HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-19, Page 6'4.41 to, flEALIII BLOTCHY SISINS, inee A Trouble Due to Iinpnre Blood Easi.ly Remedied.. Bsd blood is the Doe great cause .B11011ISI AND SililiTOISIIIIBIER GIVES TIIE REASOIi Will 81000 GODS 170,11, TE a•Ap.ax- ESE TO WORSIII.P. ' ._...... !,•.* . ....:. a bad complexiou and blotchy ekins. nte-PINS HI'AITS-I TO DODD'S is why you must attack the Some Sisal' Villagee Are Ylade 11p, .Almost Entirely of XIDNEY PII,LS. trouble through the blood with Dr: TREATMENT OF BLRNS. Willie/xis' Pink Pills. AU botch, Temples. A burn is noel a fro-Ito:et oceideet hotis, ulcers, pimples ' and palesess of After Yeaointense Suffering O g track rs f 'They Nade liim Strong and Well and. is withsl so peitiful tit any Olie. are the direct, uomistalea.ble result iraagintrYinto keel) and pay homage te 14ore then 8,000 who melees the sotihtest preeasse to of weak bleed loaded With impuri- to offend one of evhein, might Preen Lumbago and Other Kid- el-lotto:air wisdom silo,iiii linow what litiueesi., h.p 11:.elVeiiitliicla;nnts'olPeyintd%‘PiviellsouteiM t°tIzAsst down. the direst disaster QA the ;ley p..701tbies, to tlo to relieve the eufferer until pro- toffender's head I This is the task North Pelham, Ost.,, May 16.- ressioitril medical aid eau lee obtained, the iliWurities; tbeY actually malee ta, te brown little people or Josses. (,speelid)-esra, noseiea L. Thoma,s, a Aset Or the teetaeon Dar. sivrieers of sergiiial wore's nooiiiiii !new, rieli red blood; they strike of right at the root of all complexion ha'ye time th t I set be4ere tlieln) aud a busY stebetantial farmer of Pelham Town- ei. „itettetoti,it see,- ....-easessessessaa-,.. severity. In the lirst there Is nothing 1 0 eY• I'lls in-" (34 it. shil). well kuonal and highly re,spect- ed - • • no as od hae ,two of Ins barges into drurastias, arid -divide borne into three degrees troobles; they ere a poeitive and. per - more' tisan inereavd retinesS of tile nlaaellt enre fer a I ylreletit s:kia 41s" ' lie u4 tile usust Picturesque feu': Sitio. with more or less smarting 4,- ,SAses like eczema, seraglios piraples tttres °X the landsaaPe af inner JaPnn joilled the ranks or the ,srest is the multitude of quaint temples ru•ray the balance of lus fortune to his ehe elle:4N part- In burns of the i slid erysipelas. araey give py4 4 1 peeving out u.oltk the shrubs end, a 0„,nadiaris who pin their faith to friend Mr. Simpson, on condition that secona dem,a ,z.11,.,, suriaeo is iitiii itd, 1 goi_teas, elects. sort skis, free from all' grotesque trees on the tops of g Dadd's Kidney rills, Mr. Thomas on every 1 -7th of June he should re - 'With blisters of varloble extent. In tuelced beside dusty 27oraecan., :r0iivve:: his reasons for deins se as fol- Pair to the. foot of Bunker Mill, and, 4' Ise the sun rose, "beat on the drum full or rosy health, Mr. hale or but it ie eilso more or less cavered i bn inish ancl tMeleitstlia CiIrc)1:' .sLvialriabwels.t,°111,,'. iNnic. W. ririi5, ,twhaisc'000Ttil; titrIes: oBtrdecitiitilsrmellgian7s eaPef... s:,.":.-l:orir _s•ejle,railcied"eizrys ,Irrwouabslaeoriezvisiilfge tplieeed.sri,t,-stirriog strain of tlronleee 1 the third claee are placed the burns ' other dent Shintoisra, each with its pecus ""'"":' '"'"tat t ,,, 1 tons in an A Mr, stow left a. Sera of money which are really hurns-cases in width cured him of erysipelas after deeteoesta. lass sore. ena head aehed• nor ton,vue worship oi dean eneeetoes. There are alld. was in such a condition t la en eminent K. 0. "wherewith to medicines had failed, He .says: "My liar ceremonies and beliefs, those of the thlsnei at; charred or completely . laely of tho aggravated cle,gree, 1 hacl Lumbago, 'Me. d,tro---er of a, bt ro -varies in. gen- i ' ' ' ' ' •almost - ,,r4s unfit sor auything far svea.is 4t,t :.. urcha.se a picture of a viper stinging Skin was inflamed; My tlesli tender , ShintoiSm consisting • MI uitli Ow eNtent of surface, affect- ' - • - `,- - - • • i nt11Ptis benefactor," as a Perpetual wattl- ed rather titan witle the degree. but nothing helped 1,ue P,4 e 1 e several tirely of tun? temples, e It t gay, tie. ins; against the sin of Ingratitude. itvis coated 1 had chills and thouffht small villages made up en en re bnret or the first degmeoeindneinglaletlielaesi e it d, roofs ' listenitr,- brightly in "insOnmin, resulted and I was ' 1- let ne-d intense sufferer. 