Exeter Times, 1904-6-16, Page 3TIIE LO UR ALLY 15108o .o.atieSeoeffeeeele.oeitigsSi op ri FOR THP HOME ' • ' gri s Greatest Boast Which Any ; an1Pes inrtle Kitcb"' -.Axone auti Other Notes „6", INV the ilouseleeeper„ SOL11 Can Make. tEnteped nteardtagt, ACt Of too i..)4t` na sind w • bis faith hoincat or (Sweetie., in the year nee a • on LOW" Cal - Tbou$aml Nine iiundred and For, reaChed up hY whe ay of tcovenant bo W. Baily, of Toront' o at te ot agricultureOtteire e s- • 'se of by and obtained Coo ner000loont , r cuill needed protection arid help. To be A ticonoteh iron: I -OF Angeles, Val.. able 1,0 claim the God of Jacob es ay: Roy, Fratili, ese nett Talmage eer refuge is to put conadenee iia preached from the following text; 004 Who bee tnet every human need "lite Loi d of 1fosts is wilit us; the and given protection in times of God of Jacob is our reittge."7•Poalo1;greatest darkness zool daoger. This xlvi, 7. is the klud ef a God we reed! '1'his The words of our text. like the tri- is the kind Of a God we have! uMpliant out of a returning aessny But not every one coo claim that proclaiming the Prowess of the great '"the Lord of Hosts is with us; the general who has led it to victory, God of Jacob is our refuge." Even sound forth from the 46tli Peabn, Christlans °ft°111-11ues eanuin naLo which was written supposedly in coin- tili° proud boast, because sin has inemoration of the get deliverarice clrown them ftwIl god's side= and be" of Jerusalem from the mightyAS-lenonse' witen in difactlitY and distress" 17eg yirir otarntovbe . godly stnteca,,Iloatioovetukruo turn () OhUoldn," churches that are founded in the Qt that these rental -Ruble eveuto transpir- Paine of the Lord of Hosts eau ed, They are full a thrilling inter- est, Following: the vigorone religi- 1(14411 truth that He Is with them" Many churches in their methods and ous and political reforms with which Ilezeitiatt iiialigurated his reign, he bodily threw off Ilitk yoke of the Ae- syrion king one toeused, longer to pay him tribute. Later the northern tribes of Israel were taken coPtive nU their country laid waste by the Assyrians, and this exposed Judah to fro& attack, Many of her strong- 10kds were taken awl the vest Jesse -ri- me Army 'under $elmaaerib came and eneenmed against Jeritsalent. The city was ordered to surrendoe ht the 21104 insulting anti blosPhemous leo- allege, The (led of Judah was de., tied as, being unable to save them from the iron band of the greot eon noeror, in the 1-soi1•L, a peril foul des-, practices, in their worldly -minded ac- tivities. are not in the blessed NM* Moly of the One WIIOSTe NAME WRY BEAR, • They may feel that they are 1t1r1t1er • ing the ettuee of Christ's Iciegdoun but they fire neelong to Perieet 121. Ow flesh that whieh has begun in the spirit, and are walking with the world 11114 not. with God, It means much to spy, "the Lord of goats is with us,' Who may make that ? How may one hnow 'Mot the Lord of lloste Is with laiin? Let us consider time all-important ques- tions. First', who may cloim that the , Lora of Hosts is standing with wrote need Hezekiolt loys the matter them, that the omnipotent power is before the Lard /VIII obtains word linked with Immeik wealenees in ine through the Prophet Isaiah that tile vincibie union.lie who by a three - Lord has heqit his proyer end will fold Act of will told heart hasdelturned the enemy. "Arid it cenie to pass is wailting with Max. It 111mat- . t le AL). outtie bands tONValliS OWL has accepted Him and that night that tho angel of the Lord ter of attitude towards God.of went •out end, smoto in the comp of choice between :self or 001.1* and Of 001901867€10frmoeoeseet,6,60ift DOVESTIe RECIPES. Cabbage Salad—One tablespoon mustard, 1 tablesroon sur, 4 tea, e spcsea pepper, salt to taste, 3 table- s000n melted hotter, 3 eggs beaten. separately, 1 cup milk or create. I Cook in double boiler until smooth. When cold dress 1 email head of robbage and 2, maims ehopped fine. . Lemon Snaps,—One pound of flour, half a round of butter, one