Exeter Times, 1904-5-5, Page 221)0 JAPS WERE DROWIE Japanese Soldiers Preferred Death to Surrender, BRAVE JAPS, Russain torpedo boats be/Gaging tbe Viatlivostoek squadron sunk a SETTLERS POUR IN. eports Show 21,725 Arrivals Ontarie. A Toronto despatch, says' lIone E J. Davis, Conunissiouer of Crow]. Lands, has given out the complet fat -tires with avgard to the imungra tiOn of settags to Ontario froi Great Britain for the veer 1903, Ac L'et is quiet for °uteri° grades, and lights, $2.50 up. cording to the returns, 12,725 get 1 TEE WORLD'S MITTS 44444•44. REPORT'S FROM. Ti a reADiarG TRADE CENTRE' S. VIcices of Ca ttle, Grain, Cheese, aud. Other Dairy Fr od.uce at Home and. Abroad. strong, and high figures for choice and Macy animals were ziot barn to obtain. We quote pries as followe: --Choice butcher?, $4.40 'to $4.601 fair to good, $4- to $4.30; common to fair; $3.25 to $3.60; rough. cows, $2,60 to $3.25 per cwt. No change took place in the values Of bull% which were in fair demand. We quote :--Export bulls, $3.25 to - Toronto, May 3.-Whent-The mar- $3.60; butchers', $3 to $3.30, and tiers bou It ' o ,et onto am the ieeliag firmer No. 2 winth and A firm feeling- pervades the market . points ;west of Toroato in red Winter are quoted at 89 to 90c for feeders anti stockers to -day, 'rim They were all luet by otileiela of the low freights. Sprieg wheat is nem- offerings were moderate, and holders dePartment at the 'Union Station,In trial at 84c, east, and goose at ee had little difficulty in selling th 1902 eir there were 5,567 who came to to 74c eest 1'4allitoba wheat veal"- etack at gooa prices W q ote •- armies ajoag the river. commaraled the city, or points west, and M the er, with No. 1 Northe1.lb rn quoted at Feeders, 1,000 to ,300 s.. e by (lens. Kuroki and Oeu. Each previous q. army is composed.Year of three divisions The, r t 94e Georgian ilea ports; No. 2 Nor- to $4.e0; feeders, 800 to 1.000 lbs epor s forwarded to the de- ; thern at 90e, and No 3 leoethern at $3.50 to ., are, , ea e a inerease the quantity and the S3.75; stockerst 000 to a Winnipeg were flooded by o rise in the Japanese military transport, the , total eoree is 100,000. The Reis - and three reserve brigades. T be pertinent by the Dominion Govern- 86c. No. 1 hard is nominal at ''''" ")s" 9n) `o ":3'75.,' stQCX calz•-• r. t that in spite of very' Red River' meat Dinuignation officials at St 95e G. i , ne steady hnprovenient in the queeity , .. „ ,,„ , . ...., r asians on the afaucharlan bank of John's Quebec. and Montreal state 6e b • th tend Kinseiu-Marei, of 4,000 tons, during, 1 eavY suPPIles the prices realteee on . a r nding iii tr,ansit prices are 030Turs usu roughs same weient I to (400 thee $3,25 to $3,50; off 17•1S so gr -e'' G id'edi n the Fraser River . , ols i g rig 0 I the ingot 02 (121eStlay, with a i on . .. , a me ose quo • THE OEM TRADE, 1003 TIES FROM THE IVIM rarmmx-mas FRO31 ALL OVER THE GLOBE. VALVALE EINTS FOR MAKERS AND EXFOR'TERS. Good Quality of Cheese Corning Front the Government Cool - Curing Rooms. In his report regerding the clieese trade of 1903, Mr, A* We Grindley, Agent of the Department ot Agricul- ture M Great Britain, melees some suggestions that merit the attention of makers and exporters. He says; "The cheese season of 1003 was a nmet, successful one; there was a la'ge •••••444.44, Telegraphie 33riefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Eveets. CANADA, Counterfeit n 50 cent c are freely eirculeting in Iramilten, Judge Wortele died at his home ^ Montreal early on Sunday morning, ,An addition costing '$12,000 will sleteitmutoede to tbe Guelph Collegiate In - in Several cellars and warelionees at hoard, with the exception of 17 ofra cers, t wenty soldiers, sixty -live So that with changed peicee, No. 2. wbite coloted of tbe crew, and eighty -dive coolie the exception of 4,221, all of them at 29 to 29 1 f - h d N carriers, The others, who infused came throvgli Toronto aud places ,1 white at 37/e to."301:Igeasit5: an o. to surreeider, were sent to the bot - i Bariey-ei 1, Is , quiet.. ' • . . . westwards. tom with Ilia ship. The steamer mr..0avis also gave out scene inter- the demand limited. N.o. 2 ;meted Neeamureeelarn was els° sunk. extended froin Wiju as far as Pick- este), lime, t . ' no coetained in Ids 4t 42C middle freightse No. 3 extra, St, Petersburg at tbe eeploits of the The