HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-5, Page 4Englilirna's idea o hreakrastis a, healthy one. "am and tea— p b—just enough food for the --*Milate jrop1y-4he warmth of the• tem to draw o '''e stomath and assist diges.tion. bbon Tea is tife daintiest and crispiest leaves of the tea., Plan It is pure tea f Try the Red Label Br appetizing and nutritious. your breakfast. 0 gm taleva4 TCP nor cote hy 0 I CA: ' . ArTittltrznil Crtpitsi i,.‘.i.x,• pAit) i -t.•!, • - - . • • • • .-.; , ,,:t nuntri.r.- in on. -ti i ,,, umi,o,,,, ..,1„J itotilm*colint,bi t i r,, 87g ETER '12Z,AN:3,-4: .-71 01 NC2/:42:4 Qaillea it Ile collect -d t Nu:1914,a sin 413,a ,. t'AFTA ell ft.! it, oho s la, lite litati:a!!..”.„ G „tta, :it • nal goad et.- ,toot<e-t. rule ., 04' iMCII.Z Olgt:* . V 1 KOS ICIPEPAIRTMIF.N'T trxeuitf•ts 017 .... .00 an 1 upwal Os ro4.eiv, ,71,„ 1.,,,,ark/cuti e ';•11,t:-.::•;;;--;-• al, y,,-,.<10. r.1110,1 tf,/ prinairat Juno. atth /^.t.,”: Pco, n,5' or :1-',. o -- <1,-,,i ligut'd Java 13 -t 1,4 14114Aie t 0 firU"IkeZZ., tiOCk tje Oer.ii An 1! rP°Fori t, "'; It2Pn at rip0";1 f4162:44W,C tfl 22'.,;, „I/t.f4,0211i 214: F,;,.< „,,tt f,:r lr<tio, 4.1 I < ratun rt. QarUn $otiatcl'e. M. D. H ti Tt DON, *Li-wag:or. 1/40**04411-0***4.4”(;)401400.4.*-0041,41).140* 0.00 * 0.100 . an, the 110.WS of It)terost to Tinles Readers Ilai)pening in tliestt Counties. Huron Tike •MiethettillAs stir Sec -forth will riect tt br,ok plr$on- 4i,go Ountratr. ritort wilt teeliebnittelh--t2th c' May by having a good isto,;•rantura spois The 'acres:4o, boys have tile work- tin littutl. :WittierSUb, of London w -is fun- ite414, 're.trritt5,e last week to; .• nem daulx17,,,e).; 'of the late .1. tit Itiozi,t»N,ort-;Pgiton furiture far- - Gederich. Atlartt Cauttelan, aft.c..r spending yoe.T arid .Erilf in 11.uron, prinetp. cfly al thc heniest.old t,evi-nisilip, 13ft ::Sloolaay to return to 1lead, A.ssa., nehich district, b L ;.; prou,orTY ownor. Stehilbei tig 'the...14th shat ou'e wild aeo$O,. OPd. wptio- dtdi rs%er ,one lapt Avo$3;. Atlargo .tneunt E kiU;is a•pauir4 to bri=e; drwr.: olio or these birds a.ndt,Therbert etasider•Iuise Iuey hs4ourin'S 1szte. A bail zi.,:c:itcnar happened brist 1' -arra of, Sylvazins Witnizr, 0.sweid 11$1Wr Wa`z •Valtir4,z windiii. In sem:4'0'41v I frcat tb-4 lostder tor ill; tin' ov•still, that u'rro ult.t tha etlie is,prairtel. • 4r i••";i..atoreli !t whit, er handing ftarae tools i,41 ;3. 4O21 '4( o fict..r„ st rs•sult LW,11 1 1.i), r;:ruitt went frito. urea. • 414 G.m:liatr)thLrd!flat- uhto) v•'• W. 11. Oraiiitut, Ili! or of Yttuoria,s4teet ..•11v;htiflist, acuezielt, ;placed 111 the; or ..•...3.4:1a* childire.li .11. Toronto, 'when.) ho mil/ ti;-: iniated !,t.'4",:r hip:joint di.',$)# W ,the1i te 11f1. - t urn ,"•n !It el likely take str.til c'42r4o4. , ;T,rvez it, in writirr:-, As$lottoira, W friznct siu„y„$. 11K- pxo.•;,, r 1ianift<ira4from S',•.:7 sidinft Iirtg ;3;10 to$49. Voltimbia 10c; 2.3c; latt.icr, . 1hard 72.:; No. 2, Nu t:ce. C. M.� WIX,Mr„ „Tg-tbn fait: ntioirertuno IA svilli a I.airt.Cul 'acelatint. 110 -ortaing an operation ea Lr. John; Oldneld'.