HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-7-7, Page 1Thin y -FIRST YEA x—. 'O EXETER, OPV T., CANADA, • THURSDAY MORNING JUN Sp(e flgents OTt116 Town Tor tho Improved ll16rsoll' 8 -D011016 fi6tinfl or66 r111119 This is the only pump manufactured that has no leather suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of any kind, Always Primed and Never Freezes \Ve also handle all kinds of pumps, both *"orae and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps. as ZINCS on and Steel Enameled, Galvanised Steel Cast Iron Painted. T. Summer .,i,114 elegant range e� 1I sand Tiou- i>t .l, R �! S . gs. We do good Tit 1'i . g. It is our O ll�.) l pleasure to please i you, Good Cutting and Fitting Good Sewing and Stitching Good Linings and Sbow W. W Taman. Merchant Tailor. Summer Pa gs' We baye a mice assortment of the famous i3elwarp Cloths, at will maize you mulct: pair of summer trousers,, and they are the best -goods obtainable made only from specially 'prepared yarns of selected pure wool, guaran- teed. to stand to st•tn stat any climate. son tt cl m, �e, Y Come in and see them We also give a 5500 Ancident and, Disease Policy,good for one year with i* 3" the Ontario Accident ar a Ac dent Insura,ni:e Co, o£ Toronto,'with ever order amount. **1**MN1Nr**4***#* yviP +�++ ing to 510 or over. We will close our shop at ,0 o'clock except Wednsda s and Saturdays during Tune, duly and August. Baby Carriages Ye The Prince of Wales Carriages ig. and Go•Garts are always n it for style and finish. a nicely as - ort e s .,d stock just arrived. . ■ Bicycles We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best yalue in the market to -day for the money, :Reoairing Bring in your old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE S. lVlartin. emds****s********o********* W. ' JOHNS Merchant. Tailor For Sale oiExe1erareflse Ghaaa American Corn National Brand Portland Cement Seed Oats and Barley WANTED For Milling Purposes, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Top Prices Paid at Exeter, Centralia Glandebo e J. Cobb le. dick P. S. -Seed Peas direct front Mani- toulin Island for sale at Cobbledick's Storehouse, Exeter. • Just received another lot of clean Manatoulini•seed Peas. --THE- Merchants Bank of 0 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. a: CAPITAL (all paid up) • • • • • • • c RESERVE STJRPLIS PROFITS • . PSOS.;FYSHE(4xeneral rlaitager Superintendent ot'Branches anada • .$6,000,000 200 000 • • �3, , ' 18,959 On Sund y, Joe 26th, eSCellCn • t t ser- -The : r.- klensall. ; x#ric4vberry festival and eicnic took ]mace and notwithstanding the olou,lt;eads andf Litsonicwec rinat tlurl,ateesnwelting G J, Sutllotlund, Notary 1,011a. Con4eya;n trn'anec oseatller, '.r cer, eemmisstoner, Fire tnwraoce A�eutr and ' , Usurer ofMarriatgeLicenses. LegaMl°cements atkended, It was lac]al'in the ., caxetulty drawn at rt:asonable ratese eleney, and or Mr. en enomiisoll allele a to loan on real estate at tow ratese t interest,! good spacious platform ;and seats Opllee at ktae Wet Office Hea.all ; l e t ^ co o t't1 e lir, and Digs, Brandt, Suncltll•et1 a , 2npl o .,e lath tl t s venal ltun- itt un - St, Jase ala, r fired people were erected, Ileac, un- - 'fit' `. P n Kona, of Lurlole call- freesia very large udit'Xicts fcot)i 1�i1 ed .on friends here on Sunday, + parts of the circuit as well as many -Ail. Ortw eitn spent Sunday in $, vtsitors listened to a programme 7.on business, that ituonl d ]e iifi ienit LQ sup" 1 .