satisfaction of the people 0 tong, over 80 miles. We faced. the new -, Mseibility that they would eross at r';';.poprt in coneeetion with New at 40f eviaeivestoee soiluth.cm is tempered score ot places, arid all we vould 0 ‘i t " 1 erne uriner the Year the land die freigthots4,1c. 4.114 No. 3 at 39c 11141- . sales to actual eettlers ver with admirestion for the bravery of )12°P° was to bara'`s and imPede the -- estet• for 5.09 farms, ma-gaecitolt6A81, .wiFtletalloinele quoted at dis4 tu:Gellijacligoue4t: the Japanese soldiers, who were on ' crossing. for every day gained en- nee'ct; ' ", board the xinshinevara, and who i aided us to preferred to drown. rather than sur- f and bring tiP ruore men. Posh our Preparations 0c00,:thelrg4aOmoauejnetse'd tri,ollee.,3A-Seet fg:raanist, lo -The market is quiet. with "dee know that the Japanese cross- T2;13%96°, acres•..Th ' 4S' al -0 ale render. exe w e a teel, 2,000 military land grants of low quoted at f/Oic on track, To - Prices steady, No, 3 American yen, $117,1,1,4R,071., ,A,(1.iiraol:,,,d„,:egr„dostmt: . ed„t.„0:.%),,,o, 0 11011tctso itiAt lime11ss,set'ge In'heeallt: 160 acres each, or 320,000 acres al- onto; No, 3 mixed at tde• C d" ana Ian tbe river are inferior in strength. that the total over -sea nneuigrAtion 0 t T1 I, t " t. t "The Japaneee cozen:time-ea the t 0 t -^ " - 4 a S-- le mar -t" is (nue a un - Passage of the river and the Ruse :dans realized that it would be im- possible to prevent their crossing. The Japanese front ie now that a priee crew could pot be spar-; t handcheitow, 20 miles above Nene, 0e'ethe1'. I ed from ehe etue,sian yeee,qa and near Skiolueutesilthe, on the Poueeilt- that it was impossible to impede he, a tributary or the Yalti, was FOUGHT HAND TO HAND swift equat.lron by ettaehing a slow, I sticcessfell. d'hie, is importent be -I FOl. t'r steamship to it, It is reported, cause a road lestas from. Sinopouss- f,n. Fierce Fight on the Qcpekst eorn firm at 42e west for guaran- teed delivery in good condition. Rye -The Inarket is dnil, with No. 2 euoted 56e to 67e. eeet, fiuctcwhQrAl--'1'he market uneheetge neoreever. thee the Vladivosteck .tt;11° n°rth'c4tst to Rwatitien' which ,, SomalilaP4. el, with &aimed moderate: No. 2 wee threatened ey a Japanese squad- den' ' i i° ' •!'' ^ ° t "" fleeter -Ninety per cent, patents are A dedinetele AVM LontiOn S4.7 1 squadron !ma to int rry weans -I, commands wee of the roads 1 o auk-. Miran has re ' -e 1 a• • ,e A I.onclon ties atch 'R• .rri A I quoted et n0c middle freights. ,is evident that the JaPaneee t eel% e adell report unchanged. Buyers, at en.a0 moldier/lie House 01 COMMOUS Ort Wedeeee rose The Ilussiene learued that the Japanese were in the neigIeborliood devoted, teoSt of their attention to 0; ealNire elleg. on the coast freights M buyers' seeks for export. d.'4Y evening unanintouslY adopted 41estroying the apienese merchant- is divided int° '''everrli channels by re blue -jackets were killed and domestic trade quoted at $4,10 to eembent upon the Governenent to do isreported to yield good results uear $2.75 up. the whole were satisfactory, The . • lellooet, B. 0, Ti7xport ewes advsincerl 1.5 to 25c: mild sweet Palatable flair"' a$ kli'-' Cenadian fire uuderwriter& deeided light ewes, 1.5c, and iembs eee per tinguished from the beated au d hit - cwt., and buying was active at the ing character so noticeabie in former Ll'oondiantirreaalstde tritentiriaptecus. in IRLOInt°°. rise. We tleote as follows :-Ifeavy years, has created a large consumpe 1 1 The Tuckett (gr factory at lime - ewes, $4 to 84,40; light sheep, $4-40 ,!tlx° demand,' which will have 4 "1/4- lilton bee been closed, and about two to $4,75, bueks, $3,50 to ,e3.75; ency to do Awoy with the disPropor-2hundreel heeds are gut of employntent. groin -fed lambs, $6 to $6.50: Nem- 'i tio,:heeinpr:atl: gbeit:h•eielifipi:Antoaciolapne a ,I.,.the Itsiann:tzeAsyium, bas been ap_ yard lambs, $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt.; I English Cheddar." Spring iambs, $3 to $6 each. w or 1 11;1'11p:ill:sect Jones assistant n oasfstjshetanntewm4asytrI°: at 3iCsteolve5se bpreorugIlibt, $2 t o $78 each, and i "green" cannot be too emphatinallY .: I condemned as it not. only spoils the 1 rrh, ei-;m`iii 7,7 il., Railway . Hogs -Were reported uncle:mend. !sale, but 'hurts the reputation of 1,,,-,;'-on---47444 w-...5Z--'-n?fran,..:,,ai... We (Note 7 -Selects. 