HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-6-2, Page 1IM-FIRwr YR -o.19
JUNE 2nd
5ole tionts 0 tHo Town Tar tlic Improvcci* iTe,g;or(hittil=itAgitlgt,Q;94;1210,ge-WP-5 asista111 111, Pal141411 to Roir
kr • %to :wine years
" nssuree et A/err/Age f..teeeses. LeZa. ecuraente 1),i•A,„15,tert.ae. hos been eeetee tee by
i ettrefulle drawn at reasonable ratea,. eceeeel,...,,,„ _ ,,, ,, . J.._ ......„„„...,,, „• ,,
: to /eau on real estete at low ratesoc poorest, iA,,_14'44.4V14 44 C443.0 "4 ".•"•''.43,,333. , AA L'C 3,13. a
I ()Mee at the PostiOcdce gemall Uelv V.:Tier:111,a fetOfe..Clasenel. Ile
! _ere. !wee, eeeeele .9r seat forth, wee 1$ ai ereeent parish priest at Rethwell
a in .1. he village tlits NV 4ek vieitting Mei IT4' "11- enter: en 7-11°112w (111(12.. 1,4-" t 112
fillitOr8011' "5.
fiGtill F01366 P111110
• :14eelustine' 'Pune
'1 UTJ , parent.s. e
Mettle Ellis, trite is attespl,
This is the only p tup mann actured that has no leather
suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of any
.Always :Primed and Never
We also handle all kinds of pu pboth
Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps,
ing the' norinel• ACItoot , a t London, to
heine epending 1,aration.
Vt,tkey, 'cr.itra reeentle MeDielegeld, a.faereler,
nt to, Winalpes bas received, a lived: neer...the village was kii2led
",voz•ltio.m. as' a b'colz-itgeiper. tendey reerning while Peeving-
--tr J leetteee, wee eeeeetee honeet Ceuta len; elates to tliat of hi,
pareey in the clolsely conteeited horse Peregfeber, Seipeuel llevie, Mlle: rear
ku. Mdtedoll on ;tine 2 O', With. t.X9.10,5.5 511t3Pa. •frotn. ;Ander the Iteuse
Stantten. astd this ta,rece Itim, Mx. Me.
-Mc. David Wren, who, ie dLu
:leg the II,nivecleity oe Isexontee
for vacation, after /saving w
for exantinetienee
.r114 •friends or my.. JolinSevan,
t; oxide lei will Ito olim141•14, I.gr
rece,veritns nicely
tory eerieus illness. 1
Enertiaels or St. L'a 41'4 ebuce
ea 'bee a. colunleoZ dtey`o
week awl fixed up the enure])
elediug a :sew roof.
i. lIcAnt bur, eoft1tte
ernesn. oibly ifas takeu
ionu the Serereige DAM
veteek, = r 11,Ni:teeter:a.
-Mr. Itebert Duchene% eOn
C Mr. Win. tyho has pass
ills theological esetmbeatioflsl•wilib.
lionaset et Parkville, 1.Wesoeu,. where
he is stu'dying, prionehed Carmel
terler. ChnrCh 0:11
rho commiesionere Lo the /fume
ruletrlor5" are Dr, Fergueon and Mr.
r Robt, McA,rthur an1 tbe eomm'ssiese•
te. tin I'arle Preellytery ate :lea
vatodeeertesteRvMr. Sawear.e, aud
,,,enasers. 'Moir and Jelin MoAr-
-Mr. 1E. 'Derry lies purolesead
3tr. Errat,,,a ,vere-
tl'11•24 liorso, for the. SUM
44%4'AL leeree, i -e nrenounced
the bee t or judges to Int one of
r031. lIctr,SC44 litnct Iiarts
(11.441itf, speed an il eetion, acid 1
g hard: .41, beet. When. T. J. rom714
OTiC rtt: this /rind. it 'doesn't t
bine ietteeeto matte?, up, bis, rubel to
Quick:tee !tint. Tlsis woble animal was
sired bv Ltr Lt. br•ed rot ng tzi-
nnen, Wilder Lee, 17110.,
afePlicresete mere:Pant
telle- r, while engaged in, eplieting
few, :sticks a OO4 an Friday even.
lug lereleenpariencedt itintese pain,
cafte041; by the Nei -gave time ore fort.
