Exeter Times, 1904-5-26, Page 2Two .of Their 600 Men ta wiz grad good es; o. eellow, 00e; No. cern, 1561e. Oat se -leu let; No. 2 whit, 47e; -No, 2 /nixed, 42ec. Bor- e RTS FRCM XNG e and t'yo-l..;othing dog. TRADE CENTRS- Milwaukee, Way 23. -Wheat. --No. orthere, Velec; No. e do. 96e, to rriges of Cattle Grain Cheeet 97e; °I° July, $71 to asked. ,• and Oet ther PoirProdnee 2, .7 lo Me. Berleyo- at lioluho. b3e, sample, nie to 60 o e. hn Bost Vessels and Toronto, 2L -Wheat ----o. arid Abroad. -iCo. 2 ..:1NeLe31: 5° t° 53c; 474 to 48C ahite axid rod Nioter quoted ot 94 Nia1leaPo1iN4 Ma.). .23' -'Wheat' A IkfleZE. levee eo A°is. says de removizig hos seffered Tosp kio &ate es U eoveris • trooe near Deny be bettheleip Ilateera., largest NI -4'2'4141i 1 lie Jareeistece end one of the most powerful in el world, street.. a ThaSslaa mine on eienle. Of the 741 mot boerd, loss than one-ealf we :5:0"4‘41:, the veesel six:king in two minettes, 'The same the eraiesee Voelliare were reenlite. Xasuga, end oleo eene, eray 130o ew of 810 eseWrIg. The toes in was 681. sfolicovee- Sated. Prowne. Totsbine (c isore 210 Hotsnee (bettleeliip) mvhg detoll Admiral Togo re 4-1O0 Ceit disaster, Viee "At. fourteen mint k. he afternoon of May fog ollf Fort Arthur, rammed the Yoe:Woo. sillting lotto- in a few mirettes. Nineey liCnr 4:4VCS" Were FgV,ed. 114C, S'..1nte, 114014112g Whale, cruisheee tie: Port A- 4 tho herding ef the S' i 43 or ToZilo, mali.5J , o mine ten Lewes sot -ethos f G , Nourcotatithee tov eutrauce, She elpenelt.tis QrO*os oat whetter lo vices 0 hishinitly starrel: zeInt14.- d14le Vas% 1 Wo weAtr,..4 ink) She eank is) holt on hoer, :' o orhim to n Thi nh4 of her crew were PnrY., 14 ' at ed by t tmt tht cty in II Ille YOslitho wes o orotet.O. epihs. ; rosonienie li 1, Fee of 4,1$0 toes, with 15.7e0 e: ion, te:1 stettli or her- Pewer, 350 feet long. Ilift aeseene. ' . orel Po Atelier fetiti V4',41-41,44, eons:sZ-44 oa t'Our l'hinell gene, 0g:eh el- are oleo ieilattell, The Nielf 1 4.7,--ineli gene. and toteity-thrto lb,- i',44a teiotete.r*, teat bo boo e.* o yet- poianders. Fier Spe11 T,t,s 23 74`,:,?. clq. pee. rah d. . and 14,,r. •erew numbered :et 0 meete th X•aengeo with which it coreehel. . ono of the two fast preeeeted tree which ;Istvan lonsehe fro::• (We before the wee eeleieeve..411. The Hittleeee wee n revilrlereeo 15.1.041. toes, oriel ol eli. lotkee. O. She wee. only eettee-e• se 41 in 4Ii:•,'4 Ittita7i13 ha leses, lees elsee ie• I; 4 WI.»S LIO0V-411:: t11/31:01,.0... Th41,` I ,041T0.1iII1N»11 44f fi;4V",r Itl'All''l r..-.'":., '. '44:44t 11.44Wit p.,, „I' t7..2 ofere el> 4:411fga;414.r.4-4• 81:74.4 l',,,,w1 r 10 V414'4-:. es**5::',Int•K4, F,,z,c., 41 11, 4 4 , JI) I DII*14 410 her cr..w a- ' n. eone et Ifni .ng iot be held is believes:, eepattelei deciding be onwise to isolate 314Ore ireope, • er t 954) on low freights. Spring 04,4e; Jtily, 02:- to 93c; September. at is nominal at DU to Ole ease, 81 to ellec; on track, No. J. hard, rid goose at 81 to 82e east. Mom- : 971,c; No. 1 Norther)), Oele. Flour 1 oba wheat is unchanged; No. 1 Nor- --.1-"irst Patents, $5 to $5.10; second then), 92e. Georgian, Rey porte• N do '44 90 to eel. firs- el. rs $3 rOistanaler Ilal.111,1-' been ver Y good owing , - to . • e... • 4 ca ., ... . 2 Northern, at sec, ana :..S‘Q. 1 2g0r., to $3.60; Second dO, $2..10. Braii-- to the heavy rasos„ them is $7e. No. 1 herd is amain-• In bulk, $10.50 to $17. • The whiter tip to February woe lia 9. (zrintur.4 in tronsit prie- would. not boeig as wen supplied es are 6c Above those quoted. LIVE Se'OCK vii„locF:rs. IV sToic • coNDinoxs SPRING QF 1904. Cattle Axe in T'air Condition •Few Losses HaVe red Ocou"red. According to u official report re- ceived by the Live Stock Conuoission, er Ottawa, British Columbia range cattle went into winter quarters in very feir coudition, feed in the late •very fine and mild, but after thus to the oat, of March the rangas were covi- red with: very deep snow, io most s 'those) at Port Arthur, find it elif- Oats ---No. 2 uhite quoted at 31e Tonto. 23'--T1e a°211:b" °I $000.0115 a much heavier mow fall ienit to subsist ;auto relief ell.kced. to .320 west, and ot 32ee uiU41eoperatore seeking butchers' cattle wee thao, has betel known for years. TIOKS. 