160 to 200 lbs. ; Canadian cheese* The salesman as'-' 3114es --- - --"" 'T''''' of Prime bacon quality. oft ears. Tor- ' well as the exporter are to blameand according to B. B. Mann it wilt onto, $5: lets, mere sows, 83,50 eor send. .th • t 1,1 . re near Edmonton tide tall, met, st that their clteee I Id be 'erg h4ve redur14 "In nm"c4s °5 linen" mg es.0 Mmaa nre e eese, to $3.75; stags, s2 to $2,50 per ' ti •s t le The Brantford license commission - a 12 patrons -ac °ries s eel , s eau a • , lsinteen by cutting off that of the Citer COTTON GROI,VING. :welt a condition as will give sat- - II I ccanzmone Urges overn Oe .Saturley the two-year-old beid in tee ming, roam ootil it, is ;ses In t let Place from seeenteene to fl staetion to, the British cauemeer, COOL CURING Cilo CHEESE, The difference in the wieldy of ete held. in the Government ceol nt to EneourAge It, f Rev. Pr. Geo, U, Smith Of ethaidnee set tire to his clothing' Ile playing with Matches and wee. enemies was very nOticea,ble, tuned to death, ly tn (reality, but in general 'The suPPlementory estimates of the maim Thie IMProefenteet ie „' Ontario OtrrerlinWnt include 4%:10 for due cool and "enfeeble," tile ebeeSelToronto Amnon also *0.000 for which 4150 450 bas the edvantege of pre, -printing statutes as se reseit at ther enting ceesidernble percentage of Ore, Tbe tettel iS $307.796, hrinkage. During the season of 1JQ21 when "waxed" cheeee firet ap- GREAT BRITAIN, peered on the 13ritish market, SOMe Christian Sete= Chu nte Q r the Grocera' Aeeociations objected, to was recently opened in and. even went so far as to demand. en allowance in weights, but it was ender whieli John Dem- and imprisoned for old in London for ..o while the Russian torpedo boats were croseing near Wien Tbe river here !Ill poina 1 .iend, front the dervishes. Aflirmiug that it is Me Straight rollers of special brands for res°Inti°n, Man Goeo Metres at tleeeren the pre- islands,i„, A , the largest of which is Sam- six were wounded during the sittnek scat) in labia, Manitoba flours aro nes Tamest to encourage cotton grow- vious day. On that occasion the'"a'"'°. d'oove and below Wiju was on the enemy's works. Rear-AdnatrAl Vizeitvosteek squadron W.18 Wilt -Ching, bridged at three pointe. . Atkinson -Willes, , Coniteamier-in-Chief 2 patents, 84.70, Awl strong Inekers' unehaufed' X°" 1 Patel"' 'trl; No. tilocio-4oplileIritatitle)1°Ii;iatriitscotnitIrreL'riorea: outside Gensan iu a dene.e fog, abieal -up the stream eear Sindiegou of the East Africe stetiere, who per- genieAtietes therein. And to establish suddenly rose. while jaw fog was , the Japaneee were watched by a sonally commanded the landing force, i $4.00 on track, Toronto. thickest the Russians fortuna.t.ely et., retell detatinuent of roseacks, but seys the fighting, 'width occurred on 817.50. ) 111111feed-Bran is steady at $17 to "Perimental farroo- COlonel t5eerot tery Lyttieton, in the course or the leropted a wireless message from i the enetuY was PraelicallY na°11P°s- APril 24. was at dose .iltlariers. The At outside points bron is recited at end shorts at $18.50 here, I debate, outileed the experiments And the ceraneteder of the Japanese ed. At Tarenchen, lower down, onr dervishes defended their stone zarebste s,le, mid shorts at $17. Manitoba. icier -olefin -tents that are going cut in ermadron to one of Ids cruisers, Tbv,;:°°'144'sts direete4 i -r011" f e d I / and towers deteriuinedly. but the exact sense of the message eoulee.Ideee so sueeessi .13 " British bluetn.ckets and detAchment hbra14 111 k ere. $20 d shorts d21 IP t. 8 a aeneia. C'entral e soon proved that, there was less yen was Ah..1 u 1 - hat they des eee s, •4 earned om et t ) tee pontooas 1 he c. em waS not be deeipliereta but enough was 'tr(IY`'`I th° m°°rIngs and wrceked of the iltetoPsidre Re e t ' t An ecate that the • e e Japanese were neer and moving to- i throa n into disorder send euffered , wards Gement. tilie Itussisine there: e°11sideralde los. Stilt furthe fore leestily left, not desiring an nee down the :Armee the 1anef e pro ilea. It was while they were suit- ceeded to 111°14' a third "tt(11191 3 Mg north from Geusan that they 'crossing. Sound the Knusbio Meru off Port i W'e (141 not thlnk bat the J'atem their stronghold gailently, ane drove them. out with heavy loss. It was r • • C'01INTItY PRODUCE, nen, mid