1 had almost It was 1), rich brewer who begueeth- Thus I 1 was taking fever. I tried only redness without blieteringe but gl, . , i s „ .P " , rdo petual headache and grew this in dition that on the birth pf her rt ler- ed 4,30,000 to bis (laughter cai con- uneil 1 beean. twine Dr. Willieres' the C Car N sPoneee suit ig a 1 , . surface of the bod'ea he eaused death, t'"°111 niY s'...7'''5‘enl'' an" 4- fl- ;child $he should, forfeit .-V,2,000 to a Tin% l'il.s and dtove the trouble beautiful,..a . ns, _ „ inv.olving about two-thirds of the !„.,. “ , ,. lin . so, his hook on ' japan, Lafea41,0 flesh, ithe best of health. thin these im ----w in Neorn deseribes the temple of the "I had been treated by a doctor isPeelfied hospital, :.C4,000 on the I Mils the best medicine fin. the. world _ • great Lord of the Dead. King of the without good results, so upon the birth of tbe second; child, and so on ressien ootil the W"life "th,0 actual carbonisation of en, ' ti boot and pest at the Ica haS been ' Sit clows Fluina.0 eurrOUnded by recoMMendation of a cousin, Who had by arithinetical prog .. s for blood troubles. ted • it is on every day record of cures quaiatly clipped trees,* and bright been. saved from a We of wisuy by 4410,000 W I $ eli)41,1$ , '110 Most desirable thing in the 1.1 ' f. 1 ' 1 • , . I) wi beds of dowers. Within its shadows, Dodds Kidney pins 1 ts,,,n talons Mr. Sydoey Dickeneon iv..u. &6e,oee survivod„ liana's Pin:, rills their world-wide "-- . , . to his 'widow, who appears to have 11S ...t, iat me eSte en . r, 4 "' , ..1,,ost hidden by (1,vic draperies, them, „ ,,I., ia ptonimence. nnev cure wilen caner gave nie decided s given him A , • bad tinio during his We, elF:% ef a burn tet extent or de- gree ie to exelude - 1 al pre- , - - . , glaring in all its hideousness, is the "The first box tea, the part from pressure) or rub- . ,, image of the god, Whose face is so beeefit and [tee eej • . fie •boxesion condition that she should SVellel me int. i , 7 ,t t the ! ... -a (mgo1 ,_ his bine', Cloths wet in a. solution of that it the Jalsanese wish the old 'freebie was a thing or the,' two hours a day as gravesids "fa geratine with the full name: Dr. to describe a person of horrible aIle rtpat Alla 1 was again in el cr,y way , company witii her Meter, whom 1 praver.t. drying eerve the pinpose stel- , ace et - - . ,, ,, Itlin;seees.li,e! loathes 'worse then she does 'CrtilliarY waallIngit"cla ar 'caeang- IWilliams" Piolc l'ills or Pale ' l'eo- - e 41-5- f ee is the 4 t - d ii o I ttodes anti covered by oiled silk. " te pie on the wrapper ccround every box. e ' f F1.1111,1a, 0 " A peartmee they sal, . 13 a is rosni.p, a I thloleiewnu-110. li, v 11,•ed then,. il 170lt,' can get these 1 ills at all dreg- The figure towers above nli other itliey ever heard of a. eaS0 of Kidney mirablY; anti the soda bus the further giets, or by mail al 50 ' costs a hex huMblo images in the icrilille- Frani' liiieeaSe 1?odd's Kidney rills would "Seine mon," said tale reeesennendation or reliering the pnin or six boxes for :SO.50, by writing tho wide epes, wrathful month Melee ,iloi„ ouro, • “regurds sosesey as a p than riticiPl . tetter an ahalrrSt AP -Ailing eh.W'lliams' Medicine r'• A The. I) • i. i . Co., a bright red, beard over a vermilion , Eimo as a laxury, to be indulged ise oil -is a thre-lionored leeway. INICIUTH-BREATHING. re. of block and gold, and in his I „ , . . , I own children, but, being- ;mead by fe Profit." only after dey ltas cleaned up a good Aaxture a equal parts of linseed -oil Brocieville, Ont. robe. ()11 1116 head' is n' i II"- ob( born a dernon evno devoured her snit linse-watee--the well-lir,otra etirron no - 4..