HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-5-5, Page 3THE STRUGGLE FOR SUCCESS Possible to Pay Too High a Price for fortune's Favors. Enterect according, te Act of the Peen Moment of Canada, Ao the rivar One '4110U4and Nine Hundred and Four ter W. nasty, of Toroate, tSe Deraareent ot Agriculture, Ottawa s k despatch from Los Angeles says: nee, Vrtodc De Witt "l'alinage od from the followlog text: Jociges 35, "Ales, my doughterl'* An old trite saying declares, "What •aarth getting is worth paying for, 13ut the payment aemanded for what we want is often, more than leere silver mid gold. It may cost the pound of flesh iear tbe heart Of ao Antonio, and it may mean silver or gold. crlioSonot by having been dipped and rusted and dyed in human bloaL Well, to -day we fiod General Jeplio tbeh basing o, great ambition. Ile svos not only seeking a, noble and a legitimate goal, but he was rashly and recklessly ready ..to Pay any ')C to reoch that goal. Jeplithait Iiad two objects in reaching this goal of bsamlaition. The first. to w,ipe out the stigma Oai the record of Itts birth. Like Alexamire Dwoos, he could never ntention the now of lila mother without bringing 4 blush shame to his cheek. Sctondly. Jeph- gaul tke Yourio man; 'you gave Mean limb wanted to drko out the twood., to me, and 1 will keep therm Ti ing Aromonitiolt hosts who were 1.Y04 are disboliiest 1 cam ha dishonest Om:toning to destroy his people. ',„go too.' That is tbe way l'41r, So -and -So the night before tho peat battle was SuPPOood tal hove hod his Miami - cooled General deplithrib in his start in llfh. But lsf rse, no be tat". tent mode o pledge something. Is so rich and generous with his mon- like this; o0 God, if to -morrow thou Or */ ebureh and the world aro rhadY to overlook this sin of his ith. great temporal socces eld VOTAle tit) etone tor the s Means by which great ottcceea won. ElilVTINESS TEA1P0RA11 GESS . Think not this illostra -.torn la peace front the riuldren at irnon shalt surely be the Lord's. ImaglitarY, ant speaking boo and T oiler it up for a bora of- wte of whom Dame numor )s Wog Obis story at this moment. And tering.' roar ttad die of ',yet, my brother, as rclato this in- Ifordi bad tile ceased when tile messengers on reident. I want yo* t to onswer this swiftest of 'Items sped everywhere. questien. "Dees (304 ever 0,110w US F1VeryW1lere the hard riding couriers t° 4141;t'e SUCcesses true in MR shostea no mews to cm matitiva, 000,,, sight, at 'the esp.ense of our Chris - one of the pillars of Rev. Dr. So- and-So's church." "How did he make his money?" "Well,- he an- swers, and with that be looks arouoci to see no one is within hearing dis- tance. "there is a dark story con- nected with his life, People do say be got his start Isy dishoneet means. He Is said to have been mire a very Poor Young man awl a clerk in hio uocie*s office. This uncle was the owner of some -very valoable coke lands. This uncle was a director in one of our large private banks and bad his name, with six or seven othow directors, upon notes ogareaata ing some millions of dealers in volloo The bank failed. These directors were responsible for the notes. In order to liquidate those notes that uncla would have had to hand over inost of his property. What did he do? In order to escape thee legitimate Oil- gations he placed bis coke property in the hands or his nephew and then went into court and swore he was poodles% After be had perjured himself that this uncle went to his nephew and said, ^Nor, my boy. (feed ne hack my coke lands," 'Oh, no,' only give Me FiliNeSs„ Al thou allow me to atooe for the awilti al of my birth by being deliv- f my people front these invading ot cut-throats, promise thee I wbotsoever coinoth forth of tho ()ors of iny house to meet mo when saying, sOh, God, if I only may bo ho.nored among unr people I will terve to thee as a burnt offering the first person that comes out of ray muse to welcome me." 1 3ut when his beautiful daughter, robed in white, was being bound to a stake, mid when the lighted torch was flung among the fagots piled around her beautiful