the 11e4 'shrinkage, which, afklect tO the IeSIX TrTntilS Tralies. asSureti the Houst* that proved quality and appearance of the $1.52o. the Coloniel Office war. carefully deem quickly created a brisk, de- Tile Britie11 " g copse lie sAid mane for cheese corniug irom the test against tho a c tie guns oe the APPles-There (Inlet trade with fi that the Government hair Just con.' Government ourina stations, at an 'bidding corresPandeit Rt ebips without danger to the attaele, prices unehaneed at $2 to $2.50 eer teintled connuercial arrangemente witlqadvarge hi price CQrapared to eiweSV telegcaPhl, in the :al' ers. The British axed Italian Begs MO. Sr tbe best stoek- ithe Cotton Growing AFseciation to 'coming front the ordinary factories. The Britieh GOVel CheStOliO`' fl -.0 'UM OtteMpt ISO Takils. e will pro, len edict fore Wirelese r gone. has ep- were raised side by side over the ear- 0 Drted Al)Idese-The dement' is linitte ,iclevelop the industry hi West Africa. Tile percentage of broken boxes pointed a, commission to Itinuire liete • 'elms. which will be dentolislied, andI:elees ave steadY .0 to ^lac "The Stee0eisition is spending. $150,000 was not so bigh during 1003, ale flalltateci breaebee Of the law Chureii 4) v • Illig ni I be limitless oler to a tribe Per M. riPliie,* 0 t° Yearlee end the Ilest rican Colonies 4 though i still run ry ran ing In`eneporated ?" • ' I I: e g ' ° teiceSand thrive cos enela lenclinge has been to cause haze or Talungkate, • that the may corRT-Af ApaLtual. have crossed the Val In, own; It Is generally reeognieed at • i eesion, so as to enable the Ja Petersburg, that Lear -Admit -el Yes- Pelee to cross the ?hot., Takus ..ven cannot do more than frighten the a good wrefegie point Japanese, tend compel tbene to exer- l'ht. road loading therozroin 114141 vise greeter care in their military ena troops could only be supplies moveznents, the sinking of a tee: eith great difficulty. transports. or even cruisers, can "The Ruesians e in not show thei have no permanent effect on the heed .;ta sthge, but, aeal ran result of the war. Moreover, he is teefellv 1 . 1 (Lein bound by his instructions not tO 'niter oun time for se battle," risk his ship unduly, the intention being to keep them safe for an at- tack with the Baltic fleet when it arrives M the leacifle. '15 o teals say that there is no- siMilarity betWeen. the sinking of the tecere-e bas been called out. Tit • aineidly to lt per 39, with prim ti7iorneoltoltingortahe sante. 1,•and to the from 5 to 25 per cent, Ilte toiling 'thereat. Reans--e'rrede is quiet, ,e00 teems will be cone' off in breakage is due Wee Sir Henry Thorapson, the steaden Prilue Leans are iluoted at I'Ve,yed to tbe association on easy 1. Damp eeason. whicit makea the English 'surgeon and an authOr Si .41,i to $1.7 O. he granted at the outset. 2. More care on the part of the - WILL NOW FEGOTIATE $1.50 to hand-picked at 0,11„, and rive railway fetellitieS WILI bones lees brittle. 1'0 REINFORCE ARMY, A despatch from Shanghai t is Says that Japun's second 'arm etaitdard works on attrgery, Is dead , tit Teondoie. .1 -lir Ilenry aka) Lama Roused to P. Sense of Itops•-The marlret is unehertged at British. Fewer, Letteltort addea tbot. arraneee„ ehipping companies In loading. stow- 'Painter and Writer of fietion. A London tlespateh Kays: Con Honey' -The nutrket is quoted at 6 n 28 to 32e, according to dualitY- wents ore being made to extend the ing and discharging corgoen this rentoVieg Many of the dian- l'ibeAra.Fa. work being closely watched by the 41) *ties 1111Poded nPOle trade& unt;Um younelneeleoul, co:lateen:ling Os! im- 'to 7e Per ib. Combs, (Inlet, '11 t• $14.501 g the situation in the count x.y in.,. They -The market iS, .duiet, with of- LOST FLEAVILT. ril3s*PP.141°171mur '‘).111111;°7c1.1:311401111111e:titte'r flu °'*" I 4111)1e:e'clts111114)erniftuipsinialcr:IliesitolluisItlesit 'o'ilre.14ettel‘lofretzil'olewaodarIng"oinnif: nnestun to deent, reports that to Seled°. provee. Tim vbioilia, Aully.n. leas eent. ferlh,gs MOderute. imothy quoted liter The /atter point Avt19 Ver,y 110- evrlday. 