Exeter Times, 1904-5-26, Page 7ELTY TO 1 , n en was not there. But now I be- lieve all worlds aee created as our ANIMALS own world. was created boca,use (e'od loves the beautiful and has declared that everything he created M the universe was good. Yes, God "hath Man Should Value the Affections of the Dumb Creatures. A1E:tiered according ro Act ot the Par- etaxnent Ceacale. la the yeer )113 Thousand Nine Itundred and Four. Tiru. Baily, et Toronto, at tee eaen-arteint 01 Agriculture. Ottawa A despatch from LOsAl1,01.1cS Cal., etays Frank De Ulla Talniage preached from the following • • • 011 (.1 <molt -1y exe, 4, nitA Shalt' MA I1l1,rz.41c the ON when he treadeth out the core." l.loses was the Arst, great saes 11 that 1 know of who recognized the rights of dumb 41.1111110$^ It is It significant font that in tbie eariy code of laws be should love given legei righte to animals as well as to men and women. It WaS sound awl righteous course, add AM glad to remember that we, too, have not only laWS to pl'eVent the ill usuage of animals, bee olso in the Ilumane society an organleatioe to am that those are enforced. 1 want to show you thisnnorning evlay every Christien should be in touch 'With that SOCiety and that its principles should be applied to all clansea and ail ages. 'there ts no reasoo wby the admonition ehouid be limited to the farmer. The boy should be taughtg and setetrrels; the drayMall ShOlild he coMpelled, to Holm% the load if Ids Immo is too weak to drew it•; the haclonan should be required to blan- ket his steed shivering in the •chill bluets of winter; the aportsxuan should ha prohibited ehooting the ther bird in posting lime. I would try to show that the Chriat who artiS born amid the lowiog of the cee., tle end the bleatiug of the elleeit 41110. the peighing of the inosea, whinnYulg for their °Ale, is to -day the friend d protector of the dumb brutes as •weflas of oor fellow men. RtEleTY DEGRADES. rs oature is degraded l• di it cruelty to animals, IIis ontino,s aud aegnire, of brutes. Ile anderfrai's bie the metuatorphoais eha that orientals believe Fe ettiens after death. In the far east there is a popolar WW1 held leg raultituder; 1:ef In the trawanigration of souls. This meatia, iu popular fra- teroretation. that tater a num (Nee bis %wet nooses bait the liody of a dog or cat or a borne or gt lion and so Iives ota through the VOliking ogee, 11 hk, is a itamt num then he become:1 a mean Venal like a Jacket or a krona, if le good man litt•n his awl lathes nom: ite ef the halo of a Noble bettet; lett, though in Chrian Mani:NI America we do not believe hi the tranemigration of *elide wo may see around us an tutelogons • pheionneuen. When o 1114411 OUR'S a dumb brute be is not, punished by hating Ids emit at death pass late the body •of a jnettel, but he takes on the character et Omit cruel, be- SOO, four leaned seeVettgere of the desert. end he becomes gine of them Su bis nature. Every time'the old mexieau skinped knob olive, think- ing that thereby the meat was made * the eweeter, he destroyed that moral sensitiveness which enabled him to , distinguish between right and wrong. Every time a boy transfixes a ley with a Pin and then laughs to *me ,it wriggle and squirm in it e deoth egonies that boy is fitting himself to lo come a rammter, a murderer and a, destroyer or men. Nero, the Roman demon, became the inhuman monster b was by first, as a boy, learning Inhe pleasure in the sufferings of his nursery pets. Ever,y man takes upon himself the heart of a sovage animal when he abuses the helpless dumb brutes that God gave to him na dependente. TRAINED BY KINDNESS, oX doge, and horses and cattle the more 1 think they are like mete SuPpOsing you were a horse hitched t 0 a carriage. Supposing every tnue you made a misstep were was ii Milli like a knife ready to cut into your skinwoad. not „Your nerves te ,colitinuelly tit/Inning ? Would you not alwaee be ready to imam, to el nnti to ear?rSupposing you we id a stall with your head twd to halter awl the hostler wanted yo Ito move over to the other side the stall, and instead of placing b band gently upon you and sayi quietly, "Now move over." he giV vnti a savage kiek in the stomach cut'Lippe the side of the head th nettle your car ring and your bra dteey with pain. INliett would you to? Would you bite and kick him if you got the -chance ? 