dessort- spoon of allspice„ two of ground gine ger, the grated peel of half and the :juice of a Jorge lemon, Xix all well ;together, add a Cup of molagees, bear A it well' pour it on buttered sheet i !Jinx ond spread it thinly over them. Make in a. rather slow oven. When !done, cut, it into sceiares. and roll A eaCh Square akround the linger es i ils rals.el from tho in. Theee quite as delicious as tbe best brood snaps sold by confectioaers. Waffies--Sift, together two eupfals floor, half a teasn000ful of nit, 4 tablespoonful of stow and a food tablespoonful of baking powder. Beat the yolks of Uwe eggs, add one co J ll of sweet rank and stir into dry ingredients. Add two nob it31'o011tu16 of melted butter arid t !stiffly -beaten whites of eggs. Cook, Iota 4 greased hot woillo iron. $ervo with maide syrup or with powdered tiogar. I To Cook Spagliettleeellreale In 'limit pieces two cups of eptighettl. throw into boillug stilted water And cook tiu tender. Drain off the we- lter and put the spaghetti on a very •hot platter. Ifave ready thy whites /o1 tbre.� hr44ofldegg., gat -Mal / with this; pour over all a cuP Of .rse'Sb.op, Pads A ITAI'DfineS- lgti *IWO ',7Qr mer ttey pply' tho 4114 1tuird It4t,tde 'OA '1411Ard r 4n4VaVenaerttA— prroteet the frog of Ow hoof from :atoms =4 from *int- er, improved Dunlop "Ideal" orse-Shoe Pads cure or prey' eut iametleas— prevetxt cr4qd0g or spreadin of thf 1oof5--InAke a horses workipg life loner. you hsso a horse utlth.fame- noes throvoit 424 ode mite our oxport for ativIos Pop a/ i core ..tr PIM btsall1t "florsceiory." I THE. s4 LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 19. BAVPLLG IN' NDIA. You XnSt Carry Sensan wthu Every nee who gots to Inflia to el or lioe et hotels eon% have a 1-15. Gole/en Text, onal servent. a Votive who per - Text of the Lesson, Ida • • Cor. lot., 20, formselle.i..:,,,(1.tzshlroee5:14,ocatledbs whaterer Weinsi?.terf;n17:tayial ,TILO 0, day of ih$t uviso 6 it,s6(m, ctiotom •of the country• ,to resisa the wily •day of its hind la the 14101 to th 11:itsottiLynenieti ;fob: owiottillafej bleb 41.111g$ el'41(1-s tr"b1P y (4 ilee igalieu hotels rexpieet •e to lirieg all filet; et e.4411: Itfte atzlaFeeekrad.ilownWh'ii. If a. "er4z"as 11'1)14 (11"!14berata<ISan toke the legs of the tide-. e sSai"se s, end, ors coaseoneetly • so ten w4s tahloriera:01;dhatpad.h the:4st?„ toturt,,,;1. ,t= ishorf-itordn e11l1ti traveller who! .lqmPs tl thein bas oektally to • tore, "Pe bone On oi llint net the reilWays a natioo Ant fe iiis thus fulfilling orioiher troheit-1 xii.,4 Num. 1.4; 91S.444' tediste>nseble, toe trate: rs xeceiv., 241,,oioo or ti -v. s000ese pain d carre- their owe insidisg, . Irle:itt"ies,side, with u sptwtr. 1,1;,ici imette Own. own hedS e,nd 410efornialt 1 t wood aod :their own towels. The cornrow.= pro- egein : ii 11 ' seript,o, i.tes a bimeik to sileep on, SUT,410•1' to '' nitom vv, .oee in freight eabooees. t " 1 . 100r,; 01erh, sit., -!. eit ear Sae alSo n wosisens011e Asa , Pi It of Arline.tha, a eometimes water. Sn/t if the traveSH e. wscio!, , ashed /mate tor lite, ,..40,41. _ litr wiohes to no sure of washing bio 1 5(1 11 aintalle,,vibtoloatyhohla,..,,td:oksIsh44,405.44:.3;;ahtfl re etvililit::toendolli:s.fits,::,, woater_lhe is s' o tire t intt St 2rta 1., . .., 7471,v1w3ta`iiisti:i.ZW;54:::1 ed5::::)...e„,i;:7!,;:iin:wohicitir:: tienon.aoter Lefoze *ke lEndei with, 11gootok. fr. Win 0141.1111 to the roof of h request of tire c an SIR it, and hioing deseentled,and so* . W1$111.Ilill 11114 , itted Jews,• before tile door tool tOusle ead every thee the traveller 11. eusf.osTi CD-, tittlitOd;ati ttenntro, ast. t 9 • ni 0101: Wig l'ittne 115 liVIWO tIle Sabiri11:1 wa S ,1v11014,14iduoxi:izt,74g.iiileilill e . tt to 1110 441r ° 4 e • doy. toy lased Illut »me• e pro ,1 ttiritcntl,ugifilloyttintilliinxged.all oeseiter outi !eho'io . 41 0 °US' 1.111.1‘e all lic lutd tr tO 8 . 1 gi sir 4 V211'1V. On erif. Ilret. day of the wet 1 : joLutiZtiOen.nd epti'ielpOS.11---11TItieted.S101rivirrsillodr. t:cievtitilnexolnitnel a:tit:lido ateedetah(ei bo.oldityachalvekheiex4- , e1111 nnio4P,rntoltingeaTlillt"Uj504SiaVill g two Iteroons. 