limbs, and when the treeses of her hair floating in the winds were eaten up by the hot. hissing thanes, and when her dying shriek wes heard above the wailings of the multitudes that surrounded her funeral Pyre, do you believe the death of his only child conk) in. any way mate Jephthab, happier be- muse the disg-race of hie birth wan /and, the rye will be ready in our state abont S[ay 12. When the heeds just begin to form it =aloes an ex- cellent feed, and should last at least ten days. Rye has often been con- demned for this purpose. The diffi- culty is, that in the desire to get large yield, it has bean left too long when it becomes Woody and unpala- table. Wheot will follow next, and fii one of the very best green foods. It will last well into June. Later sowings of both will prolong the sea". son somewhat. The land on which those grew may be either planted to corn or later :Jewett With linnet. sf one is depending on soiling with- out the silo, there is lloble to he a forever wiped out? Instead ei gap at floe poiot which alialfe, von Jephtbaii being the head or bin fano fill. Its growing is mora a 9/lest:ion By, now, by the death of his only 'of brains than 5011S. It has also the child, he was the last. of his race, adventag,e of not having to be pot I can imagine how a oian reared in in enneally, as do tbe other rrops, poverty and one Wkio kiiew the :snaking additional cost for seed and gnawings of hunger might tong for llobor. In any case, every dairymen miliniited wealtli—aye. and be ready shook; have a piece of clover, which to Make alluost any saeridee to will always be ready front June LI achieve wealth—but when wealth t0 es and ready to cut again • must be purchased at the lime of his own lifia's blood is that wealth worth the struggle and the death ? RENOUNCE STD. lifo 1 IMO Cna overlook them? We The human and divine sacrifices of st. There F-1017 in the fact, %viten a, hero phys- Oats and peas are ol the oily dies to physically suve moo- gore only two drawba 5 to n-, One kind. When Dr. Robert Koch, tile 7; the aphis or green lico at • bed discoverer Of the bacilli of tue /eral times taken our hire sowing, rculoste, advocated the idea thatomul for which there eisems to be no e tuberculosis of cattle was notqpractical remedy. The otbor io tte irdeetioua for man, and a young high price of seed for the lat, two a result of the iitoculation. rro 7otid:t always bl noad for 011'1 P°410 i bacteriologist, to Provo that theorY or three years. The southern cowpee. false. inoculated himself with. the is ofteu confounded with thc.. Canada cattle totterouloais gerni and idled as geld pea. It is the latter not aloof -id "That is gloriotre. that is grand 1 & which ma an peas Is o cow ea:eeriest, That young man died in //calor that 44aiit. it sbould be seavn ,,,,,r1„ itt might Ph,YsleallY live- Ile 131°4 lithe sprina. The former order to prove the neaeasitY of :r. , stagnant; against the toi,erett. oeon, and should not be put in tit losis of the Omni) brute."' Illit this 'fijo grOfind is warm. lo*o Nov 1 Young' maiden of any tem did more ertrlY June. While it is a '1'riide o to tb..,.., In artier that her father forage Want in tho south, its eine 1 ht liege 1 eon -imagine that to T'altie in the north is for enriching e crude belief of there tioys it, the sail - ay have been held that tho 111? -4, Canada, pens SinSild be F failod to 11111111 his deliherato as soon as the ground is io to work,. vow would perioh eternally, it may A better crop will be obteh ell, and have been that deplithab's daughter they will stay green lenoor. it the lehled her life to overt that dread- Peas are plowed in about a butes fate front her father. If so deep. The oats should he sown four ow heroic was her sacklike ! 71Iow or five days later, harrowed in and must, rhave loved her for doing roiled. Or the peas 7,tiay lo. drilled while he bewailed the ranit VOW - i, -AS deep as Pos`dbie. and 1at .0,..e thP riotaliollroUliifite, ti„thrnits,cte. sswait:tlysii.; tllodp‘orThe i nooaatarerdrt11111:tlurtfhaece7PI0Osiotew v.t;ov.s.:1, ittav1,1 was rendered tieceo.oary by nor trans- 'els pas and from one to li hoolo.N fIressiotel ? lle Wi4c4 died to .el'-e',10ats, per Acre. This Is lOter than us from the penotty of our sin 4 to sow 4 lsrAw fra.,2ntity 0:i• ,ThsIA,-,, as Mks Its for our grateful love. Goo /oftett recommended. DPI....