HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-2, Page 6LING
is not good for him."
doeen't get it. Such indigestible
8-giT 1118 CASE
Mete Jones went home teed wept.
AN INTEItESTING SKETCH OF She sa'W (1°Wn a 1°31g •Vil"D" Ys
ThI hen son treading his weery way eta-
How He Differs From His Cana -
'RIGS WA PURE.. dian Colle.aguee—An Ex.ample
tnougnes. worthy ee Being Followed.
ew wn-nt poison they
'e things
• Power to cieichea or
are blowe bee
I my wilt,
my thoughts,
be paths of truth
ne create,
rds and deeds c
ge ono pe
es will be swee tl at fro
cheered by his favorite vegetab1e. He
heart wae hot \vithirk lier,
"Do ,you ever liave frieti sett pork
for breakfast?" ebe incluirnd with
eraing ettrelesseees another nave A1.
i). lappora, the faertous physician at home.
yin had been. abnormally Meld of it
to the Vattean, whose none& haS re- "Mercy, nor. Soid Meer. "That awn
cently OOMO SO greatly to the front fee reasy Ewa!,
on accouot of his urtremitting attee- sty naomothine 1 believnid
e Alviri
;" about it once, but, I
tien t° His Helit'ess the la'te rePe4 exPtairked the dreadful things it did
Leo XIII,, ani the high esteem with to one'ssystem, a4 he lies not ineo-
which be is regarded by the, present ,thwo it Armin. i iioo coat. Alma
Pope, Nie Holinese Pius- X., is a '
myhe likes a lot of things which are very
feet man of conanauding genius' But
is smoothin. more thao _toot. los is bad for him." sbe ended thoughtiollen
Bo is a man a original Roo incite vane mother, irk naete. Sbe felt she 'valley role. mo, ocoomeo state -
but, the
1 more tbao u more man of stieueet 1 "I must be going oow," said Al -
ecould not stet' another moment with- ment is as follows:—
Doctore and Mecliebee Failed—
Tooda's Hidney Fille Succeeded—
Other' Cases They Tust Seem to
fo!.. tho Octagon Bar
Results from common soaps::
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
Welland, Out, May 30.--(Specialt. ,
J. Yokon. a. prominent leer- =ants, which a good wife will re-
liant of this city, is telling 'his speet, ,aud deal gently with.
lends of s renmeleable pa pr of of , e
M •
terrible ICiduey Disease by Docid"e
!medical mezitus liartnnearted young "For loo -a than a, year 1 bad. been
!selves the slower a to, oreature to oeleot aod make life Plea- ailing with Kideey Trouble in oh
d sant for her Peer, misuuderstood worst symptome. hod distres,sed ot Care a boot 1 is ng t
n o e
and you eao do almost anythluo, with
pendent mind. He stands COlt artor.g
hum but you muse clo it all without
UY IMAM' obtrusiveness of hand or
method. 1 -le likes it, but be does
feeling in nay head, little or no ap- I tied or commented upon.
petite and a feeling of leogoor I be-
came greatly reduce(); in weiglit.
tollect, by reason of ills nee in e-
differences with his fellow scientists 'When eine dined winh them she was
tc.,V—AFRA1D—TO-PLAY, B t I • el" t d f enepeeee° to onl thee, Alvin bad -.ate-
pendent personality. He lias bad iho5r-
. Fortuaately for the majority Q
u 'leo one lae er ispu e or art. k
- then
Iveat ull °11. In* nIcilirk" instant trio remarkable nature of hes m wsnn - an '• •'• - he
- o..t. "Thectore aod medielues faillieg to
3llle, to wcll'It ill llis. 'nine. ,professional attaintneats or the un,- had when he hed alpa at h .-
ome. eee oleo nee any benefit 1 b000me_tospona,
and Edith went ,with him loeinehiree integrity of Ills perzonel notterel, too, that once whsn be had , ent when by good luck I chanced to
'use ispit the elthiS' eltd f°e 1 characier. Ole is afraid of no teen:carelessly giekeo dgar ashes, on the , try Dodd -s Kietne,y Fill,s and from the o side of the motietain But ho has a higher eoureere still., n.00r he rose tbe next inierate inl first tbey eeented to suit roy caeo.
