Exeter Times, 1904-5-12, Page 6CAN SE HAD IN Pas,Wash Basins, Mk Panes, Any viret.ctacs arocer O:an Soppty You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. 1111RMANY LOSING GROU11111-----7— ONE THING DONE. WEI_L. courtesy. When, he was lying ii agony, between life and death, just after a fatzatie had throwo leOrteh SUPPERS IN THE. NEW GROtfle- T.he True Secret of a Remarkable underhis carriage, the Count could Succese. ,still remember his manners and aPo- ING OF NATIONS, Dr, Williams Pink_ Pills for Pale logize to foreign diplomatist be-, - leesereeh Agreement o. Men- People do only one thing --but they reuse he eeted oot eeeompoew bim do that one thing well. That is the to the door after the visit of in- s.elet of their success. They aetue el of high politics are ally make new blood; just thhoff at and Ifs as held ice in the Gover- g to tile general zeo more, But geod blood is the best went, but peers the Opposition puiele, buttheertially veiled rapid care --the °ale. etire--for most ds-' benches, knowing that from there eeeeeee, new !Aug place in the fame eaees. Most diseases are caused bet he cell best serve his country. He mtioe are well worth the at- had blood. Anaemia, palenees, iamensely wealthy"beiug known .eren of casual observers., says ples, eczema, indigestion, biliousness. r as the Rice King of Japan, and he London d,,,spateb. A iR uot possible kidney treuble, baceaches, sideaebes.' has lavished his wealth on the fur - yet indieat., what, will be the res- neuralgia. nervous troubles, rizeutnutherance of hie countryman's educe - ace to German teEltgs'u Ana tae sPeclal seeret ailments tion lfe has rather a. rejudice • wlme the tune arrives for a ef the Ie'ar eastern ques- Tien th,, close of the present war, *Flea tee siteetion will be Net`y the Mg! Preraill'ag At 'MP of the coutlet is already leer- tee. e atitudes oe de lare ean • P ees STATEMENT OF A STOGRO UR WER 1.•••••• HIS LUMBAGO WAS CURED BY DODD'S ICIDNEY PILLS, Sieffered tor Twenty Years Before Ile Found Relief in the Great Canadian Kieloey Remedy. Oat„ May 9. --(Special)- Rebert 0, Lampouta. the well known Gainsboro farmer and stock grower. is completely cured of a long -stand- ; . . , case of Lumbego, and be bets growmg gals and women -these ag,eiest foreigners --but vielt Iiirre u'ediffereut diseases but they are all. with new ideas on the subject of ed- imede a statement for the benefit Of ItleJECTED STAMMERERS, the public, in which he gives e to bad, .blood. Ignoraut peoedee'lzea,tion and he will, fturativelytire redit for the euro to Dodd' , As stemmering is a cause of rejee- souletintes laugh at the itlea that.tak.e you to bis heart. es . ore little medicine can cure all tbesoi Kidney Pills In his statement Mrtime f , mm e llitarY SPrVite, lts frequency Lamptegto seys. is shown by the statistics of the ex- iliffereee, diseasee---hilt theY h* "For they were all caused by °Imo "For twenty years I suffered from. ealietetioll Of recruits in de/merit ea - 1 More thart half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the Soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best; 6B V, . - The aPPIl°atl°1-1 of this state- ASYYET IIAIIDlittle trouble --had blood. The foolot Lumbago with all its worst eyam- bens. The number rejected as stain - is qtr,lit- irrespective of the two L,,...41 .. w, „ ...- .. veep,,,e ate, ,nose .efic, take a deo,, The merchant was hooking an or- toms. I bad the most distressing morel's is 7,50 per 1,000 examined in ',rent .,,,..