HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 7UMO OF FAITH AM WORKS
God Regaires Our Co-operation and
the Exercise of Faith.
Metered accereing to Act et to ?are
heeneet ot oanacle, ie the yeer one
Th.:mein-le Nene Hundred and peer
by wee. Daily, of Toronto, at 41-n
Dir-----k.aleat a Agriculture, Ottaia. a)
de5patch front Los Angeles says:
--Itev. Frank thi Witt Iteleaage
preached frone -the lollowing text
Cleneeis 29, "And tim flecks
l'rought forth cattle, ringstraked,
speckled and spotted.,"
Laban, theught a man of weelth
totee latleence among the Hebrews of
bis da, was yet, like many rich teen
in our time, mean and unprincipled
Where a bargain was irvolved. In
bis compact with Jacob the weak
pointe of his character were strik-
ingly revealed, lie bad two (laugh-
ters, "Leali was tender eyed, bat
the woe very beeettiful;' in other
evords, the Odor sister was homely
und unattractive. She was a maid-
en lady whom no one cared to
marry; tier eyes were inflamed, or
%eatery, ter "Cast;" her disposition
was evidently as touch askew -tie her
eyes. Jacob eves deeply So love
with the S'onsffer eister, but after
he had served seven long years for
her old bncheated him out of
his promised bride 0.0d Palmed on
upon the young num the uoattrae-
tive elder sister. Then, in order to
win the younger sister. .1aeo1t had
ve Seven MAre long years, and
• sult he had two wives instead
ho end of his fourteen years
of rs Jacob prepared to leave
failicr-in-law's employ. Ho want,
Did not God compel the leper
man to to leave the faroff Damascus
and dip seven times irt the Jordan
before his flesh became like unto
that of a little chiid ?- I am not
hero advocating aey beretieal idea.
that Christ. cannot end will not int
many cases heal our physical dis-
eases, hut I aseert that as e. people
we bave no more right to expect
the Divine Physician to answer our
prayers for health without any ooe
operative effort on our part than we
have a right to expect our Divine
Commissary to give as our daily
liread without our working for it.
Wehave just as much right to kneel
down at night and say the Lord's
Prayer, "Give ue this day our daily
bread." ond then in our eeseerness to
expeet neat morning a vidionary
breakfast, to jean) out or a, vision-
ary tire and elute upon a visionary
broiler and the water foucet to fill
the pot with visionary coffee or the
yeast to tumble the empty bread
tray down the dummy filled with
visionery hot toast as we have to
exPeet the sick to ho made well
without our own effort upon which
divine blessing has been invoked.
Faith to react Upon works; works
always in the invalid's room to go
hand in band with !Mat !
Faith cure teachings, pure and sim-
ple, are not only contrary to SeriPe
(oral coalman sense, hut also =tag-
' tie to the commendations with
vhj the Bible again and again tion-
orsblame» medicament and the pirvsl-
ea to tehe Ins two p,40es Imo go off clans prescriptions. The only pee-
aod hood a home of his own same_ sage in the Bible which in any way
where 'il.is, however, Lublin did allallt be ued constrby the casual
not Wish tom to op. so tile crafty reacler.as a slur upon doctors and
Lenoxmode A contract With JaCub 0114;9 is that one so often quoted by
that if be would 6°Ilar and continue faith curists from the words found in
In charge of IASI berds of cattle and ,tpe 1/00„k.of Joh; "5 -re are forgers of
49eks. at $heef) he, Lathan, week' ties, .fe are all ptiyalCieliS ef no
rpm) to the young man, es pay -Meat Value," But Job Se not here allude
tor his .80 -Viet% all the ee1N-08 And leg to true physielatts at all Th:
the lambs and the kids that were ieentengo is a ligttro or sPe^eh . Job
horn ringstralted or speckled or ,Illad lost patience wall bis i I
spotted. Jacob agreed to the bar- 'friends, Euphnz 7001 in 11.*
gain. lint when he agreed the ;These three trie•nd.s, itan,rtgltid of ledonni.4:
yOung man was craftier than the fortinr, hint in his time ce trouble,
L.litale lout. waNs.hattindpir(iincjpolceodbritolow?*W4tri shtelt r4411, still sicker, They aseerted
old Man. .118 the fether-bi4aw had curie 7trou d w'ti g .g.