. Ut° Illtilh°s• alld tbeeY, ,He is not afraid of the bogbear of i carefully brushed *hero up.
e °,,thoet. giant!, the)c.'7; utt'' l Professional etiqktette which fright -e °I tearOla so much, extra. work
's `-'°-.11 'P' '"e '7174'''''Y' lens even, some- of. the greatest, dee- may," be oaid, in teeplerotiori. "Yo
m with tbeir papa, but an example a tws, ,,,,,,,y be.mother?'"
at= Willie 414 Edith welat ,tore, didn't train me very well, Ova
0, little while- -Whoa tfoned one intereetieg respeet1 efre. Jones was see-nit/es-5 before
etarhaieno;17or ver
g"; !inn.mani-lecal? znleitea bary
1After teleing tive boxee the old t,reet-
lite lead graduelly disaOpeared, ari4
wes feelieg totter than had in
many years." -
Dodd'S Kidney Pills wilt cease
man, women or childWbO
tditilleVoutf;111. the tht3 route ineratituele. Jost then boo any form 11-441.4ey ptsease.
th° \l'raql`s Q' latter ere trammelled by inedieolle:Itc111?4onl,Iter evIll'grAe°;Tals.1"Illne rililt;‘alw;AY° cur° °Ari °Ir°
tiwro woro geoat quetto. No mite disputes titter eelereo•eame oaeo toueetteooe eel/1i his eap ir,
id 1,1aufe „some new .tige or their unselfislt eievotioa one hc.inti and ooe (owe o glove
to thew wore:. But they are limit-11mA whisoehreouo, TO KEEP IIG8BANDS E1001)
with trove:Weals long i
;Ore et thoir labors bv 011e reroariceble bool wooed oay, eap booed
tax 1.• • S * Th sod
veruple, preeert , o
e dust -pan, eald OatI Y to his W°
(L eud when they losoed netioned by the Phooniacopocia, or tler*" 311°ther' -The whh'4-4,1-lr°43111 i 4 /Ir"I'r
eente oo get arraial.. experiment with drugs of all lands,
• I al left on the diriee-room 'sable aeid,
•ly introduced; but where a 11101-1
'e wee Squaw With -1
oiseeeers, oven \viten it 15 toe, toy glovo on tile liall floor. It keel -is
11; of o regular preelielog Zio•Y h'sY ale Pat hovee Ear i
ling by her potty. and 'r 1
with her, too. Tee -ma -ha
• FroserVe and Inc
„leetoN bands with. Wile sIam Is z•eeoneuerided to the oenee. evitere they belong. I reeliee now
** to the poles that by a. maitufeeturer. ?rotes- carelees I've been all Ilustiand*S
the saddle at on etictoette steps la end fright- 111Y life. How "loug do you thin% it
Fu -'t catch your gooliu baud
ou greunel 0 No matte how, ever,. will take. you to traiu into
very Way,
e Her
he evidence of what such iTh'id bemg. mer WW1" bo ended, astbat s the main tbieg, 1aviug
With -la -with, "wl wbeo wild as a Ronnie- May come into the room. caught hint, the next and most
wino, bus accouvilstea„ oo /moo o04,es of you if 1 tieop p 'dant, thing is, to Iceep him goed;
et got plenty leo the only way to eftectoally bring
k.lee laugbeit. coldly upon, it and will 1thle diseiphoe." ehe welled,
T good
$et up theirsxe1y admtt that thee" have usedi r•Irs. Jones eenior is woridabout is er a WM teL beering
nod. then 'Willie1t itb s. It 'would be "un-;, she really did riot make a, enielake 'e
' ten to the sprit to do so 2 Dr. leip-1' et uellio, ram oromess woo oleo Always remember OUP
oell'eteoneelea hadposi is mailed by no ouch scruples, when he Was at home. lover ill wbora eTou
arrows. andi' stuce the numerous remorle- I»bO linshand, lost
you ,
t his ride at ti- i tupIiaci with it
res which bave been. proved
by vewspaper repertsindependeotly
te,„„„Idtwteetheebi', =vest/gated. to nave been =one -
5. and 1..";--11, pliebed by the medielne sold in "+ Can -
;',4a ado under the name of Dr.