„,,diciric for oe.ory symt,oull der for a customer whose name be 1 Pains it seemed possible to bear. l' ranee, ,l,23 in Switzerland, 2.87 in nolout thini,:ing or tee one ciliwe at' had entirely forgotten. Tie tried to iconPlea with an treitation of the England, 2,2 in Austria, 0.80 in It_ the root of there all. Dr, liVilliaraa'', get the name without betraying blitz- 1 sPine- Vink Pills strike at the root, bad self, and Made a mess of it. as is "At times I was eatirely Prestrat- aly, and but 0.19 in Russia. o ...ri1 not a - e e.e. h N 2 -ems es factors in the general change is in tbe positz'on many. Indications mattiple of Fu it discoretiture of German in Over tile kr cent develop- the 'coots with vele. aeon,. tech 'Lot me see. he said. eyou spell "-".Y !-'W$4 wiz:gel:el% and required the sox is be to a rumor that eed and was for weeks unable to do1 rany a girl's popularity with the ee politieta The blood. 3.‘ Welt races to Wery corner :;:.Yculr nun30 the easY waY. don't servics It""Y °"5sist 1110 she b" e:eol;ition uerraturly- ivas of the body, toning ti o nerves aad :you?" m dressing end moviug from a chair 1140•11mm etemazon one in the leearieb, ''braeinee each organ to throw off replied elle customer, 41 sofa.1,:t°„.lbtericuactara and medicines,. i.m„ For Over Sixty, Years eatisa pa es titerneg the /eiet few „ stsealettee$ and itiseasts. In a betel sepoose seems easy to most pee- , aP.wtssLows SOOTILINO, Srutry has bean naat Qt 50 benefit till, the advice relliona et 'mothers tor their children white teething, e et recogaized throughout way hero is trong proof of pie but s really Ilard." nspotheli thee/al, roam the gums, 'May31,1144 gum.; t,to lecosetes expected op, 't con t vial 3 la g toe above statements , This Wel not help the merchant nnv to piat Lo.gekv, ps 14,0 Joint Craig, 147‘44-,,, Out,. says "I beg pardon." be confessed tide of sieter na- NV;1h:431)470d and had no Power "but I shall have to :Ask you bow , over my right arm or leg. had to be spell it," lifted like a ebPd. Pr, 111 o0h, We quite easy to $ren,o • • rinli VMS have tured Me and to "Da (1hiW1 you say a, Moment a. - My neighbors the eure seems that it was bard?" '44 1 t114 war veil; niont ere iinelle Greet lleetaiu and feeeallo t IV'Ztite 1, 0 ARO, Ike a miracle. • Miss illanebe Derand, St. Edmond, :-"The doctor told me I consumption. I had niter - and fever, and severe iX wire daily growler; weaker. ellen tie, te-r, of Dr. Williams anti my health and reterred.'•"1tCCI your little ones stoz Chickeeee , and bawels right, and they -will 50510 3.1'ars Ill health}' bappy an grow well," This 'flu% uil"g is the berate opinion tef a. PhYsi- ie the lireS Ot sa den of world wide repoiation. One Werehle. oever got , mother who followed this advice - 55121 1 began Mrs. Albert Iloisvert, St. Claude. iek. Pills and „Que.. proves the truth of It. SheeZ ti'e',` a sew SO,YR 115X0 010 greatest faith in ti Baby's Own 'Iliblets . e J.' Toni: engthenel I Meats'. Tions :menace to Uer. directions, It asOn, that opportunitY eAtion to stop:, -1N,..nelt and Lug-- ,1 , an, good of- t men 5, many woea elhilitV. en:Jibe:4z to ' "Vest and so it is. But it's easy, too." "'Tow do you TS ttl.e that out?" "Beeatise it's •:41 It foe youngchil ag-4-41 -vela ee reach l'rersoteee z. F 'TQraTi ' Mrs. Albert Lii lil .-.- .liatles, them and I Plways keep them ii1 the 5 41gr''sat ti45 ', Ttiver. X.S.. says -''f cripPle house. Both my little ones were Nar,i,e1 as s sible. ,from rheematistu lfltt 1 bogantISOI4 troubled with constipation and Four . --.i. 1 thie development 1 DW the, stomaelo 1 gave them the 'Tablets aeed if tiee sear should 'i adios and mins have 1 a d they are now perfectly well. .- ..,'• ri,ne or Jolene -Fe mtg.' glea as well as cover," ve in a while I still give them a Mr. M. Cook, I.rimeeein LOW. 5 in f 4 f rapidly ; $az-q :----lir. Williams Pink Pas cur. , h ‘,." lf all sensible mothers fol- . we:re..,^ I% 2t tb5SP re- ted me of a severe attack of eresiPel- , low this advice there will be fetvo1 sponeile, f,w . ext IT 15.