HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-19, Page 2Reported at St Petersburg and
Probably True.
It . reported at St. Pet
that Aeonirol Alexieff has inform
tbe O'er that the 14 ssionS Ivey
blotto up the doeks rol piers a
'Delayit is ;Assumed, g the report
is corrset, that the sacrifice of works
tticl eost 114184ii4 1111111W1S of roubles
woe. made for this purpose of render-
togureditheult Jatialieso lauding
at• Bailey or Us us a,
St. l'etersbures eorrespondeot
les 1..ondon Doily Express says ;-
leant front official sources *hot.
trim blowing up their war-
' s. which would be done only at
Try is extrounty. the garri,eou
at rt Artloto is eligaged in clear -
the entrance of the harbor, which,
was more car Loa esompletelo blocked
by the stone -laden:. ships seot in /AY
ties Japatiese for thatouroores
s - •
°The tosk is one of extreme dial..
eutty. for the merchantmen are %l-
eft with stt:no,, concrete. awe tnesses
of iroo. order to remove ties ob.-
otroctions. divers bola' Fent
down with drilling egereleatns peen,
itolea ia the heargo* for gOeciore dea
leamite ehargesi enions.
''The clivere have Leon. at evori"e fol
eref, detes, on:1, acesirding to the
einer:s. bov4., snaielently eleow-
I elionseltc sedan* the losseage
eelosboat destrasers,
tne geoat nieveneeet which, klee
Norniii is o'lemeed to Le afireetiog
ogabeet 1.,,Steo-Nnizg, the only rews
eannee from ums.sLAIL squrci..s. much
Ff tilts is two or three days old. and
is apparontly bawd on information
from the natives. The position in
the neeebberhood of New-eoweafe
olesegree The St. Pistersionee corres-
teeteteet the 1.ontion Stem/era re -
porta that the elapse:wee ore ofaeot
to oCenny thet ploce,
A.coortitng to too N4v^0V., calf!: COW.*
Oi Ura.° ;tonere
.:44.11S it live; ' Itueeiet: et
Inliantry /mese 1 een disse4efe
vivinite- of the: town foe the ipairpfm'll
tarasteing, of nee ereeting, the 1
Teronto, May .1.7.---a'raele was ac•-•
tiVe, WW1 iisiaiPriCkli eeportere.
anti butchers' eat t le at the Western.
Market to -day. Busing openet ear-
ly, and never slat:ice:Jed till all tbe
Prices of Cottle, Grain, Clieese, cattle neve sold. Slats) and lambs
andOther Daley Produce le a lattle higher, while hogs
dropped. 1042 per
at nom° 4tia Abroad- cal
, • 4
-e'el.y few ceowe mom cows were on
Toronto, Alay len-Wheat-Ne. 2 sale.. the bulk ot the arrivals con -
white and red Winter eold to -day at siting of interior animals, not the
95t,at ontswe points. spring whOftt rOacii0St A number ehanesel
is nomenei at et) to ;)1C eat. antl heeds at $25 to $80 eawh
ch, ile a
geMee at $1 to 82e east. Manitoba ebolee one brought 818.
1.1. s une ianee: , o. 1 or t o e o at , but
!..s O
lee 11111 A ette, es - •
again. Tntcls a men and tou
, of atimiunition liaefe beetIowan
Kolre, (taariao; the last few cloys. Th
<a working night ;Ind dao,
• 9•5-,)Q '"Georgben Bee; porta • No. O' good, veal, calves were warnes. omi
o :Northern at 80c, told No. 8 North- .$1...11e of 50 by ornwford and co. MIS
ra at 66c, No. 1 hard is' nendnal l'eeenecled at $5.25 per cwt,
t 93e, Grinding la treasit prices, -e:xPort eattlo sold at S4.50 to
Ocr oboee those ;mood. $4.90 ewt, Higher. figures than
I Ilesalls of oil, attack by Russia
1Coaea,c-ks ot tnu, ("owe, on Wed
iseasitay incertnin,g wero received a
,i'rek'to. Tile Itossion coyotes; tiumbei
-(1 2U en nwl t1eb tn.taele 'ea
'1'he Japatteee garrison re.
sisted stoutly, awl succeeded i
riving •o5 the eneney. Later inese reienforeemetits arrived trots
Ping -Yang. It is evident that these
Russian cavalrynnett were sent F011ti
for the purpose of harassing tbe Ja
panese WJrS and lines of cemmuni
nt ' Nfir14::'",t;1,41'11.17:14,.! bv' Its):11:44.1t71:ears1"nc4atf:1?ew
, aS isOliOWS butebersa
oto :eta fear to g, Ont. to
ev-,--No• ouotod at 4A• 0; oodlee
3 extra at 40 to 411e-c',$4.Z15; colemoit to rah. vows.