800 Canoes Attaeleed ticeahl° elleese eMning from Ulf% ;110tiee• that he is eoming to oegoti- at 89.50 to St0.50 a ton here. I ate with the miesion. lie adds that , Straw --The neareet is dull, with Steamer in NOW Guinea. GOvernment curing stations, the box- UNI17.10 sTATEs, es being made of heavier material; the brcentage et broken boxes did not Above two per cent. whieh proves that it is taise economy to buy cheap boxes. Care should be taken net to murderers of the noted explorer, the green, unseasoned boxes as the chem. Rev. Jas. Chalmers, and his com- particularly the top and bottom, may Pardons, 300 canoes attne'ded the be damaged in quality from thiFf buildings eosting ntilhow; are to be Government steamer Merrie England. cauSe alone. , the Them e ama how roinwd to • prices undimmed at $5.60 on track A deSpateh TrOM Testimony Was given • • rF0/1S,1 of the British' power. The Tie' here_ KinShill Mara and of the destruction hnepital at, leihia is full or sick from of the Kowehing, which. teas sunk by the "MY ee-lva' the Japanese before tbe declaration of war with China, as Russia is at war with Japan, The Japanese troops which crosse The Czar is neueli annoyed over the the "Yalu north of Euiteiou charge incident, and a court-martial of the the Ruselan position near Inzavena Admiral is talked of. e•illage on the Manchurian ban of the Yalu. They were repulsed ELUDED PIMStER,S, but their loss is not known. It is believed at Tokio that the at- Two gunboats steamed up the rive tempt by Japaziese to intereept to the support of the Japanese, when HARGED A POSITION. 41 41 the Russian SattadrOn that reeently a Rusafaa field battery at Araisei enade a, descent. upon Gensan has opened upon them, resulting in failed, ttud that the squadron, itas duel which lasted for 2.0 ntinutes s, s: Willie Acting Administrator York court as to the p 144 44 4IVI urchase pe- betan offklals at Lbassa are greatly! Mille SYrill)-The market is !Viet, obilVort at GoOrabi, Nell' Guinea, sitions on stud promotione in e pee pertruned and went the difficulty sot- at 81 per Imperial gallon. n "Jewell fird, was endeavoring to lice force. tied. There is a general attitude of 1 Potatoes --The market is quiet, with 000 the chiefs to surrender the Chicago University is ebout to acceptance of the inevitable, corn- offerings small. Choice cars are quo1*05 - adopt the Oxford system of colleges billed with a. settee of relief at the -keel at 00e per bag on track here, and for Men and 'women, Two blocks of flight of the oppressive Lhassa ern- ' inferior euality ot, 80e per bag, ends, who prompted the resistance to Poultry -The market is steady, with the mission. The people of 0,yangtse are friendly limited offerings. Chickens, 11 to 13e per 19.„ turkeys are quoted at 15 to the nuesion. Local tra.ders are to 17e per 19, for fresh killed, besteging the camp to sell procluce to the =lesion at exorbitant m•ites. The VIE DAIRY MARKIiITS. Tibetans are sharo traders. They are Butter -The market Is c,oict, with prices unchanged. Medium 'and in- ferior q ual it ies are verer plentitul, with demand moderate. We quote: - already sending to India. to increase a Itbeir stocks. succeeded in reaching Vlaalivostock. gunboats were; forced to turn and The Russian fire was too hot and th el EXP74RT DAIRY INSPECTION Finest, telb, rolls,' eto 17e; • elmice O .3,t_ALtr,s liateam out of range. „ The Japanese were facilitated in Tire Japanese gunboat Ii.faya, es-, crossing by their occupation of th :orting fleet of torpedo boats, en- I Islarid of San:dial:Ede, tered the inouth. of the Yalu River Mouday, and moved toward Wiju. En route, it fought a series of small mgagements with the Russian forces CZAR VIEWS IMAGE. Ashen -al dierkhovsky has showe motecting tbe right river bank. the. lianpress. at St. Petersburg- a a, Department Intend to Improve the - large rolle, 15c; selteited dairy tubs, 15 t�15er: mediunreand low grades, o 0 service. 1:3* to nle; ereamery prints, 20 t A Toronto despatch' says: It is the 21c; solids. 38 to 19e. ment this year to pay 'unusual atten- Eggs -Receipts continue good, intention of the Agricultural Depart-, then to dairy instruction. 0 this and Prices are unchanged, there be - has been appro_1:70isales of case lots at 13c per doz. end an e.xtra $5,000 '-1' I Cheese -The market continues quiet, d /flees steady. 