400.0 HAFFENINGS Fatoi ALL OVER GLOBE. TelegraPllio Briefs From Our Owat and Other Countries of Reeent Events. CANADA. The 91st Regiam nteat at Hilton has received its Itillts and. sporrans. There is talk et American eallitel- lists erectiog raillion-dollor hotel t Ott' eva, ° A big dentine dry dock will be constructed at Vancouver to eget $1,000,000. The rate on. letters between Can - n<1 Mexleo will be reduced •from ove to two cents. The ' veuque 0.t' outgoing froglit at through the raoge eceentry; there was 31thillst171111°11$7tbelleelagl:er et41;Y•rirele'd:10cendtiZ no old bay on hand and a good deol Aitclitor Xacrbereon reports a at the 1903 crop had been damaged • shortogo o$256 in the accounts of with thejyysummer rai»e, Mr, Richard ItleXee, ex -tax collector Speaking generally, the cattle are ne satoeseleh, follecit:illy'ele;"thtlietiel°111e aeldockfewoulgesre; trorlet own orattt.teSr trsautp(i)lerlYd and it Inay lee estimated that in eon- system, getting it from a small 'eke sequenee the volt crop will be below two miles alley. the averege• Ontario men have eecered large There is xio -doubt that in certain contracts for ties for the Panaraa Thereat nnirhet is quiet, with the Intileher9. and eWarte'r• 1111e3 had motions of the country, more aspect, canal, awe will build. a, million dol- e; notalual ot 57 to eel: outside. tellt47neY to ti:f411 Tala-es the's-?:. inner on the Thornpeon, the cattle lar Dauber mill at Vancouver.. ichabeat-The market continues and in Mechers and reedereAo wh, hiloinees is too much of a speeloation The salvation army has establish, with therearad limited. No. 2 were Offered. PrettY freAY, le4 not. ln "te be healthy. If the post winter heel •esi two Indian viliagee On the Slteetio, 41-44ited at 40 to 5(04 east, sufficient ournbere 1,0 sapply tbe do, , hem of a eitatiar cleeracter to the reiver, whielt are eutirely populated ° leloer-Wieety pea Cent. pater.ts 44re Stock calves of 400 lb, aria „merietts one. a woo hooe, proionelon by their ceneerts, who numbeie about .1:charged at 43.65 In loseevs' •bogs, 111lero•rtis wire ie e;artieular reqeeet, h'oe the, st„ck, ot toeat see:,.tiou would tin°. • one Lei the re4wouo, tlio.t die., freights. No. 1 white. 334 tO 34e large„ and trede in tile best grades ento was comporatiyely short all the withdrawal of the lite-Aiants New -.wan. Tbe experts say iie abarlaation of Jelionese ot ang ot 114.9, tIme wouid timl Na. at 33e eest, I was briek. ;lees were firmly main- Berley-No• 2 quoted at 42o niheld,le' tained„ and one of the iluest cattle No. 3 extras 40,to 4°,1i°,, sold at $1.75 for straight load. or-kl No. ;It 28 to 2147 alIatb'e Pieked lots sold in exeess of that 0411S more or less than a sliektegi- ' • • quotedChoice heifers, averaging abPut jet. adeaoteigeeeee to the Rao-. ..5111PInng r",s Lou() wk.re sverce, eud emoted. they ore still bohlieet the a't t'a 1° pr east' Short -keep feeders coidineed to be anti could reel) a force. there, ,e ee, on e,,„ „„ :_herr..-No. 2 Atue.rica,!: ot-elt17. „,\(.1.11°I3 wanted, but the offeringo were emall, VW Japetureste arid retire be- .0„1--4,1',473, 4:,°;e;1 turd see eral geetlenten who were pre- 011 sent by Gen Xarohi, sci;toe), 'emend Iiiarketwow Pared to 14,311e, „Went rewlier er11-1.Tut any. cattle. slhe erm tone Prevailing old get betweeo thou and Liao - The. opir3ext therefore pre- 1 .d t 41 4e • writ HS that the Japanese will not or- c New-Chweinet 1-4alroiNr6 ne errive at liei-Cheeg lee its quit Q41-ifIrt<,.• Rus$ian generel staff teal announce:meats of elte abanilo- of Xita-Onee by the Itroshins the diemantilog of the fowls ntull romovol of the teems /0 Pert hoe, 4. .144 co l'o,nt 1"44e'44,44, 11.4c.‘Ctg Von 4.10,1vax tileoet • 10 114,444?4,441;.3:4'„ 14ccd,V.4., e • 4 oleo -once. 10 *44,. 40 113•1/ 1144,‘ 31t14,00 44. ritIVISER The burg o a. the 1114 • peoition eatoel." • , etrieer '4)4 On t7f.e to 1471,14lit44,1444'71&, -rier . CtR1A 2S TOTTle Corea)) i .1.eriell.nee is tot:44. soevs a Seoul •deseateh. The rftra Sh4Ay ond reehs with intriones that =Mon •oven the woret periods of the loot ten yeare. A vo-ok Eus- Pecoc al.e7eliatinte., and rea..oxico44. faction -torn Cedes:et. aad is concen- trating in himself whatever seenbleno. 