HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-7, Page 5Ilgpg7trehrrbucl);i'recic hreefil-:.-
And the great medicine—
Ayer's Pills, iyigliiit
rorr ers.or =saws 05
Waut your tuoustacbp or bear
abeautiful brawn or richbiack? Use
MBDIGAL The Exeter Times
T W. BROWNIN0, M. D., 31, 0,
J • P. S., Oraauate Victoria Uni.
cello and eideneeee, 1
. TIT URSDAY„ JULY 7th , 1904
versity. reDonde=
Ionoratory, Exeter.
•'-e• DE. A. R. ELN$MAN, L.
D. B.D. D.S.,Ronor Graduate
ot Toronto University, Dentist,
Teeth e4racee4, without pain or
badefter effeets, Office in Fan.
ons block. West eide of Main
3D1A, ANDERSON, (1). D. S. LOS
UOSOr Graduate ottite Toreeto Univereity
And Epp', College. at Deetal Supremo et
Oatateo,witti, honor% .ids a Peet.gradnete
Ghicage School ot Proathetie Dendetra lwith
honorable vqrytl4ngknown to the Dental Pr..,ession
donem this oface. Bridge work, crowns. al.
lanainum, gold and vulcaelte plates all dome in
the neateet tuaener passible, A perfectlx
harmlese anagSt)etio peed to esattless eaaraca
Mee Dee door south of ceding Ilro'setorte
250. Pays for the• Times till the
end of 1904 -for new subscribers
Rev. W. M. Martin Spent a i7ow
days of thia week with friends in
Torout 0.
Miss Anna and Willireot Smith, m
London, Emma, of Detroit. James,
ot Cleveland, Ohio, and Wm. J., of
Detroit, are visiting under the par-
ental roof, London Road, south.
Miss Army Johns returned home on
TlaesdaY evening from Sarnia.whero
she has spent the past month. She
leaves again this (Thursday) morn-
ing in compony with Miss Lil-
in Johns fur a couple oF 5%Teh,'-e
1.111g au-
nt Grand Bend,
Tho James-st Methodist SundaY
S4 arranged for a picnic on Wed-
rd9Y Of next we. The Sunday
hoot of Trivitt Memorial church
wifl Ittlid theirs the following day.
Roth these schools •will picnic at
tite Bend,
Wenig - Holland -An unusually
alloy event took place ot the re-
dence or Mr. A. Holland, E.v.ter
North, on Wednesday the 0th inst.
tvlien his daughter, ,Miss Doctor Ad-
die„ was united in marriage to Doc-
tor George Wenig. a rising Young
PhY6lelan 0.7 Pinland, Ohio. Rev. W.
thniwin, pastor of Main street, W-
Weide fundeQ 05
tote exte half per cent,
rut proetrty a1 FO
'WobAyouoitmito, ortvato n4Qr bYeSI
meet unou farm or village poporFat gwe
rates ot *Wrest.
EY TO LQ4S,1thOdist church. performed tho cere-
mony in the presence of the fornilY
ve a large amount of private tun a," a ,,felv "WU(' relatilles,a131°Pg,
and 1141agepropertie.satiowizat tilent Wang .and .11rs, lekrolvat
8. Armstrong, or St. Marys. The
1441),M4N STANRCRI: bride who was pTesontod by her fa,
. eters Sonciten", AfttlaSt- Exelez• them, was gowrte c1iatup38tte and
' Louisine silk, trimmed with Spanish
Barrititers. Solicitors. Notl.rice. Vonveraneere,
Commtesiencre.tielleiters for tatentoleone
Afaney totaait a&1owe5t rates et intcre4t.
eAtterso A. re tr. mentsnet
A. 0, RAMSAY, V, S,
Boner Graauato Ontarlo Veterittere
lege tHenotary_Pellow in Ontario eeuusr
Amtielatioe. distasesottlomeette nuab
scientifically tteated. Milk fever treated by
tbe latest, oxygen treatment,
OFFICE: One door south of Town Hall
BESJOENLle.t Second lame north of Pree
byterian church.
• Thu Ugnorne and Iiinnert
Fannon Mutual fire Insur-
anon Gauwanu.
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont,
President: -T. RYAN, DUIlLIN P. 0
Vice -Pres.:--, W. H. .C'ASSALOBE,
r. MORLEY, 11731.k..r.r..x P. 0,
CROM...enTer P. O.
