HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-5, Page 8T EWA R MS,Al A Y. 5t1 iQ F. \V Gdivau was at Goderieli on btleiness Saturday, Odd Trousers Biseete robus have just received tt ae lead. of Buv,gies, Call :Maki inspect bent before buying, The Lord Bishop of HUVOil Will hold a Voofietnatien Service in the Trivitt Memorial church on Tuesday eveniog My iota at eight o'cleek, Oet the Habit of Shopping at Stewars, it will Pay You. Des Goods, a magnicent stock, a lovzly stock, a ock fun of n -ness, full of style and fall of value. Do you know its not how cheap wecan sell an article, but how much value we can put in every sale. Quality counts. Value satisfies Quality' and value is what we offer you in our new Spring Dress GOOdS, Come and test us tht• t....nd tor speeial, line of Ifetok /metre* dose, ovOa UnIsh A sil all pire-.,ses mi f..r very " :424tt1i ifi(%at very pa- oite„ ard for a ne iVot.plain I:0)1)1e ground nd eiver work, nern fawnit, browien (tract greetee, theywd fot ernLew Fleck nete, peein gui WJLh fleck ,a-er rotate:v. ea I des; 7:.ie rite yard for e ken- twine %eve eltadee eeeree , RoeJ.Lieern; Trat tbe yard for a swei ange of Baateckliarn Steitingeque erreet, for ehi'rt wniet, suits, g een ' tore:a &lean tItXtalleS 3114 tatietures. Diner. Dress .50:Ong he etta piens h total, e and etyle, a ave lite best ess 0.), -Ida in tat 11 t LllacU (Iola •gooality,Uie thoe lax - he shoe of co P, the shoe t, the eshoe t fits (.ay r pair eteld under goarantee. Uuen gu Cir alf Sh ved es foe good lookere. greeat wearera wad easy: fitters, tio better selwol shoes in Canada. We be the agency for Exeter. Prices are not Inger, wee for Olen!. Oe for Se. 500 verde lovely new Cambric Enahroidery, ooe to tinge Welles we, good (reality and epleudid valee .at 10e, Oor job price only le the yd. $8.00 for ladiee' new English etlilitarv In CP3ta, very epee:tad Feld in eity etores ett $10. ask -e this swell line, they. ere beauties. $3.O0 emit for a line a Boys' New Suits in very peat tweeds. Stelpee meal ebecke, this le leiteteer. lieiV Ore the hOTS 11X, fed 1' PROM New Hats thing very swell in Men e $, the very lateet New at popular pricee, fe. ofts by us ring us your *ou well, A. STEWART Mr, Fran& Taylor son of Mr, ,:iWan kNIOV:_et the Pleating JTa, laia up Loodoo with l)loeo-peisening the 14 a n, severe wonne zeceived up - n the htual some time ago. The road grader has been operated upon eeveral of our public streets with very benefielal resulte as well as beatettafying and improving the goner- eppeareeee. Mr. Obas. Wawa has moved his household effects to Wemelhate where he has taltaell up the hotel businesa. qu pretriees recently vacated by J. Stepheus. Mr. S. Si. Sanders lee.yee this more, -ng t tteral the thSt anntlat meetine- the Femme:Tr (o -operative Haryeet- te"e =tonne CO, Whieh will be held nthe Temple Baildiug, Toronto, to - ay (Thuredey4 . Robert cFalls bee moved his uuUy from 1)etroit3 he having again awned is former position with W. R. Levitt produce merchant. They wiUoecupy tne residence recently va- anal by sue Chas. Wileeu on Aun sE li0 101$ moved Ide fondly to Wood: eon to paper pu arienne w new postal law - can hold for paper from 1 e and raft -urea pWut; and I who aliows 6t1laseription to be ail then order a pestumeter .a. paper• allueett" and eeede aeon to the publiebee,lays him- liab1e t' arrest and thee. Prior to leaving for her new home t Cryetat City last week Miss •Cora arnica* was presented with a hand - 1, 'emelt ease by the •mernheee of e Sundty school axes a boys. The ) entitled at the home of Mr. . P. Bawden, where their illeo, invited, arid WherP Ding W3S spent. toeether eperture. I zupIete sLek or y:, labedies:— 'the bottle, eh Table Heabwbe Cnre, Arui rut Powder also Op eitorice and Antiseprie Poe dit s. Sentries arid boold remedies Fell on• th le advertising„ Sold . Lrn (euUa1 Beeig•Store, Exete Me. T. A. Busefl, tuanagets nt tit Clyde Motor Coutparty of Toroutenand of Mr. Thomas Rama of this vii - accompanied. by Mrs. Russell, 