been unprincipled with Jacob so whines to nra.akel .0,1 Nevilel°1111itillitnruolacr Arad
he allow nature to simply take "it"; 'till". job $ boils whre the reaults of
t 8 anis. at.al Job, in disgn.st, plainly
usual course? No. Ile began to oul them if fh,,, ld bring no teet-
Sehetne and 0 cunningly influence - "--- - --4- e"
the eoiora ef the eelt,es. the kids ter SO/Wort than they they had all
and the lasube about to be horn. He batter elenr out. Instead of groaning
took some rocis or grovn poplar. end around Joh os they did they' ought
to have spoken words of true come asel And chestnut and laid those
yoga of mote ono loadtin the woe ifort to hitn. as did Chriat in his re -
tering troughs of the herds and the (marks 4intatt the blind man when ho
gocoo. ypheri, when the cows , said, 'Neither hath taia man sinned
zilicop and the goats came to IOrills Parents, but"e-he was born
ink out of the watering troughs
c black and white rods reflected in
the water made stmle n. stertliog im-
pression tipon them that the calves,
-kids and Iambs born thereafter were
influenced by that prenatal shocia
and most of them met,- atestraked
and spotted cold speehled. Thus
jecob's herds grew lerger than .
Labe.n's, and the craft of the un-
scrupulous son-in-law overreachieg
the -dishoneety of the father -Melon/.
. After Jacob placed tho rods of
green poplar and hazel and chestnut
lo the watering troughs the sta,rtl-
that the works of God should
he made Manifest in hint."
TroNoRim mornssiox.
If the Bible does mot honor the
medical profersion why did Christ else
as illustration this sentenee for one
of his sermons, "They that be whole
need not a physician, but they that
are sink?" Does not that divine
StateMent mean, "'Haag that are sick
need te physician?" When Ilezeleitsh
was Oleic unto death he prayed to
Coci to give him A longer lease of
life. God Answered that prayer, But
Mg and far reaching effect produced how? 'illwough human medicament.
open the auirnals is 310t to he. won- Isaiah, the prophet, told the nurse to
ered at. If you place a stick in
the water, by the hews of reflection
that wood may seem to become a
'creature of life, 1 remember when
a lad once dropping my fishing pole,
and as it lay at the bottom of the
brook the ripples made that rod
look like a long serpent wriggling
upstream. As these cattle Stoop to
drink I see them start back as
though a venemous hissing snake
was lifting up his fatal fangs to
make a poultice out of figs aud put
it upon the kings boil and he recov-
ered. Ilezeklah prayed, Oh, yes. But
in answer to that prayer God told
him to use a sanctified' poultice.
What did Paul mean when he wrote
to Timothy to "take a little wine
for thy stomach's sake," Paul was
merely prescribing a dose of medicine
for a sick colleague. Paul writes
thus .to Timothy, because the IIoly
strike. My text presents one of the Land with but few exceptions, is mot -
best instances to be found in litera- 1ed for its impure waters; therefore
tore of the far reaching effect of the Pahl, as a common sense Christian,
mind over the physical body.
prescribes a little medicine when he
IVOItKS AND FAITH, says, "Drink no water, but use a lit -
But, though the whole trend of the tic "me for thY stomach's sake*" Aft
ible teaches that works and faith. through the 13ible we find commencla-
as twii sisters, should go hand in tory passages like these in reference
hand in search of the waters of phy- to doctors. In no case do we find
sical health, yet faith curists blind the medical profession anathematized
their eyes and stop their ears to and ridiculed in the Bible. Tyndall,
these Biblical teachings. They get the noted synthetic Philosopher, once
a hold ou one little passage of hurled at the Christian ,church his
Jeriiiture and sepal ate it from ail remelts prayer challenge. Said he;
its surrounding eonnections. As a SLet us set apart two wards in a
e%reet morsel they turn it over and hospital—one to be filled with men
mar again.They magnify it. They who do not take any human medicine
distort, and then they rest their but prayer, the ether to be filled by
entire belief upon it. These people sick patients under the care of cone -
may be good at heart, but they potent physicians. Then let us coin --
treat Scripture somewhat as a fam- pare results and see which is the most
rots reformer did in, the noted meet- efficacious—a physician's prescription
Mg he had with John Calvin in ora clergyman's • prayer. ' ' My bro-
Munich, 1 believe, in about the year ther that challenge of Tyndall's was
1540. After he had valiantly help- aboUtaisi foolish and unscriptural
ed to tasghtthe battle of the refor- any cha enge that could possibly be
"mation to a glorious and a success- issued. No man has a right to bar
fu1 issue he still clung tenaciously to the Christian physicians out of the
e,the doctrine of traxembetaetiation. hospital ward. God honors,the pity-
Phat doctrine, in plain language,
sieian's work all through the Bible.
means that when we drilla of the
Faith should go •hand in hand with
communion wine and eat et the com-
works. Works in the hospital should
mullion bread we literally are drink-
ing 01 Christ's blood anti eating of go band in hand with faith.