— blisters base formea, the waten may hands he holds a sceptre. ' be let otit liv mai(ing 0, little SIII11 0 . . According to a legend about this i a 0 (-eel la's Of Broldha, slut 'became oi t 1 i s .---.4— .. bilety to Diseases of 'the DrOn-- image, there was once a noted ) divine end was set apert gte a god- * are of Ointments for Cal:m.1 ', hitt great (etre sniet. be taken - imagemaker who died and visited the ' des s to protect young children. that Contain lleroury, reteed FIZill near the edge of the chial Tithes and Lungs. . She is represented as a fair -fared .,„ i I'douth-breathitig is more than a, Itusi of souls, where he found •theas the covering Fin. ury will surely destroy the s o iliehit; it is en evidence of deformity Lord, Vuuna-o, his terrible face dis- women- holdmg ill ber l'Ight httoil a lotus blossom. while et in -i: breast. 1 und completely derange the 11rn 1".41 been 151-ivew` the ear" or disease in the upper air -passages: toiled, with rage because the dead : in tbo folds of her robe, is an us- ucous tier/aces. Suelt articles tem. when, eateries it Oreille .win.14e7.7 te lux."7-i'2'1.: -3. child never breathes through his man ,never in. his life hall carved his trent moo be nieded to ward 'Smooth frosa 'choice, ITe does .50 statue. I3is frown wa^:` so frightful ; clad baby. Tier temples are filled sboud never be used except an mboo pre- bapoles. front which are stains from reputuble ph5‘sicians„ as It• Mal Prevent col:Anse- If eielter because the passages of the • to behold. that the poor Shrinking with estage *hey will eci is ten fold ,ildn lies been desiteeeiell to acise are obstructed or becallse his soul exPeCted instant unnildlation. Stretehed ropes suspendieg tatty id -fan* thein to seed _you grim possibly gderiveo r or ief--9 (Irntil, argiSlItie treat- !ten:ells are enlarged, and he cannot Great was his relief, hosvever. when: InQu4S or 4'Ncintito Iv"Klagultitill. Iluire enterrh Cure, man- i • . d 'hi brought, as ollerings by ,the brown t by V. J. Cheney ds Va.. To - 'win be led to promote heal- i he stattett to breathe neturally so the outragedei 5 p , ii eantules no meteury. anil Is in fa:d prprent nxlinnyclikor, snprnmt. 4, long as the obstruction remaine. In ' 'sentence in the following words : mothers of the empire to win the ' ts.1:en., iaetersellY. astilig direetlYi 'anon 1 . theni or even gangsrene.„ . .01 coorse„ some lustances the. interference with , iliiiiii.i , you in..too no ..,t nme of „,, gona eiraces of 3,:ashiwint for their tee blecku WO. ,11161e0t1S Nur:races es the & . , , 1..1 , " , , Pin*, ' 11444'10 • in buying liall'a Catarrh Cane ' if tee born is extensive or deep only ;,resPoration is due to a deformity of 'Go back to earth and mare One, now segoyeis "C"O ones, be ewe you get tile genuine. It is talt- , , „ . "frF,1-ft:tl- treettioeut elicedd Ige given. 'stile chambers of the nose, but in a that thou has looked isoon see." One eortees often upon emelt sesrinese en ;menially eand made in Toledo, • el M • ntediteel riesistoace should be se on. id fisajOrity or cosvs a is caused by the k. .t .. Suddenly the On:lige-mei-et' found 'with sllitilt bamboo roofs hy the, side 444°-. 11.$ I's' 4 ` 4•7'heueY 4 Co. 'Asti, , . , per oci poesagle, ipreeence of adenoids in, the pharnnx. himself aliee again and ' the horrible or the hltillmoYs. In these lire weath.: sem by nreggssea, pro.; sae , 5 niontsile tree. !Enlargement of the tonsils may be :associated with either of those eon- —. er-beaten images of a god at one. bottle. , , tune quite popular in ,Tapan-the - A I'VA. TAt:11 OF nr !cations, or it slay exist alone. Children who breathe through BABY'S I:T.01J) ON LipE. s glected condition of the shrines in- I God or Roads. KO$11in. lila Om ne- Tillie hall's renillv Vilis toe eon n,-......... ' iliEffig when the Lauds are full ,' their mouthy aro rawass more It ble The little ones are frail--the:r t old ° dicates that he has co:A:Tit to he regarded, for