HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-19, Page 4'44444 M A Y 10t1i 1001 4.444.4 The water reservoir of the Imperial Oxford Rang is so desiped that it keeps a large volume of wa:cr :::t a high temper I tore. This reservoir attachment of the Imparial Oxford 1:ange is so , arranged that it comes in close contact with the heat flues and lzeopS , a plentiful supply of hot water ready at band,. Tie range i,; also ftacli , with art ens.eediney powerful, water front for use in eennect!oar wit'a a kiteliert baler. If your dealer doesn't itandle the Impeial Onllx,d, write to us for particuktrs. s The Giarne7 FOundrY C*.• Rfilwattedi Toronte2 Coalz.,dm. Ilarntreent Wanzai.ped Varaccuarnitia w............4,..#....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• he VIOLISONS ie' 0 •.,..,,, itheorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) ". CATIT.t.i. ArniolltZ1111).......... - . ......, - ..... . .- ., ,S3.000,1100.01-1 * lit Capital (A ta, ',mil yr) — , ........... ..........000,000,00 : SP Reserveof Fund,- .,, . ... .. .2 . i,$50,000.00 4. $7 IiInnwt f,,-. in OW.T.rio, iiii.eit,' AloWa", .2 al:7111 ,, al.nafioribit aril nt iattotax. 4 _ EXIE.TER faRANI,n0 4" * ar Open nvcry Lawful Day from ni .1. M. tear. 24. tower ninaritata ton. :7, fCa 1 I'. M. 46 .6 "A. Partner' Saler Not casbed or collectal. Forms suPraled • .;.. On applantion, DRAFTS on an point.: In tlie Doininleti. Oreat Britain ana Ino : 41, Red tst a te n Lot/ant alai sot at lowe-4 rate; .e..: excitation, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT i ', DelnOS'a5.- -Of $11,00 an.I upwarOs receivol. Interest nm -40„ ' pounded Li-Wyo.-atty. and added to principal June :nth attil December Oro. Pc- I i 4 .s. posits Rot ciao, ante .1,,ined. tV141. bignest current mon a intere .t ;dimwit. "r Ainlvarsccats Made to factuers, stock dealer and business men M . , .,40' lowest rate -non on moat bailable terms. Anent.; at Fa-etcetera:ono ticveralaent, 4. DiOicSOinat, Carling, Solicitors, N. D. 11 I) RDON, „Manager. • 110.41.404,444-***.....4474.4.0..-o0.4-0.41-440400.04.0-30S•44,444e4“), v •4 0 ,,S' `'.4.e...a bUlt• .4..r.41$ CiCa IlY faSt4=t1 f....40 CluitS I.C. OA, ?ca4fig ground are tbe Inlinins 4 , , ,„ _ , -,_ .4. anti 1./ ras.sez aK Canada, room than 3,- 'alenelar for May 190413.4,ilt,14,17,;111,Qu5 "ng lalmvu 121 4b41".. Billm.A.V., , , .... , . 1 8 15 22 29 '4.ixe-J1..; butt vq..i.-ea are built op ef, 2 9 Id 23 30 millet. a forage plant ; brontel Tugsp.i.Y......... 3 10 17 21 31 a fodder crop grown oxtensIvoll. in / WEDNFSDAY... . 4 11 18 2.3 WeMern Canada and 'which app,?ars TRuESDA.Y.....„ 5 12 19 2,1 akrzly after tho Anow lezive.,.4 OP: 6 13 20 27 gxeutni: wheal, 0014 clover. bIuo SATURDAY., . „.. 7 11 21 28 glarFo, and :hundrods o.f other, eholoe ...........—..-....„........,—................... swcanens. Cox,, u1 so =nen ,WD TRuRsDAT, -,,1.A.5: iftb,iipot the ieLobOlislanieut of tbo exiabits of ' the States, fintU Do piacein this dis 1 Litt.ary of Parliament for ACirain itti' ,T113 44bt arehe3 in' tile C'et(IgPIL ai.iolo a conspiouous piao.a, for a nr.tes --1.-; , c19 pia 'pill:dings, typifying :t,he Iiv Ca'nada's ..1.