05,-' Poovit of sugar. °M',..thev might with loving hands ;Anoint ',1„, , •• 0 - nen fif chillers a month. Von teepgor17.111 u0s:Itire411311generousnn; lisptitiel stsuilirt1107:714,51:1:0171,117uQt: 1 7.,ll.v sIotvorritetil,71:ii,i,latslYI:see°11451CitibefUegitiler,1=1:1t:Idia,a1 1:;441.4o:i -'e;t11:7'oroal,5 4.'': 4-41' eaneeeis C:ili'be eut- 1 - engoged, for two or th oo emikirc lemon and butter Pim,- tl ' ho egg- aid the 15%4 I. , ,u '140'0 : riVung 41,t thIA 1-411111b, thf,:k AM i laii,"f ii , . sr. -P.•*;20..is loty 4 Ills bi111 till he ref...Piave :along the road baoto roid tit 11 41 the ea ter a 54 rig white sauce made In' cooking to -11 4l14e 154 . " . . ... tone rolled away. the hmPers trilithe--, i,r4 ""N 4'1'9 f ; g for fear and A seessenger front ei 11100, 141 beavValr raiment, with el. d 'no for theta which is recorded:I in .rso•e n to ele onr Ism:o1. hflisisl in , mum, ond sorre. Spaghetti and .ont, cup of granoleteo 6'1e;:er Ito4t 2 pp:U.244M 'KJ the worfie 'Tear note!" "firOeorn1oniefe gether toblespoonful of flour and theyIU 1111111110.en ,022 t120 Are, and oboe tondo. adding a Sop of Milk and stirring till 'stir in the len.on mioter.• thictens, seasoning with salt and,l until thick. remove trona title 1 Piker. Omni the I,olks the 4%Rn I and beat orail vool enough or= a • the AsNyrions an irindred four seore ronduet following the choke. Bight r the top, set in the oven to got Jein num lo • e and the thousand: sod when they nttitude towertle God will olways arose early in the morning bellow, discover Ills thvelling place; right they were ail dead corpses." thoice will always place human feet 1 •So much' for the historical the Pathway alorg which God which probably furnished 50510 1 2°VCS., end right conduct will keep vout. Jewish poet with his ingaratiot I sold in steP with the Plvine for the Psalm. In the eleven shor 'news of this l'stlet of wave= tke words of our text are repeated twice, eclicing the thought ia tlfe re ening V01'30, 4111:1 all'21iShil1:,' the key to the whole. The sound of the words comes with the reassuring cram of the "PEACE. BR ;STMT.!" - until his, hos been surrendered whicii hushed the raging eea of Golf - Joe to rest. It le coetident boost which swells and throbs nit through o'fbe liselm and reveals tile glory which comes from the linking of thc TOO, es 115 3;it4e114 t 'J 1 ,44" lilts reeesage let ras give 84'1,41 esale on e in 141' 4 Asalise roni are 111221 11 nutritious ant( tbreadS when lifted on tO.,• cir1.42211,..1i, 114 46,,,,, 0, 1/e Fcli41,.. ',ma ,414101.i.. IC012280, A bride tot tap , to poloti,15, (21 if tootheome diehes to help out /then 12022 ir tillS ATOd%illlt.4 411 ll 10 stlil""ly :dud toll the dioeiplos," cotonotring 'dowry in specie or it. lloge ore ' 0 menu before fresh vegetables. are "fly heaten white of (8s' egg, 'This earl 'sea seefintoree os elm, fee„ 1; Reek% the, dowtno-oix if oho Le the slangirrer : al had, be flavored and (Igor, d to ttots. An I,. in. mo tho soon:4 'leen, noto" bo• of neer ilarento, more if tloy lie *IX _ II , i Ion Sialnd with Poteto rave oddity relay be itiO 41104 is's a iii-- 'tweet those twa, With tbe angers iwealthy. Ths anintals serVe as lideet, Negeepeeden$110eilatuletts They bend a True Hea Tome .tt 10 Carters iver Pills Muse Ebr re Of Soo Poo- CURre,fil 50 that, ft, cool eaondootiy enotea, you 02 00 mode a. salmon salad i o lemon juice or indi soiltspoon ono tow. sus neva ..np rot tor femoso conoomption; tivie 1210.P. Ur Lodi I tha worn eui end wasted 't 1.ord of Hosts is with mei, the this wor If 50t. trY If. and Yo Cod of :Jacob is my rofuge." This• will bo eurprieed at the result. T three-runged Judder 7uust, be used by decidedly fieby tete of salmon „. n4oesImen0e15ote',0121:=41•Zor •41.