HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-19, Page 8TEWA `..2 -EL Et EX -1-1-1 Mr SeIT. IST.O11zfl wa in Len - don end eleffelo, last Week or t OUSE CLEANING TIME is with us, and we are doing a great house furnishing trade. Our toek is very large and prices so low' "quality eonsid- I" that our customers are more than pleased. Our wing of Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, Wall rapers, and ,inoleums is very large. Come .and see our display whether you want to buy ornc,t Remember you are always welcome to see through the big store whether you want to buy or not. 'Mc for a splendid range of uew les, terns ire :Intim, Carpets, geeens, wilS, reds and brown effect% T y are great vale% veiy SPeeial super petbeelute newteretterus, designs, good elleete 751- fee.tbe very ehoicest rngtia pure eol C'arpets, all new Pate tesais eliseiee eoloreige. none better rk the trade,. reds, greens„ fasves, eve -ea eelors„ and the new orieotal shading% till awl 00c for two new Tapestry Carpet% solid hady frames, choice new patternsenice bright colorlogs They ore good loeleers and great values. $1.00 for the choiceet and, best Ave frame body Brussels Carpet, that can be produced io Exeter. Beautifot new oesigne, im-to-date patterns, big vaines. Wool and Tapestry Room Rogs, 3x3 ycl% 3x35 yds, 34 yds and WI yds, tali new design% and lat est coloeings, a lovely lot to eelec feeeeo, Came and see thew. rd for Nairns best Linoleum 3 yards Wide. th rd for Nairns best Linoleum 4 yards wide nw eo.',orings, new patterns. Ask to see these special lines, we .adoiog a great Wall Pa s! We sh-m^ both Can 1.)-nUUat-ty ? Now is tr selections. Did on say f..?r wooeen ing bot t1u „ rade. Our sock lin and American od time to make g Quality Shoes for siest fitting, best king, and iougest -e know of. Ask for King Quality easy ili elease you, they have pleased others. or BUTTER, EGGS and all F1ODUG5 A. STEWAR.. T Try D. Hartleib'e for your wateh d Qlock. repeirs. SAtisfp.eaou guar - teed and prices moderete. Beose watt tyonIng; lady , iact a eas,beee and pookeleeeper, play t"u writing, etatiog expersence, tiny. . Amen Percy Collier, eeceetery to Hon, Clifford Satron, Mite e ofJo- bas disappeared from Whini- er with Violet. Kelly, his stenograph. Colliee leaves a wife and, several ste al children. Rev. W. Rigehy, pastor ot the l‘leth- odise elnateh, ettill, who has been well f,ar etene DAllqithS,t4literea rath• Si^l'it•OS reeently mad fot some days 'was in a .1:magi-tette condi- ion, bot s better again. Meesrs, Bawden & teDonell have disposed or their imported Olydeedale stallion, eTirawadd St. Clair" to Mr, Donald Burps, ot Zerich. Re is a very large hose, a tine specimen of the Clyde and i$ highly recounneeded, 1 Spa -tally prepered soap for insecie n roee-bushes.whach le highly weenie- euded by florists and is said to be a ure remedv also good Icsect Powdee. eliebore, Paris GeeereLondon Purple orderaux Mixture and other insectice. . Sold by 0, Le Az, Centel Dr tom Exeter. The Marmais of Donegal. ;whns e th zaparted. vete xeerried Dee 9' 2. to *nes Violet. T. wining, of Ha Ito <tee OeS yeare of age at Oe Oa le 1} 3, a stem and heir r• Cho mai-wales who had tie lee everaely 10311:10.1. Wit Ian U. aaVIOZ2', Mr. Tiws. Olce who has for a, inter - r of yearn been the gouda! elerie of C'ential har has purchesed ethele and trade of the King'io- e anti with Ma. Oke eft here this week for their new teme. Mv. Oke ie well known to the fling public generally as 0, nim basineseabiity c aurteoue and tag, having many frisnds here • ewhere who will wish bine sec- t- in his undertaking. RENT.