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Exeter Times, 1904-5-26, Page 5
Ayer's Pills. Ayers sills,. Ayer's pills. Keep 'saying this over and over again. Tile best:laxative. Q :> ', , wild your moustache or bear%ds . C Ki Nall 3 oxE eautifui br*wu or ricli bla& ° Fn?-13se romcn coos."r'; ‘ Coit 41,B.D10AL BROWNINtx, M. D.. M. Qr:tduate Victoria U ni• 't'@retty, oince and reciitcneitee, Dominion z,atioantory, gzetes. H rcIli^ mAN, L. D,.9, A,ND IiI1N,SMAN, 17, it. S. D, D . S., Honor Graduate wf Toronto Unieersity,Dentist. Beth ext Ac*,.ed without pain or batdzafter effects, 011e in Tean- s i➢°:a t➢1eaiC, `0.t side of :Bain treet,• Exeter' i ( V � �,� APd E€� DNp � tN'T'IS`. I3onorGraluatDe of the 'lor()nt0 Catvet'stt9 $tl(i Itc➢yal Collette of Dental SisrAeons at Oi t rio,with ho••aa➢s 41?g ixrmt•gratitauto or CfileagoSchool ofProsthetic Di.Illisl'y (With 'ltpnor,tbl(t taaetltlo» • Hrerytbingknown to the Dental Peofe lien dope in that odilce. i3ridga •t^+ostr. ol'mwna, ai luminum, gold and ^rukarnt(rplates all done in the neatest l➢laultrrr paasnealc., <w l�erfeetzs harmless iaatsesthetic used foae ptatalles.i. euxac- tion. ptilseonedo=sautlk of Crating Ittra'sstore Ex8ter'.Out, o "CB. LOAN & xxlaa p,clutr at INN z.Yt 1 S,f J Ll,I(11 T 0 Ll., 1 tYaYaall;lr,tit4tg vrivat 1'011 iartaer village laitalte lylGli`£Yv'F� ('a4 I o'colS The •11..,toe and quarterly board GS the �i tin-isi..illet,lzo teat cltul'01. 'aro cxciA singly -welt F.D,,,,Afied walla tli.isi- li;ne;a1 ra!;ult<,w s'•t the 'pia::st tali;ii.ten.- ial w 'zr. The ntentlierirti;a his made aIle a ta'nitt: inor<*;i- . The cause is mots. tering under lhr' genial iataaaaren►cnt of (Lc, frjOriw it. v .' ckri`d D.,13.:-. Q44:..,1-6 kaiz't)idayt. , S .d'aia ut. 'elle. 1'.,f,fry p 1?.15:Ata.'_ .• :a. t � tr._.. i il. na a ..tarn ld'➢rat %pkrl; t i.S y11L1111d:'r, wilt hang 'tY$ li R�tY T'ssl bY i''tn.td;=ttm ;,1,5 ;as: c iat.41 t r, '.:alt u t -e •y: tlopuJ..holiday, the day ai1C',3ilf being; endeared by :thrc poi a rations This .0 -ear the day wag wlxe arts hotly fine ilia woatlter, it7in-t iirci t dol. ;li t.Cui. The day. was 411.. a€ red here t general holiday a rlUPI 41::, rot ve :,tors spYenalang--s b thy r, ewn. Tim lsl.'^; is in the (art e,rn'la:Di n alto ra,ricultlava grettads waste. r.'„ nt t3ttde('1, '118(` concert inthe srerrarg p:rovilag lila 1 reacest airlwv. ,n, c•'trd, rtipa VL+"ra hot; .7 trArit L. ti 1 cat a.c R . ,reit ' C X n � � a tVze pr a',gl'a lanae4, :i Ill '4)4',..t tali ••'arc.: 'rz l a11'tie;a.geronetif, t;P Mr. Iaclt; Via, e@., c@g.t, 1£?4cy al,CS:q'r254 fart -'1i gr: a1A't flea.'. .it's'' 041.•.0 t i ntra lit la,,dl.al ,y ,S^lotl ,:i,'irt i,tre; ar;: , Th -t .1 TO 'We have a Large noteunt of rrltaltad, 101it 11n A -trot and vil",aC;e r l.,e;'tics;pt,: OtilltOreA. lot(aa ':hero 0141) 4'N 4M DY.'i;\II lift. Barr'ister's Sllticitory, .chin St, Ea:etc 1CKSQ: BarriateraaS ilcatoust\steric++.eon% .vtnec' 4't.tr Iters for the Altot Eil',`a E1 4 r- • rrtt'ttta: A. . ;A2SAY, V. S. r ^te (9atdsit+ ocler.rsr R'Q1 41lot, a t Ontario Vete.itlars is alR r ct of dome ire tltaiuiah led. :MAI: fever er treated lay 'Nth of Tel a1 Tiati d leetto'o ao: Lll of Pre•,,. N INVALUABLE TONIC A Toronto Lady Canno Say Enough in Praise of Iron -ox Tablets. cbruary 9, ,(9Q3. take leasure in giving attmonJial, which 1 but little to what 1 have Deceived ;from the use cif your Trop -ox Tablets. 