HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-12, Page 5TINY TONIC TABLETS. ---make rich, red blood that 'gives colo: tib pale cheeks, strength to weak bodies and energy to tired nerves. They cleanse you.-_ invigorate you -give the, perfect digestion and wholesome regularity that mean good health. Why not try? Fifty Iron-o;r, Tablets, in an iatire,etive alta?ltintter packet case, 2,s cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. Tile IFotx-ox Remedy Co., IJn - 3ted, Va U'ervdt/e, Ont, T H ` - kir rI' 1 M S, MAY 12t, It 1904. 1 decretexed brother; to Exeter bas ixrr th'., e 1 a cc,t;tage an itliat; tcitszn, Mr. Jas. Waiters waa in London, on. t' y'.edne day,, :oil puraZnss., The Huron County,, Old Boys, of To- ronto, will rule :an excursion to Gad,, ecit.h and Luckno.w on July 9th, re- turning lie,11 tla. �•.-- t airnan o:a4 c>�'a. 1V x' A. t, , J,'pbier, rho is now buy„ MEletout e,s" Sale of;ldcrnnsw gild I,a s- vinacetl in-: 'and shipping hags, shipped iris' There trill be offend by lylablia, .„ac- 1 +a . Lias[ load last Monday. Mr. Batter will Lieu on Saturday. May lith 1001, at EtZ s'rF' ►n c'aic, X i) u:. ria,,thwa hoer, a, a,nd a '- an lt, loi, knotisn ia.r tale "kh ar111'Fo,7erty e� in i.leLe T..`'tanth,*TJAhu CTill Atu.t.ioa- you goo e r Chas. S ie lI rV.cultrr, «> Auetian :ale. -^•C10 114►xse13t4 } Et-- Teets,',]arks, o,te, on Tbar7,tity; •Slim. l`Jt.Ja,. 1904, Flt 1,50 O'clock ;s11:1,a,x, at a,r tkbr, er1'deizwco rf .llll s.:1 tr,ocik..ar, :1c1otrk er :Alf 3- Jn0- Sale-r,ul'+ i-4,1.11arn3y iroelord IFopFi.a . ;a�, it. Ic'ULn, 3J.,n zs visiting liestlaughtar, Irs- ,inct oneer. IVm 'I:town- of London. Shy will "al- , • O' visit 111'1-' char.311tei', Mrs: t,"r, IL BEYOND .A t,,J DE•SC RIPTION cg - Il; • t,t, ;:and althea rra'Iat,ives in town, �.. treaoz+4 ra urizing to the .t1 est. �� ' ila�a xlriale>ite 11 , Irs 3,. Y., Qater, of lla:nellle had with rheum. 4 'AI 4 W. BROWNI (*, 1• . D, • P. S„ Graduate Victoria TJui• aityF. omco and rceidCutliCc•, I)analoion ltatat0r3, etar. ;t)EcNTdl+ Ilt: 0..11, RINSA lx,.1). B- Ronor Gir 4'oronto University, Pent.l Tooth extracted without pain or be' reflects, .Ogles to Feu• aOn'$ blocks. 3Ft+,t side of Malta trcet: Exeter' Ai•ivERS€$l4 DFi7TIST. Bettor Graduates of the ;axon mad Royal (aUe e of Dental Ont'arla,with hovers Aire Po7t lTr;+i 4 ergo School of PresthetiO Montana lxonmlrlomentiou, profs�slosa verythtnn known to the Dental this Wilco. Bridge work. crowns.. al - gold and vulc nite3aLe3 ail done in [lien I1eatebt, manner gnmsnpble. A a~erf,;etis 1/ae,4l1410 need for rainless Clara*. kora) doer r:onth et rilxintlr; lira'aFttrro Ont.. 1 � OhTY 1 hate funds to lean And ono half per cent. OAN I arnr prcrertr at 1"nor 2altxEsr E14I,IO',C't r O 4flONEY have l llHo es f ostohifarmorvia a ao my at los fates Interest. DIC.SON &, CARLINCExeter, ONEY TO LOAN We have a hips amount of Private funds to loan on farm antivillagoproporties atiowmte of interest, O1.AD;itAN & ST.'iNBVllk Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exet-or. DICKSON Sc CARLING, }ierristora.Solicitara. Notariaa.4tonveYince Commissioners, Solicitors for the alio 1so Bank, Etc. 111anoy to Loan at lowest rates of interest, OFFICE :-MADT ST1IEBT, EXETER, a. n. C ltrallo It. A. Z. Fr. DtorsoN Bugper4! Buggies! Do you Want a Buggy We have the finest stook in town ail the latest styles, in the pewee olors. Our prices are low as can be foun for first-class material and workman ship. P BEFORE YOU BUY -.GALL AND SEE US. J F7 Ijssel! Two Doors. South Town Hall. 010..Maill•••=01.01111t Seat. ood �er's Fills are good liver xiYou Is.know that The best wily laxative you can buy. Whey keep the bowels regularr ure constipation. tac.ir l' ant your moustache or beard beeutifui irowuorrictz black? Use. UGKI4GHAM'S DYE a a.P,411,7.l.C3..a(49WI. 4.a' ocal Ir ed' dit Iaau:r;t1 et lntart, rrl Tu'zaibt Ilollaud Iiia, who 7+3 practising' LI visiting, :box ,parents, Ure 1 Fat in Tentless, Mr. and Alr:a .Mr. 'Tito. I.fenk,in• 1111[. lett?, s b;pia ire,41 t, 3-.>z1dg rlta)l.c,Tur the ,..:stat tart, weeks returned to his lrotUe in orale n, •tLi,q l4.ROkl:w1Y Fol„ aALM. - Desirable property in Exeter with suitable rest• dente thereon. Good investment. .Apply to G1.:'tWIAll i STAXI3ITRY. arta. Jottu .l atgtae.a„ or Uitclae+ll, who .was 3otCt e. 1Aguey of .t..125 by a OTIOE TO O1.t E DITOliS, is the natter of the Estate of Alfred Cole, late of tale l,'ownthip of Usbor.ne in the County of T'uron, Farmer de- ceased. Notice is hereby nitoa pursuant Yo. 1a Re. vised Statutes of (Marto,* i0 1S97. Wunder t � .Gua r .1 „ that all 'GrCii1t01'd find. Otbfl17R having olatmA against tt.a estate of the said Alfred •Colo who died or or about the UM day of liarch 1101, aro re i • quaed co or 4 Ff oro tho rad day of atay 1trnJ, to send by pest prepaid or deliver to Al.essi's Caladman ts: �tonbn of the Village of 'x tr, ryI7..o, r Solicitors for the Executor of rho lost will and testament 011 ho a1d deceased their G1lrietiau and surnames, adiresse:7 and descriptions, the full particulars of theirclaiins,tho statement of their account s,and the nature of the reenritics, if any) held by thorn, And further take notice hat after swat last nlenlionen data tiro said', xecutor will proceed to distribute she assets the deceased among 11,0 parties •Gnt1l1 i onto having and ori , r. K . Y to 1:he airline of loll ho shall then have notice Ucc and that tliosxid 'cantor Swill not be liable for the said assets o tan, r part thereof to , ny porion, or per.ons of e claim nal i 1 C shall not ha,•oce t o • rc cc 1+ i • 1 ca y himh r at t 177741, e f each'a t, ' d ri t a ]tion. t Da : clot Exeter �oter tl c n a .tllany o f April, 1953. GLADM.AN & STANBUFL'1. Fc1 eito: 7 for the said hsecutor. EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bushell 90 to 95 Oats new .... , . . . 29 to 31 Barley 40 to 43 Flour . $2.50 Butter • . 13 Eggs 13, Wool14 to 14 Pork live weight ....