar sada, and rub in three 'troeinie car .retie t g d into lite deep rich red °mit asiiicla tf # Jacob i the isa at Q Was So Nervous She Could Not Sleep At Night. 4fad Palpitation of the Heart and Lose* at ,Appetite— Are You One of These Troubled in this Way? talking," But ' the flashing tihle. =anercylct ways such as arc ".._ rerfaal cl►csieti, clean limbed. taloa" afteaa :found at the earthlysuckflreeide. s coated meanie of Landseer are 'It .una"fev that irathescl of one father n l s eeiuiens �c entirely1� a p tittheir x k different c l' -ci is d , tit: to the east. a a t dogs a t.c h etc g fromto a`liiltln• v yen ever stopped and 1ooj:c4 i. na n to ; u Cans . aaaaaa t pity open Ba poor niang. wl 1e* P Y za you • Have thestreet? vsi •n along crawling re* g n dise ase like porcupine < Hare Citing' out all aver him? n. seen the eteople Bleier off as he eyed be no family m eennessee. no centeMp- h ata tit of ^ase •, C"saver the obeli , to harden the genie, ekes, became line the seven or office all the %seek. toe* aaaic tai q is y b 3 f : with more and tr e , Me a eco a as . --vales: of -raised butter ataci tol . mix ed. Llwibed llbo the glow arof the tenting indder. Vontcnst this work of silo- . 5011. That is noesele-• a legend, but fol foaacads with the God of Jacob and 1 with half a pint 9'r Milk, In which al r oaltepcic#ifaa1 of toriarie acid it/ case } t . 1't' n.a Q a,h s can be . l , miracle tali v a.. r- �. real r' r has ari there IS , A tS# a t iia tiinrl � la own1st; � n"n, It c! abakeget ora vett° Iin re* gatheringf mother .. a 1e* cat as, one a "Wen - with . worked in your lives intro}ttII, great- l ^ yen Bailout ' them in one �' alai- d4 :a tiesecrBater or Baia aic cos. and ons :aalalntou is Se*:.Posed 3 s woes who: haul 3nitl :n beaten egg 01n l:o ;added to #1 e ; a,l , ht,"' and saylong tea, one ett• t,'ha gray la p things t ni anima ,il ino than si Rat QY : aaa,civt� l3ruptaraiolas. :anti tfat~ aii]Fa'aa^ '' 'Bata pa•ojcrt of las' t vC teen. o dos c'w ty is s t �+ a ar , li ani. e „ �i r ,.taut tlaa dear and , � ,aaica of the Budding will be "moray as s t c i>ac1 cb. 3i as i of tli n The seed ref t!tariisa} }dor pilsaantcd by'.itic I.airtli (II lflnfi4 xvsi, l a.A from i p pa'fi li p t'vcaP one e'isc out, 1l'p tan? i ilio ITaly :;pint Inn Y csata• laearit caia it ins Rat, t+nuna.gh 'far him tea des,. ed. .eau ugh now, ' last all others take*- , ,V naa�c�. xnstcad , , • . tina� t.eisl fif •i'ta raaat:o cat'tve alnBickly^�-r'I'lat tvwa C � .L__. ,s ciaBaxt ti S data halt* n:at _ themselves - -_ "_-., _.... Pi . qualities which liege' .. _._ 17tSQ tilll vasty true* �, 4'd, „ nonn,t. fni�lp.,inninfacr.; nF �1'reKlalur.-'� i9" .11,RitaAl3 Til IIIA 8A,Y. illdirt :a trail ob oa Bain II id son at a recent c "aa'Aill rowers may he su at : ugh n r vee asf the ;greatet�t graaaiug ing tracts ora the co a west en t more than 200,- oductive, but as d. Vent forests el and poplar Bay to Alaska. re to the level or the brute; men will be brotbern, and all wo- Aimee plena ot ground coffee into eay; "Poor dog! 1Vhy do not tainted sIndreefolinftror,oenutiriettieetiawilAtchltered14.4.110:11 Is''atneriec.e. bee•uhli anieludixelteeetes Goers Perreetin water. along and heard, the passete the ellen eietere. There we shall all be ohltilZaliPwht: grow from 'that divitte eeed omit s"s "P ane t°g°tber 04111 ntund on dog catchers cotile along and pot him olisibaollcri. adteiulegrl:tamn•sd e There =ay be man made witit a cover to elte jug for t seen clogs with their ears torn MI Christ. Wheet is the Eider Broth- vn beauty. graceful and glorious with * -,... ow-. out of ins Misery?" Trave yet ever eatolgintki:ir oomrputootpopdinignr suapmoval wri.0 Ibte nsentvhioaltz s inpielibTivitenn bitchuedre. ito‘evate,,eilate4v, elotpoeie,egii musk. etit,ilkoe tsellina ant .;,41,13 Npvionerseiriii sgooldecalliede„ageiNeTsununcra, re *elle anf;aleiteetroo.:01,stlectitttsplae,tinrlia0Aurcflateesrpvtc:aenoailffleitietl5ve, outioiniz loctiowl tIms'anrIttu:.: and 3.10 distinctive, saperenious. wrist nice It tree planted by the rivers et God's eight of the lowest or the peo- ree legs bemuse the fourth has ratio blood. because there water. %bat beingeeit forti f ',Pie. Let us rejoice that, God 'takes been cruelly bracts. by a sto»e? Well, jug. The best coffee I ever 000.0110 aeres sball all have been washed in the t it 1 6 r :,,, 1 the lowest and most sinful and by .ietin, there are lots of such clogs in the al --$ aeanw4; and a l'al'''''Pl er a the blood or the Lamb ntaken them , um wen made be- 4 foregoer in thie yet midevelopee, cast. 