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Exeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 8
tress feat of lie BWA Get the Labii. of Shopping at 'i, -'arts, it will Pay Yon.. Goods, a , atee,ts ' lovely ,�. stclw :nese, fell of style and fell of value. Do you know heap we can sell an article, but low welch value •e;•y sale. Charity counts. Value sausages aG as what we offer you in our new Spring Conic; and test US. we earn peat ifl Quality a aid. lac s Goods, 5e Jeri ➢i� e and #os +.i special line of Bleck Lustre, close evi eke, very bright, finish A good line. aid fee aw Pay nice line o tn41+. be � v eIille, Vni.3e4 r ➢laeat.ii.ez a gall aat^ta, si?,,,rbesy. ,, c:a y pretty £o,' gills daeeSeS car Salta, •taa3 a• %.. Hueof ;rzl� the yard _ .i. new 'oil Voiles, lain pebble roan d' with nob over work, ver. 'rich r t �a very z effect, greys, fawns, ltrowre and ;rooms, :.'0c the yard for otut new Fleck Vile, plant ground with Beene over pattern. AU the new shadee. lite the ;ward for stew E©lieaanee 3"e6"Y twine weawv ee,comes in a3: the new sins des of green, fawn. grey, Icaaao auad black. a;sa that Sand for a, swell range, of leeks k3enaaclib}warn Staines. quite coat'ec.t for shirt waist suits, peen and taares, ,re * , min tutes aarel bit>avta azite.tures, 131ana 1� I gats Goode, onia* line. We clang please yon ity, value and style. Wi,'e a bat we have the hesta stoe lack 1}wSit GoOdS Goin town. Goin; and put one, Ellet: Goods to the test: fro Ili t:alld;g. of Farm Produce produce we w OE TAKEN AS CASH. ?thio Cileelity, the shoe of lux- nary, the shape ok content, the shoe cif etsle, the e}dc}a, that tits easy ever: persola tlWclea: g,ietr,'autee, try thein. A.hgas rruiin Calif Slaves 1a4cs for hers and gide nate oeood lookere great wearers wild easy fitters, n.tere Izoca shuns in Granada. 'Are have tie agencyr for Eeeter. Pieces are not high, ask, for thew. 0e. for 5c. ,n0 '" tl yin lovely y new Catantnric l;nihreidery, one to :. Igloo incites: ;vide, good quality end eplendid vSi1t;e .at 10; Qur job price pally 5c the yard, Ste 00 for lull& new English. •liilit:trs Rain f`oats,a very Spea'aaal taste, seed ian env star e at She ash to se'e this saw ell line, they etre beauties, $3.00 each for lire of $o New Suite• ian very neat, t wea> s. Sttipee and twol+'.eal s:laeeke, time fir al. leader. flow ;are the boys eel tt� A. New Hats rig, very swell art the very laateet `spas at popular pric Buffo. Being Its your ur TEWART X..$1 •i:� R II d S A 1 L 2801 t)04 Mrh, John T'yylor is •visitiing retia. s•c., , in Ses,faith. 1 Odd Trousers, -\Ye have tits se to fS 11r. A. Q. 13obier receive:'! a ear load Boy's Ocicl' Vents of Strong \vee ring of saga, meet seed, Iasi. -week: '1fxsses 'Moz lock and Ulaist, of C,redi ton, were guests of their cousin Miss laiorloel ,over Sunaiay. The aunuasl Distziet Meeting of the laletleelist a:hure1'will be heed io Tamers -et, eltztrcli on Mae `iSi.a and lei. JV. ,'trod Mrs. Jelin i:a\voliti e of Eliaansitle, have weveit into towu it ins purchased at dwelIieg an ,Tar ateetei:. Mr."Jaaties Scram, of Balder, elan. agate'hue in attendance at the ent- re': at kris fa'claer ti=e late '1Lr erio.. Sd•a • , ozz Tuesday, Maggie teergetsen,, will has boom down at Chesterfield for some l xau+� as returned home aled Intends reuaaiMeg home for csoonie eiroe. rez,i,tC"rl. Arthur Ramsey. laki ag r . dBetsct , of this ' voterl.uare nwss :ti. ; taffa, has returned too having purchased Dr. Ten:iauts tin, aneks here. on ala s: The ilial Sinolay last did nnttsh Yo produce vegetation a mantle oe green having now almost replaced the beautiful of which we had such au aabeed lace for sol many tnottths. Seed"tai; laas commenced and the far- mers care now basy- Tee averege newspaper is hi ➢zawe with the iaadavidieet who when he le the sole peas -mot: of information which should he given pu,blieil y re ittdly witbdioh s it ffr ni the cditnreied hien spends half a daft 'yapping relied town that `:the piper le no good and never Best ally news in it; Mr, is:nletleolslio lute held the past= tion of eleetriebe a lit the Electric 1.dght woole has resageed h tvnng