HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-2, Page 24<eltenelConneee..<etelletreieCee
4etelet ,,neennA ‹etef<*ienienaliil
ring the elugglet
can I do?.
.neetort" eaid,
Or, Kinship Between rlan and
" She rencoted. with 00 his eerdianents nruet lie en
exreetotion sti t lulterearra„" said Aire, Paeet,
tus a her boort. w1io 1ok re mini pleasure in naggeug
ot her friend.
thlessly, "you. "Not at all; treble are very much"
, 'n that yomeg lady in front heated though, by *dislike rather than
little more room at her affeetion. X thinn Misa Browser an
eel not ride quite so itorribly ,,Codicill.S. staele-op, forward, fast young
•. ',woman; and as tor Colonel Clinker,
nig! Tim resetion was ter-, v reenact or regard 1 nenY once
ere, and in the first :thee%
too surprieed ewe for
She drew in her breath i
,to eatertaived for Min he /las en -
f i I forfeited." wit)) which conclud-
observation She vet lionle. gai-
n gasp that resembled the gurgle lloping past Kate, and bespattering
of a drowning man, and emitted tbe her with mud without a, -word a apo-
eingle nionoeeitabie, -.Ont
"'Yea." ematinued Colenel br
POhttedlo, for soreenow or ce
never could 'bring himself to regard
Agee Palliser
as e. woman, O.%.4 there,
fore felt little compuncticnt in tramp-
ling on her feelleeto 'inrese and
whi,d'S more. I saw eenn 13z -et now
simply 'bemuse Miss Breeeeer liepre
ed to be lendlnen ride On to her
lrlOrs very toil. It he bad =vole
the least peck or the ghost a a lute -
take at the feuce yen would We
licen on the top of him o certein-
ten It'deuced unfair, end if yoU
Coll 04 riding I
Bering this eTeeelt the lady had
partly recOvered from the first stun -
rung effecte a the blow delivered, alel
botlx pride and teower ziow came to
her aseistance. Tht the Met straw
broke the camel's beck. Itillen it be-
=lie a. question of riding, her riding.
wager aesuieed the upper an and
crushed ell ineiplent eentint at ite
very birth.
**Colonel Minter," elee eald, or
railer rereeraetl. while her *align'
'complexion Soddenly flamed tido rear -
"Phew!" .1.4). Mrs, Pet, eyeiog
1.ng c:treatifriend dubiously.
Shea very erns -tel. I wonder wbatto
riorC? It's e pity ehe's got each
on ungonereable temper, lett one real-
ty utwer feels eoro whet she nioy soy
NI do next."
w. veried by erthuene
sport, petty jeolotieies, and nos -
time glided by, nail at length
eventful day arrived on which
gource iofinitely more mixed
sloes, the ludiee' steepleclicts waS
o be di -Odell. It lied been settled
g.Ticestlay, awl though eupposed
profepind newt, the neawledge of
hiog place lied somehow leaked
The comparatively early hour
o'checli was definitely dud
tart. treveral farseeiug indi-
Clinker and his companion were vie -
tilos not likely to escare their moet
favorable predictions.
"Cross my hand, iretto lady, with
4 silver eaxpence," the woman said
to trete with whining insintence. "It
will bring yer luck, nettling' but
"Get away, my good smil, don't
yoe eee you're borthering the ladY,"
said Colonel Clinker, feariag
might enway the eirl.
"Not I," anewered She, with intro -
sive sonfidence. "The lady has a,
good kind beart tier own behind
that sweet face, bat the poor gipsy
can see Viet's, in it. There are
clouds, and darkness, und crossings,
but the fair gentleman with the Wile
eyes stands out elear among them
all. "The end will be merriage, Oh
s deplering that in any ntterept
br:eig the jorkeyenes to the post
coinsideretile delay nos sure to
ri ; pertly through their ir.exper1-
1300. but more tbrough the dif-
titles of the fair econfietitors
let. and her Knell grey eyes gi mimed ;inning the exigencies of toilette
With a. ViciOUS eVIVSSi013. "I tee, over satisfaction. sl'he hind ol
eave to ate have not hunted all Earl. who had thoroughly entered no
those years in Itredingshire for no -Ito the spirit of the ilting /rout first
thing. I Batter niyeelt IE
ZoW bOW to last, bad signilled Wu intention o
he f
bow to ride at a fillee as Well as 0,ntertoiniog triders and their
nest ProPle. lest. Foch is 'the friends. when the race Was over, to a,
general oolnioni end I don't require seraptingis lunch, immediately atter
You or AnSktnit 44FL!' to Give TAO Mitch the oup would be presented to
Eons hoW to behave In the bootie:1n e, the fortunate winner amid all the
field. I vOnsillee you are Inckta—tuest ' formal pomPohItY or sueedvulaithil'
linpertinent." $1te bad begun , ane ifeeitheirinning.