1. in 41.4bOnt a Week, for Austredia. r. Ruseell goes on Inteiness for ids •and expects to be &neat about nntlitt. • The many friends of Mr. Unseen join in wishing them t 3,royage and it safe return. onie Day intends goiug more ely into market gardening ut culture heving purcluteed m John McIuties 10 acres ot d south of the village. This enter- priee \vitt fill a lOng felt want in the r community as leeretofore the Tiles of young plants as Well as etables etc. were only available ex procured fecal neighboring mine. The Windsor police have recelyecl nformation front Minneapolis. Ulan.. that the police there have arrested George, aline "Punch," Mason, terious crook. "Puuth" was wanted about six yezers ago for an alleged gold brick deal, worked on the late S. D. Moore, of St. Marys. It is said that 0,090 was cleaned up and that tlxree others besides "Punch" were in- volved. The regular monthly meeting of tbe Wonixo's Institute will be held in the reading rootn of the 'Iown Hall on Friday afternoon May 5111 at 3 o'clock. A goad attendaece is requested to imake arrangements in regard to the corning of the delegates, Miss Millar of Guelpb. and MissIfill of Toronto, who are sent out by the Department to give practical demonstrations. Miss iHIWTE Pres,. MRS. HASTINUrs, Sec. ih The time of the year is fast ap- roaching when fish stories will be going the rounds, but they won't be ID it for a minute with the following which has just appeared in the Elgin, Manitoba. Sun; "A ()dome farmer, whose hens were dying off from some unexplained cause, walked into bis barn the other day, heard an explo- sion, and saw :It, ben lifted of her nest in a hurry, dead. Ile investigated, and found that the warmth from the hen's body on a frozen egg catised the egg to explode killing thehen," Matter apt:avers. tit ect ewb, .—We have these to fit you at very low prices. Boy's Odd Pants of strong wearing Tweed at 45c, oc, 75c. New &thin hr Men S Our stock is new and clean No house will show you the splendid vaiety anew, bright, clean and stylish clothiog in such variety ot patterns and shades, flaw., most any One could get wht he:sc, are loolda,9,- for out of it. We say come arK1 se and get priccS. Men's Single eleeasted Seek Sits in hien's Suits in (leek grey with white daele grey aod brown mixtures, well etripe, made of pen% WOO. elOirtO Geod trimmed and, finished, price $1 09. itaban linieve, epecial l‘len's Fancy Woreted Suit, in dart Meere Scotch Tweed Suits, rieh brown with white stripe. a very rich 3 dark grey and white mixture also in ud diessv material, with best teitte. btown and white mixture, this is a nirgs $10. • strong line with us. Special Soo. Men's Fine English Worsted Serge Suit, blue or black. all wool. mediu In2da smele breasted. style with !test trirnotin gs, See50 and $10,00. „ Boy' a Famey. Brownie.Suits with, Bee's Fancy Suit, new shape collar. eailor collar. trammed with braid mid braid trimmed, pleated seyle with braes buttons. Price $1 75 and $2,75.1 patent leather belt, very natty, $5,00. Boy's 3 -piece Suits in grey and Boy's 2 piece Suits, Norfolk Style, brownieh mixture, also twar, cheelis Ion grey and black anti white, mixed and stripes. ;,:gretuld, also black with white stripe, Tree $3,25, eel.15 arid $4.:30. 1, pleated or yoke style, 82'i5 and t, fleasure Seotch Tu t eaii peae the struel , 4 4 Si 34. bills. Give *eta Cenneteuee.- 1 reFrioel iZ f or PVT vh n in eteliTirliL''t ...tilnit.girot.ftb tet) ay h tse at tLeir dilyesa ling to give 'Hach ;tit, e nt s -e ,a Mr. iliseettis te% nen( le how e.wlfl '.thenrolly teeenved ed Spits, Fine Fancy Pat. oklest to the youngest and everywith satisfactiou in We have just opened up a lot of new spring and sum— mer goods and it will pay you to see our display of them be- fore makino.z;, your selection. hito waists We have the very latest to be bad style au d Teuraning. They tEre eautifelly trimmed with. all the new designs of insertion aul. embroidery work. Hemstitched Collars and, Cuffs, Viriaititowear Nice