gredual3y tile I do ..itiou find life a grand. patio's e lose of the greatest diftleol ' "Well, row flint you are u a tit. a . b 1 ees 1 „q n ig .a end rungs. They often 6nfier, to, ' rd of us'n - •t‘ it' la • - 1 to tho diseases or the bronchial tubes upon life is slight, The slightest I highly syn.'etom of trouble should be Met .0e/ ancient worship in chartainta and:song: ' "Oh, not The first thing* 1 , z* 1.11 w":sr cases the Strain i frOM disease or the ears, and. ' they a reliable corrective medicine. Ilaby',, UM Sees the dying out of the old I did after we got back from Our bon- oud ainiety, 'Whielt eanseS rosistance !rarely escape the Tirst oppoitunitY Own Tablets liave proved, by their . customs before the advancing meets ieeirnotin tints to hide my wifit's Mus - 'to the ineess, is even raore severe, ;1.0 cootreet the acute infections, for ;record of success to be an ideal niedi- of western civilization. end makee more troethlentlitte. the ill- Imeny ot these gain entrance through eine for the il s o' ii ari o tr WV: THREE MYSTIC APES. 'Perhaps the most intereeting of the , multifarious gods ore the Three Mys- prevent croup and destroy worms, ed with 'its hande over its eyes, an- tic Apes. One of theite is represent- of:nee, and that his absence rimy re- mity of the chest quite like that 1 1 ... i'els that he ought to be at his the features and a permanent. defor- The mother has et ,guarantee that other with his hands at its ears, and mat in F.,:,rions 3oss to himself and - which formerly more than now Ives , this medicine contains no opiate or the third holding its little, paw over If he begins by letting go, , regarded as an oeulenee o an inher- harmful drug. Arra. T. Pie Greaves. its closed lips, signifying that they others. • in his body and in his mind, and rea- i ited tendency to consumption. Maritana, Que., says:- "I have used see no bad thing, hear no bad thing, nose and throat often become evident Baby's Own Tablets with great sue- and speak no bad thing. tieing that the illness is beyond his These abnormal conditions or the that he /night as well turn his illness in early infamy; tbey are considered 'tess. They never fail, ars any expert.- Japanese mothers take their little own ower, it will soon occur to him 'to account by getting a good rest otit OS dile in a measure to hereditary e, en enCe, to cure the little ills of dill- thildren to the temple of the lfystic transmission, for they often appear or"-'" o „,„ainee imni„ Yon can get these Tablets Apes and there teach them to avoid of it. In this frame of mioti his in ,several generations of a family. l from a- ------ --- el* they listening to gossip or prylog loto Their existence in a child is some- 1 I will be sent by raall at 25 cents a things that do not concern them, Ounces!' of early recovery will be in - (Teased, and he may even get op from times revealed during recovery from, lbox by writing,- The Dr. Williams and to refrain from spealtiog evil of with his mind so mach Ito._ , measles, scorlet fever or other acute tlfedicine Co., their neighbors. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff his illness with so much new nits aud Trroekville, Out. cues -Lieu us nieces While the spring buds are beginn- to make up. in part, for his temper- - . ing to bloom oa the squatter little • A tendency' to catarrhal disease or statue of wrath in the temple was . ary abeenee from businese. Diet, ontrees in Japanese dooryards the pru- the throat mav develop. ' t , and. persist his remembrance of the Lord of the other hand, if be resists worries, (e,eci-en aufter he cause hes been remov- Shadotvs. Indeed it reserables more ident housewife completes her hoose Ileac] or the. Bureeni-"/ suppose you complains and gets irritable, he iri- Thismustbe overcome by ex- than anything else the product of a cleaning by a, curious care:peony know something of the duties or the totes Els nervous system and, by so ereis.e, coo bathing, and other hy- well-developed nightmare. known. as the casting