-ita, (,:rowd August. Dry as it was lost veer. such clover tided us -sloth our Oats and peas were fit, and wps eat again before corn matured. "The land is frefk! The Jane N den inlegr1/3". Will he forgive free! The land is free1 depittinth d la? 3eur :0% ds 1,4! asilvcr b fin 13.2tt„oo has word Jeplithoh has won!" I --' 4"‘" -- DUTY. jewels that have been stolen from Virst. God woold stover bare like dephthah, destroy the apiritn an4i/hysical and temporal lives our children. Ile would never liave Th *o „ogrotf.z,d in our work 0,4 w„ tit out of decett end dishonesty and would neglect oar own fk.A. and , theft and with gold smelted by tm- lithe coffers of another's treasure vaults? NIliott is worth having is worth paying foto but we air:ay:4 ay too high for our temporal sue; when wo pay for them With weed... mad yam not. uow 4m, boy,: lawful aud inuuoral fires. "A good mid ttiris mot torn out. ue would name is rather to be ehosen than not have the tohlister or the lawyer great °lit's'''. That mm18' though you pile upon one side of your scales ol'thlaievt!nzhattort4:700ireatiftteoly asap, all toe gold hurled under u, thou - „send bilis. and all the securities nursery. must work and work ond hbot The ,„„ UOy Itv710:41 2/fiy,1111.01Swtn103:1:.$ ilaalltgrrt jelavevne *, t,-.4--yo-u-r---foo-t",-- ThaeckdailunmfoatIns om eifor ms boy bane Upon kis ifentrpiut upioa the other fade of that to sacrifiee the Spiritual end temporal sight et Geld ut:ISCI'eferriset:I'ven' you1le lives of our children upon the altars have paid for your wealth at too of bone. high a price, You have paid for 011, parent, it is an awful -crime to Mein at the expense or your Ghris- endanger the physleal and temporal Gan integrity, and spiritual welfare of your chit- But there is still another very dren! No crime among all recorded foolish oacrifice many men and Wo- erinici, ought to be MOM Shatilled or men make for temporal successes of condemned. And yet Ms crone we life. That is the respect nod love see flaunting itaelf exerywhere. Par- Which all good men and women ents seem to be too busy seeking should feel toward their fellow men. earthly Etone and temporal success to It is elle thing to be careful about cam for their own flesh and blood. 1311r Christian intep,rita”, and others alaid a prominent English judge to a °IV think wen or 11"t It an - Other and a more important thing. young Man standing in the Athol's dock, "Do you remember your fae that we do riot foolishly sacrifice ...ta suffer." Ile woold not let Aiwa- In 'en fc‘na a Golconda min°' nnd neither will he ever reouire irons:to/a digi"wst ir ther?" said tbe our Christian integrity, lest wo lose "Perfectly." youth. "Whenever I entered his oo,t,fa resDeet and 3"v° f°1‘ aur neigh- presetwe he would say: 'Run away; T. TOO MOH, run, my lad, and don't trouble me. I must weite now; I must write.' "' 11-110 It must be an awful sensation for n. man who has eat:rifted his Chris - was that father? "He was the great tian integrity to feel that ho always lawyer." said Dr. Potter, "who was the author Of the femme% work on 'The Law of TroSts,' and his onty son ill dll0 time furnished a practical commentary on tlie way in which his totbor had discbarged the most sac- red of all trusts committed to him in the person of his own child." • "hal, where. ie . your nodher?" I one asked a young .eehool friend when dining in the home or his mo- ther. "Ole mother is not Isere to dinner to -day. Mother is very sel- dom at horne. She is always off ad- dressing those religious meetings." Do you wonder that in this answer I read the future doom of 'that son? Do you wonder that that boy turned out badly') What right had that another to attend any set-ies of meetings whielt would compel her to systemati- cally neglect the :spiritual trainiug of her offspring by her own. fireside? No temporel success of life should