White Skirts, Night (own, Corset Covers, Chemises and Drawers made of good material and nicely trimmed wall tuelot, lace and inser- tion. House Furnishing Everything in stock you will need now when you. are house cleaning. Papc a very large rauge to choose from, good papers from 3 to Nice gifted paper for 5c roll. a etS tierion large en t colors. ; Unions 25e to rale Wools i'30(..4a.p,$,Iiry Tapestry, ef patterns Vostin,gsuvtan INTaiSgs r`rew Basket Weave for New Stripes for 25e. Satiu Stripe Volls Eternities. Nice New SIMS all shades, A. fine lino of Scoc,e1 nobbv for spring --Piectu, intr, nil the New Tweed Eft1 411rC:4 0,ET RM. OF RATi4,-- Here is fare Wen( mode for ridding the premises• ,, id rats mat wive • "If you will epe in - rme sulphur on iota. barn 'floor and 1uouh youe corn as you gather it re wilt mit be a rat or mouse holle- r von. T did this yeas and have ver teen bothered with rats or mice 11 hw some old corn in my erib at ent. and not 4 rat or mouse eau' nod. In smelting bay or oats, kh. on the ground and a little eatat load, and my werd for Are made of e Fillings. gunra oni mall Sam )y it, ;5 to se - roper steps at Year rawin Tut: RESULT Regent See:tans. One Cent .... ... W .. Tell Ceuta.. — . 44..444 Twenty Cente..... — .. Thirty Cents.. . .. . Fifty Cents...... ...... Tue. INC& U7 20 Sity Ceuts..... 4172 00 Seventy Cents.. • • • • • • Stra 00 Eighty Cents. 12a0 00 Ninety Cents,- 10fitrS 00 20S00 00 One Dollar—, a• 4,0• Five Dollars—on-- 25032 00 29201 00 33370 no sms 00 42720 410 208000 00 Nearly every person wastes enough in twenty or thirtyyears, which, if air atm cerefully invested, would mmil make a, fay (enite independent; but the principle of Small Savings has been lost sight of in the general desire to become wealthy. We can be of assistance to you in your efforts to SAVE MONEY. The o'overeign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Honsali Zurich GLADMAN & STANDL Solicitors. ton F. E. RAPIN 'Afauttger.rauter, For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Nerettcfneg, Clocks: Jewelry., Spectacles CALL ON Etc R HICKS Watch Repairing a SPecialt7. DR O1 specialibt. Dogmas, Eye, Ear„ Nose and Throat •5silsExeter r000thly. Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Mee COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Dates of visits, WEDNESDAYS, Feb.3, March 2'3Tarch 30, May J une 1. June 23,.July 27, Sept. 7, Oct. 4. C•Tov. 2, Nov -33. London °Mee 225 Queens Ave. 1112flIff=f11111114414■16, *4114:211191111•JP410 TO ADVERTISERS. Ile copy for changes must be Ief not later than Tuesday noon. Casu advestisements accepted up to no Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1901 Locals 444W414044.444444 Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add on page 5. General servant wanted. Apply to Mies. B. S. O'Neil. See exact re Alit from small savings in Sovereign Btrik of Canada ad, 75,000 brick for sale apply to FAR- MER BROS., Exeter Mr. Hugh Spacknian was in London on Monday on business. • Mr. Robert Sanders is in Bruce County spending a holiday in fishing Miss McTaggart, of Hensell is visit- ing her aunt, Miss McTaggart, North Exeter Miss Maggie Russell who hasresign- ed her position as school teacher at Nairn has returned to her home here, The Kind You Han Always Bought ears the Sieuattire of Miss Oroi Polien is visiting friend Exeter. Mrs. George Willis was in London n Saturday. Mr, Bruce Dignan, of London spent Sunday under the parental roof. The Canadian Underwriters decided to raise the insurance rates in Toronto • 75 per cent. Mr. J. W. Gordon, barrister, of • Brighton, has been appointed Provin eial License Inspector. Mr. Donald McInnis and Mr. J. G. Stanbury2 barrister, of Exeter, were in C-oderich on W'edriesday of last, week. Mrs. John Charlton hes sufficiently recovered from her long severe illness as to be able to take a,short drive each day. Mr. George F. Gladman of Parry Sound spent Thuesday of last week yisiting his brother, Mr. F. W. Glad - man. Bordeaux and other