HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 6—,------'—^^,-----^^- 4++++444+++4+++++4++ A CUBA, FOR INSOXNI.A. 4- 4 YOUNG + Well lEnown St. .TM ohn erchant i Tells 15ow Ile Was Freed From eie FOLKS 4 Th ie 'Terrible Trouble. i One of the best known anen in St. N, B., is Mr. G. G. 'ileratetiel, ,-exteral deel.r C4I 'eat AN AWKWAR'D LADDIE, i,trect, etre eaierseeao has at) inten- t, • ;- C n Nearly a hundred Years ago a st.°111 esting story- to tell of failing health, aree„lde-faxerl., aweektrand boY of olg-1--,,..insoinnita, and drially reneaect teen. yeara dressed in ragged strengtb. which cannot flailt iuter- coat and Sl.aat breeehee, without . est others. lie says e --"A few years atoeleing -nhoes, rapped one evetang Aga 1 cvaS all ran dawn and tailing at the door of 4 bumble eQttag Uin health. Oct ,acrgbt, due to overwork Northern, England, and asked to see ono, shattered nerves, 1,wee weenie the village seboolunesten. When tbat to sleep at night, and tonna no reet yucoesoy, y0144 lar.e, to attend ;me 4443.-1 found npleasure io o any - “And you „phaTsiciatis atteenen Arm aere pereOn appeared. th,e lloy said Vela, , twit. Ny lire seen ea a aueeien, to yOur evening school. sir." thing, I sought medical old when do wish to study?" the who and asked the teother, roualay, unable, to give me any relief. The "I n -ant to learn to rend and' doctors differeel in their opinton as rito. " aaswer4,41 the heti, to my ailment. Fieding than 1 wos The schooimaster g osCe at boy's homely face and rough elOthes;‘ through loss et sleep. concluded to evorzeindly, and =din "Very well, yew,. give up busineee eau!, t,a) to the rimy uttentit but an awkward, bare-, ceuntrY for a 'et- Just when I legged laddie Wen you would better! wru' verZ, worst otid litid he doing something else than. learn--.33"$tUO desire tcl- 111-e* ran Wlie je,, He letters Thee he elewei the urged me to try Pr. Williams Pink door in the lad's ince. The boy won the eon at a fireman ed to give the pills a. trial. have / bad lost faith in all 'medi- cines, but, to pleatie y wife I deride t r)1732404g-enlitine 14 4 L"'"thu-4'ber''' 4 bad reason to be thankful that d oUiey. Iiis birthPlaeo V4S- al dial so. Almost iron'. the outset the -e VI1 cliv &Pr. mud walis.1 pais heiped itke anti I was owe to It' lo teal, engite) /edge of to Vine i dinary repe Not dieratraer bint bz.' the F4ttlelutast Venunness. neuralgia. Pallutatleni easel rafters. When he Ives gire sleep, cormillo,Ni their eee ewe he began to work for ttia;I felt perfectly well I could $ eel) AS I did in pay child ood; mohe melt strange request 3$ nu" PKAr$ $3$V'e WAS cur0 1'47° /*Ming tbe gates et4 grew healthy anal StrOng Wad have .0,veji,, j wlsa to jeoto to eook, bad no return a itlY old complaiet." grtne older he waS Set flever known one booesi 'trnulde -our =other," Doild"s Kidney Dills care the Kid- aton-l's Croat the cool. OVA from that source since. I have uo ..S. end with sound Nideteys you o driving a horse which. hesitation lu saying thet I believe nee ti never tear 'Urinary complaints. r the pit. Ire we 1)z. Williams Pink ,sated e. v Frfeed---`1 was surprised 'that ook Pry ten ltainli ttl. reach ertlict. The crwidence seemed to me r " Fx4firynsfu—"We o verdict at once. but OeOUOred a discussion es rit of 'the judges hg vows in the cia4H, TUE BO -V GOT IT. "Say, mister. do you want your 1 bag carried ?” asked. a boy, runniag after a man who was burin ieg along the street,. evidently bound for the railway station, nNo, 1 don't,". answered the man a iittle enarniZn "I'll carry it oil or ten cents, persisted tbe boy, "I tell yoo I don't waut it car- il," she aid, tman, quichening his !JUST ONE 11.011g DIREOT PROOF ' " you ?" asked the boy, breaklug bate a trot to keep abreast O f his victim," I don't," auswered the mare glancing nercely at his email tor- weriter. n1.1:01, then, inister,” said the ur- ehin, with an expression of enxious and ituerit iequiry on bis round,- dirtY inen 'What are you earing it for ? Atily don't yoa put. it, got the beg, GOOD I ,t y &hat you wi lee, den condition.'" 