Exeter Times, 1904-5-26, Page 3.1,:l 4:P I:I.:4 4:4 4:0 4:441) 0:4 •:,• f:i. 4:* 4:4 f.:0 .014:0 1,0 •::**8*. 4 ON
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Suitable diet is coesidered as im-
portant a factor in the treatment of
-diabetes as is the adnainistratioe of
4 drugs. The fact has been for some
time reeognieed by the medical pro-
fession, says tbe Medical Reeord,
tiled obseinence from all articles of
(00 which man be eonverted into
,e,elueoee, causes a inarketi, decrease in
the quantity of glucose in a diabetic
pmdentea urine, }Ind, in every respect
tends to an inaprovement in, the con-
ditiera et the anajority of those
afflicted with diabetes.
Sir James Swyer, of Birolinghare
in the Br i tish Medical J ou rn al.
points eat that until the researthes
of Mosse two years ago, it was the
therapeutic rule to withhold pota-
toin sectharine dialietes. nimme'n
researchee led Mai te conclude that
peantoes, far from beieg Mandel,
form a useful and beneficial feod ia
glycosuria, and that they are capable
of being substituted for °wheezy
wheaten bread in daily proportions
sUflicient to maintain the alimentary
ratio-iliat is to say, in the proper -
teen of two and orie-half to three of
Potatoes for one a bread. Mosse
found that a daily iagestien of po-
tatoes in quantities of from. 1000
to 1500 grams caused, roughly. train
ie pounds to a pounds avoirclupele
-diminution of the glycesuria, (pith
relief of thirst, and geueral improve -
merit in the patient. The reason or
this beneficial action a potatoes in
Urn feeding of diabetic persons hi,
according to Mose, becouee the
alts contained in potatoes ere ehief-
ly then of v(1,111811, and potash ex -
arts o. retarcling iefluence oo the pro-
grase of diabetes.
Sir James Saamer states that his
own experierice in practice during the
'jest two years is confirmatory of
Moliee's conclusions, and be goes on
to declare that in his opinion the
beneficial results of Mosse's discov-
erv and teaching as to the use of
i ..
potatoes sae A food in diabetes ralga
well be carried muc1. further in the
dietetice at diebetieS, than in merely
the free ellowerice of PrePerld cooled
pOtatoes In a dietary, 'The writer
proposes that the therapeutic Mill-
eulty Re to tbe prohibition of ercline
are bread for a diabetic may be Piet
advantageously by malting bread,
takes, and biscuits for diebeties by
using the "dour" of property a:oohed
potatoes instead of the flour ot
grain. Sawyer's dietary for diabe-
tics is as follows : May eat bather's
Meat of all kinds, excepting liver,
polio bum, baron, poultry, galite.
potatoes steamed in tbeir "skins."
londt, oysters, crabs, lobsters, ani-
mal soup, not JIM -Menet excepting
by potatoes, mutton broth, beefetett.
Bran and potato bread or biscuits,
potato cakes, eggs, cream, butter
cheese, greens, watercress, mustard
and cress, lattice, muehrooms, nuts,
linty or custard, 'unsweetened.
Noy not eat any bread or biscuits
initethose made of bran and potato,
dufend. fidllndeglid, broccoli, mull -
flower, carrots, parsnips, French
beans, peas, turnips, arrow root,
macraoni, rice, eago, tapioca, ver-
micelli, pastry i excepting potato
rakes, puddings, fruit, fresh. and pre,
iday drink water. tea, coffee, soda-
s'. welter, claret, hock, apirits arid Wa-
"., or, unsweetened; bitter ale, veiy
eparingly; milk, very sparingly.
May not drink cocoa, cholate,
champagne, porter, stout, Immo-
made wines, liquors, cider, sweet
wines and ale,
At one time the diabetic was great-
ly restricted in diet, but owing to
the new vica's, promulgated first by
MOSSe, the sufferer from the disease
has a wide choise of food and need
no longer live a life of rigid self -
(Melee. This more generous regime
of living is to his physical advan-
A prolific cause of chronic indiges-
tion is eating from habit, and sim-
ply because it is meal -time and oth-
ers are eating. To eat when not
Integre* is to eat without relish, and
food taken without relish is worse
than wasted. Without relish the
salivary glunds do not act, the gas-
tric fluids are ziot freely secreted,
and the best •of foods will not be
digested. Many perfectly harmless
dishes are severely condemned for no
•other reason than they were eaten
perfenctorily and without relish and
dCe insalivation.