Christ's body. The other school of POOP. MAN'S HELPER.
theotogical thought heat that when
we assemble at the coinmunion table To most of as the old fashioned
we only eat of Cairie; 's body out doctor yet lives in the memory of
drink in symbol. vi,e, eat and drink our village childhood. lIe knew every
in symbolas the, lamb's blood shed famild; secret for miles around. Ele
upon the :I ea ish alter was the sym- had heard the lamiiy skeletcm rat-
io);el Christ' bi 30 d about to be tling M many a dark closet. He was
shud for iis Th battle. over tran- at every birth, at every marriage al-
F.,ubstaittdation ;,..aged bitterly for tar and at every fulteral. With him
.t'ears betWeen tl,e, two Schools of re-. the village church bell sounded a dirge
ligions thought, zaniest as often as it ehireed for
" THE DIVINE PHYSICIAN. wedding... We knew not when we lov-
DId aot Christ compel action tip- ed him the most—when he was eclat -
on the part ar him th.a. Is, as hi -n 0 d ? erin, the rosebuds in the garden of
, 3
After ho had anointed the blind 'eyes the naLivitY or 1/16'.1th111, the orange
with a moist clay did he, not say bl°ssmns or Placing tic whItc illy
unto the yomig man, r'Go wase in alongside ,of the, pale cheek -in t,he
the pool of Silontii ?" Ile went his casket- There was a Ilcind of
tihIr and washed foie came ous rtittle in his .old gig. That child
eeing. Did not Christ compej. ae._ was the most envied of the village
U031,113011 the part of the ton leo- who could sit by his side and hold'
e Go show yourselves unto the reins over the back of the old
the priests. And it came to . pass mare, that' seemed to be Just as old
00 they went they were eleaused," as the doctor and to know Suet as
many family secrets, yet ft egqia net 1."greatly beloved," or, as in the mar -
gossip aoy more than did it master. gin, "a, loan of desires" (I's.
When the boy was in trouble this 19; xxxvii.,-4; Dan, x., 11). . So
kind docter would place his fatherly in our Lord's teaching He sets be -
hand upon the lad's shoulder and fore us a man in real need, hexing
give hint advice. The young maiden nothing to meet the need, end hence
would, smile under ehe twinkle of his he is importunate or thoroughly in
fatherly- eye as he chatted to her of earnest and obteins his request. Such
her first sweetheart. Even the bees people ask till they receive, and they
would buzz loeder and the dogs bark, receive because- they seek with the
Mere happily, and their toile would whole heart. See eareflillY such Jul's-
wag fester as the doctor drove along. sages ne John iv., 33, 14; xv., 7;
We reniember the old black bag be Jet'. xxix., 3-3; Prov• viii.. 17. rt. V.'
always carried and the long white
bandages be placed about the splints
when we fell off the haymow and
broke our arm. The strange looking
bottlefilled with that,
all looked alike—and the pills, too, out lather in heaveri, who keoweth LV1U1 vanula. Balch in two latel
seemed to be the same, our frame, wbo pitieth as a father I (take ties, Drain the juice from 1
00 541.1
fet RneCiftee for the fe'lt
o Ilysione au& Other INF.3
a tar the 110U e14te;t, Pt'e
1.05 „
to, 4; I. 301.11e V. 14, 1.5, and firmly ac cherry Snorteake :—Make
believe. them, :Not only are we to 'plain ef,tke batter, as follows, of
but WA , are to expect (Ps, Lela CLIP' sugar cu ) batt
who there should be a lloor
in the land tbat is not painted.