14.4' :sr eif4; 'vet te il • .44 0141.'3 4?7 41444 19 41 tIni re4s4.4L Z41441 li3se 144‘411 .44.11`.4144n• t Pi% '174,.1.44 4, I Liron4ie 4,4 1(4 ail %tree r ev ; Vleilatietoele trri•on retorted. to la. eteitio the operooth ese. eXpert. middle freights, Straight am) hart1lY ar'..F. '''''''r° saltl• hellatv $2'''' have been wiped. oot. Wong On and. Woeg Cole were 1 ' ' of spkviei 1onb kr 4l4noeslie 50 per ewt. qmP xvof r•A•ST EVER TEI1103E-LW JA DgI.XCAOIES THAT ler-AKE TOUR. li101,1TH WATER. Cx•yst allizecl Rose Leaves le a, " Delicious and Costly Luxury. nave you tried rose -leaf jam? It, is strengly recommended by the ez- Queen Natalie of Sorvia, who is im- InenSely food of it At the price of about $173 pound you can Woke - your choice of two kiade, one a. lit - tic!, ellea.per, made in Turkey, th district where attar of roees is or pared, the other concocted in Ieeance Its nauittlactere is the Pawl -ice o simplicity. Pink rose leaves are placed in a little glass pot which 1,1elatlive: 111,e4.1 itn,Yittleilipsor;azesygtal'ire spVt41. are not crushed, only curled up, tho delicious flavor and perfume of the sweetmeat being given to it by the petals alone. 1 delfeioe4 aud just as 'costlyk, Tinned crA4ystgarlizredd4rojasetYleaniveaS illIlitlails' 1CillinOt4 at danciblions, and, dandelion chocolate, theugh somewhat cheaper, are also goli•ckd'e.a the common SlinflOVer prOVidell an excellent edible. And a. costly one, too, for $3 a pound is realized in Ruesia for the seeds of this fah:Wier flower. Grown extensively by forne- ers, the seeds are salted and sold to Pedlars, who stand at the street eroto ‘ness with paesers by, Isinge of nlOst ot the Rassiust provin- • cial cities, and do Quite a big Tousi- Of other flowers that proVide eget-. lY 41141 dainty dieties, the seed of the agraet lotus -lily mulct's AN 1=1.1T,1413NT 801-11), If you 1441Ne uever tasted cuulmsat , eT'ohney 101.0"0:0d ale tviel:t4thicitytofrolill4ectletru. , . awl are nothing more than tiny or- allgee preserved in their skins in much 0:4,•sIble to limit the stoticing of ilk's sia nill pay $80,(100 for the Illegal the 1`1110 NV" 48 gi3'Ql.' seizure af thinaditin Hailer?. Th°11g11 eel -041411 n1111.1ets aver Vult A London doetor On the British •young mete dipped in honey are a found guilty at Victoria of the emir, ctooted e.t $4..25 to $4.40 ill Trade in ;14..,4,p and lambs was g.00a • 1 er tbo :sae. to g0 itelo. winter Victoria fehioette theetre, Jamie or a, tos haY Pez Mow, and evutened to be hanged On • 'Mod:robe Pours ette. ettoely, eeeonnt li-naed ofik.ripas • * 47 41 pateate, $4,E40: No. 2 pateras thereof. aud irite.e were About eteody end etrorig $4.40 Mt Teeteloy'a quotatioes. Calves Torolote„ wore In Lew deemed, and pewee e. e.41---Ilren etegol o the beet hinds were pretty Wetly. Tho 7.50 awl chores at 1 lerce zuoet of 'Oleo. sold about $4.25 per poiote lotto ie d ot coo, me 'rho retige 4.N:140001,w W445 4.$.4•60 $.3.174 Per ewl. The Inith of the settle :Told for il»F'S thC1T1 $5 per 4Wt. Itotatiove for leachers' cattle • fol- 1e01. it will el eoursvi tar . 1,4-1141,4*, $4.6:1 to S-1.- r»Or them to recover on reir to 04:03, 84.15 to $1.35: cool- leos the eeasotte ere very iovorable. a to fair cone, e3.,11) :MAO; Beef is 4111 low iu price aud from ohlgli vows, per Mt. presoot indicatione not likely to be 'he Inikea ter heelers real s 4. Were firm. We qeotre--- Feet e 000 to 1,43ets Pe, et $4.40 t ,110; teethes, to.0 1,14e0 lb., et a $1.374; .stovh4^r.r. t:ttl $Q0 1144: 4) !to 4.13.75: steel, ceitss, flea t :4 11 so fi3,-1.41 to el .24 ofteroloy cititze \tele ia/, 334, lesete wore itt del of Olt xoulleg yeere the leeteen tired, fame ploy 228o, r II0 5.1010, by the time JoxinarY there is Pravtically no feed GitEAT tin, lower rows. In this 'Japanese loan of $50,000.000, 1411 ehorts at ro $ t7, 1 she elltePt'll- e--The level ie liree .tently ot to :lee lee' 11). ageolee, ree lot. lb. 