Hunger makes the plainest eocals
enjoyable. It causes vigorous secre-
tion and outpouring of all the diges-
tive fluids -the sources of ptyalin,
pepsin, trypsin, etc., without a plen-
tiful supply of which no foods can be
perfectly digested.
• Wait for an appetite if it takes a
week. Fasting is ane of the saving
graces. it has a spiritual signifi-
cance only ythrougli its great playsi-
cal ana physiologic importance. If
, breakfast is a bore or lunch a mat-
e' ter of indifference cut one or both
of them out. Wait for distinct and
unmistakable hunger -and then eat
slowly. If you do this you need
ask few questions as to the propriety
and digestibility of what you eat,
and it need not be predigested !
Rice and dried fish is the uniform
food of tbe Japanese army in cam-
paigning times. This is the way in
the rice is cooked. It is boil-
ed until quite thick and glutinous.
Next it is placed on'a ceramic slab,
rolled 01.11, and cut into squares. The
„-eneares are then placed in the sun to
dry and often turned. When hard as
sea biscuit and greatly reduced in
weight, they can be stored. A cer-
tain. /mintier aye allowed each day •to
the soldier. All be has to do is to
break up a square in boiling water
and to add tile dried fish. In a few
'minutes he has what seems te him
a delicious thick soup. If he cannot
proeuee boiling water he simply eats
his rice ado, nry. In the fruit seas -
be he substitutes fault, when he can
Ohtahn it, loi iiic fish. I
Find New Health in. the Use of Dr
William& Filth Pills.
'A few years ago Mrs. James Re
Stuart, of Moroni, Ont„, who is
well knowe to moe.a of the *eseleuts
of that towo, found her 'health sev-
erely shattered as the result of an
attack of anaemia, As told practi-
cally in her OWa words, Mrs Stuart
says ; "My blood was turned almost
to water; 1 suffered from eery() rack-
ing beadaelies, and the least exer-
tion would cause my heart to palpi
tato so violently as to render me al-
most breathless. I wasted away in
flesh and often was sq weak that I
could not walk about, I was under
the cera of a good doctor, but as I
was not getting better, I grew reel-
enaholy end despondent, and felt
was becoming a hopeless invalid. eat
this stage I was advised to use Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills and I began
taking them, thinking it would be a
miracle if they ever helped me„ "Io
my great grarification when 1 had
been using the pills lees than a
month 1 found um nealth, improving.
E used about a dozen boxes in all
and found myself enjoying .one more
the bleseing of good health. I had
been reduced to almost a skelton ia
oppearance, and while taking tl:e
pills gained aver twenty pounds in
weight, I gratefully reeommend the
pale to other ailing women.
" -
Dr, Williams' Pink Inds are the
greatest, blood builder and nerve
tonic knowa to Medical science.
Through their use pale cheets are
mode rosy. tittli eyes made bright,
and thin wasted ilguree inede pleetap.
Every dose nialtee oew, ricle red
blood, that drives gut disease and
strengthens every grain), in the body,
You can get these pale from any
dealer in medicine, or by mail post-
paid, at nO cents a. box or eix Mixes
for $2.50 by writing tile Dr. Wile
ikons' Medicine Co., lireenville,
11033$ *WAR or rcoxtrucm,
Hungarian. Invents a Gas -Charged
At last it has been discovered how
o inalke a, military omelet without
breaking the eggs. Hereafter war
may be bloodless; coeopardee,
battalion% whole aranieS may be plac-
ed hors-de-dombat, but only teMp0-
eerily. In the middle of the wddest
eharge squadrons of -cavalry may be
redneed front a state of berole fury
to beatifig anaesthesia. and may in-
stantly be precipitated, In most regu-
lar formation, into peaceial slumber.
