HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-16, Page 4neisbariari s idea of breakfast is a healthy one. s am and tea --o, chop mehbe—just enough food for the h to •milate properly—the warmth of the tea to draw Toed to the stomach and assist digestion. iue bbon Tea is tlfe dairttiest and crispiest ieaAreS Of the IS Y t ta7,--free• of tannin—appetizing and nutritious. Red Label Brand for our breakfast, e eylort Te . 40.. ...tr.. t)et fl As for the 1.44120. • SON. * • hy Act of. 11;,rliat ent 33. iA LE. P-41.111) r • • - , • • - ..... .. . $5,010,4.13.0.(qt . • 0.000,000.00 vc FLIrtd.. . . .. , 2,S150..t.)00.00 mtst.es OntarCe. 4;nehe4::44.14:eVt4.1,11:,.:1-1.1"4.!ofuntbist ord EXETER aty hem geLl • z-ltter4,4.4,-1,,.). M. NI 1 P. M. Natee., ea:shall ci tolli•ett;d, Fsn•met supplied u lta.lizystrrti.;-.11 ve-an En PrItakb owl 1:11- .)tv.11 Zesres;:raeAii4gesel,,,Legze. ICINGS DEPARTMENT • .00 ;MCA upwo.; received.' interest • oitskta te )41-trittil .3;;r3.-., 7rth and ilterenaber ::11q.1le • L. mikil!FO'V't ourr4rtre r..•!3.-3, oCiatcre,,t allalarti, * c'e tofarmers. stork cira;e3cs and tattioncis men at • fm ova:WI tenr4.9. 41.-5-en";3 al Exeter for Don.Osiver:ament, 41. arUn, SolHtor.F.r. D UIDQr, Wanager. • 4,4••••••••••0(3O114••0••••••••••••••• E. Fisher. and neut will f E3.4.TtittEMX.. THURSD,A, 14 ER'S FOUY oat:on:Id may ha ktratnifie rly partisan ou3nist.r3`, yoleed ail the l'Ion WL 1411,aqourk.4..tbrow;Tilau the iIt1azallikilar,lsetstro ;lad the'coun (AV -X -41W I ' atamant1ant.1 4 nut st military or, in Canada, nor dens:be, - rot lat. Ile is adviseX,oiI 1' part moat 9.,r roi,11,11e; What li,r4 recom- mends:may c.r rony not be acted norm gyl, lite in itti- Ler in charge. Mut, that is not lir! 1,s:bd. of Lord Dundon1lsP.3.4 ipktrir, si„. I is that one or the uf fie ;ars Teroomm:=E.a.f.l,by &ire fo,r imcnLL1 command,Awns rojeutad by a lutvinig ale.stutherity in • tilt rar, 1i I iZr of Agricult urz:. Iron pa,rtisurt .gr,o unds pure, - I ',V, r /Anti:verity trarie rota 1.4);,ii:it fir.),Artnr.r of Da.- 11.1yter eg Sweetsburg, a man kom- commkandant considered 31,0fl equipped to eve the,,King, in the 13ch •Scottish Ptragirrient,-.. Such :Intenference of one minis:tor nitb-the affairs of another is most artusual3. In general IL is ,resented ars an Airopectittencei But in .this can the dixit,or pencil ma.rkl, of &fn., riish.t..r is aocepted by the. Iliriister:of 2E111 la, Dr. Barden; the ,proper elaquelle‘. -of the new liberalism. ,Tesc,ore Dr. Dickell's name out of the 'ctlicia.l lisl,'ito reject a, man in evcr,y way competent, on !th'e plea that be 'woo' opposed to the !gove:natneatt,t;in, tpol i tics, woe a• gross, aer,ror of ju4g- 4 24, r 271 1st tor loath •;.hl • .1. rics- blow dealt a o ,Dundonaltt asil re of 'Z Wel pay tisnut 98 razIca -i nd unspeakable folly. .**irt aLKIatt sa;,! in this country on 41, win ; 0 r4 and T. ory alike NIL Jfl fX.,13,qniUl.are detsermin. t3 To be sure, you are growing old But why let everybody 1. see ft, in your gray hair? Keep your ilair dark and rich and postpone age. if you,will ir only use ,AYer's Hair ,Vigor, our gray hair will soon havc • /I the deep, rich color of tri youth. Sold for 69 years. ain 7.1)17 avA,,r vean old, rot d tbjelt, g 10 r, y halg.ha whhtit la a -sronder,to ti.,?ir,t, ono who w 2it. ' Anti not hlt In it. all tI,i o AyurY,, ifair MRS. 21. 