$, tilt .doring ithesr moved and a knife mati :usingeitu4,1114 bis,144-1, ff. a gat -.11 which asequic- 31Z3. teaikU1 Rlt'),. relict er ttU, eltert, Sr., licd a her residenee z•osti cf lawn, on 'Thurs.. day, Atril at the age of 7:4 ycias. The deceased bad [been in raft Art.; itteltlilt :for Boom tarot), but the sudsier. bortuinutien WaS rather unx- tit 4 u e -Sy caucus clur.;)dthesrbig, or. :I= their Cater:VI:sr MaY 1 $04 ....1 1 2 241 i hut ; 16 24 the votes TITESDAY..10 17 I ; ft Ofir4.11,-, SVEDNIF:61).V.i. . . -, ; A''t• .• FRIDAY.. ts13 2t 7• SATIMPAY... ... 7 it 2t THURSDAY, 11,ItLY 511a, '81'4.N:DARD Wonao. - ceitised was in bor 19th year. 1 1:'-er :to' f.a, -.,2 cittneotvotianet•es slioo`p- IleSsness, weak stomach, indigestion, elysplpalu, try Carter's •Iiittle. Nervc Pills Relief is sure. The only mrvt. r.aoitgue for t he price. in atarkat. `i very quiet but pretty .0•kuldieg :At, place on April 27, at the rice c'f.' the bride's fatlior. Mr. Tho.$. ff Tarr, when his tbtughter, Sarah svuo .1.11111,e -1 IA /Ply bonds or anali,r1,- oily to ri‘f.r, !Albert Petr:ck; of lion - den Lw weddingoihuL.) Ryan, autaint41 wab,t 1ajy vent ,ettse Cialebro,ted, S Lorid on, on Vired lay, April 2001. 13, eton Dam) rtfortued t"-Cr/eirtt loy, eine Ina;-;17,c,AU rin 1 tho p,ne hi iUj•1).•.aa sepuratedut1. reint3.1 t p•trit`cort cough .441's Norway 1'in5 Syrup. b1iby alc,re, CA a guarantee or. •,:eitisfil 'Tice 25a. AIO'AIEN P -e oaken have aucl Ili) e UQw choolte, :Apo guielrl:f• lanntrt -a iv the skin a7elear. earp,VM. It's pure b-ot es; fine complexions so by 4Yrclial lots• of Antra vitaliziug. blood, uta1diug up the debilitatodrpi tem, inert:nee tI vuMtn, F.ar- ,rtutone q1zicklul bri=gs the eitaw +3 f Ite!ilth to the rafted cheek. It'sno outdo at all to 1>eautify your 1ook,s-,4r8ply use Verroz,ono. Try, it nice 3' at 'thug -X.1,1. • ari Sr %1V , d wit W N. 1 A I:1.1 . Customs,li Pa i t v, as 111U -0i UL 1,k; ,Ta: ;by '1•1 tion. lAr. Pa, ^e•!'n, ordned I ; tnet , Lave% Arm ArOng,L.•rnw, Pair counz1141.4:: o7 eu-sko , Osier 4ind litiulbach speire sI ron1yixt .31erlic cantipal,111, ,r11.ur4 ft;r t.1Li- Tpoksition to the bill and called for bora! party, 0'4,1, "'V. .11:1,111 Bain did 41:j.3.1M+71, 14: mhzuotto, best Lti,"traTiR the cause "if -st.ary 4 :4 ,errable s La country I 00133,1r1f3 t 113 r 2.. In Political Palo- I ONS'n 3.30 con -trot any 1531W natioallitne ters Nos. 1,2 itud 11r. Patterson, ;1133' may inticed,; 13•11:,-4 a itraiyar Ter an f.felLti clid :toy the govern- von rirr ment t Al classes of, 1'ana 'm :01 Miler Va t.71.1%, Vi0 vote ane............. a 1;31.11i i n 41 ,.! at , WS tItn 0 I A, .0.,e..ie,,., r . 0 rty ,. Av.:Iron:se in tb 42 inusel,,s - ' ' lb? back or sides you valet, ge.getany- 'subc•ut lulif W. 1.1.!:sii. thinglalf ist) good tis Nerviline,, Ithe In the (3t1t13.4 C' .r ati. debate 0 a4 LI: '., nitst peworTul linimen t niode. My Grant: 'I tnult I'fie tioul, siute wirm tr.t.1.: twa1'-',1:34; tIliSr I s"ouidn't Mtn pa.cs08,Ls trwiz 1,1,,,e.e ij,.e, th, tw., it, a quar,.ter fat att inch." writez Fred - , I. D ileiwin trf Ports-oloulli. "I had formed to 1-'70r :°' 3Pc3"`-••=7 1°. Mr- f it rui.ibeil with N-,rvilir.,.. a few tine- . AD. 0 1T Vo 7 e,-ria..n coarse remarks ',es anrl all th o soreness and stiffnosg. used, ;by 1.11,) l'r?raior, This wats 1,1* '; disappeared. I don't know another second. explanation offered by tlao Li, iliuilucut ycu coulii dorKuid on, like ,„ ,:cerviline ; it'sspienditi for colds, tome- heralt leader a-. to the ;enepl.oymen. ir, nd . , ,, a . ,,oe, . .., ti;.