•grigulLural lilx.ittoit at ktieck Anduatr,r (Maur czotznLry., !rho hD llroriaFair is a h7,.tzruty and Pieinre$8.X WE'rks of art an111.112ar it shows a paron or an historicUrekld' ruake 'the Iseeee'l verY lire* vl'he vludowoi 'wader the ;point- a.r net u r o . ed arehe.s are. filled with bedi103 Canada's wasa,14.4ful exh'ibig in Lb: ctltretslted, graia. Polacci el Agrie ult rune at theWorhdv. lie:nocrati th tio,ano is the elffl,:e for 1Fo.ir is a revelatir.0 to Lila lona who 'tbc-' 211"P*riAttlt"-Xefial-;..IY.'"W" 14.a5r wit° haln chairge of 1.ble enttroogrteultural •he may 'lave ,liad an idea that t.grot tie. walls are lined with at U. couutiry lor one of cold and Ica 1 tractive exhibits. .T..7110,74 i; pCfrrforis Around the et:tetra:1 talr.my or $Lates displays f airpr sly:v.1- 1 PaTillon ars at trattivo 9ittle booths built to show to the bast. itilvaniagta 1.43,e110 I t bo3.to.1.13. of itiko blrap.(1- Luz, :boundless wzallit Canadn's 3na-nls antIPALrY and' no land u nail. Oust nuoilnf ett-vntnd to 110112y greater variet,y a products tha' n do and tuns dons 'of the ,pnalduct of the the grea t previneeN that adjoin Lbe atLirialoy make a beautiful sight. The natlpilo r„I.,Z-rtr lexempli.fie'd aroaLted St a te,S1 On 1 11;, north. failistr7 in; an interolating manner a, small Canada Las a 1.)ore4 10,000 stlaro iss built. of Inimple logp and br - 'kat u. thse. Es.1..eisilien's mammoth anchen and this bonne' is the model or an npato.date sugar plant. There Palatal. A grit.: atturn,..--x stracture that tmvelleti. an area of 20 acres and i"4 a liLinalare i27raye ofa1e tre'E and: 'the oadory s iliuslrated of, Low tb izqp is taken from the trees, how evaporated,. crystalized and made in- tangann A.nethr eefl- i. devoted Lathe canetal ;food Industry, and tVr"Va "aonia ins st.eclinens of all that is ed -i iblie from, all lands. 'Ile Canadian Ivaco ,:,..a tale ea:4 tside oirthe main a:Isles! Atm t mid wax all Ithie -0,1ructuren4 ,unriatalod laincroth. A ha- gabits, of flour, and ..the raannter Oin 1 *licit or a aalint orient s,tructureitorms which in is =ado, prove attraotive to the realer piece of this notanie ex- ar fitninors. The 'Palace or Agrioul-', ture will Pie he , rendez-faun or. all 'r ' Canadian visitors to the big Fair, and • One on the bandnomost of tlin;putb- in 'Fully merits being tnoroughly ,i tp Ile buildings in our country ifs certain- innneinn. Ay; :the 1.4brw,y loaParliament at ar- 1LOUTS LARIVE. _ . Ita,:wa. %AVIV of this raiidilnir, rne Ca nadain Pres Cornesporidont' . , Int/loin/10 on a, iarcialltic sc,ane,,, is one, , at 'tha World's Pair. •jof nano mond neorainabdin.,2; objecni 'it tbe mammoth: construction. It is an ' ______.— o• o intatctgon, 34 feet tacir'ons, and nns dttn Atitchell feet upward end brunh -- , _ etg the rafters of ,the Agrmulture Pa- illeeltal.