wkith laic tarother :bought: an eleetrie light lannit at I arrist'm lie expecte to eaaw'e aboait the 1st of May. Mr. Ale Andrew, who weentiy mnoved in - 1) front ERtrville has accepted aesltnoai, very enjoyable sncIaal evening was na by; the (Valid of Triyitt Memory. eb on Monadaas eveu ng wiaen omit y number were preaent and a odea alai. tiazae ra=elated, The nrogra, silted ot" musie, vocal and insten- ental es ,roll :as readings etc, after rlti la :a very dainty lunch woe eerk eel Guild. Proceeds mere gratify. AX th fehre i+ az2i; a; anatt_><aapetere Aa ital,:, sA taken. The tz by putting as ream interest DAILY One Cent, 41 sorts troy Small Savi from the are of ale, Bay Horse tog ba - rain exatral The followin Elia cannulate a Far lacaw.s what world he the Resul ounnt,-each a lay in our SIM • ,,, Ten Cents „ Twenty Cent: ,.. .., . Thirty Cents Forty Ce?;i+'.. 4.. . •. . . .... Tile Deere Reeler. Seeueses. 417 20 Sixty Cents,..., 4172 00 :Severity Gents, 881100 Eighty Cents.......1.., .. 12..118 00 Ninety Cents.. ' 16018 00 ` One Uo11•w...... .. . .... 205000 00 Five Delius.... to PC - steps are ly Years drawing Tun Reser 2,1032 00 20201 00 3370 00 373,15 00 42720 00 20S0e0 00 Nearly every person wastes enough in twenty or thirty ti eats, which, saved, raua carefully invested, would make a family quito independent but the principle of Small Savings has been lost sight of in the general desire to become wealthy. We can be of assistance to you in your efforts to SAVE MONEY. Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Haman Zurich Clinton «LAD MAN & STA, BU1.Y, Solicitors: eellseee F. E. ,ARN Manager, Exote For Marriage Licenses,. Weddlrxg Rings, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles Etc tee ex. oN It HICKS Watch Repairing a, Specialty. DR OVENS" OF ireiDQN, ■ aurgwon, ponlist, $pociallat, Deseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Thr oat S ts Exeter monthly. `Glasses Properly Flitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated; , Ofaie e MMERCiA`L Ham_ Dates of visits, 1 EDNSSPAYS, feta 3 'March, March 30, ay 4, J ane 1. Tune 2d, Tuiv h7, Sept. 7, Oct. 4, Nov n Nov.3). London office 225 Glugvgrs qi, immilmmmew TO ADVERTISERS. Ile copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisernents accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, APRIL 28.h, 1901 Locals Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add on page 5. Miss M. V, White is visiting friends in St. Marys. General servant wanted. Apply to Mils. B. S. O'Neil. Mr, T. Handford, and J. , Ramsay were in Loi .ion on Monday. quantity of good stable manure for ale. A. E. aouonitT,1Txeter. See exact result from small savings an Sovereign Bank of (;aa, iaala ad, 1Mis. Inksater, of 1',:r�is, is visiting her mother, Mrs, :Welsh; AVi liaztn st, Japan has in scbr.pl one in every :tine of bei children of school :age Russia has but one in every fifty.' Mrs. 117 in. Davidson, of, London, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Oke, while renewing acquaintances in town. Mrs. T. M. White, of W indsor, and son J. Clyde 1.1: lute. of Memphis,Tenn, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs, John 'White, I Rev. Mr. Andrewsof Perkbili, spent Tuesday in town. 75,000 brick for sale apply to F.a - emu 3EoL„ Exeter. Mr. Kelly is the guest of .'loss Bob. itnson, London. Read, south, Miss Lillie Huston was on the sick list the forepart of this week. Rev. and Mrs. Hanna, of Mount Forest were here in attendance at the funeral of the looter's father, the Tate Mr. John Strang. The Board of Health have issued notices for the spring cleaning of premises, lanes, yards, alleys, cellars, etc. ' There is much of this to be done after the long and snowy winter. About 14(' persons have made ap- plication, to go on the Press trip to,St. Louis,. This will necessitate the ar- ranging with the GF. T. R. for more cars than at first anticipated, Ur. John Reynolds and son Dan Reynolds left ori Monday for Spokane Wash.,' where they will take up some kind of employment and if satisfied with the country, Me. Reynolds may move his family there in the near future. Mr and