- Pa..sture for Cattla by the Month or for the veaeon. River run- nitne througb pasture. Apply to J. , HOWARD ROPERTY VDU Deeirald petty in Exeter with itable rest- ce thereon. Goed havestment, p yto Geeetaete,e; Seevenrinee nue; Meeelhee---The eitareltelders ae Exeter elate NVorloe Cue will • their ennead ••meaty: t olay, June Wall at . m. j'. -T fl.CerEnee, . MAL I am prepared to do in' ts USW Q11 the frbOrteSt 11,11 IiintlOt fruit treee, *clone soh.etcd. r.lso hare Feed e of aloe e..ty Gault and Dote- .. 0.1 ler eale, S. Powiter., urra Comvai.- If you iteve efeetive eyeAght don't fail tO COmitgli T. P. Smith, the Noted Eye Spec, alist, of Elora, who will be at the Commercial Rouse, Exeter, on May 27, tect. Seend hi another cannel. Folt UV elnet-KTY EARS ea. Oen Am) Weereremo Dr.m.Enr,--artS Weaslow'sSoo:Tainyiu ia hen nice ter • r sty years by millions ot mot hers tor their emu wnne toetheag, with 'Perfect sU0ii" FOothes the child, aottees the genre allaye kW. taro Mild cella end ie the beet remedy or Diarrhoea. Itss element to the mete. Leolli Soo our 54;': Vseleles S. M 19th 1004. See our cliePlaY I 1 1 10 Qf I , Linolemns Lace Curtains. eaesaseaseeeesee-e- Rugs & Carpets. stlionamo ee e teteli weelel ANNUAL MEETING given that th; Annual General Meeting bolder THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA the licad Office. 2*i King Street West Toronto, an Tu6saall th614th Da o inn tlw Sh far the election of Ditertors. =afar the transaction of such other busine s matey be brought before said meeting. The chah will be taker at 12 o'clo neon, By order a the Boavd. The President, Directors o.utl General. Manager will be glad to have au of the Shareholders present. Branches an Huron County at °Menton Dashwood Hensaii Zurich Clintot The uovereign Bank of Canada Exeter GLA.D.ILEAN & STANBleine Solicitors. F, E. KAR :Manage:elle:etc For marriage Licenses, , First class bicycle repairing done at Yedcling Rill1g9, • The Zurich baker has reduced his Watches. Clocks bread to the former price, ;ie per loaf. J cwealr-er, Spectacles tc-e Oats and Wheat wanted at the Ex- eter Grist Mill, highest market prices paid, Hanvov Bnos, T, Eaton, the famous Toronto mer- chant, was th OWu from his carriage and seriously injured. Mrs. W. Southcott has rented Mrs. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1Jas. Oke's cottage on Huron street formerely occupied by visits Exeter monthly. All classes of mail will now be re- Glagses Properly Fitted calved for Dawsou and all places in D. Hartleib's repair shop. T.74 O.N R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. emommeramserramommogressegsome..wmini DR. Ov ENS a' OF 1.10XDOX eargeon, °millet; Nasal Catarrh and. Deafness treated. Office COMMERCIAL I-IOTEL. Date e of visits, wEONEsDAyS, Feb. March 2, March. 30. May 4. Jane 1, June 23, July 27, Sept. 7, Oct. 1. eTov. 2, No. 33. London office 225 Queens Ave. TO ADVERTISERS. he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon, Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY. MAY 19bh, 1901 Locals D. Hartle') sharpens Lawn Mowers. Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add on page 5. General servant wanted. Apply to MRS. B. 5. O'Neil. 75,000 brick for sale apply to FAR- MER s.. Exeter. Mr. Geo. Encrett is adding a new kitchen to his residence. Mrs, Davis of Ha.rnilton, is visiting her mother el rs. P. Fisher. Mr. and Mi, Will Carling left on Thursday on the ticket sellers excur- sion for St. Louis. Re. W. M. Martin preached in Car- mel chUrch Hensall on Sunday after- noon last. Revs. Dr. Hanrion and Godwin ex- ebanged pulpits on Sunday morning last. Miss Olive Prior who has been visit- ing MISS 001Well, Hensall has re- turned borne. Mr. J. Wood ymrchasecl on Saturdey last 100 heed of cattle whith he will put out to pasture. Iukon Territory, navigation now be- ing open. Miss Edythe McCord, of Ilderton, formerely of Exeter has taken a posi- tion as stenographer with a firm in St. Louis Mr. 3. G. Stanbury has now a very handsome driving outfit which he re- cently purchased from Ur. Fred Hess sr. ot Zurich. Master Earl Soutticott, who has been confined to the house for the past six weeks with scarlet fever is now able to be out again. d8r1" r los, 11 the newest lveaves in Matting% Vestings, Madras, Piques, -tens, Voileus, Faney Mnslins, Black Muslin% We don't heeitate to saying we have the largest and finest showing of wash goods in Exeter. White ueeting newest weave in Pheid & Check Mogi ;kin in Blue. vliete epode, tine rich finish utakesi Pink and Move wareented fast Colors walet or theme. 40 Se, 59 a yd., correct foe elaildreeee deesees 10 and White estavese Cloth 32 hiches wiile I Lee, per Yri. )k fiie C1t tect fne snit o4 Binek Me:maize3 eluelin, rich silky waists 21o. per yd. fitotele with opeo stripe very pretty White Fancy-elereerleed vet y ftoe silky finish in stripes ad small yea figures, very special 25e. per yd. White Mediu% fine lacy effecte, dots, stripes and small neat Patteros. 15end 25eper yd. made over calorie ask to see this line. Extra, special 0e. per yd. Black Dress Muelins with fancy open stripe very pretty lacy effeet 20 and. 25e. per yd. in, , 20 . Black Muslin with small White dot, Fine English Chambray m Blue and, colors guaranteed perfectly fast makes Champagne, with white Polka Doti a PrettY dress Mc- a -Yd. go:are:twee ee:e. (-elms up-to-date foe White muslin with small black dot waists or dresses, 2e, per yd. Fancy Knicker Muslin in Blue.Pink. y and Chanapagoe with white flakeesa lovely dress, 25cts, a yd. Fancy stripe Gingham, 30 inches wide in Blue. Piuk arid Grey regular 12e, reduced to $ee. ek Drees Muslin, pretty stripe, fish.. guarmateed perfect. fast peetal 25e. per yd. I-Iasiery 5pecial. 21,1,4, I.edies Black Cotton Hos 04oz, Ladies Black Cotw tota Ue* scaece geods, very fiesItiontelee 3; ec. 8. Yd. Feney Floral Alueliaa in Pink, Blue aod Chatnpagee very mealy for dress- es or waists 1c. per yd. 1()U0 yds. Oxford Shirtiog in pretty stripes awl checks guarauteed fast colors. Specielly good for boys suits and Bionsee. regular 1.5c, clearing at nie, a yd. • emaless Wet. fast, color, cleatingI y Lace Front, worth. 25e. a pair „. roe. per pair, learing at-- _ se. per pair - ELL 'CAM e ke agf$ for in- kwa serrd.The stained in a rimaway accident ehtrcb nn.1 tbeziavoa gueet$ -.from ber on Queen etieet, teante up emelt= nail EXter. belieg greseett. efore Mr. uetiee AJereidith, Ur. Stalhato ardred.here nibota one rd on lueedey. Mie$ Mille' year ego and has, many friends, who 4 sum auti eos which /wifl weltmrcal :OM yeeuag beide, wad iikeyna.ounk or extend. Lo. the liai?py couple best wish tated that the town will es Zoe prosperity an this, their :adopt - to the Co nrt of A ppealo ed mutates'. ILE Ci Hales FOrtReesewree---The last storm period for the month as central on th or mo, axocitn.,i dainty suppee• ly of the Trivitt A bus load of delegates attended the District Convention of the Woman's Foreign Missionary. Society held at Woodham on Tuesday last, Mrs. Crocker, of Buffalo, is spending