---A dramatic: and humnroua ace. Its tram° is of pate and the sur - . recital was. given m Ine,opera house, •face tbat sliQWS is covered with glow - ton the 'eviatiing of ',Maw 5111' by tnvo it 7: -Pr When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You • are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and •irritable. , Your cheeks are Sarsaparit la b. pale and your blood is thin T13111' doctor says you are threatened with anerVous breakdoW1-1 n. ',e orders this •grand old family medicine. rev DiGTO. than 50 yeara X mere ascii nyern sawn/Armin% /ay tinnily. it is a grand topic at ail tfitted, and a weatierf al medicine for un. • pure "blood." ---D,0. ROVI',. West ifitY01), 001111,, oLoa a nettp, ATICTh 00, Airdrop. ,3 6. id Lowell, Mass. !or 'ICkfaRtteito*el reg.ylar vutt h • • #415, ,g! 1 'palmier y oung ladiesaar our midat in the {person of Thoresan,M. Seigel and • Heltena M. Dinbison, assisted musical- .51issea ,Yeo, Countn ,ancl Rogar. The stage, was tastefully decorated winh flowers,' tgairas, etc, and tine a 1. - +lanai !wane; tintroducenl.no the crowd- ed ;audience by Mr. LAB% Race, of ,ifia Reoartier. Ile aptoke very "kindlY .both knowinfg geniifrath childhood. Miss Seigel gave, . several readinge inierepersed by solos by Miss 'Denson ,anct piano rrousit Missea lton.nr. 8zzixl Cnnab, .They met yvitli great- a,pplauso with the rendition or it each number. Miss Seigel:is graclu- 'ate or ithe• Ine.t.roit • School or tElocu- ien., •he; than A, '1V731.'Sr s tx0120g, t 0)2(1T nnace, atgrnali ineinory (nail power .01 • t1.011Ve r,y. Miss Dobsonis one or prof-. ei5sa'r 134'Icigmti Ina //lost, igif Led re da- after sitting or bring „" a'ton• ,,-he has a slveel., rneglow sondition is corn -Monty worse in wet•I.' ' ' 1,,,roto ,0,06 „Itch jsr.. cotit weather, , alai -Mott that .(Atut,D'was co,n1.,rar,y 1111110N., hilliOt[8E,P[1111 Ali the news of Interest to Times Readers Moppeniug in these Counties. Huron r Xr.elWalc,rta Clinton, thaS pur- ft uow outOMObile. The Ilatfmani enta 1. ,Dirshwead, wal-Paa- about 42 cents on the dollar ntr. uiatattit, ra the Lake ma.det tainlonitife an a a half 'gallons or maple, syrup, this season tfrom 232 trees. This is teonaidered a gooj yield. A hinge airivaint, DV , Dutch Feria, have. been already sewn wear Zurich floinity, ,owing no doubt to the Tack tha a the „-,,nrIni. of them was .ver,,y- httg,b 't his tanining. • The a:treater aart, 'COL" the Kali wh,en 1 in the ncrithera parn or the tonouninp of MeInilloo baa been ploughen up adn. what na lett bas rather a pear pi-tea:ranee. ,....9.40a...1w...,-„,...,.,5,,,,....,--r.......a....,,,..FRas.p.,.......... .ISTANOA:Ftli 45F,Tlike WORLD.. „klex. TbninNota, wiro ronentin nolo Lis num weal. of 'flake, has fair- onirsodi t lie res1c1Corf er t Ellwoed, Anil natve that place ;shortly. On Friday lantt, Mina Ma Borns,. daustix ter <if J as -Burns, o f wa-s etinuni; tea as insane by Mania, trate 'lumber ap1,41 tits ovitknce 1)r a Snail). Step,. a re, `b,,ing for her removA to an asylum. Witc.,at Srut Iluron has surer...41 /until lbn line fronts,. , Almon of wtit be „To...ninon, and , tine tient dor:a. not nromina ny lin, a full erop.•Clover hail staffertil to inn Wit:rover there are inienly Fannie with weak hearts:taut 41-:ranootil nary. es, Miltburnni Ilear1 'and Nzrrve: will ix- 'found on ieffectual medivinn. They resicao. enfeebled, enzrlatadi exhauated. devitalized or over-work- ed men and women io vigorons heal- th Jbaan, ,Qz ;Toronto, parpm5 e.