HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-16, Page 7Fig 9:••:..r'sieI:41. 40,..:4:er:.:441440.*.1041.0 Fashion eY� Talk r' ►ens �� #r.,EALTIe POE GIRDS. lir. Williams' Pink Pills ]'/Sake Strong Healthy Rosy-Clieeked Lasses. "I was attacked with appendici- tis,,." Says Miss Fabiola Clraoiat, daug�Ittvz of Mr, .°aR Glaai•lcs (lrammant, tee ee. a Prosperous farmer of Champlain,. (tee., "and awhile the doctor who etteeded me cured me of this trod, season ble, it left behjz;d after ehec;s iratz an nn.- wwhieb. it seemed almost impossible oilette • to recover. 1 grew treat; and t ere I3E?:�TS AND GIRDLES There. has solcio;lt been a when the belt 'has been such Y.cartant part of a w omaxi':. t TGs it is this year, 13e11s and gir- dies care shown in .irelnitc variety land instead of one or two, ,Iy els it eeeesea y to httS-e h, dozen. Rouging r n in price ri h ce fi• UI31 1 .,� tea . - rt s .. o : to a. i they 9 e. r 40 the t 4 lila•] acid 1 item Pi by no means n onsidereble. So ' roan r ingenious girls are making their own, and really put together some C very tasteful cinctux•es. A belt s, of eoury�, . comparatively ai Dort a girdle is not a tlpin thrown together carele g o sslw It be properly Made, or it has n f+# dee stale Thele are to be oabtained. :0:Inflations, Already bon small sum Cdr foe of 'Q cents, 1f roteelaticans happen to at the Ile) work, o: building f.�. girdle greatly Pio-Whiled, Otherwise ;srotfel ; :t;ould be carefully fitted p S •R etre p InC at f t from ern wvltia;ia •a: moat be cast on occasion, radatio'll meat be bored every es to insane she elle lost of the girdles nearly ;n the lower edge and afea at the uPper, tither z►i tyre pointed At the bottom, but r € a deeply as ltl:4�•e, A rQ scraped girdle is becoming to 1. wTaleted tvoman; t e s Ilortirr sine ;114u1t stick to Lauit,s, The fare ire girdle is, nide in the back pared KA'adu,°tted to About an inch in, width nt the front, and thele are zzxany ,forms of it, A pretty ,Mode is about four Juebee wide in the back, tIie siitt being shirred threo littler on the centre back and again ori etch ;title, facstcning In front with JOIN RI 'TIS WATl8U1\ NEW PREMTER�OF 4USTRA.L. /AN COMMONWEALTH. F Was a Newspaper Compositor in Sydney Only a Pew Years Ago, Austraalia is a land of surprises, es pcciaily in political affairs. Only a few years ago John Christian 'at- son was a journeyman corn1ositor in pale; my appetite was poor, 1 sot- [ be is• yl'rJmeeey r Minister offithe 'To-c?ay, fered at Bayes from revert heal i lian Commofl vealtjl, Lacly aelIes, and the least exertion left nie : SUCH a Iran piust posse 11f a eoniPletely^ worn out, I tried see- i tional forceP C eral remedies, but instead of Sett- 1 i' of character, t d int V t CL`s• a S b Ort b tit-] was is no lexception s �r< 'wdua - 11tq tt growing r> o,n g' 1 w. He ' c z e I s s the so nee. n of itIl work 4111 , the British about r y bat -a t t. ilea _u - p. left dire weak and dispirited, and I ! siding at Valparaiso, epmefelt almost like giving a _• Atthis lace he was bany some P L. s' age, While yet a child h time a friend who had used Dr, !periled r• , 7• 1i r2 aIl • �• 1' li Williams' us S !iRe Tit.et Pills s • with much ben- ; , P n teem Sou. e Cfit, strongly urgecj the to give them +ed to yen, rne11t d where ii tsrole, „e trial, 1 got a bot, valid as - ed his eappretai'y wiled_ to be !mit feel any better x, ] did 'served his apprenticeship ren ice , . e heti T had used ? si r, PP t ship as roust , thein, 1 would have po lou either but for the fact � e glw en them 'up. � In due course that xny friend ur e' he left New Zealand eed that one box Wa;s not a 4'141anti came parto Sydney=, tvpol arva,s trial, I then deQeded to continue, an active in labor pa e m the the use of tlzci ,-1'301 he was elected a nze pills s and ar 1 _ the tame , nee Commonwealth these t had taken three boxes I found mw f Part iioutre ' Condition Wes Jni rovi r.