32 LuE1-13"„ bot.tia. On Txmett 'NT * t sland by Lord Dundonald anti e‘ 314 t, the officers of other C'an corpi will, do likewise, FOUND AT LAST. A larer pill that is small r1sur ha t act gasatly, quickly and tiler-- •a,ughly, It Ita.t dons, not Lara- L,iv,er P1IU press,7,ssco dime, 'qualifier, and are a sure cure for Liver . Com:- ••CrOnitipa don Sick, lreallatin,. English Press Comment Dirniinghom says,,cousid- 'coring •litt Lord Durvionald was: spec- lifically appointed to bring the IL into line, and had admitted perfornaed aAnlirable service. ir4re- oftructinz.2. 1,1104X:fences of 4.he !Do - IL is ha,2-11y surprising tha't ishauld have expressed .soroe indig-- n•Ltion. Nobody; would 1)» di:erased trj Iiiztt tire Ministry 'possesses the toiwc levii:a actions in all depart- ments, but :the point is ;whether it is always wise on 'the part of civilians nle, in. se r vi cc malt ters must nee essa r - ily 1 e.mateuris, exoncise thlet r ego five, 33e earl ti a office of Mjn-. zLer iLAgrieulture and t Ire a g enc respensibla for otRanizing. the military ' BeirpeM ;Mare is not lik.ely.'„to!ha. any - off inii.y, and Dundona.lti ellauld bo praised rather than blamed for, pro, Leif ing against a' coursnrwhich in his opinion would only ,embroil the nail.itia in irt polfIreal wiles and.polcaj rscherneS, The Pall Mall Gazette says in. the in- ciderit which called forth. Lord Dun- deatald';s pro:tesiL daeri toot, ,Impro!vez upon acquaintance. IL is at, least un- fortunate that the name -struck otif Ives L hat of.ca .s.201itical opponent. GET Bit) TIIA '1" COITGIE • Be torla ithe simmer comes. Wood's NW' way Pine Syrup conquers Daugb,s, °Olds, Sore. Thrcri L Ifoars nass, Bronchitis, and, all ,Iliseases of tile Thula 1 and Lungs. 'The the si boa Linn, 'of(r a 5 I Ina y. affect the Government's poi - 'ell fortunes is increased by -the fact -Lord. 13,unclonald instead or tie e,tltlng al h,ead,qear tars as so( inany cf hia pr-31ecassors ha've .dona, has visi bed. 3 v,ry 1,-,..prk of th country from coast to coast, a.nd .11`1.; Lha mihlia force's, 1.1ln recall at, e-s--er,ywhera nagarge,cr chc csttc,ani dtronandi of the :Government. . could o 0,t f ij LherWp re, to lose the Urov -- xrrUn cut. 'm any, votes on Cr] e lpproacjr p...110io3.—rTheron1 TEIE EXETER TIMES, HURON,1111118R, PERTH All t.1)e news of Interest to Times 1-eatierz, Iani)pening in these Comities. Huron wen -known. Air, Tuckersznith, died en Sunday A orniug Iasi w.LIelo, AL the res1 lice of the bride's e nos lean Chisel hu rs t, uWednesday, June 4u,i, Au.53 Malggle Cluff, Robt. Ilteblostaxt, Of Varna, 01r- George IStf..nt)r, or ' ehang,e hotel, Ouclerielt, was mar, fedcn. Weduesd3V or las‘ wePk. a ayfield 4.1433 EdiLh sika Far cum V. S.. of .1,:e1A.Cor Lb nutted An Inarri,age vo. •Werlw,s- clay of last ueek, tO ALs Fanny Pin - der, pottular and esteenacti outt.g' lady, of itabt,crt lownship,„ !Tor ra Lice 1qaloti.. or ite 11.k.nk. -.eta ffi. Clinton, has the.eil .trarits- I forr.4.1 'to Lke '„I•Litverton 13411i'-3 Wit 21'd G,2:erge V.c.';gler iatmerautant. Ills ' piu will be 1tad hese, byllareld leht4 ii ft .butI et NV-il. , Of 1,:itlar-V £rcz.t back:tette stow ,to :IsethrZ at littas IiiitinPtt cy ills %vi ,. I v.: or cure-. I1 yu jb. wtitany kiwi 0.i'. l/oan's Kisltu.v cle'brated W e-pti t tharesL done cf J: rob 3 ree.' Egosond. vdte, w hen. r•t utl-d ullgter,. Miss Battetra McCrep, was united, in mar. L Afr. Kleo.”Aberbart, or Tuck - smith. 