-oablisiting a granite inanufacturim te,statitshirtent ti,ottorteb, no has purellas.el islaiads Su 1.41.1-3 11u an which are largo ;stores or' nrranile, 1,-1,4 W. looliinaIror,ca:2- itat to operate the CQueftra. i fornx 0! reali., rroln. a hacknehe *tow to BrivIni*- tinnaaae, that 1)eans INolney relieve or cure.. you are kroubled with any kind of kidney connetaini, rive Kidnay a trial. Ciiittksi,tie, 'Chief engin.ter the big mill, /4:Lt arca-all, bad a narrolv otniapt. the; Wirer inay, anti Ls laid up with ,few „bad strains. 11e, was ap plying in./men/tit dronanng, to out. or the lekrqe tbolts; whela bis Arm "ea gift and lae 61140 /lead!: lo*.arg ht n 4 he rs,Ita it ana . 'rulna,p(1/ *to oave himself just in tiars• THE WORST ICIND. After piWs have eXisted for a long; time a,t1c1 pass,n1 t hrough different s .Las, tan: auffering is inten.se-pain tizrobbiog, turaors form, fill - old to bursting with black blood. S•yznp Vows indiealing other iroublei4 may appear to a thoroughly pile -sick This is whun Rem -Roll, the only in- ternal, the: onlyl- absolute pile cure, brzings the result that has made its fame. It will cure the most slubborn oa,se in existimen and a bonded "guaranneta to that effect goes with ea.ch, package. It is to be had at drug store, Middlesex My friend, look beret you knowbow weak and nervous your wife Is, and you know nhat Carter's Iron PIILs will relieve her, UOW why not bilrair about it and buy her a box. While nvorkinr, around the roller mill a L Geo. Morrinoo bad he misfortune to step on a big spike which. ran into his foot infliating a painrul wound. lie, had 'the, wound drerased by a doctor, and no neriona cense a nonce% ar.,e =retired. Me. john Ilarleton, of Liman, was brought bofore judge lqa;oBeth: and 'noon evidence or doc'tons Mixonnthur, or London. and' Cunsack, Itucan, wain adjadged insane and 'ordered le be committed to the oa,sylura. lins 'not dam won titer that's a raplf Ina your system clogged with no:too/x- .0,13S maatenials, ;that 3nalclos ty-ou Oni F. dull, drowsy, weak and miserable, Let Burdoe,k l3lood Bitters clear away nt line poisons, purify and enrieh yonr 'bl000d, 17111kq you reel bright and vigor oua. fYiET R11) 0 T !IA T C 0 170,-1 • ----,-,- Da fore tthe isaimurer come,e, Wto,oCias Norway Pitno 'Syrup a/intim:fro Coughs, oOlds, Sore. 'Throat, Iroarsten nes.s, Bronchitis, and, all Diseases of the 'Throat and Lungs. Perth Nat-he:11'6 pot ula lion L s pna :yen at 1900 an increase' or 48 over lest ,year. Aching Joints in the fingers, toes arms, and Other • parts of the body, are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism - that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. • Snfferers dread to move, especially long, and then ., Mr. naa, Davidsen, mai/anger or Ex- etet• branch or '':A.,fooria Co., Lid., into na 'Sunday' 'in ATurV5 Axgos Mint' or 1,nenon, Kan, loin organized• a musical (loan. tette ann will give a ,teri..9 of, enter- thert. )11. Walha hos sold )is farm on the St. l‘hiey road to Mr. dame; Mellen. :qr. WAIN • ion on darn. • • Un fc:*il on: nator- day anon -11c on Iasi Ilanry Tarmen rennin& !Blawliard, it t t advance it ana r 2F atear-. wintma who :"A wifak. 