1 doubt, wilether human nature would be as long suffering OK equine nature under stalt provocat tom But if every time that hostler came around you. got a caress. or ii piece Of apple every time ) - plies the currycomb and a. kin enesuring word every altne a shriel Mg engiue canoe past 1 think tha hostler or driver would be loved ar trusted and obeyed just ns my Mt Child bas. through my kindnee learned to love and trnet and °he me. "The more I see of men ti IkiorOI love dogs 1" Oh, no; ti philo opher was wrong, Iltit II More eon eee of home end tiogS ti made everything beautiful in his time." In his eyes the trout spring- ing out of the brook and sporting in the eddy, is good; therefore we should not catch it for mere wanton sport to let it rot upon the bank. God, tuned the throat of the nightin- gale and the lark te sing after the twilight, and in God's eight their 19* ° °01,00SPerJeies*OVI ; FOR 72E.T HOME o ete leech:tea for the Kitehen. a Hygiene and Other Hetes to the flotiatiteePer. ecelse ogle eb).43o12,11•00 GOOD ItECIVS. -Vienzia Pudtling.--Take five ounces of castor sugar, fiee entree of bread music is sweet. As our Father loves "till -11)s' three °44ceS of stoned 3.4i- lt,Vil'etabilidhSrawwe aslifoeti*WhicirieLthtehjilelltCeit the eggs,lllins'towe( :InaQiatlilldil.dceaSailodffetw(hlet:eo-13131PCoxio'fel:eflO:teier snow bank for the snowbirde which i 'e been caugat in the blizzard, no),„ mn'iord oone hour ifllar, Stearn ana hai moin nbi.nttered to leave for our feathered friends Tomato Eggs.-Clioose soine nice irer cup of water upon the window sill re times of a drought. large' tomatoes of equal size, aud cet 4 'c'cl 1°Yes the Iambs' He made' othfe4Aleaciit, heaPri‘heilTie w s eo ri, Ph ,littehllcaLitt "otp- 4V 1) the sheep's gentleness the symbol of 0,f a divine gentleuees. Christ was led ped haw* a few bread crturnbS* and " '5 pepper and salt; then break an ea aa a sheep dumb before his shearers e ag and as a, lamb at the slaughter be call)11111Y fOt° each Ilan, and bake for 1 . es opened not his mouth. God. made P. ler.' minutes until the eggs aro set or the horse and saw that, he was good Macaroni Soup is an inexpenaive at On that great day a the triumph of and nnnrishia saute, and can be pre- ighteousness over sin Jesu, the °ternal conqueror, shall come riding macaroni for twenty minutes in IPat a bort note, 4 rs, ared sicBoil some down the heavenly heights upon the slightly salted water, then strain it. white eharger of victory. Olg, my and add to ft three pints of stock bleeds, if God mated the beosts oi nicely ilavered with, vegetables. See- the fields and the birds of the air anti son wIth salt end Pepper. 41.° s'rv" the fish of the seas and saw they iThe stock should be colored a deli - were good we should lie kind and ' .cate brown. 0 th /gentle and loving toward them antSnvuy Rise -Wash three (Peaces a_ [Flom the dumb creatures as well am; °A ra.