'There are hundreds and thou- trobYtitel 1111)10011(10,w%! otioesnrse- iiiillyt litinesaiin,ss editgitelie?thi\IIIIIIIiro.sopuerdvie aWilitraotoiteleoohof I itte.luoteortnteiirgitielstN, ,ve i te..htne !col me li_si t_ntilestenitt 0 Ittalil.itecbt . (glitIvon‘ei:s1" 1,12:011,1neneresieit IT; i htos oibipi4.37.3;alutlet a4 541 u cant. Ito lox! 'i fi011tihr eatt8Plitrhtlietc.:ininIniie4rItraul4,:oNveoith or the reg.. sands df those poor, miserable, pity - wife will be able to suck out the ty and usefulness, a Ilk patterned steal mutilations that coWer in the aasletrig. of Parole:v.. and a small ' ion may be IS still only a subject of o mace. 'Thicken this slight- ' coniecture Hodson Bay itself le darn corners or tho Palestine cities itte of ce poor sewing girl merely be- i on tbat divine life winch tThrist liven ',1 44 e, . , 0 eel f • tb Moses tlid not ordain feasts -or l'ttvvelitt: flour, end stir till it, boils* h - • • * prattle an Ash. and in whales. pore Will be able to grind Ids employees esertee on. or yo 0 , , i or sun themselves upo e mita it enemas itYsiCal and itrickednees, Gie vice 00 corruption InieSts nr*t "" " God hthen strum' add a beaten egg, beggars who there seem to be every- down dares, "Without are dogs," X be- means no vendetta or blood feud, ern deg an the carrion of life and pile° .1 (hod end imitates cod, tam, salt, and teree. did all. But this man takes the jeasPaaefel of Parsley* PePPer and I where. And $0 when St, John de- gieau connuerem ea ue. mental toad often spiritual death. It 0 t neer , feedittg like the east - Dave he meats that en heaven t ..bee°111.itkg ,n4ture bit° inie us tbink of II, Thes;, it, 4, No- nbubarb and °rang(' zernittlade--- ear. is ye Me atter the flesh ye shall t f ro eVery potion of cut rhubarb ale e shall have no blinded eyes, no dis- die, tuid from that abode of bliss, lice in he /est two eerees o our 3ow three or fOur Sevin $‘ -As A woRKIN Tri e oranges. also means no fineneial vendetta or eased skins, no crippled limbs, nct where there are joys forever More, ieeson the repeated phrase "wbteli be and one pound end 1 If f 1 al * tu deaf ears and no physical disfigure- lued tootle and compare in Dan. iii, tt la tnents, All the nideous physical sugar; peel the oraxiges thinly, and money fend. Roaming again through the dark, narrow, erowded streets of eastern Palestine, I surmise, frone the words of iny text, that heaven is to be a Place of honored ant jubilant occu- pations. It Is to be a. place where the words "menial"' and "servile," "ecanvenger" and "scullion, hire - How much this transformation ling" and ''depentlent,-"' 4'inoicen“ means to many sufferers none but an n erli g ill be unknown, at All words signifying 4 degraded If you arc. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE thee' can realize. lt is vete PILLS will Cure You -They Cure Nervous. for the deformed and the cripples to work will forever lexicons of earth shall be forever disappear wheu the n 33. SleePle"mss. Ansemia Taint end maintain spiritual and mental sweet - III zey Spells, General Debility. and all ni11111 a co sumed u e th / al • f e r Nerve Troubles. ness and serenity. It is easy for burning world. It does not mean man with a fine constitution and a that heaven is to be a place of in - Read what Mrs. C. E. laced, Cobeconk, perfect physical form to be cheerful anition and stagnation aud stupid - lays about themt—Over six years ago 1 and happy, but how difficult for one ity. But it does mean that heaven was troubled with palpitation of the `who has to suffer continual pain and is to be a, Place where all workmen heart and. loss of appetite. I was so is shut out by deformity from the shall be honored alike and where the nervous I could not sleep at night 1 sports and exercises of companions i k MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE to be sweet tempered and ei 'al t duties of one imraortal shall be re - you will be excluded with all whose natures nave frown fierce and cruel d debased. "Without are doge.tt NVIlfeh the king had Set up," end let of the hospitals shall be forever done lie pips from the fruit, and mit it in and business and professiorial mut slices. Place orange. rhubarb there. is one book which offers lacie, Take off tbe the