a few days in town and will hold an auction sale of her household effects at1.30 p. m. (to -day) Thursdaa. Mr. George Willis has succeeded in securing a residence in London and has moved his household effects to that city Mrs Willis leaving here on Wednesday morning. Mr. Je Kestle of the Sutherland. Innes Co, St, Thomas, and who was formerly manager lof the company's works here is spending a few days in town, Miss F. N. Northcott, daughter of Mr. John Northcott, Lake Road, left on Wednesday last for Hanailton where she will take a course in train- ing for a nurse at the hospital, Mr, Ben Makins has moved into Mr. H. Hooper's residence on Main street recently vacated by Mr. Atkinson, Mrs, Harness immediately ta,king possession of the one vacated by Mr. Makins. All.,..parties wishing to have their'. Jot in Cemetery clipped and attended to during the season, should make ar- rangements with the caretaker as soon as possible and giye if possible the number of the lot. by druge,iste In every Part, ot tbe wade. se eente %bottle, Ike value le Incalculable. De sure and talre Mn Winslow's Soothing Syrutt and ask or no other kind. leen elf a Mrs. Leatborn,-,TImda It veeurred on: leondee- London: of Serah T.tatborn, wife tit Mr. John Igtathorn, at 71 Caventli.sh street. Der -reeved who. was in her 47th,vear. wee the second d enabler of the lath Jr. 'Tlionia.s Havercroft, She is sur- vived: by her husband, two sons and en" daughter, natively, John, Roy anil eeleebtel, all a London. The fun:area cole plea:. on Weeleeseaet to refount Pleapanl Cemetery:the ser,vice.,,being conducted by Rev. ES. Salon. 'etr. lea. athetn formerly, conduct° <lthe Mau - g oat •Rouse; .the deeetised (being w elt elle la.vore,bly known. The mane' friends in this vicinity extend syna pa 111,y I 0 the berea.ved ones. ;Prune Treeet pl ene trees in this vicinity have been ed by ehe Iseve.re wiuter. Owners. of plum trees report from one-farth to ont-helt of these trees dead, arid some even. mere than that. Tine full ex- tent, ct t•hel os.s is not yet known, as giaa.n,y, Tens [hal are not entirely killee; )ilave also peen effecLed, a'nd will probably. die. The enormotis eaine oE plums lo.st ;your may possib- ly lave had something to do with the • bu t the fact that green& tree.s that bevel not y.a,L 'Jot • ns tiuit are „alwx deed, Nroald. Lo show 1. hat tlie Alps treicti on is dein to the einuenally severe ,winter. Other Cite niece do not appear to laece npateered The eggeee, wee:elle of, ;snow hie broken flown the berry bush as. to exlent that many nailehea have bee natesLroge,d. Grand Celebration at eilmetter.-eele- aria Day, May .24, 1904. The -Sortsp will commence at; 1 o'clock,. and italee eilevee en ...the Ategiceireure 1 "Grounds, when elle following events will lee place' end> the Dele owing prizes will be nevarded :$10.00 prizes' Tor baseball ma tete Clreditcn vs. Ex- eter ; football match,. Dashwood vs. !tug -Weever, .11teeeheri !es. borne ; wrestling event, catch as catch can. $5.00 prize for illighland (men) Scotch Reel, sword dance, horn- pipe ; flengjeboys, and uitrls) :Snatch reel, Shataerewe, Trite].) jee el00 yard race, hurdle :race, ;obstacle; race, .1)11 t t ing the et (pee, throwing the ham- mer, long hoe, op and; Stunp, long ;r nu ing jump. ; a Ilse! 2 bicycle, eaCi25, Boys undee 15, 1 mile -Prizes swea L- ens for 1, and 2. 'Open ;2 enitee--"P ri z - es, Silver Caps (foe lsttand end. Mir. 