•12:40,41era %h(1.1it. iNeh"" 11/“.:FA3ge "4 31arY 11(1414(11e' l'an4 nQt" rnri'Y I° lirtY 111•""' 11.,^ ••Al 4.1•14•1, •.1,7, 0 tit oh, brotbreo ctrad Say rota , sand aro so treated o,„0.,,r vrit, tratioa, likens = sr. CPI '..1.111.3.,qk s aiat moi sinner alike in gaining the dislitael by loony. but if emultined/nit sr of dates will %al"; pooto thorn, ot,enti to 34, rather told luotigua.,„ reahu in which God moves. with ootnto it, becomee a eery Pleas- fl'Of ing". it desii•ed, .nd the changee • The.sinuer cennot share in the tri-umpliant 6train of ottr text until•leliritiNG • MS heart line turntel towards God, illetarie 4164- ( rated (l'e0"11111. -r•• 11 - • 1,(4) 1 114 LVIinl -t reertort irto roes •”14"0)4" s o , go, le eel .50 , ant =14 CPri en...c II 1, sod vigor to vam, cattrowiters. _ omit Pother awl to My God and not dish. 'Peke a can of steak S1 - arc mow that Can be rung on it. aim your God" (John tes„ ("outran* moo ond drain off the then edit .11re Illnited Only by “it "fondly of Ilia. of., 14. and etnit,,ider If .too aro 4 good-sleed cold boiled potatoes and "the cook. bed d t r *Oh Otte 1 end a oew motive rules in Ms life. Attitude is the light which shows whore God is; vhoice is the step wbielo if 'taken, pieces the soul at chop together Until N00.1' 11210. 01' 1,2:2 0. I Willing to naY, "Ifen. Alli 12 W'ild W141 4 Prtste. Now vole a dressing at the trier The fear and groat joy of lot. ., . , Irefts„• •verse ft mov he amok/hied by l'e. U. / 4440 • leng fringed, (‘Ilds were thOttglit hulls. IL I 2, for there Is a holy awo whielt • peosoble for the heel bedeoom. Now • you don t 1 thr, toiatiisick towel is ow „nowt, is not innonoloteot nith great joy. A 'TS '1'0 Time was w5}ci4* by P1411 hon olanoo•li. towels with ireitoree* NyerZtlit thc ord to>0;11.10-s 1 his. 10412' lo thing. Isor onto.. again. fasitiOz,i's Flcd to .:4,1,7;41)% 2,4*0508 1v.1,11‘1:311,1413.1 7:11.11.relsi edict Ss Seneilde. The hueltalutel. driee "r1e4 g"Thee Is 0" we lee' the Skin more th-ttl the ("1- 11nte11121021 'il01"0 well paid for thelr tO 4 mask. 1114T titedity mane will lie for A new finish 140' towels IS very nue, money, /10(0.'00 not rotairtg • tatft favor is 1,11e hilttoolioie knowing their leather nor ITIS P111i 8"11 10/1 t, theft final 41tiout *John iii. Ilion hemstitching is a "worth Spat" and NX, eel, There 5442,,s2 beet. wears out,: the tiettilop wears as ICaeg been eines heleeep ooliod ohen °A the tolvel. • 11 gnattl of 41eliere, r011111, wiihnill •Tetwele with colored borders are a fear of dentin 'testify tbat /hey Meet back 31121111100 The favOrito toWel is' while on duty. •As to tile bode' be - rill white. •big stolen, they would certainie% GreaSe told other spots should boleti -tinge thiet S Who would or (*field removed from rigs mid carpets as I leave the orave-clothes lying as 421l."2 80071 SS 1,01i0011. lf negleeted they they corlaitted the hody wrep gather (lust end dirt and become tiff- • earefully itsolf the napkin that , news• so remove. • had been about. head (.1 oltu xx, Fresh groaSe Steins can be romated • 6, 7). ltyvalit.iiine 118411 loraful.ilottli,re Iiilanpuer namoistit • hiet epof t'113008 4111(1 S03(41Pt'8, 14*4 us isode 20411,121 joico warm 0111e, not hot, for heat would 115421 ('hl'hit 18 115042 441241 that eorbed it. Change gressti hefolielkietillemspintilottle: ala -01 uloisul'insgeuitnet1I1,4111,81 P41 - molt the the 3821-1. 'eminent ly, so That thtikirl: ((tuobla•tifiii 1;(,;111`11.1it. 111,,et21•4071,)- Nt will lte a clean aerfaeo over iheachiag is, vain, faith 18 vain, ho grettee spot. Alcohol win hhhohh hp0.15 0„, a sills are forgeten end am one 1.1 sale(' carpet made by jolly, sticky fly -poems, „:14-`1`,1” 14111 molasses or teirnish without injury 01(..;114,i la'ste1(.1-4)11(111.s11-;1. igWheti I 'I) anzing, 11,11;1!;;:gil to the color. PS little salt irt the al- /in pow.„ m heaven end on earth eohol assists. -the ProresS. loid saolue-, 'Go yo,therefore, and' • teach all mu 1 ions. and, I o, I am with DM COMFORTERS, you all the floye," should have hun- deed of thousends of and 111111137 liossewsses econlilain about oberlieut redeemed olive rushing to Neneness. bed -comforters, and the cot- lonoensiTrio,mbt.idb{0.1hoittg.sta:lid);)uiriiinwg tha g\Nifit.; thoir at His feet. But. it is too much— like the story of the ten lepers. Our Lord Is still sayleg. "Were there not ten cleansed, but. where are the nine?" Either unbelief or ingrati-1 beaton yolks of :i •eggs, 1 tablespoon sugar. I toidese oon mustard, 2-3 cup. oinegar. 