HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-12, Page 3M OF THE DRUNKARI) Have Your Scarlet Sins Cleansed Whiter Than the Driven Snow, character of that sister. You say that Yon, are sorry, that you did not look into the facts before tile evil wee done, and she died of a broken heart, It is now too late to hring her back; to life. 13ut God will for- give you, yes, whether we are thieves who lave robbed men and women of their good names, God will forgive us if we only repent. "Though your sins be es scarlet," That means you; that means you. Will you, 0 man, 0 woman, accept the, omnipot- ent and endless and eternal forgive- ness of God? Will you bave your sin - stained garments waehed in the blood or the Lantb? ttS•e000,0000$001;1041(10100 1: FOR THE 1101VIE 4 g #4. o (6) Recipes for the Kitchen. ilygierie mad Other Mete. 'VClETARIAN DIET. A simple vegetarian diet properly prepared e;111. keep the body hi better health than mere elaborate meat diets. Facts t,chow that man or WO - man can live healthily and be streOg on AL diet into which flesh never en- tere. Again, the nor-fleslt eater suf- 0 for the nou5eiceeper, 0 fers from less illnees than the mixed o 0 feeder, 00.98.0666.(:306330e00066)* Vegeteblee ene a most valuabl food end, with the addition of grams• will sustain life end insure health GOOD THINGS TO EAT. THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 15. Text of the Lesson, Luke rte., 1 1- 24. Gelden Text, iQsea vi., 1. The lesson to -day is only one part the threefold parable of this chap-- marimral outcasts in the same woy ter, the whole setting forth the greut love of God, the Father, Son and that the stem. old Scottish elder ntEnterere eeeerettne tttlIte! vt!:;:r?‘„T'yt; Many people ere apt to took noon aijo Thousand Nine Ilundred and Four Wm.- et "Toronto, a.t 13.1 V4tr,..,...mento aerteuttneo. Ottawa 'IA, despatch front Los Angelee, Cal., says :-Rev, Frank De Witt `Intlittage preethed from the following text Psalm "Wash me, and I shall Lo whiter than seen.," "Absurd simile," you soy; "that statement cannot be scientitlealle -truce There is nothing whiter than enow, any en.ere than there is any- thing deader titan dee.th, or blacker than black, or redder than arterial ID Fancy Cakes for liefreshinents.-In serving sherbet, and iee cream for without the use of animal mat. Many Vegetable:, Sliel/ UP beaeSs Pe", eVening refreshments, bouselteeperS lentils, etc., being flesh formers, can itoly Spirit, for lost, helpless, erring usually find that noon holey ettes easily nate the p1 t. of n_teat and bit- htunanity, end the sympathy of the looked upon the actions of his WAY - ward daughter in the beautiful story are much more enjoyable than layer come necessary to the diet of the aneels with God in His joy over the in Inn illeclaree's "Donnie Brier and loaf cakes. When hoWeanade non -flesh eater. Smee of the- grants ic. le f el . lost The lost ebeep uusb.,, He professed to believe in rErap mn 1, i ter Trrinm cakes are served they are received raust be taken in small quantities ,wmgaesitc1s",°-er ilehnatiore because, 01 the unlimited poiver of Ood'e for- E IND _ha w fjourbio more eagerly by 1 be averege guests deity, or in average (leant it ies every .' givenesS, yet ehert his only daughter, i than baker's cake, a3131 a variety other day, along with freite and veg- sm. l'° " IkstraY U'clu "°11. (F -s' WHER--, BRITISH JUSTICE may be made very easily as well as etables daily, ,Iviii., 3; otix, 1.76; r liii.. 6; L. his motheriess girl. is ono child,' -re who was all to him, luid been led Mto sin he turned to the clerk of s/Ts iTs 13,14,3.sTy. inexpensively. with one batch of Nearly ve2-1,,t,,,0414,s ant blood ret. it., 2,5); the lost piece of 111°11* - d the village kirk end said t "Aye, blot nut ough. 'the following is a good purifiers; they dissolve other food „cates our heildessuess, our Mobil - her name off the hooks 1 she is al2,. Seme Account of the gurrotpad. recitie' t''' V -Fe 41- this WaY : 4 1V -I• C'ZI/ 414d greatly aseist digestion. Ieonie itY to restore ourselves and our &k id- -- eet,c-tiiiilee --- ins.`", ei Lent1021's Law liQ.11)00'ns'' 2, iii, 0 l'., ' ' _.;-”.'" - itsb- tmd - ..) . - t aspoo..s ikt (mg heel.,,i). etc., nat.ertsily digested, Shenl(Rom. y., 6; Epin, ii.. 4. ZS). while e e eaebece 1 nees to a sense 01 our comfit ion Child, hut blot her name oid the sugar 1-1 elms butter, 1 ee . 4 • s blood or emptier than a vticuum. bnolcs I. ' Qourts, powder. Mix not too stiff. but so , this is so, they should 1.,.. 