In a word, a. Ilungarlau genius hes
in.vented a shell Width, Olt bursting
liberates a gas warranted to stupefy
all who breathe it without Calming
any permanent or serious effect.
When such a. soporific eltell bursts
and awake, perhaps, to find tbenae
e -es prisoners in a bostile port.
Let a number of such Shell explode
ever a fortress ond not the fortress
but the garrison will falleeinto coma.
Scientifically speahleg, it is entire-
ly poesible that this gas -charged sbell
will do all that AS inventor claims.
Ile is now in communication with the
Japaneee government, so it is not•
improbable that Port Arthur and
Vladivostok may be as quiet soon as
the palace of the Sleeping Beauty.
The inventor's Ihaugarian hatred of
Ittessin, datieg back to 181S, pre-
vented him from approadilug the
Czar, to whose pacifle ideas sueb a.
humane shell would strongly appeal.
Of course, such a shell would revo-
lutionize warfare. The hoepital
corps would become the inost im-
portant branch of the service, and
would need to be enormously increas-
ed in order tliat prostrated combat-
ants could be removed from the field
and restored to consciousness.
The next Hague convention would
have to agree that all who were as-
Pliersiated by this gas should consider
themselves dead ontil the war ended.
And what would happen when op-
posing artilleries employed the won-
derful shell? Each side would surely
increase tem charges of gas until
some would be killed by an overdose
of it. Thus the shell's beneficent pur-
pose would be defeated.
If you want to keep your little
ones rosy, hearty and full of lifo give
them Baby's Own Tablets the mom -
eat they show signs of being out of
ordeo in any way. This medicine
cures all forms of stomach and bowel
troubles, breaks tip colds, prevents
croup, destroys worms, ellays teeth-
ing irritation, and gives the little I
ones sound, natural sleep. No child
objects to taking the Tablets and
the mother has a guarantee ' that
they contain no opiate or harmful
drug. No other medicine for little
ones gives this guarantee. Mrs, Geo.
Campbell, Killarney, Man., who has
heti much experience says :-"I find
Baby's Own Ted -dots a line medicine
Lor children. • They are prompt in
relieving little ills and gentle in their
action.' Ad medicine dealers sell
these Tablets or you can get them
by mail at 25 cents a ,box by writ-
ing The Dr. Williams 'Medicine Go.,
13rockyilie, Ont.
Two ladies stood on the doorstep of
a friend's house waitiog for admis-
sion, and they became very impati-
ent at the delay.
"It's very odd -to be kept Waiting
at Mr. Doyley's," said one, "The
door is usually opened so promptly."
"So it is. I'm getting very tired."
"I wonder if there is absolutely no
one in the, house?"
"Of course there are people in.
We'll ring again."
"You rang before, didn't your"
"Why, no. I thought you rang?"
"Well, I was sure you rang. How
"Yes, isn't it'?"
• Then one of them rang, and the
door was opened.
The Cook -"Would ye mind giving
me a• recommendation, in a' aniT" 'rile
Mistress -•:"Why, you have only just
come," "But ye may not want to
give me wen when I am leaving."
The Animal Animal Came From China
With the Growth of East-
ern Trade.
The "whiskered vermin race has
been far too prominent in Britain of
late, The inconvenience, the havoc,
and alarm it has created by appear-
ing in hungry hordes and overrunn-
ing the haunts of Irma in all parts ell
the country, is a tale that has been
ntoloidathsoften enough during recent,
What can be said on behalt of the
inost meiversally animal on the face
of the earth? He is an agile and
graceful creature, skilful in many
ways, full of resources, intelligent, a
useful scavenger when be can be kept
to that employment, full of corm
placerit beppiness, and desperately
plucky. When living undisturbed in.
his own haunte the rat is an affec-
tionate, porent and centred°, Catch
eight of ei, rat sitting at peace on
his 'munches, smoothing Ids whiekers
and it is a pretty spectacle. Ho is
said to be cleanly- in his personal
habits, although he is alwaereat
home ia the sewer%
Ills savage disposition is withont
doubt the result of the centuries of
hunting of which he has been the
victim, life was never popular, arid
bas, therefore, always been hunted -
One wondere what he might have
Weu hod he ever been givenea chance.