'f•41344 1,04.1is 14141', 43134'404 .004 road lentl-eicloot to 4 Gall: e . se great area of the reeently c • I,ondon, wes overeubserile autie will 13e lowed in duririm 1 ed 1.111108. tv;enty ,10(t year or two and it wilt Is It is reported I.ondem that Rue- )1I15Twat n qui ry Air u pollisfA on says doitity that Cannot be surpassed, It sigh buildings Arc In part responeible wo4arahlre lltrooboatbul,ylifii.it:liNtvtolleadfaeheler rbetter 14111 Ian ;mar, loot, tcobruotr14),en,pleyeical degeneration of vity twr Palate- . 1.- t,!1°•rn',.!-$ 0:1` in good 11.-4lland ond the Xing Edward and Queen Alexaodra ens, fell exclusively on ptheapples mid ftaarler 110r.SeP, NIr., • those weighing 1101.1 the eeeond court 01 the srayon hollehroome. pas•talZen Qf at 21. Chinese ftohn 11(1 In), are reillieirig good ot Iluchiughitto Paleee, on Friday, banquet 11e14 not. frieg ago in New 1. P4eel.). IterS",s al this eloen ge to at uhielt there yes 440CS.CePtiOnnllY i:17/;:.korite Witu hunters 4300 tr4vo. ana eing llora,;(1 zniodzenzr.1 ;toy! taithoeToz,n,roi.rot repreeentati,o,.n sof 0)01 person- ,Ielr:l.ePhstion,t.:00:elst,IlaithloanIbn:Iltiseni3O buxom,: 4nsil tbe tiletriet south oi TI10 t'a1lten h1110. -"nth) wheel) van now lie had In tins at most 041, h anti •Are NVOrtil VA rrecelEf 0"I'va• Jniln Ilgultanal'er' of 13 4.14 •••» »„" »„ S.44 steeht• ekes' gateeingetl 17,44r11-412,44. 114. ).• 1i -i.1 4)41 44?1141..--23.14, t1.14-40,, ,P:74 44.44 $1,14k 1 1 ,'h ir 144 *C. we:4a I tleieeey 'mil • ‘• •it - -See 481.41 1.43 1 1 tlreet. TIll: lee to )14. r re dell, edium end iriterier se They ere hard i•-eleitsest 1-1b, rolls) erdinary laree Voile, :11 • 4 4 51 „tee „ .4 10 13)14), e43.410 ' 11441441, 441 41 re money in B. V; 134011 they delphia. nu, Isoneretro Ineralter dud ettaree; bot iaguar :steak, hat.'ed Walt, - >7,4,,rt,b eeeet, For two Itin Stny in 1.401141011. Ile 1,8 1.140 11 ratt101c111414' Filen-. and alligator Foal)1110 , ' beer bo'o's oval Fonees foreigner to r lee euels, an honor. of width delicocie$ are daily billed fen . d in inereeeing num-a rertein lerend) restuurant lieeper _ 1111.1 'Et -1, New Orleelle, May not apfoor to 4 0 t,,e, xff,strte*vnilt:.,7.• Vfitl»CFI bro.:gel trot% • F401 .144:05e4(f;v:1111:14";7;1'''''Cn1;L *117 44' •f)„ 1. X4,NV Yoh tot:bora les . p . 140143132. 1 ;444411,oz aeu.e ulter, them of roubled by 11 rot .1101re of ore. Neither eltosa we like torequarter la 16303, To cow,,,4.: la ,4,-plviti.s.ot.1 av‘otnirenhwiw:AsvotiohelleleAtsetitwintbtatzte_ oo• ito tit eieurn ous reNlatirallt in ort101' to dia- .4.0intse 4)213 e s 340' t al tie mere coseeee l'olire Conte cuss the lexory. liciebuck, binds, V: Istese 2.(118. 1.1340p, rre went Republicao eambe berts and tear" especiaity. the omtech I'42' . Leggiest:. Horseo, 1,722: eat- d (tare or, of A lhalre', N.Y.. have long provided dainty dishes for 34441 10 44I3 44) (j3243#t4y, 4314 *30, 139. ail tram his horse in the wealthy, but thole are veld to r - . dr° Ir ;4'4.34Sr.0T4-411,4")44%te,;41:77,11;‘,0,431.,,v;11,(10.5.,$s24.4r. ti till,:rtott,seltuleciele.idei.vo:.1);0484.2col:4,111.1 he l orsd.,)314.4.• 1.4111 loriiiiz,110, 41 01,1, illi,n11114;s, 1 go, 112k0,4,e(il)fip$t1 by the (1Qb,ribus Salty flap lelv-'" Nr3111 tl'o t'oal'l• W11.11 111"' of liwelelon. Pa., ohne a riding a A SADDLE OF' BETNIME.Ii. re. 4, fiNorthaeet, inolnding the eldion,esnts ero.e. parry the oeher 41:lee ;OA, Lome -in the, matter of eolti,s4 kangaroo, „ , by t 11 . Crow Lithe eaul frOlt3 (,;' (Wien 4 oraoge peel. Coe; (me to )u t te' She ie.., ,,, e „„,.„, ea i are declared. 10 ‘4,...4,T ri. 4i. '.....,. “... 14 I 44 .4'4.'-4 rn.t tvi.011 in the 8140,,e ligur04, Pro- died 441 frightful ogony llirough peel- ut tot; rs" Hands s ,liably liorees were exported loot tonitls, be without an equal Even 'turtle n stimot ed. Seem John Findley Wolkwe, or Chieego, sou, Hee to tale. a bark seat. hethre 13 to 14 1 41 mosager of, the lionois co,. this gela:tinoes delleney. eronteeeo doseate.o $low TIM 1POSED LEGISLATION' oenerel 4 n 3.1.41 Kr, o tt • unanuno4rs y as oe, •• • p f • 1 0'11 Bellevue', hae accepted the pos.