1,0iled hull tile sons O to- ay 5 eseou i us is e f d ' 1 • . 'II t - t that it can ea:env be rolled Out :the usual thee% the ivati.e. *then being 'the st'llishness, ingratitude- and robl- Snow, front a CheittiSt'S St0.40point, But, oh, any brother and sister, has a superlative -Whiteness. 'llie though man is hard ulonTI fallen men The high courts of justice; fiorn tl ' le Divide this dounit 'into f et° peens: tireined oa and rePliired with frt,sh lion of sinful man. and also the soil a sudden cold wave and it freei.es Iparclon and far tip in the benvens,' Along comes len weinan,pejtAa-ecte ffofrode‘t.:;:ape-enoitneeirlst i billoadin;e7141 sttblo'eest to the ini°13sing 'eleletooanount, P°0011401112131,\ s't,,,.('-i;.: 74..`44*'d '14ilig wat''r to e")11).1.,!:re,,,,t2„1.141 thP2isrc:;1,,,lftlihtef°11019all'''ost ,n2aann,yd ‘1,11'..)(1,k) loa.forsaY,esinTott`bb3:2, trand constitutes nut over tse 1w), eta le tc.,'' '..' l'clCr(T-'cless of cooking. purest of all Vapors is that lc -err! end woman especially 11411.4 upon foi: clingy courts of sintunary lurisdiction T that vaPor into snowflakes. jttSt as .. . ' g :. • ' , ; f us big a diffei•ence as between the round cotter „'„a 1 1, V. ' • - •" g•ma", , 1, i.ee 'vegetables e. ili :levee t) it lt tin, i In's, that cold wave can freeze fallin••' morality may be tts. searlet, they ,duss of eaSe tuken In each, 9.1.0 inn- oven natil a et' eT11 ix °i3,1: 4&: 1.‘1:-$ II ILYiltrkS% "'4.t. (144i.e4...te. 6:ig".822. 1-11' F4/1110i .1! is ver:''' Pixtfla that neither 91 til° rairidropn Into hailstones which pat7; 'shall lie whiter than the driven thow. , verb' epprecinto the amount, of work' seeon 1 • • • '• ''''' i 'V"1.1-ess 4.1.,";& 1)" tad.' 1l1 It ria- on" ';' an' iessmi 1"14.111 his IUheZ ter upon. the pavement. Then as pARDON Fop., Au.. und business transacted in this great peateks,:PQ11.(1)1°1 1" eltIllixao,/ ,:;, ,4:. W'lil:iil ,041,21:1e-oultiLi;i, sl.:::4..'..kA,tkplf:74,:inarie:.n..((l, :11tite.t.rls,fitalltevir.seIttnts..atanOtr isIny,(1.1. hint. .4. max, NV411'11'11 1.4 corridors and romus would , ont the third tp"rt as re i..„ ,,,1 ,,I.,,ro, ' t?. i 'ts .s t ' a • • • : • -- '''' - s eGria- 14114 Ue ol the air it conies to us as white as it drrer. i 1, necessitate the spending of a wee"; at a presery ei tea- ' 4" 'r "*8“-' ri'"- ''":"Pll'us .Inlett Israel that notwithstanding all that snowflake slowly drops thi.eugh christ - a , Is sea y to forgive 1,t) - iS POsSible for anything to be- -.1,1-ad Ibat 119* '37 that" do 'rneftn le•tet in it% preen t ^ t s' 1 •" 4;4 th" 14:11.11 P"..:1"'rF- d r th 1r at he IP ready to foe itve high-, • le s• 4,1 1".;. the -enter Of Notch. Into • eg- ert 2 . • . - • . t one or t era ey Int yet there IS It ReASe WIlid1 ttIO " ••• Illagrkirseent allileth. and ;nix 3. of 41.i; 'ill ',IS 54). II "I! ", 12'`I a.' are not (Ise. I , 3; .der. viii„ 7; lIos. iv., temilted .seitect one, ot ------------ dark, op, 4.801 .01:tg A. niee.- iount) Pr,1*.st. ‘.110. 3.1,a11y WssU'd Lilt 1, (II, "4: -Nee. ie., 12), most Psuhrlist fa right in eaying the* God ""411414n" w13° w1th gt•11. S 00 s fl can awae• our sins mitil wo *41"i the i"u0vent Pedestria"? 1/Y !enings which tart•ntl • ie t t rut ay s: .'" '11)^1' freel,Y l'f 1 "9 ur I owl's word to Phil - 14 beecnot, -‘vbiter than snow," the that tl° meal' th° Cluist "( " " "0 (12 2`.'", on 01.1 e reselts. If vied 0 1 11 1` 411 „ . to forgite the nena who 1.20ions tho, ‘ 1 1 4' 114°I1t (''431.1' 111C. VI 4:41"X . * at I-, g b 0 PlAr0 AlloWk the sPotless) WIDE' 4,1131 -ea hrt/de,s 021121, or who in't1,4„ dark, , settliciontly adapted themselves to tba brown. prielit then ro lit 1,,..,el't*e eeet.(1 fol. ' Ion, "Tiave 1 hem s° lcmg ti'n". vith Snow. igloom. one is offered a eleeiee or Sinmeli CnteS -ei- • r, .- - s ' ' ''' ' . ' * ' 4 VO3d 13 la vte heist *lion not knew]) cr-fly, 132/-msrfcArtivf.4 syNs, 'night drives the linife into the heart . , . ',1 .: ' - . • '' 11 '" ./. /MI' 13:1117, 111134 IV' 1.33ting it this Isity. thta, • ., ',., 1, . ,, ' wo pdooptnoltviltratIltioze rilaglincrli:oantdiosn Dorf i uosr li"sis rseiaectipvingt 0 agsr.eglisvaoryt1 0 ycoens.vic‘-iteesii F '1eks:31:1;3117(;11.1. ,11‘,5t. StP.:1,7,PSeS anti peeF4g-- :::::.:xeka-, w:::,4:1` ." mi. f:w ,7" i' ,I l't: `..:.1'. , f:1.11,,Inglit:';'?:;‘,t,r4 I.,,,,1 :lei 1,(1',,r,a1,111t,, :::11,,Itte_ ' 7;:::'1ghrielauf.g,rieTt°:11)1:11,'",',.1)24, il•tet,auist ' I e utate in nil directions. Protninel 4°11 :-If beaten- eitlYs. ,-." lOri".11 / - ntitic aecuracy, Tie JP et:corded nnrderer though lat may be standing , _ 1. ic, s On Otni k wiFn blaak kitOna I ee-" "' /1 jet; 1!1 4 14( (.' " 1 ron.c.'