- 4 AS. , peevish, sickly babies in the '01'5 1051 . Tile Czar 2%Ir. William ifolland, :ea rl'hl Ont., 1ad.These Tablets are guaranteed e q and subjects ' says :---"I suffered for te.e.* v ordain 310 opiate or harmful erotzlei teletay sehteree of I frrnt Liantl." trallble. I tra'd a Y , drug. te,olit by niealeine dealers aagraedee eleent r olas.t.' ie olledleines but got rotbing To help ' everywhere, or sent by mail at 2el tetra- mud ma ti's w'r trio mail I took Pr, Rams Pink cents a box by writing The lir. Val - WITHOUT LOSS 01 rrtr'rIcX:. , ' • Pill's -ind a fter ta,in teem about limns Medieine Co.. Brockville, On a lezenoll every bit of be trouble was i Th*,1, of teeirse. is iniposeible in the , „me .. preene eltuationt but tbe attitude in- 1 What Dr. wonams rink pipE s hnve LITTLTHO.INTITS. die.° •ei how eaey it would be to ar- .done for these peeple-mul for thons- .A. good life keeps oft wrinislee, rinete e l,eitienient. if the point, (07 ands 01others-they will do for ogee A clean glove often hides a, di y *I teCehe el Votittelelle was ('2104'reaeh- ' if yon will give them 0 retest -emelt() hand, It will b% eeen. therofore„ that itrial, Sold by medicine dealers ', lit order to be popular forget to ,te th.,t Beitain. Prance ona the ,ever,t wbere, or by 15311 from the Dr." say a good deal. rimed, Stetee in full aevord. the op- 'Willitana Medicine Vo., Brockville, Worry is the worst wolf that peroelety tor Germany to profit lei :oat., at 50 cents a box or six boxes comes to our doors. the entetime of the war is eotremely i for $2.50. If a ninn lengthens his nights he sa ... i .lt shortens his days. 'Ib' ieseen whielt Iltiesio. in new i COltEANS IN WHITE. A man can feel good without be- leerning at the bends of Japrin tends' .... ••••••• ing especially good. . 10 r. Teter a set tlement of it is &ways easy to forgive othei. serious II, Eats Are Black and GloSeY ana - • ' questions with Great Britain in India 1 Curlew:1y Shaped. people's enemies., ,it Persia emelt more iPasible than a 1 To be consistent a man has to be fete leonthe ago. Franco win assormi, le Is only the lower elassee of Core- better than most people. ly 4.10 her utznost to facilitate Mich an 43118 Wil°Se garments are dirty. The It is better to collect, our thoughts .agliumment it a egnelf.mess is howe !better class Coreaes wear an attire jtban to borrow other people'e. Do not believe all you hear; but be sure to believe all you say. Lilo is a one-sided light for the Man who 1$ his own worst enemy. Do- not 'emphasise your own vir- etuthesersby enlarging on the failings of We inust love the cross before the crown to win the crown after the Cross. T'aS 1 ADleiele TO MOTHERS, el ent 0.•!lislitg Pr.-, i Cloy have 'Madesti W. T.,. to prevent the trouble corning to rozne to an understanding. Ilene° '1111-* Unelacitlate cleanliness of which It is that Emperor Inman,. is dee iis probable. unexcelled anywhere on ceribed as worried and perplexed and earth. It is certainly the quaintest iimt, liis plans er., eteesete No in the Orient, gine us its owner he- , el rear, hn.tvver, that he wee variably swings along with a super- o the, dire dipenna Newell -his eilious swagger, as if he and he alone ionente desire for him. Ile stillwere the owner of the street and all reniaies tile greatest human figure in .he surveyed besides, the incengruity leerope. Tile wonderful genius of hisof his manly gait, contrasted with atesemeship none mut guestion. No_ his exceedingly- effeminate drees, is a thine but a s, rions collapse of his Ithime which must be seen to be thor- healtO will prevent his meeting the oaghle- appreciated. dillivelties of the situation by a. boldIL: is clothed in white from head to and original mare which one, foot, the white being sonzethnes vari- more change the aspect of European ed by eream colored silk, every gar - polities. ment being of spotless cleanliness. He