11,..'rvon3 t Sleepless, and who bas cold hands Aft feet, cannel: 1,e1 and act lik,) tti well porann. Varier's iron 'T £1.15 oiroula1ion, r,;t3frOr.".' nervotoi m• os and givo. alrePg,th and rest 11101Vrt B174.101;,,,, a 1116 Can, Exp .7nirrsia, %via imarrird Tox unto, on April 2Ttla hi a t rine ba-: inn 'alias lot Ile MoleS cr veci Amortatt theaneturea nrom seleeted for the, SA. Inan . 1'ition are ny 4,51.e.n (aria:at., ibilyard. Toront 6. a, for:ant' St. Mary:shay,. ,.'arr. 'nem a in et a ra ;n prr,gr.•;:i4 St In0rvz bui,MMT of a , trt' fair in .luir The. • Inv4 faxG,T1112, haw alpf. wletec in :hand promise A gr,311. /MU, , INIVSS Agt le 044, gx.eiors5s vs - law; Miss Wi4an. of "St 24*Arys. 000v, ,v,,tho,, own-, preperl on Quetn street WeRt. ward,. has .st-tpl .11,1 of, .'31r. W. 11. Toil& fomaral ol pajn". For Chnlorl .31iffrbud ,01101r1 In. n min. 'Cram „Diarrhoa. and Suanurr ' OA Dr. FvItes Extract of Wild t-Araw-. itzirry Koulpt , re and sure cure :that ha tter.m a popular favorite Cor r88r1 „09 years. 04 CI i;.7,n1 GOelnit a'ts,s 17:, Iton,Thst men yot. An i ion anon t,t hls oerwr;t1 • Uulp1.1 ctt TorfAas 'when a i4;ntlenutn. for - 3y oC Guelph, now fining business, in the n:%ipilln}rhoel ar 1 1;rati' t on, came 1 o It; (IA y, 'led. orLr vorouttrq,;-... tri Tut .;paitl! an indebted- ness to creditors, anathanting to a - 'bout fivei tboust int dollar's. A man's wife should always same, especially to her husband, but if elm is. weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "reel like a different person,"so they all say, and their bus - bands say so Leo I A BIG FAMILY NeW Name st Have 10,2SIVnili Every Year, ,to Necommodato the Disease Famlay; ,but Theytall :valve hrplural one uatint.-frhe . • The ;receptacle ,ctif all you eat ann drink cannot halo but get, crippled - very. !row escape. How can they? daust ihink,of vita t. lands in nbia, at orrn. ach idurLnin,t %few sorls or things -sour sweet,. aeld,starohy, light, heavy, vogetable and animal; all this raw material is tumbled Into the stomach without much tho- ught tan Ito the order of its growing every „particle, or which has to; he worked' over, digested, and convert- ed into rood for nerves, blood, brain, Inidnety, Bonn and now:alis- for ovary tissue, oellt and ifibre of the body. - Sometimes the stomacla is overload. • ahnalted and deranged ,and can- not do ;its 'work ;properly', and right, bere, -begin stile slanting ;point dr disuse, as no organ now relocives proper nutriment, and usually Ithe woinkins.c try nate .1their warnings. Thal's why a swell stomach means a well body, and that's why ANTInPILL has such a marked effect. 1.1 soothes the irritated linings nor the stomachs or. the stomach, and so acts ontlic ',mile 0 US inenihralenthat‘.the neoessary supply of gastric juice to secure. di- gennion: is aiasured---ANTI-PILInn'Ita Green System. Treatment makes well stomach. W. C. T. LI. Notes • ----- An action wan taken against the sin be. .o n Texas, to limy e no °lax ad void a statute authorizing tiny mitjority of qualikical :valeta in a locality to de - alai e 'void, istanal..c a 11 reiijarity ar qualified vonern n lo,- onliin. to, ,de inir whenlier et' 110t Lite legal lo, or la toxian ting 1 nrini to pa Lod ,Tbe !pita int inn 4 ,,, ;1;0 Oa 1, erfeotivel,y. She, ia ;bnixxisingen, d,o1 1, '41' &littered droadritIT from rliouniatista 6/U1n irhatretn,- 'bet hane been eoraolotely Cared by Ifooa's le' aPPeart. younf ' 6 aoarilia, for I am dedi.)ty 1 1008 )rit i.L7:111, rjoi:fi:• 'h;?