$4.60 to, $4.60 r , Pork Dressed 5625 to $0.25 'Turkey 14 Ducks 8 Chicken 6 Fi. U8borne and flibbert Mutual ralFIrt. Farn3ur � u ante (oA1p antb Head Office, Farquhar, O17t.. DIle,ECTO'RS I.' reside%t.-TRYAN, , Vice -Pres.:- VV. 1 L .L'AssMORB FAR(IUnAl P. t . 7 F. , r vioi?i.h rT; iVzrnLr..N .P. J, J. A. NORRIS CROMARTs: P. d. Was, ROY. BonNnorar J. L. RUSSELL, RUSS/ELI/ALE' P. ilt AGENTS, a. J. CA.RmICILAEL, STAE s O T., A. DUNCAN i+ARQUFHAB,, ONT. v J. WILSON, LA PO' r 3, S rrtrtrtx, LucAN, . O';r. B. W. t.".r'f^l W 4 Sec .- ,u Y-f'r��_s. Farquhar. •C. RAMSA '. V. s. Honor 'radauato Ontario \reterinory- Col- lege ; Hon aayFellow in Ontario Veterinary .Association. AP dLsea;es of dome -tic nnin)nla scientifically , ated. ' Mi k foyer treated, by the latest a cyge treatment. OFFICE : one d south of 'Town Unll RES IDENOE : eeehilti house north. of Pres- byterian church. ` FOR SALE Pert Lot 23, con, Usborn e. con- taining five acres of land. Good brick house, stable, good orchard and gar- den. This property is ?, mile from Thames Road Post. Office, aancl must' be sold 1.o eose csta)to. Terms cis • r • . For 3 partica,'ats apply to Thomas CIA.arsit- oN lrq., Falagnbar Po. FA.R117;I FOR SALE ra well improved farm,170 acreasi on con. 10 and 113n the townshiplofiliid. duiph, situated about thnee miles from ;Granton. About 100 acres:un-. der grass. Graaorl buildings on the pre- mises. For particulars apply to Mr. Michael O'Mara, Granton: 1I'.O. "r' OUSE FOR SALE. -A4 good , rev storey frame house, our, _tore} , high,. and containing six roams:; /together with, an acre (of' ground, on which are•fortY first class 'fruit trees' and oloar good' well 'o 4 water: !Good , u� lccaition bring situated on Alexandeir; trea4, •Exeter, North. ,Apply on lrre- miser in chc evening or at Exeter' •` Rost Office.-"i1Crs: 'Joioey 'Horn, Lx.,L- HORiTHORN DUR11A,M BdJrJLS for sale.-T'ne'Undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pe2iirree or eligablo for registration 111y aged bull which is the sire, of the eta ors, i.1' includaed in thect'fcrri.ng and:' has, proved hims4elf a -sure• clock. getter. Be was sired by Riverside SLamp, :which did such good ser:� in the herd of J. and W. B. ilea Lt, n �otne..r cn of Salem, and .is a : half. bz Star of Morning, recently,, owned- by James .Snell, of Hullett, which. took prize rize'at London fair ant sold. r at his dispersion sale for 5400. ripply on Lot 10, Goncac�ra' on -n , I3'ixy, , or 'John Elder, • Hensall P. 0. 1 SALE REGISTER • Saturday, lqa,y 14th -Sale, of house- hold furniture awl Itemise .n.,ad lot. on - Iiur o,..street.; west of 24 ttasi.ort house, cnaturday next at 130 1), C11 e,,pr,oprinitor. II. Brown. 4,'Lu turn.- Bliy Itttttrrrrttttttttttttttlitrtttntttt7ttt rrmtttttttttttttttMMtltrrrttt boy Isar a wri4lzinP front v0 to 2450 to!unda.; C. a Arlo[ raja= ': t:. -who Da;[rrtra tent ^f Iilitia.tba,Sr rtecidad upon lbs dales' far ;the summer training, caxuap'A as follows;-I,oad.on, June, 7th ; ra, June 11th ; and Kiegsltem, June 2Fl.i), :rem us salad be cob - hat we are your best s. One trial is an we �ornta zl(t vt> tviti ti¢ Mr. Frank Dalbridg, who la35, baen 0 ,,u0 ,s1.11ich,1st ,ri eve,,r1 :h4al„ 1411 in LW employe of M. L J. 3nlelr- ,NraTiii110 ts^a [rte -d atlas it cured rexaln far t.lt3 pa St t:O1alC y -e ars Il.tt ,•.