Fink Fills for Pale l'eople, must be
eero fig' squirrels, but coul4 well known to Cenadiaa doctors,
In the top of one tall They have been published ear ono
a bunch a .mos,s that wide. Toere can be no doubt eiree
Is„, „,.1,1 tbeir accuracy. 'rho mimes Wed ad-' relie
4141°4 n"n "-"n" dresees oi the men and women cured at
freely pUblished. Their state- minor
a porcupine.
d, t
VO apparatus toasionally gets letreet them
f order. Tile Tablets instantly 'kr, and you will havo noureelf
and ii.romptly cure all stone- thank for the natural renelt.
d bowel, troubleO and all the Avoid, both berm and after mar
ge, ony suspicion even of maueg-
your liusbend. Never seek to
eive him, even ever so innocently.
attempt to impose on his iuulir-
Injudicioal wives succeed, 1
inildren, from t
life SUMS IQ
oi tb
married men, women are, as a rule.
enly tea well fitted for the true wife-
ly position, and the hints we ere
giving are ehiefly designed for those
whose youth and ineoperience render
the matrimonial issue a "natter of
anxiety, doubt and umeertaioty.
Tide 15 on age a early marringes.
and the girt who enters upon wedded
life before she is well free of her gir-
lish irresponsibility, n,eeds a fe
wercis of advice in ann elarniug with
egard to the ordering of herself in
he oyes of ber had.
on, to the eivereenk girl in tier late
eens, is 0, human enigma. So moth
bis We is neeeesarily peased away
from hie home, tbet
thQnghts bis ontiro pereenelity con -
not but be unfamiliar. somewhat in
the nature of a riddle ledee, to one
whsse world, fie= cbitdliood, has
limited to lier domeetic beertb,
uth- g1 -MaY got a li,'904
basT& but her Ability' to hep hire,in
at desirable condition may not be
teat. to her endeavors, however
praiseworthy; it is Qom "safe bind"
that bee o far deepor and more bee,
portant significenee than "safe end,"
otrimonielly considered,
Tito strange and sad romance of a,
1)(1410d woman, baroneso 'de no -
who was once the opollt thild of
the capitals of Europe, has just
e to light in l'aris, Owing to
father's foialieta reverws she
ined a, circus troupe, being toe
comphstod rider, ond while at Rig
riled the baron de Hallam Vile
.he was at the beiglit of her succeests,
Heed end wealthy, lier
OnL she adored, died sUddenly, and
. retelrned to her former profes-
sion, Ono mornino on awakening she
found tliat caw bad, become totally
blind. By a coincidence slie wris to
ride a blind horso in the arenn the
Imo night, and attempted to go northern sole, rropte of Catieer,
througli tier performauce. The eni, Temperate Zones.
however. noticed something was
aud boto, There Isn't enougb history In the
wrong, become restive
nd fracturing lier Aftco wast- 7voQurtobetoo.417oPrelYof thIstItordicer ndovelsof.
throiving his rider against a, pillat
ing tlio little money that remained to
lier on specialists who couhl 'do ber For Ovcc Sixty Years
In hind --after
y inclination
fl 1111a,,,." be led, but
ly will not be 4
erevasively ruled,
anything with the
Mile" aucl dictate
moss raoved
o the other elde
u Teeona-ba went
Folda, too. He fixed
e bow and held it, up
it was taller than
flue oue„" Willie
:ono me Tee -
'a heap long
- talk," Ile
In the tree -
the bowstring
'anent at the
nhouted, as the
, mg down.
4. owl had green -
ailments a littlo ones. Thous-
ments have been anvestigated by minis zoothera ottoe p000eo the
some of the most important news- truth of these statements, among
papers is this e°1111t17p04 abr°4tle them Mrs. nobt. Morton, Deerwood,
No one has ever attempted to dis- Iran., who says "Baleyea own Taro
pate the facts. But Canadian doc-
tors have never eared to admit pub-
licly tliat they boor. availed them-
selves of title discovery. Dr, Lap -
lets have beleed my• baby more than
anetbing I ever gave him. I can toying a Inishend s temper by giving
conecientiously recommencl the Tab-, him unneceseetev uneasiness. Ho has
lets to all Mothers," Wo give you a tion, and your rospect,
' T k a rigbt to V I Ity, • 'to -
Dr. Wiltierns' discovery. and has, in. 4Qh•Inn aaIliranes th'St th° °gets 4° ol r sineer ' our
not contain one particle a opiate or IF IIE DESS'ILVES IT.