1 cup sweet cream, salt to ' the Side of God. and cOnduct is the taste ons a inneh of red pepper. Put Donne pcover with human weakness. Inuelo or the which entefees ft to: I. bringing vietory in the' taco of o keep its eteri with the Divine will. inn stove "a stir. nntil it begins mighty foe. What must these words Tito .Christion eamiot 514143(1 in ,tho to thleken, and when cold add whites havo moant to those helpless.; Jews temple of •Goa' and .sing with the ,eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. TMs • shut ) in their city and unable of Irezeithilis and Isaialls that "the Lord of ITosts is with us," unless he quits his worldliness and turns tit - wards God; unless he "Seeks grst the Kiugeloni of God and Ilis right - Confines% and unless he IiVeS llis ISENOVATING THIS PILT..01‘18. life the religion whieh he This is the best seaSon of the year The church eannot claine its right keeper every seee ).neee, the leveeing themselves to strike a single effective hlow at the enemy which threatened their homes end their loved ones? To- doy the AssyrfaxIS aro seen to be drawing the lines closer about the eity and prof/firing to make the filial essault upon the city's walls. Dark- ness closes in upon the city and the encamped enemy. Vehat the 11101TOW may briog forth fins the people with is a very tempting (Well 'when eorved In individual eupa of lettuco leaveS And garnished with sliceS of boiled eggs. ruorFssEs WITH IBS MSS. for it task that falls to tho hooSte- to these words if its attitude is not and renovating the feathers In her , steadfastly towards God and W -1 .. 3! I ' 41 tolztiOliS dread. llut Ilezeklah and loin the allurements and enticements ) get bunny under cOntinutal Use, and Isaiah liave placed the Matters at is- of the world; 11 11 chooSes fairs, and sopetimee they have an implhaeent sue in tile bands of a mighty any, 2111)1)005 ,and entertainmente, and o or that indicates tiv necessity or end, ehile the besieged city watt, eatch--PennY affairs of •every kind to "doieg something." To trust one's God's angel goes forth And slniteS the raise money and interest the people .Assyrian array with the scourge of it seeks to reach, basted of preach_ hoot pillows to the feather renfevator leg the Gospel of repentance and sal- is to ho forever after uncertain of death. 'The morning light, as it \ration, and keeping itself unspotted the quality and generally to lind 1110/ breaks over that troubled and anxi- front the world. The words ina be cuaritit, sensibl dine *el d f 1 ous city roe -eels to the Wondering eyes beautifully inscribed tmon the walls ifirst fluffiness is germ. It 1$ Some of the people heaps of dead instead of a church, the congregation which trOlible, but not a very arduous task Of an onrushing and conquering army resorts thither may read them over 10 renovate one's own feathers. and in the distance the remnant of Sennacherib's army can be seen re_ confident1S' so as to arouse a, false Ma.k.,e a good-sized cheeeecloth bag, behind its lifeless senee or Divine neatness and cooper- leaving' a. portion of one enil open. treating, leaving atioe, but methinks in some eh -arches Rub it all over with bar sorip„ and, warriors. It is no idle boast which at least ;there are social and festival turn the soaped side to the- inside, echoes throughout the city. ".111cy can say in truth: 'The Lord of Hosts IS otlIcdttgtill°011)euNlilloll'hilt°scielfisni:alell's bold to the opening in the bag and sew the far away Rip a place in the pillow' the size of with us; the God 'of Jacob is our ,SSi refuge., L. in and read over the words and two edges together firmly. Then IRA the Lord is more than a milt- • . laugh at the' falsehood they express. shafee the feathers into the bag and tent