ha al- ,' lowed to demand for its altars the sacrifice of a man's children, the sac- rinee of a mother's home. CHRISTIAN INTEO.n." [TY. For temporal success,. no matter how, great, God would nevee have as 'of) destroy our, Christian integrity. Ile wouldneeer have us mix an alloy in "With the pure gold of Christiae acter. in order .to, make it harder and to gi've it a loader ring He would never say to us-, "Oh, child Of G odi you, cao tell Just .one big lie or nom, - mit one big pin -if by that. means you can win a 'great earthly •sueeese, and then you Will be ready to reemise- ' crate 'our Whole. life to me.'" And. yeletheee are reaby .11101 and women, who .1,ielieye, that in the sight •G od and man. a great .temporal. Success in one way may atone' foe the ,illegeh timate. and dishoeeSt means by ,Which. that succese is Won. them the cloven foot, of.Satan may be allowed to stand , in the .front rank of the, svoSlcre honored ons if it be o'oly' 'Covered With shining kid of -a patent 'leather shoe., eWho is that 'aciatleulan riding .down the street?" I 'ask, ' SOh,",lic a.1iswere, "that is one oi.:the most in- fluential Ethd:: respeeted men in oer town. He not Only at the head of all reformatory movements, ha he is man of War impulsively end hastily - withhold it ? tat litfi eVer hate ;bade the peas and decreaso tho lobs* an renounce the sin whit% be died of the fodder, After ton tl000 aootiTer Showing should be put in, mai it ore es not fear the aithla. tWO Wi.i01,,-, ter a tiiird. 'Phew, will foinioh men feed from the hest of dime to be 11114 or radale or Angl.". lea ot Ileb. X, 12. 23. that after the 'Sell* I have bad two acres Vuo/th OZI Lord dt-son lool offered floe saerifice ',,N a nionopoly of the impertol Oov- ws all they would eat, in malizion for sins forerer lite oni down on the 'eminent, excnit in Siberia, where, we ' ee gape some pasture (an acre to tb,. ard. right hand el (iod, frolu hetaceforth "July 1, it Will becoute a monopoly — — i nal) for six weeltS. If there ie a sore expoeting till IIis enemies ie., made too. luo they ran ho 'Olt (toll t"or'l for Ifis footstool. in Won. viii. 10-23. In Great Britain the revenue from ' to wipe away, end let us give to hint oar heart's adoration and von. 'Overate UAW lives to his vervigee FOR FARMERS '.f.OnAonahle and Profitable Hints tar the Busy Tillers et the Soil. st*tig441.774***Y4i4ili'14.644,41:44.**04:41 SUMMER DAIRY IfEED. Ordinarily. I do not believe that itirymen should wactice entire stab eding the year round, although 11 it be and is done 'with prt, writes Mr. Edward Van Alstyne. There Is notliing that will quite tate the pluee of pasture grass. On most farms wbero cows are Rent, there is much land that Can be devoted to pasture. But land that will nrOw good corn, t E S. S. LESSON, INTEIZNATIONAL LESSQN/ MAY 8. Text of the Lesson Luke -aid., 35- 48. Golden Text, Luke xii-, There is a vast amount of religion rOigiousltess which is not real. is merely outward form, like the aii which has the form of the wheat, ts 'talnITI'ethies nP°11tahrsleges ‘10.1ftholit4r Lord's time bast an abundance of hat Wad, and He called them hypo- erues* those wIlo play Pa"" Like luaus°, t when be called for his actors on a stage. Aiatt. =Hi itors..0 be lann(.1 toot his ,erx.ant had he so called, them seven times, and in the first verse of our lessoo .Pereusieu to go out for pier lie said, oBewaro ye of the the ecernog, and had the are of the able in his pipe/vet, 'rim. officer Leaven of the pharisees, which hy-, stale- donned his uniform, and then Peorisy." Leaven in gcripture t to proceed on foot to the mvariably something evil, corrupt Gourds' Armory. which ley on the am) corrupting. Even in Matta and parallel passages it refers to other °Ide or liYde Perk- Welking" hastily that direction, he canto the corrupted food of the church this preseut age called the mystery °Id Prkele"edlY nt the verY head' quarters of the mob. where they of the kingdom, the teaching which, rding to the last, vart aur were already piling- up the fences. FAIR PLAY. English Offi.cer's Experience With e, Lond94 Nob, During the reform