(e4 cir,tamps- tau " s ' ht . ^ a. abusive langu age during itho Pont ;and internal yili13.3.3." Try liorvitir,-, Lew :mink's. . yet.s.s...tif. Price 25e. On lin amendment that- the goy- 1 arzunent a ppent to t he country on A Grosvenor Square fruit dealer the G. '1'. R. 112.urc. ,bora committ- and florist Iia s suggi:eted to tho Fru- ing Canada, to tinch a large 'oe•-penili,- i it Divi.p.-ent Ottawa, the Rion of , taro the, Liberalwere only able to liayerints ritaoice apples in barrels, us- ractster 19 majority. Thefsarne no-; 3.ng af, Pulp paper /circle 130INTwa lay - &set or i-sarrialnierttars' duties that ars ,1113 think,s11.144 francs fapples paek- -.....„„ey-a,,,,Lerite,d. the Liberal rnembeTa ea in this manner would land, in far sa,,,, vile ,,:,/59,900000 hill was in,tro- batter condition and fetela correspond duced NV -3 Ilt,'Str3C3ibi2 for that close ingly higher prices, %nob mien 'than call on this aeoasioll- sufticient: !to pap- for ,tbe increased The next' tiny; ,Llie Premier I...rout:10 and expenses involv.eil in, the packing.. It mit-,ria,t• lie, .advitslable for ,nto of our exporters to(eXper,irnent alletris !this Line wilier ale, "siiippint; season. conies around 'again took his Your doctor will tell you that thin pale weak nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparillfi. mall doses, for a few days. F ,i7sa 101 g,,,11. prompt. - very0Wited, :Ask yOur „:00tor)Vhy itIs He hasoUr fornuIa and will expiauie Ota; tor ,riltirl'y•Iti :16ZilitlitY.11101t1,ColtitilitO b C1.1 gthicr .11 ;Infeiiii!egesvsseteko,,,itti„gtoes sar.Sititarunt. cum. • pThtQt ;re -rktfl1.e te - Iscaultatas,rta,vittelaatt,T.,4'..' ' 100600 Very,- C tOnriStif-Ya rac)Ifotst ries! 0:11'10tee't vorlss•P•131.4.' GRITGGING WON'T CURE, ' CATARRH". It be ruerl.ichie in •tha world tit- .; ken int a ,s.to'paach won't if...ar )tli en.t rrh, anncl it's• useless to squand- er money esti 'tufblakte,. bottterts and ,quid reerndies. Ontarria is a diseas,1 jf tlj e Mtsal passages t brunt n nit bronchial: 't u hos, S t oversell intott i ci nes • ea n',t' reach these parts. 'It's, Io•nly. T'aVra'ut.' ilcuttug L'alarritrozonis svhich ,brea fled ail :through the air passages , L.ba E is. sum' to teach , tit; e seat ci Catarr,h, No failure ever knw'e QC CilAtarrhozgrie u.stet1.!, b,ea Is and- n't irritate It sooths k1t,flhe germ s and Ithere'lora oureet- Use u11f Cs tar"rlrozoam, ,the ;oneitioek- ,tain'ettro.• ,:rv,r6 months', tritmout, '$ r tal , stile 2•50„, c1tCt, 2I waa ,r,z; the, yrat toran Lill), a kind Ito r tod aria loving wo- man; WK. tho in.,:tther of A wortht: ulna highly iret-ipartedaUy ofi give 'cl1il41'en.. thret: 1:1t3iLS and four utatt,211.