1 can- not here express the goo 1 have received from them, They gave me so much re- lief that 1 could not say enough in their praise. My health was so broken up that my. doctor said 1 had ttero to the hospital. Some one told e to try Iron -ox Tablets. 1 eve taken five boxes and ant truly thankful for so great a medicine. When 1 was run down so that my senses were all but feet gone,. they set me on me myand gave new life. MRS. G. DAVIS,' 56 Winchester St., Toronto, •Ont. Do no t t confound Iron-axTablets with . Iicitsid ppreparations which depend upon drug -disguised alcohol for tniedtott effect, and which create a habit -which is nothing More nor less than alcohol- 'stn. Trois-ox Tablets build up the sys. tem naturally—they cannot create a "habit." Iran -ox supplies real nerve food, which. dfit - l s s d alcohol does not, Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive altunii um pocket easel 25 cents at drug. gists, or sent, postpaid, ori receipt. of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., im. 3ted. wulkervilie, Out. borne awl 1111 iituel Fire to i11 anoe Campanili roto, Farquhar, q, DIRECTORS President ;—T. RYAN, I)t'as AN Viee•Pr es.:— t+,', II. P SSMt)ptl;, r.11t QVI1,11a \VI AL1'x 1. (.'itoJL tiiT]' P, O. B©l emor.M P. O. Itrt4sr r,n.t1.'n P.O. F. htttrt.l:Y, J. A. Ntlrnts. •%V31, Roy, 3, I It i3z4ELL, • 0, AGENTS. 0.8. itasttrrLTal,a SzaTi1, )Nr, D-.C.. rAlt4CH;.Iz, ONT. �. 11'mst)\, %'t'LL:\'R.TOti, ONT. 3. S. ilr,rit...a:1, X, c. , , ONT. H,W, F. BEAVERS, Secy. -Trees, Farquhar. FOR SALE Part Lot. 23, con, G, in t'ffil40 `net con- taining five acres cfland. Good brick louse, static, good ccrClard . t t gazr den. This property is a mile from Thames Road Post Office,nnd must be sold to close estate. Terms easy. Fox', particulars apply to TIrnMas CtsatEn- -cm Esq., Farquhar Po. 416011,11 FOit SAI;L.--.prick haws and neti.- y Iy+ neo-lia1C acre of land, at Ellin. - vale . The house contains 8 rooms. in Woad,' repair It.hrCla`ghaut—Gaor:lt well of water, aiso stabil:: x. num- ber of fruit Lict+3 tad. a quantity of small ,fruits. Satisfactory rouser; far tseJl`iika. "`Prms ;easy,.—, ilaprrlyr .be;''HIOiS VA-LE.1 r,ce Ito J+no. Qmallafcom(s, axectFer. AOUSE FOB SALE.—Aa good frame house, one storey high, and containing; six roams; together Nil ; an acre 'et' ground, on which are +forty first class'fruit treses' and alisol a 'good well '(ifs water: placid Itecattioni being ;situated on Alexander. eitreec, Exeter. North. Apply on pre - raises in the evening or at Exeter PostOffice-Alis. Joicey'Torn, Exet- er.; ` Wage HORITHOAN DTJR1IA,b1 ' Biu'LLS kJ for sale.