HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-2, Page 1IM-FIRwr YR -o.19 11111141MININIMMIIMINIIIMMIONNOIN4, EXETER, ONT., CANADAx THU tiensall ORNI JUNE 2nd /Onset 5ole tionts 0 tHo Town Tar tlic Improvcci* iTe,g;or(hittil=itAgitlgt,Q;94;1210,ge-WP-5 asista111 111, Pal141411 to Roir kr • %to :wine years " nssuree et A/err/Age f..teeeses. LeZa. ecuraente 1),i•A,„15,tert.ae. hos been eeetee tee by i ettrefulle drawn at reasonable ratea,. eceeeel,...,,,„ _ ,,, ,, . J.._ ......„„„...,,, „• ,, : to /eau on real estete at low ratesoc poorest, iA,,_14'44.4V14 44 C443.0 "4 ".•"•''.43,,333. , AA L'C 3,13. a I ()Mee at the PostiOcdce gemall Uelv V.:Tier:111,a fetOfe..Clasenel. Ile 1:141 ! _ere. !wee, eeeeele .9r seat forth, wee 1$ ai ereeent parish priest at Rethwell a in .1. he village tlits NV 4ek vieitting Mei IT4' "11- enter: en 7-11°112w (111(12.. 1,4-" t 112 , fillitOr8011' "5. fiGtill F01366 P111110 • :14eelustine' 'Pune '1 UTJ , parent.s. e Mettle Ellis, trite is attespl, This is the only p tup mann actured that has no leather suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of any kind, .Always :Primed and Never Freezes We also handle all kinds of pu pboth Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps, I ing the' norinel• ACItoot , a t London, to heine epending 1,aration. Vt,tkey, 'cr.itra reeentle MeDielegeld, a.faereler, nt to, Winalpes bas received, a lived: neer...the village was kii2led ",voz•ltio.m. as' a b'colz-itgeiper. tendey reerning while Peeving- --tr J leetteee, wee eeeeetee honeet Ceuta len; elates to tliat of hi, pareey in the clolsely conteeited horse Peregfeber, Seipeuel llevie, Mlle: rear ku. Mdtedoll on ;tine 2 O', With. t.X9.10,5.5 511t3Pa. •frotn. ;Ander the Iteuse Stantten. astd this ta,rece Itim, Mx. Me. -Mc. David Wren, who, ie dLu :leg the II,nivecleity oe Isexontee for vacation, after /saving w for exantinetienee .r114 •friends or my.. JolinSevan, t; oxide lei will Ito olim141•14, I.gr rece,veritns nicely is tory eerieus illness. 1 Enertiaels or St. L'a 41'4 ebuce ea 'bee a. colunleoZ dtey`o week awl fixed up the enure]) elediug a :sew roof. i. lIcAnt bur, eoft1tte ernesn. oibly ifas takeu ionu the Serereige DAM veteek, = r 11,Ni:teeter:a. -Mr. Itebert Duchene% eOn C Mr. Win. tyho has pass ills theological esetmbeatioflsl•wilib. lionaset et Parkville, 1.Wesoeu,. where he is stu'dying, prionehed Carmel terler. ChnrCh 0:11 rho commiesionere Lo the /fume ruletrlor5" are Dr, Fergueon and Mr. r Robt, McA,rthur an1 tbe eomm'ssiese• te. tin I'arle Preellytery ate :lea vatodeeertesteRvMr. Sawear.e, aud ,,,enasers. 'Moir and Jelin MoAr- ttlaur. -Mr. 1E. 'Derry lies purolesead 3tr. Errat,,,a ,vere- tl'11•24 liorso, for the. SUM 44%4'AL leeree, i -e nrenounced the bee t or judges to Int one of r031. lIctr,SC44 litnct Iiarts (11.441itf, speed an il eetion, acid 1 g hard: .41, beet. When. T. J. rom714 OTiC rtt: this /rind. it 'doesn't t bine ietteeeto matte?, up, bis, rubel to Quick:tee !tint. Tlsis woble animal was sired bv Ltr Lt. br•ed rot ng tzi- nnen, Wilder Lee, 17110., afePlicresete mere:Pant telle- r, while