.1 , tor on the breol, es the salt in the " nCt -0A. 1, Wn blew 4-Ii31 not- --- license to seo una hoar wIth, his upon the seatio1(1 'Aeoler tae bang s,u.s helP the stranger 1tut little, une 4 wl.r.,1 t herimire te.niiiiiin p.eedereil butler spoil, the fruit. In P. fruit ;.rents (ir mrxim's care " 1.1.14'filigess' 'and sounds Ilot srientides14. true, All criree, "l'ardou for all" ABSOLU1 SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of See Pac-Vinfie Wre seta POS 10 lake aesele.erte, Trott" FOR HEADACHE* MO FOR 012:2111EStk FOR 011.10051Kit FOR TORPID MYER.. OR CONSTIPATIOR. FOR &MOW CHM FOR THECORMLEXIOR Below. spiritual eyes and eaes scenes and man's noose. about to expiate his aftv- 119'7 (1' nastalce' Y011 313410 headw°5' sZei rre!,:21M'°°1.'s111'';diet. linins may be dispees,et with, ;northing but the rest end quiet 15 tho t le most imposhig set, of steps. 11., a,• e io.tineg As; the fruit consists tif to large a cahn ronlidence, Is att ireileation tiltt illtough tbese words of my text tiltty meaning of my text--parcion Ond tl° 1‘111141 ThiliN rArr,„;242 °I ';I"'r"e",14s'' °f wa.tor that ibir`It iwn "nw 1Ihn nm, 418 111." 1"Ight' rivough )0001010 WIndaWS neNt -d 0:0 ePee. ,tlie silitarit; 'not experioneed, Fruit ark: are The youngest son illuotrates those tive language of *be psalmist theY ' hOw vile. if is sincere rePCntence°44(411, maid AS. . aig14 benefieiee Elie ezeittee,prefer flod's gifts to tlotl not be literelly true, in the figura- Pesee and eternal life for all, no mat- In the common languego this nwrey through his atoning sacrie '‘ stiff enough to to . t • Though your past. lives show sta.hes • .You ite distinctive featnres, the peeen. . In H. " '‘"".• ad4 and soda volts soleble, whielt ea- fort of Ills presence, Cain, W110 Went lor windows starve an already 'arre nrvad (4%4'1" '1*'"11111s' '1'"1"11 fl'("r t"en1 °ft. 'out. trout the. presence. of the I ord to ace poetically so. They may Ineort tboy win come en him and plead tor ling i;pirolly into an. outer darliness; Al. . ii'."1 i'llimbs• ; big useful agents i), kAettipe, rid of self-eci. present selfish enjoyment ratite I the arched and grouted roofs strike ' r 4 1 the vr . ' -. ' ' not isuun. dae....49eS, ;,,,,,9 !bey render lime 'et• than the love of God. anii,•the cont- ., te. we • art 1 1112' 14 11, , . , i .1. - • 1 .o • ' though you have committed NinS Mg the murderers who are krailloa. ogn'd vOon° !fro 3°. rolrlyor:Nut haat with Itii..) T I. .--110d ii212,4.;. cher/ ies ond gram.; ,,hould the 122.,,,smt, 042O1 41)0131 of o„ mess a i which have not only corruPted Your to he pi:Monett T would also eleS9 ' , I. 't 1 , ' , 07‘ . 1,111`311:e4tate"Y.. ' I ruf) rir" untP"'oft - '''' 4"” Ilh'' " 'alWa;''' Ile Pale". *1-`• th''.1'" V"Int;iin tbe ,i9Ittage tO llis i;od Oven hIrthrIght° 1 rad Palpitation of own soul, but have laid the Sr4118 Of tilOR' win) have slain their victims by ".''s,Itue", '37 1"114„1,4,'Iria.,",,u„,usule$5 °I. isquare mold or Pen sad • 'oriel en iee ve.moble aolts. In Frolic., and ,20 Isrm r,mferring Fort. and its ,,, ,iifee4ti(o- others. like the human sacrifice of nose signs. t3/45 well as t)s millet or hv `., ...de !nor.). 4440 twister -one Pessago ()Nee night or unlit cue,. . ,, „,,. 1 t " '''''"'',11 (1.,e1 main.' 1122 4'4. Is, 51.4 23 is, 12 3440 ;18 ground fruits to the heaven :vent man- 4 Are"Vms0ae of The Tcouliledinthiallray? no ;wilco Ann WOr$bill'l n nerIfo - hose re6kIlmas with the st'rs °i. 5('''"r"s °I' oll into balt-inflt :"1,e - i°',, enen fire l'olvet. core, ' 'ul,:t n has been ua anti thk. promised land ore !Rostra- ifygar.sez.111111 illirRoNrau_ABTAhRorTituNtillitlizt7Rotiviitte altars. yet even for .,),-ou ----------------- o who hove slain tv,h_ ulo up us --------------------------------------------------,3. „Ibarristers. counsel and IN itriaSSeS. sum invr with ntvil,a 1 7 ,,,,, poir Optl , found so Nook- Rsikd is th,.. tree 1,eent. lions of some 'phases of the rrodigal cept them. Like the Prodigal ill WS pirates along tbe coast ea jentoand "Oln. Or on. ;Alcove where oldence is 4 tt•ansferring ear') fillet" /'' 54/• /O'l t'l palm! or two 44i grape.; with bread who is ow fountain of 11 34310 4,3 alerF, I „irlioneTroomo, 4.0,, In 020 1,,othetes house. Thou,gb. . ,Thon tto Fe. ,.,,,,t.in9 tc,,„tch.. ,submitted to the pow: here. too, cao- a little nicomil ief (110)4,0,.1, onnv (lett ty 41)50'. P445 until linlit ci (roma 7,,,. ,,..