- , not lOng sine() dielleS 'of *Ba- tt) , teedium arid low toocolate llas:ii.1„s toe welt w .11 r , 114e; ereatsiery priots. '17 to Mee: ' . v1 is 1 41 • - 1 - • 4 1414• V r. r ,F ..,.'neer 31) eharge of Mond-baek terralans were the rage tliirr41,14;i1r411: volithities (1itioto tihtt ti„, e,,03,ss la file west are 1004.._ 4 ()utwit to asvss all 1)04,5(.3 coraing the eonetruetion of the '3) (23433343 can- of America. rl'errapins are small, al at a 'salary of $25,000 a eoar. 'tortoises, once found in ,4441o,p;!,. N 40 11 14, 04l,N, 4,4,1 t 4.4 leefil $.0e,c 4;041:4eat.444n tu 4 and Lrin, reeeiote light, cave e'ec"ctlinglY flanigh, ot "/ into thenarla from. other couutries e, eiary L. Gibe, toyed fourteen, of the 324.31(1 along the sem coast 1)0t4314 ... Fi.11 at lee per dox„„. leo:trete it is yet. ton early to judge ' valise of not loss than $75 per . ., Voldlav, Ohio, enored hereelf 1.0 from Maine to Florida. Except, 1 . Peo.Ny. to, of leee matters NV111 toles old. Al. heat,. w1-• 'MN- 3- ------''-' ' - deelis She eurgeeted to her sister ever, in the Halt marshes that henget t .0 1 A ••4 eimet. 43 n stiinn . 133 iveo, 134 4)3 Old 43414n014 la $., ,, 1 ' A " . ' • 4 • .LI le .ti . ee tem ri .im 11"11"c --The 1""het 12' 1111e1.1 7--; 7 1 4 0 4 V' "3, the reasen is ;delta. two hieing effect on our export trade to ' ' • to try winch Cottid snore the loudest,. the Chaseiteake, they haYe nenrly all or government, the (0 2111.414 etill loe. A lied 1 41333.!41. 4113 4.( at , 14.4,1 . .3 ' f lilts tao t le to toe..e, us 1, r 1 ipol slip- , , Whey 'amused theuteeltes in this way disappeared. lience their enormous I 114 iliC; 14Vr 1314 44114 mot at 714:. I • ' . , . . ...e. Yet he is a, eteoliloto prey to 1Cheroo from Port letine. They heir% II .4 • ' ', eretleee is loohiug ep, melt:thug the plY of holies is fleari the rnieeu for Sone time and linalle. fell 83.10013. cost -so much as $100 being Paid for e witelue; 441141 fortoteetellere oho .1.ep4'ete ti4.111 200 (33131 '1 Joel a 311)111- ii4 (4414t-ra(1droof w'7t((.4')1.3.0141 ellelial figures no I('.3.2.4 When thMeter 0.1.00174' she found a dozenAt one tineterrapn a la Inresting the 34 %33(0 and thtebee of Bleelea reflgrs 0* here 110,tiT , In negating. of wheat W41011111)0 ill them 21).0011 12.4.4)41w041' Itn-r°rtt"d 10t Mare" dead. _ 'Maryland was ihr leadiug retaliate; at tot f two aelloolog Avows), whet In- Tat '-.141' 3114.3 Tie. utliesq t to i Proeeed hogs are llhchtilleeql. Nuln 313,4.. \44, '-1 Il.r, ljustiugs is bt the (Oh- i year. Jobe Ceopsiek, a miner of Iluzleton eve1y. first-clase restaurant in Amerie tis Japanese supoort, blew op the 100.4 .44 A plere et 1'l 23. 1 ollerinoe euetre cured moats ere ill ' i tie* the lifolltreel Beard of Trade In reneera to cattle, in addition to pa., WON talien ill Several (1143 s ago ea. lea feast on this most delicious PAW was nut 844c11o:-N11114 1/41 the , goe(1 41('I41111d al alsniliallg,"1 111•1°4.' !has oeeit 413(3133 '.3 ne to uerestilinde the th9 e A84 11(43(1gas iven "1113 ((1 to and lW ater ar, pronenneed dead 34') of all 444 ate mnai illiores have before 124833 F'1'11 it Talienwrin Wee eveetteatel. ' We q1.34)'10;-ellacon4 "aft ce.',1(r. 8 t°, cometitt. 11e states thnt there ;ire the Coast markets:, in order to ar- Ilse doctors. As 110 lied no familY now travelled hue:ire:Is of miles, 1 Ifertete Siting was Ire rd wile ' 84e l'el. lb' in ease lUtP" tut148 14'1." i:Aill tno million llus110IN ill farmers' l'iVe IA the coneurnestion of beef nt or friends to billr hiln 1)15 1)°dY wa8 But surely :ono of the strangest „ .., , 4 !A 0. .•••••., 'POI 14111IY 1,44 Mt114().4.. SI i 1 (10., SliOrt CUL $104.50. ; Il'111C1.3 outeide of elevatore. and that . these pointo must be added the local sent to n Philadelphia hospital for dishes ever partaken of was an emu's hit to ' . • • I • I LOS.'`elES AT YALU vatarr. Oen. Xurold reports that • the Ja, nese loeees ea the loath, of Cldit metheng tefey 3) were:- hsikel five officers and 218' ;eon. 'Wounded "IiITY 111.SSIANS nieslenu, 12214) o., ueete, o o • . 1 3 .. 33 , t the uluitt. oth cepost•suppl, „aid a, tottil supply for ubout dissection. 