Mrs. George Willis and Mrs.Tas. Willis did not Ieaye on Tues- day, for Manitoba as stated in these colums' Tast week. : They do not ex- ect to leave for a week or so. For smut on oats and .other grains we have just received a supply of the best German Formaldyhide or For- malin,;full directions for using given. LUTZ, Central Drug Store, ,Exeter. Dr. L. L. rollick, of St.1Y3.arys,spent Sunday under the parental roof, Miss 31attie 'rollick accompanied him to. St. Marys, on Sundny evening and will spend a couple of weeks in the Stone Town. Tho death rate for the Province has seldom been as high as it was in March: This was due to the effect of the long winter on old" and enfeebled e'onstit.utions, as there was no increase n contagious disease. The regularrneeting'of the W. C, T. II, was held at the home :: of Mrs. Frank Wood on Monday evening last: A short session.washeld owing to lec- ture in tjit' Janes strei t church the same evening, Bears the ` ;,The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature Qf '. ea* aC.a wa t sitag "11talad� sl up his hart:* ren if your hush la's no fault of mi theta his fled. s very bald y ww:idoww,wwhose s Robin. One lropped in the with �r she coniineigc t, The haehei dsaltie-,aua loam,, l did have Mair Haat: T hayn't," you at very iota' prices. Tweed at 4..5c, 5oc, 750. a�...for- en .i� Our stock is antra and clean. No house will show you the splendid variety of new, bright, clean and stylish clothing in such vzu "et , of patterns and shades, that most any one could get_ what tl�aay are looping for out of it. We say come annat see and get prices. Seek S' 'k Suits in ; Men's Suits in daa,rk grey with �aw bh `r en s Singly BreastedBreasted„ Y darkrey and brown mixtures, welt l stripe. made of 'Faure wool cloth, Gee g d trimmed, nnd finished,peke $I t Italian lining, c reciah$ 0,50, Men's Fancy Worsted Suit, in dart a Men's Scotch Tweed Snits, r brown settle white stripe. averyrt rich dark grey. tied white ti ri also -n and dressy material, with hes trim- brown and white mixture, the le, a in,ingsS 10 "strong line with ds, Spe L ! $10.y Meal's Fine English Worsted Serge Suit, Niue or black, all wo"ai 'u weight, made in s ;gle'breasted style with best trimmings, S0 and $ 0,, sbaa$a s .1anc i$rcvaie Suits with witlBoy's Fancy Suit, new shape collar, ar, ilorctrimmed with braid ^And ° braid trimmed, pleated style with ass biti.eus. Pelee 81.75 and $2.75.1 patent leather belt, Very natty, 55,00. Boy's, 3 -piece Suits in grey and • Boy, $ 2 -piece Slits, ,Norfolk Style, brownishtuidt.uire, also neat vbecks in greya,ict black and white, mimed laid stripes. ground, also blackwitla�white stripe, Price p.'25, $3.7re and Stile ;pleated or yoke style,, $2 S and $ ,2d, p Vine” Worst • be to tat of fit Made o ileasure Suits, Fine Scotch Tweed Snits, Fine Fancy • please the oldest to the youngest you instruct, with every satisfaction varltaianship ui NELL � ROWI3 `V4 'r u... Good boy to le to°in. w*tire Business Apply at fli DW -111.B. \Ne;1rr for S-.. J roe Reil ;' for r , to calf ,f;riot of J,taY+,..,A.pply to. ,8g:6�•rgya. a .Ilii .?;14 EX.?' v r, tOne.., We have j ust .opened up a lot of new spring and sum- mer goods and it will pay you to sec our display of tlioni be- fore making your selection. b.e wgists Ore have the very latest to be had zz style and:Trimming. They are L,n ,,.attxa£vldy rnaael with a;91 the gnarly designs of insertion and enzbroacez'Y work. Hemstitched Collars and Cutis. Whitewear Niee White Skirts, Tektite Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemises and Drawers made of good material and nicely trimmed wii.h tucks, lace: and unser,- GAIN House Furnishing Everything in stock yol will need now when you g Mouse cleaning. all Paper We Kaye a. very large range to choose from, good 2er o frem ' 3e to 25c. Nice gilted paper fai5C Carpets Unions, Wools and Tapestry, s. targe assortment of patterns and c=olors, t et /e c tion. Wools 50e to $1,00. and . Tapestrys 50e to lame. �� i sic iln an � are, wish published the ebarge for keelaiang,' »'s the same gait of the Herald wilt be teas. c dollars, that is, for a ten spot the edi- tor l for will thiut the matter over and if he decides to publish the nevee you will get your ten back. LITER 1ii'k' Oelle 4 "AN aa�lsatrx Sart lona:' ', — lie ih'aide TO cruse the literary araeetiugs for the rty he Exeter whit Stzltatble t+esr* term the Exeter High School Literary thereon. 