Wzr. Rov. BOTtNuonat P. 0.
• L. RUSSELL., ItCSSEnnAree P. O.
• CATenintra.reL, STAInea... agr.
WiLsele, FUnTeeTtereen 0,NT.
J . S. GaLeuedneN, Lueene ONT.
Sec.y.-Treas. Farquhar.
MNOR SALE, 011EATh.-At mvilla,
A: a comfortable bouSe-With 21-2 ae-
ros 09 land leaving, et gop,r3.,gixplien wath
,te choice voxipty or all kindo fruilt
trees and'amall fruit, n never failiag
Nell of Ilia best of water. Forpar-
ticulax.s twirl to ;Hie; OWner, Wm:
Part Lot 23, eon. 0, in Ilsborne. con-
' haoili:gsti21:(10eosoCif lo61..1Ctar:caVdbgic-
den. Tbis property is 1N. mile from
Thames Road Post Office,and roust be
sold to close estate. Terms easy. For
,partieulats apply to THomes CAMEn-
ON Esq., Farq uhar Po.
'VCR SALE. --Brick house and near-
ly ,ene-half are of land, at 'Mira -
Nate. The house conta.ini8 rooms,
ire g'ood: repair lehrofu'ghoUti-Breoldi
well of water, aLso sta.bles. A num-
peer of fruit trees:and a quantity of
ismall fruits. Sat isfaptory real* -ter
teellievg, Ter,ms eaSao,.-,Eapply
VALE Elintanillreecce to j,no.
• for seale.-The underaigne.d has for
•sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with
• pedigree- or eligable for registration
•ilify aged bull which .1.3 the sire:of ;the
others, is included in eho oaferring
and has proved himself a sure. stock
getter. Ile was sired by Riverside
Stamp. 'which did aueh good service
in the herd of J. and, W. B. Watt,
of 'Salem, and is a bait r.other
Star of Morning, recently , owned by
James Snell, of Hullott, which took
first prize at London fair and sold
at his dispersion sale•for ,5,-i400. Apply
on Lot 16, Conceission2, E1ay, or,iJohn
Elder, Ho:mall P. 0 •
rARM FOR( SAL] -An exce,11te•t5t
tarm ,of 101 acres situated: Oil a
good grae-el road, half way between
.GothAiich. ljnd Luck- noW,- J 1.4 ll ilea
fir‘orm Dungunnon and 120 roclst .gi.rona
behool. The farmhas splen.clid build -
The ba1'i i 36 ea 50 .fieve. A t,
present there are 50 acres in crop end
:30 acres in hay. The fences are, in
Seel. rksi andi\l„ 1 n,. Never faIliene
e re' exceleent wate.r, acres
bush, and nearly d miles koll;
al;e a:ening. •I. meel i a. e neaseesi 'on, if
dealred. This Will .be aenne en the
quick purchaser.for faille).- r -
cu la rs apply toDr. D. A. A ndarso n,
Eketer P.O.
ce and carried a boquet of white
Her travelling robe Ma Or
igiu grey voile, over •taffeta, with
bat of burnt fatraW trimmed with
ribbon of resida green. Master Harold
Armstrong did his part as ring bear-
er as t hough he were to the manor
horn The • ceremony took
laee n the parlor witch was beau -
decorated with rows and
• ax. The rich and beautiful pro-
, bore eloquent tribute to the
poi1rity of the bride. The wed -
which wart celebrated at 1 p.
ni,, was immedittely •followed by the
baptism of Master Rarold t. .&'n -
strong when the company repaired
the dining room where they were
egaled by a dainty and substantial
unobeon. The happy couple took
the 5 p, nu train for the West, and
will be "At Horne." at Kirksvilia
Missouri, after the first of Septem-
25c4 pa • for the Times tifl the
end of 1904 -for new subscribers
-Gore nt rprising thresher, Mr.
John Hanna has purchased a new
separator front McDonald and Co.
Stratford for the coming season. It
will have ail the. latest Improve
mcnts Including, wind stacker and
self feeder.
Stephen School Report
The following is the report for S.
S. No. 2., Stephen, for the month
of June.