'When placed on I le was • 11 0 egg oreelotte. '1'his egg NVAS preeent- Stet/Led etwat e -Ila in se lig ed timely: the set FF12114.031, 11 4 ;tient:he, irtesi the Northwest, as the trible, and jtsst us 1111 1.2e: Se to 92,e; shoulders, erl for the dish by a oiernber of a , • 4;3 offieers and 783 own. Thirteen •larnineee Ccuslil at rina•-•Yang oaeos, ee,), to lee; Never:let oaeolo good eirount neoee the usesal esie- ,B. C. ranges; hardle• Ship any beef about to be put to him, Cupsiek I.ondou club, and he invited twelve iv:mired and sixty-three lesestetian hut n -44T lim-ion grottos 13,1e ' mute olds% was 2,1300,000 lesehels, Ifrons February to the Ist of .1une, arose n33t1 wanted to 1:1100V why he ai his senow members to the feast dead were buried and 38. officers 401,4 37.44.4 3,0,41 round .4),J41. Thr oe_h Lem:deo/1p 41123 1,11 fair. with tile. 4.014 034 333414 44(' ovo. 14383 year 7-11.4 3)4110 is supplied had been ”iilidreesed." Other dainties on the bill of fare were '39,MN. n were made I4L, ...toe.), . • ap- C4F80.resS C144.1.34,41 fourteen prices 3143(11 1,..I4] '4'44. 400 e . h. • i • t 1 it ten ;ler c eit mainly from the Norw thest with the , e „ , tloPanese ventured 21 •quiee-rit wooseltel with them. letter of these Tiereee. tubs, 3.34,1 J34.i113Ste; would mean 400,04.40 acres exception of the supply from the Vale. 19 ommunitloo wagons, 1,417 ra Nei-Citener. Teey reached corepreurel, ,e lo hetc. set -lolls, eight 3114101114.0 gees, end Miti,Yong on Saturday bsl. forteup• t112or4, WO., a year ago. 300 rounds of ammunition for these leer. au coolits .io eerier tbe wounded 11.1,7SINES34 AT Mil,NTRItlAL. 4 - guns; 143331 rig45 and 2'50 g°°(lx°11tals hral grain loot 'aliieh ere' bad edrea• :May 23.-Tke market for ()N1:. .'r savouries, manufartered frOnl. ereCO- Infia10.0 idlillereell'oergs.gsai:enudvial,eliogiatiehres'eNeogrgiskg wbAust ntore hose under cultivation than country smut)] of Olianagen 1.0;0 and Care Colony will pass a along the boundary. Tliie will bring prohibiting the importation of Chin- to, omel„tte. the exteorth from 11. C. ranges to a ese labelers. figure probably between 10,000 ant Twenty -live hundre0 Berlin bakers 11,000 'head. have struck for higher wages and At the Corist the dairying butsiness more lenient conditions or emPloY- has beer) very good, and the price of most. batter high; during Jamotry and A Japanese doctor at the Serum February sone of the erearneriee were institution, O0Penhagen: lizis dis- posing.* the patrons 32 cents per 134. coverecl a positive entidote for the of butter la t. bite of a rattlesnake. FIRST CIGAR KILLED HIM. of ammunition; 63 horeee, ail 1,4„44g03,04 441 ts IN fts Steady 10 -they, and there - Ten -Tear -Old lloy's Life the Pen - P1343 A.ND HIS COFFIN. Iva., 44pimrently little doing rev local come:minion, though Prone sales were alty of a Smarm. The Japanese eaaturcol 357 sleet for mountain guns, 188,000 mimics or rine ammunition, 3 .72(1 coets, 400,-, - being made for outside points, A Ileilodeloliiet despateh 541'55: A *through shipment. Price:" for these Coroner's inqueet Ives beed on Toes - 000 loaves of bread and othor sitp- • Russian Commander Carries 11. With Him. were said to be rather more favor- dey to investigate the death of ten- able fin. sellere. quotelions are year-old William Black, who on eiun- A London 410s144Aeh snos :---A Pol- .fie8riten;113"Ve-37: to 28c 502' 1C0. 1 and day sinokee his first cigar. 'The lad's o ouc for Wo. 2; ri fet.v Val' fother. wet) lives at 107 South Boo- lish writer eays thet General Xuro- - patkin eareiee a co/o2, with oi„s• hag, Weds of Teterboro oats 'we° sold sall street, said that Willie came Coors -rifling the Intim:Alen:5 that it gage evith his nainc engraved there- at 38ie iraek t(e'daY/ Peas we're home late Simida.y afternoon cool mil- ls Gieneral, Nouropatkin's purpose to Lot, The reason, thorctorei is that about $teady at .71c refloat Mny; Wo. 4 4 1 paerate of a eve.cre path in his stem - avoid a decisive c0441, *1 with the he ecaffidently eepects to be hilled be- 2 barley, 70c; send No. 3 extra, 49c; act., Two physicians from the Chit - Japanese at the present etage of thc for the war is over, some months rXe, 02°. 