-- rand hod la half al, putt oi t Ifroni the aweet races a the woods milk till tender; add Pepper and salt 4 ,T we may learn sum, et, the best les, ito taste. Butter a pie dish. &primal . to I eons co. Christian hoe. 1 a God bleea the Romano Society 4,. America! God 1.0es all those te ;and women who are taking off le !cruel ,eollars gelling the rocks of le 4 horses seffering with FereS, and te more you ought to learn to treat them with tile some gentleness with witieli you should treat your fellow I s India no they would treet their hue (tad Jf4iM of one lesion, the rivet mon. Come and blame pod yel and growls never math' a nervot lioree trustful or an obstinate hor docile. Hinduees will win snbuti sion to an animal. where terrorztn ear (:tiTt Dever produce it. - the zwei n't At, sprinkle nue OUliCk grated ehecm% tParattesan. if 41011 ble) ou it. add the rest of the tter over it sortie more cheaten butter op the top in emelt pieces. ri brown into a quick ovon, hitelung horses that are hobblingOne POliald th,o finest rho - g on deceyed feet! God mem tap barb and cut into nitwit of two Melte hflstltkc movement which makes t'a in length; add thiatequartere o I treat, their dogs at least as foiled of white stigar arid the rInel ls /Men enemies! Cod Ideas all inovee bo 4-13 in narrow strir's, rat all intO se !amens that would reopeet the inalien- ft l'reFerving pan And Shnn'or gehtlY oic shser, and the until the rhubarb Is soft; take it oat d horse& end cattlewhieb steoci about eareinilY with them or. woodei The Humane Society of America, in teaching man lo be kind to the dumb brute, hes a. second practical mission ! It 'teaches that harshness and bitterness and cruelty do abso- lutely no good in the training and the true subjugation of an animal. A cruel master never was able to get the best results out of a horse. Illows and hicks and cuffs only make a stubborn horse the more stubborn and the balky, animal the more set in his traces. never learned this lesson in a more impressive way than when I passed two summers ale inoet within a stone's throw of one of the best stock farms in this coun- ty . What magnificent animals those were ! Racing horses were not rais- ed there, but the best blood for car- riage horses and roadsters of 2211 sorts. Their clean limbs, their dashing eyes, their high strung, ner- • Vous organization, made those ani- mals the pride of almost every stable they entered. Yet the whip was never used upon them. They were trained ahnost entirely by kindness. 'After the colts had. been allowed to run in the fields for about three years, always, however, being petted by their owners, they Were ready for the, harness. The. "first day on -which the bridle was put upon them strap was fastened on the fore hoof to teach them that they must naind. That was all. After the hrst two or three days the horse learned_ that if he plunged the strap would be ap- plied to raise his forefoot and keep him on three legs, Il'aving learned .the leeson lie ceased to plunge, and the use of the strap was discontin- ued, Then these colts were. quietly hitched by the sides of the older horses and driven out, to plow. The drivers never jerked them, 1)114 el - ways talked kindly to them (Ind coa,xed them. Ana though those 110711451. F3001110(1 to liave 'Lb ill ',hem n the pcntup ,ambi Lion or .1 ob's ar charger, "Ainelline the battle from eet in thr) harld5 of their kind sLers 61 -ley became gentle, lovable, and do ci I 0. 1' 1"cy\VED 011" GENTI,ENESS. An ol 43- 4513111 py dyspeptic ph 11 0S- 1211451 once said, "The :more 1 see of nen the bet.ter.T clogs,°'-. That is lot v idea, Bet, the more IL see UWUntnger On the night that Jesus silnon and Put it 1"t° J441.S• Then. JUST?CFI FOR was ii0211! ClOd blesS all those who boll then swill) long enough to nt1T-e , II wonitl rationally and with Chrietion it jPilNe'• 54. Y, one honr. and Powis ud you • stop to thn i,. feeling translate to the butrap heart ilever to"' 0'04* „. It ei51 142211 4 are falebted to 1fl he comniaudinent of my text which 0 VanlifinWel &14224„ e "four enttel (meets “Thell shalt not mural., the oN ("hoo.4' a