Cast Iron and Steel Enameled, Galvanized Steel
Cast Iron Painted.
An elegant range of
Suitinkr,s and Trous-
Lerings. We do good
Tailormg It is our
pleasure to please
Cutting and vitung
eood Sewing and Stitchiu
Good Linings and Show.
W. W Taman.
Wierctiatet ThUoz
We iia.ye o ukeassortment a the
. mous I3e1warp Cloths, in will make
1 you a nice pair of summer trousers,
and they are We best goods obtainable
made only from specially prepared
yarns of selected pure wool, guartut-
teed to stand sun in any climate.
1Come „in an
see them
The Prince of Wales Carriages!
and Go,Cla,ets are always in it
for style and finish. a, nicely as-
sorted stock ;last arrived. e.
For Sato «1 Exeler Wurdilouse
We also give a $500 Accident and
Disease Policy, good for one year with
the Ontario Accident Insurance Co.
of Toronto, with every order amount -
into $10 or over.
We will close our shop at 0 o'clock
except Wednesdays and Saturdays
during Tune, July mud August.
, nniury and his eaee became, Ito,
fee that one or our local tioe,trs
1 ,inDr. Gunn; nr Clinton, Toe
.onsullation, ;when it wa.s:found
rewxy lo alone* ;perforfli an opera
!thin in order .to teevo Mr. 'Maniere
toon'a me, end tWtille the &honk to his
Isyetem WaS very: great:, his frietnile
wilt be pleased. Jea learn that ha it
..inier ovine and dieing as well a
enela be expected.
Thames Road
"PVC will be a. bee on. Iff,onday
next, Jule: nth for hauling earth to
bank: up Ito tuanst, and for fixing.
the lawn,
Deugald was cruehed Iseneath It. Arr.
rt0ogait wa:4 about forty; years of
ege, and leaves widcw and teener
4.. children -
,kla 3,
E thEt 'o t,,
rit A g'rttdn d et.ei
ties Tete
- evening. A Unm1r Qi
Ncer,,,4 mails itt Ste juze
as decided to tay a4
l; W.110 14 a puree of :,,E25 w h
1. The Zurfell Braes. Rand tvi
enna,ged tor 41/i,t eaelon. • 'rho
ales for tbe fri:e have hen fixed
r Sept. 11 h en,11504.
C. Cite :en het% teefltented
a Mktg' rtt.te, by tiPe ,Ontari
V4t, ate I:Orme:tn. •
. are expeo bee the t we will aelttli
three.ecal lone rernAle in our lent-ne
and then W4- 41
• Lueren 041eriz,..COr • -010.F
• • •
• 'gr.:George Len'eetels about Wit. 1
4. coat:eve, with the t restee
Mitlitinat eittlreit, ,41,44
the,paitgArr tquIr41 VSbr wndr,:the
ulna min La for firrnishe
f r the Sundey 8ehoel. • ,
Tta410,Ved *hal 141,1i1;it4 cf. O..
Ieiit gou.4rematiotlara going to
4 !ee. thee week t reclean up eh
vutfetserroundleg,. their chum
chant that the. 4,nett 31.',7, 1,440 slew
or epe'llaing 'am/ that tektite wear
„ men's clothes Ka Le alleWed
1 &their 1424,t, . 114' it SO!
Thousands of Women
anon drift lute' eendition
41enentreeennese wleelient Iratowla
--whet alie/. ;hem. i.eneuid n„
..lea mum). noting 1)aca.„.' filub
nein% indeCrel t Leadaelie,
NT:1-!1ILLS lift theee
ens. eerily leanest ran 14TOTO
lifee wriinet .Wileose-Fyie Co.
Niagara Pane. Ont., for 'free, trial
'bottle. . • •
This: anneetecement is part/cute:Ay
oidreas.ed N1t0444tn, beeause et the
tXt.eullar adetgther. ANT:I-PILL e
help Stele and ;dram- women. who .feel
they are ..readually 14e..eing
estrengtle and sitaii.47. •
'The use .p,r ANTI -PILL stever fails to
;femme energy, to et a reit out este 'over -
v. HEN you NEED Delyeeee come .the ruling ranee • les a rave,-
Rerchant Tailor Litton. in modieine that bring,e relief
Ware again showing the oele-
brated Cleveland Bicycleewhich American Corn
a,re the best value in theenarket
National Brand Portland Cement
to -day for the mOney.