—The undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with 4 ;pedigree or eligible for registration 112y aged bull which .is the sire •err the ctherh, is included in the t!fee-inc. and has proved himself a sure stock getter. He was sired by Riverside Stamp, 'which did such good service in the herd 'of J. and: W. 03 vv-att. of Salem, and is a halt iorother to Star of Morning, recently.. owned. by James Sne1(;; o£ Hullctt, which took first .prize at Loudon fair and sold at his dispersion. sale•for $400. Apply on Lot 13, Cancelssioa2, Hay, or 'John Elder,' Bentsen P. 0. 001.IRT 9EVI,SION To ,hiss -lip of Usborne fNcit'ioo., ;lis 'liter^dly ,givt;n it dila p.,f:,urt 'qi IHt„ visicft 'or ' ttit; assessment /toll or •I he 'COwrn5ltip of. '1.T.s;bornc Cor 1904 will be 'hchr it" ''1'o-wv'ns,hip Iral C. ElimvilLa, ,on Saturday, Julie 4tb at ;o a. rat. at 10 O'cloclt, a, an. F. MOTtT E , :Tit,. !Clcp�k W fttai i, rvLa•,y w ti , 1904. 01 U,m flow to him FItfiQdr Don't let these quacks monkey with your^ eyes. They are valuable to you. If you have it i.Jtfc11lt, Case its you. we are after. ItYe are here and here to stay and can give your ease our nn-; divined atlonLion; If you are t-nifer- ing 'front beact:ac•hes come and get your eyes tested. it Vt011t cost you at cent and wvcA Inas he :tyle to tell You how to remove the, oaOT.f-f. ('`all and V'Fe our stock „t Sp'-'c•t aelea and Eye Glasses. W. S. BOWEY, Phrn. B. Chemist and Druggist. Grrduate Canadian. College crt Optics- ForSole at heter Woreiouse s�oao American Corn National Brand Portland Cement Seed Oats and Barley WANTED For Milling Pu,;poses, \Vhcat, Oats, Barley, Top Prices Paid at Exeter, Centralia, 6landeboue 0 0 edit P. S:—Seed' I?'G as 'direct from Tabani- toulin Island foe sate at Oobblerlick's Storehouse,;.Ea c,tc Just i,ei,e:ved itnatiler 101'or clean aw',iitnatoulin shed Perls. • 1 auniwetiatzafy of I be.tin d;tit Sundaiy- tielleol will', LI .lee- d wilt' Runditiy and. ',3I,on(lay, 't baa 29 tb 1 f' /On unday dctoruin.4 at 11'a. 'tn.,tiiere will bee' (i floral sier,viet ;and .Mlle pati, tor, _Mr. Godtviia, ..win '1•allc: tot:he elitic#t•e`n on'`.iflowvrt,'rs." ,Liza children a' lits afilzaol will occupy the cl➢.tih, ' .uaj Moth utarnrnawl errc;tt u5. In. °I°AL1C TO tit; ,a,fta;rrtoan at 3 c,':lock the tntants will cal; Elea ,;Glace or ilte choir land~ 1.i.11y, caro tc•rp➢ tc ,to entertain the attckr oc• with r„Lr Jittl f w ,e. t voices. Co11, ;tions,t, 11” motne" ;ulay at all r:m .vi'ces in behalf of cau,,,m of t lles:s aches ar h' lTcheols., :O 11t012itV cv,at uY4tr.lta Can, I 'bany-sl► ;t,ln:+ut.l cl1l r` i ► e tI3 s>lcot will lava a fret) -51,, att"ter; alati;e4 And ,t13•S'ttittrnp,' :ad. AN' plr'n yeti !troll', f.::l AYal your 8 p. 'r a,, ,et pnckgran111a�s \V U tr' LI v. i:1 st o marl* i 5 no 1 -well, That is wvlac•n • lit: chil:lr,.ra, consisting of singing_", th; ill':. er lila btkti;r rositui ➢t;. •awl ' 9y' ►(>a 'pea mss " tlmr!be' it'0 at1 ' _ la:gin for t {„,e , wvn,(.1414i of t1NA.i 3' 4zan, c►Jcif�t t +tt F, a.riz!er i,obett Plyon, Arlo is 'to 'he ent.rri71 n 1'i"V,lnestla th ;1st (:f ,Tt no to it'll-. 'Puff, of Diirr, Alt loin 2I1 ,wu ,fiiltig fr of much '.