11 renruy was ,prrorro. „by N3..11 Shaw. 'Whorever there are tsickly pe4ple with weak Istartsand deranged nerv. Xtlburn'e Nell'e, will IN, Ivuml go eibetual metlicbfa. Thoy restore enfeebled, eneyrataa, vxb3usted•rdevi'telized or overr-work. an4 women to vigorous heal - A happ1CD jIaAt St. COO nab= on; Tuesday4n the :Para. =l Ile. John. Raub, venous Xatutur bbrtt Miss .MAry 31o:Phy,stsughter or Jobn Murphy,. alir•zrf Ilibbert ,township. irbv nupriatunv4 was tied at St. Col- umhan church by ille7v431.r. Mciieon, offer which a dainty wedding' break fast it as set ced t be theme of the bkk. ti'. 'au t ihe tree 113,?r thiL's a Caplf It's nut' system clogged with parson- eus nrilevitils, ;that Ionizes you Ted drowss., wviiC nod noserable, 14,1 Burdock Blood Ji ter clear away al the polsona„ purify and ourieh your Wooed. 3)1lltil 7011 teR1 bright and vigorous. n1i poison is created \viten food does not diost4 and the t, is ;viten Sickneas Commences. . the man or woman who does not feel right, will at °nee look to pat - ingl the stomaela right thy will strike' the right. key--;Elvery swim and overyy pain i a cry *f poison, too muoli oC which Ints bee,o made in the proces.s of: converting food in- to nutrbnent. It rianY' he the back- ache or sick:ache or .the kidneys Loll- ing, tbey are overtaxed and cannot filter the tpolson—lat may be weigh, paiii or distress in the stomach that rtc1l o fer,menta time and decompoi tion instead of .digestion—It may be backache, dull depre,ssed, which tells pol,son has reached the fluid which isUrrOunds the ;brain cells. Tliefirst cause r is. the sane—lack of gastric juice to properly dig,est. ANTI -PILL folie Greatystte'rn. Trealmont, is a new discov,try Which so acts ou Lira mu'cous membrane of the stomeeh, a, ntaturaf supply ,ef gastrie juice is a's- slued. To prove the wonderful ac- tion of , .4NTI-PILE. you may nave a free trial bottle by adressing son-Fyle Co., Niagara Palls, Ont. Perth South Perth' Institute sexcursion-to Guelph on .Tuesday, 3*uno 21, Mr. John G -Roy, pf Fulla Mons has plurPhased tram Mr. Georgie G411 , -this farm of eighty-one ticres, for the sum of $5,000. Mrs. Will Bates died frt, "hex home ..Bla:nsha,rd lownship. June ;3, aged 58 .3.eartst al tern .painf -al ana'py moniths. is .Thomas McPherson 'has, sold heir one hundred acre farm. in Logan Lo' Mr. Robert Mutton, of Fullarton pcosets.s.joka Ito 'be -given in Afarnh,' 1905. 'The 'price paid 'was "`.:(1,600. For pbolera 2101.buti,. Cholera In- 'fo,n Luta, 'Cramps, Colic, Diarrilacen, )lientery and- S'urnmer Compflaind, D,r. Fowler's "Extract- of Wild' Straw- berry! la a -prompt, soCc .a ud sure cu re (,hat ha Is been a popule.r favorite Tor nearly' 60 years. Tle ma,rrig;e -al Miss Almeria Gun- ning, cla'u gh Ler , cI 1VEr and Mrs. Da- vid Johnia-Aon, E Jie 81:11 concession Bin milord, to- NIT.m. Baker, oif Lion's fiend lciok3 pla.