It. is tIciP brown rat which pigsties
Brigham! tedlay. The •Old English
Meek rat, a entailer and Mere ele-
far less fierce and harm-
ful, has been almest annihilated by
hiS own loot her.
The blacie rat was introduced int
England in the Middle ages, porain
from the east in ships. Ho is th
ancestor of all the fancy rats ItePt
lergely now as pail. The brown rat
ale() CAM from the east -from wes-
tern China, to lee precise. He grad -
tally spread. over Europe, and In
1780 be, ilrst appeared in England,
having been conveyed an Snipe sail-
ing from the Baltic, ire Iles noil,
aver -run Great Britain and her.
keu further westward by ships t
America, in fleets of Willett coutiaton
lia abounde by the million. On Mae
Jamaica Seger plautation 80,000
rats have been destroyed in a year.
A rat's diet is omnivorous. Noth
Ing seems to come amiss to him.
POesiblee this is the result of his be -
Continually hunted from plae
to place and time and ogolu driven
lay stress of hunger to eat (anything
that dais teeth can Surmount. Ile Is
always working havoc in game Plan-
tations and poultry farms, destroy-
ing eggs, and eating the young
birds. Ile has been known to gnaw
holes in the bodies of fat pigs, and
destroy the soles of elephants' feet.
The London (leeks have alweya
been a favorite imunt of the rodents.
Over 5,000 have been killed in a
month• by the official rat-ciatcher.
Formerly these rats were taken out
Ilea and sold to dog owners for
portieg purposes. Ilappily this has
now been stopped,
The carcases of these rats have
been found to captain germs of bu-
bonic plague. A penalty of $10
bangs over the bead of any person
who takes away a live rat. The
carcases tare collected every morning
and cremated on the quayside in the
presenceionfutapn ortdomeileilimus.
The sewere of London were once
swarming with the rodents, add the
sewer men were in the habit of mak-
ing large incomes by catching the
rats and selling them for sporting
purposed,at 75 cents a dozen. Many
a grim encounter did these men have
in blind underground pasSages when
several rats 'were brought to bay,
and it required no small amount of
pluck to seize the savage vermin.
Whim driven to e.atreraity there is*
scarcely a ilercer animal existing
than the brown rat. He is also a
serious danger, for a bite from the
garbage -poisoned teeth of a rat has
often meant death within a few
joules Atwell Tried Other Medi-
cines awl Bandages, but they
Inidaey Fills
Campbelifordt Oat., May 22--
nad lainebaao ,anci Blad-
der Trouble for years. 1 ould get
ao relief till E tried Doda's Kidney
Pills and they cured Pim"
This is the etatemerat ef .denwe At-
well of this place, and all his neigh-
bors know it to be true. Sneaking
further of his cure Mr. Atwell says: -
"For five monthe of the time the
penis in my bladder were very $(We're
and in passing my urine would Ilea
me so as to almoet cause tears to
come to any eyes.
"I taped other pills and get no re -
1 used a bandage and got no
elief. Dodd's Kiathey Pius euri:d nie
completely and perinauently."
All bladder cli.e.ea.see are ean -41
isordeeed kidneys. There is
e etetural way to cure theln-hy
taring the kidtleyS With Dedd's Kid-
ney Pills.
elens Autographs That
in London Safes.
of the finest and must
nble collectious of autograpes in the
• world lie lit no les e proeate plate.
than the safe e of old-estroblishen
.anIting duns, the signatures in (mes-
on being eitner in the form of oo
iPte for money or these nuele in
dal books for guidance and pule
of gonaparimou at the bargee In
In at least two eases in London
these autographs are absolutely price-
. for they extend back Inc nearly
years, end they compile. speci-
e Of the baralwriting of inery
'eh monarch during that Mine, of
y foreign potentates. and of near-
' every dietinguiebed men, whether
hours. A desperate rat will some -
teems daunt the stoutest bull -terrier,
and many a splendid dog has died
from a rat bite.
In severe extremity a hunted rat
will sham death, and be left for
dead in the gutter. But, when all
is quiet, he will recover himself, and
move away as fast as possible.
Tile very worst that a rat can do
is in attacking human beings.