The morning luckily broke fair and
till. Soft grey •clouds filled the :eke,
ept gently onwards by a mild,
autinweeterly breeze. It luta rained
ast during the niebt, leoving each
lade of grass and faded russet leaf
the way who likes. Prop yaw hands
When yell, cOme to the 'double, and
whatever you de, don't go too fast
at it, Give King Olaf a fiat spoor-
tunit3r of understanding what is be-
fore Wm. lee the nastiest fence of
the lot, and the only ene-I am at all
afraid ott pertieularly wiU auhue
petuous horse, The same rule applieS
equallyto the ,juraps at the road;
take them eteadily. ITorses often,
jW) the fence out carelessly, se be
on your guard, So far we have
brought you along capitally. Woe
A good drre, hold of is head, ,and set
King Olaf just as ie St as ye ') please
at the water-junip, 1101 clear it
by yeads 1 know beforehand, but I
you can remember, keep close to the
white flag on your rieebt. Tho Wolk*
there are both oarrower and firraer
than in aoy other place: besides you
Yes, the Poor girsY woOlau kuo"^, get the ioSide torn. aml -.vitt gam seen
nFor heaven's •Sake let vs come,' eral lengths by ec, doing. And now
said Kate turobag euddemy eceglet, send your horse along in downriglit
.ari3::enatehing be' hand away from earmat, Nun-tenuis a amateur ride
the other's detaining grasp. "I -neve ers throw away the race by waiting
er listened to sech nonsense in nlY too long and not corning soon enough,ult in protein—oats, peae, mot -
Then they get flurried, lose their ulIngs and barlty--sllekeld sunray
"Ner.sense, is it?" ceeled the no- head,, (old til is over wile„ their i most, of the nourlehment, Feed for
man, after the indignentlY. "The chance of winning, By Oils time the Itritetl,;X:1101:etbelrite 3r.toortr'actg'clgentieltoOtaold, ell.cbel
eeir gentleman's eyee are hill of love. riff-raff will either have tailed at or
Ile tio:e Pot call what 1 say non- peorentieto xygo:laiO, awlazjebilow,zeoti;:2 t=t roefLtSno. 40u:used. boiling
or aatellia..liaare /mean,
nse at any rute " ty
"Row harribly nelger tbeee PeOlge dangerous oleo 0,e" 'ing own e. In lletmlrecommended
-re to be SuIro;” eatd Kole, feeling in- you find you have them fairly eettled,,C°9d treskli is...net t° laa at'ilel/ an'
neely eXusperated at 'what ale coreo straight aWay over the last eel' Welter eeditutialls ante regulationn
eal to consider the gipsyts inVert- i two feneee alio past tio poet, naede es tet charaeter et feed and mount,
Mena., i down, it if it cows tO a contest. °t "ereise* Ilia ClneatI°A or eerel
"Never mind," said lier eximpanion;ineep cool ena eemeeted and do oleo is an importaot oue, In summer
- h soppmsseil einotion. "Don't ale ,best you can. I fortell a. rerfect trle s•aws aa a' rale will gt't all the exer-
yroto be annoyed at her ompli, to onr party,. renewed the eine needed by the use of pasture, bat
ow ouasks. Come with me aria have colonel, drawine a '•''4'breath of, in winter if is often neceesary to
—7.111-, Pelt e,
. ate
eterteentablo and ProlItehle t.
Mete for tho Busy Tillers 3n
tet tho Soil.
At this season many fermers are
losiog jigs, and are often at a loss
to Limn the ceuse.
The lose of you g pigs m /invent-
ly due to the laele et slielter, core and
feed of. the sow. Prof, Ileory, en lite
**Feeds exid Feeding," tells the farm-
er how to manage the sows and idoS,
ane if his instructions are followea
very little loss will ever occur.
Prof, nlenry does not agree with
some breeders,. wile bold that no
eorn .sould. be fed. Ile says that
soe eorn new be used but that
100% at the fences Meteen, er you satisfaction M anticipation of this drive them about A largo lot or alP
will he running out of tile emir" desired result. After a montentarY and down a lane f"nr a thne every
which would never do." pawn be appeared however to recole
Slr' Mt grateful to him for coverlect it wae just roneible there wight
Ing her confusien, and incensed with 1 exiet roverside to the picture,
herself for havine displayed any 1 and he added in calmer accents, "On
What a poor wealc 1041 ehe wns, to toe oilier boon, shonid, aug nosbap
be sure! alad. Mr. McGrath ben her
nmenlon, the woman's prophecieS
would haee produced no further im-
sslon than the ordinary clap -trap
3argon of the profession. All abe
VOUld Lope was that Colonel Clinker
dldUot altributo bor VextitiOn to its
old, canoe. They 'Mewled together
tour of inspection, folionobel by
.ary 'Whitbread and tir. Grahame.