Sr. IV. -Total 175, Roy Hill, 101:
Eva Iiirtzel 110; Laura Sims, 101.
jr. IV. -Total 175, Stewart Mit-
the% 152 : Everett Sims, 145 ;Her
bort Mitchell, 132; Clayton Sims 99:
Jr. III. -Total 175 Mary Chant -
hers, 151; Beryl Hill, 137; Olive King
118. •:
Sr. IL -Total 175. -Ethel Sims.119
Eli Sims, 145; James Carroll, 132;
Ltllian Stahls, 108; Tillie Edwards
Sr. II -.Total 300. Flossie Cornish,
• Wroodhani
-Mr. John Russell, is on the sick
-Mr. John Copeland is visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
250. pays, for the Times till the
Wheat per hushell .... 85 to 85
Oats new . , .. 30 'to 31
Barley ,.... 38 to 30
Wool .... 16 to 16
Poi k I i ve weight ....$4.00 to $4.00
Pork Dressed .... 33125 to 80.25
Turkey .... 14
lend of 1904 -for new subscribers
I only.
-Be u Allen has eagaged with Mr.
Amos Marriott, on the base line for
the harvest.
-Mr. Couzens, cur new pastor,and
Ins family are comfortably settled
in their new abode.
-Mrs, John Hazelwood, or Kirk -
ton, is waiting on her mother, who
ie very sick at Mr. William Kirk's ,
-Messrs. Eliolt t, a Kirkt on
haVa finished the frazning of Mr. t.;•
Robert Johnstone's barn and had a
successful raising on Saturday last.1
Usbotne Council
ARM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10
X con. and llth. con.,' of Stephen,
6 1-4 Miles west of Exeter, being
composed of 100 acres on the 11111
cora, and „.120 acres on, the . 10th
These farms are under good. stato. of
cultivation well drained With good
house and °tit -buildings, thereon el":
SO fruit bearing orchards . Never
the year round. For
fru ther particulars apply to T. 13.
lad:Exeter. • .
vARNE FOR SALE. -The undorsign7
ecl Lsoffering for sale his ex-
cellent liarmlolt 1, eon. 4, township of
Usl,orne, abouttwo miles from 0311-
tra lia , CCM taining 100 acres of well
e oltiv tea land for farming or pas-
ture being well drakined. There is a
goed framei Jaouso 'and two honk
bains, twa good wells of Iva ter, with
windmill pumps aLso 'an orchard With
good Tenet, be,aring trees., (Bloc% fur -
Liter Tax ticulars apply on thorprem-
im.4 or to MR. W. 3. CAVES,'Ceutra-
tia P0.
S, J U N E 30th 1904.
Council net July thul„ All the )
members were present. The minut-
,,.•es of the last meeting were read and . -'llite organdle, and ear ,yarkg same/.
approved. ' bouquets of pink rosea. Tito groom
The reeve awl treasurer were au-
thorized to borrow on their noteor
-totes such PRIM or stuns, as maY be
necessary to meet the current ex-
penditure of the municipality until
the taxes aro collected.
Accounts amounting to $109.85 Young otaupli received the congratne
were passed and orders isswd in my. lotions of about fifty invited guests
xn. i ^ ThOn followed a very dainty tea and
Council then adjourned to meet Ca Pleasant evening, after which the
Sallitraa31. August 6th at one ceeloek ;young' couple left amid the hearty
F„ MORLEY. Clerk. goad uielles oZ a lioat of friends for
We like best to call
a food because it stands SO em-
phatically for perfect nutrition.
And yet in the matter of restor-
, appetite, of giving new
Su the tissue; especitilly
to the rerTes, its action is that
Cr a
em.., i.nacrie„
an druir :Ors.
NtlIttitntl?!!?1,711fIT!!!Itt,?t,Mttf/r!!'ittitt!!!//?!tlItiffilMtt! nttrtfttrt Mt?
assisted by Mr dierbert Aus-
of 'Toronto, and both are very
favorably known among a large cir-
cle of friends there and elsewhere.
After the ceremony. which was per
by Rev. S. Anderson, the
School trustees will please send in
e'r estimates before August 1st,
er 61, see, 69, Pablie ScbooliA Act)
9 T. liunkin, and
ed nil, of London, are
riends here.