engaged in, eplieting few, :sticks a OO4 an Friday even. lug lereleenpariencedt itintese pain, cafte041; by the Nei -gave time ore fort. Cast Iron and Steel Enameled, Galvanized Steel Cast Iron Painted. or Summer An elegant range of Suitinkr,s and Trous- Lerings. We do good Tailormg It is our pleasure to please you. Cutting and vitung eood Sewing and Stitchiu Good Linings and Show. W. W Taman. Wierctiatet ThUoz Baby Carriages si We iia.ye o ukeassortment a the . mous I3e1warp Cloths, in will make 1 you a nice pair of summer trousers, and they are We best goods obtainable made only from specially prepared yarns of selected pure wool, guartut- teed to stand sun in any climate. 1Come „in an see them The Prince of Wales Carriages! and Go,Cla,ets are always in it for style and finish. a, nicely as- sorted stock ;last arrived. e. For Sato «1 Exeler Wurdilouse Elieveles We also give a $500 Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with the Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount - into $10 or over. We will close our shop at 0 o'clock except Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tune, July mud August. Wu JOHNS , nniury and his eaee became, Ito, fee that one or our local tioe,trs 1 ,inDr. Gunn; nr Clinton, Toe .onsullation, ;when it wa.s:found rewxy lo alone* ;perforfli an opera !thin in order .to teevo Mr. 'Maniere toon'a me, end tWtille the &honk to his Isyetem WaS very: great:, his frietnile wilt be pleased. Jea learn that ha it ..inier ovine and dieing as well a enela be expected. Thames Road .444,44. "PVC will be a. bee on. Iff,onday next, Jule: nth for hauling earth to bank: up Ito tuanst, and for fixing. the lawn, Deugald was cruehed Iseneath It. Arr. rt0ogait wa:4 about forty; years of ege, and leaves widcw and teener 4.. children - ,kla 3, E thEt 'o t,, rit A g'rttdn d et.ei ties Tete - evening. A Unm1r Qi Ncer,,,4 mails itt Ste juze e as decided to tay a4 l; W.110 14 a puree of :,,E25 w h 1. The Zurfell Braes. Rand tvi enna,ged tor 41/i,t eaelon. • 'rho ales for tbe fri:e have hen fixed r Sept. 11 h en,11504. Clendehoye C. Cite :en het% teefltented a Mktg' rtt.te, by tiPe ,Ontari V4t, ate I:Orme:tn. • . are expeo bee the t we will aelttli three.ecal lone rernAle in our lent-ne and then W4- 41 • Lueren 041eriz,..COr • -010.F • • • • 'gr.:George Len'eetels about Wit. 1 4. coat:eve, with the t restee Mitlitinat eittlreit, ,41,44 the,paitgArr tquIr41 VSbr wndr,:the ulna min La for firrnishe f r the Sundey 8ehoel. • , Tta410,Ved *hal 141,1i1;it4 cf. O.. Ieiit gou.4rematiotlara going to 4 !ee. thee week t reclean up eh vutfetserroundleg,. their chum chant that the. 4,nett 31.',7, 1,440 slew or epe'llaing 'am/ that tektite wear „ men's clothes Ka Le alleWed 1 &their 1424,t, . 114' it SO! 11 Thousands of Women anon drift lute' eendition 41enentreeennese wleelient Iratowla --whet alie/. ;hem. i.eneuid n„ ..lea mum). noting 1)aca.