'erne it. dored. and if it get you the inoort---" 1. easier than that; brief, einenlv that YOU Win invite roe to spend month in your tatherne. house previous to our merriage." -11)f course. certainly: bot TI DO'S 'ZIDNEY PILLS ' CURE PROZIPTI-Y AND PERMANENTLY, ae—en ana, zevpitlit, citaA470„ v a (42 4A-4 / ,7 ran f'‘e v zade trape( ometle.e64 441,d/ Shirt waists and dainty An Forms and Stages of Xidney ' Disease—New Drunse4ck Nall linen are made delightfully Tells of Terrible Urinary Com., Clean and fresh with Sun- Deuished Once and for All. light Soap. st, Znery's Perry, York. Co., N.D., April 25,—(Special)--plomas Herrn RAT BRITAIN, Son, a well-known resident of this, places etide his te-etintorev to that The British Chancellor of the -the thousands who have proved that Chequer said the duty on coal would, Dodd's Idoey cure promptly not be aboliSheen i4se:f1..‘c4,sI:ptiZnnleayne.al?isee.:e11,Y ioro 1°-11:Sr'srtlagso: 'ttel:1S.c'roidOngt rabid:V:07dpi :Awl i'll:Psuryet Siltledo ewl:atnr :Leto7u1p- eteetee years ago I woo to stifle lAngio-French treaty, nne 270 to 01 'votea the Rouse of from pain in the beck. eecninnaried by a lethargy itripoSSible to over- i Commons adopted, a resolution sane - Minn We* attended by physician •„ti011itig the employment of Indian but continued to grow worse. and be. 4troops for the protection of ebe nein- feCtsnizitgbInaltillseelnoid4r-reyfcPiell311%,IaLtarbt; 61QC3:333:1374:1:13t:1-1(3 wean Ilse so riniCh 'gen paSs Bloody urine. the time lii„d taken one box 07 that be !eels be can rgaY at- ig.:-Zsapis=siewnW. ell is tbe.'Q4 to bct honest. Onto, Clan or Tomo% "'three bones of Dodds Inidney PIA'S t cured nee ecimpletely, awl though it *-1:11P7CtiCe7977nekes orktht41;at be 11,11 lo t people $ new • preS111110 wiinfle if L'Ve 'aping in P tbWofler if FY0 been robbing a hil:it4 (Abed. ed at the sehoolhouen, pumping -engine, lotbigg ze34- stualk-11 vote as able b and will always say e. good for them to any who are trou- bled with 61e0PIQFSiieSS." 11r. n1111021* Pink Pills worn mere WO M 1Cieretead'S, niter (lectors and eoneneon niedicinee fail beefiette thryetetually molia new, rich nloo any er„ I and so strengthen aU the organsol tbe eV and brace tip tbe Ilene% give/1171a s the way they cure inaigese r 21,e mode,. tion. and liver. troubles, Tier. apelleation and attended tba evening, the neart, rhettritotista and the speez- ot saloon At the end of about two; al ailments that All the liVt'S yens he bail leaTfileti all this Ivith y. The could rh h.Die conceived '" tbe. T'" h plan of it tool: . age ef fert, evnires, ',venal end canna upen n Bees ef vi;, • locomotives, we era to train i 1^ , , , St,"4„'e2Pirie,:; "Dr, Witliagitit Pia Pills for "'"'",ev" ""tn, People" on Ilie wrapver around n •. -a s'Yer"; every box. If in doubt write direet ou 0, sue' ' to the Dr. Williems tiedicine CO.. andjlreiellat-iltD. Ont.. and the PIUS win OW '110 Setat post peid et 00 vents a. box 1 - ; or • six boxes forrr too. $2.11e,a 1 sv; ...------4,--e-- 3 ' ORIGIN 07 snOliTgAND . build Oil at, would run AN AID TO AIOTITInilS, In en e.iv of ea it has bern tht`Baleen ,n TabletS is iv very t tiling or children set mg trent celie, censtipatien, diar-, siwpta fexers, golds and" e .. tretililes, The Tahlets are ee, o contain no *plate or 4110. ts tY°1{t: thzemt7:eurrillfev;11 ‘414:41t:441:" 14 t the ncli czrown eau, 4*Ju ber ,car. n f tia;14111o4ittl'elalleck Izette. I tgrely gleriC. * si the value ot this medicine How :Achill I risme I it Sa;,v41 :—"I have tn-ed litilifs •pat timer" It sulfate Ot Tanlete with tbe 'very' lte,.t re- i5-ezirm of illiO ti'V e Yili . TS'saey are COSY ta give little Swath American IZI,mcj, ;Id I have never hintleiVa them; directly and ipficitly fa a terapt,“ trouble than the 4" flit limn Evoy irtzber oculd lit.K.p the and when it strikes telt-pet tee , Tablets in the house. In an exer- 1114n in5taut,"'"'"1" ney they may wive a precious lit - life. Sold by all druggists or at 23 cents a box by wr;ting 'Brockville. Ont. Never 3taiwg a \Toni • 1 ilia aVoida an int PO,V ....... MC't3 * twelve eiziloe an hoer. /7zed 4,,ttzolaa, the Greeus .y t him. Some' — the Romans. ght ef t • One gentle-/ , said to . ptputolsseplayouveirn.v. ulTohrlog lefeutreneefilem,_ 4011(tit tiSt,iiencis11,1;tnittilti;intt wilt)jj an engine a runerog. 