Seed Oats and Barley
For Milling Furppses,
Wheat, Oats, Barley,
Top Prices Paid at
Excter, Gentralia, Glandolnue
Bring in your old wheel and
have it repaired and cleaned
satisfaction guaranteed,
J. Cobbledick
P. S. -Seed Peas direct from Mani.
toulin Island, for sate at Onlableslick's
Storehouse, Exeterthe usual races For elnidren, and an
Just received another lot of clean ..intexicisting gau o ,basleet,ball also
Manitoulin seed Peasroo badl and haseba I , Every, on
wood time is assurad.
Get. ,box orthe old reliable Dr.
Ilenall:an's Pills or ),Iandrake and
'Buiternee, whieh :loosens the bewels
Without eausing griping pains. No
remedy is half so satisfactory os
Ileenlitosne, Pills. :P"rine• 25c.
- J• GTenee was In 8,1. Thom -
nit hst. Prb1ay an 8a*turdayt ittona.-
haling business svijh oh:astute.
forget the date of the
erten], conceal, June 8th• The prog-
ralrfrne consists or drills, dialogues,
Singln,,n. and reeita,Liens ieli.ss, God -
v, 311. 'the proceeds wilt go towards
establishing a library in the school.
--Thera ss til be anew school house
bu,ilt at: Lunileyi this summer.
ecliool. Dome will be held
in Mr.- ;Total Glenns bush; on Saitur.
day, 3,une 41,11, Mr., INittek Vineen LI"
Nvill bre pretsent and ,ener.ttain, in 'his
usual happy stylo. There will also be
invi'led alad weatircr permit t,ing ,a•
rt; ants Bank of
4 APITAL (all paid tip)
ES ERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS•:••••••••• $2,974245
, • -
- General
; •
Manager Otiperinlpndenl of Branches
95Branches in canada.
'Interest at Most favorable current
Bank Accounts and DePosit ReceiPtS.
,..rates allowed on Saving
,..,§15eOiS•1:0SktOnt4ion given to thebusiness ofFarmers and Cattle-
men, to 'WI:16ln loans are 'Made On, approved names,
Letters of Credit issued :travellers, payable In all, parts of the
.1.1h Manager.
.-pK,sdding e11tame' riloging,, ,
- Noteheoet;;eseneerting,.aLseow
-Mr. Fisher, .of Exeter, visited . at
Net, G. ,mtaerytoones, lasiteweek, •
.-"Mite Henry Dlillititg as sold. ,his
eirty 8.,re farm 'to: 'Tames jeckee, of
aii,strags, ,1111..tve• (bean:. (lie! or..
,der .o f the day in , these parts the last
few' days, ,, •
-'nti errs .1 e...tvc
ipainby n 4 nuinher„ ofet-thleer frteed14
. ,
101,15 '• ' •
Pielattirilee,k et Centralia, oaIled on
.tricilidra: berg ..last'..wleate, • ' •
Murtha ilirelfry(r.le,, tat, tTireld'Ectr4,!;Viti-,;.
iferee'on Viol:erne ,Day.'
The ,4teabiebeee,L,:otSd&xriit11 ,Charclo
held,•td:Jrneetting. joie ,Ifrianor
A. number '4,or new. efficere -were . airy_
, .
*Bears tile
Tiln' Kind Yon lInve AIWAYS Bodght
to the dietressed, and 1:lightens the
despondent. It sneemes but don't drug
-Ls purely vegetable and ean be :lee
ed with perfect eafety by delicate wo.
inee at any singe ortife. It gentle
end effeetiye,
-The 'Methodist Churchhas pure11-
0,e,ed -from Lyne & Son, Toronto,:
e1.050 pipe organ !with eownlekt: eet
of pefe,s, of fun compass., ,
-While John Alfred. Red -gins wee
jacking up his barn on Saturday last,
a 'piece er es:D.:bine ;lipped striking
bine on theei•ghe leg and brioaking
boih honejs.