'C4;2orge Anglia,. otf London, and Jelin AViloon, St.. Thomas, Iik- land ssipeee, will play Scat& airs. Ex - e tor `bras : band in, a, tjandon °et d - miselon tta opuds 25te, ,noeseuneee 12 ,a drn ted, rgro ands Irree, of chit te ge, Ghoice concert at, night when Mee IN1,3140,3,, enter teener, sate 'Earth and Mien 'Susie eleGill; ,Len- de.n, are to take. pari; alen one, Or, the letetst Pa.nepticon moving pictur.. Va ;and 4,11astro4ted sang sung by elle ee.I",a els Vincent. Plan of Hall at Di. Lute's Drug Stoic. Admi,sson 35r. a.'nd 251c• llitth, covering the 24th to 29th. This ny teyererature . P,the bevoniete; ekle ele a paratue peeled come in wat tang tem, wha nfornieo let, nhn it nil 'mann' parts by the llfith, t air be can find al;01, daring thse 27h, 23th and 290a beight, of most, parts ot the eountry will be uwarti, tben, while touched by itutive storms in their east. th, .1:atrial ex. ward sweep acroes the country, lf by. rihe bac s auy means, hot. dry, brassy weather, as t.ueh aIove his heed. De with earthquake and seismic distur. dozen tiro every morning and banes, should take the place a elect. .enit, win be e, (41e$y, oeyeieremene rical storms in the early periods of the will surpriee any one who has not month, this last storm period may the expeeintent, taring a daily cycle of very severe storms. As to the general outlook for issakzg on ST. 1.01118.-A spec. (May, we believe it will be up to or ain consisting of seYee Penmen above the average in warmth There sers, two dining cars and a bag- win he emeg twight, and pleasant gage coahaTillg on heard a larg8 nem" weather between the periods of severe her of the melte" a the Ceeeflten storms. Exeessive Venus rainfalls, and Quebec Press Aesociationsoiccom- with destructive hailstorms in many Whitewear Sale Now is the time for summer goods and we can show you a complete range of white -wear and Blouses, We have a very large stack of the most stylish goods ever shown in Exeter, at the very lowest prices. Come and see for yourself and you cal -Met help but buy. NIGHT QC/WKS-Nicely trimmed with embroid- ery and iusertion made of good Callable° frem ri0e. to 31 460. SKIRTS -Made of the finest long cloth with muslin frills and fine real linen lace and iusertion trimming at from $1.00 to $2.75, CORSET COVERS -All kinds and all sizes, trim med. with lame and embroidery, seamless backs and sleeveless at 25c, to 75c. DRAWERS -Made of the best Cambric with cluster tucks, lace, embroidery and insertion trimming, very eheap at 25e. to 75c. CHEL'alISES-Real nice with beautiful trine i for 50e. WHITE SHIRT WAIST -A ry fine lawn waest trimmed down front with yoke insertion and tucks at A real good one with 10 rows of lace insertion* Collar 'and Oeffs, Hemstitched tucks, only $1.00, beatay with swell loeertion down front, back and sleeves. Teeeriffe pattern no. CARLING 1-3 ROS. niture and Undertaking We carry a good end well assorted stock in alI lines of our trade. Otir 11110016 .fitaltil:MattrOSSOS Are made of Pure • nteed, for $5.00. We can sell yeti cheaper, but nailing better can be bought for the money, With Sprmg House Cleaning comes the need of many things, and nothing so much as d clean pure mattress, UST N Opera House Block The sections. may reasonally be expected kale I er aaniett by their wivee passed through .,ondon itturday euroete to the 't". though these rainstotnis will be large - Louis Exposition. They will travel ly confined to central, 'western sud via Chicago and will simal some daY.e southern sections. All parte will have in St. Lotus. Annear thosefrom this county v,•ere a - 0, II. 