t0. Leh c s, 24 per
and No, a at 80c middle feito ewt.
hts No
'11 marliet s nininseiged.,.: Tee jual.),rt was unchavgtvil for
t with No. 2 quoted at 44 to 60c, ace aeeeeee eal,t/ stoat,Es. we (mote g
rding to quality and locotion. j Feeders, -
. a o • 04 a • , 4.50 10 $3.7re stoekers, 01.10 ;
o ;nixed At 501e, Cenaalan corn is' . S00 lbs., $3 to 88.75; stock calves,
steady at 41 to 42e west or guanine 8:50 to Sou lbs., 88.2O to (VI °or off
ItVe• rhe mare( t as staide, wall up.
The Russian Goverventent has
covered on Anarchist conspiracy
blow np fortresees and military,' de-
pots moth draunif e says et Vienna
despatch. Tile recent at Tkentpt, at
Cronstedt is sow letelieved to have
Feeen the work of this band and
of Jere:teen. A, plot, agothet the
life of If, de Plettve, the ituFsian
Ministet" of the tutetior, lu4S also
keen diseot. (Ted- Another plot
be life ta the Csor Inas been
averIand nmeeenent
Th4,4 riniSre of the con ry fuleini-i
f•Mt nn 1:114071. U. Nur.
eitTSM. WIDE give ti-Rameopathin
Om to fleeng111414 poaition at
Liao -Yong. Ileports Inemn oorioun
otnate rs tPe fortifications at
Lino-Yerst as beim: very formidable.
Many Inenov goes tosaniand
the appearonee of rteoute
veto boat in the otteolntead Vattit1411.1.
o lor,
Mare itnilOrtOlat than WaS
nt, iUhtillAtA. it fN,*s that Irons -
Verne, accompanied by torpedo hoots.
hove ;artiste( there. Thih is m14 -
posed to indicate lauding near
Another report says it is donbtfol
whether the veosele are transports or
eh i pa.
`"1" AT UnRININ.
TAUB 'ices received in LOnfinn
State that the ItOndition tor atTairti at
Harbin is not I-wt.:Sari/1g. The Chin-
ese, hitherto peaeefol. are displaying
great insolence and are saved from
punishment at the bands of exets
seed Russians only by the lluesian
authorities. The chief same of
Complaint in the misting of the price
of provisions.
The Russians are continced that
he Chinese ale their serret enemies,
ond that they are ready 10 rise 142
insurreetion with little urging.
The Associated PreSs at St. Peters-
burg ieerne from the highest source
that the Emperor is exceedingly one
Nimes to go to the front. To his
intimates recently he has spoken
mural on the subject, but he realizes
that conditions of state demand his
preoace at home. Nevertheless it
is new not tonsidered impossible
that he will follow the example of
all the Romanoff dynasty during the
past century, mad -undergo his bap-
tism of fire. To hght with the
army is one of the traditions of his
house. Alexander I. entered Paris
with the allies after the battle of
Waterloo. Nicholas died in a
common, soldier's hovel in the Cri-
mea. and Alexander IT., with the
beir-appareet, were at the front dur-
ing the Turkish war
Perhaps en additional reason why -
Emperor Nicholas desires to ineel
the enemy is that he cerries on leis
body the mark of a wound inflicted
by a fanatical Japanese policeman
when he was attacked in a theatre
at Otsu during his visit to Japan in
1891, only being saved from death
by the noble action of his cousin,
Prince Oeorge of °teem Should he
finally conclude to go. his Majesty
W612121 riot assume active command
of the troops, but would have an Im-
perial headquarters, taking with
him 011 the members of hie military
cabinet. Being on the spot, the
Emperor would more easily advise
Gen. Kuropatkin in the event, of any
question of great military moment
which he migeit doeire to submit to
his :Majesty. lea, of course. the
chief advantage would be the stimu-
lus which the personal presence of
the sovereign would have on the of-
ficers and men.
A despatch to the London Daily
Mail from Tokio says that after a
brief intermission the. despatch of
large forcc:s of troops and huge quan-
tities .of ariniunition lias commenced
eonfeeeed by an acimmplice. who re-
cereed 42 renewal of 100,004 doubles
for its reVelation. ,
Emporor Nieliolas. who vas
vnegen ger the Vineries; toe ;•teirP141 g
the Grata! Palit's and 0 brilliant
ea, reviewed 50,000 troops on the
Champ ars.. St. Petersbuig, on
INeduesaley InOrning. greot con-
cottrse viewed tine brilliaot spectacle.
As kWh melba -tent marched post his
Majesty the soldiers shouted. "Gond
health, your Majesty,'" 41. atonal
chorge of Cossocke ended the review.