student and the writer; cot into tido etrips as for mamma- fOT sights which one sees in. the wards 'white " as an authoritative reference book which' 'ern not be needed. Remov*0 for schools, teachers, families« PILLS. They cured me, and I have not all about him. What is t ma been bothered since. ter with So-and-so?" I once asked P e 50e per box or 3 for $1.25; all a dear friend of mine about a mutu- 'does of other immortals. DOGS OP THE EAST. dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited* al acquaintance. He es so ouc. reaewieg eny. Arsg promise that TOrento, Ont. and sensitive that the least wind heaven is to be a busy place my sec - from the east will twist him all out agd premise is likewise true, Row of shape." "Yes," answered ra3r I know that the busy occupations friend, "that is true, but perhaps of heaven will never offer despised you have forgotten that that man work for the redeemed immortals ? was born lame. 31 you ever stop The wails of my text prove that. to thbalc, you will also And that The dogs of the east were the scav- nearly all men and women born with engere. The eastern people had no physical infirmities oxe cross and wonderful systems of sewerage as crabbed and touchy and sensitive." ha-ve we. They had no means of "I never thought of it," I answered. carrying away, by subterraoean. pipes "1 believe—yes, I know you are the offal and refuse of their large right." Physical infirmity is ac- towns. But all the refuse of the companied by and, in fact, involves kitchens and the homes and 'the mental pain and anguish. All this will be done away with in the ce- lestial city. There will be no de- fects or deformities there to sadden the soul and try the temper of the redeemed. The withered limb, the distorted spine, will be left behind with the mental and spiritual de- formities they have produced. The eriPPle will rejeice that the gnaw- ing agoey that made his life on earth a period of humiliation aud suffering is gone forever. "Without are dogs." THE HOWL OF WARNING. Roaming again through the crowd- ed streets of Palestine, I -find that the same merailess tribal bitterness and mortal enmities which were once rife among the North As:Lei-Lean In - LOADED UP WITH IMPURITIES. IN THE SPRING THE SYSTEM IS LOADED UP WITH IMPURITIES. After the hard work of the winter, the eating of rich and heavy foods, the (bans are prevalent ainon,- the tiags system becomes clogged up with waste of the east. As each Indigos Lillie and poisonous metier, and the blood owned its own territory and in time becomes thick and sluggish. of war it meant death for a member This canoes Loss of Appetite, Bilioes, ness, Lack of Energy and that tired, weary, listless feeling BO prevalent in the spring. The cleansing, blood -purifying action ef BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. eliminates all the pent-up poison from the system, starts the sleggish liver working, acts on' the Kidneys and Bowels, and reuderS it, withoat exception, The Best Spring Medicine, of one tribe to be found wandering about in the "land of strangers," so the does of the east take possession of the different streets of the great cities. Eace canine tribe has its sentinels standing guard at the eed of the streets, Then if one dog of another tribe enters that street the howl of warning es given. At once all the other dogs of that tribe leap to their feet and, as a pack of Imlay wolves, make a mad rush for than stranger to tear him limb front We must study my tent in the can ine language of the east. Old hunt. the dark continent dies a natural DIE S. S ESSON INTERNATIONAL JULY 10. SIDE-SA.DDLE WILL GO. Little Princess of Wales is Using the Itide-Astride Kind, The Youthful PrincesS Victoria of Wales is being taught to ride "astricle," says the Leader, The fact is not astonishing. for. teed the Scum has ceased to rise. superior advantages in the 'solid Pour the preserve lu mall pots, a.nd value of its information, and the next day cover it down with guru- . h. Ine.d paper. I ease -wit w ich it is obtained.'":„ One's admiration for Webster's Text et the Lesson, I. ICnags xu., although the ancient prejudice in fa - USEFUL HINTS. 