R. and Mrs W. Jones anelfam-
ily are now comfortably settled 411
heir now home recently purebase41
'001 'gr. W. B, T1ioi t,
-Rev. U. W. Andrews, th' newly
appointed nastor of Ibis circuit
preache(l two excelhwit lemons to
large and appreciative congregations
on Sanday last.
Sudden Death --The :WM'S el. OW
very sudden death on Sunday las
of Mrs. Arnett, was a Vera' great
shock to the residents of our village
Mrs. Anuott was in ber usuU healt h
amt performing her household dut-
les with no signs of approaching
deldlt. %AP until a very few minutes
before tlo very sudden call 01111Q.
aving made all preparations for
dinner, tehe laid dowia, upon the
ben: a reception
be given them at the home of the
groom's parents. The young couple
took a wail through t en -
=Jet nt ing Rideau takee, re -
awning 2‘2, far
as Toronto %Alter:
boy nal.he their future 'I2omP.
1 �f 199
1115' 1ifll5's UI1 1h
new bs .s
• A rie Wedding -
meow, I31- add wee the seem+
very happy nuptial event at high
noon, on Tuesday, when Edith 1),
dest daughter of the Rev. E. IL and
Mrs. Sawers, became the bride of Mr.
Alfred Whitney Hornick,oF Tilbury.
The wedding march was played by
Laura &ewers, 2-ister of the
10, end the cerertiOnv was per -
toted by the bride's father, as -
tad by Rev,. Mr. Shaw. of Eg
monelville„ and Rev. Mr. Davidson* o
Varna. after which a dainty wed-
ding dejeuner was served in the
ing EOQIfl. The bride looked par -
sofa and with scarcely a struggle, ldelliallY weet ansi wkniorne in ;
passed away. Deceased was only in gout or Nolite vont' aro ehiffesnand
hcr 37th year and was united in curried a beautiful shower bouquet
rnarr to her now sorrowing hats- of white bridal yawl and Maiden -
1 a very si.torl time ago.1 !tale Corns. Miss Agnes Saweai
pays for Uie TUncs till ele
21 of 1904 ncwubseribrr
--Mr. James Vr.iser ansi fiuufly ef
et Huron, s MoorcwiUe
-The mutual hx ran het ry feet lent I
an Dominion Bey in Luean, was 0.
ecidod success.
Mrs, Morgan and family, of
n aro crimping on the hanks of
lake Huron, this week near Kettle
Point, not far from Forest.
-Tiro recent wind storm did con-
siderable% damage in this section. It
unroofed the dwelling of Mr. James
Herbert, and parr of the roof of Mr.
Mr. George Cobbleg's barn and also
unroofed Mr, Edward MoLaughlin's
-The sad news of the death of Ar-
ehabal MeFalls one of our moat es-
teemed residents, ensi while yes
youtna ;man. His remains were
brought to Liman on July fith and
was interred in St. James cemetery
on Wednesday, July Oth. We also
announce the sad news of the death
of Mrs, Annett, oe the Duffern House
Centralia She died on Sundey while
in discherge of her household dut-
ChurcheaAndereone-A very pretty
church wedding was celebrated here
on Wednesday. June 29th, when Miss
Ne,111e, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John G. Anderson was united
in marriage. to Mr. E. L. Church,
a young TorOntonian,and it was a
charming 'wedding. The church we A
most taetfully decorated
with flowers and green of garden
end field assisted by an artistic so -
lection of cut flowers from .Dale's
Conservatories, Brampton, While on
the outside, nature and a perfect
June day lent their quota to the
effect. The bride, attired in white
organdie trimmed with valenclennies
insertion and lace end white Liberty
satin ribbon and carrying a shower
boquet of bridal roses, advanced
up the nista on the arm of her fath-
er to the sweet strains of Mendel-
sslion's wedding march played by
DliSs Margaret White, of Exeter. She
was attended by her twin. sisters,
Misses Sarah and Margaret, also in
teneineeeee"e. .........earezeeeeeeetete.e.ee'eneeena
We do not publish testinaotuals
within 31CD minutes
or monear refunded
41 Druggists 2.5c a box
Sample and, Booklet Free.
3101g:ca1 \
ter of the bride, and Mr. W‘litney
liornitik, cousin or ow groom -ere
ilin attentlatias; the hridesmaing wore
a dainty gown of mauve muslin, and
trryiug a boquet or carnations.
iss Nellie Ifornick was a fairy-like
ring -bearer, zn a pretty frock. of
'hitorgandie and French vallenci-
enues. The bride's going -away gown
was navy blue broadcloth, with re-
lief at gold binding, and She wore a
picture hat of black chiffon.