- ors. Tile fonoral dock' Place on t 132410,y: after/teen 11o'clook, and waii1/4 largely attend:41., Jtbn nit... of t..)tant...y Irc,usnabiti: ;had a very s'uccoss,ful inz plc reason. 1.1o' has a fin, ilna.,11 on his trur;en, boraptrialo7., arly ire s and rocs t bent aro rattple. Lie also has au ir4Lr e.utecially for boil- ing ei•.p. The sap is poured into the first; atpartment and sifter going th- rough ise,v4: rill, &tIr aro, ittent $. ktvi at d'illerent diegrects 'of hsaL it caintb. our i,goria,Igentlino, notaiple syr- up Mr. 'Westlake. hail sent some of the syrup to the St. 'Louis ExPosition. Ol..Ta,yier, ;of bila Salvation eadoiturterl''stall in.• iLonclan t'ilt • a-th!, aoa'llid•a,t. •tble I.Elepatrftme'n'ti ttr, -vi.s qt. ,roir.ot', , anaigyakient ;to iCana,da.: ' A.'BROAD S'fA.TIMENT. This tanotinettnrao: is made without any qualificatiqoa. Item -Rola is that one prepara.Lion in tho world that guarantees it Rem -Road. \\•iilt cure any case of Pil- es. IL is in ths form et a table t„ It- is tile only Pile remedy used in, -t.eatnallty. L.: is imposs.ible to cure an establish. ed ease of _Piles with cinittments, sup- pe,sitories. injections. or outward ap- Pliancets. A guaran'coe is issued with every package of Rem -Raid, which conealas a month's trea•Lrneot. Go and tall> to your druggist about it. NO FAITH INft A yl mot' $ 'I 's all off be ev.r.tri • thki 'paper sold ev Irl, 1Iekt Lite, weteMblerntan.1I fots for it.pril 15, .15, awl' 17 were ; that the/se days \ViC./.134 113'.3 sexy wa rm. . \Vet got out our ice-exteautz isn't oiled up !the lamln, mowels and wetted with palm le:)if fatt for •the "very; warra.'i ;sits molls "ia, case a misphaoleict confi- dence, On the 15t4i one or the heav- iest snowstorms of the year prevailed and! atont j"i0' :14 inchiss, s-Af f!lto beautiful (?) i'v.vereak the :"ground. Jae 10th we got down the ritnowltor en L tens ;replaced wheat.) dyhic anilloage logs were teamed in on altdigh$. 0 a The .17th the stat,w 'wag $1111 with ?us ulld the w!eatiorr. was Illeits be blowed." W10:. BVIIN 3:1011P1as,S11 'With meld corn fsah'se who:125P, a bottle of Putnam's Painless Corn "Est...motor, It'ss purely voge- table, never •causes auras, toed. aota on tirely without pain. IIT.se only Put,- ' antnes-the ,A 5TARTLED F.:KUM/1'10N "I was rireaaully si artiedi 'ra'y re rucon." wilts ;the trPuble " "1 Irtjt, outtored tbe icu ten 1 ;saw my wile bounee upfront 11! cirdr, and si rikcut "wildly with , erleft liana. Then she le•241ed Ware( Pna i7,1•T'uck out w3,411 her ni.ritt, Itumealaitely aftor she- qtapped Ito library Lade with great vier wt trn, alir. Ara all this time hoz were isel and her yes Telltale wildly.' *Good er.ratsiort,, 11111\ Wff. 310 )143 wz.11 h!!:rn' wav--s trying Ito kill 111.71 ifie,s1.4 ;fly or ,tho tieason."-CIAvAana pealter, Pert i- . IL T . f , ,-, of ;Al:tie 4- .. lion. 1$ 111 III 1,,,\"p11nid fe r. 