29-38, Golden. Text, I. vor of the side-saddle for ladies has tTolixi vs, 21. been an uncommonly long while dy- videos a„d internationalDietionaryinereases -as kept in the coolest part of the store ' al Y as it comes to be 'better Frequently in washing liair brush- i tribes to be his king,dom, with the , The columns of the English ittsbion es tbe bristles become too soft, ht and it never over. assurance that if he would be obedi- papers contain hutdrecis of advertise- such a case rime. them in a little whelms one with a IllaSS of nis- 29-8A, and especially verse 88), but go I ma ion g Lord He would be with hint and of the new "astride" start, and ordinary may. ation illogically arranged. ent and do right in the sight ef the ments setting forth the advantages salt and ater a t r ma i ig in the inform build him a sure house (chapter xi., at the very beginning of his reign, as recorded in to -day's lesson, he turned his back epon God, as if there was no elod and des own hand The Lord, the God a Israel, had de a bold bid for popularitY in room. ; known. It never refusestheinfor- illst given to Jeroboam the ten recent years. many of the best known ladies' tail- ors have found it necessary to make special arrangements to cope with the demands which are being made upon them in this direction. The little Princess Victoria'e cos - summed up in the 'words which are tume includes a kilted skirt and a had got him all this. His record is repeated more than twelve times in double-breasted reefer. When she the two books of Kings, "Jeroboam, is on horse -back no one vvould know thou son of Nebat, who made Israel that she was following the "new tO Sill." S.1. Kings xiv., 16; xv., 26, style, but for the fact that her skirt 84; xiv., 19, 26, etc.) It lessens the danger of accident appears on both sides of the pony. Both Sheehem and Penuel, mention- and it ensures greater comfort both for the rider and the horse. The lat- ter fact has long been recognized in several hunting centres, notably Ex- moor, where a large proportion of the ladies who follow the hounds adopt the "latest" style. They find that it enables theist to cover much greater distances with less fatigue than was entailed under the old sys- tem. barns were and are thrown into the ed in the first verse of our lesson as streets where the dogs devour them,. leaving been built_ by Jeroboam, had In heaven, however, we snail have been laid in ruins in the. days of the none of the repulsive and abhorrent judges (Judges viii., 17; ix., 45, occupations with which. earth has 16). At Shechem the Lord first ap- been cursed. Do you wonder that peared to A.brain in the land, and wlien I rode into Danmscus and saw there Abram built his first altar un - lying in the streets the dead body of to the Lord (Gen. xil., 6, 7). There a horse, over which the dogs were lie the bales ei Joseph awaiting the fighting and gorman_dizing, I should resurrection of the just, and there catch a glimese of a heavenly vision, the Lord Jesus first announced Illne• where there shall be no loathsome self as the Messiah (Josh, xxiv., 32; occupations as is this one of the John iv). At Penuel the Lord wrest - canine scavengers of the east? Ileav- led with Jacob and broke him down en is, however, to be a place of and blessed him. as he clung to Him glorious, happy, jubilant, honored . - . occupations. in. COUSCIODS weakness, and changed Roaming again through the nar- h, is name to Israel (Gen, xxxii., 28, row, crowded streets a eastern Pal- 30, 833. estine I know fromethe simile of my . Jeroboam waited not for the coun- text that the 'Christian's earthly sel of God, He condoles -led the coun- tranelation is not to be a horror, a sel of the Most High (Ps. cvi., 13; tragedy, a terrific, a repulsive and evil.. 11.) Ile took counsel, but not., a terror inspiring demise. When tlie of God, for ne desired none of God's Christian dies he does Dot die like a counsel (Ism. xxx., le Prov., 1, 30). dog, but he ascends as did the Sava He devised of his own Swart this lour. He does not ,growl anti whine great sin nverse 33). He seemed with fear, but he mounts from. joy wholly unconscious of the fact that, to joy, from eublimity to s-ubliraity, God gave him the kingdom and fan - from exulta,tion to exultation, from cied that he must take care of ais glory to glore. own life and the kingdom, too; so AS THE DOG DIES. he said, "If they eo to del usalem to is a worship they will ..