mixtures fox spraying fruit trees with full direc, tions for use sold at o. Doves Central Drug Store, Rey. W. H. Waddell, of Sheddon, a ormer pastor of the 'Jensen and Elimville circuits was married recent- ly to Miss Haynes, of Wellburn, Jacks for inv. Apply at T. W.A For rising Build - F. Itossux,'s Blacksmith shop or Dexxis. LOST. --A black purse, with loose change, a $5 bill and some postage stamps Finder will confer a favor and receive a reward by leaving sante at TIMES OPricE. MONEY FOUND, —Found a roll of !bills on Main st. Exeter, some weeks ago. Owner may have same on proving property by applying at TIMES office or to MEs. JOHN DUNCAN arquhar, Ont. , RAFTING.-- I am prepared to do gra'fting as usual on the shortest no- tice on all kind of fruit trees, scions carefully selected. I also have seed Potatoes of the eerie,' fir ault and Doo- ley varieties for sale, 5, POWELL, AUCTION SALE -2 horses, 15 bead of thorough bred Durham cattle and head of grade cattle, on Tuesday, May 17, 1901, at 1.80 n. m. at Kippen MillS mile south of Kipperi. .1$0, Macro -- IN. Proprietor, B. S. PHILLIPS. Auct- ioneer. FOR OVERSIXTY 1.0ARS AN 093 AND 'WELL-TRTED Winslow's Soothing Szrup hag been used for over sixty- years by =lbws amothers for their children while teething, with perfect amass. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all F:inbarrtsZi.nitegiaaaaVult gitirratstrergoti by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value IS incalculable, Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. To Hoasemax.— We are prepared to do Nvork for horsemen on the short- est notice and cheaply. You will be surprised how neat a job we can do for you. We can secure you a true cut of your own horse at a trifling cost,all you have to do is to supply a photo- graph. We make a specialty of tabu - kr. A. Bell, who recently accepted a position as butternaa.ker, with Mr. A. Q. Bobier, spent Sunday at his home in London. , Mrs. Wm. Welsh is visiting heie daughter, Mrs. Floyd at Seaforch aneV- will also -visit another daughter, MrS Inksater at Paris for a short time. Twenty-two lady lecturers wil speak at 220 meetings throughout the rural part of the province to urge for- mation of Women's Institutes. Mr. Jas. Davidson of the J. D. Moore Co., has gone to Exeter where he will conduct the branch -produce business there for this firm. — St. Marys Journal. The Bishop of Huron will visit the different parishes in Huron county from May 5th to 15th.„ He will ad- minister the rite of confirmation to candidates now in preparation. Prinemal Flemming has been rather seriously indisposed during the past few days much to the regret of his pupils who were delighted to have him resume teaching on Tuesday. VilMt or Vir .1a e AA kinds of Lace, Fish Net ond Swiss eurtaine, by the peir 59e to $0.03, Bohinet and Peak -a -Boo ains by the yard. ed Suiting at low price . ily Brand readp,to-wear LINO OS. urniture and Undertaking •We carry a good and well assorted stock in all of our trade, A it r (44' mice eau% stay. there. A. , a Of sulphur will be sufficient to YID,11 '41eaPert out nClaling better c • preserve a large barn of corn and it is With Spring* TiOnee Cleaning e good for etock and will not. hurt thet Zri for bread, thine; so much as a good clean pure mattrm, TrIn ° ex Mane Returns pule- r us give the here' 41.1d 113"' deaths in the previa Ontario for eele him a pleas- e, the month of March as 2,415 from all Planer m.1111.'c.