riots in llyde Park, London, in 1860, the mob, on a well -remembered, night, began tearing down the fences of Hyde Perk, for fires and barricadee. Col. Thomas Wentwor 11 1 I iggillscoi tells IiinshthoemAcetalanwyxce i11.1v(!lisalciluyntagof Witll a. friend, all iniconseiceis of the im- epeeindereelinga ci.Zuligreel;Ms the ly lAh•aerer de- rtment, telling him that his regi- ment Was Ordered out to deAt1 with the mob, 11e hastened heel: to his own c esson, encourages those e ho pro- I aniainAs, annbialuatrsia asrvaa:e rt"Igat L7411; i al: A true child of God and servaut lawae was but one thl0p, LO he tbe - . . „., us_ io ot 4 'coming of Christ and soinolo with : the s World.tobest".1"Itti. but sci'lf at 0 that tbe Lord hod delivered their -seemed for the moment '..) the mob of Christ is heasoila -o ith trim," 'Irs;0.4),:.e7 enacr made his illiiilisell'w:::7:raiglit hears tbe word of God and, keepe it, toward tbe center of action, and ban a raitiglo eye to 1111, glory of enuelt to a man wcio was mounted God le.i'$ olo lrenr:31.e 54 hc'ea- ,on the pile anit w. evidently the tyteteu.kitasdiloloa„ lia.ltlitis no la"n'nre„ about "i le a‘der of tiro tumult : II , ol eay, my Rood. Ina - rep- 1 4de,e4tilTi."111Tb?slitttasn of thell':orlid"ranl 'le,st:.:^sh orobetio:, ' '1,11,1".iiill ;jou .givtl, Lltit.14; he hypocrite. two the itrery, are i O. living unto then 1 :gti41(125.3. 2B. ,,3..4 it ot his world ,, a Wind over this pile?" apter *ii up *o where'''"e° -then said with decision. af r'r- 'jgeittlemen is right. Ile is (loam., " /his duty, and we have no moirrel r, The man heoitated 0 minutes, and ;1 Frahm' more the reikerned of 'with biro. Lend a hand mad help with Christ. our infectious are 'hint °Ner' „bore 11„ ts. at tin, right. band II& was promptly dtme wait en- - 0lOire 10d. we believe that ant, we I tire respect. nod the officer in his I id c.-ith Christ in God, that Ile has willivoll tollIforOt weltt hastily 031 bis and't 1 bolts wt4."asrelc.1111trrel4ausl °117/1 gwkilt7f vilF an" thrre 4:41°4'4 Iruln the / Tilt -in tbe rnob returned to ilettortits,5t! otio:ti.pollt:Islisitiiy opv arrii'61diiSsiS45,1:111.11: litill.:.,:nt4‘;rssat:ilf. i si I 1 oi b.urkr k(12:0:o1:03 :11)11111pelteltPilaittelfiFi-,ot :141:at:Adz; t)(StIlt;I:dbleel,mlides i les of 1104 W01. Hi. 141; I Tbeso4,.4ixid. 1, . 12; I Vet. H. 9; 1 Cor. iv. 2/. As such we are devaledly not of tido ing of our I root demo, Christ.'" ' front heoveu--"avaiirlog for the vont. lights burning' we mall for our Lord world. hut with boos girded and :hot down. "'serving the thing am and waatiog for ills Son z ett** (I Cur. 1. 7: 1 tioas. i. „, I tiee also I l'et. 1, 13. la WM% liT and fl4 of okir leoson the attitude is mit only waiting. , but watehing-othat io, topeetingt, for 4. We Will 1144t 1.i apt to oatch for I afoot ee do not espeet. It is writs "at TAX OD' DRINICS. at ationol This Souree. d States rereiro O„Otio efpuldir e ta irits and $ n beer, a to 3(1 ,1)00, 1*0 US51011 Government estima .000,000 its tevtirie ibis le sale of liquor. which r nu ne Cart Little Liver Pil Must notore of • lb 1.1're HAVE, TO STOP rtE, SIT DOWN. 117Z. TO, DO tfotY7 RYE PIUS dittenancr llar pitattoo or Weidmass, to klat one, feed a day or such hay, has nol lately 1110 WhOle creation. Inn be. eeeisee.119 11110 ta,,N4 is ealled. a‘pragi,a Revers 4111%.41, ILltmr tifht fruits inose,000.000 a. year. rot smelt giVen, ;no .00 much milk us a 'feed leso tile 1)(14 daver hay and owl' Pnuni ni "f the NW"' at° 17:aza t° il° 1431tUnalthau the tvveime of the l'ultod States ' gr eagertY an nark/ grain. To get tbere remits ltgroaning for . thr (."'" 