11e quote:-Fin- rhese oneotinters transpired frequent- gin nmaculous mut e of th V' - ' y throughout ilifonday and Tuesday. which tbe Russians fervently hope 1 Admiral Hosoya. Commanding the going to turn the tide of battle a third squadron, in reporting- the Port Arthur. The Admiral told th anytians. sass :aa Empress the story of the image 'Our detachment reached the yaitt which accurately depicts the arirgia River Monday, and while going up t10 she appeared in a vision to 1 ineuri the enemy's field guns opened miler, a veteran of the siege of Se tgairist us without effect. We dis- as opol. fwo months before th overed a force of the enemy on an outbreak of the present war the Vir shied in midstream, and wher, we , gin came to the sailor in a dream ired on them they fled. On Tuesday and said :- .. he enemy's cavalry, 100 strong, at- "Marty woes are going to befal acked our launch. Our torpedo Port Arthur until my image is sent mat, No. 69, replied, and ,the en_ i a hen Port .Arthur will be vic my fled into the mountains. From itorious." ntsushan we replied to the enemy's The sailer Went ell a Pilgrimage tine, and silenced them after half to the great monastery' of ICieff, and n hour. There were no casualties i told his dream to the Ten. Good n our side.” Pilgrims there. Each a them give 3. _ s of cheene. and butter making, `;$6,40, delivered here. Cured 'meats e They will also be required to make a are in good demand at unchanged careful inspection of all the aanitary prices. We quote:- Bacon, long clear arrangements in the factories they; 8a, to 8.1c per lb., in t:ase lots. Mess visit. The result of the. inseection °pork, $17 to $17.50; do., short cut, I 'will be lhat the quality af cheese and "i 'butter exportea, to the foreign mar -I Smoked meats -Hams, light to - kets n111 be exactly as represented. radium, 1.2.ic; do., heavy, 12e; rolls, 10c; shoulders, 9,c; backs, 131c; FROM ILLINOIS TO CANADA breakfast bacon, 121 to 18c. eaa, 1 Lard -The demand is fair, with Wealthy Settlers to Move to tierces unchanged. We quote: Time- _ • 7 priated eo as to pr vale • • est September's, 10c; new cheese, flcient nervice. As molly expert in-' at to lac. speztors as are itteckel will be sent to the various cheese and butter fac- 1100 intontreTs. 'Wiles throughout the province for the Purpose of instructing tlie men work- L)resseci hogs are unchanged, with ing there in the most modern me- offerings small. Car lots, $6.25 to t A After 5 .pan. the enemy again fired lee hopecles (21 cents) to have the dream depicted, but the artists who made the image refused to receive payment. The ikon was eventually sent to Admiral Verichovsky, as senior :ad iniral. It represents tbe Virgin bearing an image of Christ, with archangels on either side, and God the Father above, saying :- "There ccui be hut one flock and one Shepherd." upon the. Japanese from the. direction of Antung. The Japanese, replied end the Russians were 'silenced after ' &mut an hour's fighting. The • Ja- panese sustained 210 losses. TO FALL BACK. The Journal's St. Petersburg cor- respondent /earns that Gen. Kouro- patkin bas ordered the officers on the right bauk of the Yalu to exe- cute a retrograde movement and re- join with laeir trops the second line of the Russian defence. Consider- able rein foremen ts of infantry and cavalry bare been sent to the Rus- sian troops across the Tumen, in North-eastern Corea, SULTAN SERIOUSLY ILL. 1,17111 Not Allow European Doctors to Attend. Him. A Paris despatch says: The Rappel bas received froin Sofia a despatch FRONT OF 80 NILES, stating that the Sultan is seriously I e. ale') n Uncut prevail .5 St' ill, hue refuses to allow Europeae doctore to he called in to attend bin. Petersburg that .tio official despatches 12,-1v Mg de tails of the operations on 1)i:bile, Tee reese deenatches are so the *Yalu River have 3'et been made! meagre as to becloud' rethee than. enlighten the people, who are hourly ewe i Lin news. The Led Press 'has obtained Ti'cira the gt5nera1.. stall the following clear stetement ea. egi nn in f' the pa P,so ge oe the t 1 u , the ‘isapanese evidently come I, e e the concentration of two daniage to the. amount of .,"12..."50,0430. 177 HOUSES BURNED. City of 400,000 Inhabitants in Russia Fire Swept. A deeeetch from Lonuon says: .A fire on fi'Vednes4y in Vitebsk, a city . 