wears the baggiest of baggy breeches, tlehtened itiet above the enree, and his padded white socks are partially enclosed in -white and black cloth 11RFATItING WHILE YOU WAIT. The following recipe for perform- ing artitteml respiration in the hu- dais. Ile wears in summer a silk man subject has been given by Pro- or grass eloili coat of gauzy texture, fessor E. A. Schafer The patient is which is tightened under the atmpits laid ie a prone position, preferably ,and spreads loosely Irma there clown - on the ground, with a thick folded 'wards, and being stiffly laundered, garment underneath the chest., and sticks out in a ridiculous mariner all the arms forward. Tbe operator round his logs like the starched frock puts hinmelf athwart the subject, of a little child, facing his head, and kneeling on one On his heacl he wears a, hat not Iceee, with tii other knee and lliP unlike that formerly worn by Welsh flexed, and places his hands on each fisherwomen. only tbe erown is not Side over the lower part of the back ise high. The hat is black and glos- of the chest. He then sletwle' jsy, and a clese inspection of that of throws the weight of his body for- la yang --ban (aristocrat) showed that ward to bear on his own arms, end ,it was made of finely woven silk and thus presses on the thorax, tbe bamboo in an open mesh that resemb- subject and forces air out of the led crinoline, while those worn by lungs- He then gradually relaxes the less prosee.rous are made of horse - the pressare by bringing his own body lay r nee The t u ted cone does not up again to a more erect position, but withoet i•noving the hands; as he does tlus air is drawn by oiastio 2 britn abont four inches wade, and the reaction of the, chest walls into the 'whole is kept i5 Place by a black cord thogs. Tills process is repeated re_ or band tied under the chin. The goalviy not less often than twelve !office 01 this Peculiar capillary attire times or more often than fifteen fa not alone to protect the head from times a minute. By this means it the weather, but to forniOa noceptacie is nasily possible in- an average man for an equally curiously- shaped skull - to caect sfich au amount of respira- cap, which in turn contains the top - tion os will be enough to maintain knot» This hat is worn on all oc-' 000Iplcitcl 001'aUon of 111e blood. The cesions, both on the street and in advantages of this method are : the house, and its gauzy construction Eaee Of fl1aDip4il1l,i0fl, simplicity, exia.bles the topknot to be plainly inalleSsibl I 'ef air Passages being I seen within its airy walls blocned by frilling back of the ton- . gne, and facilitating escape of wat- . 4 from them, 3A.P OPPOSITION LEADEP,, lit the head, but perches jauntily on top of it. As its base is a round rrool of a won-la/l.'s toniper i1 tlie arrival or 101 unexpected guest to dinoor. It's cifilicidt to incitico a politinian to lend himself to any scheme; you've got to buy hino. ind-ITearted ottr stol' Is, :Indeee, a sad one. And how (1141 »you lose s)»)lir husband?" Aopli- ant for flellef--"Please. sor, Ile wor veleta testiii" a liO.-roo),,in' Count Okuma, Who Spends His Money for Education. Count Olonna.,, the leader of the Opposition in Japan is described as the :third niost popular Irian in Ja- pan, ti fter Marquis Ito and Marshal Yr -inane -eta, and by far the most in- teresting, for whereas the two lat- ter become _MAIM Westernized, cured by quitting coffee and using Count Olcuma remains .a tliorongb. postum in its place." Name given, ty pi cal J ap r ostum Go,, Ba ttle Creek, Mich . Tie is the greatest orator in a na- Look in each package for the fam- tion, of orators, and tile best-rnen- ous little book, Itoad to Well-- nered man in tho land of exquisite DENMARK'S ICINGS. Denmark's Kings fcr 388 years have all been