HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-2, Page 5??, nair 1mwe It A high-elas$ PreParation for the liair. Keeps the hair of ang glossy ond prevents. splitting at the ends. etre$ dandruff and alwaY$ irsores color to gray hair. i'r9StVIZAte'3:1=rau"'' ..>. htEmoAL West Huron Teachers JT. BROWNING, M. a, IST. 0. [ Association IR P. S. Graduate Victoria Uni- .1 versitY. office and residonence, Dominion r-r..r.....1.,4--- latiomatory, Exeter. Minutes ot the 27t1t Annual Meeting DENTAL TI RIM:WAN, L. D.. S. AND D. s, D. noll,,,szaAN. • »1. A.t. Oraduate of lorooto (..mversity, Deti. rceth extracted without, pain or bad after eireots. Oitica in Fon. son's block. West side of Main tree Exeter' D.A. At-30E1100N, (P. D• 8. LIS. DBiNTIST. FEener Graduate of tbe Toronto T-IniversitY rand Royal College of Dental Surgeoon of Ontario,with houore Alsa Poet•gragnate of hieago School of Prostbetio Dentistry (witb honorable mention. Everythinghnowa to the Dental Profession done= this oniee. Bridge weft:. crowns, al- Iuminem, gold and vulcanite pates an done in t130 neatest manner possible. A pertectis harmless apae-it-litie used for painless Wien- tiOn- °glee oQQ Ot 8fl'estoro ter.Ont. 2L: 1NSU a0 LOAN Prhale funds to 101111 on FM111 properlYn and ono half per cont., ERNEST EMI°. Fe! fl0NEY T9 LOAN We bravorml Red private feudi fQI, invest' meut upon tarn or village nrePea3r aA luwo rates of interest. D CESON WALING Exetor. ONE '0 LOAN. o have al amount of private enforce an(t vliege properties at h) OLADM.A.‘11 STANIIMAY Ravagers Si:diatom Mein St, Exote DICKSON & CARLING:, ...••••••=4 BirtiOtra. Welfare. Nobarles. Convoya Conuniasioncra, eateltor6 for the xebec Bank, Etc.. Nentl toLoan atlowest rates of Interest, OFFIOE;..-MAIN STREET, EXETER. n. tUT.INQ U. A. T., n.100118911 ••••••000m,•.•....0,0••••*0•0.141•••••••••,••••••p•W....00.0 A. C.,RAMSAY, V. S. Boner Oraduato 'Outarlo yeterkteey oat. lege ;Honorary Vellaw in Ogtarla Veterinary ,Association. All disease:3ot 'iv:nestle animals solontilleallytreated. Mill; foyer treated by thelatest oxygen treatment. , oynciaz, one door south ,of Town molt ^ RESIDENCE : Second. liouFonorth o rOS• byt*rJnehavelt. The Lisburne and Hilbert farmer& Mutual fire 'astir a1160 6onwanu. 'IHead Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President -T. RYAN. DUBLIN P. 0. W. I. PASs:xtOnE, FAItquIt AU P. 0, F. MOIILEY, WHALEN P. 0, 3, A. Notaus, Camr.uvrY P. 0. Wzr, ROY, BOIr.vuorg P. 0. J, L. RCSSELL, RASSELDALE P.0. AGENTS, 0.A.113EICHAET.,, ST.kliS. ONT. A.. Dtnse...kx IrAttotarmt, 0,ST. J. WILsorr, FULLAIITON, ONT. J. S. OIXXILTAN, LtrOAN, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Held at eadericli last week Gederieh, OW. illay ,t3l1111 The 41ASODiation, mei. this morning in, the C011egiate Institute, the presi- dent , 'B. owloO, poriAgi Ater chair. The, devotional lox:ea:701:3es ',weire con- ducted by Inspector. Torn. The min- utes a the last session; of the Associ- 'aline, May 220:1, 1903, held in Exeter. were read and approved. : The iallowinte commit tez were op - pointed Resolution -C. Tauet t,IL R. loortgo W. L. Ilaekcitt, and 23.14-„ses j. Ball „and Gordon. Auditonn-- .A,I,CDonald, and 1.1. t beson. Inspector Tone disoussed tb. pr pgied eba.nge 1z ib eoarso 0C. studb- cr public Schools. He:tread titel pro - c It ehaaages ,for some "iorma :and oda Some explanatory remarks hereon. The sobject was Kurt har.dis Passed by Messrs. Goan, S.lrang, ni Tann who coralcruned the course ory sevcroly, FOR 'SALE Part Lot 23, con, 0, in T.Isborne, con- taining five acres of and. Good brick house, stable, good orchard. and gar- den. Tbis property is -1-• mile from Thames Roacl Post Office:and must lad sold to close estate. Terms easy, For particulars apply to TuoarAs OAMEI1- oN Esq., Farquhar Po. mimmx•soposamomaarve•••nenkseawoonOuwass••••••arsammem...