HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-26, Page 4M A Y 26th, 190 connolidat ion.. The Tollowlizag zegollation rorn"1,rding union wan heartily'passed, .T'lf7)1'.0.4 by 313,e, W. G05aria noconded,. by IL , Ironton, Resolved ;that this dis- • t „ = ...,,„; ??...-.,-...ta...1-1.--• 1, owl laymen ir,2,attily upitrove or aie IneTtement. towards union betwe'm t ha (-riot ineeting composed 0C ministers Methodist, .Crenlayterian and Conga.o- . gat1on3I olkArell ttUd,Rray. that In tte irtierenAs o4 our Retroatnor's kinp.,,doto and lira 6enora1. we.lfare, of luau:kind, . - •!,,,"`" ..."I'LL--- --- f'%,.%‘.s. the, day, way $00/4„ dawn wIlt-a, Ur., NTOI'ic may be ror..soramated. . . A 1.,eoabattola a ef ttlf;ft LIM' Was Xteal ittOt Niliatex, Vox, r$Itze R*11alion Tea peissed to Rev. W. Rigsby An his less of Lealth, Amiga eandolene4avitia Re'r- J. Raul, .the mad berearezne,nt Not merely simmering — must be fresh and must hell lain ohlent sou- • wa‘st resolved flint the artLat. all- nuai meeting ha held in the viltage or Aal-sa Craig, n vigorously • Then it will abscgh the deliciousness and fragrance from 1. !Rue Ribbon --take ali the good out of it FOUND AT IASI% Let it steep at least, sis.," anhustes--eight if possible -in an A liver pill that .s small and nur- earthenware teapot, andyou'll ilave the best cup or tea in that non gently, (paler:1y and thee -- i your ijfe,, cograly. iitat tia,en not !gripe.. Liver "0.3,111s, p.,',.s.s,:sti:loaitilestailinetiktp, R 0 and are a aura cure to Liver . Corn. rdaint .„ FoustIpat lan Sick Ire Matter, ‘..., bon, .r„i,,, Itsberuo •U Oft Akikelrie Mixed suolso for Ow C�oxiGrAtexto, *-7 ‘41.041- Eiftv Re4 **4-414.4,4144.4.441400.44;1444+4046.444444,14+04•40.4!4....44 • 'he 1,10X4400: (Incorporated by Act of Pa:R.-anent ISaiaIt etrrreat, A-C-571o1112F,2,-. . . . 2.41,faa9,20 Capital (ALL rAni VP1; . Resierveci Fund,. . 29.000.00 Uraitthoi onnwia. quenee. ..4,..1,ti‘r-z 4 i4(11111T1.1% - .exuT• .R * :Open girt?2,1, P44* 4.'411 kt t41,. Ms '44 pliC440,3 t°.'0!;W01,1: 1f...4; "1. C,1•1 • Furioneesi Soto Notes essA444. Fors44 4> •Q Illta.FT, on an paint tiw * ttetit•Irate•Aonglat and st)id t lowest rat es of ovr1rat.t,-,o. ' SAVIISIa$: IDEPA/Ft..""rMENT P. 4.01epOit,f,"4 11;0,4;*471400 tan'l upwat Litt rest ccnii- pounded haw ye41.14./7„,and added to ptinclutli .11we ars! lk.t.-terlhar :lc% Pc - ;4„,. • posits lterMr; at.c ..1-tireti and big1'Aoti, oarrk-tr. V.to Air,olvalortv made ^to favg.ern,...tack, tie : 4,11 nxn at : wasest nuts na,,1 ItliC!,T. toe:rabic, woos. .,v7,o1„:::.)t .„4" Itp; DICkSOrt el, Carling, N, D. LIFIDON. :tiarangela, Z e4104.44.+44+400t-94)4.00.4>tic400•04,14+00-41,00•04,,*00,0044444.0.*,14 jZfw1.1tv (imps Calendar 'tow Way 1eO4 SUNDAY.. 1 8 gompxr ,2 9 sn,yr...„.....„ 3 10 13.DISTESDAY" 1.1 THURSDAY"... 5 n 0 13 SATURDAY......... 7 14 1;122* 10 23rd; 17 21 .31Q 1$ 114 20 27 ! SP Ake FO 21 29 publish testicle:41,11s "lbe a.,,,,,,esszneni: the towh4N bas been ennaphY,a1 kar' „:11ta asnessot"Altr. Woo Minere and the 1&'r are are ilao returna.7., Children b?.. iNVZ,Ort. 14 26,01 otter f-ive. azal under '21, 651: no: eit neras, 42575 t tie- eiear2d, 3.7,ntit.Sf Valut, a rear fp.ro- prepert,y c..