HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-16, Page 8EXTER IMS, JUNE 16th 904 EWAR 1 r 1)ads toed •Stieley Ely Paper ery Charite•nee Bazeart. e. S. Eittoe last a valuable e on Montine of this wke Pompadour comeoe -and other fanee- .cinlisa CheriteiVe Bazaar. and Mrs. James Vellingwood, Beant ord, are:. ;visiting frieeds 'Me Ae Kemp, of ,tli e Moe -n',e'13,ietle Teeeento, le Opexideine dea :eau, at leteee. Aloe 'Maud Iled,eles. lett Aloeday tor 1i1i1ineeeville, vin g 'taken anesie he Mr. Tilos, Okeeefbotel. G PEMLS os 1 2* ton I -Tose full fashioned last 00 paw Ladier$ Black 0.0t- : dye and seamless, worth in any store in Canada 16e, Oar big special bargain only 4 pieces 27 inch Jap SW, "all pure bilk" perfect quality, guaranteet not to out, Blaek, Cream and White. Regular Value 60c, our big bargain, special price only 50 pai Ladies White SUM - mar Corsets, m4L1e from good strong nett, fit and quality guaranteed recrc,ular value 50e, our bargain price only Mr. Aldwin Evans left 'eeoaday for eandoe where la iatendslearialog the Leieraeili oteeraiting. I'eliage Storks, AeLere, renelee land E e lollies, fat- bedding ,ontat leer- eeriVe Greee.lieueee Ilene:ell, or Cheri - °We Rale Eeteete Ju ne Weddinefeeeeeeerbalee you rteitede Remenebee to call al. Marl, ca's leazaar, end inspect' their steele er euitable weelding gift. The Seafortli Neeve lets been en - ex gee 1e, 55-celionn eneette tee•how `thee UeeSte„ Apple:lord tunean Peet mekleg it go. Pay big lot ot Buuer and eggs for prices, try Iv, we will use you well. A. STEWA 1:qiewzittCae IF YOU SAVE Make You Rich $1 deposited in this Bank will start you on the right road The jovereign.Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dathweed Heneell Zurich F, E. HAMS' Manager, Exeter Clinton GLADSIAN & S'TANBURY, Solicitors. for Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Viectetteet, Clocteee Jewelry, Spectacles Etc ow. ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a SneelaltV. DR. OVENSsig....1;?Mig: Eye, EeerIG;l'es;71it Throat visits Exeter monthly. ,filasses Properly Pitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Gabe COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Dates ot visits, WEDNESDAYS. Feb. 3, march 3, March 30, May 4.4 ime 1. June 24, „fair 2.7, sent. I. oat. 4. 5ov. 3, Nov. 3). London oftice 320 Queens TO ADVERTISERS. be copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday' of each week. THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1904 Locals • D. Hartleib sharpens Lawn Mowers. Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add oil page 5. Miss,Eva Huston is visiting friends in London, , The Sovereign Bank of Canada have opened a branch at, Arkona,. J. G. Stanbury attended court at Zurich on Monday. Mrs. Sinclair, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. Dr. Amos last week. Miss Ellen Brown spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Guelph. E. W. Gladman attended County Court at Goderich this week. Mr. A. Cottlo is putting an additio to his cider re Oh Miss Edna vcCallu in is visiting he sister, Mrs. Gorge Willis, at London. Division Court here was postponed from Tuesday until a date to be fixed later. ' Mr. H. Levitt of Parkhill spent a few days of this week with his son Mr. W. H. Levett. Mrs. A. Sheere and Mrs. W. Tape are Visiting Ors, Tapp' s sister, Mrs, it, Speeren, in St. Marys, Miss Norma leobler took part in the - ',sacred concert, as soloist at Creditor). Mondey eyemne. Mr. NV, R. Elliott, of Centralia, has -disposed oE his one hundred and fifty acre farm to Mr, Wesley Jones of Stephen tor the onto of $11,000. First-class bicycle repairing done Eartleib's repair shop. Lovely wediding vreisents lorpr os ty June hridat Charlton's Fair. „t 3,000 Geraniums in bud and bleon Tat flarbures Greenhouse, Hansa% or t Ch rritores Eck, Exeiter. '4.fiss Cora Prior gave a. number uf recitations at the Bethesda Epworth League Social on Wednesday evening. Mrs, (Dr.) IL X, Cowan who is visit- ing in London, spent Wednesday in Exeter with Mrs. W, EL Moncur. Try D. Ilartleili's for your watch and. clock repairs. Satisfaction guar- anteed. and prices moderate. The Sutherlatid-Innes Co„ Ltd., of Chatham, are making arrangements for the erection of a cooperage mill at Thamesford, Ori t. Wa flied -Wanted to buy or sell ee 'eat, eeei.8110 for 41N;e4 111 e teen 4; pdtterZia a ketk inStt UOr.01X1. 