••••secto 11OR SALE.--„Borick bourw and near, ly one-half acre a land, at Edina - :vine. The house contains' 8 rooms, ,• in Vood; repair Ithrotighouti---Good well of water, also sta.bli.. A num- ber cif fruit trocs:and a quantity of small. fruits. Satisfactory rea,SO4 13T tielliog, ',Terms Arpply PS/VALE; Elimyillp, *1r o fimalltarconate, Ralreitlen "IT OUSE FOR SALE.-Ak, good frame house, one storey high, and containing six rooms; together withl an acre ground, on which aro -forty first class 'fruit tress' and alisol a good :well oil: water.' IlGloo'd loco:lion; being ;situated on Alexandair. Otreec, tExeter North. Ap,ply on pre- mises in che evening or at Exeter Post Office.. -Mrs. Joic,e5r Born, 'Exet- er. DORITHORN DURHA,M 13,ULLs P. fox csale.-The undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pedigree or eligabla for registration My aged bull which is the sire of the ollaeris. le inCluded in the ottferrina andhorst proved biros:ell! a surer stock get ter. -He Nras,,eited by Riverside Si-aniPt V.. -.11a id such good service 03.,. and W. a. Watt. -$alein, and it a halt brother : o tar of Mornin, irecen Lly , owne,d. by James SMII, of Toilet t, which rt 0°1: fir,s1; prize ‘rel."-„Ior,:olao „fair and sold at his disoersionsale Tor ,5400. APPlY on Lot 10, Cenc„,..ionr', .Lfay, or 'John Elder, Bewail II 0. - " COU4 lwtus.ex-Pres otb (oflegiate InstL. ussed 'Writing u d ol el, 1 .t5 not 'given arair pro- tiue on the scRilvel pro - 11 la et properly taught aul Canna Wr that t well NV Ptey Ovoid. Be would sug- geM ha t lto emu lar movement and slaw, system he taught. As a means or al tainingisaccos he would teach a number movementsulth Pt% pan- st children. The subject was further tlistareod b ',INfes,srs.t SI rang, Torn, Deward; wild lNlirrseS Parleo and Sharman. all' claiming that though ilt i true .111`.1.17 Writ; ing is. not Up the mark yet the press ore' Ott other work on the pro - grant hinders the proper teaching or Cha subject. The navel big lima adjourned 111 oration. 7'111S10 To.wnshij k Ushorlie. IN otti c to is he-oolayt kleart of:, It a vitsi 13,011 oC .the Toi 1904 will be hel 1,10 Itliinville, on ` Satnrday, .1in i 0 i 10 Wli .1 -en„ Ilrfaor von t1tt tl)la tiro asetistUrient ot Usb o roe for. A TERNOON The Association tract at 145 p. 10. The minutes ot thelorenoon:tession were, rend and approved, 1V: McKay, lor lIonsall; intro- ducedi the subject of the Super:canna- lion or a,eanhers. Ile outlined the, o.r paying llotnimon Civil. S1er- nuts showing (that !MeV Vete' veli be.I,Ler salaries than the teachers and were tsuperannuated on liberal. all ow- aalcets. lie adyeqa,ted such; -a :sellout of sopitaranuation for the :trscaehing profession. tn .Australia the miminu tnt salary is over 4700 =ng up to ;81250 haul evhem superanntra"ted :they are staperannan tett on halt pay. Mr. Golvans continued the subject ishowl!og !that ,Prance end Germany tsupernaualed their teachersfort vctry liberll allowances. ,AEss-Burritt's clas s.