out of devils, °mow, ApPlieant-"Oh, yes. They doing is likely to bring on any one ,gienac eneaseres in addition to such ALL SORTS OF GODS. professional, who wanders about the Oni-yari. In this she is assisted by a are to eOlne hate, go home early, aria of the disagreeaLle troublee known i local treatment th nliY scdo as little as possible while you are te follow me:isles: and thus he may may direet. ane neckshould be . . . r• es. as e - - i jail In the Shinto religion there are streets after dark ra,ttlinge his staff. here." need of Bureau -"Quite sat - keep hiene.eir housed for weeks, per- ,bathed with cold water morning multitudes of divinities. More than Upon the staff is carved the image of ,have beld public hap S months, instead of days. I and evening. The cold sponge -bath 8,000 are thought to dwell in differ- a god, calling his weird. cry, "Oni isfactory; you must tool cold bathing Should be beg= 2,060 teniples. For a small fee he' performs the office before." 'every morning is better, init habi- ent parts of the empire erishrined in we soto," which means "Devils out.' 'Among these the Japanese seem to ceremony of reciting a few Buddhist .—........ 'BESSEMER'S TNVENTION. I during the stonmer-titee. Muffling i lean. toward gods of raisfortune. Thus prayers and throwing dried peas Platre Veto a Sicin 'Dissase?- - 3of the neck should he avoided as, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald tread, Rin„eworm, Saved the Inland Revenue Depart -1 much es possible. they worship Bimbogaeni, the God of about the bouse in four directions. Ficzenia,Itch,Barber'sItchSalcers,Bloichts, ment from Loss. Graduated physical culture is al- i Poverty. It is said he is black and Tb e dee-ils, hating dried peas, are Chronic Erysipelas, Liver Spots, Prurigo, always accompanies Gm god of good ways beneficial. No child is too supposed to flee, leaving the house Psoriasis, or other trapiions of the skin - It is almost the universal impres- lock, who is white. Rather a pret- free from. their threatening presence. what Dr. Agnew's Ointmeat has doue for siert that the late Sir Henry Besse- t idea, poverty being celled by Afterward the peas are swept up others it can do for you -cure you. One ap- .clelicate to take systematic exercise under a 'competent instructor onless -Y mer was knighted in recognition or them, the shadow of good luck, as carefully and preserved until the first plicationgivesrelief.-35 cents. -87 the steel process which bears his the shadow is the absence of light, clap of spring thunder, when they it is sofTering from some organic disease. A most important part or name, but such was not the case and poverty certainly is as opposite are cooleect and :eaten, and the cere- . the course is -the cool shower, or ,- says Caesier's Magazine. The hon- I to opulence as darkness from light. molly is completed by the hanging ' or was bestowed in 1878, when he I Smallpox, which often. devastates over the doors and wiadows of small .plungebath at the close of each per- -- lied or exercise, and it soon heconees was 66 years old, as a tardy reward the whole sections of the country, also charms read° of holly leaves or the part that is most enjoyed. - for a service rendered the British has its god, whose votive offerinss return of the -unwelsome visitors: Governrne.nt aboot the time or his consist of a combination of cooked -....—....-4.--.. Youths' Companion. attaining his majority. 