6004 lovestreizt, Soetety lacier a very suee sefal "At to aGX,:av'€,' N ST.I'N Niki., ;Home" in the school on the evening of A rnxdf geld brooch with 4 Friday last, when they entertained Pe, a etging,helevrell 1l&ts. 1d'.tits, 'rude l their parents and t'* end', The rooms. rew street and Main st* et. Ma thodiet were tastefully decorated with the church. Finder~ will Please leave at• society :colors and with flags- A short this peke. prcgrnme was rendered, consisting' of fw lethe t Pee're i ^Agit Sa .c. 2060 cedar , dee President's opening mddres s " at osts, ltttt0 Ft'auses, also orders taken � wwwelcome, rraadings, solos, and selec- tions or liatail o;`, yoyst, eeentling, inch lure. by. the Clop Club, after which r, etc, 111)1.11111N; u dll. Apply to J. a prtiprztr speeches were given lay Flow,w street. at clergynaeu cif the t11wnn digiti tlr^ r various teach learn of the school board. Dainty refreshments were then sew- ed ti r ed to the guests, while duetts and !in. - .,e �:,.,.,.,.,,.u, ..� Friday, ,.A»., ..Y.�., straunental nnusie were played by at 3,3{1. Tenn,, t; menthe, credit Miss ,DollyaDickson, &Use %Vinnifeea The merchants of Gauanoque have organized an association to protect themselves from odead beats" and, people of doubtful pay. Once a month they will have printed on sheets of paper a Ilse or those who run eat:aunts and refuse to pay them, A copy vsill be furnished every member, and a part of the agreement is that no one Whose name appears on the Het shall receive credit. House-cleaning time is drewitag nigh if not already here—the time for the roan to pull oft his oat and vest to chaetise the carpets and ruge while the wife switches a few moments from wading in the &teemed dire to put ,ca few cold potatoes and a, half cooked piece of meat upon the table from which he hurrieely partakes in ()tiler to get back to work before the expira- tion of tbe noon hour. 12 a farmer sold 2000 bushels of wheat for $1000 he svhould consider it a pretty profitable bargain. But if he snid 2000 bushels to 2000 different people eaeh year for five years, and at the end of that time found that a great percentage had nob paid their share, he would feel like doing things. Perhaps you tan see the point, If you were the publisher you certainly would and could noe delay in remitt- ing your subscription. Mr. and Mrs John Manning. and daughter Miss Cora Manning left on Monday evenieg last for Crystal City Mao., where they expect to make their home. Mrs. R. Sweet and chil- dren olso left the same eveteing tor been there for some months expects to have everything in readiness for his family when they arrive. A good- ly lumber ef our citizene were at the depot to bid them. good-bye with best wishes for a safe :journey and a pros. perous life in their new bomes in tbe West. ur BUSINESS. — Messrs Wood &Fake, Butchers, beg to an- nounce that they heve sold. their bust- hess to Mr. G, Hardy who takes pos- sessima May 2nd. Any persons hold- ing accounts against said firm •will please call at the shop and present them, and. any person owing said firm will cOnfor a favor by calling and settlinkbefore the 1st of May. They also wish to thank the public for the very liberal patronage which they have given them and ask that the settle be accorded to their succes- sor. Give him a trial anyway, of Temperance and Moral 'Reform in connection with the General Confer. ence of the Methodist church gave an able lecture in theJarn es street church on Monday evening. The lecture which occupied about one hour dwelt chiefly on the necessity of a pure bal- lot, and of righteousness in` .high places. The James street choir fur- nished. an anthem and a mate quar- tette ;which were heartily appreciated. Dr, liannon occupied the chair and a resolution of thanks, moved by Rev, 111r, Godwin. seconded by Rev. Mr. Martin, was carried unanimously. Jacks for Hire rnogr.."4'4,3Vick WANTED.