`t.lien sang two excellent selections. N. N. Trewartha, oil road a good paper on ventilation, deiscriblea espeoially the Pease fur- nace, which` lit considered a splendid -heal itro and ventilator 'for nmry r ea - sons. The subject WaS still further discussed by 11iessrs, Gowans, Tom and Miss Sharman. Miss Jean, incIntosh,Cot N11e.i read an eirtoeltunt paper, o -n- School Winl- door.. She advocated, the ground glass fir thii purpose, 1.110 ad- vantage of scattering cli tiro light 1 ho t fallson 11 so completely through T0,011O tha-t every part of the room is equally; lighted without tiny gl 1re without any sdiad-es and without th0 temptation; to. look 'out. • • .The diis.csissioa was confirmed by Mies Sharman; and Inspector Tom: The subajct created :much interest and a number or questions were asked in reference to -these windoWs. Miss B t L's class delighted every- one witty two more school songs. !tT:s:1r. Bowles .43,n d Gowans,' dele- go I es to the 0. E. A., go ve very pill and a ble, repor ts CL the work done there 111 reg:tra tot interes:-. ,and a 1- tondo:nee the late0. E. 4. nu:alien Was: one 'of the best 1 hat have been held. netor:ty Tote of thanks ;was ten, dered 'Messrs. 13ow1es and G mans :for their splendid roport„ Mr. Baird; o111iSianlge v. was ;then introduced: and read a comprehensive paper desoribina the wOrlei done in rrt;t sc,holcate„ speaking cs.pee hilly of the origin, cost', (Itc.oi Cams.e, iu [1'la Unircti 510 tes and Can.. ado. He also read some of :lie tavola b 10 eetanalcgatz acito by t he, Iftritericis OE ' cent:roll:rod sehoole, and distri buted 0 printed it,l al the leoeling.argiu moo in To veto oO, andoth objections to, the mioiveruketel:, tito diisc ussion was Continued by Messrs. Torn, Baird, 33 0 anrltl, 110 11'- i ii ioh osoo n. toss, Ila no a arid Illiowe'cy, all t3petta k I n(3 a go t the centralize:flan of schools.. • 3. MI Field, 13. 4., or rho ,C01- 1••••••11,.. 1 O.a refill pi -active ui writieg, an attliOnL,o.C.eto the principles, of sentence and paragraph structure, the cultivat- ion of ,an adequa to vocabulary, and the cri,;ioaE reading 'of such masters, of Bag) ish prose as , ea y,Ge rgia Eliot and ,Addi.st' o a. IV • , ,T;1). Clork lieT1331/; rt"5' C 's 1‘11I.WIttlitrrtlItt,IltTItit!!!!!!!,,I,nfttlrit,iffrtti!tt/lItt!t/tt??, Pa rieti, oder lc ; ud '0,111, oderich, : '1.11ti resolution !cor mittes. hrough t fbc following $....solu twos, 1.. That the. ;system or school cen- trot; za U ou i su. ii 1 b to to t Ito con . Aitica:1 eximLing iJiritiario. 8, That the school teacbers organ - U0(1: potition ,tb Iglayernment to 1.p1ace them on an egnality with civil seiwants •with i,matninanar. salary 'Dor ea olo certtiriewte, il, That the: pro -nosed ou trio-133qm or tut1iisetheor P.tudents 16 in inatr ob. spects unsatisfactory, especially for ungraded' ,schcols. 4, mba.t this oonven t ion, meet 11e4t o rter on lei:wiling days only. 5. 'nat., scum limitation should he pierced, on 1 be ptriveir 'of Lruat ens In tin, ntatteo cif' engaging andfL 41stoissing tea chers- nesolvoil ithe orescial his- tory books are unsalable for ,Ltlie use or oar schools. 