Scrub the floor %dean and let it
dry, then give it two Coats of paint,
allowing each coat plenty of fame
to dry. A. little Japan dryer added
to the paint weil hasten the drying,
which is important when cote needs
to use the room cill the time. It is
usually better te do the painting in
oetet, 4 the evening ofter the supper dishes
are washed. If not quite dry io the
0. imorning and yott caenot cook. the
bree.kfast in some other room. lay
1 i boards aeross where yoo. walk the
notet to keep tt from being tracked,
li you prefer an oiled floor to
painted ooe, get a gallon of boiled
. .
mead oil and apply it hot or cold
. • .
abis,us'ii(),14 11;_jreivflezr, should
course. licit oil will make the
a), and we aro to remember that we 'Pte flour, I teaspoon banioa powder
am asking from On yinlo is really ;I cup milk, a little $lit and flavo
Will yOU not believe in ameli a con- end A; , , boo d tl i k ith J, t tblespocu
g o thina from ITis n4 I e en Iv
secreted physician? Will you not be- c,al.1„\v''',,t'i'lald lla a 13 - cornetarch, Arrange the blacklier-
(Ps ciii . 13 14: lx,rxiv.
lieve that by the sick bed faith can ci.,'"c„."“ -- ' '' ' - ' " iries between tile layers and on top
lx -I 1 3)
go had
hIlnihifueridanlcd'itthhalvtotrii: aPrYStcht"- 141;f Ittsai:athelr" will. give to a friend. 111eioft..°Thitelkleent*:c14ke jeulcts'aripcolus%tal''eer itmhe-
art's preccriptions have a part in the how much more will he give to his , medial glee If precl.red cola, uee
civilizetton mai the Christianization own son.' and Imw much umre will sPonge cake recipe, but do not put
of the world? And will not you, 0 our Heavenly Father give good tbines together anti/ immediately before
comforteth as. a mother and who qt. can of blackberries, bring to
1 wood darker than if it is aPPlied
cold. Two coal e are usually need-
The etfre of a painted floor is Im-
portant if yea would keep it in the
best condition. Mop the emer once
a week, using a 81418 made by add -
1011 powder to two gallons of water,
rinse with clear water and wipe
dry, It is never necessary to 1480
a scrub brueh and the water should '
not, be hot.
phygieinn, be a Christian doctor, as thea earthier parents! By comparing. eserving.
. 'terries
well as you, 0 layretao, a Christian Matt, vii., 11, with verse 3 3 of our ; Cherry pudding :_oteatee a hatter
lessoo you will etoti ea of 05 obove, Pat 1. pt, can of
All hotter, then, to our Christian "good things' is is "the Holy Spi - ' into a Pluidi g disI, I' ' '
physicians, /these caeong ono office it, and rife is the sum of oil good ;them. the batter and Mae rather
1.- , n :, , ou g) ,et.
are thus divinely consecrated, and things, for only Ire can, niatens to .' slowly' Tgrn out cm a Plata nrld
may a blessiree reet etpen their earn- know Chri5t and (-1(41 tarnu 1 ` e.1 • , i serve hot. 11 the cherries are can-
es clients for tlee elleeiation ee tile only He cam show ua the richness that ned whole, save the jeice, thiceen it
Physical afflictions of the human are ours in Christ and make us the a little and pour over the pudding.
rejoicing Christians which Cod in- 'lf they are pitted and canned quite
ends ue to be,
solid, dredge a little flour over ti
before adding the batter. 1
eauce is desired, use hard 501100.
Nd, Peaelies.---Drain the .1
from 1 gt ean of fine bandies)
pee ches. treasure mal told phespl
Don't throw away the little gfrre
white felt hat beeieose it is soiled.
Apply a paste made of magnesia
lea t and water and let it dry on, then
bru,sh off, Lace, unless much soiled,
can he cleaned by laying it on
oleo sheet of paper in au open book. wit
0,e plenty of inspoiesia under and i
1;(4.AX 1,
Text of the 1.esson, Luke xi., 1-1
Quid= Text, Luke xi., 9,
In the intervindeg VOC80$ 110tiVe
the last leeeou :led this one the pot
or (Wel' all the power of the ellen
which was granted to the sevent
with the assurance that nothit
ould by any means hurt the
Note also what our Lord said alio
our naincs written in heaven an
the bleesednees of /laving a chilillik
spirit (verses l9 -,Z1) Then f 11
er Time /qctures of Life
Russia's Capital,
The Polshoia. the 1 and set away to cool,
street of St, Petersburg, is full of , keep watch Pi it, and when the ,i
life and moven-he-it. Paeetnente are I !agate to set add the peaches. A
thronged with men in astrachan ing them in this wey. at jest
en eoats and caps, /miles in aahle and riffht time. one ran arrartee
• foe; in the roadwity 0 double ! handsomely and they will not v. -et
stream of sleighs. driven ty shaggy- hut the jelly meet not be too
' haired izvoschiks in caps or it will not, centreal araln
le. Moire and huge paddetl emits fectly. Serve with sweetened MI
pea round and round them and ed ereano
• cured by embroidered witist belts. 'Peach Shortcake :--31411,e r
-Down the middle of the streA, with biscuit dough, roll out rather tl
e great ehoutieg to clear the way, end hake in one piece. b
• e0M05 at the 1) 2210125 a the et, ariam,,,e the fruit neatly on.