Lord leading His hosts to vic-' tor3r. He is a safe refuge into which Bis children may withdraw when the storm is sweeping down upon them, they may rest there until the danger is past. And it is the God of Jacob Who is our refuge. Why so? Why not the God of Abraham, or the God of Isaac? We do not need to eo • into the history of Jacob very far • • to discover the reason. Who was it who had to flee for his Iife to escape the anger of a wrOnged brother and who found a vesting place at the • gateway of Heaven, where God met laim and 'Made Bis covenant with him? Who Was it who sojourned in the land of his jealous and aviuSelous father-in-law, who suffered wrong, • who was - CHEATED AND LIED TO rind abused and tEreatened, and yet who found the Lord was with him and giving. him great substance and a nemerous progeny? Who was it who' • was troubleil with the sins of his youth as he journeyed toward the land from which he 'had- been foeced eto flee, -and who when he heard his brother was coming to meet him with 03, NC ,ILOW t t 't120 Lord sew up the opening. of Ifosts is with us?" By testing put the bag of feathers into a before God 0110 true attitude towards boilerful of cold water and Jet come by searehing out underlying to a boil slowly, poking awl turning motives when exercising the power • 2)10 g y. ien the water bolls stir and lift the bag, then drain 418 well as you eon on the clothes - stick, and throw into a tub of cold water. Ilinse well; drain and press the water out, then hang out of doors in the shade. The stue draws out the oil of the feathers, and though pil- lows require frequmat airing they should never be laid in the sun. Wash the ticks while the feathers are drying After the t• I s • the down that has felted on -the in- side can be removed with a whisk laroom or an old brusli. Starch slight- ly and iron smoothly, and the ticks will Oe good as new. Tt will take from two or three days to dry the feathers thoroughly, and they should be stirreeL up oceasioetally to assist tlie process. `They dry best in a good stiff wind and should come out light. clean and fluffy. Put them back- in the ticks the same way you took thein out. With all care 'there will be some down and feathers scat- tered, so it is best to do the \VOA: CI in an aucarpeted or unfurnished s roma . of choice, by turnieg the searchlight of God's Word upon our lives and discovering tbe sins of the inner life anti the outward conduct, and by the evidences of experience. Having reas- sured the heart by the threefold test- ing that "the Lord of Hosts is with us," then with Ilezekiah you can confidently wait until expel -- imam proves that God was indeed with You. It may be a long night of anxiety and uncertainty, but the mornbag light will reveal Life dead Assyrians lying all about, and the triumphant shout will burst over the citadel of the soul: Surely, "the Lord of Hosts is with us; tho Clod of Jacob is our refuge." • LONDON SsiUSSO BALLS. There are within ten mils of Char- ing CrosS, London, no" feWer than 762 places of amusement, with an ese timated daily and niglitl3r attendatee of 1.40,000. persons. This represents a large increase on tbe figures of :ten a force 01 fighting Inert despaired of nears ago, and of that increase a yerY his life? \Alio was it sought out large part is to be credited to the God aneee that night and wrestled growth of natisie lealls, for within the with Ham. all night and at lost period tinier review the number of found • in Him a safe refuge, 0001e music halls has increased by 45 per 1,11ough halted on his hip through_ cent., an increase much greater than out the rest of his days? Tlie fugitive that of the population. Jacob 'Whom. Goa brought bad; in s— helter to the land of promise; tele ISE:TUSSNED TO MYSI'ERY. 'oppressed Jacob whom God delivered A stranger who liad taken lodgings • with notch wealth and large family; for ',lie night at ,a, liotel oft the Rue tho th.reelened and hateel, Jaciob Traversiert..., in Paris, coleinitted stile W11(qn Gor1 reeoricilecl to his larotlier cide 1,13.