`!;... tl!‘:::;d5s8vrcv1-14 Vi's;,1:,;:i9 `:.:4111,1.1. rags and tatters. there is a, home for a to (tunny, tho positions of tho lt....elte over point Ire point 1,efore being 1 a hot platter end arra! eine on e.W11. is voter:101CM), VAlh„ tint], t14. arieuti- _lad like Peal vou have to acknowledge ' " ‘'.1" "'" ' • ...' 08 aro '''set.tled out of court."' 'have+ heett anted in 1.101 1,.. 41 nii En ;Inds or ni,re i'zza 1.e Id 021 anlly. '‘'"g'''. "'" ' 342 • t ." $0111`Spli um vhief of sinners. titre nine ould 1d74.1foonilligos140.r4tobaetsfellspeollightVk•k i (-)vfelipowFati,x(1. oppuiessiox. „mots -101"i 'A 4411 boilitie, 1.0 223 , Get- Never be u dey r mks withei,o ink- :1)0ral glits` '1"v °EP' swing °lit "9" you testy lind p;race anti have the evs a ., 1, 1 /1 . u n . ,• ,, , „ .. , terns. hraen eicterns, that can hold 4 4 in that Wein to you indelible us eceirlet„ NO SINNI111 NEED DESPAIR. er/shea t .d • ft In ' Tkee sLins of such knit •ts he pleased. Esau, who preferred t AGAOlie, as So Nervous Site Could Not Sleep M pardon ood deeming, if )nau will nee by the 144114,1. In own times tho 4 Every few praYs reveals a consulting twist a delicate brown on „s i roilar.S:of dta. to nytsrZedin4,, A F,en. when turn away from God. grzza.yspleavecnrseezzola umn .2 i At, times the corridor le more aid. 4‘nd ‘13" ir"i" (".` n"Thl" , no water, and Fenner or loter we 15 110cnilifinf tigtilihrIgen(4/14,,t atlori6e/t ann6eeervItelele' Ottidntildn betliess'tedc.::(7w.neti 1)1041diles" :),-:41'21.t.tite,ti.. titan the Strand outsitie; peo- 80,s00,10t 1v11.111,01 lolOnill 203 3!) "0"4141 (12103 200 velfetoli.lni'ln shall s„rcdv. eonu, to Want (e'er, ii„, be ..k.irtieti us - - 1 , 1, , • drimhartl's sins. These are leY W0014 bo flOnted nPOn the' Attire, p'" *4(413 htart from nowhere. ona 1 cups chopped alio( rit reit,. - 1'). .1 ol iv 1. 1 ',or tin d what C. Reed; Cebotonk• about them: -Over six years ago I roubled with palpitation of the ad loss of appetite. I was a* us I eould not sleep at night. I MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE fati, icir 371 7170 it 1 eeonten • They cured, me, and I have 140* ijurious end apt to lead one to ex- ' r°"nnem nu this linr' os„c?.". !;e0 ill • been bothered mice. few nor smell, for the drunkard's I gather together the Acreclosd eat,. ,( disappoar !likewise. Without pause , nut moat,. .1 roil 342,4, „I 4.,..;22,h, 1 , fill9 van drag a Man (limn so low goes. 111(7 were inurtlerers--murder- 1 lh''' gloss LoOrs swing nolsolessty to i teaspoon salt and ,K, to;1-4na.s ti,111„,„r; that 110 will lose All sense tat decency ,,, ,,,,' • 4 4 ..' ' i ' l' 4 t'.3 t"d fr°' 11"l'""iivP imliturs gu.arti add 2 tablespoons reglad theanine. ' and reepeet. The,y, can VIWIttg0 P. .7/0 tiod will fOrgive even those mar- their motion, anti et the same time . then 1 ;,,,, clips 1101 IA el ‘..r. 2 rite y: ,., healthy, cis vi•et Man into a eondition more imbruted dererS 30 (0 beere destroyed thole fel- !e't'ereiSe Panle discretion as to adueltel a stir well and add tt l'ePis.n egg, 11.18,44 i than Mit of a Wild heaSt. Tile low Wen laY ftafi0 031:a1111310P Ct9 Well 1 ling PasOnS Into eottrt, having sue- 1 1 enio. form into ball-, re' if preferreil.! drunkard after awhile seems to be. as he will forgive those uu-bo bnye cessfulty plo,s,,d ow omeor tool drawleylinder AtuPem arr.114.,e in xt butter. vales. but on a wise wile' of diet- Inise"du----.ee Iiecl'' 1:" il* II*" „2:„„„sr 1 Trice $0e. per boX. or 8 for S1.2; all ig. there is better or IntFre ' 'There is a- Phabe' (21 '''''' Y'-''''''''' '' dealers or 'no T. Milburn. Co., Limited, rt,,,,au., itten's experience seen in the lives of : those believers who moke mere of ' Toronto, Out the blessings of just Ideal tort. adoit- --------- Ition and sanctification thnet of Jesus : , -4, ut a Br, door en non, v.1)1,11 1, dot with Mt), 4 It tomer mut , Mons as the patient whose vorncions e gnu, Yon are in one of the eighteen cotirts 13)110 in a quirk 320; .1 I ill /devil., • I S4123'*' l'eneon 111012 Oen aPPetite Is !Mailable after a long iN!... -what:- sow, nuirapree says. "Par- set aside for the Yearly increasing lit- browned, Tram Ger 30 S3.31 h3t,F. [4,2t,. in ..,...4„; a fiiii,i,,,difi,vait.t 1 , n took of tmtboid fever. The drunk- g' don Wf000rrmss•exrlet sinslOTthh,d'eoyn• o!neIortet Oligs atiloiglihtoef illein rolhluvotiT. tsAhet oplefparmsetsl.isgiohintt Ctb°eraericcSeoSas nno.d r gl a11 r"niq1h".w itnh ,ce"evrilreide l°eIttulicraeor.,"1(.'11,r ",-iI(A`l(' quO:eW r-•"to.",o"2•,."1; 7"1h17,1hri3v,r,,/ •,S,'; g1'/t-i-male•t(wM),ot,tonrrsil thneti.v. iivulosfttTenes:bi)ze11g,,eli,d,n sto liaobryensaIsensa.twilesasi;nts. fI1i ADUTOITATITNUWR'ASNSEMDKTaIpO DBYAril's craving Will make a man Ile cannt be trte. iOS StonIS in troUtio-an- Balked Lit Ps r,e11eolyp';'43l's:"''11tf1T"t32''1221"''"/11In Tee far country is this presnt ova iAnd steal and destroy his home and Icnw What 1learil thpiof liver wh iTti.'