Exeter Times, 1904-6-16, Page 5T3'4 R T TC6. s, 1] N. E l6tb 1904 VEETA3,i Hair Rewe Perhaps you like your gray hair; then keep it, Perhaps not; then remember— all's Hair Renewer always restores color to gray hair. Stops falling hair, 'also. l'7-,!,,m1144.47.1=r240ta AIEDICAL W. BROWNING, AL D., M. C, P, S„ Graduate Victoria Thai- - verity, 011ee a1residenence, Dominioe Lawn WW1 y, Exeter, DENTAL, TT KINMAN, L. D. S. AiNID DR. A.R. IUNSMAN. L. D. S.A. D. s„,.Ehurcn. Graduate Toronto thuversity, Dentist. reeth extracted without pain or bad atter etrertts. °Mee n Fell - son's block. West side of Main act,' k.`xetor .A. AtIDERSON. (B. D. S. LD.S. DNTIS'1`. Honor Graduate ot the 'reroute VbiverAty and Revd College or Dental Surgeons at Ontario with. henors Also Pagraduate Chicago school ot Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Ponta], Profession donom this olive. Rritige work, crowns, al- 4,41MMUM, gold and valeaalte plates all done in 110(iteSt blabber Possible. A perfectlx armless anaesthetic> used for painless extrae- calico one door south 0t Ca-Uug Broasto Exeter.Ont. INSURANCE. EY TO LOAN jnvaje funds tO loaa FA1111prOpertV at Faar AO OflO half per rem', ERNE4T ELLIOTT EY TO LOAN Wehave unlimited private funds tor 1nyati moot upon tarot or village ProPertir at !owes rate.5ot interest. DICRSON a aotrallo .sxtgr. SOLI Om to more, of Zgriell Mrs. Fred Green. -M;es, Sutton, or 2xe.ter, is visit- ing at 'err. Sam.el Staniake's Fred CiTell has raised P31 11 ready for a, stood\ foundation- --The goon/14S around, stehoel arz being levelled and fence.1-1 put up - r. Sam -I 4 tanlako iseeImesly ill with inflammation of the lunge. Eden The,s. Ilrock9. 4,1:-. at Sunday Jaiures 'Harmer spendinv. 11. 41aers with tile schliers itt Camp London, rcy II ra d• -h w t (131",$ Olt 1,ntlft.:(y and has i:.,n- aig.7,11 3. ILI riling for lilac iontesr. craps r and .lee re are /Coking well •T3 dz.; r dr3.7.4 and nICIT:St .11r.Z r could nt4 pot to 140, duce Vcoef „snmnett1L. bad a bectraii.. inz nail turning- Iti,s pare, be „intet-.0,5 r) 11 ging mitt inrtting eltneitt stable uzule.r. Mr. 11'ar reit II tinter who has On tak.ing 0t1r3,t in 1113 Stratf:Ord Business Colleg,e, 01N:elate4 Ilion in the Sovereign Dank at. ford NVe wish our, young fricod fav- surcess. rIONEY TO LOAN. Whalen We have a lame amount of Private fundswill Ocuic v go o :4; C. hut loan ou farm and villa prperties atlawrate. -1114, latemst. at \tI1 Ion; be reinezebered os one of ho v1ciuit. The se twicari Suutliy leer; very largely attended and Rev Donald,. of . Fulla rt on a former *liar 'Z tor on the Ellutville circuit prtylv,li:Niil 1wo ch1dt;wren ens, nd ntso odthrestNal the Itz. S., in am; a ft.ti,o- [mom Poqua view, or Winchalsat isupplied the singing in good room. The •Ornic on Tuesday was up-todat• '84.irring spoDelies were made by The Chahman, Revs. Voner, Baker and 31;cDonaltl, lio4,14- anti 8tankil. or '-Locan. The, ;sitting band, of Wood- ham cn hand and enliren,%1 tbo afternoon WL'L ;natty choice; selections whir b. were high] y pp,re Cie te1 Tho tables fairly' groaned under the lead of =WI good things to tent. and the re freAment, stand clerks were kept busy dealing' cut the ice cream a ed, ot hex mfresh men Ls. The I-Iron/WA wore beautifully docorated and in the evening wore: illuminated with Jay - nurse lanterns. .Games of' vaxiatts kinds wenie; indulggi in. by chil- dren and. prizes given. The proceeds of the day including Sunday collection Arecunte.d to $003.00 Barristers Solicitous, Man St Exotor° DICKSON 8r. CARLING, ,........., Barristers.,„olicitors. Notories, Conveyancers, Commisaleagra, Solicitors for theiateisens Bank, Eto. Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest. orrtonr,-114111 slatunT. SXETER. S. 11. C.41117.1.NO B. .6., T..11. MONSON 3,13.0.10,momour.....wmadmOsteo., A. C. RAMSAY, V. S. Bettor Graduate Ontario Veterinery Cal - /ego ; Honorary Fellow in Ontario N'eterluary .8.64$001atIon. AP discuses of domestic alliniala aelentlilaally tleatell. Milk fever treated by the latest oxygen treatment. OFFICE t ono deer south of Town Hall RESIDENCE: Second house north of Pres- bYtellan church, .., Ilicalsborne an filDbert r.Farivars Mutual Fire Insur- .,„ a166 Gunman. Newt Office, Farquhar, Ont, DIRECTORS Presideritz-T. RYAN, DVIIDIN P. 0. Vire-Pres.;- W.11. Passions, ' MutrztaLNIt P. O. P. .h.lOnnEV; WITALBN P. O. 3.1 A.• NORMS, 01.10M-airrY P. 0. Wm, Roy, ' BouNtiorzt P. o. a. L. RuSSELL, R,VSSELDAT.E P. 0. . AGENTS. , a. CARMICITATIL, STAIMA. ONT. A. DUNCAN VAingnitAlt, ONT. 3*. WIX.sew, rurzARTON, ONT. :T. S. GILPILLAN, LEMAN, Or. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. FOR SALE Part Lot 23, con, 6, in Usborne, con- taining Ave acres of land. Good. brick bouse, stable, good orchard and gar- den. This property is -1- mile from Thames Road Post Offtce,and must be sold to close estate. Terms easy. For particulars apply to THOMAS CAMER- ON Esq., Fart) nbar Po. • locrearoar.nanamodgmomaramer.stom. VI Olt SALE.- efirick house and near - .1.7 ly one-half acre of land, at 'Slim- valle, !The house contains' 8 rooms in lg'o oil repair ILL rpraIg h on b -,Go oitl; well el 'water. al.so stablie. A num- ber of fruit trees:and a quantity of imall in/US. Sadisfactory reasonfor selling. Tams es.--,,Aipply !to ;TRIO'S VALE; Elite:rani% star it° '3 -Ino. Slime lltafeertale, ,Emellur. •••••••••••., SH0RiTH0RN DURHAM -RULES ,. ,for ale. -.The undersigned has for , sale 7 pure bred Durham Bull's, with pedigree or eligable for registration My .agecl bull lthich is the sire of ,,,th.e. otherls, LS included in ehe crfforina and has proved himself a sure rtocii get ter. He was sired by Riverside Stanip, Which dikl such good service in the herd. of J. and, W. in. ,V,Tatt, of Salem, and is a halt brother to Star of Morning, recently, , °Nynex]. by James 'Snell, of Bullet t, which took first prize at London fair and sold 2,1 -,his. dispersion, salofor F,..400. Apply on Lot 16, ,Conoession2, Efay, or 'John Elder, Henzall P. 0. sr .31=01,16303133=21*.33.737.=210=30.1313.11 Alexanar Garai a alr.:016 flonital, Goderio To Gontractors he I .rms c ('tiS 0 C i I) .i. G od-erich 1 10.4 - PRO illy' ( ‹fl, 1.'3,11(10.a -310r (lin, 111). 00 ' eat pt,itt I” y, Plumbing, heating, Letine- ine, elec.:I:tic wiring ante other traded in I he .eonef '1.' 9ael ion of the in the enwii of 'ekircierkeh • Tendero sea Tod and ,endorsed 'len. cloys 1'61' 1.1030: ' Will 10 1.0•101Vi1.11 0') h 1.1.0011 OP 1 ' ;JUN iri 23111), 1901 ,iy the ...de r'plii 130!",1 al, V, hol-e cafic,, pla Its and specifier) ticus cl.tn IKI ..:,,,,,44 :131.41 fromWhaal all inform a l ion con 30 '144' 1. ',f\d'e lereler neireesariIe incepted. , .,, . ,i.l. A DES POW 1,l1il, C. Arphilect, Goderich. , • • Dashwood -Miss Ale r`,M" Welts of Creditan .11)•erit' Sunday Ivi.th rriends here. , -111r. George Iiellerman is suffer-, ing Nem an atjaele O2 rhehanateelel, 'We thop he may soon recover. j; W. ,Gsseybeal hens, betilt new fenett deeintand pr, oper,ter, which improves its appenrance: :very much.. -Mir. 