„.' filub nein% indeCrel t Leadaelie, NT:1-!1ILLS lift theee biir- ens. eerily leanest ran 14TOTO lifee wriinet .Wileose-Fyie Co. Niagara Pane. Ont., for 'free, trial 'bottle. . • • This: anneetecement is part/cute:Ay oidreas.ed N1t0444tn, beeause et the tXt.eullar adetgther. ANT:I-PILL e help Stele and ;dram- women. who .feel that. they are ..readually 14e..eing estrengtle and sitaii.47. • 'The use .p,r ANTI -PILL stever fails to ;femme energy, to et a reit out este 'over - v. HEN you NEED Delyeeee come .the ruling ranee • les a rave,- Rerchant Tailor Litton. in modieine that bring,e relief Ware again showing the oele- brated Cleveland Bicycleewhich American Corn a,re the best value in theenarket National Brand Portland Cement to -day for the mOney. Seed Oats and Barley WANTED For Milling Furppses, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Top Prices Paid at Excter, Gentralia, Glandolnue °pairing Bring in your old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MDIDERATE artin. J. Cobbledick P. S. -Seed Peas direct from Mani. toulin Island, for sate at Onlableslick's Storehouse, Exeterthe usual races For elnidren, and an Just received another lot of clean ..intexicisting gau o ,basleet,ball also Manitoulin seed Peasroo badl and haseba I , Every, on wood time is assurad. • Get. ,box orthe old reliable Dr. Ilenall:an's Pills or ),Iandrake and 'Buiternee, whieh :loosens the bewels Without eausing griping pains. No remedy is half so satisfactory os Ileenlitosne, Pills. :P"rine• 25c. Winchelsea - J• GTenee was In 8,1. Thom - nit hst. Prb1ay an 8a*turdayt ittona.- haling business svijh oh:astute. forget the date of the erten], conceal, June 8th• The prog- ralrfrne consists or drills, dialogues, Singln,,n. and reeita,Liens ieli.ss, God - v, 311. 'the proceeds wilt go towards establishing a library in the school. Lumley --Thera ss til be anew school house bu,ilt at: Lunileyi this summer. ecliool. Dome will be held in Mr.- ;Total Glenns bush; on Saitur. day, 3,une 41,11, Mr., INittek Vineen LI" Nvill bre pretsent and ,ener.ttain, in 'his usual happy stylo. There will also be glig•••4•444 invi'led alad weatircr permit t,ing ,a• THE - rt; ants Bank of HEAD OFhICE, MONTREAL 4 APITAL (all paid tip) - ES ERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS•:••••••••• $2,974245 , • - - General ; • Manager Otiperinlpndenl of Branches 95Branches in canada. Cana SAVINGS 'Interest at Most favorable current Bank Accounts and DePosit ReceiPtS. ,..rates allowed on Saving ,..,§15eOiS•1:0SktOnt4ion given to thebusiness ofFarmers and Cattle- men, to 'WI:16ln loans are 'Made On, approved names, Letters of Credit issued :travellers, payable In all, parts of the A EDT ANSAQT ISHO .1.1h Manager. Sexsmith .-pK,sdding e11tame' riloging,, , - Noteheoet;;eseneerting,.aLseow -Mr. Fisher, .of Exeter, visited . at Net, G. ,mtaerytoones, lasiteweek, • .