` where he t eedil came t - t eight s p rr€, 1 used t and, Iles y o ee. g.- leo es in en, an41 b' the timedespite his comparative eec za I'hrtd taken t fulness alzrl lack lien it beth it ux old time : c of experience A• Y himself leading the labor eel h bed r.•etarned, ; My appetite E. oat. /MI improved I l g year instinctively 4 tt r i;[41 din... el loco t. r, eel in t i I y u zed w eight g 0 g t and Ic'• zau the cli' glow Ie 1; Pf. Theof he t ,. a l i.x 1 Iadrt 4 u2 two to un' face, t cannot: too strongly 1plr, iF;ItSg21 1'gSe to the q BUT DODD'S ICIDN'E.Y BILLS 11IADE TIM A NEW 11'fAN, Eichard Quirk, doctored fQr a dozen Years and Thought Hie Case Incurable—Dodd's Kidney; Pills Cured :line. Unless the soap you use has this brand you Austra- fortune Harbor, Nfld., ,lune �.3.-- v are not getting the best (SPeciat),.--Scores of People ill this t ss exeep- neighborhood are living proofs that, sS tee the octagon =en els an Air. it od' d K' S Ida F'll e � s our: Y eaI l x� ,. doe he y -- rule, aftm e nts i ID m act[ 13. ache to 13rr let S ar2nts x �' r -e- l)lse at sc. ) A p nr:Png t_e..Iriost rcnxark } RL11 CQz=RSE C1I' NARRATIVE. Chile, able cures le that of ;)Ir. Richard Iraw •er 37 years Quirk, and be gives the. stor • of iti i s eslta .1w used ,toh exstxne e =ore- to the fluidic as follows • 3 i n ltzieyses f ally well that can;e- tt% Amer- ,� lilacs the r I y IrIlust cuff let suffered c e t • a man, tell v t n 11 ever a tv o e the n ',centre &t0. e reeeiw , from, I,,rixnyago and Kidney'� e f y- in all, oleo way court rtaLv not tion and ,and at fntervazis �. Dt..eascitalk at all, A countysou• �' n as totally unable , 2 e Jaxdae a coin- to work, After ten or twelve . a,tells,, in he Caen nce Magazine, e tw, eye.-i.a � of I23`� stale his odd f e doctors experiences Pt r,.i- $r GnC P e Ts t+rP c a ,�. -� r rat t t Cn , I had aa,aue tip ,and stiIl,ri.ci wvtnesses• all; eccCntric eland tiny mind that MY conaplatut wits in- he took curalale. Tt , One poen, was Pi • r n eadu1 g of tiltbrought X is estStu TIfor Y ddno s Pt s, In Kidner I'$11s tempted. mo Payi l e 'tient. i a , Saber, az them. X k.• to try Icpo>cd P st retold did iso with t th lr land it little faith. weals .►f �,4tF f 1'R •tk llatuent, . but to rn eat S r t:Ei rt one wean d the fr nt ( Y- fir u ptJ,r+t 11144 11(4 .% k In four years wvat P taken more thou half x pxrraz.tien tsith <� ergs • t yow2th- E Is foil relic r bo ll of t:zcp rant f # $r indicating that f and after. tizc ue of; - of that week Itad not been xne found 1 even or eight boxes, ; ww,ats' fa 11 r , P;44; mGers, cured And a new i ftawv idd mall, ci that wee'; Come to bo Itirzsa as l Ask°es, Dadd"Ri I idncy 'iltrP c°zQI p2ass111 the lawyer nsF;te 40 Li uteat "[ 11 a r.. �, and It;f arc+ tla� . � raver v . tI ,t x pay tlia y P ,. t w cele tLrae :.. Wee, shaking hie heed stutter reConarireiz4t Dr, Williams' Pink fills and proved himsetf the Iran of the to ail pale and weal::girls," hotli' Iic recagrarred at n to flat pli-, Cool blood; is an absolute z ewes• ability* of Sir Z:d the Marten's per. <adesisit,y. ,dint tile, only n•u , IQ here tstrro bit saw the su rereo o nay- Olrttarxt supply` of i'kii. reda a :tl1n Qt Itis support to the irrplr+ n v health', the Goveennlen life of 1�, giving blood is to take Dr, }� illimuls t, and soon began tot :I •, '',Y ova elps to • on tel moat l 1E'iulw }'ills Tire d h ibarter that support t 2 a41a ar2ttigeQua 't0 his Zatlrt�':. Tl'<:I!