Colonel Clinker. on wboee ehoulders
entire management bad fallen, bad
ed, neither time nor trouble M
tiering, the ceurse as perfect uSi
It was liemitinally marked
out with rows of little white degs,
placed rie such elose distimces that
it looked not to impossible for the
rlders to mane any wrong detour,
while the run -1n was voided on
r oith-
sidu with oiont ropes, leading in a
direct line to the win -Meg -poet 'which
stood up, tall and uninistahade, elan
to the judge's improvised box.
Sterling at the ',ugliest end of
large graes-fited, in view of the weer understand what, ow. 'created to
aneemblea eompany, the coven first convey; and =Rs palliser, wile would )1(lentical quantity of milk and meal
led somewhat 'uphill over very severe
ridge -and -farrow, at tho ton of widen am
be lriortelly orffeern4tecilybysa,attravir aii;100. $wOoraitl.lizeng7duction of 100 pounds not
gain as the pigs alone required otter
a good honeat fence with a (Bevil and ;Alan be quite content if only my Pu- When the youme pine
low guard-rail on the take off side I pn win promise. to obey the °Merl or two olg thou, mouths
barred the entry into the opposite toi nen trainer, riO, in! grout IA sil
fiela, whieh, though bigger in dinien- loating et her eonc-e-Wlicelt allci filarP " r°11gh
sins, was Co ) Ore level and Wry for though as a rige las own nerve ponneck teeth clipped with a pair of
sound going. After this it ran across wus sieado ns roe}. it lwore down tint, the young pigs will begin to
Colonel Clinker had not been ablo chapter of neeseents which take a little nourishment.
• bravely, but her voice here, died nweY
in hyetericel rabs, ller mortilleation
woo complete. Colonel Clinker bow-
ed nilently, and galloped en.
that was eliterp ona decis-
ive mount). in all tonseiveve," be said
tO "La Palliser and I luern „trembling' under the silvory weight of
fought our flat pitehed battle,. though the erestel burden imposed on it, ev-
Manes the slarrnith we tiave inaulg- 0 ery one of whigh shone like a spark-
ed in. I'm. afraid Wan a little rude ling gem as the INole fare Of the SIM
but tbe reinike will do no harm, arta Struggled bravely out from. anioneat
lithe way the jumps •ou reople is real- the misty eliroud encircling it, while
rlY quite abominable." • those hardy birds Who scorned to
"Abet a Tool Colonel Clinter s forsake their storm -swept home for
(midair,* of himself about that Mies milder climes, lured by the genial
Ilreerser," :Hiss Pollieer remarked late atmosphere. strutted About the moist
er on to ber dear friend Mr. Paget. roads, head on one side; seeking Imre
She lona Senre enough to keep their and thero a precarious livelihood with
little encounter to bombe but she a elwerfultieSs and an activity which
mold not retrain from lamtching. a. seenned to soy, "After all, tiler* no
Lew venom-ladtn arrows by Way of place like old England. Our emu-
talting some revenge. pardons are fools to fly anaye" Poor
"A fool?" eeid Mrs. Paget. "In little treatures, When they sat eblver-
what niamen? I have seen nothing ing and shaking limier the cold, cruel,
to jnstify such a. remark on Your snow, perhapa they told a aifiereht
part." tale; but to -day, at least, they were
"You're as blind as a hat, itlY happy. Nate felt very joyous and
dear," returned Mies Palliser con- Pleasantly excited as she and Mary
tempttiously. "X tell you the mart'S Whitbread drove to the rendezvous.
quito gone off his head. To so great She had. arranged with Colonel Olin-
, an extent, indeed; that be can't speuk. ker to 'be on the spot early, in order
with decent civility to anybody else." that they inight walk round the
"1 bud a chat with him some little course together, and they found him,
time ago, and he appeared much as aceorapanied by Mr. AleGrath and
--"You're a goose, and never could
see a thing, even when it was going
n under yoqr very nose. My eyes
are considerably sharper; they cant
hoodwink me in a hurry."
"But, my dear Miss Palliser, who
'wants to hoodwiak you? After all
there would be nothing so very won-
derful even it Colonel Clinker were
to fall in loge with Miss Brewser.
Rank united to wealth is not an un-
common occurrence. OM sees it ev-
ery day of one's life."