=1,8123,52; valate of pee5otral. eroper,y. S,91,4,..0; total value of. reall k :wd pyar-va alt,i p.'1:42s:cilz1;" 1F1244ZWI tuale perselas fe.inn 21, titk,'47$; down. 205; histebes 26; 095S: a P. 613: ltege,,•.f.afifaii; PISFP""; ; hri1r 32:.theailitn lit • Itpg„.s wetit lted, twri,s ,71 faat.talo. 731; r orcltaul. THE, TIIRSIG JIAIS ILNADLE THE' AS rnyiody 1t1r,-.•env.rtti front •411N! tetrii.r.ir,tue,P, archives of 11.Van:size! ef I1 Il1 iLi1.4141 WZ it I Z11 w Mr, ),V, Ross when ha was a Chet.. mata. 11: 4ue11h1 1? trV0lille1 ion, and reaale4 t hus: what, lef *.ftum ;int] sPnizt lovaa in. Shalt thotr power lever rea6'it aN't !1I oball shine tail- ;tun et- Smecp, like fiends atro",...s 12Itiol, I "petkPe 'Anti iirc, a:11;11er 1,4 giVat "I twat 2, light like the light of illy, L'in!pirnt.mti ,:ast tit rT.rrert tb Eiir-V gray: Anti s.heen r gold overs,prt.: id; Oh, let us vextike for lzte mora ttioh."' Xi 4,a a tatILt, thr ;poet did not sing Ui diaLly to the recalcitrant eau - pus. IN't.Oody can doubt that it the ' ease littd beeu properly laid before itb.e threc Jims-jint Contuse, Jim 'Strait toil, and ,31,m tthqsa. ITS LF CURES HEADACHE within 30 minutes or /none', refunded 41.11. Druggists 25o bo 'Sample and 13ooklet Vree. lEIBRALD REMEDY CO. ZIOntreal da charch, n Wr..Inesday onJ Thurntlit,t I he 1Sth and flthinst. Thin meeting opeond at '2 p. ro. with 1- 1. .1 .* nies Ira:loon. I). I). Chairnrt • thret% toswn woul(L have capitol- ;1 Lb: 1):itctriet pt.P.,siding. After, sled rather than submit to a ;;;;:: NIA ional exeroiwa umroll was:. vau. ond utld. anti, snother plebi&tite ,IX14: nil but threit ers answctr- `tvould Intve :been granted --Toron o eit to their. nun Mail amd Bmptre. • df...t..;ota. or ICirki on, tvas elected sao‘ GET 11113 01? TIIAT COUGif. ratals and Roy. „13T8x.,s,i, Was ail_ 13e for'e the slimmer comes. Dr, 9c4311'il. '1111 1111'1 ex- Wend's Norway pirta ,Syrup nnaquars a mination of ministcrutt character uough,s, °Olds, Sore, 'Throa t, Hoarse-, borw.:11i out the Es et tbll*L. et in 01184.5- o.ss Bronchitis: :Ina all Disea'irts ar , ter; r:.; bla ow less irloh a ra c ter of the Threat and' Luxte-s. tift Ito'.'. C. Baker, S. L. juTor 044.s4ot Of E1hnvil;.1 was carefully ex- . ANNUAL DISTRICT MEETING aminati by 4411:4 ,cliairtn an in ralaltion • tv, 2t:,s thud:tit:teal studies anti. Th':? Afl118411 11'491.1%lic or 080.1Ize. CIE I'D.D.411.11g analog -Lhc year,, Chu,rch Ava 511810 an and 118s raconnnendad to tha Confer- ence to be con tinuul on I vial and ae et to, cone:484 to complete it'bs studies r, \V 414. A. Wald/.m, who .104.5 ibeen in at ,autance at college, Pwas rzeorn- mended tobe ecnt.Linued on trt,1 and 1,014Iir,:q1 4* C011tl'O,. ()it "I'llorstio;,^ Lit's lay members ware Itvwv xnl: twill h 41114 Ministqrs when • ;Yea,era I business or the district was t mac ed. 'Eat% 1Cnotvlas 01111 You oat. hardly Bad a home II. liust on were appointed 4:0 and- : • . the ctretut,seneunies. 