(e . on Wed nelsc4a.,3,- Juno 911). Stu, e4 (.70 t That's the condition of many sufferer:, from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difilculry is experienced in clear, beg the head and tht.oa,t. No wonder catarrh causes headache, Impairs the taste, srnell and hearing pollutes the 'breath, deranges the ston',- Reli and affects the appet;te. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional—elterative and tonic. "I was ill for four rrionths with catarri:. In the head and tbrof.t. Had a had cow.* and raised blood. I had become di:, couravd whpli 11:-y hne,-)E-nd 1 e:10A a 1:2(5 - or Hood's Sit/ 2.t.'7,,,„tt, It a aria persuaded in, For Infants an.d. Children. to try, it. ad-v-ize, '131 tai..:e it, It hpF Th ti 1.1 A, cured' and MILS', 'Toon oli ti aye iways nouglif, .DGLtm; •"" S" fir r'Bige:;171'rt',6": rt2.'1..sr'Ll'i:1-13'1.,1:13,:rrrt..tr:rc,'47::::;21;..:iitic'en..11:fie7si).PT''',.alxrcrit , dp.,the whole systcro.'. ' JUNE 16t1i, 1901. t the! home of Mrs. Belamy, St. Marys, a, ,qu.Ie,t .Lvetl-ding• ha c ton .Thursday when Mrs. Bellamy who repo1:L.1y moved ito Marys from Blanshard, was married Mr. Leslie Palmer otf dila Journal Office, St. Marys. They make one feel as inotigh was worth living. Tztir,J.or ef Cr* ter's Liver Vats after eating; it will • .1k:re clyNlepsia, aid digestion, give tene and vAger to the sysleru. Gordon Mcintyre; iempitopee Richardson & Co., St. Marys, Man, ufaeturers of, dairy utensils, while adju:sting a lath on 1Vedo.esday, terno,on, had a finger caughtzin tint girattag tine!, a pQr.o.o,ti of At pincneal mayinw; a painful injuvy, -Clur;ries DielaMeter barber of St. Ain ryas,. has been sentenced 'to six l'ulealthi in 1.h: cent...Mt pristra ler .stealengi oenjuncllieu with,1hert 1.i .fl, A moadet.. rtf, wo shoe-, [Low & IravelhAr's samples a t tin; Oin L1owe, Dundt,s, -That tired languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreb1c. Take two of Carter's Litt1,3" Liver _Pills be - tore rclirinl% told ,you wiltfins) rf 'rimy never fail to,do goad. ltslaart „Yule Lit,: G. T. B. otests, Stratford met wit,b, a painful ,acrisient. la,st, week: Ile was !moral - a .),tuti SW and iu thr,awing, the outchluet ,cut lep itand a cotIn& ally c nia in oa o t cy wit h the swiftly revelvit4s saw with ilia re- sat I. that his hood was badly oat:, 1.1-P 1434194 OA. Uu S1. Marys. Ma- hodist Choir have doffed their hate tbaL the wataatitg nouthets of •, ongregatiou will go longer have privilttle ca. admiring t tra mytez suilline;ry as 6eez) in Ow choir lcift This is a. reSurn t nature, Sot It, Is tot ou 'record:that tItere. 'were any hatt$in. she t.lard,ni el Law), 'Tommy Joims. ton, tint fifteen year cid son of Robert Johnston, had a narrow es,:tw from drowning on Wednesday' evening* cf last week..Ite attetile\oQer:ritnand,g°11.1'.1tilejQns.s.lsiltiog\Vilottrt:: Wiwi twenty, lee,t of water. -aloe meting a fonntp trtun4 well, iiedtIPA• tally 401)0. into the wel t which con - boy hung tOaelously 1.3) tlitt pump Rig tilt he wasreszused. W. Robb los resit9te1 as a caz. didttte for, South Brucant the. Liber- al inte'ress. In