'Ottvertanunt front the Fame oo •urre. / ley 61101,ild be cut Just an 'the oat -deukt/tz°" tO1'4' uh"u It° Fhul' wilnd e: oVivre is, hesidts. Ib i' enigmas ' ad is formed and the rims hardly 4 ,' We must 3301*' 110' d 3 of 'blossom. Clover can be SOW11 Ilis teaching. to Israel in tlw go '. '- ei4 d c 041 Il with tham esa, nd if they are eet n the teahing to tie, eld not allowed to lodge goad seed' an tha epistieS concerning Iiis 'coming g wilt follow. Orlile ground eau again. In the gnSpels it generully sown with Millet *01late 101 JULY' Dins coming in gnaw, as in the rod 4 and a good crop obtained. g'urnips ,T,,stament. with opecou reference t may be put in as late as August 1. /Israel anti 110' nations, hut In t Millet and bungarian grass 000 pistl*'s ate valUtible feed after peas mole, eiluirceitiltitleenfilit-isintr-rstta4g)ettl:fe amournt Penolint,ltelleild8" osts"eitIllsStignsofdstliletes They may be sown frOM, JUne 1 on. - or -t is the lat,,t tt m wines entered into France for t, evenne froat rum. broody mul other ,Oxicants, amounting tu $25,1400.-1+ 00. The French Government derives 3 year 4100,000,000 trance Troia its lax on spirits. 2.'00(000 from the lax on beer and 175,000,000 hoore the xes on wine, elder being inelteled. , is is ,$,100.000,000 a year tram ' They will come an before corn is iteele coming In gloro, in the church { • grain Or hay, and is easily tilled, one las a quick and rank. grOWer. I SOW pose. On sueb land a bellow the This also makes a fine bay, 4tbTnet. 1 IN8-t',Islial'Ig73,(7fr(047(11t this I:els:Is:1°7(11i: ilgctll.onwevelPittl in so nsilo cannot afford to nse for this pin front eiolit to 12 (marts per way to figure the value of nn aero of Amid be cut before tho heads are , as the owaitioe is concerned, will cut. For instance, if an acre For soiliug or grown feeding, I pre- or when our Lord returns from the worth 81 0, then the pasture is worth Is sfewrooteacooerizt ritiauleiteladrgsto.r tlereVarieties NN.ill 10101 voted 10 ltifiele C.11.:::::Itlilir:'11llanhde \V‘v,ilet: sItiebwn..., The last part of tow lesson is de - will cut one ton of hay, and it that amount, less the cost of gather- a good growth of ears. It is SloW ard" or the opposite, and the Mat - pasture is by tho measure of hay t wen farmed. mg the hay. getting started. mid will not tura If it will cut two tons, then twice so much bulk to the acre as will as much, with from two to four acres southern or working corn; but will has to live III the "toty of Dishon- to carry a cow throngli stile sum.- more than make up in quality what to real servants and to hypocrites esty." upon the "Boulevard of Do- mei', and give her all she needs. It it, lacks in quantity. Although I ' whose portion will be with "believe ceit." It must be an awful thing will be readily seen that to depend ,have never sown sorghum. for this .ers. The wise servant is eremplified to feel that every person who comes wholly on pasture is 'expensive. With ,perpose, I believe it is valuable for in the five wise virgins of Vett. in -touch with you is 'prompted to this in mind, and realizing that when teedieg in early fell, and well worth and the faithful s'ervant is seen in ter or personal responsibility is set forth, Pour times we ;have the. phrase "that servant," referring both seek your friendship with a sinister desire. I once read of a, heartrend- ing scene. During the bombard- ment of Charleston, S.C., a, young girl in one of the principal Man - .1 that fair city of the south a, eow is allowed to shrink in her a trial. All :mall feeds should al - milk flow for any length of time, her W0,1"'S be fed in the stable. If 3 littbe milk secreting glands shrink, and nu system is employed, the extra labor subsequent feeding will enable them is not great, either when the teem, to perforan their full function until the comes from or just before it goes to was standing with her soldier lover cow is again fresh. I would empha - the Reid. It is tbe work of only a size the economy azid importance of. before the marriage altar. Just as few moments to throw the feed, the chaplain was about to pronounce providing senile supplementary feed which' ha been cut, on the wagon and the twain one, there sounded a, ring- during apidsummer. The two crops leave it at the door of the stable. We bag or a shell. Itnbuest, into the mulled. below Will not be needed by gather enough on Saturday to last room, and the young bride dropped those who depend largely or wholly over Sunday. It does not spoil or dead at the feet of lover. Oh, on pasture early in the season, but sour. The better condition of