'II: G.uunlher 1144 an addition 41 30 feel., added to Ills llyeraflarn which: will "he a great couve,nienoce to hien. -The 1.0.1?., tiC this place, togeth eir evil h the brethren from °rat-11ton, and, 4Exe1ter \\ill:picnic t1; IG,rahd Bend on June 2:Lnd, Rev'. Clemens occupied Lb. pulpit In. •the Evangelieal chureh 011 11le14t11 e.onoeiesion; onS:undely .aater noon a End in Zurinle in ;Lb.o evetung. • S., 11, 'Iiinearte• _ ahd, • , xfmi nesiter,ed 'the( S cranremt of the, Ecird'S' sapperto rtbe menahers ot the Evangelical church; on Sunday. -Mir. Fred Ilse has been busy dur- &kg the' past: wete.0 ,renIOVing his meney-gonround to the .Gradnel. Bend Park where he -will run it this sum. mer. s. G. EdighoPfor Rud Messrs. G. 0,estreicher, and F. !Baker were ap p,o,i med. delega tett to attend 11144 i S.1.1 Ceevennicte to iee it?'1.1 in J3,0:1;t'Ci31r. next week'. Mr. and far's. 'David Tie'man re- turned 'Friday .cv,eni Mg from their honeymoon tr,ipi and have settled down to, the st•errter r il ic.1 oC life in Da- Shwo'od. 1,V'a wish them 1111 happiness !.Chats:t Guenther n*ctatly,ts,old a, rine 3-'year-p1d idriver !to *0 man. in' Blyth ,leni which he recelvved a gorod figured. Ile 11114, sincz pure liased a weshern hors4. from MI. ohn 'Brown, cif 21at concossion. Lucan -On Thurrs,day Iasis.Mr. 4. M. El- liott this vicenity rpurchased a v,al- ua hie' 1401,543 fre(na .111ir. 11. Raypr.:aft of, G-ranton. Bober La Fox or his place re- ceived the gold. naedial at' the "Wes -- tern •Universi y, London, having pass- ed th1gbre1st: 'Chas. T,s a etc pu r eh ased th,e vacant land next to, 1.11r. 11. Brum Avell in,1 intends 0:1'0C1;111‘;',a residenee 08 .541400. Impr'o -cm on - ;C. CM' . . 1',»t '1 bas,liact a -verandah 0 o te- d ,at the front of 11 er., house A lieci St., \viticli, is aecupied by Mrs'. Ilar.liti•ort ad.., 'oto 'I. '12. liits,band rai v n 1 he Ito ust.'t oott. 1, or paint . - - 1 4lingetflt 1,1,et,cf sAnie -oral n , 1u" 1. Um; S t ur4ti y an ol°11'., g, June 1111 there: passed ?ptwa '1O13 .S:it conlforlabla 'houSe,'.,with 2 1,2 de- rciy. ,of' '43 1hvo:' a Inottl,garcli.•?,n "it choice V411X110,L1'y 01: ,f' 4'' rocs tands.mall fruit, a never f141,11. yotti I o'f. the, best wo ter. For 'pay- bioula r the: kror140 1 Miners-, Exeter Elisio* 'the yeitioReAre detragligs,er 'et 'Ale. LLsivette, was only rt her seven,: and. hIrs. T. lijorgan of lace, U1 p , tedentli yea.general favorite d wedie; odd and 'out, having NV011 her way into everybody'$. a ff ee ti one hy hex kindness ef, dlseosition and he,r love ing rieture. A littlel ,c,yer a 'year ag,e kle,e. was !ill rillor a jimed hurt reteofreredi an 't s.prt.ng onky" to have a re-teeenr,.. rdenceorbee illness this Iviuter agaio It wods,,h aped 'Utah she eeould re,cover with; the ititiningofiepring but deispilte, eye xy effort, the gradually sank.r 4\11 the inembeirs of the feindilly except Mrs "V\reirillie4„ Viditi 13 ill -in. /he: NordtbAerest and, a brother Nri ho .tliO pine, we:re present wi3u tlie end came 