Iniperial party was mmortied a
N'tirty reception by the people. $ettts
on balconies overloo7ittag the review
-; fold for 82O. 111C 4440neY
911- d'ArVig141 to the 1:.ed Vrotiis.
4, 0 ole
orieene Americon ye..01111 to 1.1 (
llow trot- to al.70: Seetlere. 800 to 1,0110 lhoe
t '7" 1 tr. Toeonto• No.
• "V,
' teed delisery in good coliditio». ieolor and rough, saane Se.75
i"..;0. 2 quoted. at 59 to 00e east, Sheers mad leallays weno tonak,..e„ ee-,0
1, Buckwheat -No. 2 !looted at 4S ' quote. :-Iteavy 4,wes,
to P4.25;
eto 49c middle 'freights. login sheen., 81.25 to '` :`,41• brae
` •
1.0.''-\1t\rw cent, pa e 83 to .:13.44*; grahl-ted rat,s. Szi.:54)
'uncharged. at S:3.60 in buyers" bogs So, t5i barnserd lam ,
for export, inidate freights. Straight. $'1.52) per et P.pring jambs: !,.32 to 1;
rouerg ,spechl bruale for iloteestic ' 85,a14
$2 to 88
trade :pelted ,et $1.25 to $4.35 in Calves brm it EnE12, un
"Atenitoba tionne are lower. No, g to
1 patents. 90 lOt' ewer, gut:: at lenr:
lN40%;r2,"1.27fIst; $14;174 It"'S 41: :e •
track, Tetrom o,
I Milleeed-elbeep L
in'17.net) ond shores at
inetstde panints lareo
and shorts at FIT. a It
18 FAVIVR• aral S
t Aetna-ea-Tie:Tv is q22ot
tarices rmehateecal at *2 te
, 11. • h
Priecl Alap.es-oeste 14 11121
ted. and prices are 4,r,
per 11). .1vregeneetael :apt
$1,74t* to StAttl.
A 114i
a:4-9" 'dr. 11
oeistant to tle. Preein
" R.. al the
:tg-414,4"trs ot ze it424ki 4.1V
ail 't t Of irtag4:
rillait:1;1117: 11`41‘or
to a gnif '4 ton on weenie
sn <ere s !se FAA rarsroreatio
radelten h-' ''In regara to the
otettedang of, also half a million g
trneil AfenehUria, nisei,: has un-'
(louden a tat% which. in ney judg-
ment, the will lie unable to ageOrn-
pli.sh, tea the Trons-Siborian Rail-
'wey f eir that 11 'a "I, •s• Igl . ,
the ties far ar'art.. the engines in-
conehleruble, and the woret feature
; Ives tbet th dietanve between sta-
r t ions on a :Angle tank was too great,
The Ilussient Government design to
lion of nesn-loov is this monism' to
nonatainetei Manehuria is a nioun-
'tainous country; it grows but little.
How will mach a 1111158 of meu aus-
"twined? Oteray what it is to sus -
it a In a lay thousand men in the
Nortleweet when we hese a bit of
road to bend quickly. That is seri-
ous eneugh if you aro away from
your base; len liduk of four thousand
milve feeen their base! I do not
think tile thing can be done unless
the Reosiau Goternment have changed
the sheen:al condition of the road
since I paneed OVer it, which I do
not b4,11eVe."
t it, • • 1
lItereseTle: nrarkel
els S2e. oeeolaiitla
1"4.nreve-Tine ";"
10 oc per ZI) t-tP49gb
11 10*2, (222 Torr
ooy--Titnottsy area: el
feeleets, 14.1
bateau; 42eality, off ears '1"oron
sows, 88.50 1
- , •
sitass, tie 42 ,„..,03) 4*1 4%1-
- G2,000 titre
Fort Wi11j iettr ed.
s ith , A Fort
1 p10 S2W26 Rieteter .11. leo of tis
grain MarnIge lionees a
is now o I -mouldering heap of
At ;those 1e.:10 op. Wcaluese
night A.. liarolonahl, the night
hatOn, 1404.1141 the struettin
f240ta-41 21244'0 It was with ditliellIty that
•12ed at need hie way to the eng,imarooten and
blew a lope; bleat on the Wide**.JQ
2162 htt '41 4 14s212 thou lite nanaates the C. Ps
brigade and 22 townreinent 1204
4.„211*4 221 3 thtee 81014252-4 plot hag 0,a the how
, Oho Wheit %Soy tlueight that then
, had the gine Rb444.^e control tbe ilames
o to with a, sad*:. n lerolie out from
wices antliensed
' rootte
Maple Syruse-Th al
;at $1 ltee
Potatoete-Cholee eare ter
I' at $1.1474 to 1.411.07 ler h4142, o
, here.
roldt ry---Chiet 4,17S, 12 0 13e 11.1.'41
turheys are 41401'41 04 la to 17o
'per 11). for freeh
1 It° oloonn. and foani thot
mod les e• 22 or wos doomed .
dames slud .ateneo the cupola for o
Ineroin al Inez, Arial a etrong wind car-
ried thent in slsots os firv abovo the
West end 4.8' Ili,. town. and Kleine
pieces of bowel tt Prk. seattered broads
4 -
Cast antOttg woo•ten bantoness.