•l'1)b [Dail, Ft'Ii•; I I syar t.t ati e s tns i`Mfi le naanraniatt.,�_.ao if zD. rila I ,BC'ar ez 1L peunra'ied to tis kcr;; Frank' sVM be Aste(l hyiairs 041)-Y Cell or tb elan and ea x:d aan, 474 l'ri ez ds here, %feting after a few ap)l,a enttons f t a Mr. IL Stelae::, of the. �'�t tlacaburg�yc,,se a;xssl l�lat3lal• s3ieunk ,,,n r.mev..tr, Samar ('o., is in taw u [iris weer„ [assist- l.r, i It�st,o lad rite asaRSRtla n It a` -rt stale- ing Mlr, k. 1. F%abi,er nn proetu•ii du;ag lnanvcar kit' Sr 11.'rr-=i4rj•', a11;It -1 ilcxeange tar latttt5: ilii ttaL C RUW is tizci Tti,".ralnatAYRat1 l)ig11Cy 1 Fy :i at v:lia33 t su '^gtl Deet: ;a� Ct3a1 . OW , trisa3e to s. aw .. t. F mttl-�if', Cao . d_ for' •i:�3tairrial ats� iaxnai beets as wrath' produce mare burns to exco-llaaat to sarta rain; l',.cwguc, the acre than those sown later. He also says that, laird in this 'delloi,ty is especially adapted 1~„r 'wet culture. 9'b -Tin, nuuilri' a,T "Corti^7^111 'Iowa,..ztli t orlr: a iw quarterly- hula • 'l &1 « , r 11a a #. ' 4 , li•1,�I by it; (' rt7i IR Silk C'ro1n,. •a,ny > 6ta1;.,S' i=^. C't g:•?'ai 1Rl?>,"tet to ladies. 'x11. � a,+,.'1,1r-Sa9"Rt•{nIAl^"k 11 dM I tris',oily- replete with ez;c all.*laz�i3zcF near' t Tsn a 3s iiltaara owl colored +. n a't'-lvanr, •i . rrt . r. to rr. i ta lie r 40410 1 a %•;",,,,,,.c taik7at"&1+'i liisiclt ,,r. rRR":.t)rl"fl tai 1)'ttiF1'iirr'",r took :war 1 311 G; t7, CIt?';l. Sa';lt :lad ^f:t',*..asxail, 1)c 12:.,taC?a ^�+t4p this-':a.,for ill^"^+T-, t -r liis�• Ilaartaatcaeiur'tl by ]r'° i?,az111•,z ilcd..yrg. fa 41 E�roi', l,a-, .ti. 1'x8 intetc it ill'-,, ariel is [hit a alrl'lc 14 -Is ,to lilt. l.0 a praduz-t c)taa°rit 11;45 ` � Ic."k 1heetune lsi;lily tailtienabI< again. Th. it; rya i r� iRrt hr,:;:10lira+11^4'4' Itihw, which Hlt:)2311 s np a fr.ai.1 ce'tsRmud its -elf to many, anti <Rts+l , 1,,,,, +a-: -0 oily.s will find Bow, Noodl-work l.°.,. sauu,i invaluable. Farqult +'1,0,M1 tt.' l:i;cli:f,^^ 4 large Ittttlst:er ani'. i. ,.} stat fa r a vi s, u,a t e n Tiaaarsda ' I r l at Jana Wattle Building'. Toronto, rata' tats 4a skin bring 1 he 8usu'ial meeting iof St ila,N tla a+IBtritrt7' ('O,.4 j erit9 a Hat rem it {y lir 41t ;n^e a 0 F,t-t, zaclt9vry (✓4iitlatatly, United. The ,:�a t�. t tr shtat•eholtio [lila: teed t , atntlsf qe,. laaaala w3ii giro tion with the ,rn.anneri' au which the ) business 11.1 t,a t'1l 4•talae3ttc•la t1 t it:4'1' 115 1 or,ganlx.atioiR aalttl'at a year ago aril lar i tw all41.1OU9veto the ttthwi'' LaRalyd of Direct()); s t''• a4 le t'1t eted. 