-0,n Wednesday, llfay Mb. was,
Um omission, of a peaty wedding
when fefise Matey, toldeie daughter 0,r
Mrs T. C. Dedgips, or the eth Con.
flicldulDll, wa mil bed In marruLo Le
'elf:. Wm. Rowley, of lenexteet, Mech.
The bride wqrs: becomingly :dressed in
• p:ei, 13e white organdie with 'veil and
orange blossoms awl WaS ether:tied by
,lier either Ti113, While Mr. NT. Has-
ke tt acted as tsidearo an. The eere-
enemy wee; steetorfned by -Rev. IT,
Thomas oft Lucius, in the eresettee of-
aboul isixty gui,Sis, The newly, ma r-
etest peir left , the noon erain
MendayeTor tied e ?Nine la Mich•
Bab !you Line
-,'Tho ' Misses Alvira and Mae' and
Iteode vice:, all Of LoeuLee,
spent part et laet -week ander the
pe re nt a 1 ro,o r, o " Ala plehu rate nee"
-Me. ;Ger ry. Nee: 6 eve.a es ;a • b re a 41
Ste JR; these days -lees it boy.
Ifleeteet, is improvleg , les
residence, by erecting a briter
,Rese, or $1; re t e rd, ie
• nddnif rcw,,weeks With hot !etre
re/ne,•i7C late' heye '13.
la 04 olt;,:r0*.pr.sr. [hese ; pa,as,
Xren-i Vantingi theie Cora po[ain-
JoS,'''W.ildlon4,,iiits erected '
Wire 'fehro arOunct his faeme, whieli
adds ,,spaphete its' nppOarnnee, • • .,.
-Ir. aiicl Mr:i, Ed. 13rocierioi.,.
Spent SlinclaYr IteSlabtown.
COnitbell; itt
ireet„),:leen:.vieitiege Joint, eie'Yee
L..... -111345S, 1st:6S,', the
•.itrate'' g'!"'""41
, her Steter,',Iiles
;) .'e.'
R Ss
e.segineeee atl)
41;de ,S,treafe
Railway theyeaear ted set She
r. s' se betteht trete ,
e= &-dLba et 81. aeeee
tfrlaniee Rea al I eleligesida '''
el- yn pleee for 4 d744,01;:i
bzi4te1)ougaiii, who - eed
Fulterten village was trilled en
Saturday morning •ehout 8 o'eleck 4
1W P5-,isLing Lc. niora e hove from
his own firsti o his rseighbor's M.
Tic Tie tvliene iie bed see/ it. Ite
he!): bee -Reed cruehed eueer :LaU.
Ile wee, 4.0:970,F., 44 veers of. 117..o. an
lenvee ;eins and -five small, childre
s. 4heit ltee. lie wee a cola.,
zneesisar = ' ' ' iSt
.7t^ ne;e1elsee
Ly. ail ; else a neeralter of ;ha te, 0.
sententneity at lenge ,
leete rt 14 re.
t 10 1,1i. t unerel
trIS CilTh 'OM itIV.!7C,Itr, ever seer: an
eeie ithr elated.
Th e1u1e4 r 1114 Townelo,
r eb4fl W' 84el in the T•awn. 1
e.a r tredey the 21311 or
. 111 fl nIhem were
n T4i ' 01 the erevloee
a, . adoeted.
e . eurt,QC Refits.
e Li8 nnher' reti the i
t ell a/ .., SUbS01Ib; e iO the. eetb. I
' nne 4 aiast tin e
4.'7 gi FlUlt
54.; tail
, 'greyed cent reels to 11.
4, of 8•$.:170435 'Wer,1 /et,
0 eellow;ne ordere were read:
oter Prouty, e,:ra laity 4.,23.G3
oaten Falsifier. wort .4/4
011 arkm5 Emma, trevell-
= goince t Goderteh
env:: a Awn:or, Q.1.110;»
petting in ben culvert,
11. 'lien, zee. eulvert, 9.139 TE
rep. bridge, F:2•R1;
,ser'144elein.4 I
eon. 2,2. cti../10:
• brA1dagn;,:ic.12..15109:: ,G,true,61:
1,y tor.