'The history IN AN OLD T'RITNIS. rice and red beans, placed on small or this, as told by James Dredge, is straw mats, whieh„are either suspend - that the time, when in his early ed from trees or set to float slowly Baby Finds a Bottle Of Carbolic years, Bessemer , came "into contact dews some neighboring stream. with seine of the officials of Somer- Acid and Drinks It. The devotee of tbe God of Winds eet Trouse the seat of, the Inland While the mother was unpacking and I-Tard Colds has a harder experi- 'Revenue Department, it was notor- an old trunk a little 18 months old eruto in propitiating his deity, since Mos that frauds on the Government baby got hold of a bottle 'of carbolic the victims of his anger are forced were perpetrated to an alarming ex- acid while playing on the floor and .to make the pilgrimage to his tem - teat. by the repeated use of stamps- hie stomach was so badly burned it pie without any -sort of clothing, affixed to deeds. It was estimated was feared he would not live for h.e save a cloth about the loins, ' what - that aa annual loss or £100,000 as- could not eat ordinary foods. The ever may be the 'weather. The tem:- sustailled from this cause, and to de- mother says in telling of the case : pia reached, the supplient lays his vise (Cancans for entirely putting a "It was all two doctors could do oflesings at the feet of the gods, and stop to this oecupied Bessemer's at- to save him as it burnt bis throat then. stands by while the ministering tention. It is almost superfluous to and storna.cle so bad that for two priests,'clad in loose garments as in - say that he arrived at a solution by months after he took the poisOn valids, drink decoctions of certain the simPlest means, that of perfor- nothing would lay on his stomach. herbs and roll on the .fiecir before the ,ating the Government stamps with Finany T took him into the country imago as a penance for the pilgrim's sins. dates. Now that this evident meth- and tried. new milk and that was, no ocl has found a hundred. uses better for him. His Grandme, final- These offerings, if crone men, con - throughout the civilized world to 35,-, sugg,eseed Grape -Nets and. I am sist of gohie, or small strips of pap- earesuard stamps or cheens, and to thankful I adopted the food for he er attached to a piece of rope and divide postage ?itaanp$, heirn,s- among commenced to get better right away supposed tp be peculiarly pleasing to the most common, it is a little (bin- and would not eat anything else. He tho god. In the case of women the cult to realise the Importance of commenced to get , fleshy and his . gifts are small metal mirrors. One this invention. To., Bessemer it cheeks lire red roses and. now he is would suppose that the. last state of meant, in anti cipat ion , vast things- en ti rely well, . the pilgrim would be wor.ee than the 4 , I . 'assured fame, a retaining fee of 1 -1 took bini to Matamoros on a . rirst from exposure, but as they run £6.00 a year as a Government (nil- visit and every place we 'went to. all the way to the temple, even when clot arid a great advance on the stay te eat he called for Grape-lCuts . their . have bodies have to press through' deep snow, they usually ar- rive at the shrine in a state of pro- fuse- perspiration, and itannediately warm garments are provided by the priests. So the peasants, being na- turally sturdy, rarely suffer in con- " Pure soap!" You've heard the word's. In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. 11 stitetta otel eavenvfaemutrufeii, tia:44x- Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples / I I Let us have yew." consignment or any el there articles and we will get you good prices. IDO_IIMISSiOrtd co 3 Limited CCM Wept Market and Colborne Ste, toOnObrrO. nees the toesils. But aside from such children. The Tablets cure 'all stem - Suppose, for inetanee, hat a man I possibilities, the interference with ach and bowel, trouldes, allay the ir- en down with the measles, when I breathing soon produces a change in ritation or teething, break up colds, A Sour Stomach anCi Soor Teanper travel hand -m -hand and are the otecursore of mental and physical wreck. Nine Ina mired and ninety-ninetimesin a thou- sand feed ferment (indigestion) is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweet -aid digestion.-Seeptlie nerve centres well balanced -they're nature's pan- acea -pleasant and harmless, 35 cents. -88 Miss Sharpe-"Tielieve vegetari- onisoi? Why, I lOve good beef!" Cholly--"I wish I Were beer, you know:" Miss Sharpe -"Never mind. Calves grow you ]:now." road to fortune. In reality,„ how- and I woold have to explain how he ever, it meant nothing, for though ca.rne to call .for it as it was his the invention was at once adopted, main food the official promises were soon for- gotten: F.