'l'he coir, patty's sh arelarrk[e:s are peact'•catly otll t terntnns -who has* Invemted :quad1 armOUatt'R. yard '+lira from ten to two - 1 hundred do1 1,rti. The tt ti T [;till has €,ante btt c k to t't ,1, fiat. LOW thttt Ibe rrotksatt NA baby ;are in operation 1 and the cc tupary is tux ning out Hitt. I chines for nMa. during the prt0t'nt expected that the balance season, it isp b� 7 he rapidly taken u . 1 h x l will y t•te;; I f the r+lr , t� The coampan7's tottivat for than season 1513 1.3 ClainP4c7r 3, t of Iridiax'tu by .,nn aoK ;xle.k Souls •cif a1; eilai raW,`laxtl htalsaxt exit 4aao *hen var.: tilez y• -..ars tried a rn -Ain: ,.,M ',Ince it4�.1�.yn�,iyt hal fofrom,?,Rk 10 ;t. • tr, tram rain' aria ni+:�- Fl:rrr ttrratks'a Lar ;41r. Joon Sttivgoet Flclt la< t is ar l oil Davit ^avtltorc• bt ha.a an a .alaQrtla eta; , tlt€y tt tl3alnt;!riii, 1:d.�ti ,. 4rtt�. z o Utz Irr�r It ,rr a T , d r tlati l; the, 4atr1;;, t l twat to ^rat during' [law hurent 'r, i n n ,+.laieir; Will ba given. liatar,. ;►lt�i Gurria haat family ctf t ntl '1 i az1'xrsllip 3llovctl .into the vi g, 1A we,eh and, l.317.takru up thel,r rc'axi• will cnnbist of binder's, II)0Wers and dime* 4n iter rnctiber'o, airs, :Jlul►ei- rakes. At the coneins1ott of share -•irons Iretiada holder's meeting the directors nlet:atltt - -.Rev. .T. Sunil cccup:.d the pulpit reelected Dr. Oranitsateka as presi-'cof Nvetr1t str sit# ,Xechodist chaxrcit, (lent and Mr..1csajf11 Straford las vice- Ciet;ericla, on urtday lilt. u int wails, t rv� l li, t1; e A itiexa Gl'a rmx ,ac Goatetiell. 11.a'. �tcrs Ther U1$ Burnwit14 and Co,non Cameron left on; Tuestl:ay for (mast. iSbuutf Ito •3oiu, ,the ;cr i.vve rr t1 i Government survey boat, tit.* 71 {ye,.t�r1<i, L44iv 1_ If you should bumble from the top Keep a. ging, And if the weather kill your crop, :veep a. going, See the wik on the wing.. And hear the bells that sweetly ;:ir When you feel like sighing. sing, And keep a. going, as tat we always suit you well. With the goods that surely tell The story of good buying, Is the snag of easy selling, Keep agoing to •1ardanr Poplestone Iartipotions. has the rat. est, rstro4 serviceable nail l)ia3 , mac/I- ke, or mains s ears iraeJr can contrive. 4=0s verybody Moue/actore ire at t[ieir wills end ter supply tine denaorads titi sa ora for Raincoats. IS we h hadn't been arise to order ahead we would not, have been able to i Beet the demand. Drat luck ry has been our friend! and; tealar we have the test Raincoats prof/need by the Premier Rubber Co, i and lawn letx Loses Attauttf ictnrers. Men's Rain Coaats, gtcry sittadt+sA $1.00 Coats, wind proof ai,al iyaaterlarooff' regular , ,,,c, LO forF.5. SI:. dee carie world beater, t IDU11 itt a pear- ue t(D lie at custom made, rat greys, yleciatl tatlit O. owers bi'Rtttis g7�ttta is ;soil pr .. v: ill protect3 is tt '4 e 'it13 a two FdUtI' , A,1? ;[alta t1.f tntd T ei'euglrty Rahtptt`a4. t ht wtilg t tltlat 8tepv lt1 rat iglu[ 7.f A57019„ 3. 74, president. lilc,3 br lery et 11r btter4 of liuruu eiturclt, el:nten on tlati;l'tlala ra 1 eNeld ' t1 t'GA tell, 1'roct.r•a.to •. It- ' v, arta, Robert Ic- tlur„ or lia.nazilaextdented cora .q ,sitrn:r& :to atlas" Central algsrutbly, A t:onzmitts:- . cona,posad or it -vs. 1F. 