11.1xPehse by JaMee ane• Ur% erretkieen that, eity. uei a card Stating your want -we! eieliver at Chachron's za 'Exeter, am, thing la the -plant zo, llartmrcie But ler...Loudon, will oa at tit, al lictel,Eszter, cm Thorley 30th, for. Eye, Ear, Nay. amt t ronsultetions. Eyes* tested tSe3 supplier and, VI% n, nocaumo op0n1 Wk and tbis a Grand .13,?tui at ir cottage Pitlecroft Villa* making eady for the marble; t'aif their fame- tly there almot the It ot Juze. on sunda,r, liay 9L1, kW Rev. R. yaul, isup3r4tautta ted 3fetleoillse minister living at Brussels, died in wa 'nth seeT„ no, hadlivell ausefixt and leheionve tiro ministry% Miss Godwin has returned, from her la% to Toronto and St, Catharine Adis engaged to read at Centenary vb, Sylvan,. on, 'gouda), evening, uton the fg,-dloulug \\redoes - 'Tinge in an automobile a t is said to be orte a the at - f St'Louts in June. Louis - re br av e as well as fair, tea tbern would dearly love to be taied seatA on the burn of tho moon. Ilandfax4 a Elliott shipped ear load or horse to Manitoba, en NVednesthey..„ ;qr. Zlliettt haviarig, pared Ists'inTra propertw, in Ster, Own will leave for Manitoba on Mon day, taking up td residence in Win- nipeg. Momy penple *who read of on inch rain. falling do not realizeinta.t vasti quantity cfg at it reDresents to an acre pr sortace Reduced to Tigard*, one midi or raid, means. 3,.. 4300O gaitorts or 13,722 tons of wtr tat the acre. • . 'Colonial Inveniment and. 'Loan Stook "Prefereac.e" write quickly, 'Box 535 Mahe" Tort:tato.- A large number of our citizens at- tended -the Concert given by Prof. Jones in the Evangelical church,Cred- iton on Monday evening. Thousands of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussell Sprouts, Celery, Asters, To- ato, Stocks and Bedding plants at ours DAY'S, Market Gardiner, The Wallaceburg Sugar Co. are making preparations to turn out near- ly three times as much sugar this year as they did in last season's run. The Misses Sanders pleasantly en- tertained a number of their most in- timate young lady friends at a yery social tea on Friday evening last. Mr, and Mrs. Will Statham return- ed on Tuesday from their weddeng trip and will take up housekeeping in Mrs. Hooper's house on Huron street.. Judging from the great number of wedding cakes displayed in the win- dows of our local confectioners Cupid has,been busily at work with good re- sults. • ?are Green, • Bordeaux Mii Lure', Ifellehere, Bog Death, Slug Shoe'', London Purple, Preliaxed Soap for in - HITF3 WEAR\Shirt Waist Suits 0111 1.1'• DrneisNiM OINISISIclitS 0111 I e- e'Lze 32 te Bast ,Aa sizes open. oil iNight Dresses eose etyle, length 5'0, 5S and N4i.71 •':•i•look ; 00 melte* tons' i oe front, draw tape 1 Fine Cotton- s.t, special !Drawers, umbrella I' waiuue Cottoo 1Kte. dicainee with hecnNight Dress, mo- ietitebed hem,spee- ther hubbard yoke Nin Seok, feireal 25e tucked lave edge front, enil-.,rOFaerY i cm Deck and cults, on neckad at 1111, 1 F i ee Cotton Special 75e, $.11.E.C.:11 13, 1Grawers, cluster ' .0f rooks, extra Vine Ocato at Fine Cotton Cl -heavy white clteleS Nle1ht Deee,• JoW Fine cotton nay, lace doren ilace, special Oc, square neck, benn,,, skirts with eni, \. " et, around neck I Wally tr-Aininea,l ovoidery flounce 0:1 artwa, draw 'Fine Nain dank With embroideryi(),. „via, t„,,,,4s and, Fine cambric skirts with' ul tiounee trialtaea with heavy climy lace and bisection, Special $1,00, ErVERYTHING NEW AND NATTY in all the fashion - 164 able wash goods for the stylish Shirt