'Without its Ayer's Cherry flie`koperi. of the year show that l'ectoral. Parents know-whzt hais divan a ellight off in xnembevAip, owing t o retnovols. The circuic,s ara in a healthy financial err , condition. There lias bean an advan- , re or over 8500.00 for missions, which reveals the growing', interest; or our eet r a 'people in; 4.1.to 'grate work. Tile fta- • .tow.rmg inintsite vs tver;i ;elected t •- the district on tile reveral • up 2" cold in a s• ingle night,* cic,rtfe nonce comratitatill-PPStadioning wards off bronchitis prevents commit Leo, R. W. Gectivin ; reserve Pneumonia. Physicians ad- represan t a Live, Rev. a. 11111:1; Sunda y ,vise parents to keen 't h ol Knoul,OS t pwant.11 to,ibetae t on and. J. A . Ayearst ; t,on ttrigent und B. 1,. SI oren : To Inoerance, prohibi- t 1 b Wen and 1410 l411 • Reform, E. Medd ; d'40633 S'InTLL' Sj.arc"0,r.fecal Nomino ling, .o.x% minnon ; ne v. S.; A.. Antler's:3n and, If. E. 11 u _ fOP ,4;01-1, werp', teppo in tell a 00 th Lai cc I. 0 ' t '111i it does for children: breaks 4144 1VE(14 'tile:, oho I 31) Vh 4 1iri Ave:441; rer,lt 1rI1r, (.11 i r In a , ;id CrsP4flsgreatly aid the chenyry 11,11:54LOn.tveno, n 00144 torn, tri !breaking. tap a ooldmitt tor vlSit some locali i.i as W4141f14 tlite tverlr" dernaltilst adlusirnent 9.01 , aems p.,It en - Zurich 3 cztt '«ht.0 t o..r„ 14 4,, elzildren. r gi% romatr: ;loran:. 51r. 111 V. F1r laeltz have, 01 11.e, etea.tc • 4 k ' . et:or, Sr- for pit Itr„wr 1 * Py. * purpeses. c -nn /me ir A I4.44,:,4r4",s 4411 •S talt\taY, t1 re in for r4 •pl,i,er to lea rot in •pan suf 1nL*i 111 Ilacs,erR1 r b rma:.1 it. 1 ro11r 144't tc4r srprAial t.. Sehr0„e.". tka, :aa.rta„,ern end 4 ‘E. 11c*. 1,..s haw thti var tworizaLe'-ona.;, lanilditnes t'.i' M. .L St. Joseph L- 0Uua 10:4artind votr,- az. a vzsi; to eourttOtt. - ,fartuor$‘ hav. nearly :itle-1 r....a.144., and fall f ,01 thankful,. and aarns. Path:Cella 14:1X •f t Cur aual nacmal Irana,s.alla 'and Arts. Deougagne0 ar otter- visit4'd '41 Charotto's on Sun. day. - tiro a irse, ery a 1 ta: Mr..u.1 ars- Nigh. who have gonA !1.0 forth to make their future how, - Mr. J. Pa P'n-au Itne, k Old on sere 411d o o=.eph Se par ate School' for .,$120 alut tabool 111 b... bnilt a 1, otlov; ahuad alad all! idle, anon. aro * trent they ere' working, n.„1 the atilf the !brickyard VA 11 boart.load of tic:, tor the, Tailye.fay expts‘tcd, • AV-trA _ rg Air f at Air, if Woof L t z„ I pre Etyi hare a f .'w yea 4.'4 'dna' u-dina,greem?rat with his b? tool? rlt raraeroni p14,44-?,'ItW,. rot' ittrli&it, La had ,t o t raw It tfielia'irf-•z :Ci11 „•erzt.tont _ 4-yrV f0.e aceerd;u4 to a .111i.ts-, tItfr, at hundr2d t 1,,,ousands 4: n" 11Zil.1;10110 ;12, 41:13J4 xkia„aer-^ 1;t1ta„, litv..ta•si v ‘1,-.0111 ,,,,tegreell rfe it..! woutd. no trenal.',.. h• V.,.° 1i4 !a a a in.! „ id 4..13. Tit:t rital.er 4 tt,11'.: non artottz, 0aren. 1' 4 a VI 4 4'‘i 11 P•1)11r,Q. paper. at a 4 1 t r" Ftli,1-• ty MOIttit 4.11,114.117eVelimr.R.1.11,1, IT f'irst pack.ap., C!!' II.1,1--Ittati (Elm Infallible Pia? aux.?) Cal: ..va4 Int out arena:t mall Iowa in La a S.,:te of -Nebraska, n nnaq.