'Sandere, Advo - moisture sufficient for present needs, but large areas will approach the sum- eate. Exeter ; W. D. McLean, Exposi- - Bradwin, Standard, Blyth Mr. and , mer pertode, verging on to drought tor, Serforth ; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. conditions, Mrs. 11, B. Elliott, Times, 1Vingliant. TI1E RAET, IIIR.L HICESf AND iOnANADis I- Sprooing Fruit TreitasenWhilg tell:. .ceropavison of Mr. Hick's forecasts A WE T tE - '1:110 0 W g a opralyingi a fruit, exeses is very with. Canadian weather for the first seam,' it would, be well, to rememb- seventeen days of May. ex' that spraying when trees are in bloom is contrary to mw, the ty fer so doing being a heavy fine Penal_ 1 FORECASTS THE WEATHER, The perfect flower has stamins and VI118.-C WEER: iParrics pollen, N,,plio the; pistille.lie 1 r, *nee have no. pollen requiring 1)trlieo_ ; _ 1.0‘eilll'aulPegte'atritrge aid of a I istaaminale varlet; -to , dace eruit. This necessary .pollen is c-arried by the beets, and. eeldiainhal- ing the rragrance of the blossom and performing good work tbey meet death trona' the poison containee in the. raixture applied. • W. C. T, U. NOTES. -The postponed temperance meeting of the W. 0. T. U. will be held the same place on the 25th instead of the 18th as an, nounced for. The people of lelenheine far east an d who have adopted local option _have south. been haeing quite an experience. Storms -From Very little inconvenience will how- the 3rei. to tbe 5th violent storms in many sections. Ter- rific rains with hail and thun- der, chiefly in central states. ST WEER' Temperance - A change in tempera - Warmer in wt's- tote took place, more tern extrenaes marked however in during first five the east than west days. The week during the first days I will close with of May, and in all boreal weather, parts of Canada the 1 o w drop in thermometer regis- tempera t u r e, tered forseveral deys with night over 70, but no chang frosts nor t h- to eool weather aced- ward,spreading rred.the temperature remaining the same to the 9th. A few local show- ers and thunder sto- rms were reported from the Territories and Menitobe on the 4th and 5th, knit none of a violent nature and no hail. ' ever be felt by anyone. The hotel keepers have locked their doors as wet] as their pumps agaiust, the trav- elling public. There is a pablic town pump onthe .square under the auspi- ces of the W. 0, T. IL, with tiough accommodatiou for horses, There is ample shed roein and the restaurants serve meals or lunches,while the hese. isEceein wnens. went of the Metbodiet clan ch is open as a commerciel sample l'OUtti. First period IJP -TO -DATE DISC1PLINB. - "All 8 -10th. T e in - mothers," says Mrs. Theo& r„, w. perature Bee_ Birney in the June Delineator,eshould ing thermotue- be coguizant of the danger signals ter, aPPeacing which in most cases precede an out- first an west, burst of temper, and the wise and just mother ie sbe who will, through the exercise of taut and patienee, prevent such outbursts." No light task is this as it implies Constant vvatchfullness and resource, but the author offirnas it is more effective and less harmful than methods of prinishment, and gives as an illustratien the case of four cla ild te newho had reached a state of general fretfulltiess and ill -nature over thereontinuous possession of paste pot and scissors, and were rend- ered positively jubilant by the simple suggestion of a wetchful mother that they play windmills for awhile. J.Lhana-13arra 1:)t. -,i1 very tiuizt cercinony was .tec,,ilfornaesi by Ttev. 11, . "M. Perkins, in Ore. Trivi Mem- cnn on Thursday-, May 10 1901, Alien Mr. 