§ T - �lt4 I1lv rthLeague le1l its anywhere, 'Vile Mountain Maid's election of officers last week, ieaI" t dril in sv1111; twelve girls Bate Cllapnnan is president, of tate 5011001 tontthrough, all its -Bet, E, A, Siia',u, preno1ied a se17 a intricate .and lliffien parts with - fine. ' fine discourse last `tpttnday forenoon;, . ; 1 tai t el - 'n b • 'c „; out a mistake. di�illayetl #alert cere- al the M thodist clturcll, and in the' cul ;.n11 excellent tr:tl,aing by Miss evening another able sermon was de- I Geeertrude eeagar sseed b,3 mNs livered by Rev, D. Wren, He sttol,.e Af;gio hunter, deserree epecitil men- -Mr. the 'llasone; fraternity. -Mr,. li�r;a1tbesv^ is busy ienor'a lag scilolar;s =r cltesatr it4tl tta o the aur the Motlaodist Gh n ch, Serrates at- i public school teacher, Mr. I), 1%11' for next Sunday; will be held in the Dougall and MiQs mare efarun. pi.lit3 S, PSR roost. The re -opening will be teictle 1?xtnflosvrrs*' g'svrn by tt at .field an July :31st, Be., ltaollitTd i girls untinr th.• training: of l►1ih 11-. II'obbs. president of I4onalon G011t0r= gar a ui '\lis-. lMmuu eiso eras a tele vt 1.11 preach loth forenoon anti i u, rs weit4l )tutnbel : Xeide4 111(1-e, evetlitxl, -On :Monday rti#rlat silo coitticii good choruses vtc^ra smote by tt hpetial Sttattlaay ticllooi carni[• undcrl: Passed a motion not io submit the i M4•, lvM. Eiforal•,fotos bj :rlis;s M;lr.- loeal option by-law, the the peoirle• tin speeches by 1110. It , 13, J'al]tQ .fine petition j)r,lyPing til;11-tate bye Zw a.wr ,1M.' Cooper, Iter\i', G. Beer be submitted was presented h tate + 0, ', la ..;seventy-two lamas - of patriotic a�};iddress 7let t',t4pe 1'411` 14} voters appeared upon the petition, humorous 'l us 1.1tt4ons card Iaeltl the esiday cite crania's of ail tats+ lncm- attention t 1 t u Ji Iiers of the W C. T, !', attention of the audience to the end The games eby the children were well lacy#:ionized, A t: ince of football was Grand $end lapsed between. the te,tuts of Elitn- e•' ea which re- -Mrs, and Thames lto 1 t 1 ich r t d T un , t - Mrti, Fislzer and daughter, Fine. suited in 1. tie, A game wa't ;also spent last week with Airs,, WO Ata- allayed between the !,iota and Eleni- cicrsan, v' a teams 441011 resulted in 1..9 pt- enjoying t l Several families front London, aro ftavt)r of t;lianvilits. Mice Hagen and maple G their summer i;olisl;aya at AM.iss AM;actin presided et the excel. Maple , aVill lent iriano. `turuislted for the occas - -.;11r, 1't ill li,tll;ivcP11 i lath d' .x sio111av Mr. .9. Martin, of Exeter, and buildi b t r r a :Miners at a n , '1s�'I,n1 organ. �, eo winter able a, A i n a U l summer t tm cot i•" for p Sunday .1 •a our efficient 1 r ,li' nu« Johns. to ,l Ill, Powell, of NO York, o -Mr. Robert,, ':yi;ioArtlaur, of Sas.- last as claeaot superintendent 1.111; presided Le '1 'ns lastformerly at a ren ,placer, spent raven '.lac gathering :and tl; I!ala i.tst `reek at the Brenner Iiousr. furt9islatid --Dr. Anderson, of Exeter, spent. Tuesday evening and nnn Friday J rad gof las week with his family. at liesdlaolra cot (age. -Tate Stratford 1`. M. G. A. boys have returned: to their bonnes after ~denting a pleasant tIt°o seeks ; Grand Bend. ---Mr, and Mrs. linker and tl augh ter of London,aro spending , a fest/ , 1 t< days with Alva. Baker's sister, Mrs. Robert Hamilton. --Mrs. J. Mixt\ell tool little d'iu gaiter, Eva, also Mr, and Mrs. '1'ho: gestic, of London township are 00- eupyizth rooms at Mrs. Gill's rottagt', 4 -Q4F1k] 0 unpleasantness 1 n to t lc, tl at2acrs of F. 1 the weather, the orowd on the stat of July, was not as large as usual, and the officials of the 1;1w glade the number ,till less by keeping the fakirs out at the village, =The camping season is again here and the cottages are being rapidly filled. t d Some of the many families wl o are „n' '1 a e ,ioyx ai, the lake breezes are .