Iffiller, nett 4a, ei el" examination,
29.40; T. 13.1.en•trd etatute labev,
L'OldP0.00; 12. WeStroan. Pert
concrete tile accennt, 1109.00;
.i1'ert Gower. tile, 83,00.
cow:fell ainiourneal o num- t aunin
'I's n /Tall, Credi•tone on 2i1en-
y Lay •lh, .J1)1 al /0 a. tn. when
the by -le w utting "Tbe Imulon
Pa el; hi 1 a Eli Grand %lea rie
t to u: o the TAlt)lie,
I lf...hway in =the t (1 W111 3 lr
IMNIV17 1 1flER, okrk.
We ba adless
denption each
hoaeanhg throe.
leel if Prime
be pt ratased
• 51,,p.tre
ure nous
Vour Eyesare Va uable tGYou
17301til E1,3,
( 3rk
esbere eet4143
a ii,„Krni
li-Tint dr?,
T. 44,Eirt 4-14,4t fiaet.91.!??.io
NW 03.1 to Iff:1111?-:^
0'j4 SJ[ RAIL LLY' the ft•.•48,1tI"
nii' an! ratfWry rfgtat.3
im8rnilyoneent(&1 rep:1lv'4
New Drug Store. W4 S"
almndttate Canasitan CAllop of Optit:s"
Court oi` Revlsio
IL: 1tnefl 811. . '•,. .Cour r af
7.4iou tor the s9s0,...-mtlit non ei
Town 11111, Mey' 21it h. .1,0,e11t Con 1.
elite r Ann st rung',
,TIns only sipeeal wae shut of .1. J.
2rciu!ua11, claimiatg the l efeteesinent:
F111-011'9 block 4.4.5," purely:Pad
T' hini too li h. On Illation. or J.
'CirrSinr, n, o nn by J. Muir,
then; there. •bin g n& other a pp.;ale,
the court cloeed.-G.trried. 4„
GEO. 11. BISSETT, Clark,
1 Report. -The following is
or S.. P.,. No. 1, StepluEnefor
th`.." eiontla of Mey. The namea are
giver. in order (or na:?ri G -V, C., Dup-
Sr. 1V., 'Samuel MeCoye Leslie
'Arlelgeseehion, Alvin. Baker, tare
Wendsor ; jr. IV., Jon 1,1Thitte,Piuj
1/Lee:Lt. C. G ra NAM, Gordon Wilsoo;
84 grd., aNhit Denfeleete Margit:try
!feebler se Archie Rubinson; ;Tr. :TILT
Liazel Hicks, enliven Cants, Austin
Duplen : Sr. 11.,ijohn Ha get r t h, Gret-
in Bissett, Ross \Veins, E. Callfas,
Enigher. F3os:s13 citumr. '1T11114
Alexander, Roy Call fae, 'Tuber t White
Lower Jr, If., Bessie Andersen, • Ev-
erele Cannes. Aettlsony White, Frtel
lealrhall.-.T. A. ifieNauellion, and N.
'Rustle TIFt, Teachers.
1.1. L. Ifu Lion is a t exidines the
Conferenee now in ression inLoi10tn,
this ,year. We Understand' by: the
first 'draft or.stati eta th,a 3,Ir, It
um has been set down fee Illyesninee
The first Draft of Stations
Tit i0ii0M4I11 iis [ho firet diert of
etl. teens tor. the .1eneesing yeat of the.
I el linen_ Con Core:tee, oe. Use 'Met lioitist
Olin eh '11 ow! fl eseesicei in London, as
dr.Aterf up 'by • teeet etatiooing ;come
414.4 1ou..'.1ebet felioWing are some of
( lie is t atllons in , the: neiglitoo.ring, die-
( ri a ts ' •
14leeET:DR (:elant
Eltecet)-'W'sn. Gatiw.in. Exeter. (Jain 18
,eeS„. Zeno%
Rue Lem .".1.1;t2da.
Tiippe.n..37f:dw6.i,c1 ,eleaetealt:
,OreiR12,0n-:aphr..1," 1130 d oioni '
, • f4y1;rxn •
\V. An.cLrslVs cp 2,Ailsa 01; tki.g.
Arch:its al d 13,, A: , Birr-a
hod: a ea'n A yeailsi.;. 13
i..; 0 eenton-;:,Talne1411. 1Toli4OS.. 11f70 6:1
boiirnc 1. A steersene
.eltent. f,o,ede ,.(11rater1.cio.,-;,a0et).44e0rg3,'.'