'VT. .Mtel •t . G :anti . i 1, JI. arr.r. i a t , L 1 . t tin, •- , .. 1 a1i7 V_. 0 1 t. as )rc tL*t t b y 4 rr ar �4 ;[. n .11. rides as to .tha . tioctioU SI: commis- - boner•. koa late Zeneral Assembly. A A. > • et to pre - pane �:. 1 ..l t .i t , t Rol sit � L .. r 1 +. l ]lain fialita.ole minute ' r goading thi Rev. M. Gart',s*iubilee cf� ed , Gl.nni asked Mr,a�.1t tion. t!rdtn ►tr the lar $bytrry, to, peltit.ioe th:v Gen- eral .t asenably tc give?him the, st o t :t:i ,of o �lra+ .t ud^ trn th_ ol r"b . la'• ' rate. V •, r Hilt 4 The, r,.que,c rya. 1;• dl`s l'ta., V. al!l ::1tt 'tJaty 'rt' r'llttra l Court A„yia 1 Judge Dritton ptesidinztg, 'the'3ury found n verdict of three tl outd ci ol.. 1n)n daivages to tit: widow of the bas:,- ba/1 player; Del abanty, and .1 Nvo thou - And dollar, to th, dtalghter against the a!Ilehigan L'xnaralRailway Dela- panty. was drowned at Iiridooeburgat'- ter Lying put off a. 51iehigan Cantral { "ra1inn. e ,Sj [yoke ,but bar color n to . h. latest substitute offered to butO r - n i tnc3>ars for ilia tar anda al no r • tilt h9•� bald rrht tl :butter CG,Ol;n1 r '. l: P. ua`rl W.I. i t n ;•^du .•' ,Comm Ftf lx e. t9 , V n. (at� [Ate 171 1inn � as natna� of a 11ri;a) numbs of t 11ieGann-Ii, 01 tiler rZI I Or' was read applying for adnu -r:.n d,}iry' und• rend .dt.„i aitrnent.. Thayolk of ,eggs, 11 is claimed, has been us'+d asbutior coloring bl',European but- tormaherrs Tar • sonotime. It is claim- ed, •bhtait the results ars entirelyseat- i,:1rac-her,y4 .the yelloce animal fa.t, of faha7 6*01N PeAtaateinig•a nue dolor luta] no 'injurious efleels. It was only re- cently that the attempt was made in tate United States to substifufe liquid ar15 within e»g yolk for another 'butter color. Com leery, tars 'given by. Dr. Stewart. T,he i miss1aner "i17eCurnbit alias recti n.tly re- •• M r. •t e r a.1e nI .rho new coloring I'resbyt•:olay +ad�quaned to" meet ,inthe cetaaa, :�anil Thames head Presbytcriani church on tate 0th September, Death of ilirr,John McInnes. -"t bo- comes e c a+en.icl...tb, an7nes our sad • duty to 17 r dea.ih of one of the 'pioneers et the 'J ops r, lrip5' ok�.tClsifor2�t3;n the' person of John' 1V10In,ucs„ who was barn 'on the Island ole'Tyree • Ar,gyle�shire, Sbot- -. year 1530 whose a i •n is land s•n the • , Li znovoi to Canada when he was but a few weeks odd,_.>;azad - settled in the 7leo'n,sbip 'of Dial,housi'e' iri -Lire couniv Tor' Lanark, 0nit. Xn 1851 bb ,cane Amer-▪ [ and, located on, rho Thames Road' in. the •tbwnS-1tip.oG US'bea7n ills parents: oll,o,wIng; ,him;twoy,ears leiter 1n LSOE1 he. wais'':ocnvetrtet1 un- der the ministry of they; rev. Jno. Rapper::...and 'united with tji3' ;13-0' C hu.rieh ,'iso 3,86,2 he Was unitlerl in r ,ma.rnedi iLc, Eliza` Paissrn;ore,, eldest nrPassmore 'Vr the late 6 �er of tla air L d h of Tleborne File resided for, some y+easLt ruear Wogdham;: rvheq?3 171 [111- ed +thio pb$ iLion of class leader and ;Sa,bbath' Sohool Supt., ut hobs oh church, He moved 'Lo Exeter in 1875 and , �esiL1ed, an Elizabeth street **her her remained until his dea.Lia, Ile Ys-iis a ,teacher in the„ Sunday School and a class leader for many y'eamtrr i,ti eonnee li,on wil-It ,James -tad;. 