4.00.,000 inhabitants in Eastern. Russia, destroY=ed 1,77 houseS and 'did Northwest. An Ottawa despatch says: The De- partment of the Interior has been ad- vised that C. IV. IVilliams, ,a success- iul farmer in Illnuns, has completed arrangements to move to Canada with six cars of effects and 58 horses. He will farm eight sections and bring with bini a capital of $300,000. Some 28 families will follow arr. Williams from Illinois. , Col. Taylor, of the Salvation Army headqua.rters' stall in London, Eng- land, called at the Department of the Interior with a view of promoting etnigration to Canada., The first contingent of Old Country French immigrants passed through the city on Tuesday in charge of Mr. A. Regimbal, the immigration officer of the department at Montreal. There were 1e5 in the party, TO TRAIN 40,000 MEN. All Rural Militia Will go Into Carnp This Year. A despatch from, Ottawa says All the rural militia will be called out for training this year. The number will be about forty per com- pany, totalling, in all likelihood, 40,000 men. The I,onclon eaniP 11±11 probably open on :rune Oth., and the Niagara camp on. June 19th1 es, le; tube, 8c; pails, 81e; coin- perunci, 7a to 8,1c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, lIay 3. -Wheat -May, 90e; July, 90/c; September, 801 to 801e; on track, No. 1 hard, 93c; , No. 2 Northern, 90,1c. Flour -First :patente, $4.90 to $5. Bran -In bulk, 815 to $15.50, Butialo, -May 3. -Flour -- Steady. Wheat --Spring, small quantity No. 1 Northern oflered at $1.07, but track held at 81.09; Winter, No. 2 red', to arrive, rail, offered at $1.05. Corn - Strong; No. 2 yellow, 60c; No. 2 corn, 57c. Oats -alarm; No. 2 white 441c; No. 2 mixed, 41c. Barley -Spot to arrive, 53 to 60c. Milwaukee, May 3. -Wheat --No. 1 Northern, 94 to 95c; No. 2 Northern, 91 to 94e; old July, 84c. Rye - No, 1, 72 to 721c. Barley -No. 2, 63c; sample, 36 to 61c. Corn. -No. 3, 48 to 51c; July, 481,1 to 48ac. - Duluth, May 3. -Wheat --No. 1 harcl 901c; No, 1 Northern, 99c; No. 2 N-ortliern, 86c; May, 80c; July, 8910; September, 80te. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May ruling quo- tatiens .to -day for exporterwere $4.40 to $4.80 per cwt. The most were sold at $4.60 .to. $4.75 Per `cwt. Tho prices of butchers' cattle were The CanneS were. repulsed cool' the sieve BRAND ON ceepnesE. Margaret Adatns. of New Gretna, N. Leading British importers of Can- adian cheese are in favor of brand - aatives lost heavily, but, there were many casulties among the whites. EMIGR.A.TION TO CANADA. %COO Leaving Britain Weekly to Take Up Farm Work. J., Jost it *diamond ring two years ago. Recently the eat killed a rat, g cheese indelibly with the month and the ring was found flxed round 1*1 favorites, but owing to the improve- Federal Bank of New York. sued the Some Vara the rodent s110025, which they are made, ago "September" cheese became the David Rothchild, founder of the wentin tbe quality August, brought of cheese made Globe Security Company, is under arrest, charged with the larteny of over $200,000. A -despatch from. London says :- during jelly and There is a considerable emigration to about by the s,vstenn of "cool curing" canada. ownw to the scarcity of introduced by the Department of Ag- riculture, the makes of other months work and the business (t4))2'0881011 in Circe t Br i fain. d'he newspapers have proved to be nearly as good in quality as Septembers. print figures showing that 2,000 1.01'- quality is claimed that enscruptilous sons are sailing for Canaria weekly to take Up 143r113.u work. They are deelers in Canada as well as in Great mostly Lancashire mill hands.. The largest culla:Titian since the cotten famine of 1803 is expected. SEVERED FINGER REPLACED. In connection with the recent transplanting of an ear the follow- ing case inay be of interest. A man aged sixty, some years ago, during the killing of a pig, had his right middle linger bitten completely off through the middle phalanx by the animal. "He walked. to my house" states Dr. 'Edsell, who recoMs the case, "a distance of six miles, with a, friend. On my inquiry for the missing- piece of finger the friend, after hunting in various pockets, produced it from one of them, cov- Prof. William :Mime, principal of the school at Sheeptown, ro., leas been arrested, charged with flogging eleven -year-old John Bosnock until the boy became unconscious. William Schrader, a glass blower of Britain emote "Septembers" at such Evansville, Ind., meninges' oh an low prices that the sepposition is arson charge, told the police he set that they are the make of other fire to his own home because he was months' and nny inferiority in num- seized witit the notion and could not