Waist Suits, so much worn now. Wo have a very nice range to select from Linen \foils One of the very, latest novelties for Shirt Waist Suits very strong and a good washer, Blue, Cream, and Stripes 35c a yard, Ifaney Silliettes eects on Rose bushes. , Sold by C. Lutie C,,enleal Drug SI•ore,, E'reet sr 4 Mr. Alowkly who recently arieVa 'ere from Exeter, Eng., and who hae4 taken possession of Mr. Paul Madge's cottage near the river has accepted a position for the summer with Mr. Cann, of Usborne. Four young men of Collingwood named. Harvy Stephens, Gerald Mus - sen, Etarry Andrews, and Ednaund Carroll met death by drowning on Saturday afternoon on theNottawasa- ga river. Mr, F. E. 'Harm, Manager of the Sovereign Bank here who has been in Wyomingfor the past few weeks in connection with the branch of the bank recently opened there, has re- torted home for a short time. mr, actin Ilewkehavr et tended tha funeral of his-sonein-Iane Mr. lingh faTavi,sh, ,or Detroit, on Tuesday ,T•r.. McTavish, who 'VMS e. lormer re- sident of ,Blyth was well known' in this, vicinity. wag sufferer rum tourer; tor over sear, pe at WilbTA. WIAVOU'l SPeelial $1." .1,! fancy stitching. el, at 50e. riii wince, entbrold- ii Special SI.QC4 ' .y frillsand tuck% Fine C.' 0 t,, t 0 Cainb- le ing„ :•••peeia,1 75e. tNight 1)itse triari; F. I p, e oarobrto eeeee eleereidery , ;enebreMerY Plike.,' skirt with wide 1 LCC down fizorit4 Fine Nolo Sook',eanbroidery down noaoce, 9 rows Peek and oruw. ,Deareeree w i d elfront and arOluad tuckipr,-, iwoxyjace peelel 7:ia. Iloonce. cluster 1 otr.oevo, Spool iv I are tt A) il bottom tucks, special $1,, St $,57. 'Special $1,59. et. eitli fine lie, 01,116 ,,. N.„,n. 8 0 ok it mea- nt i I Live ineeetion, ono Ilk ,.. f, ,_ s'irt with dotty s ban around i t,ocking, Special 7 fancy, EXETER. LOD o laf,, frost Imps off there, will likeu. pr. Jamoon M. P. P. f D,arltam., he' leeeeeet hay Om, Mils sane- One JydaMeeen vielted lee the ,t thare hasbeela for many Poesbyterlan Mouse, this wacky 1Voint.04.--lrouss keeper tor 0.ti rat Lwi or -3,euyi`igiddla aged per- son pri)ferred. Addrea5.,--"A.,13.", Ex- etere euppr,wry volt SALE, - Desirable properly In Exeter with euitsble resi- dence thereon. Good investment,. Apply to GLADUAN& STAN/MAN. Owing. to continued • rams U e grass' has made very rapid growth, Oa t4".10 tow ln mkt pa is 1 nrufug yellow Mt accennh, of isa much wa,t tt,t4 40.1 Uie 14.114T lanais fall wlimat; arid- spring' griuls are le,oldeo ;\vell TIte ooramonmettod of Intim% out Canadian thirties 'were tested at the! Two, nottads Leet._coaa a black, and North Dakota siatimalest year. and! two, auswerilrtg to non* nT „„Kin, real well cr2 oods just the appearance of silk, Figured - 2:2. and (lowered in champagne and red, blue and white, pink and white and other shades, fast colors I2 Y2 and :.7.5e a yard. Cotton Satin Cloth Another very stylish fabric for the new Shirt Waist Suits comes in diffueat colors, fast colors 15c and 20e a yct fa cy Sateens A little more weight but very nie VQr a summerown, all colors 15 to 25c a yard Black Muslins A nice rang nea atterns, in 6gured, Striped, nadinc pattern „p rfcctly fast eolers, 204 25 and 3e a Colored !Wont's All colors 5c, to, and t5c. tin',,tia'reo140:fSt. wag"20143 was Gbt '41454 )37 and tilos other a black and whiin an- trequeutlycuttina the photo. At plot awning te the ttarao 41,•nv 4.4 414'41114' ° *1W' 6"M 314S' w" ClIt information regardin- them td l*leCt "et 1 °"" 44.11'm at the liaison's ilaulZ Exeter. days dnrinal tAte TWV1141t... thrOa MItt,113125N.e.):4 made after* , FOR OVNI1SIXTV NE•t, whitala life plants had deen. rntsed.icran ^Is MD AND WEtreerliflifl if.Y.1.41.11Ve.41fra two th0,02114 to Winsiew's Seething Sirup bas teen toed fo eldidreuw Ile Witting with narrectsuotas A "ft(INV departure in the substitution it Emmet; thecbtat7eiganulthe jure% lotaya of NAN barrel hoop for the old-fash- pato, eaves ivied voile. and is tba bolt reined! lolled hoop a elm has been introduced „15.,,F,1)1"TLI°X.1„1L18,,P,,,1°"*,,„,.,,"„co thth* ta??4,1 8°,51a lty the B. Greening 'Wire Cu.. agm, iht-ivivire.:*11;3"11467-1; fie- ilton, Oat. Great dillleultv has been moo And Mk* winsRliies Seetlilnit experienced by coopers of late in pro- sYrwoogull'Akt°r no °thoPlund- eurmg 4106urilQient supply of suitable ilttrou Presbylere.