Tramps lying by the roadside or in
brick -yards in country places, have
been killed by the rodents, and only
too often. have hlingry-pressed rats
attacked infants ixi their • cradles,
sometimes killing them.
'As for the good in. him, there are
many. true StorieS. Iris intelligence
has been seen often. Perbaps the
best-known instance is that of the
rats which, robbing a poultry yard,
'eould conceive of no better way of
carrying off the eggs than by gett-
ing one of their number to lie on his
back and clasp the eggs on his sto-
mach. Then several rats pulled
their recumbent brother's tail, while
others pushed his shoulders. Thus
egg after egg was safely hidden in
thei burrow_
A rat has been known to cross a
swollen torrent in Scotland seated
on a swan's back. Other rats have
made friends with dogs, and fed
often. from the same platter. When
the clogs were absent, they would
never feed, knowing that the pre-
sence of their canine friends meant
Although when driven desperate
with hunger they will decour one an-
other, in time of plenty their affec-
tion is almost lunnae.
A SIISSOX clergyman has told how
he saw a number, of rats migrating
from one, district, to another, and in
the middle of the comp an y an old
blind rat witb a twig th his mouth,
by which lie was being safely led by
a younger rodent. Instances of
rats leading blind comrades by the
ears to feeding places. and placing
food close to their in uzz.l es , havo
been observed more than once. This
is mcn.s than many human beings
will do for their weaker brethren.
ar, commerce, etatesumnehip or
For purposes of comparieon ev-
w these old-titaw ban% auto -
are said to be aberainteln M..
l . ter it Must be revolleeten
hese eimeatilres are the vete"
and, so to spy, hallartaread
raphe of their writers. having
bed to them, secret mares anown
to the writer and to the bank;
'hen EalerOom forgeries in the
'ay of autographs are Mewed now,
these often faded writinge fI41'0 as
precious as when they wed, made, 1.0
obviate bank forgeries, ie tham long
Only quite recently a small trades-
) n of Portsmouth happened 1 I look
through a lot of WhOit he had always
been told by his parentn wits old lim-
ber. This tradeeman's groat -gritted-
father had been a puraer 00 various
Britieh war veesels diming the Napo-
leonie wars, one of the ships of antieh
lbe servent having fought et Trafaloar
with Manse: aboard im [ender. tioet
of tbe old lumber in gueetion was
I found to relate to thiS ancestor, and
iamong it, were scores of receipts and
other documents written by Nelson.
Collingwood and many other naval
heroes of those days. One particular
batch of this old lumber was sold
within a few weAs of its diem:mom
Lan 450. In. one rierutmt book alone
were scores of naval autographs ol
the greatest interest and value.
••••••••••••• ...•••••••=1•••••1
Incident in An English Zoological
The hippepotainas is not generally
credited wit1t. great intellectual new-
er, but it seems from the following
incident teat somewhere . in that
mass of flesh aloe fat resides a brain
prompt to net when necessity de-
mands. For several weeks the won-
der and delight, of au English, zoolo-
gical park wae a baby hippopotamus
which was named Cley Fawkes be-
cause its birtinley Mb upon the fifth
of November. .
The young hippoptamus wae
Indicate Improper Diet, 'Usually
Due to Cofeee.
One of the cominon symptoms of
coffee poisoning is the bad dreams
that spoil what shbuld be restful
sleep. A man who found the reason
"Formerly I was a slave to coffee.
I was like a iaorphO1C fiend, could
not sleep at night, would roll and
toss in my bed and when I did get
to sleep was disturbed by dreams and
hobgoblins, would wake op with
liead,aches and feel bad all day, so
nervous I could not attend to busi-
ness. My writing* looked like bird
tracks. I had sour belchings from the
stomach, indigestion, heartburn and
palpitation of .the heart, constipation,
irregularity of the kidneys, etc.
, "Indeed. I began to feel I had all
the troubles that liumem flesh could
suffer, bet when a friend advised me
to leave oft' coffee I felt as if lie had
insulted me. I could not boar the
idea, it had such a holcl on me and
I refused to believe it the cause.