named Christian or Freder- ick. This is not the result of acci- dent. It is the law of Demnark that Christian must be succeeded by Fred- erick, and Frederick by Christian, To attain this, and withotit the changing of names, in case of death or other reason, every Danish Prince, no mat- ter what other nae.es he may receive always includes Christian and Freder- ick among them. SOAKED IN COFFEE Until Too Stiff to Bend Over. "When I drank coffee I often had sick headaches, nervousness and bil- iousness much of the time but about 2 veers ago I 'went to visit a friend and got in the habit of drinking Posture. "I have never touched coffee since and the result has been that I have been entirely cured of all iny stom- ach and nervous trouble. "My mother was just the sanao way, WO all drink Pesteni tow and have never had other coffee in the house for two years and WC are all well. "A neighbor of mine a great coffee drinker, was troubled with pains in her side for years and was an invalid. She was not able to do her work and could not even mend clothes » or do anything at all where she would have to bend forward. If she tried to 'do a little hard work she would get such pains that she- would have to lie down for the rest of the day. "I persuaded her at last to stop drinking coffee and try Poston" Food Coffee and she did so and she has used Posture ever siece; the result has been that she can now do her work, can sit for a whole day and mond and can $e...v on the machine and she neVer feels the least bit of pain innher side in fact she has got \yell and it shows coffee was the cauee of the whole trouble. "I could also tell you about 'sever- al other neighbors who have been neighbor, I commeuced to us odd's Kidney Pills. After the first box T noticed an improvemetzt, sad whk-a, 1 had. token SIN 1)0Xei, wry symptom of my trouble had vanish - Like Rheumatism, laembago Is caused by 1.7rie Acid in the blood, Sound Kidneys lake all the Uric Avid out of the blood. Dothl's KiU- t1c'y Pills make sound Kidneys. Ilifitins--"Why do you conside th breaking of a mirror an omen of bad tick?" Mifichis-"lleeause I broke one About a year ago. Timvs ifIginS--"Aed what liapperted?" kins-"It met me ten dollars to re-. place it," stiodeelie renula'-es the stoneen APLI LOWeis owl is the best reteeds lor itiarzto". eatits 1444,514.4 Soh/ vidniggio.thwugioNit the woritt, s"ne reltt aek ter ea IT4ssI.ow's8o0w518o 8vttur." 12,2-41 A political ring has a beginning, but like any other ring, it has no e Minard's Liniment for oale everpliere Talk is CI4051); °theorise the avei'- go would soon bunkrupt iher usband, What rnaltes you Despondent? --Has the stomach gone e rent: ? ileve the nerve centres grown tired and listless? Are you dead, toed with nervous prostration? 8044tilAnierican Nervine is matures correcter, makes the 4i9MAtt4 right, gives a world of nerve force, keeps the ch- BM/Vara of eintinents to Caiarrh V4145104 perfect, A regiear constitutionluiilder ter rundown people. One Italy saysz . '1 owe that Contain Mercury. my life toit,"-84 as mercury will surely cleetrey the sense whole tembere, when euterlog it through. 1, of emelt ariti emetiletely derange the, el eneY a fool Man would delibera t he fllU000s surfaces. Such Armies IMP, b;o au cuemY bY guessing wit the damage they wilt do IS ten folil to the ,5004 zeoo coo po.1,sibly dero,.0 ,the Eng/islt language to enable a. from there. more VatAlryla (Jure, Meat. ,; girl properly. to describe her drst ufaetured V, J. eleeneY 4 Co.. Teeeihean. do. t/. co:deans no ---------.4 fel e 15, 'seltrlupItIonnsevfrcevm bieePtIalevficke,Plazi'...Pr.e;Iteane'le•cArsare4ertf NevnOnulghhieswgiti.44se'15 aken iiiternally, suiting glirecly upon the blood and mucous surfnees of g b tame you get t ie genuine. It le talc - stein, buyinig Ifelre Catarrh