(1.3,' r'.0. :3 310E1,•in14' 94ms::11Xf\ ilia .0'; 7.)::‘:(3,.:1(,. escoft, Otli„ wri by ii11a uxcd iben is 01 Ibir tor aad grr ib aunt:hen enner • , od s 3 6 'InndavellinsollineesCliitearittor'i fas seanvi.eltirfeti(fnt tre At'r°P, „ 11' 01 ealtan }to „denp.-1 pot .1° ‘( 1 t tts that - .0 ntli and appe• • - 1 ;1 tt • nP. or sm ta n a 01 on in nrct may alio • ' nine ane 110 . • doses rest e Y. 1:4La tes' ' 1 • uourt su r a d ,ten e .up ane en afe, tone:, .r ;11 tot yc rn.e • .f g paten t$1. ' ti/en r.11,11..6,0L',4i9n t Ivg oar 0ta liozt free ly ether table C raunlea. tire systeln, thoen1 'all AellowG1.01.4-t* ,14011,1a ti toot; are, a is follows :.-Main Line-Reaburn 20, aVfatrquel to 10, Poplar Point 00, Illorhbluff 40, portago, la Prairie lb, purnisido 20, •13,a,got 15 r.MacCererrar 15 "Diann MRS. Painnont:-Mere are tniciamontp companies are now adver- ‘6,2,0313111L1.1n0,41301,00,0gaighalseirk9",2,,31.0a, n,Stroairkey2.0,31,10Sex. • but few wives and mothers viho have rItinan.a.reillfautumaayri. Y of the steamers to and.en 15, 14,r1w,old. 4P, Virdten 10, Elk- - not at times endured agonies afid such horn 10 Kirkella 40, Fleming 30 • pain as only women know. I wish i Por the first four months of the somin wilit,ewood, 15, Broadview:15r , Moo such women lnievintlie value of Lydia, pressen t Year thel immigrant arri'ais Si10, nialata 30, Sudberry 5, Pens,et 5, Pas, pinIthana'S Vegetable Corn- , 1.1)orn 0„ rend Briitaixt inlmbertexi 15,13:03, an 5 pound. 111s a remarkable medicine, ant against 14,783 aor the saana period • different in action from any I ever or'larat year. The immigrant arrivals • knew and thoroughly reliable. room Inurnpe. nuintber oratona, , "I have seen many cases where pn,rent Thw in an lin* women doetored for years without per- crease or 910 in Brinish arrivals and a manent benefit, who were oared in less decrease on 1114 in arrivals from the than three naonths enter taking your continent of Europe. 4110 ncAt•Aso,roarn Vegetable Compo•und, whileothers who ira laxity 204, Ilawand inuper fielahl In' the rininn , . erivi:oonment 'they! nre trital I:Oat-inn,: nen. But 'the first temptation ninth eonieni alon'g laines Ithein aff ,lho:ir feet. in 'these oruoial days, no mini liart a antght ta bni andenided, as ilia temperance, Take; a definite stand, andg tooceiynn iliaine made up yonr mind what is riglit, liold to our btx, lief with a !grip, that never lots •go, Tito temperaneo eause NVants no ad, !tenants Ali tt.1 Klutit0W,COUVICtiOUS. It la, beliv`r off without them" • POUND AT LAST. A liver nill that is small nod sure titsattardt I:1;6 itinui,otki4ly,ri Liver Intlin rasa:as:al thesof nuantien, end tire a sure auto for Inver Coin- plain.t4 Cons,Lipafion Sick Ileadactin, ...e,A.tansalTk• 1=or Infants and Ohildrenp F'e Kind You Have Mays Bought A .4" 7 rood andIlegula- tino IhnSinlit'intn5a1111130WelSOf BrItisley • at Pr.,7toteslYlvest1011Cfleerful- --ar. Janina Cookwill is also buibl, 1 ing a, wire Town I nessandRest.contaii15 neither Miss Minnie Nell visited friends n OPIL4anDrP1-1111,e '11°Oralf4.1. this nnity last $anday. 