'I'11- by-luw to r0,54.i 4 1.0.1)0U to tat - DP 0 V 3. (II V. NV a'orworlz,i and *filt,oatrie light eSystexa at Matchell carriu.1 by a maioriity: lir 43.9. :11r; Thiamatess. Cheisentan, a MItelt. el 14:suffered a pare l'y I ic ;stroke a law days 4144) which destroyed his sp.sncit rid paralyzed part of bi,s body. Ratkaeho is airocst imnaciliately 1'Q. 1v by wearing ,cue of Carter's Smart \\Teed .nr1 Belladonna ilnelt- aohe plasters, Tr„y4 on, and be froe from( pain. Prc.t. 23 (tents, V1tile, intspectiag, 611131.z.: ?engineering \veil; In !Toronto 1;a4 'week-, Mr. W. U. Lorksverthy, of Mitchell rriet with un. at cid o'n, t ra feu it in;ef, in. i say arc I a - ;oriels! to his left orna. Ile is rsou;pr- Ora ling, ar home im Mitchell for p; rev weeks. 'Ibe.rte are many :forms tolnervous 'debility in nien that yield to theor4o 1 of Car•ter's Iron Pills. f.i.fhone wine 1 art. •trokiblea wIlit'13:2',LfV011..4 weak ness; ifigItt swe•its, etc., alleluia 1.0y them. i The Weddirtnoittnitzs Jennie Meigth- mt naenglatt•r or Atr, .Torttuiti Meigl- C Middlesex The death occurred at Thorndale 111,0- week, ,of Eithol belovIdd daugh, ter cif Das -id and Kary<Palmer. De. ceatsed ;contracted, In -severei cold, 'which developed Into pneumonia. Do - All Stuffed Up Thavs -the condition of many sufferers. from catarrh, epecially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear. ing the head and throat. NO wonder catarrh catiees headache, impairs the taste, smell and beatitnt, a pollutes tlio breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appeMtr.... • To, cure eata•rx'll, treatniOnt intlet ' consti tut ion,a-altera tive and tanie. wom 111 For tour mouths with eatarri In the totad tbr.c.of. ;lad a bad cougi and r.sisedblood. I bad h000roo dis couret,ed wb'en my Ir15i40z,d touglit a bottl« iTooa's Saralqm.ritta and 'perguaded to try it. 1 advloo 4.4.1), to take it. It hii.f. tented and boitt Ina up."• iSies. linen Pc aor,r;r, \Vest tisnomb, S. „ Rood s Scirsaparitt.l. Cures eatarrhit Soothes mid strenul lt. Inueous merulMCIle le ' up the whosystem. . fon, 'W c/st. Arttrd 1t. ..1Larys„ find John. Andarison, ef ;Galt *tormerly et tho Maxwell Works ,t St.• :Marys took cate *rirur6zItty! it,ftontizon. at hell -pest one. o'clock. The Rev. Mr. James, paretor of hie IsTorth and •South Presbyterian chur- ches., East Nissouri, and Mrs. James, will spend - the sentinel- in the Old Thal trip is being undertaken for 'the :benefit of 'Mr. Jufl1e4t' 'heal- Lh. 141$ pe.•opk... who aro 'very l'iMerti attached to him, hope to have, him back in first-class health Kidni4f et: cm ttlice.kid',, blateider utncl urinary or,gans only, Tth.e,y cure back•tche, wt.‘ak back, rhe- axmarls,m, cliabeftes, congestion, • in - Domination ,gravel, Bright's disease and 'all other diseases. arising- frorn voron.g .aytion of 1th e, kid,nyes and bhidder. Anton Ilastian, with k wire, babyt and perambulator,' who is snaking a trip around th8 world, on font for a wager id! 5 L0,000 was in 'St. Marys, lord 'ovc4.tk. Ile etta'oted...firoan! Ansi ila; his bir lirpltice an Sept 12th., 1900, and, has walked since thent21,. 000 miles. tie expects ot get back to iitr.Sel rt. 1906,i Hatberloghami, the --svtall- known and, pollulax ex-xecve of Blan- f/littrd. wats married on Wedtnesde,y, April 217h. Ilia; bride. was Miss Sarah morien; 'mha hats recently be,c4a living ;Clevtedand, Ohio, dant who Durmerly rosaled in , The glair riag,e took place at the residence c;fl ithe ihritato'ts rola:fives Aldstor- chg.)). ll'ournts , To!ung Donald, the Isix-m6a,r,-1a,,c4 ciL Mx. Jebn/Alletood, Binalbro, met ;. with a Iscrious .acculent. 