11-4,4eorrsctions till nearler laist and Lad no, fear of death. -elise Etsie Nylon able was a faithful mem- ber e42 Alt.? .Jefle-Lheelielt Sunday 8ettool nil, Jenier League and the else; or thS, S. a ideirleei the funeral in a body and 'marched up as far as ate High School. The bereeved; family IaS'ailre fullest sy It:1ga thy (1 tile en - village Lite eat' bereavemene, $11. Wilfrid and Dundonald Tha he preicrt taker, in, some tlit tors frtit•fii. Sir Wilfrid Lettrier's 19 -1r -,s• (14'6437 -WA Q'undonalid debat3 y4l1%44d1L," W1,45 Oat 11;, 1r0p04''14)1 to give 1(444 genateil, an oppoctunity te reign e if he 410? 00 decielit he °ppm,- 'tuluLy, to requeet his resell. It is to :breed Lini 'for ;OW -geed et Q.t. na n'aecilta ,03111.4ir.4 Lterd,:lin nilt.al id Will bold Ilia ground and force (1:e Girt, VII OW i2 11 , 10 rzeieueet luS a. 011.11. Mc. rie',7•14t44 would be 1 11;7.11 • admigsion 11189.1 be had dons on, in 'making •the chsrviv 01. least it would he so o r:gagl, Load 13undonald would liar vrOtesi. against politics 'lb, the mb- 11 tiara'. its foil. 'f[.OL he should. 54411141 ;gneand: and foxee theIleverrnnenti, suppoeing toe interprAatton ed len the Prornier'4 raroarks is correct o l!';,(te.! the notlasibility of vac. - lenity tlifluiaiiiv tint. Ile orasisa;i $71 ailt, 1,-,..;31i,k1 AitIons and a vent - r may, by all bilfgr,linial?l t taw ictigue. oi4t4r. te a dIstingUished ; seliner 4119 ...inpirea.so,"vortwrit" nT p bUf 4:0,3Utry Urilvdt a al lb:nail "V 4 41 aro a 5 Many" Liberalq t/ Erie - ;At ConseTv ; t i1"1 Ill a. 41311 ,11.9143. I ha V: tire 4ax951 itrit 44fl- montl we4 . 1?llaindt14 e lb' fart. Lord Dumlona Id will only " dart.,., iti ; on Jaw% Mill. 19049 r ; v dttly .if he fails to eel: Lite. lovolent 11. c'firioer, M. KI-Orry• /;',, throve:b. If 10, l'43;•ttr; will Vac'ttiniar, `3,11‘s 44„, 04a , oase no matter how obstinate or long; 1 411MMtootagmtont sr .stfli..lciing. "1 experimented for years; 18 it It Ca ta r tit remedies `bu t found 01_ i tarrhozone the most rational and sat Laftctory" writes W. J. MaeRachern. grz or AVaterville:. "It cure11. me fort all Lim er ,Far a eiure cure use only'ie- eiLee,-, tterr heze nee. Co na pit-t'te `ontrii, trial ,titze, 2e, OP- „,-, LOUIS RIEle IS VERY Ai.UICII DEAD ei,--- Coneerotog the '1 11-1'0'1h'.1 ef is Iliolee haily^thre is no deethri, bee, ,It • Iteie 113 St, LU,tuii feee :comet; ere-. lo Oe.i.eber, 103, ant Deuce Dav.e, S. The,ehets, snre Abe Titnei visited'lite grave kr, 14.411». R'1 13,o;etetne:Lery, Wi-an*„.., .t.e.11., and were t old that a fmr years ago 11,te Indians awl Italf bre the bloc tIve;,.$t we rt-' aneriee Ansi beeionee eroehleeoute, *tying they beii. Yea RI:I nforo la order, roi and Jlegailsil 4 Italia/1i, vita kmw 11418 LL to con.E. Alfinnieeigg ;Indy, A:welt would Inuned ripan a Title wads. 111.1iee t‘ rc.tanini fAturrit ti I.; t.0 • 4' 11 tlqi hp Lnd1al1.•1 ;1.1, ertt,:lie4uLLI:tu,nc.",.ii,.110,:111,i1$41:(lelan4olit):1,t,124.17:e. cPtilty.t.u.wnv.'ats ,ca few year', al-sn'inatzt. ;Le's cid t ,la £I. \V4 bufl,41.1a 31,4 rg iteha ;SIN foot deep it eattlit to dog' it in, ltil) 5';! vi ana rental to he '444 pOutt ar, Niue -or iir..servii.tifil) At wa,•;• ttirrigl Th. oheri if r1aic-1 the matter in (his Vt Oy th,t the fro;ii, 19.;tilt .1.0 dr,e) iia the wituer t wa.i n,aver titorongt (rat, 44. og enough to e111.1474 Mar latratiGn tjQ,1QWflA atwa4-0 very cold. The sheriff% views ar wuri,;.,t1 olherlong rcstiient. country'. 