A}4. a spring medicine 'Ettrdee
Blooti Ilittenahaat noequal. It tours
the pystme and. 'removers all ieea
,frera the blood, and taken
away ilea t tired wery feeling ma
prevaleottl In Gprin'S.
Exeter Municipal Council,
Connell ruet pursuant to adjoura-
ment al town ball, on July 40.
Absent, Councillor .Armst rong,
lerood -Muir -That the street
lettering assessment be 19e per foot
peyable August 15th, carried.
11.115' -"Wood -That the following
accounts be paid and orders drawn
On treasurer for same.
II. Parsons, street watering, 24;$
Miss Kemp, part salary. $25.00; G.
If. Ilissett, do. $27.50; C. 13. Snell,
electric light to July lst, $87.00, less
825 for water; G. Gudmore, labor,
$3.00; Thos, Creech, do. $1.90; D.
Russell, Thos Welsh. do $3.
Wm. Parsons, do $3.00; E, Rollneck.
do., f.0o; F. Gillespie, do $5.70:
IIoward, gravel $7,07; W. 3. Bissett,
part salary, $93.75; G. N. W. tele-
graph Co. 32o; cemetery accounts as
follows, 0. Heywood, signs, $L25: G.
Sraallacombe, rep. pump, $1.50; L.
McTaggart, snow shovel 30e; j. Ford
part salary, $27.00; James Willis, la-
bor, $30.00. -Carried.
Muir -Taylor. --That the council
furnish one half the cost of tile
for a drain on the -south boundary,
Providing, the council of the town-
ship of Stephen will give a satisfac-
tory guarantee to pay OSO half. the
cost of any tile required in future
by owners of 't Elage properly on sail I
boundary to cross street to make
connections witli said drain, and .a.
copy of this resolution be sent to the
clerk of Stephen t ownship.-Carried
Taylor -Muir -That the clerk ask
Cor prices for crushed stone from
St. \kinrys quarries to be delivered
here. -Carried.
Taylor -Wood -That this ceue-
cil give their assent to the use of the
fire engine to flush drain from cr-
&emery providing Mr. Dobler make
Slitiefactory arrangements, with the
fire chief. --Carried.
Taylor - IVIuir-That the clerk
write M. C. Hays Esq., re communi-
cation of April last. -Carried.
Muir - Wood - That council
adjourn to meet at call of reeve. --
After piles have existed, far a bang
time :and passed through diffeeene
s taigas, the suffering is intense -pain
aehing, throbbing, tumors form, fill-
dd, to bursting, with blank. blood:
Slyaspeeme endicoaing ether 1ronb1ete
may appear bo a thoroughly pile -sick.
This is when Ilem-Raid, the only in-
ternal, the only absolute pile cure,
brings the 'result that has made its
IL will 'cure the most stubborn otsse
tn oxistisince and a bonded /guaranteer
tO that effect gees with each package.
IL ia to be had at the drug store,
1.00 Ladies' Oxford Shoes
90 cents
These are the best for the money that
Marsh puts on the market They have •
good, strortg soe wfth kid uppers at poe.
Tweed Pants
line. Are very good wear•
f ntrong wool and cotton, only a
t be a bargain at $K,00.
Chi! n's running
soles, Khaki cloth o
Boys' running shoes
Khaki cloth tops itt 3t
Young men's rumung shcs
Linen color cloth tops a
t 450.
with rubbe
cloth to
h rubber
13 t.hoes w ith Line
at Qe.
12 1.2c English Prints 10c
Tbis will b the Iitst purdiase we can
have of this good Print, 32 inches wide,
heavy water -twist thread, colors of blue,
pink, indigo, hello, lilac, black. Warranted
tc us fast colors at roc
Colored Muslins 8 1-3c
Only it few pieces leit They are the
best you have ever SeCT1 wide in width and
narrow in price 81,c
$1.00 Men's Heavy Plow
Shoes 90c
Good split uppers,
= sole, 8 large eyelet
rows pegs on h
trcirag shoes 90c,
ys Cottona e Pants 50
These koicker Pants are ma
cotton Moleskin, are in neat strpes and
lined throughout with white cambric anly
Cloth Shoes
Young res Cloth shoes, witlt
leather soles, heavy duck uppers at 75c.