hiiedietary he "It. is Largely it .que,stionog finances. It is n,)rally under - Stood that we are to bav,ts the, gene. rat eleetions some'titue ;this fall, and 1E ;so that w,ould rite two election camrptiTgas in J1C oma yecic /etas ' too swift a ,pe,ce for 1133 edi.tor a countrynewspapco." But bositv,ss reUS4US are also pleaded. To get relief ,frotu indigestion, bili- ousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or Purging tbe bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver they will please you. A quiet Irro.roe wvdding w.ai ce,ter- bra beat nit: 'the residence or. Zfr, Itud Altos. ja Mes C,orveltt 3Vbodhana, 'on W.011)1,1),Iday tine 1Si, when their dau- 11,111.0r;,. Et to became, the bride' al M. Uarr 1)anglas Sbnyter or St.t4tarys The Rev. Cooper, or Elimville, 'per formed the ceremony.- Xliss Vi- rg" :Gorvett was bridesmaid and her brother Nelson best mom After': a ;sheet wedgjug trip 1L r. and ,31rs. Shayier will takc•up residence in St. -3Intyls, -where both t are well and tn orahly known. A.1311,0AD STATEMENT. This announcement is made without any qu i Etc a tiros. Ile rot -lipid is the! one: preparation in tilt world that guararatoos it. Hem -Raid w,ill enre any case of Pil- es. It is in Wirt Loon of .1; table t. It is the only rila remedy used in - 1L. is impossible to cure an establish- ed: ease of Piles u11u et/fitments, sup- positories, injectionsor out %yard ap- pthionces. • A guaxan'oee is issued Nvith every package of Etem-Rd, WIlich contains monbh's treaittaoat. Go and talk to your druggist abdat it. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • GLEFINING8 • . woo•••••••••••••••••••••••• THE EXPLANATIOIN DOVO and Loa tht ;mace ceased their ,strite AL th-ei ,V2I'0 el :11,Earl'13 I Cor, wine, and 1hrew—a:10151 Mardi; 111,4 quI1r .ron 1,3 g!ra,sst. When the 1)0131 IVO.8 o'er, they found '111..1nr„le11 a rr`o,ws strelved the gro Lind, FIris(ri Lhey g Et the rad i hem Each/. !the, loves itnci lives tekr. flan), Al", her fa total dawn. deceived ! Atingled arrows each: one. sheaved; Deo 1.11's lrcrad a r c ry a,s stored 1-v1t11 Like shafts lie most ablic"rre[r1 ; Love's Jiglii quiet groaned bane.a th Vanom-iheaded. darls of, AMU), 1111.115 1 WO Alacylv:rough't but woe Al. the ta.verhlong ago, Tell me, doour inatstei's LoOsin,g h1indl l,S they fly,. Oldmen lova while young inen die? But can be mired without pain in o11e. day by r uLnam's,Corn and Wart 'Extr ip I x1,r . T 11115,31 1 nd r d reniedy alc,Ver, bu MI5 the: is e;ritiT6ly VegeL2bl,211 3.3.11 [3051(011 4111d does not desiroy the flesh. Use Only,:Putnara's IL's the 1)e01:3, v.rifP IN J A RL.I.A '.11LE N1. liro lung' lookbd tor budget. .spe,eth wairl deCnvered in Pa.rliplaictn;.1 las week. Tc tho,se -tvlio expected a 2(5- 1'3:Ofl 01 11)0 fiif .7 L. ivj3Ll - Lha rteeds of Canadian ind'us,L;t, .tho ut'teramce oP the Finance. .disapvciaL11111t Tht.: i 1%1 ;".1 0rncn3mn3 or-' -I k ci , , rit (1.13 ,L,LUt rat pa r,,,y tor borne tiaria IL"teplople in :the' hope ibal all class ma,vy " if,a to briie,ve tha (the, Geyer nment bs all things tto all, )(nen, and, capable of sser,v,ing- God and Alan:talon, At Wit,S 'not a business TOViSi.011, It WAS opport unist effort of the simile w" - est kindi.