130 F. in Strtt. tn't 74141 Dr, J. ,lt. E11111W4'fl, TED. kir at 3fr. tinti ILNiry crib- Iplaying :nip lite hand4; of lion. ij41iLZ 5, SYd1wYrhitt I al.-, with 111,44er::.rit R.NILLI,DEN-RUSSELL--la hittztg,tr, 1 14,o1 Mortluk asalsioed Rev. r• AVedneisday, Jane 141,11, by On 11..v. Fie ",1s11 Erin, funch;.,, f 'the brid;:',; (4:ergo A, Ile tusden. or Georo'r.- torn to Maiiicnre.t El, pzileonli dun- ghtz4r 0. Mr. Thx)0161t.US•sell. gaol Grey to Succeed Lord J1t11ito" on 111.11 xnkte., %art liretliatack, son or Mr, ancinneett that. Envy Gr ty, and Airs. Wesley' Iones, 1 yeltr 0 mouths and 10 days. Lord Litititenent of” ,Nort huMbe Oa ad, has been, appeittrod der eir eeped thtl Earl 01 Write 11S- eerier\ Tiviii'Cittchel ac1f 1tgg. The remarkable stow is to1d. ot title wdute'a a7tarnieleas1 23;arneangueSsYthao Chitittrualikriolutibtre; Loi( '.1tnto net expires until October; No the ra* iar111, at otabertel011, XCy, thAt /la Swim facial announcement ofEhrl.; arrA a hen that lays two eggs in oair every poinlatent flOt loati3 P3r.'"Ille time -one egg inside of the other, The e Bonry Gorge Go„ey elm the egg, and the lill/or one is of outside egg is as large as a turkey or flauTO l'etrl, and gratullsole of Pie al chicken eg.- ri•ze. o 11 th h frfinxii et Grey, who WIS prominent in •tho tisli ties of last century. ife -wale born in 18o1, le a son of Gen. 044-6Sei44434444r4:'C.'"' Th 41 Grey, and broither oit Lady Nieto. ire wee: eleetedied the Cefinuions' in 1880, and held a seat kill 11380, 'Ere: Inns been Lord Lien tenlat yort,lin in he rifted isince 181)1), i5 a di- rector ,o C the 13r1 tish South Africa C.o.mpanyi! and Ny135 ndni.inil1tr141044 of Rhodesia 1806-7. Earl G•royl was ateatof the execu ICU'S and, trustees under Cecil Rliedos' will, Mho ,Elvrl' Le. the o;riginatt or off the ,public House Trost movement, in Britain, 'having for its object 'the; control o', public hottele3, running Chesil in emelt 14 wa'y' as to eliminate 11143 element of private profit glom; the ;sale ci E taxi ea i lug liquors and 'providing counter all raotions to the bet' 1 reading and rearea 11-n rooms. E rl Grey has an statee. seventeen 1 ha usa net a.er es Iii :No rthura= hell and ; n 'the Conn tess, a daughje:e mE Rmbt. Rolfe rd, 12 'P of iGreinc..re tershire, is considered ono- o 1 the, 8041 ba of English peeressre,.. Canada's Next Govern+) General FOOL.S;USE \\r }IFS AND SN trFS peolia:pis they will •:-.111-6 Cietterrh-'bu 110 enee, ever heard off a genuine cure following g,Lteth ,se nse - kiss 4,8e.ft tmelaii. Who ra '11 j.o&r. Or p a zut 41101atigir puiro •etndi it ts jeeeeritelt; healing; Ca Li rrh o z one ‘viC411 aQ,s 'right 0 the root i11: 11144, trouble It izlieseneys the,fgerins, ilea la 111e: i11. Lia m in 11 ]43 4491;14 ne 1431(1 4411144 1 4.13, We do not p-ablish, testiMonials SPEAKS FOR TSELF CURES IHEADACHE withirA 3'0 inirautes or ntorxey reituiacied &11 Druggists SaMple and. Booklet Free. HERALD ARBIRDIT CO. Montreal 25c a bOX Oce4414at+tsses4e4,"1.