=r. TASK WAS NOT EASY,... i1zi presided, over a party while it was united ;in its ,IIIA, differed widely concerningthe xcs tot° v� .uQ, by waritin t11p Dr. to which it should go, ut 'illlaur i' MedicineCo,,1110 ii huence of 3ktr. i1�atsoo assist Ont, ei rilanit,* the 'trhole of the pzar Ina with his viewed. ong -mate new blood], and to drive 41 freprrr true ay�stcm. such troubles as .nnaernia longuidilcss, neuralgia, dyspepsia, rheumatism. ete. Ytm can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six Ia Pointed' end slipped {lrrouj;h a. arta trifle the i°(.1 red ze crocheted sell; ring! tinder wvltieh fleets n1td, ere for fastening, net ,.., is Itt1 often laid In pleats, wrhen Silk ring in front is supplenien with suraller eves set Along' t bones. ,, x•int taffeta or crottle i , buttons az set quite 1 Co sctogether 9, down the middle back and'side ado "�_ b. n E .w ini, on $01.110 bolts, and enAlNe a Mt- mn2w tc l;nirlr, file pretty belt bad n, mo high r'ointed back lata in pie;t,te, i;ro tattering froth, about four inches in 'uta the centre to half -that width; on the 1 sir}t,, where it nes met by of and fa riled n stIC1 ' t ►c0 straps : Comilig front front. and set On With small bu tons. Still another requires Tye bands inch dud' n half ribbon set at t back through crocheted riugs, tapering to a single width in fro ,)UTntle of Dresden ribbon, such a g the is a great addition to a salon ^^wen. :iaiarty satin ribbon mall amnia, girdles or belts, it is ft end pliable. A dainty girdle of narrow vele ftp l,` consisted • or four strapsor •cif melt velvet separated b .. n width. The upper straps there PP s ai. S wCl'e gracuallyr drawn down into the low- er, which followed the curve of the waist line. To conceal the centre back boning, tiny bows were set on between The :steers• The open spac- es between the straps disclosed the waist below, The secret of refacing a stylish girdle..,� onsists in oinking it take the curve i?i- the bac];, which draws it - in to 111. the figure. This can usu- ally be effected by stretoliiag the ma- terial a very- little tighter just at the waist, line, 1 ho best of it is I have s t,t+, c� cured, T _=RCVS BOATS. i}o at Boatmaker Tal. /loyal Footwear. o �' eaz. The Icing 'wears an St buo*, unci Is foot is well itr0Portiene I. leo II/r, Leo 't'lznulns of St ,lansee which, street, Moncton, the royal boonoether le aria -in an interesting interview on th degree ll lag's boots. wvhfoh appears in the the in-. r current number of Footweair, ted in Itis )tajesty has practivally13.1a t pair t Of hoP s .into t for ev r Y. e y uaiforn2 Ire wvCArs, besides wvAlking hoots, Walking ahcpcs., rcliaola- iaventng shoes, and shootin Izoo R #H, ontent t rltTls a populaz~ cialusitri2 that ' the which the , in,v orders leis fleets in larger it:ruzi- t ItICS This r r s not the a .ry P F 4MM . " }le a tho 'time, las a rule, only one pair at a tsoa, tune, althoujah. occe,sloltt fly seve tai Pairs }' o 's are required C tri, rcd for R >a e `i , P cif c a° . p lato traces, and .' wvhici2 differ from oavi2 tents pother, are included . in one order. "The re . Wing," sal t 1; d It r, Thomas. labor "knows precisely tvhat he events and, reast4 insists upon ]raving it. No is hilt the of the greatest students of ,detail I alt of know,, and . I nava carpo in eon ' on out with a great nurzlber ofpeople,tract i wan you Can well imagine, Terinot i anorntlC gn-- a nt airu br, 0 button t Pn or e para- .. a g rho Gillet, style but; what he renletxherS,ri 1 10,1 even after the Tepee of a long period ' tiling; sinee the goods were orignt lle laude dna ]tor hini," As for material, the Zing never BROWNS AND BLUES.. In browns, deaf-iclaf and tortoise- s hell. shades are favorites and 1 - baux ' dre, n. light golden brown l zol end is bean- end ton Se I 'ala afraid y'o z Will hnje to. e you Admit it's owing."• I "3,411, x'11 just tell yer 'ow ft was, s 4?ti, 1 Ce wo were 'axing rabbit siixenrwr, niul my write--" g for s�earrled to be Settling down for 4ong yarn,- anti the lawyer inter. 11w'c;l him. , 4tle'ever iniad about the t 11Jt. Tell ale about the rent ." ' 'I'ze telling yer. Ye see we were �."ming rabbit for sapper, and ni:� wile 'ad gat a new kettle, and we don't 'dee rabbit every -a" 'Tilt, come, come; Just tell .roe. al o:;t the rent," Nei regarded ai alta lawyer rather cantemntuotr�;]v, ztad; ' egan at the beginr24ng; "I'm telling telling fou 41 you'll oari +nr, 1C`fi neva 'rr•7in�, rabbit, for n" carry wife lad got a mew e. r , ,,."ail w. � don't t n 'ave C r rale illt ,r la. I, t for . capper, and my wife kettle. the new keit r about , ltd a i t of t tea ` 1. Leo get to the rent." "Z'rra going to. ain't I?' Eofed,naugrily. "And my wife .g 1 a kettle, and we don't r4 b .lit every night for supper, . nay wife 'ad just put the lett] ,, new kettle with i. fin the rcebbit-on to fa -e, when flown coons thiorley aft•' into the middle p' roon2, W i;oiag to pay rent for that wveek? loihely;" Ilia .policy wets to ovoid] the. ,TA.FANESII NURSES, sibilitfc Women. Who Part in. The lied Crites nl ac , orizco and tie e Wa. Prominent w itla pipiog the One to ar; r nianent Federal Ministry lied to (lane •Ed u to nd Barton did not slier e is one of the `-c1rrsoclallst 'views of Air. Wa coming, features ea of wv ar 1 , lite but he J'a a- a It n d no 1 , l t the ,. our a all It a ;a, /zed d � g O 2' (, i?GS n urSq 1S avow ted lit.• a paa•ticu oww fherr2 and '!1 llfest walnut ere born nurses -•••It of Ids position, ti woman of five carr it , Y sold: iS � utter su , a bsel w•r enc. of o l ra I. tr e Il t I: elf en t 8 Immo titan a full- party prepared the levy for int wn man --but the Ja,lrana:se wee demands, which culrninated in n, is pepuliarly fitted for dernend b ]It tee trade. a r, 1lrthe I. o 11th cith her soft hands ant] nos work- his followers, for,the jntroducti nnern lfl a ways; she cart look cai;�'r ho i"`adoral Arbitration. bill a sic , kor' v wounded r i ou P o is n�clr ons thed flan iII tt Irru:ls, .»1- gluing' the Federal 2 aculuus manner. t1'ati.on Court ilia power of flxin t- Sfeb of injured, say Gra .1'.ar in r oto of wedges and conditions o of the east, Ivo would rather 1)0 uzn'setl a bol• a al til individual—inch h© ey wr an I;nglbeli wv01nan than ,tiny otlr- 1p 14ce fo es -e eioye ., niliittrry rttrd c'rirc►n. but if no I,aglisll tvcaninn l once farces-enlploleri by the Feder- wvero there --send for a Juilau•tsc 'SO: al. and state governments.. , . man. But Rte. Deaner),, flit Australian LE. is a picture of the .it<lx w;Ileso !Primo 3cfinister, was made of sterner res