his own fearlere wee*, had no Itestta- .
tion in. maleing the fact publicly harnall &lig., 'They 40 good—they To be over sauguine beforo raarri-
known. The followiug letter, with never can do harm, and all children ego, or to promise yourself' absolute -
lint signature. freely avows the facts Itake them as readily as candy. Sold ly unelloyed felicity is a mistake, for
tind endorses the velem of Dr. Wil- by medicine dealers or sent poet paid in the present condition of things so -
ems' Pink Pills wink an autharity at 25 vents a box by writirot, The
one will venture to question.
certif;v that I have tried Dr
something olse Ntillianis' Intik lents in four eases of
RS hack and the simple anaemia ol development.
s and hatpins! After a few weeks of treatment, tbe
s thing home, result came luny up to my expecta-
l° said as he tions. Poi' that reason I shall not
ine. fail in the future to extend the Use
a it up by the of this laudable preparation, riot
tad no quills, only in the treetraent of other mor -
With -la -with bid terms of the category of tome-.
wraPPed it mitt, or chlorosis, 'bat also in cases
IP°11nde" of neurasthenia and the like.
tab, and (signed) Dr. Giuseppe Lappoel,
be quills Via. dei Gracchi 332, Rome.
The "siemplo anaemia of develop -
very many- meet" referred to by Dr. Lapponi is
'?" gdith of course that tired, languid condi-
tion of young girls whose develop-
thna-with, ment to womanhood is tardy, and
id -to -play'. whose health, at the period of that
inle age', Porn 'development, is so often imperilled.
ur, him no got His opinion of the value of Dr. Wil -
"ear rat about hams' Pink Pills at that time is of
play aud Plan-- the higemst scientific authority, and
porcupine, him
eit confines the many published cases
y and hide quick. in which anaemia and other diseases
, little bear slap of the blood trs well as the nervous
y-tterairl-to-plaer •
diseases referred to by Dr. Lap -
old bide in bay-
„, Poni, hae-e-been cured by these pills;
°lit 'agaiene,a,,a"n which, it need hardly be mentioned,
f/n. '1"”' owe their efficacy to their power of
on e n°w, making new blood, and thus acting
directly 011 the digestive and nervous
"to gh 1 " system. In all cases of anaemia,
e. cupine, threatened consumption, decline, M-
ao 4."Li-digestion, kidney diseases and all af-
'"''' "fections of the nerves, as $t. Vitus'
good to dance paralysis and locomotor atax-
the fire.
n. •'Lit -
*1 eat/'
k it ,
'stay a
I will that /
'hank you!no And
went home t and
F01311 DAIT.
ce of chocolate col -
g soil, the wood -
nem or twenty holes
Inch or tWo apart,
-Ilea be began a kind
Harbeete the earth
'6"filhiviith his
se it air,- he
eon his feet.
ene ?
,noses of
me began
s had
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Oat.
Werner Reports Results of
Some surprising and noteworthy
conclusions on ibis point hove been
reaehed by a (lemma naturalist, M.
Werner, of Vienna, who has recently
reported tbe result of observations
that be has been makieg for some
time on the senses of inferior verte-
�u certain points the conclusions
of St Werner are very surprising, and
in all they are worthy of notice. net.
NI'erner has observed 136 individuals,
of which one-third were at liberty,
and he took all possible precautions
not to let 'the creatures know they
Were watched. One general fact is
evident, that reptiles and Amphi-
bians are strongly attracted by wa-
ter. They go straight for it, even
when they are at a distance so great
that they could not divine its pre-
sence by any of the sereees known to
us. It seems really that a sense of
which we have no knowledge informs
them of the direction in which water
may be found.