lIliloner ""gl s ;tint -lid Wate and creeping treadeth out the earn!" tin tetuFv. dettin 11. and brae% Os of the air" which - 1021 let down from beet 'when on the tanner? v of mar bur - limo mew when being Tile . %try huh et ere the marvel o , the author of 1. tho wtooder of Ul !Ana Peter ISAN the heaVeris bes twitted The liet!ei dens Ire lie it appy ti144eS aPOWX1 tiy hill: roadel In bow nvinal.ing bee part! And oftk ni when he renhien ”: Iv, has 50100 6 Isirds: t Ley • le wort ty Iduelas of marble and ettudatone have wire 'broiler, and hold oven a elaar. Tehole of their hire. They our wood- , hren drniAged, baud ulattY hot tire lona enough to hotter,. time. it , land PHilet donna% songsters told "f". "1/ teoli and lofty clitie. hented through, nut rot eongetreeent. that make the day. ea Some years ago Mr, Vorreet, while , thate reaulinese teener of hoe will !Iasi i* se: . ode* Mao* Ont, wen as no nixtit, vneta with musts. walking: through a remote village of toast. lay a sgue:fne oa ex+ itioiat,"i 0"cf tho ten n tionff hog4 OP 1 "C . IP OW Fl Of the broneard anti tit srttth' of the fieltheotheeo, too. ar worthy of their bine. The bone an onside and brain of man 50112e iron foi the porch of a templet on the Geer Eeen the humblest coo- I,troW Of a precipice two miles awav tures aro eoznetimes of great *table over nu 4i1,4 uun liN1 11 Length of armee Ivets en (mein % tiniee of our help. ' S. IN 1NDL.A. Takeo to Co ment. temples and tombs 51141411 ipleeeR, ewvering zt With tie* fol- lowing sance: tea lailf c; of atoll% vitt) two lan'ese esereeini llome two otincen of .ereveo tete/pee:a ppm , THE WAR PUZZLE W4 offer Ten Bottom: fpr the b./4 answer written on a postai card, arid which le received by ua Jpefore May 15th, WHY ARE Dunlop Detachable Bicycle Tires L1K4 TFIE s2APANKe4,2 "Alwaya mob,. Kroas stoat-, Made tor Fultuiroi,troas--Itgbtalal freo2 TEb4,52611tlis 4'4124642°4 *rreOvrikTattierintaTeFe." Ifarola Patereen,f3Petaateld Nee. BecoAlSe they ere strOng‘liaolto the rgh‘te xotstrfir 4254 0141;it4I 4 ;mot 124iso Minato jfiller. 43,5 Satemea Agee, OakUtil, Califorate "T"11;;;t7ite.:40:t;:hteiL:s.e9Lzae---fhpalecf:ta.4,43;;;;,1;e7e014::". rerne lineoitteca, oat, "Rewve thee age, the euleZeet 2und lightot.° _ I'lfi.SW,fel;nsi:irs`P./., Tome% dar anDeparttatent W. Th unlep Tire Ole., Limit TORONTO 1 2 ,z teat their ond become e reeeleentel oilld he Wept:Fe( et nnd 21341. 14* t 1Fe 2241 vnluahb' sj 150 4)21 ehelves. 141m irone coet le ig poor economy to us e o et are post their ueefultege. will sener ettaeL )04 E S, S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON-, NAY 22. ABS Text of the Lessen, Igrat xecvlo- Betooe 17-30. Golden Text, 1. Car. vo, 7. e last lessen, tit- , and Llis.., p:AFSU".er le....on we have toot arle eil the eveots Of the St week of Ills lift. ad Lave come right op to the very 12224 evening' he- ;rlicis cr_ "t2oxiogne.t Isto II:rile suwhilerr; 112010 25 450 much, but this is true t2 eetalleet portion of Seripe tur and we must rele upon the 'pirit to give us all that lie eeeS 51421 receiee. In 4 senteoce, let gkuieo at Wide Of the things love Isteeed oter-the healing of t blind os he entered and left, Jerich visit zo the house of Zaccheue, , supper anti anonauteg at leetbany. tie- piastic entry into Jerueeleen. the iteutple cieaneed, the fig tree earsed, tte. 000r widow offering cornatentled tot onioy parables lind disceursee, guppy ere the believers who c; 112111 tiEICW to meditate tomb noon se and nowt all Seriptlare. The lite of our levaan aro" recorded by 25244 leite ae well as by Mae -- 11211 L.10,e xxii., 8, rays that ' leer:e:tii:::nT:rott:;111i:i*ws- :::pttrLe-''I''''' Thee eat elle peee.oveirek" t e eity. telling a pitcher propere, us the passover '44 *5123142, ;3214 by indx ttlia• .14: UN.. he ' c Geri uirwe Carter's itt ver P111 kittat Be r 8Ignnture of C1144 ounee of teitter,, ;eve If biir eer tend salt to taSte; 01`ir Gun.; erairee , be reodit!ower. goal apeisilar ' tho *114014! 