11ir thdclitst; church;, of : Exetier, TI;a 7 fourteen •n , n�� f fou,ri..tin ah7lraien,. 'llrr..�a *vas io � a sans and,. isievon l,a7,g,14(ters. 1 -le tI an aff:gctionatojs ife;.:�.ons, brother and throe kits tei'.s to mourn his re- in ov.l te. Lill 1 5CbVtcritn Church, an I )77- ati .tl)ese War,: priOcipally7 from Ole Cc•ri,regaationnl and :Cresabyteri n Churches oC the 'United States.' Tb report, an augmented congregation., was!..,, ,given by .th.O.Rev, C. I:l:e tche r. and air, int,re,�itirrg' financial state- 'men! tate-'men: giv ng a Ccmdperaative, vieev of the ,contlrilbutions of nB..conlgre f,tti the bounds of the P.resbS-; 1,\ L77EN.TRE LIVER GETS TORPID You avatni, ar •mil•d (f`tfniijlant likie Dir. Ifoa ilton's 3'slls of Mandrake incl' iBart:uervut re hi.c;blcur7ct",u)ctivsiliver relzsae i ta,Lion and sielrs headache ay i or7c.e. "{U�e anPy T),r li,amUton' s Pill 'I'rice 25c. SCOTT' EMUS. 0 Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en- joyment of life of thousands of l � men women and children. To the men Scott's,Emul- sion gives the flesh and strength so necessaryfor the cure of consumption and the re airing of body losses from any, wasting disease. For 0r tivoineli Scott's E1iil:il- sion does this and, more. It i� a most sustaining food and tonic for the 7?eci:1 trials that t • woven have to bear. Tochildren Scott's Emul- sion gives for:l and st c ,.,t11 gr a� for . growth of tl+3sh and and blood. For pale 1 for ,tthin and .l..1;1t7bo,-s n r' iii 1 -is ,;t t he' I✓1 41 S I. tI, o,,., 'SCQTT & mo' k U ..C'...�.r, Toro; to. Ei�Oc. arid, 0,1.0Q 4 s- N1lt's iitat line {WO proof sa▪ -▪ - ar-- Biggest Ctalleetion o*�O C'npers, Diningroorn Paper , binds for all people. For e...d.' Parasols Every prophet i atti. after Rich a r Ere."! s{orenng, We 'Kilieater• so weeks. Prepare for [Ona our parasol early. 4;tr 1'.35 *saa irn at sill:, have r,.. •„ dt _i t ,t hod �•ixlrk Umbrell a i?l rayl, tl.ttlt* &hull lots Ora prices. at lif Vie t? for thle„. c ttlilto for Si.;'" Whitewear get tired kliowiir- We titre- er get Ureic[ i,V UevOfIet w a rtetl1'a.da't k iris tat a *„ f ik, g7 y,� ir4w Dr�aJwmti alt w;�, , S!�se. ;aruf t Forget us WALL PAPERS ae n town. Parlor 1.. Papers, Libr K1t lPapers. Papers of ttl'yl 1.50 Patterns to Select From >c to `?:)c fl Sii,le Roll. a ASK FOR FREE SILVER COUPON WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE. POPPLESTONE GARDINER -•,r TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. and is. investigatingIts value. It w.to user.rnc8ntiy jy misers rs or i e foods commission. and, the result was setts- rap, etis-fac, cry„ the hatter having an exoiel-. lei'lt color and being of unusually' high quality. BORN. i31iD. :in U :borne. on:Friday, 'Tay ,4th, ',to Mr. and ;Airs. 