\1n•. Gundy, of ,Toronto ; Mr. Parkinson, of Toronto, Mr. George Southeott, of Toronto; Mr. Chas. Verity, of Brantford ; 'Mr. T. 11. 'McCallum, 1, T,GC ]l n1 of Exeter e '] Reaman. t x ; , r i•lc la of London Dr. Dent, of 11 to1e I1 Mr. Dickson, of: Parkhill ; Mrs. Will 13alkwell, of Exeter. Centraia The annual festival on the tat of July under the auspices of the Cen- tralia Methodist cllurcli was n de- cided success. The weather was not promising but a large number en- joyed the pleasure of the day on the spacious parsonage on a e g rounds. The sports of the day were of an unus- ually interesting character, each Dear Teacher. -We your iuilsinl event being keenlycontested. The ex -Malls have learned with deep of your intended departure brass band, enlivened the proceedings s with e\ecllent music front amongst US' we desii a to here P g express our sorrow at being deprive The list I1 wsports .and z ho scinnder cd of your services :es wall is to ten - 12 as follows -Race for C. Grafton der you the heart -felt gratitude of race years, Herb under 1 C. (.rafton both parents and children for Mae race for girls umcr 12, Gladys Es- faithful and efficient manner in. er a Anderson race boys s y, Bessie A c s , Ge fon y which you have discharged your du - over 1'?, Earn Windsor, <W, Walker ; ties a s teacher of our school. For race for girls over 12, Edna Mc- the two years you have been with' Naughton, Allic Tlaggith; uheclbar- us you have earnestly and faithfully rote race, George and Harvey Hacks, J. Doyle and Amos; fat man's race, striven to promote the • interest; of Ti,. Bill, A. Hicks; potato race, Har- the school., and the high estin>a eon vey Hicks, Oscan - Wolff ; 'race back- in which you are held, by not only the pupils but their parents, con- firms their% high appreciation of your good work. By your kind and amiable disposition you have en- deared yourself to the hearts of. all as well ns i he able way you have us -Yes im- parted in- struction instruction to u. s i struction which in after years we tv il.l not be ashamed of, and if at any time the question may be asked e sae your teacher? Each one ?can proudly say, "Our teacher was ;t Mi:. Hamilton." And now we ask you to accept this watch chain,not for its value, but . as a slight ine- mento of the days you were our' faithful director. W e t iSH you a success to life, at any work you are engaged in, and bops that the Great: Almighty may bless and keep you 10 health end strength.. Sigeed on bee i;liinville lun.lf of school section No. 4, U hortte -Nellie Rook, Alice Davis. • Mr. Hamilton glade Suitable r {heir uf reply thanking his.. p ii. 0 kindness, and assured them that 11 would long remenbcr their kindness. 1111 excc'1'.1eitt rupeer. .