No 1111104411 ."deort 2007114 have sated
the total destoe•tion of the main
busine-e4 onti stroets had not
rain saa%ed 1.01/1'S ni the intild.
ingn and Mad ^it p02Sibie 10 euaren-
trate all eaorts on the phase; which
wore in 1114111.41So,, danger, Tho area,
at half. a onto Wi‘z-A 01 the 1121, ;Int
this whole space iS to -day etwe12,4
WWI elsarred wood end nsbes.
To met to the rammed rine th
teal elept mg wit h which the wood
en 4.14tw1 00 was covered was cough
by the wind soul eigootexotel dOW4
az a -The ordinary run sil
10 I =au Per 11. Ale
eet 1-11). rolls, 13 to 1,1+,6 r
large rolls, 11 to 121e; medium nal
. low zr,raden. ltle; crenniery printe, 17
to ltiSe; solids, 30 to 17e.
Isgeee-Case larks sell at 'lac l'er
aoms into Meneleuria eome half nui-
Peasted on Cargo of Bones and.
Had to be P.umigated,
A Philadelphia despatch says: The
Italian bark Anita Aleaoth arrived in
port, Monday with a corgo of hones,
'When the batches were lifted, and
preparation made to :unload the cargo
the sailors discovered that a horde of
tarantulas and centipedes were pre-
pared to give battle. The sailors
armed themselv •s tent I t
bones, but the light was against too
heavY odds- The foe was too /miner -
ens. As fest as one tarantula was
a.nother took its place. In the
battle not a few of the seamen were
nipped in the legs, tool were saved
from serious bites by the sea boots
they wore. Those sailors who were ;
in the hold of the bark soon became
exhausted in dealing death, and oth-
ers of the crew took then. places. But
they could ncit get rid of their tena-
(Sous foes. It was determined to
'kill the tarantulas and centipedes by
fumigating the hold. This was ac-
cordingly demi with success.
Chaose--Old quotiel AA ni,e
lb., and new at 72 to *e.
Dreeeed hOgs uncluingtel. with otter -
nags sniall. 'Cured meals. aro an good
demand at . 'unchanged prices. We I
quote:-Baeon. long elenr, 8 to elle
per lb. in ease lots. Mess emit, $17;
do, ehort cut, $18.50.
Smoked Meats -Hams. light to me-
dimn, 12be; do, beaey, 111 te 12e;
rolls, 9 to Nei; shoulders. 10e: becks.
1.31 to 1401 breakfaet bacon .18ec.
Lard -The demand is itur. with
pl-ices unchanged.. ne geotte-Tiercee,
7„e; tubs, 8e; .91e; coo/mined.
'Fete Sec.
Montreal, May murbot for
oats was firmer this mornings, it Willi I
stated that private tables received,
from England offered equal to about I
Sale here afloat Ao • • "e"
oats. Buyers are bidding elec trek, 1
for Peterboros, but holders are de-
naanding 35e, and sales are being put
through at that figure. Peas 'were
about steady at 71c afloat May: No.
2 , , an o. extea, Se;
No. 2 rye, 62.e. Flour -The market
was steady to -day after the sharp de -
dine Manitobas reported yester-
day. We quote: --Manitoba patents,
$4.90 to $4.95; strong bakers', $4.60
to 34.65; winter wheat patents,
80 to $5.10; straight, rollers, 34.60
to $4.85; straight rollers in bags,
$2.20 to $2.30. Feed --The market
was steady; Manitoba bran in bags,
; 1 , pet ton, n tufo
!bran, in bulk, $38.50 to $19.50
shorts, $20.50 to $21.50; mouille
328 to a28 per ton. Rolled oats -
The market es firm; dealers are asking'
$2.321 for bags, and $4.90 in bbls.
on track. Hay --The market is stead3r
$7.50 in car lots.
Increase of Eleven Million--Popu-
Whmipeg despatch eays.: The to-
tal assessment for the year, approxi-
mately, will be $48,000,000;, last;
year it was about $37.000,000. The '
large number of new buildings, to-,
gether with very general advance 01
valuation, accounts for the big in. -
crease. A census 43.1 a de Oy the ae-
sessors shows a big heel -ease in Win-
nipeg's population. An es Lim ate
watch'. is most eonservative places the
population at 67,000.