— A good general servant apply at 2,0t Ring street, London,Ont. euetion Sate—Ge via bold a big cattl all, wishes to remind all those who to bong about a closer onion between re now ready fot customers at. the are gratified I o know that the parents re of Time. Hawkins & Son. g take such an interest, in them aud VTING.-,- aux prepared to do tbeir work as to ensue end spend a tines as ustial on t134.4 shortest no- eociteltle evening with them. on all kind ot fettle trees, ecions vowels Or SIB. JOHN STRANG. — cerefally selected. I also hese seed There passed away on the morning of petatues of the earty Gault and Doo - the 2Ist inet, in tile death of Mr. John Ariedes for 'sale.„' Pe°w2r4r''„ ;Strang, one of the early pioneers in NUT Vous!). —r ouno a reu ea the township of Tesborne. DOrn in ou Main st. Exeter, some weeks Perthshire, Scotland,and learning Um n -ay have $41" 03,1 trade of a stone mason, be emigrated eying Property ,,hY eapplyjelg ae to Canada m 1830, and worked at his XL'S Orare_ or I‘IRS• °I13. •L'UNCAN trade for oyer a. yeartabout Hamilton. either, Vat. lie carnet() Ushorne 1852 ta,king up "01.X.NTBEIt Noens.—The 33rd Bur- a hush farm the ard COncesSion and on leegiment nuder eanTaS at Carl- the sante year married Janet Dongall iugs heights, London. on 3Mle 7th who preceded him to the Eternal next accompanied by the Regimental world nearly four years ago. By Band. Serge Major Wesecott is busy dint of great. indtistty Mr. Strang be- recrultiog for the Exeter COn.lpanY, Caine a most successful farmer and which is to be full strenath, 42 men. amassed considerable wealth. He re - To HenSTILMEX.— We are prepared tired. to Exeter ten years ago. lu to do work for horsemen on the short. religion Mr. Strang was a Preshyteri- est rionce and cheaply. ou will be surprised how neat a job we can do for you, We ean Secure you a true cut of your own horse at a triting coskall you ba.ve to do is to supply a photo- graph. We make a specialty of tabu- lated pedigree work. also route cards and bilis. Give us a trial order. AN OLD AND WELL -TIDED neenier.--errs children while teething, with perfect success tor niarrhcete It is pleasant to the taste. Sold whom excepting Peter, were present by drug.-asts in every part of the world. 25 at the funeral on Tuesday lausite. arnhe. funeral took place to Rogerv seraeand ask for no otter kind. etery and was largely attended. OUR CORRESPONDENTS.—We U.1 W. 0. T. U. NoTes.—The value we ask our correspondents to send in place epon factories and manufactur- their budgets whether they are little ing eetalaishments depends upon the or big' We are looking to the inteer- finished. product which they turn out este of our slibscribers th thee e poetic - or furnish to the world. Here. is an tear locality, and want the newS unfortunate sample of what the open whether is little or mule When bar is furnishing to the worldt—"A news is scarce that is the time your sad tragedy took place on the out - two or three items, or even one, is es- skirts of Toronto, on the evening of ypeocuiralsleyeteipm1p7ciated. by the reader in Thursday of last week. A young man named Frank Munro,living in a, shack talandet t Woa,nfatsdc3f close to Munro Park, was burned to retereing east while, the engine oe- death. When the firenien arrived at crafting' ,the .rnaid machine WaS, eaer the burning building', the roof had sing up anA dowtr Main street, sperks fallen in and they bad difficulty in .nying er,om the. engine lodged in dragging the 'dead body from the some dry leaves on Mr. Jas. enell's ruins. Feank Munroe was a eremite lawn, dose( .to ithe verend,alo These ent figure in the neighborhood. He took fire and caused quite a bla.ze, was about twenty-five years of age, when sro,oke was discovered belVIrb and. well proportioned, and is said to issning scams the lavv-n. haye been a boy of unusual promise. er was immedeately applied, and the He lost his position in a local bank blaze ereitegraiahee elet es the shirt:- through drink, and his family cm-elec- Amy Ali Vor.a:tadah was ;takin‘g tion as well. A year ago