--lira, 11.]01011 .i Anal 124 5e for yle, 1t, Coate.:, -Amts. 11. t"oa100 left Tu,111:1, to; visit friends i4x Ala»itoi;a. -41 n0101011 t1f alit•" 4oun:; t1r tolls° spent; the first at the Dena. -•�hL< J. hill leas hireai with al.. lt, 1veerslake, for tite harva•51. -Mrs. 3. r - v t,r spout let ,ta t ti t tl;iti 1 ' with her si*itc),,"rir;b.l, Coal car. -Mrs, Walker, of Grantee, yy`.as the guest of :Oars. Ii;1U00r, on Sunday. t -There '.�'1 1 League at l.iota a1e1 411, )C church on the 7th, conucted b'5 tht, new pastor. .liXr, and '',vire. 0.• Murtly, arid alias Me(Iuire, of Lueun, were guests; ;4t John Essery's last. week. -111. Sam. Hicks has •nice cement work of `ids barn completed and will hold a dirt bee on Wednesday. •AMr, R. Snell ;in'i family and alis Waiters, of r;`oit.r, were guests at William Coates' be the holiday.li day . -Miss Alma Dempsey and Miss Marie I)altry, of Toronto, spent part of the holidays with Miss Ret- t •sery. liar', R. J .Zianilton, wile has been tcaalier of our school for the last two years has resigned, :ma inilletl- iatoly after his vacation' as going; to study medicine. 'We wisli 11i1n every success.At t ha ;school the pupils presented him with a beautiful chain and the foilgouin : address. - Mr. I. Hamilton.. , Tr R. J I < u4 ), 0 Ot vers, Cbish slsealt i?iiday amxcl Slttutdd1y P1. tlh city, .-3fr, �idoltlll s Ilooller, resited iii to1011 on Monday, -'Bees Emma Brown is Welting friande in Falkirk. ' Miss Solonta Tieuian,,'visited 'iia. Centralia on Sunday. -Mrs, C`. !wicker, of tendon, a, visiting her Dolt Cbarl,Cs, -Mee. J.i 1 Betigins rete r e. v _ n d #aom frl'►;lx i)Ciroit, where she Iris been visiting relatives -Mr. ,Joint Kerr is vi 11110es in Ireland. -Earnest Simpson paid our vil- lage a sa ix1g visit on luny:• last. Aro Ze ocher spent a).eer days of tial: s:erk ,sirh aril irarentsin2 London. •--\V. 1e. Chisholm, tenok rip ' to Exeter, T t. i was we remote .a cn, op uesday, nllaaa'taitil•^. -Crediton 11 sentcd at le z'aces , r. Centralia. friday tfdea-j 2'Qp• t2�Mr., :eel Mr,. 1-0yone, of Iiotelan, ctrl '."`hint: Mrs. end Mr. .10414e,l lMod; it1>.: ou n bip cottusil held lel se„1a1�ar nr;evtilan :tManday :4ttcrnoota 1n tato IAsvg 111411. mefir,: SQtotrton c;<:i.et, cat la helot ' 11' 74 fnw d;tys '.uitli alis parsnts lame01 11,1 1r sufit•l; tits, :tion :Brown ;acrd family of 131en1leinl, .penta few t1a.yet under the tretal roof. and ,las, Johnston and Mk - Lyda la'eet to are visitinl'; Mrs. John- ston's sister, Mrs. 'rbos. Trevetlnlek -Chas. a , 1 i:;lld, us lata hag iia;en. work ing in Detroit for some rime is holi- daying in rhe village. >. Mat teynn'1 Morlack, of Durlo an,'l 4 021. r1 fee.- eaye of <14ie creek is 1111 lets taether and sister. -Mr. end Mra:, Jacob Ls ekner, i'ort llurott, arta visiting :Mr. an Aar , 1 '• t lea feel; i .tt i IY < r, ,,1 Wilhyna^ Meylurtay is L to^one :tttentdiug the Forestnt • 1 i' yl_. 411ce C"talle�n, Lowen, (;, 1), 1);auum; tool; Par' 4 1 Glliida•on's,' Day mercies's ID,«�hwood on Sunday last, -- Mr, and ;rage. B, Brown and M^ s if. Boltzmann, filaa'nt Sunday 1 cvitla triende in Dashwood. -•Me.. J,ts. 1:111 1 returned llottlt° troth $outhaanpl0n. Ibis week '.where a,1ae ll til beet) visiting friends. Gilmore, :manager Ui the Sovereigatih, took 0, drive 10112< ieud, 55in Allah, 153 tsar lady. -Hiss Ella and Vivian Beaver :axr .r:p"ntiIMP 11 40'(111 '..5 111 their .. a �1 ca 4 111 , Alrs. Geo. Psserl:. or Centralia. male .tdeline ,Rage arta :her bra - r, o, Ja, rl;l+Ill, blatant Sunday with their 1ti tc 1.l Mrs. .ti; 7w- ]s,e 1C r,, -»Mint Emma Lett is took part arra tate gel'deit party at Mar's Rill,anti tamersevcrad solos very acceptaby, , Ilan.. Richie, one of our black- smiths is away for ;t week's holi- days, visiting laic p. *rents :at Clinton, -Master Edgar Baker '.v'lio is o orking dna Mllcnianim, is i ortew!ng 00- " {lU;tiattances 224 Me village this week, - `i'he iiiayr.,r friends of :lir. an+.d' airs, Richard Baker, of London, were Zalense.aa l t o see theta in the village e nrainl. -airs. Lewis Bertrand teal atm- getter, s - ;lytta. 