„1,,,Yrnne‘,Hez„7,7 causes, Or at a rate or 51,1 per 1,000, "'""- ""'" nu* heet of auy utnntle since the Ilcs;t1"1111 boilable were first iseutehseven years " „„ (lino. Scarlet fever showsn. decline in labeVg°2In72Paleretlerr"Itsil he dee, VosPer.re 'Ideate with 85 fewer deaths. Smallpox dtop- itftloisre.vho removed from here to ecses with•no deaths. Diplitheeht arda George nosPer ' pod from 175 caw; with one death 1.0 city. laet fall. Mr. Vosper WAS shows 11. Arm increase from tare (taws t1 Act: eedth tha terirPe AboIrtn and 21 deaths to 207 C,V6CS and 40 hristnets and r neutuoma eating in P neenee peeing the month there were lo oblig •in the employ ti 700 d never recovered fully front the ef- 107 &veils front consnmption, aid. 14 feetsDeceased was in his eighteenth !deaths out of 50 cases of typhoid fever yenr and bis death will be a severe:The number of deeths from infectous blow to his serrowing perente. Ilis ' land contagious diseases was 275. rentable were interred in the Leer M ; axon on — The • block cemetery on Wedneeday. non, ' which for the past two deeades has vircreisir'we(rrilleVra et—heq.fuaarrtes—jstrsea- ameu /431°1" es Fansmfs Bk/ek will ID I now called the McDonnel Block. Methodist thumb on hunday o p M 131Ine' !Negotiations have been in process last conducted be, the astor, Revs. for the past few days were consomme - Martin of Cayen Church and Godwin ted. on Monday, and the property of the Main etreet Methodist church 1 ; transferred from the Faeson estate to exchanned pulpits on Sunday morning Mr. A. eleDonuell who was the last, each delivering very helpful itis -purchaser The building is one of courses. On Sunday next out rteilv sacrament service will be held the most valeeble in town having a • reooS frontage with stores and offices street Methodist church. Love feast all of which are nearly all occupied. at 10 o'clock a, m. Sacrament after This black WAS erected by the late the preaching service. Die Hannon Wm, vans II, 0 and Afterwards was will preaeh a serrnon to the Young purchased by Mr. Jas. Potation who also Is deceased aed to whose estate the building up to the present time belonged, Althougb the building is in a good state of perservation we people s society next Sunday in North street Methodist clench, Ohatliam. Rev. Air. Baker of Elimville, taking Dr. Hannon's work here. frEIZILEAT LOSES.— At the Weekly understend A's Mn. McDonnell in - Court held. in London on Saturday tention to remodel it throughout making it -up -to date in every respect, HICKS FORECASTS, — Rev. Irl. R. ecutors of his father's will. It will be Hicks, of St. Lonts, in his "Forecasts for May" just issued, says a Venus when he was released from J renaenibered that young. ail refus- Herbert period of disturbance is central on the ed to accept the legacy left him by his 4th of May, and its disturbing power father and instrueted Messrs Meredith will last until near the end of the & Fisher, barrister of Loudon, to 311"th' Tnis means that all the reg - bring an action to set the will aside. ular and reactionavy periods, until at - The executors however retained M. ter the middle of the mouth, will be S. G. Stanbury, of Exeter, to defend prolonged and intensified by the Ven- us inflaence. The first week in May them and uphold. the will. The part - will bring many active if not danger- ies were examined under oath some little time ago and the potnts for and ous s °rots, The Vulcan, Mercury against were gone into. on Saturday and Venus influences all combine to Justice Anglin dismissed the action. render this a dangerous period, •The SERIOUSLY HURT. -- Oo SV aturdaV trualletaorig:tildhearetthireyri3rpde,aondds arethenVeeen4- . pet od is central on the 4th. A- bout the first to third look for change last, Justice Anglin of Toronto, dis- posed of the long pending action of John Walter Herbert against the ex - last Dr. A. Ramsay met with a 'very severe accident which might haye re- sulted even more seriously. He was to ver y warm, starting in the west about to riehoret a steer, on the farm and spreading eastward, The barom- of Mr. Case London Road, while throwibg the beast he stooped over, eter will fall to very low readings and when it kicked viciously, striking hini from abouto (311 , v o ent the 3 rd t 1 I in the left eye and cheek, inflicting a storms will pass eastwardly over most very severe wound and tearing some parts of the country. This is a time ware very probable. otofrtbderofiveesitiofrthome otffiheceofcheek.Dr.HTyhnedDmoaen- withen 'Heavy dogt:Paritacl°eselectrical wnpours of rain and hail, displays, will where his wounds were attended to. It was found that hie eye appeared most likely attend these disturbances. Behind these storms look for high unhurt, but the cheek surrounding several stitches. barometer, west winds and gales, and the eye was badly lacerated requiring sudden change to very cool. Frosts need not surprise any in all central to SuCMss IN THE WEST.