---.A.04:..4,4,1,14,- hard tells and both are perfect as re- gards yolk and vzhite. The hen has been laying these fresh eigs_for kiX weeks, at the rate of three a week, Mr. Fennessy vtill place a number 01 them in an Incubator and apects that twin chicks 1J1bp hatched out tet each egg. The hen is a prize-whml g fowl, is true to blood and points, aect in every way seemingly as healthy as any other hen. Mow litany flans ist a Flock There has always been much discus., sion in regard to the number of hens that may be kept in 41 flock and 11 ill have them do their best. Of course much depends upon the limits of the range given them and the size of the buildings. Sometinm ago 1 started out to Observe the degree of SUCCCEli attained by my nelgbhors who kesp poultry and 1 almost lnyal iably found that those matron( who sold „the nrae.,1, poultry and eggs and in every w.iy seemed to be the moist successful were those vzho kept from 100 to 150 hen re A flock of this sized would lay enetig) eggs and produce enough1111(1:5 tock to make its owner take a pita) and have a lively interest in its' wel- fare. Such a flock where well tak n care of will bring in nearly or quite 100 per year and that is ,a sum tor which most farm wives will do con- siderable work to obtain, Of course this is not expected to apply to tho e yards that are run for the productic of 0ne stock, but as regards te tee general farm 'flock where it 1,-.; not yarded but allowed the &ice rar.ge oi the farm. In keeping a flock of this size one c. afford to spend some tinae each day ,to feed and water, as it takes no m:,re time to feed 100 than to care far 1:0, But in most cases where parite.e, elated by success with this number attempted to enter a large,r field a,net built extensive houses and enlarged their flocks, disaster seemed to come, ilisease,:o„Uickly made a,ppearance and 1-eYing q33a11tle dey.egd; IP••• fl•-• '41315••• 4..,••••• 463-* WO* • Nan Pr$151.M., • 0,,,,,,••••••••••• . • ,4y 106 e1166s 1017 86 at." 013.. O▪ P• - .111,•-• rtls T111.'et18 pur of Lemon, Winte na, Iran- Strawb(rry, -6 GdStOr 011 Tor 106 - '.we bottle Castor Oil cold lian oil at 10e. 161101a Ganac(I 613111108106 Merton's fresh Hem be *111(1 astiest fish for Sum , beaten at 'We, Gamma Gooas Tor 1161116s Clark's Chicken, Bain and Tongue 12c Fulilan noddle, 14. for 10c. Annoues & Libby's Veal, Han), Cot- tage loaf at 15e. ('lark's Lunch Beef at 15 and 130. Clark's Pork and Beans at 5 and 1.0e. Salmon, Swan and L.G. 123.- and 15c. Sous Soaps Soaps 0 bars Richards Pure 25e 121e bar of Richards Gold DIst 10c 6 bars Sweet Home (3 bars Comfort 25e 2 cakes Cold Cream Toilet • 156 For66 Fa6kaucs 121-26 Force, the food that is all foods, nat- ural food for creating power 140. 20 cent Colored These at the baltur:es consisting of pink, i.latty elio, and other grounds coil, 1 q; buy `b1 •i at Colored Sutanas at t ieneii Sutaia hihLyeer ized wile widths', gooii pattel eo1or* at 15e WtJltG Un!11Kirts These are spcdaUv'welt o ( II double s best prkes to you. Theta . s a N finely finished ca ic , with deep dust llounce, finNVished I cluster5tucks, rows of lace, 1ae iweLtIon3 frill lawu edged with lace, at 70, 915e, 1 00, 1 20. 1 45, / 50, 2 0(, $!.). 25. Laffics Whitt Drill/1101)S Made of fine Carabrics, each seam double sewn at 25,1;0,115, 45, 50, 65, 850 a pair 6012861) 6OVere5 '.15c, 45e, 50c, 65e, 75e. Out uo ail 0111) White Shirt WaiStS at 756 Choicel We give you the best of values all the time a as we buy for Cash and sell for Cash or Pro- duce. OP LESTONE & GARDINER TERMS CASH OR. PRODUCE. A proposal was madeito the tikletho 'list Con02reirce Tuesdey morning looking to !the preaching of old. truths in language mare in accord, with ntod- ern thought. It. Nyas sent. back. ' to the committee to be put in a clearer and isimpler Toymi. Throe *foreigners sapposect R.,o,.be an - arch Is ta, ha ve ,bee'n arrested at johan- [ .nerebusg(Seuth Africa,. 