1adttrne are spending a few works vi /I maty; and daughters pat Detroit, -Christ. a 1 t. Piukbc1 1, who bolds 0 position in a cigar factory in Lon - cion, is spending' a weeks vacation' under the parental roof. -Rev. C. Brown, of Pitsburg, oc- cupied the pulpit, of the Evangelical church, both morning and evening •anti preached very acceptably. -.Mr. ;11111 <.t1,. Richard Baker re- turned e London,\l- d 1 - turner home to on c 1 c 1 )t day, after visiting friens at Credi- ton and Gaunt ' Bend. for a few days. -Mrs. A. 1'erguson, of Church street, Toronto, returned to her Rosie Mondry morning', after a short visit with her sister MTs._ (Dr.) Zia -1 1st, -?Miss Lulu Essery successfully passed her primary exammination in music, which t.s held in London, re- cently. cently. •ll''e all mien her many more, such success. Cedar Posts for Sale -The under- signed has first-class cedar posts for sale at Centralia, it1 Charge of the grain house weigher -Henry E. Either, Crediton, Ont. - Ifr. Wm. Stewart, ' who has been in the employee' of Mr. Wm. Weltt- tel as blacksmith, left on Tuesday last for Ora, whore he will open up business for himself. -rhe two assistant eachexs of ..s's •tn : t t t Miss li,ab- our 01.111„1 -public school, NI s son and Miss Saulter, er, left for their respective horses lir Clinton and'i Parkhill, T:hursilay al,ternoon for their Holidays. - The members or. cite Tvfethodist. church intend giving their new pas- tor, ltcv. Mr. Henderson, a reoep- t ion some time next week. Tbis has been arranged to give him a chance t settled. ,.cttled. ' The Times and the Family Herald., and Weekly Star will he sent to any addres`e`"in Canada or the United States till, Dec. 31., 1904 for 75c. To taka,,advantage of this offer you must subscribe at once. -Our local band under the able leadership of Mr. Chisholm, manag- er of the Merchant's Bank is making rapid strides towards perfection They again added another emblems to tacit' laurels on the i st of July. Crediton should be proud of her Lair daughters.3rho so sucoesstully won the race at Centralia. on Friday afternoon for the most graceful 'walkers. Girls you would do well to copy their example' for graceful gess is the Godess of admiration. -The Rev. Henderson, the new pastor of; tate Methodist church of: tills place. arrived in the village on Saturday evening last, and preached two powerful sermnofs ,:on Sumtday. -Our baseball 'club went to 'mak- ton on DominionDay : to play a friendly game, but were defeated. by a score •uf" 7-3. The hoy5 -say, • `trio . place where furnit #rc eafl be purahasecl all so til 2ne,y as at our store? No such as impossible. We hal-e au napless variety of Furniture of 3L' C , Qn which is going T rzpt)g at a lost rl,tire duriti 1°use-cleaning time if you are interested on8 `"ail to call ori.'1as„ Ana if Prices, Variety and Qu43lit count we $i5031 Undertakers and Funeral Directoaw wag ' Fttt,/ tMaitt:1 Ito t fair throughout, -Mrs. Drier., vc hla:e of the late Mi Drier, 3coa. r' t, vl ao diel in North. 