10 144 W'144t'1' 1214' 'eofti *Aatr4C-al 332422 24522 ns ,ns ',Pang • c ilttrleate carving' 4 1 wItOle with bread eranotiq :toil :a littit.‘ *14114 *2 dlii4',Itti,f', tie. iota I 11 who fiep 1110111, r42,,..'s 3rate:). elteee-e, Brown for 0 few lain,. 'To /ow: 24 rg 14-15F! rfkop,11,,,,,,1 tie.3. of 184142." nod itteft itt a bot ovtit. ' llittEo „ eV', rolouri. ltie 3t2(121412 (2 e )teltolder growo 1 /trolled fe'arditieS. hot; 4,0. e . lateir or two21 o t tile totairre US (45 0232 1rg' , li o '.1),( 103'. !'..l'i'fl'il :earn% 223344 21 il'alr4 . 43 520' tiv:-i," 4111 e Mil-tIl "fq., hoe era 14 *31 1,1 1433 be P. In 0114 - 42114 Ibero 4,111! ,r:A24Eli.:":42'11°;;:c4:1*14':4I't'l Will' 1 . 43.1.144 *Mark. 522'., 4 et . - i,,,,,,,,e til tic..;:ifati li.).;., .,r, rrr:.; , 1 iil , , ,,.lyn (7:7,, ._:. , p., , 1414 , , 72 bi.,..1: Dag 432k6'3* il '''' ;:Vac;:z2riftt'll:lii to; r'. l7;;t?'; ;11.1121:; : ▪ 44 iu:. ,: :1 ",;$?, onf. " t6 us 123 42 114 4 /214 ran:, //„-4/ /oar.- 3/3" /11/#1 • "*",111,,,11, " l.N6 grk-41.11 be 216 42- , 01111. •• .4'.;)v• . ;". tia/,/13/ arc • /1•4. . a. r 1111 Fa 13"12121, 14.; ,322" ii1V4 11% 22 es iii., 24,. IVX .1,, e • ,e h tint whit st•iete of ;te. oil titer lee; 1,,ceri nee1n, 'Itti at: ti' 1st 420' Mont0,123',28 1284 - 1411101', riehlY carved. 1.:Ving the lleated and plae.• 4...011 11 t0a. 14 4' oN 1100 t150 world etostiatatiort of the monolith. ---------24222314142 an excellent rel'slt 11)1' q1173, • day eight temper, lb:reek...1' or hop. ; 112" ri.Dostaaidotioat ana roadsuhn Ile ttsked the aronn tend seoonfed ot 422* teet1(2 :?.r 'neg. bo I le. 51, 11 totett Ise* LI 1. 24 ' Cnt.fq rat5" VI') 1. ;0 and 1.Itod ezeAl 212 aer.ening all the w ape tiesnes el tho Indy eltF, Price he ' leta. Vrain rre 41324 up cud 12, 224 0*2l et to 4211411. "The 1i1lagorl drag it," said the saiv a hideous sna)ee this after- bead officer of the leave, oou. gaga 110071," 1 said last summer to a far mer. "It seemed to be all colorsant I enuk.,,ht it in the middlo of tb V'04421.' "Did you kill it?" "0 course I killed it. What aro snake for but to kin." "No, my friend,' he answered. "AR eualies are not t kill. The poisonous (makes ere kill, but not those that are not puis onous. The 521211108 1210 haVe arount here, for the most part, ore a gren blessing to the farmers. They kil (he huge and insects which (1052503the crops. Snakee are not alwaes the enexuy, but o!(011the friend, of man," Yes, my brother, we ehould not only leave the ox unmus2.1ell up - 051 the thrashing floor, 1)00141280 the iaberer is always worthy of his hire but the sheep and oxen and cattle and horses and birde and fishes, am sontetirnes even the :makes are among the best and the most faithful labor - era we hove.E TIIE LOVOE ANIMALS. - festival days. Jo 303. lifetime, sahib, 1. they have mowed it, a hundred yards. e ;And see haw much cerving they have done." • Ifo pointedto sante eight Melees wainderful _decoration. The- caw O was nearly fifty years of age, and ) and the traveller looked in astonish- . 1 ringrtuT.irty Ile used t",12 tAndst ill the is ' ey Calas-Mix a quart of strained teNney with Do If n pomul of powdered stirrer, half a pound o freeli butter, tont the tnice of two oranges or !femme; trarm Slightly, ,Intit enough lo soften the butter; , beat the mixture very hard, addleg 12= grated nutmeg; mix in gradually two pounds or less of flour; make into ' went, wonderiug how long before the dough stiff enough to roll mit refine': woold eomplete its ourney. heat it well all over with rolling - All old Brahmi21 standing by noticed pin; roll half An 152512 thi5k; cut with his expression, ft