-turn back to the The eastern dog's death judah and kill me" (verses gloonay picture. He dies the death of king of all wild beasts, and that 'death is a 6, 7). lee thought of helping the Lord to manage His affairs by some tragedy. Some years ago the author of a history of the beasts of the African foieeets made this statemerit, which will long live in My memory i "NO beast or bird or reptile in all Before wearing new boots or shoes soak the soles with linseed oil; also rub the uppers "with same and let them thoroughly dry. This will soften them and they will wear twice as long. If te sheet of paper be laid at the bottom of a grate so as to prevent air from coining tip between the bars, and a fire built on this, aud lighted from the top, such' a Are will be practically smokeless. Soup will be as good the second titter if heated to boiling point. It should never be left in a saucepan, but turned into a dish and put aside to cool. Do not cover the soup, as that may cause it to Sour. A good preparation for the hands is made as follows, and recommend- ed by one who liaS used it for years: Put into a bottle half an ounce of glycerine, and half an ounce of lav- ender water, ann shake well togeth- er. Then add halt an ounce of cam- phor water. Shake thoroughly and keep tightly corked for use. As a general liouseholei remedy salt has a high value, A bag of hot salt is soothing in neuralgia,, toothache, earache and similiar affections. For a sprain few thiogs give relief more quickly than cold salt water. Swell- ly by frequent bathing of the part affected in strong brine. 'To remove freckles—Take 1 ounce of lemon juice, a quarter of a drachm of borax powdered, and a half a drachm. of sugar. Mix thor- oughly, and let it stand ill a bottle for -three days; it will then he fit for use, and should be rubbed on the face and hands at night before going to bed. To clean white paint cut into Shreds 2 oz. of soap, pour over it half a gallon ot boiling water, add pinch of borax and two tablespoon- fuls of paraffin. When .cool take a piece of flannel, wet the paint. rub lightly, and dry witli clean duster. 'rile dirtiest paiet will then look like new. Colored paint should be cleaned with paraffin. Tincture of Myrrn is excellent to JAPANESE CIIR1STIANPIY. Many of the preminent men of Ja- pan aro Christians. Among the number are one member of the Ine. perial CabMet, two judges of the Supreme Courts, two Presidents of the Lower Roue° of Parliament, and three Vice-liinisters of State, not to mention a host of officials of lower rank. In the present Parliament the President and thirteen members in a total membership of 300 are Christi - ens. In the army there are 155 Christian officers, or 3 per cent. of all, and the two largest battleships are comnaanded by Christiaus. GlAyE IT A TRIAL. "You have been fighting again, T°"xlittricVu'ldn't help it, ttamina. That Stapleford boy sasses me." -That was no reason ter fighting. help or advice of ouns is very old. Yon should have remembered that `a Abriun and Isaac and Rebekah and soft answer terneth away wrath," Jacob all tried it. Simon Peter and given him a soft an SVC er. ' tine in this line of "T did. I hit him with a chuak of also The St. James Gazette of London, England, says: For the teacher, the lux- pil, the student and the litter,ateur, theye is nothing better ; it covers everything. The New and 'Enlarged Polition recently 1S -- sued has 25,500 new words and phrases, a COM- pletely revised Biographical Diotionery men - Gazetteer of the World, 23$0 pages and 6003 Our name is on the title -pages of all the authentic dictionaries of the Webster series. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test in Pronunciation!' which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's entertain- ment. Illustrated pamphlet alsotree. JUST A COLD SETTLED IN l'HE KIDNEYS. litri IT TURNED TO DROPSY. - IT WAS OUR= BY DOAN'S KIDNEY Read of This Wonderful Cure. It May Do Yon or Your Friends Seine Good to Know About It. Miss Agnes Creelman, Upper Smith- field, N.S., writesi—About 3,8 months ago I caught cold. It settled in my kid- neys, aed finally turned into Dropsy. ely taco, limbs and feet were very much bloated, and if I pressed my. finger on them et would make a white impression that would lost fully a minute before the flesh regained, its manual color. I PILLS, and before had used half a box I could notice an improvement, and the one box completely cured me. 1 have never been troubled with it since, thanks to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, Price 50e. per box, or 3 boxes for $1..25; all dealers, or The Dora Kidney Pill Coe Toronto, „Inen