r., engine the private drawn py two pieces mid set them toge
t tWO Magnificent horses of sir e great er on a platter. Vour the ju
41 nohlexuali. The driv4.w. heard into the PletWr. to 0 (!il'Ibed os
,e and hair eurled and oiled. aoil it the POrtirms 138 Rdrleo, vr if
three-vorne,red hat or ter, is ehoricalie is liaised at ail hard, TIO
forward with outstretched ar.i4s the juice on the eiltvo or the cru
0 Boman charioteer gripping the It is best hot, the peael.es havi
bine enk-covered reins taut in both been warmed and sugar adilod tulle
tate coveriag alth MOM paper, elosi
gelatine according to the dirions
ece anti weighing the hoeke Leave sere
oa the box. 'rum into 12, etal days
hut SAVe the suds front the wash for
etiy the garden, It. is stimolating and
reA11,3. valued AS A fertilizer,
tee fu coolting meat in a covered pan
;am never oPeu it to haste. It, is not
ye neresrary, and if the pan 13 made
Ara for the iiurpose the meat will not
er- burn.
Soinehody has
*white chiffon 00
lot Warm water
11)2 in fresh wet
10.- dry 111 the ban
the story of the lawyer who nnswe
ed correet4, AVM the law, hu
wits so lull of eelt justificatiou, cot
W130 lees -Tied front the etory of tl
eennintesionate Saitieritan what i
means to love your neighbor as
yourself. The law is intended t
shut our months concerning oursel
Ves and bring all in guilty betel
God, that they ettay be %Ewa, Lo
only the lost gun be saved (Bona ii
discovered that
be washed. 1so
white soap, rinse
and after squeezing
. slimed it smooth-
tho ly on a, towel to dry. Po not hang.
th. it up. 'When dry 'ft will be crinkly
ire like -ja.pancim crape.
.0 hands. Over the horses' quarters a illeY were Pitt up quite svreet, Pea
r I blue siik netting is epretal co eercen sre,soraetkres used in this wtr.Y.
, the Indy in riches sables who nein*, while 'very delicate, are not :38 T1C11
1 9-24).
As to the story of 'Martha anc
:Vary. with which chapter X closes
I have no doubt but that 1.00100
Wore 1,1 Ile dIsetpleS, equally Saved
but Wary while doing her fall slier(
oC housework, as the narrative int
plies, had a living interest in thing
unseen and found time to sit a
jesus' feet And reeeive Ills words
Nvhibi erartlia, was burdened witl
ueneveseary how cares. ROON
HOMO housekeepers ;rho feel tha
they must rise earlier in the morn
ing to have their hour alone with
God 10 fit them for the *work of the
a), and they will not let company
or emy .circtunstances interfere even
through the day witle their fellow-
ship with Him. Consequently
Christ is seen in them to the glory
ot god.
It is refreshi»g to read that john
taught his disciples to pray. Our
Lord had already taught this form
of prayer, which has been well cell-
ed the epitome of all prayer (Matt.
vi, 9-13), but as it was probable
that the disciple who asked this
question was ziot At that titne pre-
. The prayers uare taught to
diSciples only, for only tbe redeem-
ed can truly cell God "Father,"
None aro truly children of God till
they have received the Lord Jesus
(John 1, 12). It is a great privi-
lege conferred upon all such, As to
the standing of others see John
44. Through the sacrifice of our
Lord all who truly receive Hine are
children of God, heirs of God and
joint heirs with Christ atom. vitt,
pies the sleigh from (1)0 flsiett snow Huckleberry Pudding
1 dung up by the horres' hoof°. plain biscuit dough. Boil two
'1'brough the arcltwuz,, which to0,1, flirter hours. according to 110
n .„,
' from the liforshaia into the ore tl in a pull set in a dee .ttl
.otrice before the Winto• p;10,..A.! inp,e water. or steam otirly es Ion
jen:tonunntrliyofr,olintooploeirl.. im ,I.,0,1-ne tit.;)et.ibleliefeoit'nrottolfnacaslir ()tar -ienarelicei.ebertrrriae
s'ffree' COOS Appear from nor eat, tio, Bring, to a boil mul thiceen with
• .