3elmar-T11° 331111.1"4 dreness Hoepital found the boy in eon- -war, the statement was 214,5.de by ago, it is eaid, he had o dreahl that 'A.'" .stead.Y; iraniteba Patents' $4.9Q o . e i e the Russian gera.ral stole on Wednes- he was killed iti a. battie, anti that lo $4.95: strong bakers', $4•60 to day that the Cononander-ill-Chiel is be was not identified, arid 11"418 beried lna.king preparations to loll bark on in a trench with this privates. This dream, was so vivid that when he $4.E15; straight rollere, in bags, Mirk -deo., and then on Harbin tried to smoke los first tiger. 'While the superior numbers of the twent to the /root he told his famiey. $2,20 toFeed-The market :;;:la'; quiet; Manitoba bran in brigs, $1.9; rhorts, $21 per ton; Oitriari0 bran, in hla Ili, $18.50 shorts, and 3,244 coats and 641 texas. plies, together with a quantity or tools and telt-grail:I stores. .......••••••••••••1 XOTTROPATKIN WILL leETREAT. vulai 1111 An eti reflnited 131 The iinprovement tlie leade is Half a battalion of British and doat half a, hattelion of motive infantry in -very steady, arid although no a vast immocr of cows thou:14 stp, indite have been wanted to prepare " for service in Thibet. • be weeded out, tbe average is a good Grave robbers cut off tho fingers to deal better than a few '37ars ago. secure rings or a woman buried at Ezerszig, Hungary, and the girl CZAR REVIEWS TROOPS. awoke from her death -like trance. • bringleg vp the stmop of a cigar. The Receives an Enthusiastic Welcome $4.65; Whiter wheat, patente, $4.80 "toy reoovered conecioueness shortly to $5.1 0; straight $4.60 t° liefore died, and sai4 that lie llad A. 1e -barker( despatch. says: Fenperor enemy compel a. retirement it does and friends that he woolcl not re - DESTROYED IZ VILLAGES. tot follow that Gen. II-otiropeutlith 'turn alive, 'rile carrying of the - Will not strike a &tenting blow ehouId cosk...t is said -to lia e a'very d e 3 - 410.134) to $20; root:111re, $26 to $28 Arnienian. Insurgent Bands heartening effect on the troops, 1 uGreat Havoc. a strategical mistake be made which tot, cox, change the cetwralies" .i..)er ton., Rolled oate-elhe market will enable him to throw a strooger no g . -. - '• Is 114131; eenlos are asking $2.32e, for A om1.tantm,„3, -desnatch eiss: 1321- 441113? upon one of the advanethg col-- . has, and $4- 20 .In barrels.‘°11 f)'4 e'• co rding to a despatch froor tee VOi umns of hie antagonistThe most 4o3,i41ions-1:eevy 1,1naO,l'Ill ti,ort or ili•Cia, Asiatic Turkey, seven,teen , eat, $16 to 1./.7,54.3; A3rawican rat 1.111(1 4', 13 3301.31 loofa closatroyeid,aliv, ,t Ar- f 1101131 1011 rceosiPtaoNnase.s. rl'he r-nePerer lett exposed poeition of Gen. Iourokt s eut pork, .$17.5o to $19; light, short leennel insoiren •S 131. 10 C I. 1 IC 0 ., bW:kSr, $17.50; compound lard, i " Seesaw. Move 1311.111 .500 Armenian ----'''---''-` to se; 1' 2.2)1(111111 lard, 7 to 73e; ket- . -,,, , „ , . - ..,- , RELATIONS BROI-e,EIT or 14.))))) 41. ImVe L.:Igen l'elulge m .14LLIS11,.. a -tee rendered, 8-e to 9ec; hares. 11 to . . --- lee; bacon, 13 to 1.-31e; fresh Iolled • - _____ An Ottawa despatch.abattoir hoge, $7.35 1,0 $7.50; live heretofore the conspi,cooles featm.e or DePartnlent of Labor hes been note_ htegs 4'45.25 , I° $5-59. 14,tgn-New RIOTIIIG AT' ODESSA. the Japanese comoaegn, is observed, eee or 197 accidents to warkmen 101d, 15 to 1,44c. Butter -1\ ew made -- Courrell br Ifinintem -ssembled in ex - Cause Nicholas was enthusiastically receited on his arrival here on Wedneeday by hirge crowd of people. Eis Ma- iesty royiewed the troop e tinder or- ders to go to the front. During his stay here the Emperor received de411- Intions from the Jewish and " other commanit i es , wh present ed loyal aderessee, to which his Mojeety .0141t1e -- command is that which moved direct- ly torthwreed, evidently with the in- tention • of gaining the road to lietik- • den, down which it will march .4,0 Nombe soon as the other toilsome are within euPeortilig distal) 1)43, Unless ecietioe, ACCIDENTS 'TO WORKMEN, Dining April Reached a Total of 197. 