"'There agree; but don't talk •
love, its .ft perfect profanation to
call such calculating, mereenary trans- about singing atrocious songs in a 'The ground also was in beautiful or -
actions love. Colonel Clinker's no still more atrocious voice, insiethig der, nether too hard nor yet too
more in love with Miss Brewser than on telling fertunes to znople who deep, As they walked round togeth-
am." had no anxiety to hear tb.ein. Ct_olonel er Colette]. Clinker proceeded to give
Kate a variety of advice as to what
she shoulcl and what she should not
do in the forthooming• race, eiti of
which she listened to most at,entive-
ly, and determined on following to
the best of hex ability.
"Directly the Dag drops, Miss Brew -
ser," said he, '`he sure and let your
horse have his head. A good start
in a three mile race is not such
paramount importance as in a five
furlong scramble, still it is by no
means to be despised. There's no-
thing like beginning well, It gives a
horse confidence in his rider, and tells
3nm he naeans going. Bot directly
you get on to the ledge -and -furrow,
take a good pull and make King Olaf
go well within himself. Never mind
being last of the whole lot, especial-
ly if you only feel yourself to be, BO
an stiOerance, and can regain. your
lost position at any moment, you
please. Nothing takes so inuell out
of a horse as pushing him fast op an
incline at starting, before he has
warmed to his work and got his
pipes all clear. Steady him at the
first fence; the chances • are he will
want to rush, • and might overjunap
himself in his eagerness. Very prob-
ably you may fincl-by then that yon
have the legs of most of your com-
panions, but don't 'on any account
force the running, so early in the day.
Don't beetle Xing Olaf ontil you get
fairly tgrough the plough. If, after
thet, he in still going• stroeg and well
and pulling tolerably hard, you may
begin to forgo ahead a bit. Remember
ep to this point you have to ride a
'malting race, and let anYene else lead
day. Litter or straw thrown in the
Yard, 'through which is ecattereef
waste grain, will Annulate the solY
to enereiee in seerebing for feed, but
some means should be used to pre-
occur—though. I devoutly trust not— Ve,la" ECM IrOol )3dOg idle neel
or eltould you by any clianee Anil twang on too mach' sort flesh-
Ittieg Olaf is bliewu, fer Genre Fate s Tim feed nest before farrowing time
pull him up there mut VQ1J V11°41(1 sloPPY and limited in tnInn-
bove ridden a beaten home mire too lt,t,enY;i:wlylonual°,474t.i. bbreeefedersn:grthemog -Oft among women.
ofteo ee it is, awl tliere's no uee iat The blotted States is tbirty-two
In goal condltion, for 5 to 6 cents
Per Peuila when whole milk calves
are bringing 're6e to 7 cents,
A inunber of experiments have beeo
carried on to determine the beet me-
thods of handliog skim milk coleas,
and. the effecter
on the Wated beef
animal where the calf has been so
enised, and the cost of doing so,
Pref, A. E. Haecker, after conducting
ionnber nonerimente along these
lines, sums up reeults as tollows:
,'`Ae to the quality el the calees In
the two lots, it was quite easy at
the end of the fifth and sixth. periods
to pick out the suchen; calvco zia
they nem rounder M body and had
better coats, but at one year old
this difference could not be detected,
"In order to hive thts a fair test,
stockmen not familiar with the indi-
viduals were called upon to pick out
the skim-a:din calves, which they were
unable to do.
eonelueeon it may be E4Ifely
said that by careful feeding good
steers can, by canna feeding, good
steers can ne raised on snlea-milk by
twine' ground feed to replaee the lost
notter at,
The cost of feed for a skim -milk
ealr ralOod, te, eke moothe old WAS
-Where a nrarnet for butter is ace
ceref.ble, even, cows with a beefy tee -
fleecy can be milted with profit end
their calves rateed With little cest
eeld Work."
Una 'tome Of owetiga
illAT BIRMINE111111 Bit
EP 01-1AlelaitteleetiN.
Recla.mation of an 'Area of Soo
lid Houses --Now a Soueee
In 187.5 the most squalid distric
jIl England lay like a festering sore
adjacent to the business cent
Birmingham. lt was thus r
by Coumellor White ie.