1 - a:a fear nnontl;s ago, has rte- tail^hell to our rill -rare, ort Monday lana', arc011113 need by leer i 2~:0dson, She will melee lava ffrzturc• las;tri^`; is 11 her Moil 01451 le'. " -A f; aelle, reunion iaiettic 'se 135 eld a4 1,10821 Bend 0.1 $5100403':, • m +ronnlara^.ana _ the # gaitilit s of t:ialter, ♦1a -144 ' fret! tA 2. e a t1i~. t s. Di i,.er and Mrs, Le.. nntl f anell., R 'rimy very 121e0 11.t0 t4143', wards, Oscar Wolfe, George hicks three-legged race, Hicks & Doyle, Grafton & McCoy; ladies' race, Alla TIZcks, Tena Abbott; ladies walking contest, May Coughlin, Beulah Beaver ; hurdle race, Oscar Wolff, I. Atkinson - blind 1 a c, Oscar 'Wolf f 3. Doyle;100 yards race, J. Doyle, Oscar leese'.f4 G. Hicks; ladies contest throwing base ball, L. 'Elliott, L. 'Wilson, ; Boil -step -amid -jump, J. Doy- le,' le. Simpson; high jump, Oscar Wolff, Eli Sweet; putting shoulder. stone, Ifarry.IvIills-; dog race, Blair, Mitchell. In the evening a concert Ander the auspices of the Ladies' Aid was a fitting Close tothe program of the day. :The proceeds of the day amounted to about, 5200, -The anniversary of the Sunday success.School here was a `complete success. a ; mons were preached by Rev: W. C. Beer, a former pastor of 30 years ago, g5 BranoheS in Canada who ;was superiiitendeltt. 1then the' 'rhe large factories of the St, Ca - SAVINGS BANK Interest at. most favorable current rates allowed on Savings nk Accounts and Deposit Receipts. S d -Cattle - of attention given to the business.Farmers an, p es o whom:loans are made on'>a roved , men t . approved nam '., , ofpayable in all parts of the Letters Credit issued to travellers, ,p avorld . A,GENEAAL BANKING'BUSINESS 'TRANSACTED, CREDITCN ,BRANCH W, S. CHISHCJit.r, Manager. church was built. Mr.- :'ees of x' i , therines I3ox incl Lumeer Co, were, Rev, Hermon Beer, B. A.,� ivho '.v,is veined. The loss is. estlauattedal' born 28 years ago in .Elamvitle, oras $50,000. The bursting of a boiler also present and assisted in the ser- during the progress of tile fire cans - vice, : and addressed the Sunday School epi a panic. in the afternoon. as: also did' Rev. R. t The Times and the Family Herald vile ho 13. 11, who is also' ans Ellin- Star twill bo sent to villa boy, and whose parents still add eTss iny any who arc amongaddress Canada, or the Liaaitecl thein, this pice and States tat ;Dee. 31., 1904 for 75e• �, reelected citizens at` Us ,-,.. . borne ltow2 T take advantage. of t111s offer: you. lownsb p. The singing, moral must sliltsalibe at .once. ing and evening was: excellent, and was done by the regular • choir under • the leadership ;of Mr. Harry-J3rowk . it= ,g, mar C7► fit. ar _A., The Sunday rSchool scholars led by gear„=the The Kind You' Hain Always Bought Mr. M. Elford, with Miss • Lena flim- si rllhe ers as organist, sang well. :On Fri- g day, the 1st <of July the *seal S. S. of - , on SchoolP -e � ort "I1ts folgo,vsing art, tJ.te 4'04u1ts of the la1'onlotion t 7a rlali =41204)- of the 00(4t-. Ston puhlac -1011001, d 111 to Tr. I' °,-M,'5ilnoninl 500 limeysCompound . xtr' r I alandinlg citta, Edna a 3'eek, 074 •I'inl:l1iner i."40$, Lillian Gals - r, 58'1; Rolaral Either :169,; Beta Rletitit~ x3:1; nem 1Mi11, ;:416: Isla Ewald 105, ; ;Mildred Braun, 1S1 ,; E1- act Me Turr;ay 156; 1lnrtlet bink-' Ileinel•, 4111. ,I e 11 tea Sr. 111,,—•:c1;a�;itltuil 730, r ] •; P r, t•s alt ! standing ;ICI.. .tn 1 1 1 Geiser. F. 1 , -a.:a4Prank t;ilsou, •132; Biala Shenk 118; Cory ,11"e in, 419; Faith hill,. 