-ITE.A....TG17,, ISN'T IT? A. istly whose name was Miss Rook Was taught ata sch001 hOWto cook,. The fellow she wed, .1 think now is dead ince Aliss Rook IAArned to oolt by the beee,..i.t "The names of the physicians who attended the baby are Di'. Eddy of this lows and Dr. Geo. Clitie of New- port, 0., and anyone can write to me or to them and learn what Grape -Nuts food will do for children and grown-ups too.", Name given by l'ostuirt Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each pkg.-for the famous little book, nThe Road to Well- sequence. MOTHER OF DEMONS. goddess who is particularly re- ECCENTRIC WILL 11TAKERS. Testator Wanted. Ills Skin 'Convert- ed. In.to Drumheads. There have been many will makers more eccentric than Mr. MacCaig, the °ban 'banker, whose last testament will shortly come under the consider- ation. of the Edinburgh Court of Ses- sion, says the Westminster Gazette. Mr. MacCaig, it may be remembered, left instructions in his will that gi- gentle statues of himself, his bro- thers and sisters, a round dozen in all, should be placed on the summit Or a great tower he had commenced to build on Battery Hill, near Oban - each statue to cost not less than Li, - 000. A much more ivhimsical testator was a Mr. Sanborn, who left Li.,000 . . to Prof. Agassiz to have his skin converted into two drumheads and -tr,rffrfalarli=SWItIk692,Sr.F=C:k It is s E To Cure You Plow That We Have Learned Haw - Relief ,In 30 Minutes. For years the: author of In,. Agnew's Heart Cure has believed that the health •of the h dart 3M almost entirely respon- sible for the health of the nerves and stomach and riow it Call be ptoven. Agndw's Heart Cure will relieve heart disease in 80 minutes and cure it. 1t, feeds 1,be nerves through the heart bSt giving the heart the neeeseary "power to len blood to the nerve centres; vered bywomen is KishiboymMth , o-P"P when stomo-ch disorders and nervouseese er or Demons. The legend is that disappear, as by magic. One dose will on account of some sin committed in co/semen. 29 a previous existence this woneart was or. Agnew's Liver Pins. 40 doses 10 Cents.' "And so you left your last place through having had words with your mistress?" "Well, mum, not words, WORLD'S PAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. mune-not adzactly what you might call words, mum. I only spoke to From April 25th to Dec. 3.St, in - her same as one lady might to an- elusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great other." World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est one-way first-class fare, good for fifteen days, fare and a third; good for thirty days, good either via Wa- bash direct line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to this. the greatest of all Ex - Fort Mulgrave, Jane 5, 1897. positions, should remember the great C. C. RICHARDS at CO. Wabash line is the shortest, quickest De,ar Sirs,-MINARD'S LINIMENT and best route. The only line that is ray remedy fox. colds, etc. It is owns and controls its own rails di - the best liniment I have ever -used. rect to the World's Fair gates, For time -tables and descriptive World's Fair -folder, address any ticket agent, or -J. A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agent, North-east corner King and Yonge Streets. Torolito. No girl is willeng to believe that MAKING IT CLEAR. marriage is a failure from hearsay, If a manes mother-in-law acts up it is usually his own fradt. qYZEMESSIENORIDRZISMAZISMNIRTMEI=MAI $10 in one prize for the greatest number of words., $10 in two five dollar prizes for the next longest lista. $1O in five two dollar prizes for the smaller lists, We win pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three word.: " ?MASSEY - HARRIS \WHEELS." Letters to be used in answers genly tee rneny times as they appear