-;"1-:ld 1)111113 lieth in the wicked Onehis businessThe drunkards apPince lieearott wo le 1 rev 1111t v" 11" 9"1"`- DN ROEPYSY' ,. teolt Possesslert or tun Poor 1nanaa al 4 1 John v 19) and whieltwill eat ottt a mans heart as w ne hie brain. The drunkards sine are like the leion of demons which " e 1 (4'. 1 e v' • .1 et d come as unquenchable in Ids pas- ordered them. with the egg der or In., ni es 1 . W. 1 a 1l the fullness ot the “l'allet/a Christ himself, 0, in whom dwelleth all Whilelat have SETTLED IN THE KIDNEYS, JUST A COLD meethim Searlet. ed windows, end NO softy suflused black with the hopelessness of de- through the frostl-glass roof- Even SPair. There can be 10 Pardon for with thistheoverpwering iLet me tell 101 Mt2340101 mused byt2e12eayma0ny18UOL tory: When T went to college, to be (it ercome; neither does the ea b little wire Irishwoman who u leaves and two er three cloves thiqg at Mike that mused ttie steel- • . • in lc balking 140 (al Whieh 1.1Pc'e the liVer, oper' the Stinin, askoti ellures us away front. God. It is all • • IthOUt, us on every side, Vain Is the W110. naked end alone, haunted the was a very wild hoy, 1 had there a paneling -betty and endurieg-help SPeson vat 4 4484(5 PIPP1 1 an( ,nifi i , . • 1 I help of man, the citizen ef this I Peed of This Wonderful Cure. tombs of the anderenes. andi like roommate'wbwas tilt, sou of -------- as a reliefEverythine le substanti- a roP or wator. Put in the own ii:d ro:211';:f iin,,l, Ilingshi,1,(,),(:ir 1::::r :11,,,itLtonan. i7.1.zonrgl.d.. 7.11(.,.,1„7,107 so..,ittiunt,,,o,ilx ,,I . them, they may be exorcised by the tster, /le ,was n. ruddy fazed Ind and al, aS thou/4.h the ebertns bad been de., and bake slowly iihe time tlependn ',lour te 02 .. 0( , eu el . • deeper humiliation i I. .tti,ay Do You, or /0nr Friende Soma on the Five and tenderness of the " .. r ) ee Milne tliVthe power. Thr.v aro the . pure at]. a ilttle thild. I taught signed to last for all time -and a dnv \ is, ., ,(1-11-1.,,- se,da 02," 111 ti,e, wo- must needs be e other sins. o the soul will whole heartedly and I Good to Know About It direct and indirect cauf:e of countless ' liver). When done serve the vege- man catcaing 1101, inatan, -but ..1, Mea er him how to drink nd how to gain- aftorWards. PILLS. i tables with the liver tend untie? a , t 1 whit to butt hit 1. and hi knows it persistently turn to God. irst, a Miss Agnes Crediman, rpper Smith hill. ----2 urged Wm nut of hie belief in AR3ED PT, TASES, J1 4,, 0( I (11. On. S • I well. 'We'd Pet come home from net sense of want, then seeking hell) N.S., writes: -About 18 months lutmi)EsT OI the rbl tilli t 1 , nth coure reveals a distinct phase ood gi . g The drunkard's sins, without doubt step into the paths of sin. One night ,of lifo; -, needless to say, the purely • cousin's wedding, an' I wne feeling front the world, then A bet/KOF P.P1W- ! Pg0 X caught cold, It settled in my kid - must be chtesed among the reddest of -I can remember the time as though Icominercial chant:ivy and admiralty kind of soft to Mike, (11Ia 1 11N0C1 111111 WC", theS0 Sad often the develop- 1 ineys, and finally turned into Dropsy. My all scarlet sins. Now conies the HINTS if he Iowa me as much as he did the mats ere a man begins to see, Itinle I face, limbs, and. feet were very much practical question, *Will God cleanse e lf • he really is, We read in I. I bloated, and if I pressed. my linger on Yestcirday-he set upon the corner of leaSes find less attentive and crowded Lis bed, and, with a straege light in !audiences than are to be found in the the drunkard's s1ns ? 'When we sny his eyes, he turned and looked at me I Xing's 'bona divisiOn and the divorce he is a, loathsome, heartless, good for nothing drunkard do We Mean, that 3ny motiikes and said: 'Jim, do you really believe leourt. If on any morning a long "There is no hope for the drunk- Bible is only a , queue is Seen extending along the ard ?" Some of us have such a pack of superstitions? 