last S'Optern- fir° Rad lit not belen for the er he hueself built the small cabin eeeeintet .diteeo.vetett the ,whele front ten by twelve, in the midst of the ,11) building ' might, have be- timber land opposite the park. He a Ws 21 a nd itia the high wind hlow kept a gun and revolver on the prem. titrl-agg ltilli°s8,usinbcillera;abo6t3ociri°t111-1'ftllri'e, liquor Was very strict I 11 his guardian- wrjre acatien was not on the engine at ship against trespassers, When so - the but ss as afterwards Put 'en her and with those who knew h im he CASH FOB FAVOns, — The Bruce was "a good fellow" earl dari ng Herald sAys:—Nearlv 'every sveek we mer often entertained friends. For are requested not to pnblish some, the last year however he has been on thing that wonld make an excnillenti an almost continuous spree. The neW$ item. bomatameF we do not night before his death about 7,30 he min4 leaving out an item, hot we cer- was at the store of Mrs. Wilson on taiely clo not eke to see the news Queen street, between Maple and published in another paper. the editor Beach avenues where he bought two of which waa moparentiv not request- begs of charcoal. Re was then very ed not to publish Teenceforth if ) much under the infleence of drink, there is any news i.l cep you do not and could eot rteike his Own change. . au and faithfully served his cbosen church as an elder for fifty years, in the congregations of Rogerville and Exeter. lie also served his Township in many ways in. public offices, bis sterlipg integrity and honeety being prominent traits of bis character in all his iotercourse with others. The surviving members. of his family ere Rev. Peter Strang, Virden Mane Henry nn the homestead, dames of Balder, elan Mrs.Moses Gardiner and tses and when under the influence of Weds New Basket 'Weave 2ec, New Stripes for 25e. Setin Stripe Volts Etamines* Nice New Silks all shades. Curtaino Swiss Curtains, by the peir Me to by the yard. fine lino of Smelt eed Suitine. a low p s. Vow bb for spring. illy Brand ready-to-wear Cloth - the New Tweed Effects, 'cAR:'..L.4:1174)41 B R rillture and Undertaking Ve carry a good and well assorted stock in all lines of our trade. Or CS Are of Pure Fillings, guarant d, for $5.0 We you er, but nailing better can be boug,ht or the mo With Spring Irouse Cleaning comes the need of many things, a nothing se much as a 1 clean pure mattress. al Dirac USTON Practicable neer. Opera House lo k A Great You are BattleFoug, and won Uite Right When you insist, on, having Harvey Bros.' Flour. Our STAR FLOUR Is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba wheat. The quality of our Wheatlet Has been improved by Steri- lizing it. Give it a trial it is Our facilities for handling the chop- ping trede are unsurpassed. The new Vissot grinder is giving great satis- 1-119RVEY E3 R.08 MILLERS ti MANY CALLS li., are received from business firms and ,„'ff' ro mt.v.r.y STUDENTS aro placed in good g s nosi ions each year by the famous e2) 4,1,,,,7DCENTRAL al .I_ his school stands for the HIGHEST 2 % AND BEST in business education in 0 s (.,apada to -day. Many business colleges ut is0 cuter. Commence course vow U tal . reneeges. Ask to see them 41.1e daa.:.sroygouue me ‘. chaye o es applications from other,0 tre O et re . Principal 62 :21V0). ,0 cte*atte*pOgwofpo 0 These Dyee will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath —they are the latest and isiost improv- ed Dye in the world, Try a package. All colors at 0, Ltrez, Exeter. e °Withstanding the battle the snow blockade, Rose eCeTaylor top. with Marge stock of build ng materials, Having placed orders for Thirty' car itatidS of Lumber Lath and Shingles We will be in a better position. than ever to supply our many customers with all tlaey may require either from shop or yards. Bee leeepers SupplieS ready delivery. Place your Orders for Tanks earl . Estimates cheerfully given. eee-reall in we like to see Votre'Qe ROSS 86 TAYLO EXETER, ONT. Satisfaction Guaranteed Complete assortment of no -to -date pectacies Best Ouality, Lowest Prices, aiso full supply CO CO Soh Note Books, &c. Toilet Articles Brushes, combs and P