Cur e Minartro Liniment liglieves neuralgia en internale)? and made Toledo, owe, by In J, (nonce sc, co. Testi- moniitle free. tglogi, by Druggists. Price, 75c per Take hall's Family Pills for camel - petiole EUROMAN 11,MIMAYS. • A solicitor, who was remarkable for the length and sharpness of his nose, once told a lady that if she did not immediately settle a matter in dis- pute, lie would file a bill against her. "Indeed, sir," said the lady, "there is no necessity for you to tile your The total length ot railways i32 the bill, for I am sure it is sharp enough world is stated to be about 4541,000 ;already," lilies. Some curious light is thrown ous countries by a eoxuparison of their! 'YOU CAN'T BE 11 the relatir..1 civilization of the vari- mileage In railways. . Russia coroes out first numerically with about 34,- 000 miles, but dwindles greatly if the enormous extent of her territory Is considered. Germany follows with 31,000 miles, and Metric° is third With 20,000. England has 22,000 iniles, which, if the size of the coun- try be allowed for, places her at the head of the list. Italy and Spain have only from, 13,000 to 16,000 miles respectively. In the whole of Europe only about 60,000 niiles of lino are subject to State manage- ment. The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. Shilo ps C nsumption Cureil-ung Is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: S. C.Weees te Co. see 25e. 50c. $I LeRoy,N.Y., Toronto, Can. welaavoscancod 1-28 "Goodness!" exclaifeed the nervous visitor, ”what vulgar little hoodlums those boys are out there in the street." "I can't see them," said the hostess. "I'm rather 'nearsighted, you know." "But surely you can hear how they're shouting and carry- ing on. Yes, but I can't tell whe- ther they're my children or the neigh - horse" "Pa, why do they call whisky an eye-opener?" "If you take enough you will see things you only dreamed of before." ICnow KINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. - . JOHN D. DOUTILLIER. French Village. I Know l‘ifINATID' S LINIMENT will cure Croup, Je. F.eCIJNNINGTIAM. Cape Island. I ICnow MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. JOSEPH A. SNOW. Norway, ,Are. "Yes, I -sleep, otT and on, until 12 o'clock on Sundays." "But when do you get your breakfast?" "011, I go down to breakfast about 0." "Ali! then you go back to bed." "No, to church." Heart Disease Relieved In 30 lillinutes.-Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief » in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 3o minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation Short- ness of Breath, Smothering Spells;Pain in Left Side, told all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convInces.-83 ATTRACTIVE. 41.1X Offensive Breath. and Disgust- ing Discharges, Due to Catarrh, Blight Xillions of Lives 'Yearly. Dr, Agnevea Catarrhal Powder Relieves in 10 11Ii21utes. Eminent nose and throat specialists in daily practice eiglily reconnueud Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, as sure. permanent, polities:I, in all cases of Cold in the Head, Ton:elitist Headache and Catarrh. It gives relief in 10 minutes and banishes the disease like magic. 28 se Dr. Aenew's Pills. so Doses lo Cents. W INTON is KING Zang !I've ArlAg AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built 'on correee mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective aaternobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904. Winton, we become "automobile underwriters"--insuringyouagainst risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog? The Winton Motor Cat -Agree Co Cloye!and, O., U. S. A. Represented In tho Dominion of Ceneado by THE AUTOMOBILE Et SUPPLY CO 79 Mud St., E.. Ter0P2t0, Oat. Sub Agencies In Chief Dominion Cities eossiencerem. , ,44-74/tif,°z/i.41 evt," Potatoes Poultry Eggs, B 9 utter Apples Let us have yotte consignment of any of these articles and we will get you good prices. E DAltia0N COMMISSION 00 Limited Cor, West Market and Callaorno Ste TORONTO. For Dainty LtmcheonsAL.