'Hooey L. Sita. thorn, iSS' Eliza, wao united n marriag& toaVE. Cola wave trom 10th t o 12th. " Storms -- Cy - c I e- so f daily storms proba- ble, electrical storm e on the 10th. Second period. 12-17. Temper- ature--- Change to warrn and balmy weather. On the 1 5 t h evaani and om- inous. atmos- phere. Storms--Hea- etsdoy evg, pnevieus. The b "d here vs/ rains thun- enin parts. Elizahe Barra tit, who arrived • i der and hail n Dram her old home in England Tu- naany w)110 was a.t,tired in a brown travel- ling dresswas, a ttendedlay Mess Ceer- tirade Seatham; eiptee ,or tbe groom. Me. 'knee, Se.a tepee, peasformena ithe (Neese of •groomsman for his brother leeteriehe earem.ony a reception wee 1 SEI) CONWISER:. The highesttetnper- Mures reported for these days are as follows: Cal.Win.Tor,Man. Q. May8 60 62 72 11 7g May10 02 62 56 00 48 These figures show a drop in temperature. T h e temperature renettinecl about stat- ionary these days. On the Sth and 9th showers and local thunder storms occur, red in the lake region Oa tee 10th heavy rain fell in Quebec and maritime prov. No change took pl- , ace to warmer condi- tions except a slight one in Manitoba, Hi- ghest temperatures on the loth at the five pointe above, were 50, 60, 53, 03, 66, Heavy rain fell on the 13th around the great lakes and on the 14th in eastern Ontario and on the IG in Que, N. 8, and N. 5 Showery weather during these days also in Manitoba and N. W. Territories, Mill HARVEY BROS. Proprietors. Manufacturers of and dealers -in- Flour and Feed Brands ['tire Manitoba STAR Best Family Floss PRINGESS lithERILET Coiee Pastry Flour! Breakfast Food Wheat and Oats wanted for which highest market price will be paid. 44,4•••••••••••••••••••••••• WHOLE NMI FLOUR „ • 01009000000000C4r -4:20 00080 3 • MANY CALLS 0 are received from business firms and el 0 MANY STUDENTS are placed in good positions each year by the fa -6- CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. or - • This school stands for the EIGT1EST 0 ii AND BEST in business education in 0 ,,, Canada to -day. many business colleges 0 employ our graduates as teachers. We 6 4 have scores a applications from other 0 te colleges. Ask to see them the day you le g enter. Commence course now. Catalogue 6 et•, . 0 et o a.oe W. 3, ELLIOTT, a 03 1)- e Principal : a„ enteuelteleoesentateetteemeise, *twee ItEXIIIIMPI DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -theypye h are tbethed e aotrelst. a nTdr my ao s tpiancpackage. i r o ve Brushes, ed. All colors at 0, fetere, Exeter - A Great Battle Fought and Won Notwithstanding the battle with the snow blockade, Ross &Taylor are etill on top. with relarge stock of build- ing matormis. Having placed our orders for Thirty car loads of Lumber Lath and Shingles We will be in a, better position than ever to stonily our roany customers with all they may require either from shop or yards, Bee Keepers Supplies ready e delivery. Place your Orders for Tanks early. • Estimates cheerfully given. sreCall in we like to see Y011."01 ROSS 84 TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. 0.001...tiMIZIMMIMPICalmat -AT- ROWNINGS Satisfaetion Guaranteed Complete assortment of uo-to-date e atomics I3est Quality, Lowest Prices, also full'. supply Soho f Note Books, Sec. rvigs Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles; Combs and. Perfumes. _Mrs, John (Sanders, of Killarney Nan iS retnrwing, acquaintances in town , It le eleven years since Mrs. Sex:chive visited here before and she mey Spena some time in this vicinity. rownings Drug Store