11 "Y IT ' IS' n that a cause celebre is in pro - Do you be- iStrand pavement, it is a sufficient lack of faith that we do mean this; 11'1/4° thele is no lle 7 ", alTS, 1g T. answered. Then I went on to con- 'gres.s. and that ' the limited capacity but God never meant not' said it. "Purge 11113 With hyssop and I Shall vino him,of it. Then he laughed a of a partmultu comt mill be Nei - be clean; wash me, atm t shall be horrible laugh. Then he turned and taxed. The public gallery Will be said. 'Well old euperetition good- crowded. by fashionable Peonle, or an whiter than snow," iS a direct re-. futation of the charge -that Christ will not forgive the drunkard's sins. Ole, man, theugh by drunkenness You haVe sold your lionle 'under the sher- iff's hammer, though you have wreck- ed your business and had Your eyes horror struck with the lealaidescope 'of delirium tremens, yet. there is eeen pardon and peace for you 1 There is the stune message of salva- tion and rescue for you that there was for Francis Murphy, or Gough, or Captain Barbour. or as there is for the seems and hundreds of re- formed drunkards who every night are found testifying to the glorious rescuing potver of the gospel of Jesus Christ. "Though your drunkard's sins' be as scarlet, they shall he as white aS snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." CHRIST READY To FORGIVE. Christ is ready to cleanse also the debauchee's sinS. 13y that T. mean Christ is ready, to forgive those who have immorally broken up the select.' ity of the home. He forgave the sins of Rehab, who concealed the Hebrew spies; he forgave the sins of David, who stole the poor rnan's ewe; he forgave the sins of the dissolute woman who talked with him at tbe Samaritan well; he for- gave the sins of the woman deneunc- ed by the scribes, to whom he turned and said : "Woman, Where are thine accusers ? Both no man condemn thee ? Neither do I condemn thee. Co and sin no more.'' Christ is ready -to forgive the social outcast's 'sins, as he was ready to forgive the scarlet sies of the dying thief and the 11111rderer. Title, though the, Bible aeclaree 'thole is but one unpardonable sin, and that is the sin against the I -1,01y Ghost, yet, Strange 10 say, most people are not willieg LO forgive the sine of libertinism, especially if the social out en St, 1)01 011gS 10 tile female sex. A189, alas ! Even the best or men, the leaders in our churches and pulpits, are often reedy to look upon the breakers' of the eeventh come be'e, good-byef. Aftay you live loug obliging tipstalT will secure a seat enough to soften the dying pillow ef et the back of ihe court; the Middle my mother and father, but as for me, benches monopolized by rising bands - good -bye, goed-bYel Conte, Jim, tors, ttnxious to learn some point let's go and take a drink.' of Ilrocedure and to closely study from. the K. . s the front bench- REAVY' TO FORGIVE. Vs for their method of conducting ex - 'From that moment, sir, that mutilations; on the first seat of all, young fellow let loose all Lis evil hedged in by a formidable array of desires. He seemed to leap into a brief -boxes, are the solicitors and very whirlpool of sin. Within a few months he was expelled front college. Within two years he connnitted sui- cide, and this is the letter he wrote on the night of hiS self murder; 'Dear Mother --This is the last letter you will ever receive from ine. 1 lia.ve broken your heart, but try to forget and forgive. If there is no hell, as Jim says, this world is a hell enough for me. From. your disgTaced and dying boy.' " " 'Did you. do all that?' " " 'Yes,' lie answered. "Well my friend, know not how God will forgive, but he can and he will. The blood of Jesus Christ will even cleanse. you, if you -will only ask for Christ's forgiveness. `Whosoever.' Ah that' is the word. - 'Whosoever, 'who- soever!' That weeps you. Yes, it means you. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as green plush hangings. Well forward snow; though they he red like calm- in the coma sits the lord chief jus - son, they shall be as W001: Christ is ready to forgive also the tice, the broad band of vivid Yarned - merciless thiers sins, even as he for- ion of his robes being the only patch of glaring color in the court, unless gave the thief upon the cross. it be that of some smart costume of is ready to forgive the thief's sins, some fashionable lady present. The whether you have by evil jealousy stolen away a man's good reputation InlinepvIca,astPaele)tieat(ImmeigthhtansPienlidexaplon:.