- , Ea. Teere is nothine'so remPliee atm tl$' Iyirst as Libey's Luncheon =eats, There are many delicious ways Libby's Peerless Driod Beef, Potted and Doited ilain , Cell he served ler LuncheoL. ns. 11,,kr (Natualr chicken Loaf end Veal Loaf i my..31,,. F MO Food Products $ Seed for our book, "Beer to Make Quad Things to Libby's Atlas of the World,sent postpaid for five ge statues. Libby, McNeill frv Libby, Chicago, II S. A. 1 $10 in ono prize for tha greatest numbor of words. $10 in two fivo dollar prizes for tho next longest Cots. $10 in fin two dollar prizes for the ernallsr !fats. We will pay ihese prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three words : " MASSEY - HARRIS WHEELS. " Letters to be used in answers only as many times as they appear in the above 'words. Competition elc;ses May 3$h. bend in your list tceday. NOTE, The Maseey.tfarrie le fitted with She cushion trams and Morrow eceeter hraho- the two Ininroventonts that have made hloye:ing. GO farnougy :mower. Write for our new "Silver Ribbon" Booklet. ADDRESS, DEPARTIVI ENT "A" CAPIADA CYCLE 8c MOTOR CO., Limited, Toronto Junction. reezteieeefe'lereee WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 25th -to Dec. est, in - elusive, the Wabash Itailroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great World's Pair, St. Louis, at the, low- est one-way first-class fare, good for fifteen days, fare and a thii;; good for thirty days, good either via Wa- bash direct line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to tilis, the greatest of all Ex- positions, _should remember the great Wabash line is the shortest, quickest and best route. The only lino that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. Por time -tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agent, North-east corner King and Yonge Streets., Toronto. -- "Who is that awfully freelsled girl over there in the corner?- "Why, sthat's Miss Bullion, the great heir- ess," "Aren't her ,frechles becom- ing?" What's the Tremble ?-Is it Sick Headache? Is it Biliousness? Is it Slug- gish Liver? Is your skin sallow? \Do you feel more dead than alive? Yoursysm needs toning -Your Liver isn't doing its work --Don't resort to strong drugs -Dr. Agnew's Little Pills, ro cents for 40 doses, will work wonders for you.. -85 "Judge," wailed the prisoner, "can't you give me a little time to think this thing over?" "Certainly " replied the magistrate. ''Six months." Mincrcl's liniment Cures OililiS ete, The franloiess with which a 17, --en r- ola girl refers to herself as an old maids only exceeded by the frankness with which slie » denies ' it ten years "Sometimes," said tincle Eben, "a man gives hisse'l credit foli bein' re- signed to fate when lie was simply settled dowit to bein' good an' lazy." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Ilead) ant Soap .Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. "Age softens all things, does it not?" "Yes; there's no fool like au old fool." litlinares Liniment CUM Dandruff, A man who can't talk and will tale"' should be /nuzzled. An adraira.ble Food ot the Finest quality and ftav our., Nutritious and Economica.l. 48-21 Billiard Tables The Boot at thin Isiswient Prints Write for Torras REID BIOS.rd'f'g 115 tome lea. W. - 32-31 ARPET DYE:IN • 'and CletmIng. Thi, is arieialty with tha BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. Send partioalars by peat and we are 0347 10 sltiaty ASsirosa Box 156, Montreal. IS4I.T3e4 we-. 19- -04. 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