plea before the town cow
proved conditieue;
-It is not cane to
dreary isola.tion acr
in the very heart of the
.-skolts to those, who will
trouble to vi,eit it, Little ele
be •seen but bowing roofs, tot
cliiieneye, tumble-down and (risen
heags of bricks, broken wile -
dons, and coarse rough pavement?,
e'oull? and sloppy- In one caw I
found a house of oaly two rooms,
about 9 feet. squalo. and C.$11 -e feet high,
and in this lievel lived husband, wife
and four childreo. Amid smell de-
plorable conditious 12,000 of our
felicw-townsmen are spending -their
lives, with no bright tiling abOut
them, and nothing of jOy or gladnoSS
in their bogies,"
Josepli Chemberlain teaatelien Atey-
or of Birmingham ond the eity bad
t e*et extatnea the proud distlec-
tion et the metropolis at midland
England, nor had that brilliant yQan
man climbed far toward Kasen
Prime the World Over. lame, eayo the Brooldyn Fag
opelogra/ot posts along a rtilway hod OVillee4 marked teleota rood,
are arranged thirty to the Mile, ciPal a.ffaire end yes an entimeieeti
Rain falls ibe eestern coast of adv°eatn or; PII.,,}1rai 4Y"1:1:81.1IP'
Ireland about go9, dap:, in the year. amen 60, ,n Men tnat poilt
the Alpe over $tee, notes in iength. was due to his efforta and en
There are Said to 2a0 glaeler0 (44"flie6 aCkelar411 a s°v4aliPt
"At private schoola in Chiee a, that Birmingham hod purchneeil
teacher is paid about, one cent a clay gas Plant and the waterw`nte f
tor each. PuPil. private owners,, and tile succeme
Sodden deaths erelong Men are followed these ventures gave him
eiglit Unice mere freguenn ellen those prettigc of wbich. lie was Pot el
to teke advantage. 'the drool
tract popolated with tholieande
Inieerable pereons aroneed hia synma
thy, but bo was More then a soda
reformer, be was one of tlie enrewd
est inienzess men in Great Britain,
sorveyed the field as a general dot
strugglieg„ ou to tile endsuch teventenfour hours atter farrowing, timea ASI big as Great Britain end
drefonsofenees„ nun now been Prof, lIeurY eat'e that, for two or Ireland, Australia twenty -she times.
en .,etea tratfatit inttruttions to gel three days only a limited quantity llore steel is used in the manuface
nag volume. T &net snispose weetg, of feed' ehould be glven. A thin, tyre of pens than in all the sword
ige time toms. ;ton wm remember warm slop, made of unddlings, oat-
of tided."• meal and a. very, little oil meal. pour-
' 4 11,41e t ti • t feeir
"Oh, ees. I Imre so!" answered e 4,4 " a 12.4‹. ° na-
te cortitently. oBfg gtifen g itrollga, will quench, the thirst of the
cNcelicut ativive, it really i'rnew loather and answer all require-
reakoS Mc feel as if I were obtaining 1 nntal..s* .
. fdeeninge over 3Ity lit,igbbors, 1 iShl should never bo given cold
they too mom to 3iat 0 the ,,,Water. After two or three (toys the
e . i quantity of feed ebould be grodtially
pP0VtUfl1tY0f prohtiug by it. ,. ,.
artat reg,ears fair mg aceention, so 1,131cresieecl. Sows in good condition
wan; t.altebie ilints„er * 1 elioula '60 betel:Sly fed, beecolse the erg with Maple. If .the deccaecd le 4 area. and ho included in 3t fifty or
ond gun factories in Vie world.
Strange to say, in Asia and Africa ono of a comer; battle.
where grans will eot grow, the Most hard a plan, une eo startling in it
beeutiful flowere and shrubs flourisli originality, so radicel in its ecope
to perfection, and so Stupendons RS mognitude,
it bus been proved by instentane that his friends and supporters bea-
cons photegraphy that a "mese at tated when bo propornd It to them.
full trot Sometimes has itS tout? feet, Mr. Charaberlain urged that Bice
ell the ground at Once. ineingharo proceed 10 purebare eeery
Cofilins in Russia aro never e(ivertl foot of land in thin contaminated
"Most of them. den't require any 'made Y°1ing. Plgs are I/lad° Pinis 111"(3' If 4 :1**".(6,1n144t wore aores practically in the. centre
,ritereta lfrs. t,narta at a very low cost. in this Way, EX- l'S°O.; 131aUgh f°1: widev' thelr 'um of the city. Ile proponed to igniere
Mate inuch, if lint More, " In billiard -r o all existinit etreet lines, and to de -
titan ;perimerits conducted along this line brown. in
ns anyself; Airs. Paint, ani -t °dm dr 4i a' fvote re large percentage of the land
\filo would stiow that ilia sow rout pigs together
tbefore weaning required almost the a/ a e e " ass' t tO brOAd thoronstbiares. Ile pra=
sticley ploughed enclosure, which len enaely under the strain Of UV
nippers. Within two or three weeks'
to avoid; then over a, small double, othis roee exposed gate 33reweer to, TITE Wiilld WORM.
leadiog once more into grass, and ; owili she intnnitop.