— The fol- northern sections of the country. Re - lowing taken from the Regina N. W. T. Standard, refers to a son of the Rev.W . M. Martin of this town: "Mr. W, Martin, B.A. who has Just passed his final law exa Mination will enter into partnership with Mr. Balfour, Barrister, of this city, with the firm name OE "Balfour & Martin." Mr. Martin's career as a student -at -law has been a very successful one. lie ,spent two tarras nt Osgoode Hall, To- ronto, there succeecled in securing second place in his year. Having de- cided to practtse in the Territoriee he actiona,ry period, lasting perhaps into he came to Regina to complete his the regular storm period which is cen- course. In the final examination just 4 tral on the llth. If a sudden high passed, he obtained the highest marks harMTeLer gevelops behind the rain of any of the candtdates writing. We and thunder scorrns about the 10th, predict a bright future for Mr. Martin regions to the northward you may in his Profession," look for fro st. actionary storms conditions will re- turn on the 8th Obb and 10th, bringing a retuen of high temperature, low ba- rometer, great humiclity, and more storms of greater or less violence and danger. All through this part of May the solar focus is central along the Middle States, extending east and west ; and daily cycles of heavy thun- der and rain storms often occur for many successive days, culminating in a wide and sweeping series of storms. Such will probably result at this re- sell , and HUSTON lo Thnb.twer. Opera Ifottee Block The Exeter ':oIe Min HARVEY BROS. Proprietor& Manufacturers of and dealers Flour and Feed Brands • A Great 'Battle Fougt! and won Pure Manitoba Best Family Flour 1)111116E8S WIEFITLET Wf101.1E WHERT FLOUR Coice Pastry Flour Breaktast Food. Wheat and Oats wanted for which highest market price will be paid. 0.400.4044.*****4•••••••.*** ecesowieswerimeeet -4;,-esestase MANY C4LLS • are received from business firms mid E -A MANY STUDENTS are placed in good ; • positions each year by the famous 0 0 CENTRAL 41 STRATFORD, ONT. r This sphool stands for the HIGHEST 0 t AND BEST in business education in 0 • Canada to -day. Iviany business colleges employ our graduates aS teachers. We 0 O have scores of applications from other Et colleges. ask to see them the day you • enter. Commence course now. Catalogue fit O free. • CI e W. S. ELLIOTT, se Principal 8 600 0 0000000000:001a,o REXfiLLWIN DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Cottop, Silk, Tate or Mixed Goods in one bath —they are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a pa,ekage. All colors at C. LuTz, Exeter. 'I he firet Con,lingent of Old Counti ,Frelnalt1 immi;zrents passled h Ottawa •yastorday ID charge o'S Mr. 1. Regimbal, the inimigr,ation officer of the denalrmant at Montreal ,-There were, 75 in the panty. Noterithstanding the battle with e snew blockade, HOS$ & Taylor are on top with a large stock of build- terials, Having placed our ders for Thirty car loads of Lumber Lath and Shingles We will be in a better position than ever to supply our many customers with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee Ireepers Supplies ready delivery. Place you!: Orders for Tattles early. Estimates cheerfully given, tereall in we like to see you.. -oz 444.E44.444144=i ROSS 84 TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. —AT— R WN1 G Satisfaction Guaranteed Complete assortment of uo-to-date p etwoles Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also full supply Soh Boks Note Books, 8ze. tags Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles Brushes, Combs and Perfumes. ro nin rug Store