tunbler *dipped frequently in flour; "You English ate In suell a hurry" 1 lay them on :tallow tins, slightly he said. "There is the age of brass buttered awl hake well. aud the ago Of iron. 1:13e37 ,come mid Crumpets -Take one quart of dough they go. Others have come and from the bread at an early hour in gene their 121413". and SO win You, the morning; break three eggs, se - Bat the pillar will reach the 'Lein - parol ing yolks and whites, both to ple. Ilis reply WaS the spiri2 of ancient 145121511 12324475 no heed of to - 1 1- day, at* having set, about the 45021- 8445310214014 of such a monument, goes steadily at work, satisfied to de- vote a thousand years to it, if the temple be worthy to endure wheu it is done. Again, 1 assert that we should hon- or the Humane Society of America because I sometimes think that the birds of the air, as well as the beasts of the earth, may have an ardor of affection even greater 1121222 that of man if that loving power of the heart is ever allowed to develop. I believe tha* a dog con love as a man can love, 4 believe a horse can love as a man can love, and a bird also. We should be very careful lest We trample upon the he.arts of the dunob brutes, es some of us too often tram- ple upon the hearts of men. A dog love as a man loves? .Abenril," says sonic one. Is it absurd? Have you never heard of a dog dying from grieC because his master died? my father once litui a noble ,,e'reylaound. When 110 went far away from home that, dog became go lonely without my father that he refused to eat, and literally died from grieving for his neester. Absurd! Did 37011 never see a dog grievirg among tin) chief mourners at, a funeral? Again and again We tried to drive 13eauty, a little sky terrier, out of til4* rooni of death. But he would not go. Un-' der the casket he 3623', beer after bour. Alolienfully he Wont froM room to room after the undertaker had carried the precities burden away to sleep among the flowers. For days arid weeLs Beauty *wits hunting. Tin WAS always hunting. life was hunLing tor tile dead. Have you never had a Beauty i1 your home? 1,V013.L1) NOT FOle MAN ALONE. But, lastly, we ehould be lend and gentle and loving toward the dumb brutes beeaUse God loves thorn and what God loves we should not de- spise. T used to think that God cre- ated this World for man. I used to think that all other worlds Were merely empty, burned out w orl ds ,the n1000. I used to think that the o tiler w or Ids -were not worth the deco -rating and upholstering because 21 MISSE/0 BEA "1 understand you shot a burglar during the absence of your husband," said the detective. "Yes," admitted the delicate -look- ing little woman, "I did." "What became of him?" aSIced the detective. "Why, the other burglar carried him away," answered the lady. "Which other burglar'?" "The one 41 shot at," she explained 4 POPULATION 010 CHINA, Mr. R. '1'. Greener, United States commereial agent at Vladivostock, Siberia, reports that a Russia.n. pap- er, quoting* from a L'hinese paper, says : According to the last census takea in China by imperial order, in view of yeassessing taxes, the total, nember of inhabitants areounteil to 426,447,325 souls. The eighteen Chinese proviaces proper bad 107,- 737,305; Manchuria, 8,500,000; Mon- golia,. 