the that death was horrible, terrific ! are very important where stable feed- herd, the increased amount of milk That was a tragedy. But tho scene Ing continues the entire year, and the smaller area needed for pas- service, giving the gospel to every of horror which met -the young the Men with the thee and the two talents in the same ehapter and in the men whose pounds gained ten and live pounds in Luke xis. The faithful servant is not only rewarded, lint who can tell how much is includ- ed in the words neuter over all that lie hatter' (Vex•se 44.) We rennet but think of ''with me in my throne" and "we shall reign on the earth" iii., 21; 1•., 10). That which our Lord gives us He expects us to lase faithfully in. His TTTFISIMMER SILO. • • he • 'fication of it as may euit each inch- . - so horrible to ine as must be the ready. I prefer tile barnyard millet 1,, • , ord oi truth to las redeemed, keep - bad man who thialrs that every alio would follow all the year feed- cost and labor, amount of our stewardship . Re inarriage altar is built upon the ing, the sunnner silo is a necessity. wants a people rooted and grounded Imrd rock of selfishness, that all For this purpose I would prefer the in love, rooted and built up in Him friendly greetings are moi•ely the solid silage in the bottom of a deep aucl established in the faith (Eoh. fawning words uttered by hypocrisy, silo, rather than" to have a small Hie 17: Col, ii., 7), and this ran be that every one with whom we walk one built for the purpose. I have tine andez t sesettin, ea such mad- ereature and eighth, dividing the bridegroom's eyes that might is not. calmly compensate ior inview that we must render an tauntnigly agonizing feelings of a am of the opinion that for one ANTI-SAIOXING LAWS. accominished only by the word of is trying to overreach us as we are covered such silage after the cattle A maw d • passed in Norway an 1 889 , .'. . . e e , e God mithially maustmed by the tIoly prohibits the sale of tobacco to any- porie under the age of fifteen years. trying to overreach them. God pity went to pasture with 6 or 8 ,inelles Spirit through Ilis servants. Dread - the man who has lost his Christian of 'sawdust, .and had it keep beauti- full will be the loss. of those who have. lei Prince Edward Island the sale of integrity ! God pity the man who fully until midsuminer. No crop is given stones for bread, things intel- tobacco in any form to a minor -un- feels he has to live upon the "Street lectual and ethical instead of meat of Self Love" and to associate en- so cheap or so reliable. Should a der sixteea. vears is forbidden. Any possession en smo ts ooacco is ia- , uor u der that age who has in hie in due season. , Tile stripes w111 be &oath:. occur and cut off a ground . tirely with neighbors who belong te crop, , or, as has been the case, the .., • , k, t - . , • i• in proportion to knowledge and , the great family of "Hard Hearts." . ble to a fine of 'five dollars or seven Pc)rtun't•Y ablisi'd- aphis destroy .an entire sowing of _ Bu t tempora I success is again peas, there is the silage to fall back. • • . The servant who is cast out with bought at too high a price Nvhen 011 days imprisonment. , Bermuda, im_ ' poses a small penalty on peesons unbelievers never was a true servant, the desire for one earthly goaf ob- ' At the Pan-American dairy test our hut one like Judas Iscariot, who was literates all the teniporal and spiel- selling .tobtieco, cigars, or cigarettes teal blessiegs with. which eve are silage was hauled 17 miles. When to children under sixteen years of oni3r of the number of the twelve, surrounded. It is bought at too brought, to the stable in the early age. In France numerous societies for a true child of Goil can neYer . ., high a price when a maxi, to gain morning, in a. covered box, it was hale been formed for the suppres_ perish (John aa 27-29; Phili6). that end, is willing to sa,erifice everything else he has on earth, fold, he the end, may lose Um prizc for which he has struggled, r COn imagine how jephthah brooded over the evil chapter of his father's and mother's life