°Ierge or have rifled a widow's pocketbook; the vastness of 11211 legal -fortress off whether you 111142,2) stolen a -good name or a financial income. the Strad. Man, you know that was. a desper- their clerks. The jury are almoSt on a level with the judge, and the press generally manages to monopolize all the fleets allotted to them, and the stairs as well. It is a most inter- esting sight, especially when the ate tention of the whole court is con- centrated on some piece of evidence given by the important witness who stands in the witness -box, which in ell the courts is prominently situated and is on a level with the judge. TH11.1 LORD CHIEF. The lord chief justice's court is the best of the number. Tt is imposing, and has the additional recommenda.- tion of being more roomy and better ventilated than the rest,' At the back of the broad platform are 'the royel arms, equisitely carved and standing out in relief against the ately mean act foe you Lo circulate that evil releort about that phyeici- an's life. You know that there never was a sguarer, truer man than he, yet you did it in order to ruin his practice -aye, and you have ....aiceed- ad! Prom a worldly standpoint, you Stories are told concerning a cer- tain Trish town Where ''watchmen'' art1 still employed to parade the streets by night and "call tbe hours," their usual formula being. something like this. "Two o'clock; all's well, all's well!" One as a visitor can never 111231e atonement for that. llaPPerled- to be lying awal43, he heard damage. .But, God will forgive you, ihe following sornewhnt Paradoxical 11)21211(1111(21111 as moral degenerates who even if yo o, 1 1110 ae' .er-a epwe o • aall's well • 1 et ye 120 chance for tt II, n ta toe rGse-tle for his pardon. Woman. that was an Smith's mill's 011 fire',, One man kill - either thiS world 01 la the next. awful. statement you made about the ed. Alis well," nousEci.p.Axi-xc (lay We WitS merretd; end ---and he was April and Mae. according tis (240.ne !so slow answering me that 3 up 121(1id is forebr a . anded olittle 4110 mop an' 1132113A. at nim. Squire Immi, are the principal months for Beason; for if we poor women don't eimple but effeetttal method of clean- ing. Now there ere a number of simple but effectual enethads of clean- bave love our les.irts just breaks in- side of us!" Coy. v, Si, of one delivered to Satan !them it would Make a white impression „ for the destruction of the flesh, that that would last fully minute before the spirit 11314)3' be sateed in the day! the flesh regained its 1421.111001al color. I the Lord Jesus. In Job Xxxiii, I was advised to try DOAN'S 'KIDNEY 1,1-30, we read how God does every- PILLS, and before I had used. half a box thing that is possible. to lead men to I 1 could notice an improvement, and. the ing furniture, paint, wood -work, etc, widely known ure to Him, for we must be brought, one box completely eured me. have which, if only more and practised would prove a boon COST OE TELEGRAPHS. to the end of ourselves before we never been troubled with it since, thanks 3- think rightly of our Father's! to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, and a blessing 0 the careful house - wile, not 05211'. 123 saving the expense incurred by reesorting to thpro- fessional eleener, but by preventing the almost whole sale destruction. avroUght injudicioue cleaning. Chinese teed Japanese matting may be much improved he- 55301145111(4\Vital strong salt and water, but the wet must not be ailowea to sink through. A very good polish for hardwood floors is made by scraping 1. oe. of beeswax into :Mout half a teacup- ful of linseed oil, end gradually dis- solving it in turpentine till or the thickness of C1'2'0111, 'This is ap- plied with a woolen cloth, and ail- terWardS rubbed up with a soft dus- ter. This mixture is equally good for linoleum, and for stained floors. Should a floor moire retaining, one - quart of cold-drawit linseedilw o., ell - mixed with oz. of rose pins, and 4oz. of alkanet root will prove to he a 'very nice stain. It should be. left standing by the fire or three or four days, anti will then he reaely for use. Rub it on the floor with a large whitewash brush, leave it to dry; repeat this process once more, and then when dry polish with the mixture just given for hardwood floors. Paper -hangings demand. most care- ful tfenteuent; and it is seldom'wise to attempt More than dusting them with a soft cloth. nabbing with stiff dough is. often suggested, but, unless. this