'pear,roan. Corbett is 1,3r2;1 wire 'ranee around his .promises.. Re.ssiner Strathroy 'visited friends In this vicinity last Sunday. Mr, 14.: gairaing tatoncled the Ti alier'$ Clartnentivin haint, Thursday. and Friday. rabTAgla,U;cf., of riantlz- hose., visited liar in/rents on Sunday eetutPauY 'with Arr, Patton, ' nalMiss Oitossi,p, poted ,Nvanwaiist Is holding niviamina rnnival mesa tinge, at Mares Ifill efory Matt, for the• pri,sciat. 'Met. lidar4tlia 1h Kid tr.i lisa gap Nu tiguatura ef There die riN Council ICiao/lea ,ani.1 niny illo porsionti to ad ja arm/tent . A1 he nt in liana 'we re notseni. minaten of tit Itat utpei tag were IV1,11 and approvnq. Tlicre 'SW.1 trifq.!rs, Awkiivg. I for eonstnue t ion fo a1K. Brant tn r*4.1ton, In ihp Tip Coati- of 1, -ion of she. rcll will la- 11 -la 1,I149 1.1.(Arn.slalp litunr11.0 to,u rday • 41„It '11 10 it'olinek. in the for;u0an 44.nri :ACC ertn pas-vri awl or. )r,4. 'sued in p quo- ni •and t\utne"41 • Urn1 to rr",,,^t Tun, 4 h 10 44.elOck. Z1/410111,In's Clerk E.T.E1' 11141 t.NCP11. t lar;int. truthfully sa t lla t Tw disturjja lie". of t Ito •ev;n balan; • laz,alth causes sertOtua tgOubler. N'01;oly cart •be too earKul, to keep tItis :ince up. 1,Nr.berg„ ,peopla /Wain ao 1 • appetite o,r to 'get ,tired ea•sity, tits !coal. imprudenc, brings ,rn mvakaess o rdphility. T.he, sysyl- Modti a tunic, Cr3V(. 114 and ;amn)a not mied it; want tha which wP Lav.? any know1-.1v.p licoir,s Sarsaparilla. 'What. 'this 81... • 111,0 slime in 1,virto; h ,a1,17; pooh* he in kopinic uj. the ov,tal balance or ticoolih, th; saw, qbalanthen :; pr.; v;nt ive that it p»joys a a a euro. Its ,f..arly hag lie W1,4(10111 of the ol.1 sty Ina; than a attach ha Unto iaVe‘t Talp for a gavel to, .st h, relit; enulluraitee. ORNERAL NEWS .111 vid INfeNabh. arzr Out tlfrough her :clothing comin' in contact with 04 flumes from a 11,111$ 'of rabbi 4h Which bu rain in 11r 'garden, LiveaumbNI 10 injur. ies. She was GS years old. and hall ,been a re;,ident or the tom n M,1 x ,Captain H.' Week -I, et Duluth, I laow tvuding htet;,,,Ung, a 1 mixed 40r‘ Should be Ask for Clio Lumter CurrlerW Assaehiv 1 re_ ! Carlon Green moos rub. Red Label troit, says when he It th e ,tot of 1 I Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter. moomacova-emsmesavor,s1.^-•-•—.....rmsor,smet=ramurnato-manan• • • „ta.f.et. 4-474 'eu Pew gfe:r a 27 t -44.4.,i.2,7',* 4'3.'4704 41,7,2,nr P;44A911 7,44F44 y14'473.'1745= Apesfed Remedy for Copstipa- ItiOn Sour stotriach,Diarripea. Worma.ConvulsiousXcvf,Tisitl- Loss.etz. Bears the Signature of l'acSia414"Sigittar::: OR K. - • ItUse For' Qver Thirty Years ... tx • EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, tt.