in the above words. Vompetition Oases ',Slay 3oth. bend in your list to.day. NOTE, be Massey -Sarkis wfitte with the cushion frame and arrow ;muter brake- * two imprevements tbst le knees way:inns Se farnouolp Popular. Write for our new " Silver Ribbon" Booklet. APDRESS, DERARTIVIENT "A" vCtE MOTOR Ca., Limiteds Toronto Junction. Will y u. love um when l'au old? ia whispered. "We'll wait till xca old."' he said, tiractleally. "It* ch as cox attend to just io love you when you're young.' Wiloard's Liniment Clues Burns, e Ted --"She olds rather odd fig - r " ma—No 'wonder! Iler oo'mr# nine dollars sleety -eight. her wo dollars forteasine, and her oes one dollar seveuty-four." .4444.44•644444* For Over Sixty Years einei Wieersevet awrenitei Sense ban been used by minions et mothers for tiers albino niele teethe)* Menthes the 4ltild, zetteugg Wigwag, alloys, pelts, cures IrId ealie.reentatts the s t einem suet !tomb, vole is the hetitatelOaN Or Martha% Seteritstiegt esete*lestae eold bydruyeiuts, throuetteut, Ma world. Ile anti end feeler 'ittissetetetstaltre SOOTIUSO Svitue." "She's n, lovely girl, and so slum - b her tastes. told iter that 1 hadn't much el an income yet, but that Hoped I could provide for her every Want." "And what aia she say?" "She saki that would. be all she timid Dropsy is one PositiVe Sign c? Kidney. Diseaso.--Have yen any of these u nmistakable signs? P uffiness under the eyes / Stvollen limbs? Smotherlog feeling? Change of the character of the urine? Ex. hausticni after least exertion ? If you have there's dropsicallersiency and you shouldn't delay an hour in putting yourself under the groat South Atnerican Kidney Cure. -86 Olara-"Oh, hum! wisb Provi- dence had made me a man!" Mother -"Perhaps he has, dear;, only you haven't found him yet." Mind's Liniment far sale everpillerP, The theory that boys are descend- ed from monkeys has recdived an ug- ly setback. A Philadelphia, gentle- man possesses a monkey who 'washes himself with soap and water., Lifebuoy Soap-disinfeetant - is strongly recommended. by tile medi- cal profession as a safeguard tegainst befectiors diseases. Mind's Liniment Relieves ReuralOa 'INTERPRETED VET/DING. curious wedding took place the other cloy in 4, church In GlangoW. Tho bride and bridegroom wore Voice afld could uot speak English, while clergyman did not understand language. The eeremony wait, • successfully carried through by ti c id of an interpreter. s.d.roirabie Vood al 9 '41 Tines quality and flavour. Nutritious and Economical. 48-21 YOUR OVERCOATS 1•••••••••••••••••=4 and roofed Sults setilelookbeetin dyed. It no AreTi sr ours lessor Lova, write term fuentrese, 131I BRITISH ArVitRICAPI DYEING co. ZIONTREA.L. MRS. JOSIAH HART. .4.1.1154144. ake,e.*arreesaursa-Irnaummemazoomssurs.o., "Georee!" "What?" "George!" "Ohwhat do you want?' - `George, you don't .love inc any more." • . "0, of coorsel do. Let me alone, I'm reading the paper." "George, if you do love -me as -oil used, why don't you tell me se?" ' "Deuce take it all! I love you, love You, love you,' love you, love you, love you, love you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you! Now, for heaven's sake shut, up and let me read." , Now cloth the busy. Japanese Improve each, Warlike minute, By loading up, his little gen 'And lianding-„Out 'what's in it., Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on ? Try Shiloh's onaum tion Cure Pourlitunz It coree the, :Most stubborn kind of coughs and colas. If it • doesn't cure you your nioney 'Will be refunded. ,, Prices: S.' C.eneeensen Co. 2.03 25e. 50e. $1. Lcit oy, l'eronto , C tarznaram.---exsq 1-28 AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1906 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" -insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog? The Winton Motor Corriade Co Cleveland, 0., U. S. A. Itepresented in the Dominion of Commie by 1115 AUTOMOBILE .ee SUPPLY' CO 79 Hind St., E., Toronto, Ont. Sul) Menefee In Chief DOECti)11012 Cities NO. 20-04,,