• cx ,141i Sol a ial:122717.
Telegraphie Briefs Prom Our Own
and Other Countries of
-Recent Everas.
Mr, John Crerar, IS".C., of mil -
ton is deed
London has inipesed a license fee
of $10 on laundries,
A surplus for the currentiiscal
year of $16.000,000 ie predicted
^ Ottawa.
The Ottawa Licenee CommissionerS
have reduced the 'hotel licenses fr0nE
A A to ($
reVenue returns et Hamil-
ton last, month were $09,189, a (leo
'east. of .74,241,
Customs receipts at. Winuipeg last
mouth were $2,04.9tro April, 1908
*169.402; increaee. $8;5.454.
Detective Slemis, of Toronto, lies
resigned to accept the position of
Chief of Brantford pollee.
The Guelph License ConnuissionerS
bale decidet1 that the hotels :nust
close ea lo insteed of 13. in Guelph.
It is reporten the Dominion Gov-
ern:tient will take pos.seesion of the
instqdin veuajus jouoj in Quartz
Creeln Yekon.
Within the !text two eveeka
000 trees will he eest out front the
experimental farm at Brondon to he
planted by the farmers hi the west.
Eiglin tenders for the steel sbeds
and approaches to the wharves to bo
eoztstruete 1i Alonereal have been
reeelved, eaeh acTOniPaniOd by
Anarantee Oi si.:10,000, The Boudre-
au O0VIN34.1011t last year granted
*he Iletrbor Commissioners o. loon
$.8,000.000 to carry out the work..
aitcv.vr DurrAIN,
rhe 37:121•1 Perby was elected Pre -
lent of the Ilrittob. Empire League.
T.11....YRE.31.1. :BUD. ...T11,A.D1;14. litaREY.
Hints ou How the Eggs Should
be Colleoted., Packed. and
' Shipped,
For all farmers a most profitable
branch of the poultry business is the
production of eggs durmo the win -
r. says Mr. C. Mare, Chief of
he Poultry 1)iViS,011, (4t44w44., Every
'inter there is a greet (ennead ,for
leualold eggs; the sepply is lways
and, high priees are paid. In
the largo cities strictly fresh eggs sold
readily during the past winter at
front forty to sixty cents per.en.
Some farmers aro r,o situated that
tliey tem maintain a city tradein
fresh eggs throughont the yew.. A
preunium of eevoral rents dozen eau
usually be obtained for new -laid eggs
shipped 'weekly to tbo city fiord -mut.
'There a growing- Prefera'nee On
the hone maekets for brown shelled
eggs. Tile shells of the eggs sbonld
he wiped eleen if reeeseary, aud the
t'gge graded in FiVe. For shipment
to the merehant they should be pock-
ed in eases holding lO tioNges or SO
dozens each. Eggs to be endatable
Should be eaten in a etrietly fresh
edition; tberefore they should leech
the cows:neer withont
'his requires (1) tbot the eggs
ofliected regularly- every day co
etored in a; cool room fternOetotore
10 to :40 d -g. until suffielent
namber ow on lound to deliver to a.
Jeeler: (2) that the dealer forward
the ee'Re to I1t merchant at lerast
°awe weolo and (3) that the met*-
" 0aant, in'oteet the eggs from deteriOree
.tion. 10111.4 in his rOF,117CFPWIt.
AN a gen g41 rale raallete hatched
'Perim; :$111e- or Paii:S' in Juno will
prove nunit proiltoble for winter lay,
Alitirrilltilitereilrefelyt$60.8a4.107aunetas $31,1e1
-12.5041 respect ively. -
Premier Balfour eepreseed the ban
lief that, the Amato -French treaty.
would he a permanent tigreenient.
General Sir E. T. Hutton, formerly
econranandlog the Canadian militia. A
bus been awerded tbe game service
pension of 4.400 everts.
Mrs Joeeph etnattuberlain is
well and his pleyslelans adviee12
t to portieipato actively la
Iarif1 campaign for the pr .
ng. Farmers who expect to. make o
epecialty of laigh-priced rewslaid eggs
Oast ointer anotant tat the present
dote 14,-t 'witching out a good num
her of chicks from which to Celect
snitablo pullets. The coelorels should
be sold in tile early fall. 1.7oless
then ore homed tn tile holds and
regnire little attention 02, extra feed.
the most proOtable ago Tor ereeoetnig
1 four months, After that ano the
• ' feed yew emoted of goin in
monde- inereot es,
should he 'comfort 1
tr: 'mod in the
pullets to
NEWS BY MAIL, .A,BOUT 301111/47
Plymoutle's population is now esti-
aOccurrences Lid That
nReigns Supremo i the Com -
morel World.