„ The free; Grader and the pmelteetionist are "lo gulled, by its -vatueles.sconcessfons to both sections. Incide_nlaily the 'great" Standard Oil .`f,r ust 1s allowed La scud' ,its :•products eignada at intigh. 10;wer, fitfirt,141, the experience of 'tile past un- doubtedly he repeated and the money got saxed will, go into the :pockets ot 1110 iiia0o1,ts, arid, not iuito the I-opine:Is of the cons:timer' lee,thic and ;goats were .pla cod on the free 11.81,0 bc.o(2 which" will ful- iiy with the commendation oh the "elector's:. Mr. Fieldiar, boasted of the lar..rs" surpluses lie had taken floc= the L;axpayerls„ In eight ye.arS Intd collpc led c!-,57 880091 m0' (31)1111 1131 ecdett to' carry on 'the tr,Cfair's of Ca- nada. Ilut; with, these iMmense over,. ' flows lie has only reduced thdr. de,bt; by ,$1,084,996. 'Where, ;lid! the !roomy go.? 331.r. A. C. Bell replied in behalf of the, oppositleit and was able to show thai, es0:1%r pled'ge given` tn the Pep- . pie by the Liberals prior to 1296 had peen violated,': Ile Cully exposed the 1 c;ppor zotsta ot? ,the'inien in power. splendid criticisms 'were tottered, by, 3fosys. Pope,, Osler, liennOx, and Smith 'kWent worth). Lord I,)Auulonalti Wa$ Iteea.iled by the gtherals thecestse be couragooustr at- trte1)ed t he T.i.taister of Agriculture for isiter,fering wi tit appointments ro 1111' ra111141,' for pojidd:cal purpo!sres ;Fisher °aimed the name t ,Qr 'a Tory 40 lie cancelled and 141s col ten was resent- otit. onlaart may les* Idol 111031 cap. a.k.le officer ever all .thes be,t0 or the militia, because or this rorichine.. ,NF1C:11 ALG IC If EDACIIE iS tusoAr.I.X. tended NV CA blinding polo, bat NelieC comes quickly when Nerviline tepplied,, ter It is; pre .stronges!l. pain- . r•diever in Om world. -I. consider:Nor \ Bloc a most, magical remedy far ns - o *1ji 1 am 5ubjzot, 40 violent at. tacks. Wr,Res Aft's. E. G. ifarritis,cf 'at14i3 wore, but never worry it:Nee- iS 'the house'. The prompt relief that NArvilime brings makes it plc:1;w. 'to ,mcI S. 'few u.pplica,t ions mrlir yet railed .to IdU the can, 01140 reflommend, Nervitine, 1:or stiffness in the joints anti rheum's- hisnr." Try N41r5111n0 yeti t•Setf. _Price 25,c . FGR A 1410NOPOLY lu 1890 ther 1ilbertael81 ump,..L1 da and denounced the i1i11tit0tH ta ren coal' oil. "Pm os io 'powsr,,," t hey "and M. Will 31.'1A01":", 1 he bar'. den." A 2ZdlieLLA1 in I It:, dully on oil trout 0 00143.3 pt,is gallon to 5 eoras W1+5 .110 1131rd 1)1m. 1,110y dirliver.NI o i he Standard, Oil' Inonapky. yera,q "they ha cc mast erect rieW coo r- age. :Alr. Fielding, in budget vomit rdeclarSult that In ifuture "the duty co coal oll,would be 2 1-2 oentst par ;gallon'. In order le compensate •pradurara of" crude oil be promis. cd boom y of 11-2 CP11 IS 1),V gallon on 't Mr" output: Wong tii 1 wo 0,110 ngtis dogglober, be expaained'ohat the difference between the reducd pinice to 'the- consumer oC the nettin,ed,' 011 lsale,01111. Lite .heunly of :the c4.u.de void:um: would' :be, a net ,,gain Ito tax payens or -ean,o971. ee,rilops 50 To -day 'the pripte! cCUrcifined coal to &he cansum'en. is much higher than it. wait-, 'under A limgher 1806; oil