Trr.0w11, Il. it. 11 11. Lislowcl--Jozeph
!lien trrry.,
son. .
13•triliro,•••y4,,,:k ,
• Welliffsrrs-liti,
unly, 1.
ntD. Kiizeadiaea
I "
e Intim ie.
f131 0,eler1out, lt..t.,
, D. 131u1 vltie-G-nrga
• I-7ff tn. S81ithe13.11.
W.111,:er. -13a'LIzi-Siu-icin V.R.
ntlanal (Pieta iItiver, Riptey:-Ittipe
1. Ileisking, .134arvie-AVm Rs Vallee.
'rivet non -:Edwin W4 Edwarde. 1.1. A.
II). VIT.47.10„enhureI1-01vriate.,..;ki.r C.
.11algrave-A1no r t
GoDr,lor DISTRICT--,Go,11.::Tten
(Nortil St t) -D. N.
G odor iota (Vic t eel S treet)
G re,' fa re, 13.1X, C I in;I:o. n-- Welt y
11111T1 0-1% nry t. Ianniug.Clin-
1(01(011 i ..1 rio en,re et ) -.1 osej It ;.*,;.cooi;
A. 13. D. ia tor h -Al ex. X. 131614,.:,
C1 Ind:Ail le-pv3,n.e is Swan. 131 s
111o1M(43. 1)4.411", -nr...u.-:Toh 1.1-.
nohluson. renmay. nen.
miller -Jelin G. Yell a nd, Auburn, -
Thosu as 13. Cop 01and. Walton -Amos
Th 011i as. Lontlesboros-art in, J. 1,1, -11. -,
son. D. A. TfuelferIsInil if, --0 n:„., 'to M2
ott. Bay field--..Tany.:s 4.Sly..11. r-
an -Robert A.-
(Firet Methodist Church)
--George J. Bishop. Sesinnel Sal on to
I.Ctr,:t CharIKi 43.5 teg to n axe/ Welt -
mond a/Teel; missiente.
Tendon (Dundas Street C' -entre) -
Charles 'T., Seett, B. A.
London ( Wellin g L on street) Jaw ee
Livertgeft one
London (Colborne strect)--George
Dante], M. A. Ph. B.
London (Cent ennial)--Art hur II. Go-
ing, B.A. •
Louden (riamilton Itoat1)--Daniel 133
mat tin.
Lc sa-I•dessr
leen, Sietzlieatlache
' ilyseenele wit hew grizeo
Mee, ihe wife et' Vr
Manager aZ AZereba,nts Pck
eetta, or a tta,uo1i4r.
111,11, by Rev. Iliesbee
Geterge Ciark:‘, a. Cr:at, ee, •re ere,
M( (3d, of 3IeGi11ivr8e.
✓ eediellee- a the bride:: eerents,
1•501s1311th, J Ule-3 11. II:If:rebate, to
)ries Nellie, eldae. dauehter 1Tr.
Nb3o...4, t, • ,
church Lucan, on -31ay ;1Zitle. 1904, by
t let Rev, 0.7; alz.°Q".:51.1.1034 31r.
Sulin Ito ber,L, C'hutf,
&wall te.r fe Mr. nuri "Mrs. Robert
fhid eon. 1aEsIdalph.
lf D 0 ITG Fullatt 0 a
Si14(1'tr nly 28i le •Tc..he f ioug
aged year.
▪ a spring me.dicine '3 unlock
Mood Bitterkhaq etivi . It i ones
up Ate oystme and ri,nainvee nil fon -
'0uritta$4 groin the blood, and taktly
away tIla :1 tired wears' feslinpr
pre•valenit: in opring.
Lawn Mowers
Lawn Mowers 14 in. $3.60
1,9,wn Arowers 16 in. '3.75.
Lawn Mowers 11 in $5.00.
Lawn .11.lowers 16 9,o.O
Both Woodyatt and. Smart Lawn Mowers to sel-
ect from.
Screen Doors from 90c. u
Screen Windows from 150. u
Tia,tamocks 1.45 up to $4.00
Garden Hoes 25o
Garden Rakes 25e
, arden Lines 10e
Anol611 Portland Oenient tice''' re,
hand at rght PriCes,: