HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-12, Page 4Blue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown' Ceylon tea. The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountain air and obtaias all Vic- fragfance wad deliciousness the plant can, extract from a soil rich in the properties. A 111-Ve-nsouri4iling, tea—a sense -pleasing tea invaluable for Wworkers—solacing and comforting. *ea** e Tait. AVTI apitn, r'un t •1101;Bervri Ft1PC!..... ill V it !ION 174 i• 4 ; lavet 1-1.ty treat 10 :a, to 3 essieept Ai:liar:4 as a. a Olt t1 * 44** 41 • 4, k rit 0,00,00 $*0001000.00 2 szo,000.00 AN tied al P2414;:k Notcs cashed or collect -F-4. 11', rats 'tpliej an.D1Ls ce,:llrsintsbi 11.0 Pantialet;, Oro's* DI Pale torfaltt and 'stoat at harest ra, VS Qtexchaage. sA,VINOS 1Z1Z-PAIRTMENT 4,0 and upwaids icor ivt Intel est a- /al-411(1ot 40[7'. awl added to arinciaal „Iola, Zeit - I. e.r miler 1 ard highest c arrant rateg of it„1:10, n0a-wcd, • aafla taru.oro, *took del'ors, and husiress tiAve'lt vas a tititcraNe tem., Ageat:sat Eat '•,.a." foe Dom. tlavvrratict:t, "40 Thelci$011 & Caritrigr, Salicitars. N. D. 11,URDON,:slanngers * ******41,-.41410.4440+4414****+$441***44.11,441•.4404;ritt,..4:/-40.44 1317,1‘DAV.. TURSILIS ....... VirEDNE$1311•MIXPAAIWO•V•e.,11 nAndl 904 - era. 20 23 , 10 17 2i31 1 18 23 12 10 20 fi 13 20 27 7 14 21 25 TEACHERS' NSTITU'rE Tlia priaaroaaraa for tile 2 lottwaina asi" t ha West Ilur usie, 4. • ettl 0.-papsns t'tor Prrrit- d lo t SATLI OON -Osmingi reises reading smialutes., Composition with Class Gaderich ; AV. Shore, Vrt l&S Cooper, Porter's hill. ),ort. of auditors' As-Intion of o ilT,Lce.: /W. I .1001 tRoporti of Itc,soltution 'Committer!. Scheel somg Ark,.$ Poison's class. ;10.30-Tla° Training or.Pttpils :1ol'iteneass--1s.3 J., Gotiorieh ; J. Itarnitten. Ce,nt ralia, h ttn_ tSsufticie.:41; attention 1;1S -en to tho LI- 1iri,Trn4•Thapils?,( 1 1. t, C red it cn ; 3stia.s D. Pa •Goacr- olso.lior* A° 4. licia h ,00110 tub ttte, Getfeeicb,,. on - 118e,parat.0 Si for Male a gilday "tin d day, May 110th and ,Feniale Te0.110Citzl. gliAt 15.Ctr 151orhx1unusual internt, AV OMEN'S SMTION undi the 04sete w311 be worth s at- 4 -'111e. f::erise- uf tha School Ou !tending by other than teaphers. The intilding4. 11-Itow Ouill teachers deal Niittli , t, Slung; ..l.rol, -Profanity; 31•11., im- ill* tPlifitY; 4th" QuIrrerlingl --. Xissea J. . - _ ..rsollegavi;ng titt0 'pro xramme lath:SAX ;FORENOON 41-st/1:al:Aim; exerc4e, ranting' s , I 3211 0111 t.. AV tson, G otientch ; 3.1.15 -The !proposed changes, tu the1D4irrint,rtori, Exeter, and 1, Mustard, .Ocktr-lo:Ys .t.ttialaa-Var ,111,1g1 Sie1sociis,13.3ruceitield, iri,rang. 13. A.. Gotlerich; for 3-11ousaitiol'd Scionce at ithe Sum- Eoblic Schools, 3 gagin Tomi, .1 'P. S., /ter ;Schools, 1903-M1ss tA.,E, Cousitt, Ocdorich. rhing, Z. 3, Gedev-MEN"..i.„' SECTION AFTERNOON 1.30 -Beading 'Minute:v. The suparanana.tion of Teachers - Iran. DX0E:ay, Elemsall ; Miss E. Wig- gins. Gederiali ; Gowans, Exeter. SOtiot „ama b ii1ti.ss Buri. it t's sChiss. 2.05-tatlichoo1 Alea,Ling and "clentilas- hion-N. Trewartha, 2,30-at:boa Windowalisa ,fortn NUA. School $-on by .atiss Barri/ t'et Class. .2.45-iltepeet of delegates; to 0.E. A. 130.ta1aaDe1attat and P GosAflt to, ;mom ve our Exeltesr. table-li. Kirk, ; R. Stelck 3.15-Tiise Ceatralization of Rural 1ataxach, and same as „im Wo- es Section -P. Gowans, W.hogaAttja, Bills Green; F. T. nan-- aris, :Exeter. 3 Vs."3:ata caii Je done ,to 'retain man in, alit Le:achingprafteasioli-?.- E. S. froward. AETERNOON 1.30.-1eaactittx Tire professIonaI Training cif 'Teach- ers -J. dr. Thrert, Miss F. E. 13all, GodeIrtaill IT. A. INItICa aght.nn, Cen- irlain Mer.rish, Westfield. Sabools--.G.: )3ak& Cliwon; P. Ross, 2.30 -'Question DIrawer. 1.;cschaleh ; G. Mawaon, May. -arasafin" fished: Easiness and 4-2.1ate,rary Style -J-, M. Xlield, Exercitses. Goalart.ala •Goti" 00-0'7o, the Ring-, --1ltarw to i;leourc uttdnce - D. .IyileDmaignfi. Winclivaisca T. II. 13.,r owareng CXJk EVENING- Ctai Eridpay te,viening an eaatertairia ment will ha lat7satsein onsisting qt shoi'L• addreases, inuerapersed witb vo- This falling of your hair Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The, fall- ing will stop, the hair will ir grow, and the scalp will be can and healthy. Why Satisfied with poor hair when yotz can make it rIch? ,,,,noarly all camonth e t. I en fried ATof llair Irlp,or and only ou bottlo nt„Inped the falling. New hair earn° in 1'0.1 an a 1, ja.t a, little curly." -- L. 'aratega, 1,14 a bottle. a'. G. ATI1R CO, AIL arr, =rlatG Lovell, Masa. sactscik,r1=Ert-t-,,. Closing sSUDDEN.LY ATTACKED. athilriresni are .aftea .j,auctd,caaffy a* Lacked by painru.I and danger- oas Colic, Cramps Diarrhoea, Dv-, ;seal OrY Cholera ZIOrbus, Cholera in- fantam, etc. Dr. Fowlers Extract ,of Wtld Staaavberry is a 7prompt and. bare 'cure which ahould always laa ketyt, in. Lit e ,h.o,use." Mr. Goldwig SmitIi, pordeot oh a cit its h a$ a it ten to Mr. Cfct roseg-ie„: aIvJg that intjad ispentlirig rtlanr millions in librar,- ia,L, which would 'grow' of :th'ems-el,,,es wiiii the :: dye n ce of a.iviIizitLiori, the, ro u 1 ona11cnaJaht cJolt,omojhln'g t ,relteve, the misery in the holnes of the ,aosricPis, poor. Thea1gL ct ti on aga nst tile cigarette, swi titso-17_11,i; viig- ir,:m I ho s G., in 'PVT: a.bitoba. f,riniposg the Cit,y, Council, hos 1)01.11,..1. a by -la w the foe fir in iigiaiji (es ;$500. 'lilts' i ora c 't IC I 1"' Yet t ii; not ',too draistie (when 7 S71a romcmr th a the ulna 11 l>.:.-1,ys on . our t nor: ts 1 al-'' i n,g 41 flUti1111Csa int ( he 'ma .tor odi,,,Mokixig those IpesY,.;-1. o,w h. council ..at *Kill aalney, hos done avail ae7t"ter ; it has passed a by -11.4,v mr.rlting lt i1iaat 0 ttf ig tLtn th.ai; town after May lat. Killa rneys action might well be inaitaterlin oth,- (zx ti.ciamtia Tire. asuriasiii•an 4's' VVhy t Lse; tar moit wLation wita,2,n . ihamu; ni-2,w in our pc-ivier P o eut oft t his evil in our own 1own rmnd 'villasigIess3" E B T E S M A Y 1.2th, 1904, [INN till119118f1PERTH All the news of interest to Times Readers Uappening in these Counties. Huron -Ur. ;John Ratitwo.i„ of varna. had lieasi fall into the cistern. last The rt out ur rhos Crm eiz1 liotai ;t Blyth walla rephacca lay Anent bleak frusta. Nias Pattetsan 02 earlowaltaa bean compelled to lin isabootfll ow - g t0 41thef41. esoLsesS weak4 or lame, traek, ekaci110, ritennfacilsra witt fr2ind 1 4.: by wearing ene of Cartes Smart unit Dellati•anaa Dackache Plas. na, Pries-- 2Z csaas. Try ftheM. lirixon,o 'Wing- twalt, wan! UsaS Wien at tIttAdinlir Nor - mak Seliaoi At' Regina sita00 3a,'nalary, tala saaienrad boGj a.t e uge building cona- mtite[7 c..2 tbe, :county* couucilaniat tin I Toe,sday. •of last wsgel4 la Oltritoa,`but ' i asi Ilia ;:axaavalkai had not beau rill It d tlicaa wa but little far bent M. R laza-. va AT frtonzt 1,i el 0.ira riving horse, on Iliggins, of Var- TAY no• Tar tit: Ray - (0 ougli ▪ raedieine-a:Da. Pine Syrup. Sahli floy fa en k guarantea aro:sal:17514, • e 25c. lumber Co., of ,Getit•riel, et*Lo irtve tivUr sasv-mill in re Nr.!,,:k:k when tir, ice it i; wili havo all disappeared. Tire„y Aufficient quantity of .1o,gs on it oke.ep them; busy for a coup?. ..'"eekb; and a ia1tun fee's th cst, the foon. river, to :a n when na,viaon aaaria pet 1 I a pile 4 Ite, names1uttiI Blind, ltetdv ,pututc., imply na A tte 'different ' thxough ub-u iwry ea..e will a iflZUU" Long enough. Piles 3,re caused toy congestioa az' tagnation of Nam/Ain tna lower bow. aryl it. takess an internal remedy.to „move Or,- cause Dr. ficanhardtis IIem-Rd t trtkaat internally. It i$ a .parre,vnent Mr0 ttzti u5 ca. of Piles bac,i over beau found it failed 1,0 curz. Money h tek it h does 3NCE. adc as to cid cures. -- ELeru1Zraal iddl'OSOX k.kti fuo n1..rsuus or dyspeptic try 'a 'Little Nerve Pills. moms yea nervous, and nervous. • makes you dyspeptic; either one piruse,a1140rno 11)114i:table, arar In:* At a: raw:tiny, ,pc Ansa Craig ig Connell the other right, it c -as doll 'that a. by -Jaw, asking fcr at .85,000 for the erection of a Iv iaWn hall, be; :submitted to the i era ie or tin villtvge tt tn arl y The tdelth et 1r. Jahn O'Farrell, oft Lucan which ;took 'pIttee last weak sernaved. 'one of the toldost 4/tid reivected,eitizens tor Luoaii, and 1 at the same time Akers Wsotedt away thet last: of: a damily of sb sons o late ralr, Vrarr.alt O'Farrell. 30c0a13 Kitithlyri. 11,44 eel. on 4, lie. imp,* bladder blld urinary cumans only. They cure backache, w,eak back, rti.:1- arroatisra, dilabelLes, congestion. in- flammation ,gravel, Bright's disease and 'all icither diseases arising from wrong a,rtion of !the_ kidnyes and cider, Dr. Jelin ',Gunn:cat ..1114a4 Craig has ben appointed 1101xsa isur;geori al St .Tctse.ph's hospital, London. Dr. Gunn will lay remsembored for hits cannot'. Lion with- base ball interAtd in the - city sof London, and also as ai.m,am. bar to.f ;Canadian coritioguent South Africa. Ilia many friends will he pleaise.d do not hi e arrciaress his chosen profession. "ST.AN DAR D OF -THE WORLO la an allies block. antl ereet a Wg raw halal four raatareya high, just eaal ef it, on Albert stimet. This with NI:, F. 3. Carrie's new hotel, will naah.7., two firtsi-class.tew hostelries or Si:2atter:1 :this year. ,say they are al n_r $t:rr,t1?d ,-er upset, caa- yt V rlea tzt d I r ri to. AgIbtstrif, UetTL iutt Nerve Pills .tre jost the remedy such petite require. They litmoe vOrfee, 'Llntrtnany of thL: nor. Tuires. ..eal give new nerri? force shattered nervous systems. The ,trarttal nloeishigi pr th.,LzwL of the-XAtliodist choral, wI11 he :held -In the Llistewel Mothod- ist ehurchasen Wednesday and,,Thurs- d ty,nay 18 and 19, t tLil nUmilrAr of thirty wall bit Dres-nt. Dr. Jackson, of 11104011 and llev. C. 'W. Brown; of Stratford will ad- lnezaaa at the v taming nieeting. l'a,l,pitaltieu ,i-10 1.3eart, nervou4.- f4 Altallbli.ligS, 13 ,--!r vrus, beatla 111 hands and feet., 43,ain in (tieback', d ether forms of wealraws$ aro re-- •ved,b C„txtorls Iron Pills mule tll r.cx the blotal, nerves ands • mpitexion. Tharue$ £'I .run of Lo,,. an.teut threa raile$ front Ilzitcbell wQ:31, ttLt1U oionUay, of hiSt wcoiz tc, do autac ploughirvg, and he ,4'ss i.F.T17 7tlah: u dropped dead, and viten. found a few round with the plaugb line; .trtrtrad ht. Lnk SPRING MEDICINE ----- Ai:it a spring medicine -Bitrdcok Blood Bit torts.has; no equal. It tones up .t ha tzy.stma and rempves •ail -. puriciesa ;Cram .the blood, and takeis away illa.i tired weary re eli ng $3 pre va le dt in- spring- Pert, At -4 (.141) riesutt Sl.ral.ford's first ' experi,ment with municipal cwnership, the Water Corumissioners ha vs handed or0X a5.1.1roifus' al e 500 itto the, ',city. "Ehe StratOord ELatel Carapanyeliave &Titled Lo turn tb Windsor Hotel in - Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach la weak. A weak. stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. rt gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wast,e7.1. Among the sigms of a- weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- V0113 14e2.e.12-che, and disagreeable, belch- ina*. arive been tz•oubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but gnt anythis2g that, gave me relief until 1 took f.tood's Esamparilla. 1 cannot nrflise Oda medicine too highly for the good it has done ree. 1 an,•„,sys take it in the spring and, fait and wcnild not te without it,' W. A. Numm-r, rtc1hrri'lle, Ont. 15-1-e 49 C W.5"' nig(' ..P :3) , Stretlg'...h6lis and to the stsamach an the whole digestive system. Wom:...n Short Know uaa atr 0, ast „ offertna: ally supposed, to or retuale dt,,order ANT4,-131.1.0, t tra ,Or. J. . Looniaa rd, Li.„,groat. amount or vhsomow., itiL.. aatmtis rare ott•usca,l.u; the.11oodillta1, taken bait; turostil, att. %sigh int'. ,proper. ti .1011, into poi:ion inr.te411, or nu I, -pol.setr rrie d ,by kilo blood li Ex:A aghout UIh ysteira, umkes Areal: women. who , ore hard- ly- ever; "‘NT11-axervc35 in tlreadrza eon, ditianz-funbs aehe, back eaves head av.dt(1,- billions, ocingtipa"ted. ANT(I- '11;11.14, the greatt 4.ysite.:In %treat ment, will correct those troubles, it starts iti work by making a well stonaieb -it insures strongOja to weak Nvamen -it is harmless at any staget or con rIo iM1 tit tt woman's lite, and there it rar !Arno ,A.XTI-PILL; oainnot tesed sit1i isulfety. Any NAnman who it...I1e3110 may use -a ,hottle ;oft rs. l?1L.L free from any ex,pcinse... IC sat- istatto.ry results do not follow its wie, .us 'wrapper wilk name of drug alai., tram( whom tdur,chasod and get your inoney back by return mail. Wilt,.on.J.Fyles Co., litagara•Fails, Ont. A. monlh's treatment for 50 cents. on Avery FUNNY INCIDENTS -..-- "YeN there rtrt; ma.ny funny. 'in:el- dents ywhich cocuir in Iltelife of gen- tieinen oli the cloth,” said tlie• Rev. K. L. Jack.son, of•Pittsburg. -For instance," continued Mr. 3-ack- son, "One official an a coritatin circuit. of 'churches *gently' Sent to the; pas - LOT in. IIIIS circuit the following notice .1)1oefr1 your cohiciathro c,lar,aa,ymam preaoh *the Gaspe', and axe hie. con- vextsta Lion and, ,carria go consistent thetiewkth'i "I'rlom, 0116 »10100 the reply cam.ast "Our lafficiaaing cleag,ynititatpreath- es the G•espell, but he dcesn.'t keep rd carria;g6, 'of ay " "Now that reply niay have been in- tentic d for a joke owing Lo the strik- ing 'temptatiou of the word 'carriage' but litat it was slate -tidied as such is 'not any! (tAnion. "Wboneveri 'hien ldrzt,t tato-Ay 3a"m re,mindc,sidt1f1 a(aqtber ,which rovIded in, a a Lher serious consequencesttos the L'ef'Tlithei:raPt°417tixtaAteit general had writ- ten to an Alabama officeholder tbe fol (tjingItcltiteir -.pear ;sir :Witt you idcalse inform this departinent haw,s; far itho ; %Com- bigee sive-r: runs up? : Reappetfully.- P. G.'" "The 'return, mail bronghtback the ColloNving eurt re,Ply : " 'Sir : In a nsvs er Lo yoars or '.1a.to a -the 'lom- b,i1Lbec.i0I rhtvtge7 dLoaas:F.nii;,at.t,lotitunuript, Ibis lioiel; !epistle was followorl ,hy 011C` }equally erfactive. „It read; 1 Su You „are hereby infornierl 111 t this cle,par,tnient has no longest n,n» n-ris 1 clour c.rv cas. ales pc nal] bashea.led orriceliolder aftar„. 01 701 3i a tea that he 11 11 .lost a good job by 71, poor jok.c."--liouisville 11 aid. r1tirca''r Popuiation 1nr 1I1t preva the '1o11osnrifog'.363,41men1 01 the pop. ula Lion; of Huron 'eouttity. as 31a °iv; by: 'the SpfsseSSmesn.t 'rloals of the, 1111 anuakeali,,fse* for, ;1903 ; Aeltfield 3,015 ,Blyth 7.a rut3,sa.1-si. 1.21.0 Clinton .. 9,289 1,740 1,395 Goderich IGsadaaleh &awash/its ....... a..„ (2400 Grey .. ... 3,201 Hay- . owiek Hanel t Hawaii Morris„. • McKillop .. .... . ... • .. g,497 Stanley.. . 2,014 btaphen . 3,050 Sepitoritia,, - . „ #211,06 • „Tuckitatsroltir.. a I 2,348 Turaberry... 2,033 .. . 2,151 Ktasi .. ... We:A Wawaneh 2,042 Wingliara.. 2,260 '1Vroxester.... ... 525 Total , . 57,961. In. 1901 the; pepulaiion or tIt coun- ty in shown by lit taastessment rolls was 59,7F6. In. the two, years thero tvata1 ditaeaease i01,82 .Eaf,sery mar -t nicipanty t313.01113 o. 1.4)qmos$7.. exua-p.t frualeitt. Tueherignath,,anyth. Brui,sc- isAs,t "Wit tabam and ,i‘Presiaallitar. It aaems [hat Huron is he/ping to fill th p 'vacant plaCesni titei Nattlx. vest Territories at the expense or ilea 1,7%0. "papitila,tipia. , 4,035 . 3,395 3,788 2,721 7122 2,363 WE 1441)11.3$ FAVORrriii. aa -Liver 1111s are tiles ladies „ray tat medieine. They clure ctmatipats i ten; iiiekbeaclaeltaJ, Billiausnesa. and daapeptia wiirtaut parging or sickening. Nam r7l5igbiL, tie lion. of ,live ta-1 ire Lam au1tted by tita government. Afloat - I inais subject to quarantine natt$t ba deLuinld at no of tire atatiow, Abo,,,e tn Ontario being Ni“gara Ealls, Wiwi - et ,:and „tittruia. Animala .atibjeat to inapciloa only may enter in Ontario at: tho Ports of Cornsvali, Bre5outt lIrcekvilla. T Grout o. 1.111,13oh Ur& l5attlto Ste..1tariie and l'ert Arthur. Pea -1011.1 conternpla,ting the import -a- i lion or animals from any conntry ex. , O.-1. 1 We: V•infed States must firuf ' i obt3ii« 4. ilex-Init. 1411 The beekeepers et 1:32.iti3.yav., olottion condemning the policy of Lite tarCovernment.in 'bemusing ,s,ugar" beet industry to the detia 20 the honey Intin‘ttry, whiolt -re:loves a focal mach superior to so - or, le say nothing or the value, of t.• le the tarmor and fruit growers tiliger of lhe.blosseras. teIII Yca Haw Alviais BQAT et i,guature vt AVO:t& S "'TUT lraul. tire officia f summer cf Women's rtuies, just 101)1i:tar-xi, we select fell ammo. for ibis county. DIV.ISION 8 Speakers and Subject $..-Miss Bella Miller, t101.911, "Somas Pi actical hints an 'home lc:owing a,11:1; Emergencies," Utast= Led ; V 'z en's last i to tee; past ,Present and Fttture," "Gleanings from IrouSe-.eloe.ni,r(g," "A Boual or Butter." "The,'Faror Bud or the Dairy Diusiness. ' Miss Jcssit 11111s, 11 Spencer :IVO -Atte 'Taranto. "Talkg on Food," wittli de- inotittraitions. "Inval,it Cookery," "Miticaneoption 0104:muesli° Science," "Aims; au d-Dbjetts sit Womiart's In. stilutes," "Practical Iltygiene." 9-Exi eit r South' Ittiron, 2, 1.0-Bas-yidettl, South; ilInron, June 3, •• Bluevale.lilast.thuron, June 4, 19-11":1thel,t East Iluron, auto • 13-,Maleow01't Is, East Ruyan, June 7 11- Ifordw lob . East ki oven, June 8. 311--+Goirle, Rust 'Huron, Juniii, 9. Wiingli ra,. AVeist 11.11 ran.; Chi's baslin's tIall, ;lune, l'0,„ 17-Dlisrtb, Wept( Huron. -In the (10. era Ifousse, June 11. 116-1011.rtion,1 Wei -a Ifuroni Count0 „Charotaer; june 13. 19-;3odericli, 'West Utiran ,i,une 11 Another club woman, Mrs. Hanle, of Edgerton, Wis., tells bow she was cured of irregulari- ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use ofLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , " DEA:0 111ms. ProcuAst :-A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. "l'he doctor did not help me. I rernerabarecl that my mother had used Lydia E. Piailrhain's Vegetable Compound on many oc- casions tor irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm me at any rii ate to give t a trial. "I was certainly glad to find tbat within a week I felt much better, the terrible pains in the back and side were beginning to cease, and at the . time of menstruation I did not have 1 nearly as serious a time as heretofore, so I continued its use for two months, and at the end of that time I. was like , a new woman. I really have never I telt better in my life. have not had a sick headache since, and weigh 20 pounds more than I ever did, so I un- hesitatingly reconamend your medi- cine." - MRS. MA.T Haur.E, Edgerton, Wis., Pres. Household Economics Club. -26000 forfeit If original of above letter proving, gettailoakest cannot ee prodwced, The',...:Kind Von laave, Always Bought, and 'which has been ill use eor e0. -c -r .20 'years, Itas berme the signature or rind lias been made raider his per,. tonal supervision since its infancy* .--..‘,Fthf.,- - , 17: &1,4& Auowno one to deceive 3-01.1 in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and g‘aust -as-s'sreoft" ar e but Rszperiments that tritie 'with arta eralangerthe health or HUI,.v:,11t,:, and Chiidren-Experience against Experiment gssiPt 18 CASTOR! Casteria 14 a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorie, DrOpi4 u MOOfiliaf.," sSymps. It is ineasaut. c.orttains alert:11er0p3wn, NOrpliiilat nor other Narcotic 1;17sr1-,tsf,tnnee. Its rAge is its guarantee. It destroys Worm. 41.31,tyg it cures Diarrhoea and Wind Co2.10 it reliov,os r.e4.K.,tkiog¶A ottb1es, cures Constipation and Fl.:::ttnlensey assinliiates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh mad gir lug healthy and natural sleep. The Children's 'Panacea -The alotheess Elkatnil E. C -STORM ALwArs Be the Signature of The IUud 11 Have Always Bouhi In Use For Over 30 Years. • NTA PLAPAN V, n1 AY 11Calt To hwe a trulydelicious steak— rich and juicy, done to a tura—it must be broiled. Yet most ranges don't make proper provision for broiling. The broiling and toasting door o is particularly capacious. You can get a large broiler easily into the door and over the glowing coals, without stooping or getting the heat of the fire yourself. Call at one of our agen- des or write to us for booklet. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toralrito Vforatreal Winsairoog Vtsztegativer Sold by T. HAWKINS (35 SON, Exeter. 1 Patients will hear of something to their ad- * vantage by writing to The Diabetic Insti- tute, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C NOTHING TO PAY. Cragielaia0-1411.1U1nOR n'AN.1AV Mr. R., 13. McLean, Pre,sidOnt of the South Enron Farmer's Aasecialton wolien 'regarding The tiou .Terrtento:Mr. Ross appe,ars In 1114..1 tare friend of corpera'ted in- laliwtahyabiayahri iimuls:e1(f of andLure generations, loading the country deb1c, it futur.e ‘geinora'i ions to pay, and in cases where neither justice' or reason would dictate such a course, The country is alrieady :Zelo-ling the effeCL, 0,C. such legislation. Wh a t wilt ti be in the near, future? Mag tahorire' prnowenl,larnsttifaito.nry ;igorranat i ij brief onszeIISt_ (; s :Fin.al r$ttips have berm 'taken by order tcif: Railroad iTielographeias tut- pluiyorl; (pai Libo Grand 'T,runle rail)vay tha 1. may lead to a tie-up on the entire line (from Chicago to Portland A request has been made ta the min- ister' ,of habor for he appgiattrac.nt or a conciliatory committee to inqmic 111 Lr dill' al:axiom existing ' bet Wean r the ciompany and their elation agents and apex a Ler& IP Ole' minister declines toi eiaairsaise bis 'powors it is hardla' Passiblc. sthat, trouble, can be 'averted. 1.1.1e t elega a phai., d,c'in and an 111le1e1-1,-; In 10 53 a: '111111 11 number c•jr. 1101 11.71211 ancl‘exi,lra tpay for Sunda.y *work a'sid laveritime. 'I )1 e Onuti 11c G 1,:;•rnmen1 0-13 polish ed y1r Er 0. Zaaitz direetarsof the forei;)±, tree nurs-r-- v-hici: it 1, proposed 16 establish immsdiat3ly in ecnneebionI with the Ontario .4 pricul- turai College at Que.Ispla Mr. Zavitz is sat' present „finishing his studies 0,t3 1113 Yale Forestry School, and wills assume ;his new diutie,s as soon as ho- palasesI his: final exarninait4ons. The; aPposintinent has ; toot as syet (bee* made, ,Oarmatrion t . It is the p r es en intention of the Agricult tarot Depart- raent el iylapt, a 1,,ang lequa'ntity- :seedlings' on a trafct qt land which" hats been VSC 1 011 tfor ,thapurpose,and. v,rithin a year ' they ex:posest uto2 be.P 11,010 Lo 'supply the 'farmers of the province:, withsturdy. young faresiti. treies. ,The work, ,will .ne,ocssaril,y(be crcrxied on in a smali way at present as ;only .14,,'3,500 has been !placed at' the department's disposal by- the Legisla. t, ,13e.4.11;e1sf nearing Lrosys suit a ble Lo s :the Iprovine.e, the nursery' will stake he ;three Of a :Pores:a:TY Schools Thc students of the college, or rather: 'the :majority- 'or 'the 11) , a're 'ex;_ase'eterdi. r,Y (take a a9ai.) inie-actst in the aeberne. x=avsomstarmftormaxs....... NO, TIME LIKE THE PRESENT To begin a iiiminCs, or 8Liort1nind Conrsei., We can ,lut act enough graduates tO lirihe calls uPon 1.13 ' Mr ellice help Can place s201, more aouna men at an ayerage salary per 10(11 12 le 11 11.. New se,sourse 1i:4111 'Feb. 1., 04. 1,1`Y2te A. 13,P.USN'N, Prinuipul.