-A so2,ci materialtor the NI• 0 (IOU hoop, so that ing of Baron ).1rOsbylery 'MS '11214 at the anpearaneri of this new device up- "Bewail, en. the 10th tinsR. to eon - on the market 1111e }leen. not °mire sidee a call to the Rev.E. Slat - tune. it in made of from 0 to 12 gauge • thor Milton. The call -WaS signed steel wire, rounded into a perfect. etr-' by223 menibuts: a tut 47 adherents ele, so that it will slip down into place „' and the Presbytery agreed to forward over the bet rell wit out binding ttt LO. Toronto Presbytery of which Zr, any particular place, '.:0”,11.1 9. =tubers Obnuld the call The Independent Order of Foresters will atte ad Devine 'worship in Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday June 100. Service at 2 30 p. cm, members of Court, Exeter will meet at their lodge room at 1 80. .MI Foresters eve eorilially invited to attend. Go. E. ANDEBEION, Secretary. R. T. ,or T. lieWs.-AdVance Coun- cil. No. 207, Royal Tempters or Tem - %ranee 'would like every member at the, order to be present at our next meeting, Monday evening, June 20th an We wish to make arrangements tor our annual picnic. -Annie ALI Th..' rent. Rec-Sany The °L. CLL. met -at Ilensall, on Fri- day of last eveek and took „pp eels - mailer. at' the e'en). o J.uly- celeltiru• lion., ,Fie-veral _cavitations having been .repeived from diferent lodg- es, but es a body they would not aecept any and the members are free to go at their awn free will to thede- moneteetions selected by, therneel yes. Licking eostage etenaps has cosp, Mess Myra SylVerealeeessisteint in the pest office at, Norfolk, Conn., part or 'her tongue,. A few weekle ago letiss Selvernale's ;Longue heiga,n: :to ..swell and, 'physicians diagnosed the.er °able as •blood, !paiecining,nentacited Trdm: the mucilage en ,the Stamps. Mr. Stephen Powell has purchased an incubator and has gone into poul- try raising on a. more extensive scale doing away with the tediousness of hatching by the old process. He has now a hatch of 120 chicks, out of 185 eggs, fifty of which were unfertile. This is the second batch the first being alike successful. Mrs. Brawn and granddaughter. Mrs. Allan, of Wroxeter are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Grigg. Mrs. Brawn was a resident of Exeter for a very great number of years leaving here a few years ago to live with her son, Dr. Brawn, at Wroxeter. Al- though now in her 80th year she is as bright and well as in former years. Her many friends welcome her here far a visit. • Mrs., Jas. Dignan reports the loss on Monday night ot a clothes line full of very line woitewear, and about three weeks previous .some evil dis- posed person or persons entered the cellar and helped themselves to aboub 18 jars of cboice fruit, Sespleion rests on the guilty party and if they will quietly leave these articles back where they belong, nothing more will be said. Te pastor of Main street church will be absent next Sabbath attending the Anniversary services in connec- tion with Centennary church, Sylvan circuit, The Main street pulpit will be occupied by Rev. R. Hicks, B. A., who received his ordination papers at the recent Conference held in London and who, after the 1st of July will take charge of the work in the west- ern part of Windsor, Mr. Hicks wil also preach at Sexsmith at 2 30 p.in. Over sixty tears by rail Ions et motherstar 'Pt . be acceeded,: the induction will be nuntber of our citizens are cont. 4110141 a t a dale yet to he fixed. and plaining of the iniscoudizet, of severalltho toiowing opt bi R small boys who nightly dress up r. tent% ta.i,ride, or