387, Edith Man,nu5 377,; Cltiri'sa i 11 M .�r t 371 • Louie Yy' . 1 t 1 i ri rr^ . Sr. 11 to Jr. M.-ma1.1 '3001 510. Pas,- standing 265. F1 ie Geiser, 130 :llnieda linkl,tin^r.37 1',+111'an' fink heiner 3107; Harry Trivia, 339 ; Ernest Appleton, 328 Luella St ahls, 314; Clara Hat zmanu, 310; :viatilda Oes- 4001C1let•, 308; Lizzie Snell, 297; Geo. Beaver, 202; ,Roy Palmer and -Clar- e:nee IZolt zmann, 281; Tillie Brown; 383; Etta Feltner, 267. Jr. 1Ir. aSr, r t S °a r M .asy standing. 263. Nelson hill, 11111 Vera Holt.zmann. 4113: Pearl Treitz 395 Gertrude rid 00. 3-:1; Alice Aic3- 11n and Clifford Hill 378; Barry Mangnus, 310; Roy 1Tedden, 333 ; Beatrice IJedden 3 2 Gordon Apple- ton 322 ; Harrison Boltzmann, 317 ; Harry Sweitzer, 311 ; Edwin Felt- ner 297; Everett II .isi,61, CLATUDE I3L1•ETT, T)rinr}pal. Zurich Subscribe for 1 he E_,t ter Tittles: -Mr. meld Ri kl^ell spa.•n. Sunday 4sith friends at; Exeter. -Mr. Tom 1 cli', event Sunday with frien is at Hensel]. --Mr. Fenn, o_ 1)ashv: ood, spent Thursday even/1g in the village fate I< Pimples It Sorof u ae 0 v ti Catarrh, a Ca l��S�1 #lfl>Ii Debility And1 �.rlVitl re11esc� <n two ti:uvsr those istre$sin ,'.vt)tleta sores eau'ec bey Mosentito ltes. For sale New Drag. Stare HO EY 1. t'Isc2a): 4 01.1 Dr ggist.. '.RevM) e•ssarseg•eii,arttolr ,atb afenldv we es,iavistock, sn • ng larbAi Ms rorn. left Wednesday for a visit with 1ri- e tis end e • ' n. , ul iellTzv.s 121 Ss.hllnt;vM1le. -Mr, Jlrandt 01111 fetaily. of Hen - mall, drove through tater village on Sunday on their stay- to St. Joseph. -Mrs. Studer end, eon, 'who luny - i been visiting Ler pereats. here, re- " turned to ber home a.n Sebringvilte, i on !Monday. $ -Mrs, Case an ;t tlenghter, wlio have been visititlf; :tire% (Rev.) Canar- 1 bell,r cturned to t c t• home in T o- rrang, on 3onda•. i --Mrs. Snaith and ,on, of Detroit, arrived Saturday fot a short visit with Iter ro tits Mr. and2 • t 1 a t Mrs. Ort, , of the Bronson Line. + -Miss Ross '.0110 had charge of the I c e 1441 i11i. r ne y department at J. D. leferner's returned to leer house in !St. Marys, last. week. -Mrs. Baldwin, or Seaforth, ac- m.a•.c co , aced b her Lite 1 ;wI'ss. Price, 1 y, P guests of England, were �, ere the u.ests of Mrs. D. Steinbach, on Saturday. -Miss Reline and Mr. Addison i Koehler, '.rho 118ve peen attending ',Business College at Stratford, re- turned home on '4,x1 dnesday, y -Mr. Alf. haunt, alio spent the cast four `01 eta Seal tic urn - n y. cd -home on \fi10cchic:,dav t:ven;ng,retfor -. ; an extended nisi '.viol Iris parents !here. _ -Mr, Ortwein, of Hensall, was in �- town on business bu i e s on1 yin t0 s ,'i ad av -Miss Dora 51111 ester. Charlie, ' spent. Sunday with friends at Crede-' to -Mi. and 41rs. C. Croak• cif llt;n- : For Infants and Children. , sill, called en friends ir) t Utrnt on '' The Kind You Have Always Bought Friday, -Mr. Bob \liillialnr, or: the For- est City Business College returned. home Saturday evening. -AM's. lacrcher and daughter of Bears the Signature of uilr 4' t.;ers Hardware Everything For :our. new House, Earn or new buildingof anyBind ' Ll our l 1 it will ) you. get n I cut prices,l'4' pay 3' Hangers The very latest in Barn Door Hangers 3..25I er )air. p rom 7o to Cement for - e nt ,t ° Il 1 (�eln ltl o a c Sampson �' Floors, etc. ti At r ht Prices