t traffic in the roadway cheovs to one teblespoon cornstarch. When don
t stol) and faeo towel -as the road, a
afde, the people on the pevements ct,itclltd the berL'ic's 0)1(1 l$eep 1100. Wit
sleigh convex 111:5. ix dist Ingo sh 11.170. t.I10 11,.11/1;111,0; 122 12/i
looking officer who looks keenly thaw' vattl 1 he in't 1 eui t' '410 41 Sa"
about, teed whom all tire stable/lee or split and butter the steamed pu
- i materialized pollee ealute, dashes ding and orrongo os a shortcake.
' by: thes, fitter an interval a sleigh
i magnificently horsed, .with the driv-
ier in the bright Feat -let alai gold.
2 their hats, cold the Empress bows
i lace livery of the' court,
Officer:3 Salute the people raise
and smiles. Another sleigh follows,
the little procession term into the
Nevsky Prospokt, and, taking the
centre of the broad avenue, t'S gone
How often we have read it and
heard it, but how little we cOMpre-
head it I May the words of our
Lord to Mary take head of us in
the power of the Spirit, "I ascend
unto my Father and your Father
and to my God and your God"
(John xx, 17).
When we learn to say front the
heart, "Our Isather who art in
heaven," then there is an end of all
care and anxiety about things tem-
poral, according to Matt. vii 25-33;
Rom„ viii, 82. The prayer has se -v -
en pctitions--three for the things of
God and His kingdom. and four con-
cerning ourselves --and there is a
wonderful parallel, as suggested by
Steir in his "Words of the Lord
Jesus," between these potions and
the beatitudes.
It is to be feared that few even
among the redeemed know much_ of
the blessedness of the poor in spirit,
whose is the kingdom of heaven, and
can truly say, "Hallowed by Thy
name," Not inanar mourn because
the kingdom does not come, and the
majority desire, their own will rather
than His, for they seem to have lit -
tic if any of His ineekaess. The lit-
eral daily _bread is to them far anore
than *righteousness, and, not enjoying
the conscious forgiveness of sins,
they are not very forgiving to oth-
ers. Failing to see God in every-
thing because, they lack purity of
heart, they are often in unnecessary
trials and - temptations. The evil
one, the Peace breaker, has such con-
trol of them that 'they ldo not rnani
fest the spirit of children of,GOd‘ Not
be1ng wholly occupied with Him
whose is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, they know little of the
experience of Matt. v., 10-12. nor do
they seem to desire it.
The rest of our lesson, following
the prayer, sats before us that which
is the heart of all true prayer, aml
that 'is earnest desire. "Fie will ful-
fill.the desire of all that fear Him."
"Delight thyself in_ the Lord, and He
will give thee' the desire of thine
heart. Dante' is called a inan ing
Lack1 System.
and Bread°
It is to 1 cotapensa-
lien for the man s when down
b». man with
early heart-diseas.,. 0 '-diseasn,
or the neurastle nice 0
hard work was the CauSe
&Aug. is a much more reSpectable
cause than dit.Sipation, or at least it
would be 21 10 were the cause. But the
best. niectient authorities end hygieu-
101.8 e that few men breve ever
been serioesly injured by hard work
properly aolp.. 10 1,4 hard work cotte-
billed with worrY 00 bora work Pere
lit that
00 '
cl- formed in the wrong way that does
, the mischief in the majority of cos-
/ es.
IOf course there may be such a thing
as too nitwit work—too coostent ape
!lineation without recreation of any
ie sort; but eVen in such a caso inquiry- Aree,ceratineelen the ectiveprieriples ot
K., will usually show that there is a want ,t,1,1Intalid"c=1,v2thtarrutues't
0- of system witieh increases the hours of Bea'ela
a leo v tomach
° work end induces a state of worry
t- and horry. Nome of those who no -
One of the first lessons or 15
nttrse's novitia I e is 121 Led-null:in
So much of the patient's comfort d
ponds -upon the bed that eeery car
is taken in respect to it. The ma
tress is turnecl daily, if the patien
like a flash on ies way to the Anita III ItAili)010cet10titreg,etWthIlle'ltrtsneliclbseattheen-711)aki)
irlikoff where is a gatherlug, to the sides and hips make a. hol
of great ladies interested in the Red low in the middle' but on tho sides
Cross organization. The swarmS of which crowds the hair toward th
Police dieappear as quickly as they centre,
ittle Liver P*
Bear Signature of
P Studio Wrapper Baum.