• fro cure of a o-lt,a t p.ate •at was canaFirlar-711:ol.i.-t-s. TL.,? r„-arsa ...pea,: a l !.'-ah than a a!, c,uly tla fen-42,12ad P. .1, S., 1.'s311!;tr:It. of Lin. earn, Nal!, claseovezer. io prepare r goneral Use- Now L, is b014q F7ati do.rU parts of 071 w,1111 eur„. any CaTit,re is a maculae's trntranei•In •orteh Irm.„ S5Id far ,:itl,611, 1v:1'f%, g`iran- I,. Is ftbr "*. Oraggi,-; -Men. IL Bassenhery and Mr. A. aatanded ig. O. T. M...cou- venaion An °bulimia thin we as tie- 'Itagaten from tore. • --A coup/o of tiao Y. M. 0.A.fyoung ,,;n front 1nndou Ur Z1 taxa eirbi age. c,,ra Monday, looking up a %suitable ..site. orettat.hr tentXon Slaw :end 11.1.entlin.;: c..ouple ot weeks 11r:a ixt July. 11. i'4,110rweod Lhere mak- , ing 'proparatiens to commence ttae work: on the break water anti harbor Ilfq, will 'Iwo ever rthing ar- ranged 131 a f-ar days le titT. work. Ae^ and has been inade under lds 4,81- M, 42:1#, MT,. IC Be ar4 t'40 ¥i Ilax4114;x5x 8340 • „/".' • sonal stiperriSiOn since its faney. • • * tignature ..1,;(;4/ — A/10117 110 One to deeen e.3„eltin at% Conftterietts, Imitations and o‘elitst.as-good" are DUO 4 „ Experiments that trifle with lintt1 endanger the health or SOUTH ITURON FARAIERSaue vuuttren---"Rartevieuee ag.7aiust, Experiment, iNSTITUTii >, n. • fr, • The Rind You Have Always Bought, Etna 'whas ich hbeen lr.1 we far over ..r.o) years, has borne the signature of Sittath Institute. annual mooting of. llto nvrahorn call iSontra Irerron. Insiti, I tate flI h?A hold -at 11en5a11,'an At 2 'o'clock, 0. no for tho election of Director.% and the tranaction slob ctirer business as may bgally oje aleafare: the utoetiag. IIirecturn ante% ; s ing at 12 o clock at ricer: at uby 110.t-4. T. FRASTR,, Frzd. f SA:1FL SM.11.1,114Se.,'. POPULAR STALIJONS Tont in Rri=till'a 11iscase w Thomall JitrCttt'at 114 444.ohi a 144111,144 (EOM FraraeL., t Allt'ea041 filtiLlialg 4 hit IC to cria .4)11 tlitf;ftl my 1.1...t tit" ino,Att. taka ,faval foe Er irt di': r,, 048.84 th LOtk.1.t 13 a? 0441 11,11„,,; pte. tVa, y aonsant ,ofrate ton:au:a-. anal .-kint milk ivanal al Iola! at certain rata for dwoasat (tem ...5chanicks! who, warm ministe r or. Erighui, bzeurte 41 vie ti nt t,C; con121,vtari,, ssa,, rector.. 04 h311.11 b.- years el this r..,giaten With" urtut• ren-eas the tomato his much the a7-tma nffect upon Gael iVer 1, ;sit •small bine p.$ltl, atidt'Whetlrer 11 ts as a people wz aro less,billeus than rerni.r.g. .‘vrar.i.ur that the doz.tors of, air., MINI schools practicct 1039 5e,,y. 1,,,n14.44,11414. that2 (lid these el 'the paett L t as oe.r t eta that mere ury vri.i..,re.he;? AV it 14 1:4i-4 'frequAnety. them et . AR•Donellbor- hv. CL'tle=411/e ardla 14.1114• --1CASTORIA , cast14 is ef liarnik,ss 'substitute for 'Castor Oil, rare. ; tioric, :Drops and Soothing Syrups* R IS Pleasant. It 3ntaInni neither Op1U11I lorphine nor other Narcotic 4,11gistanee. r:44.4, "ts gherantee, lt destroys Worms arra PererlsIna*':4. It cares Diarrhoea- and Wind relihe'reS Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - td 