Iureatoeidei aeet"ollsie21.3,0,2i2s, credited with, say-
ing that the Japaliese will "wilt tins
There are 1.18 small -pox patienta
ia the hospitals of the Aletropoli
Asedozna' Board at present.
The London Cieystal Palace ne
modates more people than arty o
building in the world, lt ho
100,000 persona
I.ast mouth 5,599 rats were de.,
stroyed at the Loodon docks, mato
ing a, total of 27818t9 since the
work bas been Commenced.
Lola; Brooke, of Unddersfield woo)
hos Just deed in his 100th year, be-
bet'ed that more people are ?celled by,
over -eating than by going' short.
Ara official return just iseeed shove
that of the 1.,772 milee of treinetvaV
line which were open last year in the
United. Kingdonn 1.250 wero for 01012.
Inc traction.
Tho Rev, Richard Rhymer, the
Father of the British llesleyan Con-
ference, bas Just entered on his 96th
year. lie has been 7.5 years in tbe
Wesleyan ministry.
4 contract for 160,000 silk band-
rchiets, for bIlIejackets.
placed with Macclesfield firm wilt
give employment to a lergo number
f hands for scale months to come,
i•inSt ;STar th0re WaS an iuCreage
a million tooa in the- Veseels which
entered the port of London as cone.
Oared with 1002. The figures were
790A20 tams in 1,902 and 3.0, -
in 3,903.
Nine old warships with', a number a.
of other 6:nailer veerele were sold by
auction at the Chatham docyards re-
ntly be: order or the Adnurelty.
Only subjects were admitted
to 112.>
wire coins recently
CONTZW, near High Wycombe Mir -
ng eXcavations for the new line of
the Great Weetern tool Great Central
Redlway Companies is one dated
London. 322 A. In
During the period February Urti to
faarch 1 ltlt there were preeented to
the liouse of Conimor,s 2.1 1 7 peti-
tions, beoring 20.753 Signatioree,
st an alteration of the licensing
iu favor of the publican.
e British fleet, bos 29 submarines
t, building or about to be or-
t Over 30 coma and upwards
Ismveattlaatoveribtazieuinvrteratitt:010nog tet.
13::111:1::1117-141104Pllaan(11:deorTafrto:n::v4n44:::$6:veec:1 27;
cent, in accordance with tho sliding
been declared In the north of Eng -
scale. a similar mduction. having
Board at llirMingbaut attained to re.
Daniel Edwards of Lower Marsh,
Lantbeth. WilS fined X.f.), 1.7s. Oti costs
tt Lambeth en three stimmonses-1,
selling watered milk, 2 for fel
Ing as butter a substance contalnin
sr per cent. of margarine, 2 Hen
rgorine without the proper hbel.
The Gaborborough District Comic! ,
eauftoeret. titemesatte;uset•e:or:m; ploeftet(?) asucc‘‘ellatsefait.-1
boring scheme to supply the town.
The boring, Attach is 1,515 feet deep,
and yields 82.000 gallons an hour.
18 tbe largest sunk tor wanterworna
In the kingdom, tend once during the
perations the boring tool was tont
for twenty-two months at n depth
of 725 feet.
$1 MIKA!' VP% egglIrOdnetiOn
ition to mennoria
gross behalf of Canadian ipr
411'(kreal ea In the 9e.g.Inn+
,baFetti. IfouLe of llepreeerttsotivee.
Ties connesnwe at (71evetand 01
Soterri,°v. lietiveen the tat& carriers
orel ':',".Tastera and Pilots* Aseociation
I'ttnettinotoll without re.telifm.,. an agree -
1114 -'87235;a11 flreonburg„ of 1.1:585 Third
• sr. Now Yea, ithile enitt log let
her window fell asleep, cool alropped
the stores% to the gronnal beneatli.
Eaceeet for being rendered totems-
osciotle. she wos prate leolly lintaISItred.
" man lone conteseecl 14) robbing a
doeen passenagera on the t'Iticag41
hISoch Isloral trelne. Ills WeApon
P.I'W4244 11011dit4t1:41 arm :embed in chlor-
oform, lie e ,,eta veto, 1 his nem
1; near 1118 3,14A1111 411141 vent. tlie flames
aewatds hint ontit he w448 Fous•*14.gs.
114,11, waf. tben free to rob the 20201,
is *Med th.tt serious a
pon the $treets with terrine force. .112201811 dots occurred at Bender.
Ives nearly 2 wben the cupola ins
awl for another half-bour 111
leer was the worst.
o row% bacon -curers will enter inte
competition mita Canadian acid otli-
r purveyors to the Eoglish market.
"be sleeping sielowes iS 11020 at -
eking European lefficials hi the Con -
g Stote,
• v a liiivti
1001,0(1 out 4;1,001) men to try to the
feat strikes on several latillnieurs.