later on, in and out, a road cerefolly i -Of voursci slio will," she answored A little, lithe, slender, active yel-
laid with tam A 'rather sodden 'readily. 'That is 10 Say, mileSs eir- lOwitil, 'ccibite IvOrnii hiddhn, In the
ttlrO to the right here revealed the 1 ceinetaifees over *hoes, ege leas no ,t0.11, does miglity mischief, end, up
water -jump. This was a small non I control decide otherwise, 1 eball ride to (late, defies the famners and gard.
tural brook, or rather—so steep oral' imoicity, to orders, loot a eteestone eaers of the world. Patient tees
crumbling were its banns—a species of inoihing boy,
livou?'' Does that Satisfy- tet tin experiment station for three
gully, WitI3 blished-up hurdles, set
S ol every known method of
a slanting direction leaning over -, „. .ft i ,, • , heating the pest. showed that eoating,
nna the whole width could mot hai:et: -I I'llan't be rennY ansiel: a.4 '31atOlut the eecd with tar before planting is of steel.
be nervouelve "until X
much Wore difficult to 'make shot
opon it thou upon the ordinary
baize-coverea table.
The children of the blackest Atli-
ans are born whitish. In a month
they become Pale Yellow; in 0- Year,
brown; at four, dirty black; and a.
ein or seereo, glossy Week.
:A. Parisian barber, to win a weger,
entered a. cage containing a lion and
o 1111111, and. compoeedly slowed the
.inan whilst the lion interestedly
lowed the operation.
The rate at which Zulus can tray -
el in an emergency is astonishing,
Some will cover as much as fifty
miles in six hours. Eight miles an
hour is on ordinary pace.
Fish -books used to -day aro of pre-
cisely the stone eorra as thoee of two
thousand years ago. The only dif-
ference is in the material; then they
were made of bronze, now they are
/weed to demolish •every home 114
this dintriet, lo leaee part, of the teal
to reputable landlords sync. would er-
t dwellInes -under the sepersieter of
city' authorities and to leaee ti
ennainder of the land for Intsine
purpoees, admiteed Witt le
years this investment would impos.
burden on the tawnpayere, but con.
leaded that in the end it would prose
a splendid Investment. More tha
that, the ero.dication of the sh
area would increase the value
every foot of property In the city'.
Tlie future statesman formally 1.
teaduced the matter to the ton
council, and in one ot the most 111e
terly speeches of his career urged
adoption. Ile claimed that Birmin
ham could never aspire to the col
mercial sapremacy of its natural to
ritory so long as it permitted Om
ends of its townspeople to i
measured much. more than some ten xing wet cantering in agend of og, useless. and soaking it in solution of In France, when a convict is sen- roes,e1.3,-.
to twelve feet acrosS. An ordinary , il . Cl$i o sale., copperas, chloride of lime, kero- teueed tie death by the gUillOtine. At an expense of fla,r)oo,ouo 11
an obstacle in his stride; but Colonel
Clinker bad purposely refrained from "You dreadfully ambitious men! sate oil, or tarPentlne, is equalltr in* the day of his execution is not nam-
enteteel. 'Wire -worms revel on seed ed in his presence, and he knows not city purchased about forty-five acr
hunter ought With eztse to clear such ',
making it larger, actuated by all • egg e;reen; also seen steeped in a strych- , in Afteen minutes of the fatal mom- length of about 0, mile. Starting
slums and proceeded to transfor
rolled in a. mixture of dour and Paris wben he is to be led forth metil with-. 43
And what if your Peril ("Reappoints
emir expectations after all?" an irregular strip, having an extr
sorts ot visions of drippiog female ie. will not...I hato every coin...,
t • Ilitil solution. Salt popularly mme- exit,
&nee in the ability of herself aud NOW Street, one •el the best liusine
ed to be an extinguisher of wire- Japao claims lbe oldest wooden
thoroughfares., it surveyed bron
worms does not disturb them in the building in the world. It is a log
road through, the centre of its ne
least, unless 'used in a quantity de-
structive of all vi,getation. t bas
been &aimed that kainit, muriate of
potash, and linen in different forme,
will finish them, but this has been
found inmracticable. There is no en-
couragement to attempt other 'de-
struetion with • any insecticide in
0011=011 use. There is a popular, al-
most universal belief among farmers,
that buckwheat is fatal to the pests.