."But it turned out that no advice
was ever given at a more needed
time for 1 nnally consented to try
Postuan, and with the going of corfee
and the • coming of Pesteon all my
troubles have gone and health has
returned.• I eat and sleep well now,
nerves steadied down, and I write a
fair hand (as you can see), can at-
tend to business again and rejoice
that 1 ,em free from the monster
Coffee." Name given be- Postinn Co.,
Battle Creek, Ari h
Ten days trial of Postuni in place
of coffee will bring sound, restful,
refreshing sleep. There's a reason.
1,,00lc in each package for the fam-
ous little book, "The Road to Well -
Sunlight Soap will not Injure
your blankets or harden them. it
will. make, them soft, white and
about the size of a bacon pig, c3
pinnisji slate -color, and as playful as
a ltitten, It, was only tbece days
old when, as the superiotendeut of
• the "zoo" was watching the little
fellow's antics, it dived to the bot-
tom and did not rise. The, grown
• animals never reinain under water
much longer thee three lalinUte8; 80
as time went an and no baby reap -
Peened the euperiutendeat became
When twenty minutes bad elapsed
110 gave orders that the water be
di'wii from the tank to recover the
body of whet be felt sure was a dead
baby bippopotamus. As the plug
was being realoved young Guy
Fawliee appeared, snaking his ferin,y
littte borsenifee mars, and wearing a
ippopotande grin, which seemed, to
say, "Don't be frightened; l'm all
e?" /&Z,'4
/ 0
Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples
Let us have your consignineot of any of these articles and we will
met you good prices.
THE DAWt4ON CpritiVIISSION._ 00, Limited
oar. %Vest Itlarket and Coiborrio ate, Tfyitpliro,
From April 2,5th to Dec. 1st, in-
clusive, the Waeash Railroad will
sell round trip ticitets to the Great
World's Fair, St. 1.ouls, at the low-
est one-way first-class fare, good for
fifteen days, fare and a tiaird; good
for thirty days, good either via Woe
bash direct line or via Chicago, with
op over privileges. Canadiarie go-
ing to this. the greatest of all Ex-
, positions, should remember the great
Wabash lino is the ehortest, quietest
she, yea imam Ream ail about and nest route. Tile only liee that
me yet." The young annuals have *WAS arid centrals its ow il reds die
awadieeer.at wl:inzthi,yi
eeef iroetAislie:io:,,ri
rteed,47, rect to the World's Fair gates. For
crease in years. -tables and deecriptive World's
Mier, addressany tienet agent,
'lie next time babe- went to tit Itithardeon. District Paa-
bottom, howerer, wee not SO much ng ent, North-east corner Eine
of a. Jolie. Ile tried to climb, up the and
P a Streets. Toronto,
skin of the taut: in wideb there were
eo steps, •die fell bach again and mei ISLANle OF BLACK M,
amnia until he sand. exhanelea. The
in great anelety, but ituable to lzelp, earth is Chatham longed. off he
1 the
earneepers were gatbered about the tank One ef the queereet corners of
The mother, howevee, hurried to mer /comet of Ecuador, This island lips
baby with ail iter clammy haste, She six hundred utiles west (g Guayaquil,
dived. put her broad nose under Guy i and tbe equator runs directly
Fawkee, sigaveled him up, and held through it. Captain Reinman, who
him above the ululate until be had ineut to the Go/alleges group of is -
recovered has breath and WAS rested. lands to inquire into the proper
• It wee nearly half an hour before 'grounding of a deep-sea cable, stop -
the litiie fellow wee able to make !led dt Chathena Inland* and days it
another attempt:. Theo he made a (Melinda in rate, ever;ir one ot which
huge effort, Marna Hippopotionue is black. These animals live in the
a big shove With ben bead, and crevicee or the lava foundation near
' Guy Feaulies clambered trinen- the coast. and eubsist by eatebius
pker.tly up tbe side of the tauk. fish and crabs lastmd of rats and
„..._—,-e.. !niece Other ordinals bound on this
Rev of Ointments for CEllartir ieland are horses. cattle, doge, goaU
and adages, ail of which are per-
fectly wild.