0110 of the men had been heard to boast that he would 1 at tempt ,ite, assassinate, the British High f Commissioner, Lord, Milner, it it 'vas made worth his while. The public ischool sapper ters a t Sear- le= Falls claim ltheeti,thiohlecent1e.c.t o the Legislature, violated tile British Nor Lb Am.erica Act, and assests that they will.' reOent paymentlo,f taxes Le 1111,e Separate Schools by. ,e very leg- al 311mi:hock i 11 Wats 1•1.511.108.110et1' ill the, Bette isla Infuse o,f Commons Tuesday t,lia 1 ii Russia, is compelled Ito evacu- ate Port ..ketb,ur, Great ,Britainenust give up 1,Ve1-11a1ewel, as the agree- ment with -China only proyid,es ,for coeupation of the latter sq long as the Russians held P011 Arthur seeeereee erieeree.Neereeideeeee Mother's Ear '14 4 WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR : WHEN 1. NURSING AM INFANT, AND 1111 THE MONTHS THAT come beFoRs THAT rnVY.Er• ScOTT'S EAr7 ULSI 01V SUPPLIES'7140 t'( -re orR.e.eiGrzi AND NOURISHMENT SO NECESSARY FOR THE HEALTH OF /11/0714/25'500 •CH/L D. , send for Press srssrtple. SCOTT sr BOWNE, Ctsemint,, Toronto, Ontrio soo, aad ;;11,00 ; u.11 druzgist:. * Mears tge The Kid You Have Always Bought CRED IToN Signoniurt) 4:4)} Roller Mills EXETER MARKETS Wheat per busheil 85 to 90 Oats new . 23 to 30 Barley 38 to 40 Flour.D • - 14 19 .... 14 to 141 -.84.80 to $4.60 ... 58.25 to $6.25 14 Butter gg W ool Pork live weight Pork Dressed . Turkey Ducks Ohieken 0 ••••ammiccracesamesommem SALE, -The; undersign- iABMR ed is Po°,ffer rig for sale his ex- cellent earm„lot I, con. 4, township of Ushorne, about; .IIVO Mi1t1S from Cen- tralia, coataimpg 100 acreds of well caltivaited and rfor, terming ,or pas- `gtlioreeb d ifireig alltnaeNive'illolusdpradin; rn.Th,sie i' r1tw� bank baa1118, ONO gool wells of waterrevith wrnthnillpalinrIS. also( an orchard with good. Ilreelt, ;bearing treese IFon fur- ther iparticulans apply on the( prem- ises or to MR. W. 3. CA.VES, Centra. MEETINCi TRE COUNCIL OF THs COUNTY OF ItC.T.RoN The oounotl f h CouniT of rilu- 1 ron will meet in the 004)114411 0154)1111),.! I in th53 town of .Gorlexich on Tuesday the 7th of June at 3 o'clock. All account s to come before the !column muSt fbc:, !plactecl Ntai(thi Clerk ton or before firat'Vlay of ruce.1.- Date14 May 23ed 1,9 Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour silloe':,re- modelling our mill 11 Sweitzer , 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAne ' DESIGNs COpviamErts &C AnyenO sendaig 4. otetch 'and description may rattcalsi asoratair over c,pinion tree .iliether .an, 'invention is prOt ably- patentable.' ,Vs1h0e,ttatars- lions strietlyerii:d'imitial. Flandboaton Patents' ' +.(int free. Old -.13t 31Zancy tor Bemiring patents': Patents tat ea '4) 444(8 mum & co. recet'n, vecitst gotice cluttstes ha 910 ' Scitotlitc limerkano. it ban dsotnely,Muntratsid'weekly. ,Latgest,ttir. ..attation of any" BetentifIc lourna. T'iwnas -cart lour mouth% sod by MI iitindeitieto. " C MUNNo.,,.. Co. New York yootoopi.....,5 St.*, , MY 3334