which neve him birth. I can imagine how he wanted to wipe out that stain, especially to wipe it out oolong a PeoPle that kept the re- cords of family births generation after generation and century after centurylean imagine this mighty fairly good. Under these adverse etre cellists:Incas, through those het July and August days, the records show it was cheaper feed to make milk froin, at 82 per ton, than was the best of selected green feed of various kinds brought in -fresh daily from within a short distance from the ex- sion of this growing habit, and the All are lose, whether professors of French Governaierit haveabsolutely religion or openly ungodly, because prohibited the use of tobacco in all they have not received the Lord ,ses.. their' schools. ;us Christ as their Saviour, but pun- ishment shall be according to desert. All are saved who are re -deemed by His precious blood, and all eqoally .SO , / never saved, for there are no degrees in position grounds, at 81that she 001111114s him of an old friend ,. 75 for a like Safety but rewards shall be accord- ' ' • weight. mg to faithful service, even as He Rye and wheat are the two feeds "I have nothing but my heart to seed. "Behold, 1 come ouiehly, and first available in the spring, and give you," said a spinster to a law- my reward is with me to give every have to be sown ene fall previous,' If yer who had concluded a suit for her. :one according as his work shall be" sowed early, say September 1, about "Well," said the lawyer gruffly. "go (Der. xecii., 12). See also II. John two buslykls per acre, on rich, warm to my clerk. He takes the fees," a. .eshiptnent or for local consumption. Italy raises about 100,00(1,40)0 lire year from excise taxes, the equivie- nt, or about $20,000,000. Holland raises about 50,0001100 Orins fro*it this source, ewiivalent to 20,000,000. 4. SHIP'S BELL HONORED, The ship's bell of the famous Bria, tannie-swhich ship has now been broa- en up—has been given a place 01 1301;- 01' 03 tlie offices of the White Star Line in LiveOpool. It is artistically mounted under a polished wood me- oPer. and bears on its sarface a -white Star. During her thirty years career, the Britannic travelled 2,232,9119 "What a methodical fellow you are, Dobbs!" said Filkins, who had step- ped into Dodd's face during the Iatter's absenm, "Why, what do you mean?" asked Dobbs. "To thinii that you should lock all your draw- ers up when You are only going out for five rainutes. "risn't likely -that anybody would Meddle with your pa- pers." "Of course not," replied Dobbs; "but bow did yo)1 find out that the deawers were looked?" .3.10211.111MCIMMI. D they de fittnena ees forVidialldeets C Laraltel.'rer toOst Ara a sure and permaneat core for all Kidney and 'Bladder Troubles. BACKACHE Is the first sign of Kidney Trouble. Don't neglect it! Check it in timel Serious trouble -will follow if you don't. Cure your Backache by taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. To the Weary Dyspeptic. We Ask this Question: Why don't you remove that,weight at the pit 01 the Stomach? Why don't you regulate that Heals and Soothes the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes, Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHR/S, HOARSE. NESS, etc., quicker than any rem. ed.y known. If you have that irri- tating Cough that keeps you awake at night, 0 dose of the Syrup will stop it at once. Variable appetite, and condition the digestive organs so -that it will not be necessary to starve the stomach to avoid distress after eating. The first step is to regulate the bowels. For -this purpose I " Burdock Blood Bittbir USED FOR *glOIII YEARS. o I have used. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY! PINE SYIZIIP for every cold I have had for the past eight years, with wooder. ful success. I never see it friend With a cough or cold but that I recommend Ito* M. M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B. PRICE 25 CENTS. has no Equal. Itacts promptly and effectually and permanently ettneS all derange- ments of digestion. It cures Dys- pepsia and the primary causes lead- ing to it