'Nuanberoi 2 31 and 6 ,,,anr• ad. tory by the Association and No 13 jai for VOW:kb:ration ilkiring (ILI rifler.. noon. _noted: by Mr. Hanna. seconded by M.to "lic!,,,tarth a.nd naceple4, that au •r,reslutious passed by his Assoolatri lan bolsont tile members of Le tliva Ass3ult:1y front this county, Jr, Burnie sang a solo and goy,. 31111alt pleasure. Mr. ituq.sell wa cnbhat 'AfFartt 0 i3. 1J. firfiial sealed the C-SC2,C;C the Careiclo ing DIms Brown. :39.11,; lutist exprc•siively he song "..gargaterite" Whielt wa.; tit enjoyed. 'he ,.spa. rate section3 t ton . .3 sect 11n. --.1n, th ee, Lion P. -02,5 discasssed (be cora elf out.. building-, very ably. FI' 4J1IiOJ1 was rout if114,?ll iticpci f‘il..0111 Mvs.rs, Blue t :Lod lioirartlespoke Motori liTyl .improper laytizaarrt• arc! :=,911111 gOOti JOWLS 4 he 4'11T:8 44 ,F uguag..... F. $tuder.,.i .gave son: ttuoi Along Alm line or ibr:,•;1;ifen of slari7,,, pr ofa nit y, etc. IhMeDeogali, M'eDoogall introduced llov," ;0 Sete nrio At tendance, amt bold that it Mao brxioorod by en: husiasna and general cheorincoss on the par:: or tile general ehrieriness co am part of the teacher, Ur. oncc,. rigement a school ea me .ti and the b7i,t1n,?enitrg of the schoolroom WILLA plot ures and (lowers. T.:IL 'Brownlee, of liensall, endorsed r. Nello-rnours remarks and ex- plelorq 1ii. plan sa .good aL(L10U.s. The itisralert WAS. con- tinued l.)y -Messrs.. ainett •arod. John - t on. Adjournment.. EVENING Ir, tte evening a, veryrsateo,o-ssfut at hcmo. al ttnlilv0 by litratY Or the teachers and their trierabi. Iv:Di hod in the Assembly tzf,--oata of the Colegl- a to In$Itlute. Ai Bowles, President, prOlded, and 11Woed an olxcellen't address on Culture. A splendid musical program wa,s rendpred. by .M.i.",sirs. npWs, Tut , • iSlartin .uutiCanapmgme and Messrs. rr i t and t b rid ae. Ad- nn-ro delivered by AECS9r. St Tang, r.4..nt log Mr. df.‘rdan ; \V4,rneek, 2'Q. tutLizg Lite pttnliv. .solieol board 7, Fleming (Exel or) and Grout, Inspector Tem anti thz Bev. J. 4. Anderson. Liotrt bu not t Inast was t ket doia lunch° )12 pro v hied 14 1b ode n. tel'e1in4 and 'their friend$, who C.1,1.. a"V0 much pi*bo for their haspit h .:1.T,CIIDAY Veal:NOON' The Associ ta.ott met at m. De- votional exercLF-,:s conducted* 3. W. 'fogad:it, of Mr-% Green, and the mixtutes r,rtit3 after.nnou and cat:ning wssUnt wer4 rzeu1 and no - proved. ' n introduced the sub. t len, wit'xit sin cortsid. o xo,st nuport ant ou the would begin with MISS ject, or 01 ere.t one' prog1a111. • det,criptions of common things. then Ike- use of the parts of 5pc0.11, intro - aiming punctuation Marki '11101111 -Mt - ally, and then through Ample stories i be sentence, 81111 paragraph should be t a u g.la t Site would, ns,5ign subjects beforehand. III teaching the para- graph 511n01(1 receive.? special Et t t eution The pper, was an rued:Int one. ik1143 Oneper, ot Porter's 1E11, hell y along, s t adonis shouhl he taught by ineanQi or nlodelS Inca use 1 hey a re ors. , The diScussion was continued by in.specter Toni, and l'csn;rs. llogartlt, St rang tuni Lowery. Btiss Parsons' class sang a kinder- garten song veryswecay and expres- sively. it wait moved by !Nr,c, floss, speontINI by Mr. Hanna, that the texpens:,s tine delegates to ilia 0. E. A., the usual grant" crf $1.00 irott;tie, care taloa' of. the Collegiate, , institute and the ebarge: or tuning the piano lor last evening'.s entertainment be paid. Carried. A hearty vote of