-"Mite Henry Dlillititg as sold. ,his eirty 8.,re farm 'to: 'Tames jeckee, of aii,strags, ,1111..tve• (bean:. (lie! or.. ,der .o f the day in , these parts the last few' days, ,, • -'nti errs .1 e...tvc ipainby n 4 nuinher„ ofet-thleer frteed14 . , 101,15 '• ' • Pielattirilee,k et Centralia, oaIled on .tricilidra: berg ..last'..wleate, • ' • 1.tqamphreY,•arba,Liss Murtha ilirelfry(r.le,, tat, tTireld'Ectr4,!;Viti-,;. iferee'on Viol:erne ,Day.' .4 The ,4teabiebeee,L,:otSd&xriit11 ,Charclo held,•td:Jrneetting. joie ,Ifrianor A. number '4,or new. efficere -were . airy_ , . ' *Bears tile Sigeattire Tiln' Kind Yon lInve AIWAYS Bodght AdOi r to the dietressed, and 1:lightens the despondent. It sneemes but don't drug -Ls purely vegetable and ean be :lee ed with perfect eafety by delicate wo. inee at any singe ortife. It gentle end effeetiye, Lucan -The 'Methodist Churchhas pure11- 0,e,ed -from Lyne & Son, Toronto,: e1.050 pipe organ !with eownlekt: eet of pefe,s, of fun compass., , -While John Alfred. Red -gins wee jacking up his barn on Saturday last, a 'piece er es:D.:bine ;lipped striking bine on theei•ghe leg and brioaking boih honejs. -0,n Wednesday, llfay Mb. was, Um omission, of a peaty wedding when fefise Matey, toldeie daughter 0,r Mrs T. C. Dedgips, or the eth Con. flicldulDll, wa mil bed In marruLo Le 'elf:. Wm. Rowley, of lenexteet, Mech. The bride wqrs: becomingly :dressed in • p:ei, 13e white organdie with 'veil and orange blossoms awl WaS ether:tied by ,lier either Ti113, While Mr. NT. Has- ke tt acted as tsidearo an. The eere- enemy wee; steetorfned by -Rev. IT, Thomas oft Lucius, in the eresettee of- aboul isixty gui,Sis, The newly, ma r- etest peir left , the noon erain MendayeTor tied e ?Nine la Mich• Bab !you Line -,'Tho ' Misses Alvira and Mae' and Iteode vice:, all Of LoeuLee, spent part et laet -week ander the pe re nt a 1 ro,o r, o " Ala plehu rate nee" -Me. ;Ger ry. Nee: 6 eve.a es ;a • b re a 41 Ste JR; these days -lees it boy. Ifleeteet, is improvleg , les residence, by erecting a briter ,Rese, or $1; re t e rd, ie • nddnif rcw,,weeks With hot !etre re/ne,•i7C late' heye '13. la 04 olt;,:r0*.pr.sr. [hese ; pa,as, Xren-i Vantingi theie Cora po[ain- 0.5. JoS,'''W.ildlon4,,iiits erected ' Wire 'fehro arOunct his faeme, whieli adds ,,spaphete its' nppOarnnee, • • .,. -Ir. aiicl Mr:i, Ed. 13rocierioi.,. Spent SlinclaYr IteSlabtown. COnitbell; itt ireet„),:leen:.vieitiege Joint, eie'Yee boe'tv•a' L' L..... -111345S, 1st:6S,', the •.itrate'' g'!"'""41 , her Steter,',Iiles ;) .'e.' 904 R Ss e.segineeee atl) 41;de ,S,treafe N.:3p Railway theyeaear ted set She r. s' se betteht trete , e= &-dLba et 81. aeeee tfrlaniee Rea al I eleligesida ''' el- yn pleee for 4 d744,01;:i ., e5705. bzi4te1)ougaiii, who - eed Fulterten village was trilled en Saturday morning •ehout 8 o'eleck 4 1W P5-,isLing Lc. niora e hove from his own firsti o his rseighbor's M. Tic Tie tvliene iie bed see/ it. Ite he!): bee -Reed cruehed eueer :LaU. Ile wee, 4.0:970,F., 44 veers of. 117..o. an lenvee ;eins and -five small, childre s. 4heit ltee. lie wee a cola., zneesisar = ' ' ' iSt .7t^ ne;e1elsee Ly. ail ; else a neeralter of ;ha te, 0. sententneity at lenge , leete rt 14 re. t 10 1,1i. t unerel trIS CilTh 'OM itIV.!7C,Itr, ever seer: an eeie ithr elated. Stephen Th e1u1e4 r 1114 Townelo, r eb4fl W' 84el in the T•awn. 1 e.a r tredey the 21311 or . 111 fl nIhem were n T4i ' 01 the erevloee a, . adoeted. e . eurt,QC Refits. e Li8 nnher' reti the i t ell a/ .., SUbS01Ib; e iO the. eetb. I ' nne 4 aiast tin e 4.'7 gi FlUlt 4 54.; tail , 'greyed cent reels to 11. 