There seems to be a sort of chemi-
cal attraction, says M. Werner. But
how does this act, and on what part
of the creature? This remaine a my-
stery. Reptiles also seek the light,
but independently of heart; tbey are
ia, they are commended to the confl- postively heliotropic, and in winter
dence of the public, and now that they often lea-ve a comfortable and
they have received the emphatic en- warm retreat to seek the sunlight.
dorsement of so high a professional Sight is generally good with them
authority as Dr. Lappord, the trust- It is probably"thet finest sense they
ed physician of the Vatican, they possese, but it would still appear to
will be accepted by the medical and be very limited. The caymans and
scientific world at their true value. the crocodiles cannot distinguish a
man at a nistance of more than six
times their length, according to M.
TRAIATIVG A HUSBAND. \Vernet'. In the water fishes see only
— at very- close range—about half th32.•
llow a Young Woman Handled own length. This will seem peer -
Her Better Half. haps, unlikely to augier5, although
When Alvin Jones told his mother some of them ,can cite instances
that he was going to be Married she showing that 'fish cannot see far -
replied that she knew he would be Snakcs seem to have a very medic -
unhappy., because no girl would ate ere sense of sight. The boa, for in -
mor Inc retains as his mother had. stance, does not see at more than a
quarter or a ehird of its own length;
After the annieing was over, and her
son and her Jett daughter were es- (lifflprent sPecies are limited to °net
\a.blished in their coz3r home,' Mrs. firth or c'ae-eiglItil: of their length'
Frogs are better off; they can see
at fifteen, or twenty times their
length. Frog, caecb er , kn 0 w this
froth experience. Hearmg is much ._
to jto,, nes's maternal interest was tinged
Ty wfth feerful expectaacy, To be
side sue, Alvin looked nappy, but for
"red she knew be might he Patting it
„lee, ee, ee en. May was sweet and lovable, but
i her moleier-in-law noted the arm curve
in her chin and her to
eye, and
teenarime,e, (,'" waited for something ,o happen.
"Alvin is so fond of fried cabbage,"
ec -""--'1".said his naother, one daY, happening
the said
in as her eaughterein-law was Pre -
what paring lunch.
111 bo "f imow said May, FreeetlY•
"He hag anked twice for it, but he
tal, it is uneriee to expect too much
of even p good man. Be is just tt
man, not an one, end if, in tbe
course of time, you discover about
the husband of your choice anythitg
not quite according to sample, use a
little tactful forbearance; bo, in feet,
a little blind, and pass it over as be-
ing, atter all, only liuman. Smooth
your brow, compose your temper, put
on p clean bib and tucker, ard trust
to cheerfulness and good nature to
carry you through.
Never, on any account, dispute with
a Mttn, no mentor how great; the
temptation. Not only will he, in
nine cases out of ten, be sure to get
the best of it, but the trivial satis-
faction of having your own way, will
be but. a poor equivalent for the
cpuirroling and heart -burning of which
it is even impossible to see the end.
A woman's power, as well as hap-
piness, lies no other foundation than
her liusband's love end esteern; whido
consequently, it behoves her in every
possible way to preserve and increase.
Study tits temper, therefore, and
command your own, for even a good
husband has his terrible irritable mo -
What's Pit for Him.
A Mass. lady who has been through
the mill with the trials of the usual
housekeener and mother relates an -in-
teresting incident that occurred not
long ago. She says:
"I can With 011 tnitlifulness say
that Grape -Nuts is the most benefici-
al of all cereal foods in iny family,
young as well as old. It is foo4 and
medicine both to us, 4 few morn -
logs ago at breakfast my little boy
said: .
" 'Mama, does the King eat Grape -
Nuts every morning?'
"I smiled and told' him I did not
know but that I thought Grape -Nuts
certainly made a delicious dish, fit for
a Hinge (It's a fact that tlie ICing
of England and the German Emperor
both eat Crape -Nuts).
a'Ipelleneede ttsh that
lo)tY coal: toanjtoollis.oefi°,g1 aaliTfitlitllytiledissacocvreecrl' temthie3si:s'ecINalil'aerbeeitilbeeY-
cereal, but also in puddings, salads, ir°re ill° very eyes of the the tourist,
and sell him. for $2.50 an article
etc, maile -after the delicious recipes
manufactured at a cost of less than
found in the little book in each pack -
a cent.