thanks 'was tend- ered all who contributed to las, might's entertainment.. '11Loved by Mr. Tigeri: and seconded by 1‘.1x.; Tom 1110 d.the teacherm 'or West Huron are in hearty accord with the resolution passed by the East Huron frea,chers' Association and that Arla y 21.T.11; and Mit be. the 00..1,13411 w.bielV, aut. 000 venann 3110.721:51.: :t urli t 0-3' room rt, s3lowing a anee *E. .5'81 an hand, W.a.9 presented anti advDted. ;In I'M riia1lUte, discussed 1,[1. e color Lyle in an able; an(l ins-ruei tvivet man- ile t., iTh held t1101 poet ry pr3aevlefl pato rte. o ,0 CC Can t. 01( 1111 mcnt1il o(1i- Lul of ,t , o node n whose emoi io n a I 3 1 a Lure foUnri 0000001,..si on Mar& ntLUr- ally in, poetieaUcwul, as ,;.,11ey asori b 1 nolo" al' and` n altion a 1 phenol/ulna to ne, agency. 11,14,3L'Iry styicI began vbeil laws and Iiistor-were re2orded e. ult,ivirte a god slyIo /le would W, IT, Johnston, Sec -1'retts. The elect ion o f of ficer13 resulted ttfi Prc&d.Tri. G,; S. Howard, Make ; via:0-1);misidailai, Miss CoinsItt, llills Green O secretory -treasurer, W IL ; 3 ohnston, Mimeo ; 'councillors - C. drecl,i1cat ; T. H. Brownlee .5. Uowird .0. 5, Howard read a vn1utb10 ,)apat n "What ca.n be dont to 11.1.11a Men ht the Teaching Professinn? be - 'loved that the real r.la.5011, Wily men leave the. profession in such largo nu in hers is, because t he 19,01000 ratien for the work done in tiosbt rockm is not" o all %equai tto t,tin1. receiverl .trt other walkst to lire. lie held tha,t sal- aries should be plaerd under govern- ment control and rai,..sed to such,a levet that there would he the same irt.. ucemenf tv men to enter it as Um other callings. Airtmen's Section. --!.Hiss 3. 'Hamil- ton tookt the isubjec t "How Shall Teachers, Deal with Slang, Profanity, impurity. Quarrelling? The leading points were the example or tea.cher. and early training. Early habits will follow a child through life. In order to eradicate all four failings from the school, united effort must bo tuttle by the gichool, the family and.",the coin - trioniiy. Let 1 the pupils $00 'that in- tetest. is takezt in them. talk to Diem 'quiet 1 v. and apart from the re- mainder, injad ohms punishn3ent eiOPS a 'great deal of harm. Trust the pupils and do not suspect too much. Teach morality inciden tally :throbgh le.ssons in readin'oo and history. Teach child len self-control, as ooly such per- sons make good 'eitizens. D.iisloussion followed by Miss Dor- nog: on, Miss F. E. th-11, Mb's gins, Miss .INIclienzieL Iiss 1?:trIoe. Miss IC Watson, and 'Muss 1-3,11ormon. Care or the schoni buildings brought out very little discussion, the only paint being that teat:hors should visit all buildings regularly. Moved by Miss Watson, seconded by Miss AV. Ball Ilia 1 we have sepao. ate sessions for .next yoar. A. discussion rollowed on purity series tor books, by Mrs. Wood, Allan and DT. Sylvanus Stan. The 'meting' 'h -ten adjourned." AFTERNOON samercasmos=....r.,•••xe We do not publish testimonials SPEAKS FOR ITSELF CURES HEADACHE within 30 animates or Trionev refunded 11 Druggists 25c a box Sample and Booklet Free. THz liFiRALD R4,111-MDY CO. MOutreal •1111.-- 40.•• oZ••-• 45••••-, GOODS hat are made right. 056... ta,•• •8••• M... SUCCOS has,stai ped our Clothing Dtpatli€-n ami for two years ' ..... 4.,..