•y, M A Y 26th: 1904. NtcniVnttrtitnittfti???Itt???,. GOODS at f3,is e mad (aT 4x74744.4 .4474 RELIABL, ry s, chills, et- . :fin, adl'a►tip,».11 llz3y^ wwi!l rtev t' end until til :;.n.ia- (w- fe' t f 15 cents will tae solicited fdt.,,-z1 c loll z1 :endi :s: t 1xer,s not of tit„ r,ehuo1 t:'ia ; 1 rtta.i, , a y lti`-. ;11.17n't hss't cat - ww'1'cr,' the. ivliol3 body is li"tL?,• tr-. -rat P. tIETtMS Qi' C T.tRL:td l=,_,-, WeettlC--•�"a;soaca; drrtr.tt.i;s ee r ~ ' 1l r e e Ci 'e z•r-�•, ,t_.. tit i1 dt _R 4 It a ut,l#i,ra1 rat Vic: mrzl% aunek tl:Y :lssagcaof ib;` too , s.:t't:t .:1.z(la.ttisy Fall 'tlr"• wilt r .; . e za(1 and throat lout finally r.l_lt } c;c4alla to res►st.-• Nerve tis5it� poi-�l eta luzr wand eausa eensulttJt<ion. ' - xrncw 1^...J.l , tixr-:sal�ia�, ner;u7a:a 11 ►i d; , v eta rriz so (puiclrly lr"t drl alar; lY ,a L,aafi , ,1si11+z y kl a: rant Theal7Fag Catlrrb'3zu1.', ck'.'<;r'Laxed, baekacne, kid dicey pair. Dltl rii vvf4S SiiC C^.tp; i, stopks 'the t a,, e i:' ' •"Lz live r ,.1..,.,g�al, callyit# tam(➢st allcl bclww.. ▪ It rr<•m, takes all soren,ss from th,. I n, byou .ear. c'ntt � r 'tl u l ` a. "'I consi(i-art Cazarrh,o4o11;-" .s by 1i7ip. n.f t1d;•ts.tontattl. with :ti'itt-'t.; ➢.1.. It +JusLL ne4etii It iiiaat „need-,�(-". 1 M'an •➢sec, far ;.o1.zr • elf' by ir: n.cay 1'yi.3 Co., `a 'f .;:tri 1: b' a?t1:., f.-ar p� . , :'•4 ,, r ,, krYta, N, R'tl°., Ih +.,a.l la 4 tat'lteits treat3ki'.^lilt) no equal as a. cure, for co,,arrxd lwig trouble,' wr:es`s Jared � .. R4 laei;•all a f Ilta;fhten, "It e,nt r`,ti um. artier tnun .good do'tur:a tti F sort reiigee ray trouble.." C'attrrr tma8ne• t a'i a8 fail to c1:trt 4°:' goo 1SCh: monk It.t' ,r_'.:ti-tnitIOL 1 1?, civ w't1 t^, tot:, L.'.aIt a paairtftil ,Cecitient .intrrning. Ito had tgon3' t tt•rid la^hs lire Kart wl,,s.1 ,g'••.,Frs' r l,l,l colt l.tvited Litt in Ilia ►,^tl:< witta,T•:f11 t brat two lib. 1➢r.^1...�il lI. u tiro r ,Drag lily, °, :arta f,,..u,Lf P417 raid t.al!K 11aFartling 4,,^1.,.a';? en.n` aha,N.r rid', rttlt1.r. i dr t4 fi n � , r. '*.LiI:IiF ..�a.+,. M1 .r.la SCeta, lir ,ads. Uetti�ar alb 1 »lir. 11 ar' t h t rilalveci1. ittzt at t►arri.' l tv1 ww ^i tit gtr nl+,wy tilt h.^t1In-t r'7:nnly iQa sn t•t a ', 1,11v 'an, t °telt a l net, tl oat' laithtliu alttl 11,1W44 t; ta110.'"t :lt'ov.ii t'" lgi.,t1; 1tc', 9wia uk , p snit r asp +1 an* tt i t if v("at •rl°trrllit?.yacoOitt iri °',ts tl1l1cawto°,%t'fr‘t,, .l d lfa':' tllatt $tet# Au'quIrf9 Vt^rrozone to r,en •°lit taiul' illaia'.tR ,(Ay, ]'!rr+.rraYrt" T,tilt,a.;::clay,°.) 't tt1?,1F,t1 mal.,' ;Art step i4si,att 1 1,^ lunch bicxnnbk e#r c: a tut . of It 111t1t Flt lz atttl^; i 1D>a'aiin row, , y..,:, br'rritt, won°11 a' i tai 6, i,:et up eloir yo lliftii 314., rotator"• twitltar+i»m.' 'avll y 114/ft; rAp.. .it ili't1..,1:0^°•�. Wootlham rosea^„clltult�atll occurred at \'4ocd- taut t a silt.:.1 ^ 1', wwtir.an John, q. y the son of the, tttey.:tiio. Irk 11 t(1,11 alter a'thort illness. The, young ttiiul wa hP »;►, hue 1weltty-prix years c•tr Ktle, wvIM It f)('f>ora of great proal- a;r'r, autl til+ whom tlzn,'ntsil;lzocir- t'att wwrill sadly miss. 