1,,uleney. it att.sinulates ther 'coal regulates tbei ;1..o.t0111^1a ftua 1.10W0(4Sp giving healthy and natural sleep, ranaqe:-Tile, Mother's Vrienil, CCA3U14'E 43t.STORIA ALWAYS ney $tatlions Ntand fin' Liao ara- •ev- the Siguatiiro of ra„Lrtevolaaartt PC Mook this s./44,0n •H1414?4,1" '44‘131 V,'411,1441045, J FANOISOATI.: -No• 12521, ety.le=41.11e, , 444 414:04" P.An ‘'tb1•`411, instate.. ZUIV1ITL WJLJLM • 'a boatatifor gre,y, 81 heir .sifehle'ii Re'Xi*.f"Pr, S 5 I it iLLER, 72i. llitorouglittri:11 dhickney Stallion, wtit Nzandu 41.;:ne Taahte,„. (i11C, jusure 3 TlIOMP$Oti.tkiituager. 11AVIIEN Pr-. 411Z1.4141. LAN'S 41 ug 1 spu bztft, ra44."4! 441,W1a Vatileau I.a ayoutuPd titot-yphano. 111Vi ho found an :envelleat rc•rnedy ter in:41.1,t beathaelie. Carter's Lititz. Li. V441' PlH.Thou-, ia;1•4 a 1:4 ters from p?epl; %Ito have, it,es3.flrn tes,./4^to - this f*.e1, al-adt a the dtprevsiou e ..3 ikt the, war tholuiands or Itos^:VIIIN Il*LI11.7.11aP.11t1I1 IE h..id'acile k to.ol‘-tPrzt„. wit.t1 are Carter's 1,i.tre iE they 4111 Ires4i4 441 r;" People. who hi ;.^ 141c4441, 414.td fr*Anhly of their 'worth: Ty 444',, small and esIsy tohe. eotnuaandoT c't .s11.;,%an 1146441. in is+,47alus 1- (11+Verditiend. 1,144. tlia:*se tetat thrgg.ett wan poist131- Ala; Wrialls„ 3itat utalle‘"; tyou 14 druiw,!+r, lk and miser:041e. Les IlursIcek IIIItera clear away al po.sona, 141141/4 anti ettrilt your ;you feel Inilealt and It Ln; Just. 1114..., the Mu/A(11V or the 114iann to keep on fighting atter all t his e:4411,' r are, n g reed that Iwy alight an well quit. 48 11304 ii.AV 4 t r.„ namonweal b For Cholera Morbus.. Cholera in- Tantoin, Vrampi+ Marx:ho8. lflybentory and :Summer Com pali,n4,, Dr. 1'o4vIer1 Extraot ot Wild Straw- herrs' is a prouvl , safe and sure cure tint has.s been a pozular favorite 'for nearly GO years. A $10,000 LEGACY The London Times is to be a penny Se.nfor th Two little Walkerton girbillutv ,u let,: it It gacy of ;519,000. Thezle grovery (1.01;stery boys. have ram; are jaw aria /1.4attr1 Th4Lv,rot ;Itre,,..,ist eda unhm awl bare 4188111041 not to unmasonangaram deliver any groceries after 8 p. in. on urtlay evening or evenings before holidays. These rules will go inio feel af- on Saturday...11112,- 28th. Mayer (guff that- ovitublr tneettng „the oiCaer, of 1eal:o4':14.. to be held in the town bail, on 'Fri- day evening, May 27. 1z at 8 o'clock r- 4ha tparpo.* Of cow.idarirg. and q'ir,,,useirrte destrildlily clE thosing or leasing the electric •Poft ;the town. Mrs. Elizabeth 11. Thompson, of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of W.C.T.U., tells how she recov. ered by the use of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. " Dzin Mus. Pis -man :—I am one of the many of your grateful friends who have been cured through the use of Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound, and who can to -day thank yon for the fine health. 