is more skilfully done, the result is a streaky appearance - 1)111011 worse than a general uniform dirtiness. The dough, however. limy be used to remove.12 grease spot pro- vided that the paper is sufficiently sebstantial to allow of the necessary rubbing; with a thin, poor quality of pa.per it might produce a hole. All paint should be cleaned with 42 little ammonia in a quantity of warm -not hot-water, and 6nished with a sponge tied clean, cold water, never touching it, with a cloth. In the case of white paint, a little whiteing may be added to the water. For aloha stela ornaments, etc., melee a paste with quick lime and water leave it on for a few days, and then wash off with warm water and soap. e . .. To sr+p tho :30,000 odd aides of house and love and plentyPric60eper boxor 3 boxes fOr Si 25; , telegraph line in meter le Great :lei- Having realized by bitter exper- dealers, ox. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., tell) and provide for the proper 1011024 something of his own heart and Toronto" patch and delivery of messages tilat poste over them every month, entails nu. expenditure of about £2,250,000 a veer, and of this total more than of the cold world into winch he had wandered, his thoughts and theu his 'feet turn homeward to the love and plenty of his fathet"s house. But £1,500,000 goes in paying the salari- he does not yet know his father, and es and wages of the immense staff or thinks only of the possibility of ea- enaineers skilled operators and Ines_ taining Servant's place in his filth- sengers, and of the w osho direct thhouse. eir He did not dream. of operations and keep them accounts er*s the welcome awl the full restoration straight, that awaited him; neither can the sinner understand the heart. of God and the free justification and the fall acceptance which await him if he will only return (Rcan. es 8; iii, 24; Eph. a 6,7) Our Lord in this par- able tells us the heart of His and our Father in heaven and teaches us that God sees the first 'motion of the heart toward Him end meets the returning one more than halt Sce God clothing- His sinful Adam and Eve with coats of skins which He had made (Gen. iii, 21). See the robe of righteousness and gar- ments of salvation of Ise.. Ixi, 10; IT Con v, 21; the ring and royalty and authority of Oen. xli, 42; the shoes and precious promise of Dent. xxxiii, 25, and eonsider what a wel- come is here described as being ready for every returning 1)0(21 tent -not on- ly eargiveness of sins, with righteous- ness and full restoration to position and inheritance and authority, which was lost in Adam, but, also true id- 1002.1111)and great joy, foretastes of the kingdm. oSee Est, viii, 15-17. as a helpful light on this. The elder brother reminds us of those Chris- tians who feel envy and irri ta ti on when God blesees unworthy ones. IIe had a distinct appreciation of his owes merits, talked of stern perform- ance of duty, but did not eajoy the Privileges of a son. 1 -Te neither 1252011) nor enjoyed the father's love, yet see his father's wonderful word in verse 31, and 10y 110ar , "He would have run through his fortune in a year if it hadn't been for his wife." "How did she prevent it'?" "She spent it herself." MILBURN'S Are a combination of the active principles of tho most valysable vegetable remedies for dis- eases and disorders of the Liver, Stomach awl 13owels. Wok Headache, Jaundieo, Heart- burn,Gatarehenthestorateeh,DizzIe raesis, Blotches and Pimples. ElYsPenela Sour stomach, Vinztor BPash, Livier complatrat, &allow as. 'muddy conapiexion. Sweeten the breath and clear away all waste endrethoneris matl,,,0 from the system., Price 25e, a bottle or 5 for 141,00. All dealers , Nothmr, tal0211s th, conceit o'of a TIII7 T. 174.113733.11171 Cos, LiMitali T9TQUI:37, a - ' young man ift;:e a 'dose of rnatri- , LOADED UP 'WITH IMPURITIES. IN TFIE SPRING THE SYSTEM IS LOADEI) WITH IMPURITIES. After the hard work of the winter, the eating of rich and heavy foods, the system becomes clogged up -with waste and poisonous matter, and the blood becomes 11115014 arid sluggish. This causes Loss of Appetite, Bilious. ness, Lack of Energy and that tired, weary, listle.ee feeling so prevalent 111 the spring. The cleansing, blood -purifying notion BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. eliminates all the pout -tip poieen from the system, starts the sluggish liver wot'king4 rata on the Kidneys and BOW013, renders it, tvit.h.out exception, The Best Snring Mediclne.