iity is not discovered until after de- help it. livery is taken. If the month of Two physicians of St. Louis are make was branded on the cheese they using a very Powerful proteid found would be sold on their merits, arid in healthy blood as a, cure for con - speculators who bought Cheap lines of sumption. So far they have been July, August, October or Noveraber successful, and the cure may revolu- makes would be debarred from qttot- tionize the treatment of tuberculosis. ing them by cable or otherwige as Three negro lioys of West Chester, "Septembers." Pa., all under the age of 16, made. a determined effort to evreciE an ex - TWO OFFICERS IC.ILLED. press on the Baltimore Central Rail- way near Oakbourne. They placed Revolutionary Spirit in Warsaw large boulders on the rails, but were Active. discovered just in time. A. despatch from WalISCIAV says: In ered withtobacco dust, etc. Having connection with the revolutionary ac - cleansed the stump and severed por- tivity here, the deputy chief of the tion I Joined the two ends by secret police, the deOuty commissary strapping and fixed on splints. In of police, and a party, of constables attempted to enter a suspected house. Tlie3r were attaCked by a Party of men armed with revolvers and knives. I3oth the officere were killed and two of the ,constables were wounded. Four arrests were made.+____ DEC'eGAR WILL BE 111C11. about fourteen days circulation was completely restored, union had taken place, and he has his anger to this day. The nerves did not unite, so that the part is insensitive. The finger had been off about two hours. The distal joint is stiff, but not- withstanding this he finds it ex- tremely useful, and is very proud of WIIY RUSSIANS STARVE. Fast days in Russia are numerous Besides the ordinary Lenten period, which, however, in Russia lasts forty-eight days instead of forty, they have three shorter periods of fasting -one of nineteen days in June, one of fourteen days in Au- gust and another of tliirt,y-three days in November and December. There are, in addition, three single days of fasting, of Which. two are also holidays. Fasting is a serious matter in Russia, for fist, milk, and eggs are forbidden as well as -meats. The result is that the markets for such products are largely cut off for about one-third of the year, and dairy-farrning beconms unprofitable, as strict Oheervance of fasts is a weightier matter with the people and traffic is blocked on all the o,erytilinc-, anci ever7.-thing in its our own system of morals. employes are under arrest, I can never find the pi Mechanical Genius May Land Him a 8100,000 Prize. A despatch from New York says: Members of the Charity. Society here express the belief that Ale:cc:rider Mc- Kenzie, a professional beggar, who was once an electrical engineer, had was to be carried out at Landshut invented it successful device for the an irn,portant town in Lower Ba-var- protection of the third rail. on the la. A new public schoel was to be elevated tracks, and will receive the formally opened, and all Landshut prize of $100.000 offered by the in- quivered with pleasurable anticipa- terborough Company for that achieve- tion. IJnfortunately the festivities , . mcuit. had to be .put oti. at the last Moment. The school could not be oPened. scholar could take his seat upon the At Brussels judginent was given brand-new forms. The land was in against King Leopold's daughters, the griii of winter, and the architect who sued him for a Larger share of had forgotten to provide a single the late Queen's estate than he had chimney throughout the building. given 10 thom. - The strike of the I-Tung:aria-a Wes- Meks---"My wile is \Try n3,01;90ai_ tern Railway has become general cal. She's always got a 1:luce for than honesty or any other feature of State railways. Over ,000 railway oace,,, 1,0.„; 3iOn, , 1)111 a CO GENERAL. At Elesd, Hungary, twenty-three political rioters were killed and forty wounded by the gendarnies. In Germany it is believed that OV- eral thousand men will be required to crush the rebellion in Southwest Africa. Russia has demanded of Turkey $4,000,000, long overdue, on ac- count of the Turco -Russian war in- demnity. Parties working under the auspices of the Egyptian Exploration Fund recently unearthed the tomb of a King of Egypt who ruled RC. 2500. FORGOT '1'1IE 011IINEY. A short time ago a public ceremony