itk his manner of hideous costumes and 'die- abeenee, Ray'. E. Salvers. ;Revs. D. turb the quiet. of the home by the --- Carswell to preach, C. Fletcher to ad- cOutioueus ringing and. pounding o i direr& LW, minisiters and W 2L. Mar - the door bell, also very rudely molest- tin .,tht ing ladies who are out enpying a, I A STIM311;ft, 1 -TOTE, ---. A modern walk these beautiful summer even- ' tugs, Boys should be allowed to et,- irs,TletIrtnflolorm Villyli,strated oommends tself i the De - joy recreation aud fun, but this con- ,"tleo duct by the young urchins should not not only to those who dwell in torrid um example of. hot I /cones a.S well to those in northern lie tolerated but made l 'We hope Iurrents will assist our police- P artswbo build with an aim of essen- • mg the discomforts of the summer man in this matter. climate. In the exterior, Portland ANrontaxs' Institute. -The retular cement and rough sawed chestnut, mouth)* of the Wonannsa Institute Was gray -stained. are the main factors, lield.he'ehetown ball, on Friday; age giving a solidity that is well calculated, ternoon, Jane ltltif. A very interest- to resIst the rays ot the sun, without ing Paper wag read :by ;Mrs, Sanders however, sacrificing the ertistde pos- ,on eDluist and its Dan,gees." after sibilitics. Commodious high-ceiled whice two of the members gavel a rooms and green woodwork within sheet 'talk, on 'Salads and jellies'''. contribute to the eppearence of cool - This being; ths annual meeting the nets, while it quaint effect is given by clection..of eifeickeris Look plate-. All the furnishings and decorations. Cosy the 'alit officees were, re-elected and inglenooks and interesting mantles several new euenalears wee l wide& are other attractive, features 'of this Masi 'branoh 'ef the, Institute has summer home.. now re, meneliensh4e of over fifty mem- Irl Hicks and the 'Weather. -A beret. &elm eveziodis contral on the ltetle The Indepenclant Order of Foresters and ehe .1Oexcury period is central' on of Exeter, Dashwood and Crediton the len, to the:24st' This elereod, 'in are going to hold their Annual picnic Also -near!, the oentell air itheisnminer on 'Wednesday, .Tuae 22nd, when the isehltienj embracing, thel rdoon'oTtrt, following High Officers of the Order ;gX....1 on, the .1p al,: and' farso moon at will be present,Rev. Alex McGillivray Linsl: nuarter and on ithe celestialte- P. H, C. R.., of Toronto. Chas. H. wetter on; the 20th. All 'tleatee tausee Merryfield P: H. 0. R., of Monkton. comprising within lthe compaesof this A good. progreturne of sports. have isbcy.m. odrio,dothe chances lor gene,r- been arranged including base -hall and el, iheavy andeven dashgeons storms foot -ball matches Ati merrily& of renal multiplied 'greatly at thee thne. Court Exetor,who Intend going will Thc oasis cr this period will fall see the Secretary and arrange forOOEnfl about Saturday; the 18th to same. Come all and enjoy yourself. 'Taireeedey elet, theel:ernes ecentening GEO. E. Aenereasoie. Secretary. :Were dia.C.id•0411;3'; Otr, :ffind. leitichenig the A le.rge nurnbee of counterfeit one- 20 LID. 1.4e•ok: 1or telenreleng and- non - dollar Dominion of Canada bills have tenuous displays oe lightning through - been floating around Toronto within oat the nights 'of ,this period,, land the past week. One issue A 1898 is a mese .1:017 ny days 'through' photo wood prodaction, and bears the cot the nigheseetbisperiedeand most Ing rolling scene vignette. The paper likely for inanse,eaye threugh all the is of poor qualitY, and to an expert the central .par Ls or the month. Timeand. fraud is easily detected, A second ago in 'have we warned our readers issue, eeries B. bears the imprint, h,gainst taking -,Shelter ander green "For the Minister of Fioance" - It is trees and other sireilatTlaces, during difficult to say whether these; bills these, vicious nee -1'7-11w ttnindeiestorms have been put in circulation at the in meet. Standing- oe