Tasy await *lea ea
to talte sts a-4pm
* raRii
FOR altiOO
a(Ittelt 5
or APPetltep
and 541 troubles
Arlslotr from thi
Bowels or Irmod,
of liallyautr, that.
writes; "I belitto 4
wouid 1ukte totea
y grave long Ago
out it utit bteu tor
run doirro
11 txtetit
la team -
about the
Ad (lira,
iy Appetite
end 4 trae
to do 221'
wo betties of
11, I tumid to
boa." ittlyxvoter
I we yrezimtrav
it to tai 'tired tura
worn oat women.-
appeared; the unobtrusive dressed
Imen. who when the royal carriage
official responsibilities mingle once
was passing snowed irtdfcatioos of
mere -with the crovni.
'Hardy Because Re Has Been ./n -
tired to Discomfort.
Little! The idea that JaPan is a.
laud of little people is at the best
a half-truth, and therefore doubly mis- in the lower elleet, and that are such
leading, seye the Lendan mail The on aggravation to the flesh when
average Jay tre 800. ix, Europe shoo oee has to lie abed day after day.
It is me trouble to a, nurse who
no fair idea, of the physique of his
knows her business to change the
people. He nearly always belongs to
the professioual classes. Now, the linen on a bed, even if the patient is
very ill. And this is the way she
professional nod prosperous Jap, is,
goes at 10. Site first rolls up the
one must admit, as a rule small and
_ soiled sbeet from the side, as Mr as
of apparently little stamina. he
it can ' g6; %Chen she. ,spr'eafts :the
,gives one the same impre,esiot as deari one over the mettress, eale-ut
does the Paris boulevardier of having hieing about wbere the middle of the
frittered away his manhood on sheet should come, and folds it
vrorthless thaws. But, he no more smoothly hi small compass. The
repreeente the averaat man of his patient can roll over to the clean
people than does the auleyardier rep- side 11 able- to move; if not, :she is
resent the French peasant. gently lifted over; soiled. sheet is 00'
Thoaverage Japanese man, while Inoved; the clean One dr/Mil to place
not tali, gives one the impression of and there you arta
being probably the hardleat man on It is no trick at all to give a sick
earth, He fives perpetually hi the person, a bath, if you know how to
()pea air and on the , simplest food. go about it. There should be a
His home consists of paper screens, good thick blanket to spread over
which never shut the air wholly out, the lower sheet, for tne patient to
tainted raiarye,'always (*en a great part of lie 011. Another blanket is spread
over the patient. First one arm ie
He is hardy because lie has been in_ washed and rubbed thoroughly dry;
ured to the most extreme discomfort then the other, then the chest, legs
since infancy. I3'e does tiot know and lastly the back, the patient
what comfort is. //is home hes proo_ being kept covered ae much as poe-
tically no furniture, Matting, bed- sible. Thus there is no exposure
ding (no bed) and a tray for food and no danger of taking cold.
If a salt rub is given (WhiCh 18
supply his wants. In a land cold very invigorating) the process is
beyond belief over a largo part of the the same, tho wet salt being applied
year, he never has a coal lire, but
with -the hand and the flesh rubbed
warms hiruseir over a box holding a till it,' glows and feels warin and
few fragments of leurnine charcoal. dry. '
An alcohol rub is also an invigor-
Ilr'Sti,S. CITATION METHOD, iS especially restful when one has
anta and wonderfully refreshieg. II;
At, a recent meetiag of the Royal lain bed for days. Often a rest -
Society of Edinburgh an Unproved less patient will he, quieted by reb-
method of restoring respiration M bine; the v..eic with alenhol, and en-
cases of droWning and ether asphyx- joy a good mght s rest. The oleo -
tion wee described by Professor hoI sbould atways be warmed by
hafer. The subject is pieced in settineit in 0 pail or pitcher of hot
he prone position, and the operator water,
polies pressure to the loWer ribs by
trowing the weight of his body up_
1 them, throngli haads, swing -
g himself backward aral forward If you have -never had evour 14100h -
out 18 times per Inmate: Dy en floor painted, do not allew an -
cells of a special teSidia.5 apparatUS other season to pass without trying
was shown that this method was it. Any woman can do the work.