- 911e Cbillian aevernment has dieid-
- contemns for the building of the
trans-Andine Railway between two
British firms and one American,
_ The Dowager Empress of China has
Supply Ship to be Spit o Cana
dian Expeditian.
A aft, John's, Nfld., despatch says
The Cenntlinn Gawasieneent has (Omit
aeod the eeeliug steamer Erik to pro
•eed to Ihuleen Bey July neXt
with ampplies for the steamer Nero
tuee, now with the Conadian expedi
tion sent tor the perpose of enforcing
the Canaditm laws against American
whalers. Tbe Erik will also cornea
coneented t o sit for her pbotograpb,
in order Imo the people may' be able
. to worst)* the InmeriaLimage. as is
atores to the north for tee stetunea
Gauss. recently riurchased from tht
German Government, by Canada, in
which ship Capt. Bernier will pro-
ceed to the north and annex: a num-
ber of Arctic. islands for tIon British
crown, and will then attempt to
reach the North Pole-
A Liverpool Paper 0.ffers an Expla-
A Liverpool clespatch 083-5: The
Mercury: sews it is in no way sen'pris-
ing that among the thousands who
emigrate to Canada there should be a
few who come back disappointed.
Possibly they- found Public hou•ses
somewhat ,sparsely distributecl over
the prories or -may lieve been grieved
because no penny electric trains car-
ried them to work. Ae a certain per-
; ceatage of fools emigrates to Canada,
We must expect, a number of unwise
voyagers come back plucked.
BeintlejVny i7. -Flour- Steady,
Wheat -Spring, offerings light; No. 1
the old 5121102112, which wag the scene
Northern $1.10; Itiieter feet; State,
red, to arrive, $1.09 to $1.01. Corn --
Easy; No. 2 yellow, e9c: No. 2 corn,
57c. Oats --Steady; no offerings. Bar-
ley -Nothing doing. Tlye-Nothiag
Milwaukee, May 17. -Wheat -lc low-
er; No. I Northern, 97es; No. 2 Nor-
thern, 95 to 961c; old July, 861e.
Rye -Se lower; No. 1, 741 to 7e4c.
Barley -Dull; No. 2, 68c; sample, 40
to (31e. Cicn n--Steaicly.; No. 3, 50
to 5:3c.; July, 484- to 48ec asked.
MI niece s . May 17.-Whent---'m ay,
July, 92112; September, Stie to
803c; on truck, No. 1 hard, 96e; No.
1 Northern, 95c; No. 2 Northern,
Old Palace at Belgrade Do omed to
:Belgrade .despatelt says: The
bOverninent has. decided to demolish_
or the inurdee of King Alexander and
Queen Ilrega.
Rumored that Americans Paid
$1,600,000 for 'Farm lands.
despeteh from Winnipeg seys: It
is rumored that. the Local Govern-
ment have disposed of 256,000 acres
of Proyieciel lends to a Duluth COM-
pany. The prim is said to be over
51,600,000, and the sale is regarded
as fairly satiefactory 12 price, and
2152 ehowing the continued confidence
of the American inve,aors in values
Gf A,ranitoba f r 1 1
Bureau of Nines Will Conduct Ex-
A. clesinatch from Toronto says:
Among the most important mineral
resources of Onta.rio is the Sudbury
nickel field, and under tlie 'direction
of Iron, Ali% Davis, Commissioner of
Crown Lands, an examination of the
nickel area. has been going on for
two years past. Prof. A. P. Cole-
man, of the 'Bureau of Alines, has had
charge or the work:, and expects to
comilleta it during the preSent sea-
son. The bureau will then publish' a
report and map of the entire area,
probably in the form of a monograph.
Afr. N, T. Culbert, of the School of
I'ractieal Science, will again accom-
pany 1)1., Colenum in the field, along
with Mr. E. Se Moore, a fourth year
student of .Toronto University.
Last, year the northern. nickel range
was studied, and this year the re-
mainder of the southern range. will
be traversed, beginning at the west-
ern..extrennty. It is expected these
investigations will throw much light
on many problems connected with the
geology end exploitation of the nick-
el deposits.
Canada to Take Part in Belgium
and Englfsh Pairs.
A 'despatch. from Ottawa says: The
'Dominion Covernmeet will take part
in an international exhibition, open-
ing in. Liege, Belgium., next May.
Not only is our export trade with
Belgium growing, but we receive a
most desirable class of immigrants
from that country-. It is possible
that Canada will also have a dis-
play of food prodnets, such as but-
ter, cheese, bacoa, limns, etc., at an
exhibition to be held in London next
fall, under the auspices of variotes
trades associations.