nirrsp trout Mo. tlrchibala le. tilr's ttsho theft SiIl` Ed2uuntl I3artou. A so charming book, "A Di alaexi. the canto etre z I Abe li'aposno i 11'ii-' J P I atist's lilac frim, for2n©fly a compositor a newspaper °thee, he declined t et ij shell leve forget the ri whet; driven into tvizat be regarded gross Violation of State rights, Oman by air. wva9 antsy in °:?e reilee n1ng featcare, ;sacrifice the. Manors Anel enrol r Potatoes, Poultry, i Let tr s v e _ lilt yratrr consignment o "-: . �. f any of these articles and we will get you good prices.. THE py V'�F Y Y }�.� /��ai p�rr+r�� r, V'Voat Y r a or Sts* RJ/, AFtrxxe# last Q4t4at-rta 82&, toSrJ;t'I'e3, CO,� TIS I, Il'"1 Mis. - AIt 3 sal m f, i wort T1. S I'Ai:i;: 51,, i..CliIs. V am go log Passenger Agent AleDon 1d Agent a Of the Grand Trunk Railway idle recently returned from S states that i t Louie, it herd to Surd suit- itble tan ole e lade g to describe the magni- tude beauty of the greatest ' position ever held. Tile site of 1240 acres being twc Ile 0 lir S l n end nd o22e vane tvfde, to covered with beautiful buildings, broken en wvltli lagoons, canlrs, gran+ll znonuluents,. statuary, 1perla3 all fol -tang a picture tlrut must [ ; soca to be realized. 1 Pak n Electrical railway, bd i Intraneural nIl, a` , called the cad ba lops zArfoctlp akea it envy to get fr A. roan°* Ir • n Ing out missionary to Chieai, told; i enee that in that coataitr a a con- demned to die could,y a man, for ar, few center purchase a sub> titute, : „ 1 understa;rd tbat a 2",ai 11;icerF, I reliosrs i. (--111:n4'Iffier `4f pear 'zactutzlt:,r xtla�:e• their living by acting as S".Ilbstitute •,• 9 , r r� 1 i �i�r �[ � �.ct.ire�u one one groundsttenacH'Att part of the to " other, and follows •out the chilly tx rs t7trati 'ograinule, enjoying .an hour listen- g to '' oura's" or other fa n zi oxrds, ortteliie an a; ii"'etur r o F -T dress, or Ar G ° or Act" Art ratlli'I;S'. When you ('onside' r .ha, immensity of the buildings, one afore beeline, over 20 acres of floor Spare ha ire- I .and re - fleet that they are filled with the choicest of exhibits from all' over ;tile world, ore exhibitor vying with ' another to obtain the coveted Gold it1etiat, it wears ata eu est 1 tl ouaht of what op the - k its- a grand oPl'vrtuxt. ity and an education it will tae, to sup- the young of r JI nr ride A and tv' e)2r;e A of k our eCt t land, to ,sipt'nd' a frock ot• two cr vat St. Louis u 3 ti S year. eaI•. Really nv ire- to teullgent rxian, woman or ctrild can le— afford to lois tide 'treat World's ttltreat, c.rn aan• " "My first Japanese trailed; ,h,1rse . .. 1,. g ay v un she fleet, loomed . e rIa ci on my rs., tpn;ihtvI the provisions demanded vision She was barely friur fret son virtually, ;amounted , her complexion was dark ,a the the extreme, her f �' in monwcuitlt s sealing to deprive the feet were encased in State governments and Parliaments white linen sociis with divided toes, of the control of the Publie and shod with dainty straw sandals true and laudingft ov rlitoe an in - with green t•clret straps. d an an- rr l .. dependent and irresponsible tribunal,. Zfer figure, the shape of a very 11Ii•. Deaken, in resisting the dementia `soft' feather Dill.ow which has been r of Mr. Watson. was supported by hung up by one clad for days; was Mr. Paid, leader of the o draped in a tight -Sitting white apron but opposition, wwitli a large bib,. and she was kept TIM OBNOXIOUS CLATTSES inside her buttonlecs and stringless