'Tl,e, fultarEal 1.; 'pus , Ti oin W oocihant {117. .9,11- r aY. latrotas', Nuy 1•l, cleaving th:➢ Methodist vat 1a• re a L . 1 t: 1 .30 a �.n. ,i ..e •r - tent in St..Marys cemetery. 11E til1.1' 1':A.1 tJal A',1'10N •1.1' .N1•0111 • !Il:l,ta3•„it coat tlio tr.itrouttest. axizlal. .r but iL, til a aw.7 tlr wWl rlltaiT 1( 1S trot tat5te et gonaral purgatory Take, a i:li1IL' '1''t•ivthne in sweiettaited wirer• nanttawn y'getto;Jhe pn,lpiL'tli.on, You'll be f-.zved lois of worry by 1-.e, p C-,1'. Nerviln`uel on hand, whoieh its a1, tr't:.n Ctrl for •alt »orts et 'prins and irk •.;. Noavitine cures headache, stcxnae€i bowel • troubles quickly. Costs 2.5e for a 11,001 'bottle, • Winchelsea Miss 131w:rcuq sii,,00k; &vent .the ,Tirol oft the week Nulling her srste•r, ;,firs. pr, Swaitzer, our 'teachers attended the e:a;wcn tion held int ;God;erich, on :i ta3r 20111 anti '`o=ust aindrreypa.orai a vt:11 1n1.nr+esi'- ins'programme. The teachers and pupils of our school will give an entertainment on the ev- ening'"or June 7th, The object t of the ,vette tui!nment is Id 'plrbce zt librat, y is l,,he school ;rncl thus 'bake adva'n•--, I:we at the government grant. Every, bc.ly should' turn out.•as bath teach- e.rs and pupils are sparing no, pains to make. the'entertainmant a success. NCI! TELE SLItZTITEST DANGER fn lasing Dr. 'Tamil I'ilisi of Nttnclrake and, Butternut for conrti- pct on or p las • Bi ,hly recommended lbecaeutte, Alley cause no gcc,ircng pains. Voir ;prompt land ;co rtailit cure urfi only ,D•r. 1.l,anitlton'a(PiIiu. Prii,eei 25. Biddulpli 'tee.— j. e— J. Atkinson purposes 'to move 1c 1n'inn ipeg 'e,ar1y; 9,rL Jone. --Ntr. and Liles. James _Perrin, or PrOspeot .ttJ ill visited friends at Moor- en Sastu,rday last. —Mr. Thom -as Ira !Laren of Wing ham isIle guest; of heir sister . Mrs. Ilam bet of Bi•dditlsis. theswweelc:: —11r 'tree ha rd. 'Culbert:. who has been ailing for several ruaelta, "past, we o;rea pictasd •to near is on the mend, Mr. C C. Hodgins and Mr. Holt- . bv, cf Lucan, . assiatie.d ;by the Rev.i1,Cr. l]IcQuill'e,n, .of Clain del) oye, e;orid'uCtecl 1, lie Sabbath Sallee', at the. hal7,on Sun sS pleasant; time was . spent' t t'he garden "party alt. i;he'resid'ence of Mr. Daub, S+liable Line, Biddulpll•f ctrl :Tucada:y, 23111, 'We toria, D!ay., ero ceoct5 far the Ladies' Aid,' of St. Pei,=t rick church, I3idtlulplt„ ' E°re this issue of the Times' reit. 0 tw' 1 "a '1 p 1 I1 itU rte 1;', a1't i x(t,trta ("limen in tai {s'r- c. -11 of (l(lte°tl > ttl(artr, , i .nit .i r 11•+ trllif➢ 6,4,111011°at rorat F li + 'cab( t (' z+.tf¢li, 11;' was 1;(zt'Ai in j tr,i. fiat,,;,, to iI, north of E1ag1:114.,:111831 ,tliil 4" 1 u9 tc*' t his (mord na 1W?Ut y y-41 i•�a ureter t.- Le t?ooN. ;'epk r Or lz- firal~< ni' 2iio4. i;, c Iiuntt•r', LL f,...•0- r n: •l.'9 - f 'r 1rrin4, a brother. —"3.1r. W., J. R —."» ,a 1, ➢ , a _. ttli.e c;111 the 1 a.,: 1.Pug';: r , t t tri �t'c,n*,:I „4v'r'l 9a11•a frY-l' asaaai ".,r;al ou 'ia• fiaa < R„1 is xli•t da,citl^al ate trf4-Iti,;ear :, sat t till ( kr►lir�13+ It c ltartEb1 vert sl. ,'1 • to l rl a,,' ➢.' 