age if is proving to be groat
food for me besides having complete- —
br cured a long standing- case of in-
digestion," Name given by Postum "nraer.v," she said. `".;.• want twenty
Co. Battle Creek, lelich. dollars."
poorer than sight, if possible. eSost Thexe is no doubt Gralee-Nuts is
le except, the most, scientific food in the world.
reptiles are -noticeably- dea
caymans and crodilee; the boa ap- Ton daYg. trial or this Proper food
peers. to be absolutely go. in piece of improper food will shore had planned to use it to take up a
in steady, stronger nerves, sharper bill."
beam aed the power to "eo" longer "C,h, well," she ,eeturned
owtx.„ za,414 damr,
on.c& d/7 -,..7,1e, ;?" etv
.q."71-4"eyezti 4/#4
l'"'egt1 cile444,4
ddil,ae-ta a 4 -
Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs Butter Apples
Let us have your coneignmeat of any of these Articles etead we will
get you good prices..
IDAWFMN commessloN Q0, Lirnitod
Cot; West Market area Callaarns Htst, totecter,0:
ash Basin% k Pans, fao
Any ntret,Clame (wager Can *tipple. you.
• c in variety ot marigold forin
a hind of vegetable barometer. In le
den is goieg to be tine the flowera
open about seven o'clock in tile morn -
g and clop between three and four
itt the afternoon, hut if the weather
is going to be wet they do not °pm
at oil.
"George, "dear."' she said, with a
lusb, "do you know that Mr. Salop -
son aelted me last eight. to he bia
wife?" "Well, liee impuilence.
The idea. ot propoeing to on eogeged
young lady. Whet did you say to
biro?" "1 told hira Wet I WAS very
sorry indeed, but be was too lete.t.,
Between, the etations of Caton
aud 1,a, Marone, in Itlexico. Just mid
way between the fe'llret and fOltit d
grecs ot latitude, the Mexican, No-
' al Railway sepia time ago erect-
imanenee stone sign -post. The
away lino hero krOFF-428 the finagin-
y line that separates the temperate
tho torrid zoues, and the stone
its wooden crown and laden
re, shows where the Tropio of
would run If it were tangle
e 'I'he tablet bears on the
outhern side the words, "Tropico
de Cancer, Zona. Torrlda" and on tho
no good, the boroness is now -plunged MriOlicrrT.71.,r1°N;sel'ectlIttife`"O;V:taiby
in tbe blackest misery In Paris, bond, mieetLeteerelei, Wateell ill*Clle17.11araptnain, orit
et CO 91,1"epl It ell le Oreel" an IO an o
ruined and forgotten. hestrocoodyror DIarrhoss. Twentnfivo viola r. btt14
Sold bid/agent& throughout Oa world. De nom and
ask for.'11:11.1Vzsasow'saoonnxa Sraur." 12-Q1
Professor Boreen—"Yes, ray dear
madam, the baneful habit of sweets
and tobacco is gradually affecting and in lion& but the umbrella, be tortes
A man occasionally takes his por.
rendering smaller the teeth of the in hand usually belongs to another.
coming generations. More than this
—in the course of reactionary evo-
lution, if May eo term it, we shall
undoubtedly have children bora with-
out teeth. at all."
Oneoevonian dislikes calling an an-
other almost as bad as the other dis-
likes to nave her do it.
Elowaro of Ointments for Calarrh
that Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system -when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articlea
should never bo used except on pre-
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Roll's Catarrh Cure, man-
ufactured by 10. J. Cheney Co., To-
ledo, 0„ contains no mercury, and is
taken internally, acting directisr upon
Millard's Liniment Cures Burps etc
If you see ,e, lot of women taming
out of a church crying it innicates
that a welltling lies just been pulled
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Heade Disinfect,
ant Soap Powder la a boon to any
home. It. disinfects and cleans at
the same time.
Little Willie—Say, pa, what kind of
modesty: is false modesty ? Pa—
Maze modesty is the kind other peo-
ple have, my son.
Stratford, 4th Aug., 1893.