clothes by a cruelly' tight and wide wvere carried by a majority of nine, leather belt put an over apron and which would barye been a minority of all. three or tour had not several of Mr. Reid's followers voted with 1,ir, of the ttfui. (Inc shade of brown verges en 0 n ' burnt orange. re Dimes have always l as a. S been more popli- n, lar than browns, preslunnbly because be- Witt- more women can wear then], and causebe- L`d3n there are attic blue-eyed wo- men than any other eoloreat-ere va- riety. Browns base to be selected with care, 'There is ai Popular no- tion that browns look well on every one, whereas blue is far more lilac] y to look better on most people, The woman who looks Tier best in light golden brown should beware of the red Inciters and rice versa. Tho dead -leaf browns are just the thing• for certain brown Batted, brown -eyed women, alio can't venture on any other shade without losing their col- ' ww or charm, Browns are best suited en to brown nc and az i h el•ev ed women, and to the brown hair, and also to the sym croaniy skin 'which should lu go with at THINGS. TI +�P 1waQ• '1 iiI, �t'GS. Little sunbonnets of gayly -figured muslin, with -;aan interlining pleated full around the face, and strings of the material are well fitted to pro- tect the youthful face and neck from the Sun, although open to the ob- jection of being very warm and con- fining. ,Illowever, as they are pie- tuir•esque and fashionable, they will be Wore. The ordinary style costs ,p0 cents. Shirt" waist' patterns of white lin- en with inlet Mexican embroidery, lin- ten, *5. The trimming consists of a strip down the front, wvith:a cure ing pattern at each side, reaching to the shoulder seam, two pieces for ' n , tricornei•ed piece for the'. cr., as well -as curved backpieccs, which continue the embroidery side pieces -up the' front. As white linen` is virtually- new every time it is laundried, these waists are not tin- ' .ofitable, Tllc _banquet lamp still' reigns in fits glory, and rivals other means lighting. Very handsome esainples ay he had` for from .$O to $12, 1�without the globe, ,linw,ing a, glass stand of good design.With `.these when the colored silk • or, papal' shade is oat 1iced, the groun!i glees globe einitting a softened -;glow, is the most suitable, and'the mice is $3. The burners are of an. I nglisli make, off liege y `brass, that'"may be> taken Into this belt, holding her breath forlong a Watson, time, she u a son for the express co id, wftli a purpose great effort, push her fat Silver bringing about the downfall of watch, her clinical thermometer, two 'Oeaken Ministry. or three yards of a Japanese letter Tae will have all his work elft o (whicli she would read, a foot at a ]for him. Whoz he meets Partum time, 'when she thought I was asiee at the head of the Labor 1}tinistr her Car efuiiv folded lroq'Icet-ivinrit: re ''loo }sill find himself confronted by Chief, and the relentless little re is- Solid coars lition of RTsition headed ter in which she noted down, from jerr.tabRel the opposition, headed right to left, strange cabalistic tri s3eael' allowing lscs and f signs,: with which She and the doctor to traders iillowing the for quest/ conjured every morning till they knew being.emain: irr abeyance for the ti all the signs my pulse and tempera- I'i ing himself ' at the inert o f a tura had been eommittiug for the Hostile majority, Mr. Watson may last ttventy=four hours." induce his failou ers to accept a Twenty wears ago the