16 ;. w1iI bt` 5 l VS'•:• +;own�1” as 1,w tr. arfc;,i X11', A\t l irxJ k +. )l^ lkatt;?r half uonlai 0;,:.. ti.•,. (xt A atch 4,a,' A1117010 fi.isl, • d fila kla .i.. rl 01 itak :pato of Fluter 41 "lit ti ice ii 1001 11;ir.'tt rat 1 ;;,1,1'itlrrl- WIN n ball. May .ltltas.' nt, :. Minute's 1 f lir;tciau;. a,t't0'a read and confirmed. A, t}'t- tc,tt ui 'nett by T. C. ('a riing, `' '1", i anal 110 other ratepayers 1't' - ti. on Mlle 4t. Islam:; tit's cob•.: - 141 ww,tter ;gain gtrr4.t from th,. gretltli boundary to the north sad: of ilte' Pre.ibyt•'ri;an Mans? IsropYrty was laid leer re t1rt council. 'r.t,yler—Woodlll(tt' the pr,aycer td' e plitiert,ers lgt tt;antaltl, and that, a al tw b, prepar, .t confirming t,lia 7as na d. ttr 1 e 3' +I't,rior.--;a1'u4':trcoxigT,trli' tiIIt1 t=f- i of th7 San flit be accepted -01r - 7.31U i — a—Titat• ccepted-0ir- 'yl'uit-1Cc:mJ—'Iliac' the 1lzsonit: so- ctely be granted elis• use of tho- town ll til cat Friday evening .Jur.,' 3rc1. 0114 lad, t Taylor—irtnstrout;—Ih;11, thw'1tce' 3 h authorized 1 r- � .1 !'r t: re► 1 a bor- row4 i1 r owv 'the suns of ii1000 00 to meet car- rent expenses -Carried Taylor—Armstrong—That `Ih:ieh: rk •a'.k Te r tenders for excavating a taa7k at the corner or Victoria and A,nui,'.w i;treets. Size, 9 ft it in. wide; 31 retet, 0 inclz'ii ic.ng and 12 ;.:'r_•t deep.—tarried. 'At rnl:3eromigt-2d uir.—Tha t 4.1de lol- tctwvi:ng acceinnts ba passs' cl .'and or- dcit drawn ion treasurer for a same II. Parsons, st.teef watering, to date 10.0(1; Jane:$ ;Iasbor a't•ceme- tehiy, !....1;15.00—Parried. • Lomeli adjournedlt to Friday Jttno 3rd ii 1 8 o'clock 'p., m. •0E0. H. BISSETT, Cji'erk. S11YLOCJI Shylock was the man wo.: wanted. a poupd of hum* flesh. There are m an g Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, tla, _sickly child, the pale yount, woman, all, want human flesh and they can get it—take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion 3S flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Erriuls:,on has been the great.giver of human flesh. We Will send yOu a couple of ounces free. SCOTT st SOWN'S. Chemists', Toronto, ontario. + S ucces5 .. has at ped QUI' Clothing DPpd., 1 11llaS proven that we know what will give iso, tri: satisfaction. Gentlemen buying clothing fiom us (li �� 6 1 S ClI3'Flti1. l and threads illca.(ls fled cannot Hp or cause, tt4 l 5 re y , and b row,.,. ,t n 1 a et:cl a;sit� pitacl 3llr domestic tweeds, well lined. , . s«� ra ger t ' 1 _fit ll,at, r 12, ,1i'i oz 1 tlrilf i a dark shades. 7 .c s, 0 iecks, neat raldures of fYt1:fi'Sti l At” ids, eUara. lined .. , . ,, ..$7.5o llaral fialisbed tt'oa'sted serge, black and oar . all•wool imported ea . ts,re in excellent grey clout Fi 1 and. Selicias,. , ,, • ..'$9.00 c have some slleoittl quite 137< tll'lish in cut and iu'c good reliable suit for your $3 n .75, r.