• Nt 7 Get,,ITM.13 aaer,rl aY IS CITY , ' , • A Connoisseur's Tea p s oo e ea pan, nown as range Pekoe" are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea The "crame de la ortane" of tea growths! The most delicious and tasty tea in the world. People who know,recognize this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea. The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel- lence to them. ue Ribbon eivion Team. inallat=anonta ammaa-ria-ararsams E16 soniItbitIt: 'T"' vantage by t8oT:litlibtlelincil:a. tdoo-r The Diabetic insti= tute, St. Dunstan's Hill„ London, E. C NOTHING TO PAY. .rdatatoEcirontatse • ilenetneN:einuedcgunriaeorxice;:tahntlitn, the ancounn wt ground,s Reports 70 districts the work is still delayed on p.incate(.1iirbm.:_1111,,,Lti'l,nui,totift.baexleurtui3,btahre txeirsviA .0.gretstionng2•elasa obweleiling Xichoeeivgxer“r,caelat rago oafl otaho; rs Anderson Jacksonville . . . . available area which has been soothed - 111., daughter of Recorder og The following' is Um classification These. giv,e, a fair indicataion of. theon. 1 Or .2/nig-rants who' left British ports ralonreists which' has been made. in the- , Deeds,MT:st who witnessed her for. Oanada during Aprilla-Engl Provincei at large. The vercentan'es signature, to the following letter 7,699; Irish 467; Sootch, 2,280; foreorn 0 ens .2 260 ' ,Total , 12 72 praises Lydia E Pinkham's ' turns. ,Ipaesssligerres.- . The rush. to Canadh continues. Tha Ve t hl C d • wore ,elihraopnpley,anadnalniclnebrlteecetanaheeart.hi ,necolta sac•dialg never t iss.aad.133' after a thorough treatment with thi 41Y' 'Canadian: Pa'nifie • SO YEARS' e EXPERIENCE a fy 9..p ra41.-ons. are JDel"ng, ' . ru.911.at , • he .6,,,lintatntimi or, the. ' Sj'nf,'"•''-i medicine. •, •I'have, never •Psed it inYse'll '21.11'''1,1,0,nlagbenn8.,jyranil:oba anti ."'tbe Terr.\.- .., , •• Without, gaining great 'benefit.' A' feiv liii ri. 7 pOPV.RIGHTS 4e. 1 T.- .: ' e .: 4 GQ.1:11e CliS‘11\1*tS' no ' ' ' 'ill a Ms etell Inla deserlg top. mayi; tuf., ('ed f'a 513P (1.1„.7„ , xi via I tite+ ediciette has been tried arid com Pia a f 111 f 6e'rec°17' en • y, 0 1 , , n Ortginat of Obolle /otter prouing gemineress cap- 1.101nts toll:1(dt lut VO U 1 1 , 1 ' 101 ,.)13 sclerit.azit zipiericarg . . s()1,11,11 or us, 61PlzrAtea• maillaktics (hap' alten'tgresed •rapidlann titan • a a a a (0' , ininpeennee q No other medicine fol., avorneu has pelni: two. sinnolelaie ntecta . x,crtiest ' 1. t 114' LIVE: :fled. en 0. 1,.ati /ix; loctil ()it 1 oar n,o uence r -pii,envrse it, wen„ :he r:.. ea/alit/or/8 o. • •• •• , • •2 " ma' e' •• • '11hle nAt. thtina' • be to .oreat to, Cnnac:a on- found true .conno Of the nitalla,r11,•y of,. !our ,poli- --Mils. • AX/annsonl 225 ashing- 1) IliP I i r3141., 11 ton St, .Jaeksonville, $5000,forfe t entre/nal r ,iinvor a , , , ;recta/ to rep 11150 '80 1. ho -o talic)se, lientif ate a .1 '1i received such widespread and ung,riali- caiterbulfp 1,30pc.i)ttioxr, niatic ovally Bele/attic Terms. Sae.. , • , record urea *1 ease if I wor , t°28 r 1.,ra61,,,aatod...2.'4. • . „, „. y. f,ourrdoiltil „ , , . „,„ .„, I that v '/".• ' " • • • • - t, filiNh &CO 8-.31,12''"4"taY' Now Yoriti•, •, - troublos, -- • ' , .,4' ." , " ' , • „ • ' , ; •„, • ".; , •• ' , , ; , • , • . • , , , , „.. • • , „ , • . ' • • . • '• ; • ' , ,"" ,") ' ,:" „ , , r.„, • • , , „ • „(, , , , , . ' , • ;.; , ,•., ., ' „ ..„ ,