- taking- poison. lie had coy -- --this is the one who can sPeak of . men Simself with a large quantity of God ae God of refuge, Ttie G od of roses, ,and Ines note left on the table nacole i 5 the Cod who n;0 01 fails His begged to be buried with the.flowers, children •alien they are ill distress I adding: '1: a al a, anyst;ery, come front end trouble. To speak of God ,es tile m3 stery. ancl return to mystery: 1 God- of Jacob, to (Often • Hen ae our , have et -elle to penis to die 1.Iiere, un- ljfege, instantly insp. roe Genii -de -nee, 'belsnowit •to 11137 family. It is lo vo for desr,ite all of Jacob's •meanness, that kills in." - .ton gets still and lumpy. 'Make a slip of pretty tedico sateeu the sanie sine as the comforter, just as you would open a pillow -slip; hem the open end, and, when finished, have it • caobinoufotrt 0 Nillolv108 silipongiter over rn -Ile tude, or both, eeeni unach more 1)1'0- 1 comforter, fold the hems over each valent time devotion to Him who ; other, and baste down with long gave Himself for us. stitches: the rither three sides tack During the forty days between lbs. to position abont four lilacs from resurrection and ascension He showed Himself :alive by many infallible proofs and WaS over speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. 11 the Icingdom was as mech. epon our heerts as it WEIS upon His -we -would be more -ready to follow Slim fully at all costs, counting all things but, dross for llirre Our heartfelt prayee would be "that I may know 111111 and the power of His resurrection.'' (Phill. iii, 10.) Give attention to this stady, if OISFICERS SET FASHIONS. lime permit, to His various appear- with impurities which have Thz Great aD4 Well-Knou Kidney Specific Tie Japan of thirty years ago all Stare, to the o thee women, to Peter, ances after Ills l'eSUrrectiou : To a.ccumulated 'during the winter, for the Cure of all Kidney asses except; the orncials adhered to -Lite two who walked to Emmaus / Burdock Blood Bitters is the trietly to the old dreSs of Jatpllfienn. 1101 fialarstsso..!ayt.oe 0100012; 1i ft!: telsti and Bladder Troubles, *1101 0712 fashion as it is now to see aesaasmaoliluchwe,telillellge'xic;eirs)ti-hoanir in the live ()thee aopearings before Ile as- If IletS no equal as a spring • remedy you require. ' Our grandniothers used to sew inch- s° ie shaved front of the head - with when l'honias was present, to :fiance, Clue, '0,,. ..T +1. s,' it nothing b cended---to the eleSen a week later Mrs, P. 'Bortratiol, Breche A Manoun, medicine has been used by. the edge. When soiled, it is but the work of a, few aninutes to take off the slip, and after it is loundered it Is quickly replaced'. By doing this, one can always have soft and clean com- forters. It is no extra expense, as the elip saves wear and tear on. the comforters and makes them almost everla ing. lere---"I woad pulor oteles 4. 'litty dear. Wonien Pc theided 111114 two risg, as nseal; (lie atele e en I lie, sty: • I t genal 18 wit', %V3444 ab e Az. di inn) root frneili°4 Ce.Clito! ..1.tart=r5e.,‘ AU GOOD THINGS MUSt W• ill upon their merits. • The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more !general use than any other work of its kind in the English language.t:. A. MC. Sayre!. IWO., /Mx., of flierord CniSersity, England, lias reteutly 21(141 01 it: It is Indeed a marvelous work; it is difficedt -to conceive er dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everytbing is in it—not only what we inis,kt expect to end in suet a work, but also what few of us would over Save thouglit of looking for. supplemeet to the new ednion has brought it Stilly np to date. I have been looking through tbe latter -with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness, and the amount of labor that hie) been put into it. _ 11 LET US SEND YOU FREE - "A Test in Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's enter- tainment. .. • Illustrated pamphlet also free. ' G. C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs., 3, Springfield, Mese. , e, 0111141C133011C1.114WIE11[12211111fLE11 RECHE A MANON LADY, MIS OF HER BUMMER WITH •pee. mew*. Vleislc an nitsonpetto Lose at riensory, Paipttatlea of the ricer!, Lege of gnottr, Mottos* OkT nreetb, etc., out eli be curse os- wing MilbtifT146 Ileturt e.nd Nerve Pais. Prir^o ,f4h bar or ter SIAS. All dealent or Tux 311,t1.1iniiNr 4.10.