- .st-- ing has proven that we know what will give us. also our customers, the = satisfaction. Gentlemen buying clothing flora vri know all goods are with cause, cannot Hp or give away without a 2.--- ewe sr' th silk and linen threads and and The A5se,cia1tion met at 11.30. The minutes of the forenoon session -were repel: :and approved. Miss Consitt read:a splenuli paper ou "Ilquselaold Science at, the Sum - "yr se,gpa,,,. explaining the good work; tha t ivas d,onet a here under Miss Do Lchalr t. ,Coftsidera ble discussion ' arose in reiference to No. 5.L'of . he resolAtions .introduced by the resolution ctanamit - lee', the coneensms cot topinion..,beinig (bit' t the incoming teachers from the ;Ude] Schools were th e ones to be Warmed fax ,Lhe 'present bonditioti of, low salaries. it was' moved in amend anent to No.,5,(1) That the public 'schoolsbo' graded and, that inoxpeir- ionced 'tem:hers be, not qualified to 1:each, u.s'prineipal of a graded soiled]. toitlr .te,acitin the highest class of, un - ;gni "Jed Isniratols. (2)That _the .g.o ncr al grant from?, tiro dlownship to . each schooi section be 8'300, to be applied to ,t s al a r y. Ca rr ie (I: 11, was moved, seconded and adopted (1111.1 all remit' tio 11S C gf:..ao rad character bc sen on (to the executive On oenoiab 'or 'the president, Orr. Bowles,' having loft; the profession, aViciss ,Consittr ,vic,a-,por,siclent, was ap- pointed; one or hte daletgateis to the litearty voter: of thanks 'were passed to Ile trustees of the Collegiate' Insfi- talc and the -retiring pr cl . The 'Association then adjourned, all feelinga Tory sucOustrulmaithg had been held. Orie hundred, sixliren treachors were in attendance.. W. IL JOHNSTON. Seco-Tretasurer 0.- cam. - 0•1••• 0:••• 4!!›.• 01).- (1••-• Whit••• 4111., 011•••• 00.-^ 41,-* 41P-- 10..• 0••••-• 00▪ .• ••••• 491.- 010- C••-• 00•-• MP" 00, Mid -Grey and brown Tweed suits, made from our domestic tweeds, well lined...4mo Large ran stylish, all wool domestic Weeds, light, me3iwn & dark shades..$'7„oo Stylish stripes, checks, neat mixtures of domestic tweeds, extra lined $7.50 Hard finished worsted serge, black and navy. all -wool imported cloth... $8,00 Heather mixture in excellent grey cloth fled with Italian and Selicias,. All -wool and navy bine, tact. e and Satin iining at Scotch Worsted Tweeds, stripes, overplaids, best of ltnpoil in Tweeds, best of linings. Black Worsted Suits with best Italian and Selic Odd Pants, well cut, goi linings at 1.15, 1.41-0, 1.7 $3.0O ish Serg rd fin ish, oys' Suits Vo lmse scune specially goDd clothsitt our Boys Snits. • • • .ek ng quite mamusit Su eut and are made to give the best of So tisfaction a good reliable suit for your boy, see our 0. N. R. brand of clothing. ).50, $3.00,S4.00, $4,2C), $5,00. OW* ON* 41▪ 0•••• 110.. AP* 410.• MP - 110••• 11'- 1110. SW. O P. 010.- 101.- OP- 111.- •••.- 60•-• 0/•▪ -• de• -- 1110 -- 010. - x Bears the The Kind You limn Alwns Bought Sighature • Bargains These following Prices c, Corsets for 45c. Belcher & Snider's steel filled, summer corsets, one of the best makes cut price 45C. 8c. Towelling for sc. Pure Linen Towelling, Lurgan abs rbent regular Sc, less than cost at cc. 25c. Fancy Sutanas for 15c. 7 pieces of French Fancy Sutanas in good colorings, 'wide widths and excellent patterns were 2$o. for 150. $1.25 Silk and Linen Allovers for sac. A genuine bargain in Silk and Linen Movers: We