'Wm. Ford, a daughter. 'o hers '"t• en ,nT d ' El- o h, ,. May .70th, tot Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. L'il,klar to (son. FR1TZ,-"in Ctediton, on Saturday, 3t3.aiy 7th•17, .101 Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Frrlts,t at du>rgh;tgg.. MARRIED. ,tN'GERM.ILL.-'L_'CJMT.XY. -In: -Sand-. wich, on April 201h, by the Itcv.D. H. Rind, Wm. A. Inigprmill, of De '[reit, :to,,.M,hss La;nra 117:: Dura1'cey, .0$et,rott,, •formerly` of Exeter. XPI.s,LNS0N -+; TOP,I'.ING. A.t i .17,:7 rlilsiclr Hale. 1pia'xeilts7 Brownsville, by -the Rev. 13,, E. iVIxr- lin Ur. 'J. ofiMikch'- rte, Mines Bertha. A., dh,nghter ,cif Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Topping. ` r DIED. ,ntri•,NIELS-'Ln Mi;n;ton,' ,April 2Sdh, 7Lcit!tiO D!auZclS,';tla.ulgjaflier ofMrs' C:' W i t tr fy; i z�l rYe.arS, 1 aim,TWS.-*Ti1 iUsiborn', an. May 4th, 1904, 'William Francis, Francis, aged 18 'y1eia;ris, ' irn!cusitrh, 4 kla ys, Ol '1�.u7t C n7 Ina � TlT;13NAi�i.-A-L hfa 1 Friday May bit 1904.t Rev. Er. M. J Tiernan, aged fig years. SA3 PLEi,Y.- Tn Clinton On May 2nd, it7atttie,:. d'aughter of Mrs. Joan i-r'hiir,C,, 1, a,i;ett ..30 years a nasi B9 motto, `1.1114. I-�reu�ti', lr 3r'iz.rts.; .%•R;I+rEN.LDI;,-��t ct r 'day, April 20th, the one month i4lrs . Alexan- derchild •of ltiir and' r .Greenlee. O+1rdRCLL-7n Tucan,t h`lu4nzlm ,;.ry Macy lista, JolnU'1axrcii, l 70 years. fr . funeral taoir, pace to St. i'utrick's cemetery; B-iddul;prb .on Tue a 'WOR. ,SALE. --,Brick house and near - i ly ,ane -half acre of land, at Elim, I v11le. The house contains 8 rooms, 7 '0.011 repair WIIz cca� ht)nt,--•exec. in � e 1 g _ alt well of water. also stablls_ A. num- ber of fruit trecsaand a quantity of srnai; fruits. Satisfactory reason! far ' r n, -& 1 to '� R1 rI718.. �'•. / 4..117. a. b n �. Apply CI3Ib VALE;Ela .?alln, cr Jim.. amall;aeomrr, ,xelcor_ AR11I FOR SALE. -,The, undersign eel is trfering for wale his ex - Promptly Done. cellent fir rmxlot„ 1, con. 4, township of [?shrine about[ two .mires frim Gen- trilia containing 100' acre of well We are lvino` excellent sa a ear faarr' or. 7;y g is ciiltivn,t,�r11nd >arlg 1?' n13 fisfaeti0n in flour since re- go e- torr; b:,r.mt, well drained. There „ a ` io'a'�Ct ''raenrei'house +..i ncl itwo'. 'bank b mill, modelling our n1 I bat Pis, two, good wells or tva,ter with � , windmill pumps also. an orchard with tlaerrtCulatr apply onO pweitzer ren -good Trait, hearing 'trees.: (Fosfur, � �• { i. Cent • 'G , e < a• to MR.. W. CAVES, 15a P,: 0. . rt CREDI'fON Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping 00000a600000_000000 .411.0 tit as o. 0 m• , 0 It (Slovaks for itself t to C Tpao t' ..oic, money' ralutaodea > .•, • ei w�4tlelm 30 �i'3lnufa:®n d to Cure t 25c. CURE'S HEADAttil .ngAx 0 44 Q'iumrail a t;e,at ; : The Herald Y1 zneu1y Co.. Aid tt ` is or mailed. o 0 io gas 0 la a 0ra e oajasmo0eatarsmc�€ser®moe�eaa�cseeawoatnmm m>§ c,oar�emtcs®OieRs4e��