- 3'S n al as fOl' two et -r titll° s ,� bwll: (.11atf1I11�1S, '�l�fr �es, IT all goods aT°0: slam) y �kAi lI 4k away • flit e zt�-r. �y wllritotal? � AU -wool Camp and navy blue, tact and Satin lining at fish Sere, d finish Scotch Worsted wee ?s in cit cics stri es cat° -.l ' , , k � cxg alas, l'aest �Yf Jttloclrted tve�rs,,'c,ds in Tweeds, best of linings s k , . , ... I too Black, Worsted Suits, spi bet ,Italian and Selicia Pants, well cut, ood 1.4.0, 1, 5,, 1. x$ 2: [ ,: o0d cloths in our Boys Suits. Tiles( goo t>l4lde to give the best 01' la t boy, see our f `' N. d � � , , � . R. brand eaf c,iotl $x.O0, + ?•i, hi5.00. fait faeiclrer sct�, one oftl. Sc. ToweJUnl arc: ,listen 'bwa•elli regular $c, lt?ss than cost flicked . . to,ot ugs and. u lives $,`'.0, Bargains Prices to end on Juni: ist. 1904. 4 lines of Lace Curtains I's of Xottingbam Lace Curtains regular prices P ried 450. urgan ab 50. 25c. Fancy Sutanas for i c. 7 pieces of French Fancy Sutanas lit good `. colorings, wide widths and excellent patter a were 2 c. for arc. $1.25 Silk and Linen Allovers for SOC. A enuine bargain in Silk and Linen Alloverss We hare only two ends left of e"." this b'arnain, suitable to trite, Champagne 1f,.• P zy ;•� shades, will make elegant waist $1.25 for 50c , :.C10 ' ll rain., Ills :1.00 to at ,25- $1.40 255, $1.50 xl c.:Black Dress Goods fora c 7 pieces of Black Dress Goods, Aniline dye, l a rarte d not to shrink, k 36 to 40 inches wide for 250, Jt and c Muslins 5 zo . IVl,usllt�l. far 81,- 10pieces colored .-yrar of .e muslins, English make all good patterns away below cost :Z. lit Sic: .t: We give you the best of values all the time as we buy for Cash and sell for Cash or Piro- duce, I)()PPLESTONE & GARDINER .Y= .a.•-• -mss• -.....ague, V.t.t: Edited by W. T, RiABBI3 • Ph.D., LL.D. United States Commissioner of .Education, We also publish We -hater's Collegiate /Dictionary "First -Oat -sin quality, second-elass in size.” LET US SEND 'YOU FR:ZE. "A Test in Pronunciation', which affords a •pleasant and instructive evening's enter- tainment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. Publishers. Springfield. Mass. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE A BALD CASE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED DV C RE IT Roller Mills in ha xi fit Has Any Body Found in Huron Co. A place where furniture can be purahased with so little money as at our store? No! such is impossible. We have an endless variety of Furniture of every description which is going at a low figure during the house-cleaning Erne. If you are interested don't fail to call on us, IIVV4NT Rowe 86 Atkins()ris YOUR And if Prices, Variety and Quality count we should getit. Und.ertakers and Funeral Directors. Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our Mill. It Swei z 10. Or THE COI.TICCIL OF THE COUNTY OPhURON irr7.,[11.1:‘,0;illtortawenctoxii;ta`othcb(33,ziocohnn.06.:2. chamber, Tuesday the 7th of JUne All .account s to come before the Clerk en or ibefoie firsk\day of ruee,t. Dia Led MaY 23rd 1901 VsTb' E„ :,6btet a ealgo tr 14, 4te taut) ifQ .6:1. int Eg4 OrC:1:4. ;11n .9: a a, 14r: 3 x.:04 ao. ty: s 14.1: r,o,",a, Ot; v .t11,1!„ good if4",:alnwi hieltPriern-