eranciere Woodbine races, but it is believed, that fresh moist earth, Or riding- maim rse not a few o. them were palmed oh on the holiday. People should be care- ful in their inspection of one -dollar bills, at the present tirne. Some of L inni peg papers are Wa!rning, l',3:)ClOrtS,: os7pccia1Iy1the ealeis,t:a le men 1)',gptinat a confiree- ation or boom which has been in pleogrees in I lie0,1 ei ;Ear soma- time, It is ipolnoted "that what, Winnipeg WatntlE.4h maniefteeturing eeterprisee moll that erdel cetate men are block - inn ,the way. On blying Teal estate, is held. al; exorbitant, figures. td1.-LIAs propelegy can lbc had ae !piece, es which wile 'permit of the existence of low Tenting, poinfoeetable hoinnIs for the working el as.ses, Winni9g ING a yard, BROS Furniture and Undertaking ba'et, or „in any vehiclet to rm Th, - rent connection with the groundc, are all requall-y dangorou in ah a r p, unc Ibunder stornr. The nen e you can come to placing pe r - lin LI y dry wood or 'rubber between von and all come Gan with (the moist aartb or .ai r eu mem Leot he safer you wilt. he., ng t 5 pe uneral Dir e summer months we will give cent off for all cash sales, cy tul Practicabl HUSTON Embalmer. Opera Rouse Bloc GENERAL NEWS The ,Mothoclist Couferenca is in tevor of establishing', • itielectie clubs for young men in cone:wee en. wall church- , .0.0.• The Exeter Roller Mill .00 The Cf.1.11% dill n Military Gaz3tt.e. cora men ts on tile Dundonald affair, uphold 'tau,ni,,,:arliev°r becomeca clisY of metallic -Lc. nig the' iienera cotraman efl in le ,ac - Cedar Feisie for Sale.- The under- ilon be has tal*en• signed, 11es fiTeie eleere °eAla-1: Pc\I-9- for ,i'LicT,o'e Winolilep....!13r lim,"•cripued . iais ;..Alle at Centralia, in ctharge o' ths nuir3- a t lidice &Mon into the Iselai3lion .g.r a i n house,' ‘vei,gher ,---If en r,,y 1 tI or engineers for the, Grand Trunk. Pa- •' • eifie. ' ber. Crediton, Ont. HARVEY BROS Proprietors,. Manufacturers of and dealer —in -- Flour and Feed Brands — Pure Manitoba MIME sTfla liVilEilT Best Family Flour FLOUR PRINtiESS WinfiTLET Coice Pastry Flour Breaktast Food Wheat and Oats wanted for which highest market price will be paid. •••••••••....64•••••••••••• iteeseesseseeesew;:oesseesgse MANY CALLS. e• e are ,received from business firms and e • MANY STUDENTS are placed in good • • positions each year by the famous et a CENTRAL STRATFORD`, ONT. r •• • This school stands for the 1:11QIIEST AND BEST in business education iu O Canada to -day. many business colleges 0 O employ our graduates as teachers. We 0 O have scores of applications from other 0 • colleges. Aqk to sec them the day you 0 • enter. Commenue course now. Catalogue 0 • free. .0 W. 3. ELLIOTT, * x• • Principal 154/1110.41.0000611114101eiteteittleeeeiletepei A Great Battle Fough and Won 11EXIILLH'uSEOLDYtS HD _ _ _ These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -they are the latest, and. most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at C. IrcT4 Exeter. To RENT.- Pasture for cattle by the ning through vesture.. Apply to .1. N.monuctolas‘o,Arafopr the season. River rim- Notwithstanding the battle with the snow blockade, Ross & Taylor still on top with alarge stock of but d in materials. Having placed our orders f�r Thirty car loads or Lumber Lath and Shingles We will. be it a better position than ever to supply our many customer: with all they may require either front shop or yards. Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery. Place your Orders f� r Tanks early., Estimates cheerfully given. JrCall in we like to see you.su 1.4101...-AQ17.1 ' ROSS 86 TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. —AT— BROWNINGS Satisiaotion Guaralitid Complete assortmerrt of uo-to-date Spectacles Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also full supply School Books Note Books, Sze. • Drugs Medicines and Chemical .':.TO:1.1.'et. A0.140 Brushes, Combs and Perfun. rug Store