have only two ends left of this bargain, suitable to trim, Champagne shades, will make elegant waist $ I .2 tor 500 Bargai end on June Sth. 1904. off of 4 lines of Lace Curt 37 pairs of Nottingham Lace Cu worth es`;',: over regular prices $1.25 Nottingham Lace Cu $1.6$ $1.7$ 35c. Black Dress Good 7 pieces of Black Dress Goods, A dye, guaranteed not to shrink, 36 inches wide for 25c. x5 and 2oc. Muslinsif for 8,! Io pieces of colored make, all good patterns away at Sc. We give you the best of values all t as we buy for Cash and sell for Cash duce, LESTONE & GARDI TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. VISIM14110=101•21101,•• .11•2111 SUDDENLY ATTAC11ED. Millar ant are ,citton ,ptund,koly at- tacked by painful and dan•Te cos Colic, Cramps Diarrhoea, DY' -3 seniors- Cholera Morbus, Cholera in- faatum, etc. Dr. Fowlers Extract. of Wald Stray berry is a prompt 1 and bruset Vora whinh should „",olways be keo:Ati .111 3i e,house3 About Lightning Prof. ;413. Reynolds of the .0rUe1,011 ":2v ricultural Collte:ge, whose, series ciS articles on the destruction caused by lightning, it year :or 'Jive 0110,at trap Led wide attention is at ,plriesent engaged In coillecLing data concernjnoo the amount of delstrnotiort: by, 114glanlatg in rural oIlis of the Province, the objeet bein2;; to eiitablish the relat ' aon bc- iwectt tile lightning istrroket, arid the sot ren If this could be de- , bermined,, the first stop would ha",,e tbecin taken in providing a remedy gazzoist, the 6:estructi011 bt property by lightning This is a matter In which the farmers aro specially inter etste,sted antl,Prof.. Reynopls asks rfor their co-iiipora lion in: tlaet to:skim has undertaken, Be would, like thefull pootticulars of every' fire which' Lak- es place, 1,11c result or lightning,. Ti Those who are gaIning.flesh arid strength by regular treat- , riient with SCOW'S Ernulior should continue tho treatment' 't. In hot weather; stnaller dose and a little.ccol rntik with It will :kway .1 any obi ection whio'l is aioerterileti to fatty p•ro- du,-:trt iro n�1. 3(7,0)3C.(c-td:sts, Ot} 5 d + ; 1 Bears the Signature of Barley XL. .401... The Kind YoU Have Always Bought .CRE ExETEil MARKETS Roll • • . 40 to 13 Flour. .... Butter 14 Eggs...... .14 t 14412 Pork live4;eight 51.60 to $4.60 Pork Pressed .... 56.25 to $6.25 CDuckshicke n 14 8 6 Turkey .... , "WARM_ FOR SALE. --,The, undersign- ed is offering for sale his ex- cellent Garm,Joi, 1, con, 4, tovvrishi,p, of Usborne, abont; two' miles 'from 03-n- eoutaining 106 acres of well collivaterl and for, farming or, pas- ture being well dr:ifirted. TJAsro isitt 000d '41rapie: lion* land, Itwo bank barns, two good wells of water; with windmill 'pumps. alsor a.n orchard with good fir,utit: lbeontrig, trees.; Ron fur- ther :pair ticulars apply on the' prem-' isles or to MR, W. J. CAVES, Centra- lia P. 0. EETING OF THE COUNCIL, OF , THE COUNTY OF HURON ' 3Ph6 ;60,Uncil 'pf lite Connly of -ItoO-- von will meet in the council chamber in the town .or 'Goderich 'on Tuesday the 7th of June - at 3 o'clock. , Alt account s to come before, tho ociuncil must be', ';p1a,cted vibl Abe, Clerk on or 1before first`iday ,of racet Oa Led_ TVIy 23rd 1901 W. LANE Clerk. ; Gristing„ Promp We are givin bisfaction in modelling our Miyake ritliokW iWOfltl000iS tiOntt Htriet 23 ant free.' ror'cioplo MIAMI crilatlo