1E'arkv winter laeing demands liberal.
widell imitated in addition
the grain. weete meat or animal
nil, and vegetable food. Prom two
floflo, of Barred Plymouth Rod: pad -
14.444 thot were liberally fed front
birth For early unatansity at the Bond-
villo, gso., Blestration Station eggs
WOre gathered dangly atter the pullets
were four mouths and one week ohl.
En.eriments at the Utah Itlxperinasit
!Station showed' that the profit from
young bons or pullets WaS abotit five
Winton greater than that from hens
Ohm. to four eires tild. Not only
did the old hens lay vonsidentley
, fewer 4.f 1(124, Ind OP eggs 'were worth
nee per dozen, This in occOulded for
the fact tbat the mallets *aid n
er proportion of their eggs *11
wio rer,
'When the 11111IetS IWO forced for win
s egg production, there should b
10* *t in addition another breoding pen
of etsiected fowls from whiell iskir
lila% chicks. A, lon or pullet that
tenomences to lay in the emeng will
at thot time produce strouger-germed
Icegs for hatching than will another
that haq had Iter vitality impaired by
winter laying.
'Phe farmer should select from the
float of pullets Lea or twelve of the
best winter leyers, placing a regular
kg hand or a piece of wire carolled
the leg of each. The next whiter
these mallets, (then yearling hens),
should be separated from the laying
hens andakept in good bealtb and
medimu flesh, bot not fed for winter
Iaying. Februtuor or 'March thev
shoeld be mated with a suitable
cockerel, and their rations increased
so as to bring them into laying at
the time when their eggs are requir-
ed for hatching. Such a process of
selection would soon producc a par -
Ocularly fine strain of winter layers.
The export trade carries off the sur-
plus eggs produced during the SUID,
mer mouths when prices aro low, but
has little or no effect on the price of
new -laid eggs ie. winter. F.norts to
increase our export trade in eggs
need not, therefore, cdarm consumers
in cities or towns. Eggs that are
placed in cold storage from April
till July are shipped to Great Bri-
tain for the September and Octobe;
trade; those that go into cold stor-
age in the fall are exported during
the winter months. All these arc
sold in Britain as' "Canadian .fresh
Canada May Get More Emigrants
From England.
'A despatch from London says :---
For the first time on record. the ;end-
gvation from the United Kingdom to
Cfmada bids fair this year to ex-
ceed that .to the United States. Last
year, says W. T. R. Preston, the
CaDadiany Commissioner of Fertigra-
tion 11e1e, 57,000 persons emigrated
from this country, to Canada, while
to the United States there went
While Uncle Sam does nothing: to
attract emigrants from this country,
Canada is hustling to get them, and
meeting with such success that other
colonies of the Empire are bestirring
themselves to copy her methods.
"As regards 'quality, the emigrants
now going to Canada average far
higher than those.who seek their for-
tunes in the 'United States," says
Mr. Preston. ``More than 52 per
cent, of the arrivals in Canada last
year were agriculturists, whereas of
those who went to America., only 14
per cent. belonged to that class.--
airuz,DzBED ms BROTHER,
Frenchman. in Alberta Accused. �i
a Terrible Crime.
says: One of the nmet cold-blooded
murders that has 02461 occurred in
Alberta has just 001110 to light here.
About 5.8() on Wednesday morning
Francois Marmite a Frenelonan, went
to his brother's ranch, near lyre, and
it is believed murdered his brother
John. The murderer used an aXe
while John waS asleep, threw the
body out of the window, and then
carried it to a nearby creek, where
Ile threw it ie three feet of water,
with the face downwards, He then
returned to the house and tamed tbe
mattress upside down.
An liseritation-To the Canadian
A. despatch from Montreal says :--
Mr. 11. W. Campbell, representative
la this city of the Elder-Dexups
Line, has announced that Sir Alfred
Jon ev9 has extended an invitation to
the Canadian Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation to send, a deputation of their
members to South Africa to study
opportunities for trade there and for
the purpose the company's steamer
Monarch will be placed at the dis-
posal of the association. If ar-
rangements can be made the vessel
will sail from mon tread in July
The intention is to take exhibits of ;
Canadian manufactures. of
Seveateen Xilled. and Five Wound-
ed. by Mores.
A despatch from Mauila says :-
eld arper and 89 mon
of Te Company of the 17112 IT. S. In-
fantry were caught on May 8 in aa
ambush by several hunclree 'Mores.
Two American officers tand, fifteen.
men wore killed and five men were
wounded. The ambush eccurred at
Simpatem, on the east shore of Lake
Ligu asan, Is' and or Alin d 21110.
-Several Persons Killed. and Police
Quarters Burned
despatch froni Shaegliai sane :-
There was a riot at the treaty, port
of 'Cliong-ktang on. IVednesden. The
mob 'Darned the liew police quarters.
3evera,1 persons 12071 ki110(1 or