"You used to sing 'Everd. MOM, I
send you violets' before we Were mare
vied,- said Juliet, with a nit
"Yea," answered Romeo; "but en
devotion has now tageo a more proice
Meal form, Pvery month I pay Mier
meat biliV
Spdden caths on th
crea$0,-Peopte apparentiy well and
heppy to -day, tooeorrow are etriken down,
and to ninety-nine eases out of every huncl-
re4 the heart is the cause. The king of
hexed reenelies,Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heart, is within iteecii of all, Itrelievel
'a ea minutes. Arad cares =Cat elienie
that Conttlin Elerour,y.
well and completely derange the nereannenael
as mercury will surely destroy Ile eenee
of l•
ettatioulannineeevuere sbaierfavr,,,emsd extectoicpbt 0,eartiperie2. Commune,. ItusbandaetAilf5teatr a mid
whole eesteta wizen entering it, through , _..., „,..,
ancei Let it go this year, can t
l ttirci .1samage they will do is ten fold "/"IPDSSible"" "Well' ['11 tell
' e ions from reputable phz,Tlelaus, you'"to
to the good you can possibly deriveyoiz how to arrange it. Don't do
iron) them. Ilall's Catarrh Cure. man-utimtured by F. 4. Cheney & co . T elea&ng-well move.'"
leilo. 0., co:items no mercury, and Is
taken internally, acting directly upon
ti: blood lIrOUCOUS urfaces of 11,0
L' • IgIgrlatlfritle
e huyou getg04un . fe tak-
in vnezely,.. arid mode in .edo,
UiViii1-3"ire... J. (21411eY 4' Jo. 4 eSti''
I.Y Drutml...ts.• Price, 75z per
bot Ue.
Tolle llall's ily Pills for const
ptit 104.
a (.1'1:IOUS PLANT.
r ie n. Want in Chili. and
sender one in .1 apart, called Om
1 **Rower of the air." It is so celled
iweause it appears to have no root,
and, is never fixed to the earth. Each
shoot produces two or three flowers
like a, lily --white, tranemarent, and
vor's Y -Z (Wise Read)' Distatect-
ant Soap Powder Is a boon to any,
home. It disinfects and cleans
tbe same time,
Lawyer -"What iran the thing that
ti to your Maine 1 downfall? You
eeemed to be doing a good business."
flanlatipt-"I was: but one day I
started out to sea if I could borrow
some money. I found it so easy that
.1 kept on borrowing."
bares Liniment for sale everphero
odoriferous. It is capable of being There is a man in our town, who
transported 000 or 700 miles, and thinks he's wondrous wise, and where
vegetates as it travels suspended on there is an argument, he's right there
a twig. to advise. But wben there's labor to
be clone, this man with smile so
&linard's Liniment Relieves NeUralgla bland, looks wiser eat and snakes leis
head -lie never lends a hand.
OSS" this, madam, is
the most popular book of the day;
everyboder is reading it." Mrs. Nur-
itch-"I don't want nothin' that
everybody reads. Show me setae -
thin' more exclusive."
For over sixty Veare
Sia.. wieetor's SOOTITTNII Brion, bee bncx, need by
mi.lions of mothers for thei- chiblren while teething.
Ttsoothes the child, softens tip, emus, aliapinain, cures
wind colle.regulates the etomach 413111,6Welft. 505 114 the
brit romedyfor ntarrlices. Twenty -lite cents a bottle
Sold b7 druggiiiin thronahont the world. Be sore and,
asU rot "Ilii,, wrsetow'sSOOVIING s nor.- E2 -.0i
"Life to me," said the very young
man, "was but a desert until I met
you." "Ah, that's why you dance
like a camel," said his fair partner
in the waltz.
filinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
Clara -"Pa, that nice e-oung fellow
Mr. Reed, is awfully fond of kiss-
ing," Pa. -"How do you know that,
you good-for-nothing girl?" Claea,--
"I lied it from. his own lips, pa."
Rheumatism -- What's the
Oause?-Where's the Ott re? -The
active irritating cause of this most painful 01
diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood.