Men's Cloth Shoes with *strong' loathe
soles, heavy duck uppers at 90c
Men's White Canvas Shoes, extra heavy
sole; extra heavy white duck uppers, best
we cin buy at $1.75
65e Print Shirt 50c
Men's Strong Print Shirts with blue and
white stripe; cuft's attached, no collar, very
nobby patterns, good value at soc,
.50 White Umbrella Shaw
Only a few left. We have never bad
better wool. You cannot get anything
prettier for $1,00
10 Pieces New Art Sateens 15c
They are the prettiest we have seen this
season. Elegant designs, beautiful life like
colorings, nobbiest in finish,see them at r sc
See our White Muslins in plain and fancy each a beauty at 10,
12 1=2, 15, 20, 25, 35 a yard.
See our White and Cream Dress Goods, best assortment in
town, plain Voiles 50c, twine Voiles 75c, Panama's 50c,
Crepe de Chene 50c, Silk and Wool Crepelines 75c, Silk 3
and Wool Ottomans 95c3 Lustres*35 and 50c.
A farmer employed an industrious
Irishman for five years at the rate
,gf $50 a month vend found" -board,
lodging, washing an Mending. At
the ensi of the term he said to the
"I can't afford to pay you the
wages .1 have been paying. You have
saved money end 1 have saved no-
thing. At this rate you will soon]
own my farm."
"Then I'll hire you to work for me
said the other and you can get yew.;
farm back again." -Success.
Many years ago before the pro-
duction of grain was equal to the
demand, wages of f,arta hands was
high, but as produ ,tion increased
the price lolvered r r :,- than the
rate of wages.
4. •
Subscribe for the Exeter Times.
25c, pays for the Times till the
end of 1904 -for new subscribers
MORLEY.-In Exeter, on. June 20,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Morley, a.
KELLER.-In Ray, on June 16. to
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Keller, a dim -
1 te •
WENIG -HOLLAND-In Exeter, by
the Rev. Wm, Godwin, Dr. G. E.
A special meeting oC the County DWre.nAigtif Ohio,
dioeof Miss
Thomas, on June 301h, 1904, by
Rev. W. C. McDougall, Mr. Aqu-
illa Sheere, of Sarnia, form.erly of
Exeter, to Miss }land Saunders,
of SE. Thomas..
esdaY, J-1111 2801, at the. residence
of the bride's parents, Goderich,
Percy Cornell, of Toronto to
Lexie Dolma, eldest daughter of
James C. Sutherland.
esdaY, June 28th at the home of
the bride, Goderioh, by Rev. Dr.
Daniel, William H. Gaindry, to Misa
A.ggie E. Washington, Youngest
daughter of the late John Wash -
the limit that can be borrowed with ington.
oujy the vote of the people. Three CHURCH -- ANDERSON -- At An-
and a half interest Mifts • at first sug- derson, on Wednesday, June 29, by
gestecl but it was felt that at that the Rev, S. Anderson, of Wellb urn
t be difficult to dispose Mr. Edward Church, Toronto, and
of the delsentures at par and that Miss Ellen Anderson, of Bien -
the full $26,000 would be required shard.:
for the pUrposes named. Renee the DIED
rate was wt,ahse feinxaploleytaftiixoend that
tphear cedraet- (,( AN•lt.,N)0Eit,TayfT,a-rTyn JCaretriahlinlicat,t,onageJd3uly36
bentures would bring a premium. years 6 niontlas arid 9 days.
w ;
Boars the
council was held on -1Verinesday last
eomraencing at 1 o'clock, all the
members being in attendance except
Councillor `Patterson. The aneeting
was called to take into consideration
a by-law for borrowing $20,000, $10,-
000 of the amourit to be appliedpaying for the addition to the house
of refuge and the balance to provide
for expenditu.res MCW bridgesbe.:
lug erected. The. by-law has to be
advertised three months before its
tine]. passing, hence the meeting was
called now in order to make it ates-
sible to have the matter closed up
at the Decernloer session. $20,000 is
Roller Milis
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
bisfaotion in flour since re-
modelling our mill
11. Sweitzer
.ate it migh
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