professional moderate and conciliate nurse was eni�nown in Japan, and [moderate he fail m this, his defeat, c s the idea of a: Japanese lady. actina'ns ^^•'it a professional nurse would have horrified the Japanese ideas of pro- priety. To 'day Japan has a Red Cross Society ns' highiv.organized And efficient ' as is the Japanese army. The society was founded' in y-887 largely by the late Count Sano, Pri- vy Councillor to the Mikado, who bad studied the Red Cross organiza- tions of the west: Tlie ,Tapanese women whom our correspondent has "snapped will do work for their Emperor'- as noble as that done by the Japanese fighting ,nen, THE ILLS O.T' CHILDHOOD. I'ho beautiful Electric lightingof n- alto Pan American Exposition, which Pa wry thought would ever be approach. ed is entirety, eclipsed by this Mon- ster tet ster Fait•. e—tho One of the features of the fair, is the flip "Inside Inn, a, hotel accomno- an ,+au;tlag 6,000, splendidly; run, and at : As 1 reasonable rears. Not Tho total expenses of a trip to St. Louis based on half railway rates, is within tile reach of all and .per stop over at t-'hica o, and other g' q C>• and Co ,. l k able . soave It is the intention of the Grand o, the Trunk to run through cats from Montreal and 'Toronto to St. i-?,ouis, bro- conxmelxci 1 I g June lath, and lios:;ibl s• ns before. Y cele The Canadian Press Assoc' ition Ten, Were ununivaous in their praise of the is Grand Trunk and Illinois C'entral upas route, and with the Exposition. tion. he 28-04. Cure alc- edo,. A great run of" luck always begins 0etl- for tilt Tuan who doesn't get mans par vied. Beware of Ointments for Cala that Contcin Merortry, no mercury will surely destroy the of arnoll and completely derange whole Aystent when entering it Or tlao mucous surfaces. .uch ar should never. .be used except on crrPLToaa item roputablo. Phypician be damage 'they will do is ten to the good you can poasibly d from them. Miro Catarrh Cure. utacturcct by 1•'. J. Cheney f„ Go., 1edo, O., contains no. mercury, and taken internally, acting directly the blood and ingeous surfaces of systcin, In buying ]3a11'a Catarrh be sure you get the genuine. It is t en internally and 'nada In Tol Ohio, by I', J. Cheney .s Co. 1 menials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c bottle, Take nail's Family rills for consti- patiou. 3 """ ' and the trip is made quickly When I Was It boy," said the gray haired physician, who happened o be in a reminiscent mood, „x anted to be In Soldier, but my par- ts Persuaded me to study medi ,, nc " '"tali , well, re`o' 1 � u ed the' Pathetic , druggist, "such is life. zany a. anan with 'wholesale aspir- ions has to content himself with a retail business.'= Milord's Liuionot _Cues Naiidru/r __— Doctor—Well, Mrs, Muggeridge, how are you getting on? Taken the medi- cine? Mrs. M.—Yes, Doctor, I've •tak all the tabloids you sent, and now I want a new persecution. OVER THE WABASH. - the hazel or brown eyes and Bair.. at The shade of brown to be worn db- out ponds largely on the shade of brown 3r, in the Bair..,. a ¢ and A wise- man dors a ~..great deal of by silent thinking anda fool meandoes on ee `a great deal of thoughtless talking. nee --- =, TURN OVER TINE. Thinito.a coria -lined Socket, ' correctel the illsoincident to1C1child- iniS•te a d ,of Screwing ',into ,,the ;lamp, hood.. if 73abv's 0 w -Tablets are so preventint, all escape of oil. kept in, the Iioiise and occasionally Fireproof French chine comes $i given tri