Experiments have proved that the
worms will eat the root of buckwheat
and thrive upon it as long and well
as on a clover 'or timothy diet. To
starve the worms by clean fallowing
is 'shown to be impossible, as they
can live for an indefinite time upon
the decaying matter in any soil. For-
tunately, farmers are not utterly
helpless in this matter. After throe
years the ail grown worms change
to beetles, and in August betake therm
to their cells to hibernate until
spring, then to emerge as click beet-
les, or snapping bugs. If the ground
is plowed at any tiine in the fall the
llttle earthen cells may be broken
and their occupants destroyed. The
more thoroughly the soil is pulveriz-
ed tale more complete will be the de-
struction. Farmers who have faith
in fall plowing as a good thing on
• general principles, may find in this
an added incentive to continue the
Mr. Grahame, already awaiting their forms and broart backs. Atti' e
arrival. A considerable number of water-junm came three or four more horse. Nevertheless, X wish to good -
or ences 1. a cach required a ,sy..) the .,thing.. was we,lI., ovor." ..
sPectators had assembled, making it I fair fivin f b t el '
;Int of donee without being very for-. ...one had neocr seen eim so anxious
Clear the much -talked -of privaey could ) - ' -,
completed a good Pild restless, or his calm manlier so
not possibly be inaintained in face of , /notable. -Tease
the interest evidently aroused on all si.togg.ige, and the last obstruction disturbed. Could it be poSsible that
land h 't . I the lir was a coward at heart? But no,
wuld she noon "better.
same field op -weiciee slopes they had . .
started. Altogether it looked a good said;
the matter with yoo?" she
fair cours.e, such. as no animal used fa," -`7" "are you -trying to make me
to following hounds should find diffi- afraid'?"
cult to encompass. Kate and Colon- "God f°11iidi nut 1 Can't /161) it'
rin horribly afraid myself,"
el Clinker carefully criticised each
fence, choosing beforehand the best
spot for jumPing's and this was the etary Whitbread, who in spite of the
.. **And so ern 1," chimed in poor
verdict they unanimously pronounced. pleasure of Mr. Grahame's sOciety
was white as a sheet and trembling
from toll to toe.
''What nonsense!" said Kate light-
ly. "You two taIE, as if you ex-
pected me to be brought back on a.
stretcher. I beg leave to state r have
not the smalleet intention of depart-
ing this life."
(To be Continued.)
sides. The sporting element was, of
course, present in full, scarcely a mmi
or a woman from atnongst its ranks
being missing, while the Foxington
tradespeople, aceompanied bY their
wives and daughters, who appeared
much interested, had turned out in
force. Even the itinerant gipsy was
represented by a stout party in a blue
skirt and tartan shawl, who went
A License Commissioner, Who Suffered
Dreadfuily From The Ailments, En-
tirely Cured by
Pad circolation of the blood, the
usual cense of the extreinely painful
and claligetrous 'diseases; arises -from
defective action of the kidneys,
The blood cannot possibly be pure
and in a fit eonditioe to nourish the
body when the kidnoys are diseased
and fail to fitter from it the poison -
0 0 weste in:Atter.
11r. Chaee's. Kidney -Liver Pi1l, by
thee' 'direct and healthful actioe on
1,11e kideeys, not only overcaine dis-
eases of the kidneys, but by doing .so
eneure e purifying of the blood,
.T.f a William 13. Best, LiCense Coin-
3iiosicner for the County 01 ITaldi-
metal, and who liees ie Cayuga, Ont.,
writee'.--"1 have been troubled with
era tips 111 ray legs, I would awake
ore sleep in keep. diseLresa. Time paih
ould seize me at -the autde end Ncork
:the lea -eroeost r t,lee body.
"Believing this trouble to arise
from kidney derangements and bad
circulation of the blood, I bought
soma of De. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills at W. J. Quinsey's drug Store
and began using thenl. They benefit-
ted me from the very first, and by
continuieg their use I have been com-
pletely cured. I Would recommend,
Dr. Chase's Kidne,y-Liver Pills to any
suffering, asdid. I wes so bad
that I would. have to jump out of
bed two or three times during the
• Dr. Chase's "Kidney -Liver Pills,
one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, et
011 dealers or Eclaneeneon Bates „. 4
Company, Toronto, To 'gated; you
ag,einst imitta,tions, the portrait and
signatere of Dr. A. W. Chase, the
famous receipt book author, are on
every box,
Lieutenant Mire, of the French
navy, has after ranch study devised
a plan for a ship the passengers on
which will, as he imagines, be proof
against sea -sickness. Ile has caught
the idea from the motion of a swieg.
As a general role, vessels are only
set rolling froin ten to fifteen seconds
at a time, AMY as his would have a
regular SIVVIDg of twenty-two seconds,
he caleulates that the effect of the
waves woula thus be counteracted.
M. Turc's model ship would be of
about 6,000 tons burden, and would
sail at a speed of nineteen knots. All
the cabins would be well out of the
water, as they would be constructed
on a deck more then 30 feet above
the sea -level.