4, of 8•$.:170435 'Wer,1 /et, 0 eellow;ne ordere were read: oter Prouty, e,:ra laity 4.,23.G3 oaten Falsifier. wort .4/4 011 arkm5 Emma, trevell- = goince t Goderteh env:: a Awn:or, Q.1.110;» petting in ben culvert, 11. 'lien, zee. eulvert, 9.139 TE rep. bridge, F:2•R1; ,ser'144elein.4 I eon. 2,2. cti../10: • brA1dagn;,:ic.12..15109:: ,G,true,61: 1,y tor. Iffiller, nett 4a, ei el" examination, 29.40; T. 13.1.en•trd etatute labev, L'OldP0.00; 12. WeStroan. Pert concrete tile accennt, 1109.00; .i1'ert Gower. tile, 83,00. cow:fell ainiourneal o num- t aunin 'I's n /Tall, Credi•tone on 2i1en- y Lay •lh, .J1)1 al /0 a. tn. when the by -le w utting "Tbe Imulon Pa el; hi 1 a Eli Grand %lea rie t to u: o the TAlt)lie, I lf...hway in =the t (1 W111 3 lr (Twittered. IMNIV17 1 1flER, okrk. 111 Body ITT CC We ba adless denption each hoaeanhg throe. WANT YOUR TRADEJrU leel if Prime ruclert be pt ratased l'C • 51,,p.tre Mune ure nous Vour Eyesare Va uable tGYou 0'4 L 44. 01 17301til E1,3, ( 3rk esbere eet4143 2415, a ii,„Krni li-Tint dr?, nctil T. 44,Eirt 4-14,4t fiaet.91.!??.io NW 03.1 to Iff:1111?-:^ 0'j4 SJ[ RAIL LLY' the ft•.•48,1tI" nii' an! ratfWry rfgtat.3 im8rnilyoneent(&1 rep:1lv'4 New Drug Store. W4 S" almndttate Canasitan CAllop of Optit:s" r teledien talette.. ply Court oi` Revlsio IL: 1tnefl 811. . '•,. .Cour r af 7.4iou tor the s9s0,...-mtlit non ei Town 11111, Mey' 21it h. .1,0,e11t Con 1. elite r Ann st rung', ,TIns only sipeeal wae shut of .1. J. 2rciu!ua11, claimiatg the l efeteesinent: F111-011'9 block 4.4.5," purely:Pad T' hini too li h. On Illation. or J. 'CirrSinr, n, o nn by J. Muir, then; there. •bin g n& other a pp.;ale, the court cloeed.-G.trried. 4„ GEO. 11. BISSETT, Clark, Centralia 3 1 Report. -The following is or S.. P.,. No. 1, StepluEnefor th`.." eiontla of Mey. The namea are giver. in order (or na:?ri G -V, C., Dup- lan Sr. 1V., 'Samuel MeCoye Leslie 'Arlelgeseehion, Alvin. Baker, tare Wendsor ; jr. IV., Jon 1,1Thitte,Piuj 1/Lee:Lt. C. G ra NAM, Gordon Wilsoo; 84 grd., aNhit Denfeleete Margit:try !feebler se Archie Rubinson; ;Tr. :TILT Liazel Hicks, enliven Cants, Austin Duplen : Sr. 11.,ijohn Ha get r t h, Gret- in Bissett, Ross \Veins, E. Callfas, Enigher. F3os:s13 citumr. '1T11114 Alexander, Roy Call fae, 'Tuber t White Lower Jr, If., Bessie Andersen, • Ev- erele Cannes. Aettlsony White, Frtel lealrhall.-.T. A. ifieNauellion, and N. 'Rustle TIFt, Teachers. 1.1. L. Ifu Lion is a t exidines the Conferenee now in ression inLoi10tn, this ,year. We Understand' by: the first 'draft or.stati eta th,a 3,Ir, It um has been set down fee Illyesninee LONDON CONFERENCE The first Draft of Stations Tit i0ii0M4I11 iis [ho firet diert of etl. teens tor. the .1eneesing yeat of the. I el linen_ Con Core:tee, oe. Use 'Met lioitist Olin eh '11 ow! fl eseesicei in London, as dr.Aterf up 'by • teeet etatiooing ;come 414.4 1ou..'