r more efficient than any now in Paints ot color may be bought
0. Tho common method pro- already mixed; they are so leen:pea-
cmg artificial respiaation by niov- sive, and the automat, of labor saved
the arms of the Subject wesi ego. to great, that we oftea wonder
orap telt the greatest tasks seem to
have tbe least to do, and the reason
r for this is that their work is thor-
oughly systenuitized. The day is elok Hillubtehee simundloto,
' riot begun with a despairing glance ablIars:BCaktarhinoitc.arut4hpin2613WrieCkel391)1744.
over all that must be done before '
arid hesitation where to be -
s On the contrary, each hour has
Its appointed task; one thing is ta-
_ en up. and for the time being the
n mind is conceratrated upon that alone,''
All the, beds in a hospital ma sin
g/o, COACSO, but the sheets are a
wide as if the bed were full width
The lower sheet is folded closely un
der the mattrese on one side, the
pulled as tightly as it. Call he drawn
on the other and tucked emootbIy
under the mattress. The width o
the sheet and the weight of the mat
tress keep the sheet perfectly smooth
ancl there are none, at least , very
f „ ee, at usually are
i as if nothing else pressed for the grA*31,Ple.it'erSueinintalunit, Sallow or
b. watop
day. 'When this is done the next is tauartdy compliixtort.
f taken up, and the 'next and the next;
It is the lack; of syStem, the inabil- i
-, i and when night comes. there is no ac -
1 cumulation of unfinished work, and
'no worry for the morrow.
ity to concentrate- the tninci on the Sweeten the 'breath and clear ewer ail Inuit*
4 work. of the moment that makes for
; failure .01n1 for breakdown. an11241ceis4 2.`TI,Tttglfrtf.t,,, .fle0RYttir.tezac.lertr
I Anuther reason why overwork kills Dm14•71114 1.4 W13417141 C0" 141Mleal '.
is that the man wilfully or ignorant -
eats too much under the mistalten A Kidney Sufferet
idea that food is needed to help him
bear the strain. TTe negleets physical
,eaeicise in the open air, end the sys-
teitt-tecbiaea-eingf--,eri 'with waste ma-
,ling4";Yuspt*man'tlactiotrniipetlelltierirgs°1'0-enle'llnthceinin attalca-
tune, riledenatiOn 112 eating, one hoar
at least each clay in. the open` air and
seven hours' sleep evill enable a man
, y neg tete the laws of health.
I amount. of work every day
o put behind him on en wo oo turts
hurt to mind or body.
Are a True illeart,Totlie,
Nerve Peed and Weed "enricher. They butte
(Ip sod renew 50 the wnra.Plal anda-,:astsd
tiss cies ot the hociy, and restora perbuctLesith
and vigor to t2 entire 0e,4 tea,
Ne o eavae, Nervons Rms.
trade:rt. Braln Pee, Lack el VilulitY.' 41100
Efir.V.s of La Ciii0u, Anamale, Wank and
023115' 500215, Loss de fletaary, Pa/paetiers el.
the tieaat, Lord o!nne.rgy, &bur/mesa el
Brestb, • can all be cured by using
burri's00.art api Nerve
Price aft. a box. or fny .9125. All ti oalers oe
T„ liatuttax 404 Littitra, Turoutu, Oat.'
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
Ki riey 111S
Mr, Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Reese,
the well-known Contractors and Builders
Wc11d, Ont,, tells ot how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afilicted with
kidney trouble which increased io severity
the last five years. My most serious attack
was four years ago, ween I was completely
incapacitated, 1118(1 terrible paiesacross
my back, floating specks before my eyes
and was in almost constant torment,
could not sit or stand with ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly le fle.sh. I hied taken medicine
from five different doctols and also
numerous other preparations to no p230.
nose. I finally, began to take Deall`a
•;. ,
illney Pills and before I bad taken five
boxes the trouble left me and I now feel
better than I have for twentSi years. Those
who know me know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to beliero
that 1112300 been cured yet they knoW It
is so. 1 havepaeted t e en.dlarto" '.re
but I feel that I 2213 01 taken en the rosy
hue of boyhood.'
l Price 50 cts por bo, 00,3 for $x
dealers or
,TOZl,ON FA. 0,1.