"Can your wife , keep a secret ?"
"Yes, if she has a dozen or so of
her feeends to help her.tt
• Is sent Alsrt to the illseued
• ThitiA by theltopreved Blower.
Heals the ulttirS, clears the air
Pailisases,810PS dropping& in the
tlire4 Arta pegnittantly Cores
• Catarrh end 1-4/143ree. S1owe7
Att tleilors, M11,. A. W. C
ettolne Co., To onto 4131
store -house in 'Ara, winch is now
used to Shelter some of the Mikado's
art treasures. An age* of 1,200
years is claimed for it. Some of
the logs are nearly worn away by. teloionsseideoriahtoiolivereofiVilim111nttoy..nbNU,ellti ye
the weather.
It is the general belief that dis- leases. There was a demand fro
ease is spread by the telephone, by
the breath condensing on the mouth-
piece of the instrument. To pre-
vent this g French inventor puts a
pad of paper, witb a hole in the cen-
ter,in the mouthpiece, and the up-
per 'disc of paper is torn off alter
every conversa.tion.
A rim -ober of dairymen pay no at-
tention to the calf because they rea-
son that it will not pay to raise it.
They can get more money out or the
milli than by using it to raise the
calf. But othees end the business of
call raising profitable, and have from
six to a doze11 head to sell every
year. They make butter, and by us -
Mg a hand separator get tlie Skim
milk in good shape for feeding. To
make up for the fat taken out of the
milk by the separator, a little oat
meal or oil meal is mixed with the
separated milk and fed to the calves,
increasing the quantity gradually --
and giving them someclover hay to
pick over as neon as they allow any
dielposition tb eat it. In this way
. •
the cost of raasing a cidf Is not at
;all heavy, and they w2,11 acne if poe
and strange property. tinning Ia
out TIONV streets in every direction th
municipality olTercdthe frontage
The best. kind of love is love of our
Ile who has no foes is no friend to
The trifling man never attends to
the great •trifles.
Disappointment is not a sufficient
reason for discouragement.
13e satiaded with yoUrself if you
will; but do not be self-satisfied.
All things come to those who leave
off waiting and go after them.
The claims„ to wisdom of all owls
and most men rest upon their looks.
Good qualities, like good steel
knives, grow dull of edge unless they
aro used. --
Many a. man who is offered the
chance of a 'lifetime for a mere song
cannot sing.
Your grip on success depends large-
ly on the other things you aro will-
ing to let go.
• When a man sets popularity before
his eyes he is likely to let principle
out of his heart.
If we had no failings oursel-ves, we
should not take so much pleasure in
finding out those of others.
powerful interests that the Ieasehol
to extended to ninety-nine years,
Mr. Chamberlain was firm in his _
solve that Birmingham should corn
into full 'possession of its reward al
the end of the shorter term. Ile he
sisted that it would be ,poSsible tc
rent every square foot of the, lan
on the terms specified and his jucl
meat was accurate. Ile also predi
ed that the a,verag,e annual char
against thetaxes would not exce
$60,000. This would meet the inter
est on the bonds and make up th
deficit after allowing for rents an
other revenues. In brief :he estimate
that the eventual cost of the invesi
ment would not exceed $4,500,000.
, The scheme has been greatly .41
larged since its inception, but whe
the last payment is made in 1951
Birmingham will own in fee siuml
the inost 'valuable tract of real estai
in the world, and the price paid wi
fall below that set by the "boy ma;
or," who has a chance to live to s
the partial fruition of Ills "auclacioi
sagacity." If offered for sale in 1,1
open market to-cley the former slu
hole would realize- $1rr,000,000. T
improvement did more than any o
thine- to xnarie Birmingham the "Mc
ropolis of the Mielland Counties."
is no exaggeration *-Cb' .fise,,,L that, t
decision of the couecil of 1S7'.;"'-'lii
the direct effect of doubling the vae
of every square foot of land in t1
business district, and it would be ix
poesible to put a money value on ie
blessings which have come with.
lowered death rate, diminished erne
an aroused local pride and the .p0(
tige which COIlla0 from a great ea
paign valiantly and succeeefelly `p
ed to success.
Possibly this may he
why Joseph Chninberla
rid a 13irraiegiiant c
maprececiceited majorit
Every day in the week, year in
and year -out, forty-two railway aim -
are killed or injured. That
works out at the rate of nearly two
per hour. 'According to the returns
furnished by the railway companies
to the British Board of Trade, 150,-
000 railway employes are killed or
injured in Tf,eglaed every ten years.
Some nien are
Umat they, are
honest clay's c