.1ebet felioWing are some of ( lie is t atllons in , the: neiglitoo.ring, die- ( ri a ts ' • 14leeET:DR (:elant Eltecet)-'W'sn. Gatiw.in. Exeter. (Jain 18 hillisS\ ,eeS„. Zeno% Rue Lem .".1.1;t2da. Tiippe.n..37f:dw6.i,c1 ,eleaetealt: ,OreiR12,0n-:aphr..1," 1130 d oioni ' , • f4y1;rxn • \V. An.cLrslVs cp 2,Ailsa 01; tki.g. Arch:its al d 13,, A: , Birr-a hod: a ea'n A yeailsi.;. 13 i..; 0 eenton-;:,Talne1411. 1Toli4OS.. 11f70 6:1 boiirnc 1. A steersene .eltent. f,o,ede ,.(11rater1.cio.,-;,a0et).44e0rg3,'.' Trr.0w11, Il. it. 11 11. Lislowcl--Jozeph :,',MontOtatl‘• !lien trrry., son. . otv,1,e 13•triliro,•••y4,,,:k , • Welliffsrrs-liti, T.11 unly, 1. ntD. Kiizeadiaea I " ral e Intim ie. f131 0,eler1out, lt..t., , D. 131u1 vltie-G-nrga • I-7ff tn. S81ithe13.11. W.111,:er. -13a'LIzi-Siu-icin V.R. ntlanal (Pieta iItiver, Riptey:-Ittipe 1. Ileisking, .134arvie-AVm Rs Vallee. 'rivet non -:Edwin W4 Edwarde. 1.1. A. L II). VIT.47.10„enhureI1-01vriate.,..;ki.r C. .11algrave-A1no r t GoDr,lor DISTRICT--,Go,11.::Tten (Nortil St t) -D. N. G odor iota (Vic t eel S treet) G re,' fa re, 13.1X, C I in;I:o. n-- Welt y 11111T1 0-1% nry t. Ianniug.Clin- 1(01(011 i ..1 rio en,re et ) -.1 osej It ;.*,;.cooi; A. 13. D. ia tor h -Al ex. X. 131614,.:, C1 Ind:Ail le-pv3,n.e is Swan. 131 s 111o1M(43. 1)4.411", -nr...u.-:Toh 1.1-. nohluson. renmay. nen. miller -Jelin G. Yell a nd, Auburn, - Thosu as 13. Cop 01and. Walton -Amos Th 011i as. Lontlesboros-art in, J. 1,1, -11. -, son. D. A. TfuelferIsInil if, --0 n:„., 'to M2 ott. Bay field--..Tany.:s 4.Sly..11. r- an -Robert A.- (Firet Methodist Church) --George J. Bishop. Sesinnel Sal on to I.Ctr,:t CharIKi 43.5 teg to n axe/ Welt - mond a/Teel; missiente. Tendon (Dundas Street C' -entre) - Charles 'T., Seett, B. A. London ( Wellin g L on street) Jaw ee Livertgeft one London (Colborne strect)--George Dante], M. A. Ph. B. London (Cent ennial)--Art hur II. Go- ing, B.A. • Louden (riamilton Itoat1)--Daniel 133 mat tin. 18 -f ...1110.20•10,1011.45.11144.. 1J-)ndon Lc sa-I•dessr medieiee. leen, Sietzlieatlache ' ilyseenele wit hew grizeo 4reditca Mee, ihe wife et' Vr Manager aZ AZereba,nts Pck eetta, or a tta,uo1i4r. 0oi. 1. ..erse MARRIED. r 111,11, by Rev. Iliesbee Geterge Ciark:‘, a. Cr:at, ee, •re ere, M( (3d, of 3IeGi11ivr8e. RAGS LTAAV-NO rtIIICOTT, - A the ✓ eediellee- a the bride:: eerents, 1•501s1311th, J Ule-3 11. II:If:rebate, to )ries Nellie, eldae. dauehter 1Tr. Nb3o...4, t, • , MUFF - church Lucan, on -31ay ;1Zitle. 1904, by t let Rev, 0.7; alz.°Q".:51.1.1034 31r. Sulin Ito ber,L, C'hutf, &wall te.r fe Mr. nuri "Mrs. Robert fhid eon. 1aEsIdalph. DIED. lf D 0 ITG Fullatt 0 a Si14(1'tr nly 28i le •Tc..he f ioug aged year. MtDia. ▪ a spring me.dicine '3 unlock Mood Bitterkhaq etivi . It i ones up Ate oystme and ri,nainvee nil fon - '0uritta$4 groin the blood, and taktly away tIla :1 tired wears' feslinpr pre•valenit: in opring. JUNE N Lawn Mowers Lawn Mowers 14 in. $3.60 1,9,wn Arowers 16 in. '3.75. Lawn Mowers 11 in $5.00. Lawn .11.lowers 16 9,o.O Both Woodyatt and. Smart Lawn Mowers to sel- ect from. Screen Doors from 90c. u Screen Windows from 150. u Tia,tamocks 1.45 up to $4.00 Garden Hoes 25o Garden Rakes 25e , arden Lines 10e Anol611 Portland Oenient tice''' re, hand at rght PriCes,: .1 0