1 enjoy. Whe 1 was thirty -Ave years old, I ern.44.2ered severe backache and frequent bearing-dovvn pains; in fact, I had • womb trouble. I was very anxious to get well, and reading of the cures your Compound had made, I decided to try it. I took only six-bottles,but it built mac up and eured me entirely of m3:troubles. "My family and relativos were naturally as gratified as I was. My niece bad heart trouble and nervous prostration and was considered incur- able. She took yonr Vegetable Com- • pound and it oared her in a short tircie, and she became well and strong, and her home to her great joy and her hus- • band's delight was blessed, with a baby. I lcuOvn of a number of others who have 'been cured of different kinds of female trouble, and ato satisfied that your Compound is the best medicine for sick women.”---- Mts. ELIZATOran TAOMpsoN, Box 105, tillydale, N.Y- $5000 forfeit ff originat of abOuo Fetter prOUing, •itenzeineness commit lie produced. •, • Lo8 t intkUra nee o gento. have haan .notifaut of: a raise in insurance. rai•- e,e in *NI feral), as follows 1 -An la- creose ,or, 35 cents per hundred on all mercantilc4 risks and an extra 20 par. cern. added to the schedules Or especi- ally rated manufacturing risks. This COMO; 11.% Ian interesting sequel 'to the big Toronto lire. A sad event took Iplace at the re- sidence of Mr. Geo. Brownlee; north Main st.rutt, on ,Friday morning last, in 1.11? 41241 411 olf his d aughtetr, Miss Re„ hecca Jane, af.: the age at 22 4y841r5. The deceased had been ill about riVID 1,111P.Ie/O5 PECDI.11 (.3/1Pa101d fever, complicn- )aper in rtatur:2,, Th1;1 is In lino with cents, we: ehonid say. 11 you ()nee trysCartar's Little Lir.. er Pills for sickbeadacbc, billiousaess, r constipatiorit you will never be with out .theitn. Tbay are purelyivegetab- le: small ande as 10 take. Don't for I g6L Tita.trillals'gler Irwin thinks that the To- ronto Mall Club's 1 °shag stAttak got to be Stopped if somebody has to 'Titero 1 kino form of kiduls- 4 roabla from a backacjt .e down to Britg,ht's diseave, that Dean's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure.. If you' are troubled Nlidt any kind ofns aro .1 o be e rtict - tion of ishipping , With this and Elie route will :40014 :baby wan unvilgte. kidney complaint, give Doan's: Kidney Pills a trial. Wireness 'Statio ed for the ;,p.otgot the St. Low.rence: reckless coasts; be se Itnife 11aNt ` *Whe,rever thern ara sickly people with weak hearts:Ind deranged nerv- CO, llilburn's Ifeart!.and, Nerve, nills will to Tound an effectual medicine. They 'restore e,rtfeebled, enerva tad, KIX ste vitallz e 04 ,ov,er-work - ed men arid women to vigorouS-heal- Lions totting in at the last, which th, Wel I he cause or (tenth. Grand Bend --Mr. 0. A. Gibbs and ftt rn ,sp(etit Sunday 110)141 -Lr fl lii;fIn.f.,o,1,-111, 01',...1.!..h)u',:0r41, spent 24111i, in tbo -Mr. D. MaCnil, V. .5., 11114 Nvar:r 4n tile vilbace on ,3Ioncla,5r, 51:1 f.1-1'eert liri;ect olie net on ISIencl;ty ricl ilad a 1)ou ' 4380.00 • Ivor 11 01' 1 it...Ph. (1 11. Sherivfoocl and I1dtickt- :51e, 13 per y Ire,rte 40 Goantr rot, on, ; -Arr. Jos. Ifti tin oil, tir Shipka .spe)ti. a couple o (1.D9C; with licir nio4±r bnrtu 11I1s ./ 0.0. Branner. --Ili's. 