'Whale play- ingon a 'tstra,sv stack hesihi o,f.f 03:41 of Ilsr.,,,r2s came tL coulac • twit.1 I tug at 'the istack below. Fortunately. clays a4ing th5 Wag 1.•,e•-st ,Itealtil 'sop etu rt �t ilue-Zeisitien. 5s the I;ey. aL may or may melt you 414, -pends upon how k i*Ii.trta, by the d.-,Ritve appaila itusos, 1:7,1 ;41 cintftv1.1.-..qg 1 $ tieratigud, t be va last eutl or taking nem- lit, and utgth into the Various organs o iti body ta kesu poison. 'which. 0,c1:443 3 11.3; 1C,.41111.C3V37, irrilatwi, tile nerves, It elhoort, causing benslarlaso, wctztry dull, reeling', hat,:kache rhoutuattion,. neural“r,u-.. !maJe heomplexion sallow--*;utoaos btliou--nos=, and constipation. The "Tent, new diSterel'y ANTI -v.11.14 has Jai v1i1tem nfluenee in correctiug. 11 crippled or rebellious stomach, and tbirctsults that follasv-,ItLisITI-11,11•14 .th 1i peiff,ect lielp ;to 'have Viten y;'t-su vue or 1 taituts; 3ICU gettillg skit. It lrightcni you up-makekl TU11 feel betters' rik, bet at druvists or Wilson,Eyle Co. N'at g ra ENERAli NB\ Tho lif. ntotrit. c "Inf,-.; =tractor !lulu; ,inon h•r3.i., Witt; liatits'0 „.ateees,..ful • larincr in Illi- nois, Iras completed zkrrangeraents to eve) 'to Canada, wth t six cars ng ef- t:elii ant. 58 horses. Ile will farm eigh; sections and bring with hint a capita( et300O00, Same 28 families tilil follom front 'WI- nois. ittan, poopl e say t he are "all tier- atartIod er up•act, eau - ss Arriel and irri t a 1Qt1. ;:.111111.3U.VIV.9 U.\ 1 and Norvo 1ub aro just! the remedy such people require. They retitt.re portee :Lharmony of tho ner- ve centres a ail give now nervz force. tc 'haltered nervous systems. Manitoba, Assinibula, Saskatchewan ant. Alberta contain in round figuros 250,000,000 acretil vf laud. 1.4.;bout Another club woman, Mrs. Batik, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari- ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache, by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 11 DEAR MBS. PI:KM:CAM 1— A while ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not helpme. I remembered that my mother had. used Lydia 1113. Pinichana's Vegetable Compotamd on many oc- casions fox, irregularities and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could etnot ltarra me at any rate ,to give it a al. "I was certainly glad to and -that within a week I felt neueli better, the terrible pains in tale hack and side ,..were beginning to cease, and at the time of menstruation I, did not have nearly as sorlous a time a4. heretofore. so I continued jt a use for tWo months, and at the ona of that time I was like a, new. woman. I really have neVer felt better in ray life, have not had a, sick heartache ,sin, and weigh 20 Ttna.s more than I ever did, so I un- esita tingly recommend your medi- - M. MAY liAttr,n, Edgerton, LissooPoreforsf.eflat fofuopyiegliinoalii,tof13:640,iinmainettiecrspOrionvibng, ilecifrpmee cannot be prodveedr- • Promotes DigestChz-orful, e'ss and Rnt.,Cort to in$ Aelther utti2.