1-114.1 France Will Recall Ambassador to Vati.came A rlos44t.ttell froan stiss; this ee11111121, it ie „believed here, will deririg April in different parte tbe 35 to 15°: 'Wentera (InIc.Y. 12 to .)e. Students and Laborers .1'4 tta,ek 33 1.04(14)151 94 '.3013 on r.rina%sday to te frolls, 12 to 113e. Clieeee-New rod- -Mayor's House. all the victim et, etS- tneriieh Bosnia/oil, resulting in the loss of consider 114s notion to be Lakoi re - Gen. Karopatkin is 'known to be 1-'9• . , der On't1.41-10 Tee; best Quebec ee to , , ,o- • ey 11 eS, anC SO‘ ere. 1(11)141(314s A. it ‘1441,f4 4;444s1.),a t1 says i-Frola a iatiree tro to ope s -pro,,ee. holding 'under close Sere Other 'workmen to the number of 7°' private :sot:rev serious Srit; t s at Cues- Pre•si dee t, 1 oube t' • • TWenty-thre0 Were kilted - 41,1•0 r evere' 1144 acIrdsl • deeldo..:1,.ul,o11 the.' 4'(TO41 J(uropatkm '1 (1('Ct1.1011 1.0.,:witli.0470:ar railway •sel..i,,iter, oleo el.e-vele,11.4, yenningV.I . '.'. A I 'roe, , , e1 st .1 end, :-..tere r,atil.ed 4)1 Al 4,1.)O.0014 440, • p1.... e."4.4inte • e 'IP01014110i7,' etlOmeiared•,: Withi the Buffalo; elay '.71 1414js,ctec.:: tele,. t)41,..i•go4iNikster;'• ..c44•44.;•; I4144=;...rractieally,,-;4'1,04,11tQ41,.':.: 1110 (4934141g (.0 '31)14 04.4)01 ts that thc 111.041(11 4)4March, a ••41e41e013ee,,e4.•.77 28 '4141141.t -13p1 4.1)43 • 1o10111..'erIrtr!fi 1I4.111:;113.- 6411t1:114.1.1e .fike„ a33414.11,8,1, 4:44 1.I40..33,t41 1.144 the ' "heeeh thitilhee, Of iteee.:.;:tinci:,No, 2 ehard • " :'4',431pt1•• Oct' 01'4144.,;:A fl reeri I I:.33 1.47 '''Y01:C•111'47•1''''11.113 '9111 Cl.e4):10(1,- 44P;,' C:e43es.:44.014:14 '1e43e1e,,3e1ie;41ipee4reet4e,i•-,44f0i3 de'. n1op, thee ,-.Ceetetronind ,...• ' ..r i deo ' .13.:-.: .41.. eoh • 414.4se4*4t,,..' 'ciry.O 44 44 6441 3 14111.4 with *.titte; PLOT TO '<ILL THE CZAR. Was to be Slain While Reviewinr, Troops. A despatch from Berlin says :-The Breslauer Zeitung palilisties the al- leged details of a • plot against the life of tile Czar oil. May 3,1, while he was; reviewing troops 141 St. Pet ersburg. :ACC° rtlillt; t4) 1leWs- 14aper, 1.14e Minister oi the Innecrial lIousehold selected oe.enpants of a stand 114 the vicinity ,of tile Czar's (11111211144. '3J-tese privileged - persoeis Included Mlle. Mereschicolveity-, 20 years old, daughter of a. very d4s- 111egiiisl1ed physician and Preto. Councilor. Site 304413 41; situdeet at the St, Petersburg Bnivereity, where she reit under the influerice of the ee- yolutioiiiste. °eying to the oppor- ttlinei4cYzail.11,:162,3100dv,),a1 est. 80t,r1 geteetcli ritgo 1114010-11; his eihjesty, Site aceepted the MiS- Si 0/1, 3)111) her strange, dereentior ati.- 1•1\1:11*-ontec,"4,11,Listel(lie ,j304.1371 enii3t11,60,511t.... 0 r :.0411.4101fcfini,leb, wee round (40414)0430(3voseee 13341 cloole Si Ilitt.oeilt• itto(nek.‘nottt(?erigi sesen4still•aittilti i 1 -Ter rale is not l'•410'4.414, 14441. lt 121 Qh- ,dergoOd 1.13n,r1 448e. 444121 c014.11‘;14304,41 0.en t With groat solemnity and care, for the shell was required for the pur- pose of being mounted in silyee and used as a cup, one end was sawn off, and the contents, which weighed a couple of pcionds, were headed over to the club cher for him to exercise him art one The omelette, however, did not quite come op to expecta- tions, INI'Ll.TX OF IMBEIGItAeNETS. 50,000 Have Already Gone to the West This Season.. A despatch from 13:ontrea1 says :- The rush of imanigerants into Cana- da con.tinuas, and according to the iminigratioll officials here -before the season is over 200,000 immigrants will llave entered the Dominioir 8i21ce4, last year. Since liondey e141orning07 moro than 5,000 imotigrant.s boundo for the Canadian West have been handled through 1103o01e511. ‘44 It is estimated thot this seasen eta epady about 50,000 immigralits have gnne, to the West, while 14),St seaSon'S reeOrd vas About 1,00,000. As season i8. just aboat half over,. • the - o16ci,ta:ls e-enres re - en, iie niajorite• 111e the inernigvaeta are'' great of British birth. Moet off - Otero are well supplied with money, and large PropOrti'n''' are cord Will be more 'than equaled he- pOaC e • the tide of travel berths ' to slackT China 'Opens Shan -Tung ,P:Pen°iBn7shtI.a:EiTE' • A destiatele <root. PeltineSCAYS impe2 ial. ediet volute ariey: 2" ,,114)4 ' • Wodneclay., 01.0448„110. the eninmerce .01 (.110 world 011inaletlere Wei-Shl-Teh cool Chou-Tsitit , th Shit rieTung , peninsula', • •