8,354,000; Thibet, 6,4301900, -PYllOTECITNIC : 1n Nagasaki (Japan) there is 0. firework xaaker map.ua,c ftures PYreteehnic birds' of great size, that, when exploded, bail in a life- like manner through the :air and pee- torin ninny liloYements exactly like these of living*: birds, The secret of fo making theSe, w o nd err ul things has ti been in the poSsessaari of the eldest a031 be whiOped to n light froth; mix them in the doup1i. nd grscinally add nulk-warm water, until 11 Is a batter Inc consist:Peer of buckwheat cakes; beat it well and let it rise 'till breakfast time: have the grid- dle hot and nicely greased; pour on the batter in small round eahes, and • bake a light brown. Lemon Jujubes. -When the throat IS sore lemon jujubes of great effici- ency may be made as follows: To threo ounces of lemon juice add three ounces of pure glege.rine and Ode OttneC of gelatin. Simmer all togeth- er in a jar set in boiling water until the gelatin is quite dissolved. When this mixture is cold it can be cut into moll sanares, which are sucked as a sweetmeae. For children this is a very good plan indeed, as both le- mon juice and glycerine have anti- septic and curing action 021 the throat, HINTS HOT( ROME L117'E. A little salt added to alcohol is said to be excellent for removing sticky spots from carpets or rugs. .All wool blankets are the cherished homes of ungrateful germs, and bor- ax is their deadly enemy. Taman hair grows better M light than in darlsnes.e, because of the stimulating effect of light and 51111- 811iniehT Ser shoeld he Washed 201411. a chamois leather saturated witli soap each time after use, thus avoiding a general cleaning. * Preservilig Jars should bo stood on. their heads for at least an hoer af- ter sealing, when the liquor will es- cape the jar contairis . l'he Purest air .111 most citiee is unci about tsventy-five feet, above ie street surfacie The healthiest, partinents are thoeu on the second third floor. A good wash for clandruff is one nt warm watel." to half an ounce of Ymrine. Wash the Ilea with• this t leaet once a weeR, A onme of Dem: to a pint of water is also use- child of the fernily each generation for leer() than 400 -eers. Aunt P1- SnIS•-- I aril shocked a you . 'Al -elide. You eerie i e 320) 2)44 a 111 1) Mr, .1031011 tc) 'kiss 710 . ' ' 4242321 (10- ['Fe LI only .in!,,t 40(14531021 rue 021 l.140 11 0E,r', auntie," Prisnls--"Tt was st (pate ant of place, dear," s lInnw 1* was, auntie; 14114 you 111 0)1.111IL SO suddrall,c,;, you ti 211 betioning a glove the greatest i comes upon. the 1245,114 taut to a;, 1)el'el re at ten, -;?ti -ng to 31.21214:21 thi It t 911 t;*(' Other s, commencing 411. 10 sceon.d one, lastly the -first, Nev- 22221122435 Kamm= istmo.w.r very' 41 Up to Date 1ES 111 Ekli AT ION AL DICTIONARY A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography., Googrniohy,EIntlon,etc• The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,020 titles, based o41 the latest CCI3E113 returns. New Biographical Dictionary containinic names of ovo451000noteworths persons, with nationality, occupation, date of reigns, date a birth, death, ete. Edited by W. T. 11A3n Xi, Ph.D., LLD. United States Conunts.sioner of Education, New Plates g, 2300 Quarto Pages Rich Bindings 5000 Illustrations We also publish Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 'with GlossarrofaeottisliWordsandPbreses. 1.1011Pogeil. 100 11111S1111.1101111, 82, 7x10261 641inthes. "FirSte/aSS1nquality, second-class in size." LZT US SEND YOU FREE ".A. Teat in Pronunciation" which affords ft pleasant 'and instructive ever:Mee enter- tainment. illustrated pamphlet also free. G. in C. M ER.RIAM COMPANY, Publishers, Springfield, Mass. avarturasierectoonsmseurraner.cracAm-csaracno.F.aaan.c7F,R4wg....4 A BAD CASE OP KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS? Kidney Troubles, no matter of what kind or what stage of the disease, can be quickly and permanently cured by the use of these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma, r050M21141]3d9 them to all kidney trouble sufferers, when he says :-I was troubled -with dull head- aches, had frightful dreams, terrible pains in my logs and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS recommended for just such annoy- ances as mine, it ocameed to elle to give them a