•3481E04O.TOrentO, °St, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Pain or Tightness in the Choat, Etc. It stops that tickling in -the throat, ff pleasant to take and soothing and heat- ing to the lungs. Mr, E., Bishop Brand, the well-known Galt gardener, writes :— I had n. very severe attack of sore throat stud tightness in the chest. Some times when I 'wanted to cough and could not I would, almost choke to death. My. wife got 7110 a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUl'oend to my sur - prier I found speedy relief. I would not he .without it if it cost 411.00 a bot- tle. aril can recommena it to every0110 • 4othered with a caugh. or cold, Price 25 Ceuta= Turns Bad Blood into Rich Red Blood. . This spring you • will need something to take away that DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS tired, listless feeling brought on by the system: being clogged long pieces of goosequill in the senene of their • pillow ticks, generall,e two 1 at corners, as i'entiletors, I'UU 4)111 lows we buy never have thole, ,but ,e1! in retie -wing fent,hers as above di-- n reefed they may bo inserted in Pe I es Fon CAR- p. er Al '12011:1 a pound af ei sweet almonds, tiltuaclied by pouring cc) over them. liot water until the skins tr slit) off readilS, one and 071e-helf b fills of sugar, whites of two eggs. and cc) the almonds to a fine ,f!aste with a which the local tenors wen,1 often 4 0 liicery \moan hae Sealer five drops of extract of rose. Pound. or ;4)1t": are 50e. box. 0 $1.es, 1111 flee -Ter or par:flu; tee bleotl end buiels up tho eon ' tl te carefully voided ette lying 111)011 . Silo govermsamt, however, red 01 with western. notions, not only sIsteci that all 0 fliel 11 11 5110111d CP- tile posteascensi On CI PP cwran ces to I w1th. a tore back, and such eevere pains SUCOSSS. ar with heads li lie - lalacking brush- ii Stephen, 40 Saul and to John at in my kidneys that I could scarcely walk , .anci theli• bodies err:eyed fit weet- l'aimos. :Emphasize teat ;He al- at times. I got a box of DOA.N'S HID- », ev(ini Ilk,' (11'055. bill., 241 or)ler to we t1r $.; Sil 0 Nr 0 d I i Lin sel f , a nd may we l'IBY PILLS, and •-before I had them half icourag,e the faeleon among the all beeonie whole hearfedly devoted 1 taken I was greatly relieved, and. with use( we oe i fee entry people. erected el. the en- I to pine Tr oh only knee, Teel) Os i anot11/0 box I WaS completely cured. 1 Mrs. 3,.., IT,11.1iSeine s`fiSliBigatisaliss, iSse,i OUICC of e N',Iry 00)11.0110ra; )10 village a we eli Olt tot ti sh 0 el ti IVO W01114 (1e- ' cannot heal P vhitilit ligiaiNv,e0r 0;071 ttlirttehoempi3n'aelusde „i„,...rit,s ; _ _ 011,4 sciisithlyi,g t,li ior's ii.d terns 0' vote/fly cry. "To ten to live is Ien- 1 fBoittit,reyrSeaarss aancS;Pdroinng,t- ilisliencliti coilfieerefeisrilt: Is', ,iptloalt. them to all kid•ney su•fferers, ats. waistcooto, eerl tieitaers ev- christ! ' fl'ili1 i. .1 .3 When I feel (frowsy, tired end lietve no y stitch tend every seam in its lease ------ ---.7 ,-4---- ---,,- " desire to eat .1 vet a 'bottle or B.12 Il. 1 DOAN'S ICIDNEY TILTAS. )14''s I T'ne 1.10au "1.idney Pill cio., T -.0"--n• t°'1°114'-' i vtitntion better than any other retrsele to the seven tit the sea of Galilee, right' for rile to let you know what thousands for a quarter of the Sine- of His ascension. ligote. also I me. For livermenths I was badly troubled 'a to over 500 at one :time, ariti ono D AN'S !KIDNEY PILLS have done for century with unequalled HERE IS PROOF. lit t'..e sit,gar. Addthe rest of the 5311- g110, whites of the eggs, 4.11141 'Lite ex- into notebool,te etern, e 00,5 copying ..with stein eeectitude ieee feel 1, or it 1e543 , . 1. 4 11