way, bought for the Canadian can- als as Uwe asr 36 1-2 cents per, gall on To -11a, tile 'TO VOW erne nt is pnying 20 cents for thg'e same commodity with a dui y ct one cent 0 golleo 1t.s than A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painful and irregular periods by the use Of Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. DEkr, Mits. PncKBAn 1— Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the great Merit of your Vegetable Compound. I have suffered for four years with ir- fe'gular ancl painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the hack and lower lbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded the stimeertiongto Ine which •wio_ild only mean suffering "f 'Better health is all 1 wanted and cure if possible.' Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound brought me health and happiness a few short months. I foolilire another person now. My aches and pains have left me: Life seems new and sweet to maned easy.andeverything seems pleasant "Six bottles broroht me health1 and r3 was worth more than months under the doctor's care, Which really did not benefit me at all. I. am satisfied there no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound, and itivocate it to My lady friends in need of medical help."--- MRS. R A. DUN, OnAnD, 422 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn. -45000 forf It if original of abooc /viler peeving Ir'qu'l'u'r =mei cc produced. .* 1 C For Infants and Cliadren:' ' The Kind You Have , tli, ;1 e ta U.,: Pr,c,.?,zrationforAu.. ktsImilaling iroci alltiRe,g We.- ti e 5 toilaMls and Bowel* ei ,P"ear i ProrinotesDiestionCheerfig- " ' no5sandrest,CooNtasoeitiwr .nor "lima WAtz.v. ArCVs,:arailrerSe - 411x,,kgrq 464.W15 Sd",ft • * 14 Aide= 417:, .mo-.).5v1itc/r4,x..) kperis,CtRevrtcly for Coretipo- on, Sour Stoutaili,Diarrhoco, goovutsions,fekTrisit- nd:LOsti 01.? T-PsTrar-72 Always Bought Bears the Signature of inite signolurc 44 EN YORK. Use For Over Thirty Years AS 011IA A ,), DIABETICS Patient will tlov:rtlilltieli nu: to The Diabetic insti- tute, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C. NOTHING Ti PAY. was n Corea in 1896, In 1890, 74088- 02.f.- gallons. of coal (di imparted for home c 11,511111p:1On Weri., Valued' (svi lb duty) •alf $1,045,357, er.13.8 cents ;par gallon. In 1903, 14,479,13a gallons of coal oil intrporded, were valued (wih, itut,y) s.ttt,1,965,0,71 or 13,3 ,celtils'optv ,gollont. This is a difftevancer in the impetlsers' prie0 of oneitenth of' one' 'can't: a ;gallon. Amara:lug to ;Arr. Ficliding Lite saving should he one Iga,lion, EV3e.rylody Who+ bougihn oil in 1809 antt buys it to -slay knows to this sorrow that, the priee now is away above 313311 of the fortner year. Binder *twine and b lr heti, wire 'fencing ha e ganef up in ice since .tbe ,on then: were removed. The.30r- usis have put the duty money in their poske,13.stt The Standard Gil:Colrapany i1»t,he sante now, and, ene no- b- tluirig the peopla will gat out of it IS a ehance to make up the toxin rtcilint dirsotion. The. Ctenadihns whored in duty, bound to hand.olver Ifew more dollars of John DI. Rock ,f,dier plaasefpleasefstand, up. PNEUMONIA IS FILLING. VIE 110SPITATAS. Every day we thee.r-reil isemunnerhel. ing Laken with' pneumonia:. 'The on- IprevlentivOis ter get :e.ttrcra"gt and kO,eps your body- healthy. 'Takn Be3r- vo2f.onie which makes the rich' rola kind oC bloo Lha 1 nouriishes And 5,11 mallet:4s the; entire syslc tn. 'J was all run doNvn,' and ;an !apt suhjout for ,pne =onto writes 4.13. .Chartersof latrriinolotr; when; I tried' Ferroz,one.. I didn't belieye. 11 w.as possible far Fier nozoue to, build me up so quickly' 1 11 a iCew, clays my p.ppottba, inap:r.oved, colo,r came .iitto, my,c.heekls and 1 'felt niatonget. 1 gained eight, po;unds and 'rega,inest my old time ;vigor through .using Ferrosonn.;' Tryi Ferrozonei assures health. Price 501'. TtlEi RUSSIAN SALLY 'OE i111 1 he 11 'mien girls so, smart 71,her:.)'s n,c.nolilcepret,t,y Sally She ds,1 h da-rli,n,g of Our ll'eant, And i,t,,he lives ,in lti.tchky tal/eY. S'he told ; go Ito es,ar,. Arid s 0 a 13 1110.0 a pa nes 1, If you Lvould melte a hit ivitit trie- 3.1's to 'you, /roll, .seieski?" 'Thai: in in . ,t) ▪ marks up +Live slate Tbe "side doot's Open Sunday_:_ ' nks I' lett: tile idol of I1y. hear t Ai:- 10 tclilcy, '9 lley 3' :11 shi wrol e, in tik.3 I 11 LS "Y011 123' (I' a lot or 0osk ?Le Let, those '(5ut to ,you a I 3.-rea.1: big bunch of 1)03lpsi‹,,,-I. The files are geing bad liere /1 DAV---, 11Yr:.112a 1,lruri...to;Iv,-c)f ,.13(ritr;s,P., )t ish 1 had your )vhislce-r-. 3-.1 up Cc..t. fly, ",,erce-n-3,." BeA53 the The Kind YOU,HaVo AlWays Bought Sle,nattip ' Of 733 11 Buggies! Buggies! Do you Want a Fuggy We have the finest. stock in town, ail the latest styles, in tite newts - Our prices are low us con be founT for first-class material and workrnaa, ship. BEFORE YOU BUY CALL AND SEE US: JF ussell Two Doors South Town Hall. Popular Stallions ,, Meisel's. Bowden 851 3IcDonelPsr ourg hh bred Shire, Clydesdale' HacJg ney Stallions will stand for theircr- Orklve-natarst btoCk this se,oson at their :own ;stables, Exeter. C A NONG ATE No 10521, clydeM).11e- at. their own stible, Exe.ter; S13 to= insure. ME.)TJLTON WILLIAM No. '21675., Sithire. a be a. ti Liful grey, wilt ota,nd at -their s.tahlos,Exe.te'r 815 Lo in-' ,B,ULL'ER, No. 7382, a thhorotighbre& ("fa Okney Sjlallicn Nvitl "s-tand at, their' jaha:;rbilleo, 3/.*Erxpes.toerrs,,3,511.15,11' ogelin.sur ' BWDEN & 111eDONET.,L, :Pr alp; wzroasca.m..-*.aammentammo,. T.11C nal ineeting: and Sun- . day, school convention cif Ilttron. (511011- i',- 1V(5. held in St. Stephen's ' 'church,. Ger r.ie , Wed ries d or last 1-7.k 11.1113 - 11 ,`,E; or. -1l lictoLn 0 011' tear,licris and business; ',meeting, tvas -1the Rural :Dean's ad, - dream IgiViO74 53 j1/. ae i Cal TO Lha . work and needs Of .1,f;O- espee., lolly in. S'uod,ayls...cliool. - pori -:-3 'from the -various 03111131(3 3170012 1\liss 1 \1'y1 ::Il, of :131'y,th, -Why Atr•Cii should study the Rev.- 11.31. Al. Perin.s, rector of tor,' spote. OW "The Teacher and 'the ." e n Li 1. le .1' 'Su ,c.s.g, es Li orr, fat' Unruly Classes,'-' ',pr„epzired:by133 iof Clinton, cattle .11;DX,t, E. -glive 'The Home Li and To iuin e1:„ p Child." FL x, -.L! lorVVal.9 3:1410 '1)C the next 'Place for, . a an ual incvtinv; andl &31i,' c ris ' dtulve lee ted::'