South American Rheumatic Cure neutra-
lizes the acid poison. Relieves in 6 hours
and'curds in I to 3 days. -90
"Pa, have -have you seen Harold
since you told me he was too poor
to think of -of marrying me?
metes, I ram across him at the club
la.st evening. We got hito conversa-
tion. and he struck me-er—"
•"Struck you! Oh, papal"
"Struck me as Quite an agreeable
young man. I understand his uncle
has left him a hundred thousand dol-
lars, "
The person who advertised for "A
man who speaks Gorman and under-
stands horses" was satisfied with the
wording of his advertisement untie the
first .appl ic a ni, earl ved .
eVelle' said the would-be stable-
man, sol)erly scratching his head, "1
schpeaks Chairman all righdt, but I
clonal lmow dot 1 c,an understand
dose -horses. Vat langemiches do tey
Eighty Years Old 0a.tarrh
Fifty Years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder cures him. 'Want anystronger evi-
dence of the power of this wonderful remedy
over this universal disease? Want the truth
-of the case confirmed ? Write George Lewis,
Shamokin, Pa. He says -" look upon
ray cure as a miracle." It relieves in ten
'There's one thing that I can say
about my daughter," said Mrs. Ida.w-
kin.s. "She has a fine disposition."
"Have you known her to meet any
'severe tests?" "Yes, the way she
can sit down end listen to herself
playing the piano shows that she
must have extraordinary patience."
Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree,
says: "One bottle of MINARD'S
LINIMENT cured a swelling of the
gamble joint, and savea. a,. horse
worth $140.00."
Thou W. Payne, of 13ettliurst
saved the life of a "valuable horse
that the Vet. had given up, with
a few bottles of AelNARD'S LTNI-
• Clerk --"Please, sir, can I have a
week's vacation?" Employer -
"What's wrong with you now?" Clerk
-"I'm going to get married." Em-
pldyer-"Now, you were away a week,
with .influenza and ten days with a
sprained ankle. I declare there's al-
ways something going wrong with
emu, donese'.
Worry wont cure a cough. When
you find a cough holding on -
when, everything else has failed --
on nrb, tion
1r; The Lung
40-d'at. ved• Tonic
It is gearanteed to core. If it
doesn't, refund your money.
Prices: S, C. Wmx,r,s & Co. 501
25e. 50c. $L ,LeRoy, IsLY., Toronto, can.
Sultore-4"Sir. yt,nz am'e,undoubtedly,
'a,re of the objeot of may vimt?
cether-"I believa you desire to =aide
daughter bPppy. Do you really
ran it?" “Unquestionabler."- "Wein
n't marry Ler, then."
linord's CUEOSDandrtT.
•Mary -"I would never ELfUCCZe umy
feet, out elf shaPe." Jane ---"Oh, res,
you would, if you were la Day boetst'n
Disgusting- Viectutrease Cu 1*
aka thetteanda of PeoPle Oldeeti 0
AvorsIes. or. aandoes Catantal Pcrerder Re-.
Ilene in 0 minutu,
ens: °
rh for
In, In tile
Med Dr. A
f.ret app
Atter uelis
se Or. /wawa Heart Cure fer !mart
etemach artil MOWS,
admirable rood cie th
damn, of Scranton. Pa.,
hem a. martyr to Ca-
y years. constant hawne
an elle throat and
e,*ery ofiensive breath.
Oatexrital Powder,
gavo instant me.
wit tottlos 1 was
uality and flavour.
utritioue anti, Ecp cinticalf.
cle.,thz.dearillig ow:LICK Olovia cleaned peer
ow be sent by yea, 10 yer az, the h*&& PliKa 11
The Winton Telexing Car is appre-
ciated by the best informed because
built on correct need -tanked princi-
ples, of highest grade materials. As
a prospective automobile purchaser
you dare not, in full justice to your-
self, take chances on an inferior
car. .By presenting a car of such
imperial merit as is the 1904
Winton, we become "a,utomobile
underwriters" -insuring you against
risk or loss. Have you seen our
new catalog?
The Winton Motor Carriage Co
Cleveland, 0., U. S. A.
eainuatebEy otnistion
ERE auTomestLE a SIMPLY co
Z9 Kind St., E., Toronto, Ont.
Such Agencies in Cola
Dominion Cities
ssu, ,