trial, so 1 procured a box of them, and was vere- much surprised at the effectual cure they made. I take a great deal of pleasure in recommending theru to all kidney troublo sufferers. Price 500 per !lox or i for 125. dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Oat of oil the where. Coemeottor :ea one lie NO ' '111211 deSlre 1 12:3212'l':esiovel to rat thl,i pat -4,• • 'th Noe bailee I ettlf?er; say woo you. 1 Will ntet any gee... eat theretel maid it be ,,,L.12,4 in the 'oinethen oi God" '2,l.' xxii. 111. If». Thin, Ile point us on to 34 greater deliverainco for Ito eael Ginn iota Egypt tool witneseed ',ler. Nei, 14, 1:1: xelli. 7, 4.11. All the steps of the greet itionemeut %thereby Isreel slonda he redeemed, the church gathered aed the LingdOnt 225 4241 eotahlit41205.1 un this earth had Leen arninged 221 the eternity poet, in doe 112110 UrifOlded, furetold, fore- Oandowed to man, loot as the ap- poiuted. tinecomes all is fulfilltlel, for **the Scripture cannon be broken" "nverY PurPose of the Lord 118021 1i. perforoied" aloha x, 35; Jet-, 2it The inst it le I ion of the passover xii) should be carefully studied, :nal the lessone of the' itunla the blood, the bit 1 ur herbs, 1120 42121e142 - ewe! bread. sir., be prayerfully en- forced. The 14 et washing and the It;talitig, 00212101111 thereWillt 01111 3.1,1 1-1 7) shaald Le considered 'm- ane sheltie Lt.:riot is pointed out m the bet no e Ilow awful the words, "Oee f you eh& 1 betray ine," "It had Leen good for that ean if he had not been horn" aversee 21. 24). Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray Him (‘Iolin NI, (34). but that did not in the least excuse Judas. for he lad every opportunity to believe if he had only been willing. In John xiii, 80, V C read. that Judas, hav- ieg receh ed the sop, went out, and it V,P,S r iLu 1. it is still eight with 121251 who betrayed his :Master, the blackness of dark- ness forever, and there ie no escape (Job xxxvi, 18; Luke ene, 26; Rev, xxi,. 8). The passover beieg or about to be, but not. for the national benefit of _Israel at that time, be- ceuse they knew not the time of their visitation and would not have their Messiah, Ile instituted a neW ordinance to continue till I'M ellen come egain, as it is written in I. Cor. xi, 2.0, “As often as ye eat this breed and clrink this cup ye do shew the Lord's death till Re come." 1211011 shall begin that phase of the kingdom when. Christ shall reign till Be hath pet 2111 enemies under Ilis i'eet, after which He shall deliv- er up the kingdom to God the loath- er, that God may be all in all (I. Cor. xv, 24-28). During tho time of 114s abeelice WC are to be wise a n( 1 faithful stewards occirpying till Ile come (Luke xix. 13).' We are 2. 1413 His faithful witnesse5. preaching repentance and forgiveness of sins among all nations and not elerinking erten fellowehip with Him even in somewhat of 13. Gethsemane and Calvary experience as far as He may see fit to grant it to es. As Ills body and blood were, g -even for tis we must hold ours, thus redeem- ed. 21 114)1 1y at His disposal as Ills witnesses Cielom. rel), 1, 2; el Cur, iv, 11; I Ger. vi, 10, 201. TROOP 011t LINIMENT FOR Spralra, Shnins, Cuts, Wounds, Men; Open Sorts, Bruises, Stiff joints, Bites and t, Stings of knect, Coughs, Colals,Contractat Cords) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, .; Croup, Sore Theaat, Qeinsey, Whooping Cough ond all Painful S'w A, LARGE reGTTLZ. 25o TO NAIL YOUR FAITH. LOUITTE S. As a spring mullein° it lias no equal. It puriRes and enricheS the blood. Acts on the Kidneys, Liver, Storaaeh and Bowels. Cleanses and invigorates the entire system from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet. Don't be sick, weak, 14ire4, vor and weary. THIS SPRING , Burdock Biu nod �I P WE 14