-lorptino or 14,illera1. NoT 1,74,-av .1171:Thir4 St- - or Infants and Children. he Kind.You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Rzu..-azdy Stowalch,DicrOotv Worm5, xutsiouci.Pave.rIsh- 11 01," SY..7.7.'1•2- fi€7,4-.471.5; In Use For Over Thirty Tears GUeS4ing at thehet ot t QYVn zpo food than inexperienced cooks. amity pastry and delicate cakes are ruined if the oven is too hot or not hot- enou. The oven thermometer or the Imyerial Oxford Bang� does away with all guesswork. 'The least expeneneed can tell to a certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the Imperial Oxford Range t cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. • Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you call at one of our agencies and see the st0Ve itself? rr The Gurney Fopunclry Co. 1,11nliteci Toronto, Canada Montreal, 'Winnipeg' Vancouver Sold by T. HAWKINS SON, Exeter.. asezumsttzr ETI otazilmriausarastmenvaistor Patients will hear of something to their ad- vantage by writing to The Diabetic insti- tute, St. Dunstan's Hill, London, E. C NOTIIIND TO PAY. 000,000 acres have already been given I a•svay! as free homesteads, u•nd 50,000- 000 acres is i;trige esttirnate, elf :the liaIdti :Pox Cultivation, ilhalak rivers, and so on. ;This leavim 1.80,000,000 acres still'tal be settled., in - eluding, pl courise; Ithe ,grzunts to the Canadian Pacific and, Other railways Over and above !1.,hits ;thea -e; is, an ar. ea ;dr 150.000,000?acres of ,firs;t: ulnas ranob and grain-Igrowing land in tho unorganized district of , Athaltasea, entbruckmai (alto Peace River, country. All told then, there are 340,000000 acres: ;cif •fgood land wailing for the plough and locomotive in the Nortin- Wthi. 'T.o, Tent differently, t;herk; io sutcie to to. fUrnish 1.00 -'acre Ca-rms for 2,000,000 heads of famines. ,SUD,D,EN'LY ATTACKED . • Ghtleironf axe .df.ten at -- Lathed by', painful. and daa,..1.ger I ens ,Gtanwpts ;Diarrhoea, Dy'-., • eenl.ary, 0.11tole'ra Morbus,:,Cholora in- fa•ntitin,,' ate. '11r. Fo'svierp Pktr aot. ft ictit804; to :and 11;frs, 1VC,d,nke5d0tiffay-, <4,,th; at :ft.he ' :de co- of.11;fr. .(.1."o old 3,..t/ Gra'net ' ; , • „ MAR11IE13.,' Annie Stewart: ,l'0rlCAMERON.-! In 'the :township Aldaborong'n, on. Virettnetsda;y, April. 27th by the Rev. : Sarah Cameron to iSir. John 1'o theringham,f fo Bien -- she rd. WtADD:EL,LL.- BAYNES,- A t Well- born, on Wednesday April 27„ by the Rev. E. A. Graham, the Rev. W, J. Waddell, of Shedd on, „form- erly of Eflmville, and Miss lat,ella. II a yneor Well:burn I';'-'11:AlIA.IVI,--;11ALL.-At the manse, thA Wednesday (evening, 27, (by the Rev, A. Grant, Miss Kate; Hall, . • • pon.ilrge}secti dafiloh,l./er of Krs, t tat ;Reginald 'ffuisont. Gratafm, iakclgtst )son 'of Mr. JD. Graham. • DIED. VOISPER.-At PaxkcIale, Ilaronto,.'on M'ay 3rd,. 1904. Jtosewh 01-4 cleat c -in of Mr. and , Mra. ,Georgo. Vols,pCr, ,a4sea l8.yeasx. AGAMM•11.61. 16RE'S EN 111' TIIVIE, -- )(lftcIliftlC$ 1 -hill he c-lls 01)01 18 ',1;°01ULaigil;19te'llfietiPt aCtrilll'INn'ioareal3g2e0,saltQtrrY(I'' ot Er 11111110 to st.art.'. Now, f..r,t•istrocis ; uourge 3r<111 Fob. Il'rit d • ,