'V. li. '13anre1l;, Parlr,bill spoil:it a 'few d83r5 last tve,ck,alto est or Ilirs.1 Tilos. Arrlinc Ed tva rd s, of IhiLon 44413114 41 few .days, ‘v.i lier father .141., M011ard- --M.r.S. 93L 335e4trier • relm ifld a:111:Yr hit:Ye-lull/113' • a Icily' do,ys WI h Mrs. G. Goaald, or Ilx,sitetr. --'1.ile;s.srs. 1'. Verity, oi Bran,tr,ord. • toArn clatiPle d.ip 4111s wceit. Ond Stiu cot t,: .r,-Tgirontri BOths.T. 3 0 liNS.-1.11 idlirnv4IJO,c114 Friday, y 20411, 1901, to atrand: Mro. fienry johns, a daughter. Itching Skin Distress by day and night -- That's the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to bq afflicted with Eczcina or Salt Rheum -and out- ward applicatioits do not oure. Tbey can't. The source of the trouble is in the blood--naalte that pure :Lila this seal- ing, blArnino, itelli.nr skin disease will disappear. "4 w448 to kon •with an itching " on my 'arms Which Itroveti very disagreeable. concluded it tvas sett rheum and bought a 1);tt tie of 1-400l)i ,‘..tarst11,torillta. In two days aftor 1 begati t-,4;ing it 1 4434 better and it WV...5 /Mt long berlye 1 was cured; • Have never had eni skin dasease Mas. IDA E. NYAAAD, COVE Point, Md. ds's Sarsaf)ari rid4 °•t°1.4o blood of all 1m nrities and Th ft 7 In Use For Over 30 Years. 704 0441CAPPD ODOPIPANAP, Tr MAMMY 41.04;14 DPW P.P004, 4PT4. The old-fashioned bake.overt was the best our great grand- mothers eould get. They baked in it in a kind of a way and wen) satisfied with it beqause they knew nothing better. ttt the modern housewife wastos time and good food when she fails to avail herself of the improvetnents of the " imperial Oxford Range No other range on the market can do the baking this oven does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with fresh super- heated air all the time. See this range at your dealers or write to us direct. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Montreal. WizazaPed Vancouvor ./ Sold by T. IIAWKINS S; SON, ExetoP. ,takereenammasomosemme.nweemwrontoson*. Merchants ---THE— ° 7 aNk of Canada HEAD OFIII0E, MONTREAL. .... . ..... $ 6+0001000. Te:LA° sF FI TAs RESERVEt ILE7ANDEMDEN,ll I)ai uti1. 4151.V.IDED PROFITS.......- -$2,974245 General Manager Superintendent of Etranehes 95 Branches in Canada SAVINGS BANK Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given tp the business of Farmers and Cattle- men, to whom loans are made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of' the; world. . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CREDITON,BRANCH W, S CHISHOLM Manaceer. An elegant range of Suiting,t and Trous- • erings. We do good • Tailoring. It is our pleasure to' please Good Gutting and Fitting Good Sewing alld Stitching •Good I.inii?gs ancl Show. °FILL fi ND, sEE us, Tarnan. ,S, enth''T°'wr Merseksiatrt 'Teii c;) 'Vwo Doors' ie! I les I, Do you Viant a Buggy We have the finest stock in town; ail the latest styles, in the newes, Our prices, are low as- can be fortn for first-class. naal-,erial and workman.. ' ' • , , , , , , , „,,, , , „ . , , . , •, , • ‘, • 4-• * .4 API