Gentlemen,—My neighbor's boy, 4
the blood and mucous fmrfaces of the years old, fell into a tub of bailing
Ohio. by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- few days later this legs swelled to
water rind got scalded fearfully. A
system. XII buying Ball's Catarrh. Cure
be_ suro you get the genuine. It is tak, -
en internally and made in Toledo,
Sold by Druggists. Price, 750 per broke out in running sores. IIis par-
ttime, times their natural size and
monials free.
bottle. ants could get nothing to help him
Take Hall's Fatuity Pius for cons*
till I reconunen.ded MINARD'S
lIGENT, which, alter tieing two bot -
"Dad, what is a model =On eA ties, completely cured hien, and I
of several other cases around
very small sample copy, or facsimile, here almost as remarkable, cored by
of a real man, and is usually macle the same Liniment and I can truly
hao hail as good a sale or giVen such
puttye" say I never handled a medicine which
Alleard's Liniment Cures Dandruff universal pa.tisfe.EctEioReT,
General Merchant.
Chinese commanding officere of reg.,
heel:de have a, privilege which they
rather prize, Whereae all inferior
eanlie may he. beaten with bamboo
etielss, the C. 0. Who ofinuds may
only be chaetined by the head or ilet
Qi his general. be prefers to be
belleaded, he is allowen to suffer thin
kiloard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Girls are now parting their bale
oe one side so es not to be mistaken
those misfit men who part theirs
kt tbe middle.
loord's Liniment for sale eleptero
husband ors,
laid down
story," exclaimed
long -drawn sigh.
s paper, "etnother
man committed Ide bemuse Ids
home Wafi unbappy.' "And did.
that make his bottle any happier
askeel Ids wife, "Or doesnit the pa-
per say ?"
aernlyeble Food, at the
ality and flavour.
A Connecticut then manufactures Few owners of Turkish and Persian'
tourist trade.
sacred scarabei Tfohre ititlitelelegegattrintans rugs know' -, •
are carved and even chipped by
Machinery, colored to simulate age, characters that are not only legible,
and shipped in casks to the Moslem. but are capable of translatiori by
dealers at °air°. Tha :Arabian teloihose familiar with the Arabic
guides are the chief buyers, many of gue, These inseriptious—also call -
them being adopts at "salting" - ed cartouches—are 1.131.1ally worked
sands at the base of the Pyrainidstiolie, ia'ound the. h5ei:tdel;121, oefetthillurSgecstsiiiiies.cluistell
niannex a. o ae y
tinguiebable to the expert.
"Rut. my deer," , he protested,
"that's nearly all the cash I have ere ,
hand at the present moment, and
i'Nell—LMi. TaWl<or iS 's'ich , eattee- enel' • further end ',croinpl;“11. r, or e I ly "ii you think . the man wee held,'
,r,., ', 33elIe—tlas he he,en. fla ttering 1'1:lien's , a reason. ' I the inti ran make things any natter ,
tday -aia.t V111 .• laot at all liee you i oes little .book, '`ellie .11 -toad to Well-, 'leies it lleppened th-at 'she' get the
'you? N11—Oh, yes: he told. iee to- Look .m each paceeige for -the fain- ' for you than :If ,ean. eel ahead!" •
other girls, 1110r..ey,
1 ----
When you think you have cured a
coIh or cold, but find a dry,
- hae ing cough remaius, there is
danger. 'rake
Theo, Lung , Tonto - '
at once, 11 0411 strengthen the
lungs and etop the cough.
Pricer.: 5. C. 'Meets et Co. see
25,.. :.-i0c 'el. Ieeitoy.N.Y..Toroato,Cae. A
Nutritious and Economicaln
OS --21
Clesains and Oodles and Hid Glares cleaned. Thaw
can be seat by lost, lo par ca. the boa place la
The Winton Touring Car is appre-
ciated by the best informed because
- built on correct mechanical princi-
ples, of highest grade materials. As
a prospective automobile purchaser
you dare not in full justiee to your-
self, take chances on an inferior
car. By presenting a ear of such
iniperial merit as is the 1901
Winton, we become "automobile
underwriters'' --insuring you against.
risk or loss. Have you Been our
new catalog?
The Winton 114[01,111:„...g,nTrlade Co
Cleveland, 0., u.
Represented in the jfmnioa
of Counter, bk
79 Mai Si,, E., Tor 0. Ont.
SW) AieenesIOO see.
Dodos:Ion of,
4e a 1 I It us t,
-nt d.,ree