0, certain, The 6 or tont el houlei stray upon the track. Will ith ed %yea a, iorni. or writing In if word, was i'eprettented hy not that be a very awkward eirOlirer• . . . .... ......__. _. Special sigra • woe fetteis of the stance?"' "I should think. it .,,„„ alriliahet with niedilleations: non- . , ""c ' neeted so as to admit of great rep- awlvicard--sur tile cow, s 'Weil. be sticefeiled in maid "" i islity a execution. formed the • ele- „:,snents of these clieraeters. They coruOtive. and at a trial I place near Liserpoel it att nod to w nn ' date itt leaSt from the fleet century , !before Christ. tho unprecedented spe ' r''_/' i la the second century A. D. In raiies an blur. Dy it n 4t,:n ; found the term senteiegettph isteu improvements the Same engi 0' f rwhie cirtructer) in the tirecli. ItOclit?t, Wes made to attain the, tor, nineties Pinlostrotue. a thirty miles an hour. reoptf,, Origen of Alexandria (125-23 A laughed no lOnger, but admired. i. D. ztoted bis Sertilt-IsS CICWn •i Ile was invited as a consulting en-, shorthand, and Socrates, tl e e:•eles- gineer to fOreigo eon/Arles, and .., =Weal historian of the fourth e. n - Wealth /lowed erne Mtn. Plalosoeh-i VIry, SttyS that part t:If the sermons ere sought his friendship. IIis king of St. John Chrysoatom nab Itreri- offered him gnightlInati, but lie pr- I ed be the same proeess. In the firet ferred to remain plain George Steph-i tory D. C. a discourse of Canto n0013.• 'eensis, according to Plutarch, was taken dwell by shorthand r.. -2 - porters. The development of sitortharal was ITI"tref:ft'',.'4,1.1,11',41,1,,Irtf,Igrlottlei)?,it?ixiilett for thirty days, good either via Wee . tine esPeciallY to Marcus Tom's ,,itA'+', iv. WIrl, WO 11.'ertanlitt 114 181141,...mid UIVII: II bash direct line or vim Ohica„gp, with Tiro, was was a slave, tins bronght enteremee Wrineew feleezeise einem” gi-nei 1 ing te this, the greatest of all Fix - up with Cicero, who was some years positions, thould remember the great his junior. Freed, he became (lee- e Father—"Upon what do you Wabash line is the shortest, quickest ro's secretary, and in tbis capacity mint to support, my daughter?" Int- euxd best route. The only line that aided him greatly. In the farnOils nectinitms suitur_mupun your un. owns and controls its own rails di - rent to the World's Fair gates. For ographie rapidity of Tiro was at its ) ' ' time -tables and descriptive World's -----+— 1 Minis Limed WE sale evervIvuer4 or J. A. Ricbardson, District Pas- „ , , i. , , Fair folder, address any ticket agent, Igl SEAL IICUSES. Althongh the seal spends its life and Under the, wa.ter, it is an air - breathing animal mod -cannot live for any length of time without air. Says St. Nicholas Magazine. As winter spreads sheets of ice over the fast freezing Arctic Sea, the seal breaks a hole in the ice over the water where it lives. This hole it is very careful to keep open. all 'winter long, break- ing away each new crust as it, forms, so that, no matter how thick the ice ecoznes, the animal always finds there CABIE FROM COFFEE, A breathing place and a passage to the surface ol the iee above, where it can get fresh air and take a nap, for it does not sleep in the water. Then, again, although the seal can exist for nil -or 15 years,” says ayoung Ohio a time out of the water, it has to woman, was a great sufeerer from seek its food in the sea; so -that with- stoma.eli, beart and liver trouble. For out. both lane (or ice) and water, it the last 10 years the suffering. was could not survive the Arctic. Winter. terrible; it would be impossible to de - How, after once leaving its breathing scribe it. During the last three hole in search of the bah upon which • y-ea.rs I had convulsions from which it feeds, the seal can find itS way ithe only relief was the use of raor- hack in the dark- under the fee, a yard .pleine. in thickness, and spreading over many "I had several physicians, nearly' all miles, back a.gain to its liole no one of whom advised me to stop drinking knows; but it is not tbe less certain tea and coffee, but as I could take that when it needs air it swiras as only liquid foods, I felt I could not Straight to its breathing place as a live without coffee. eon -tinted bird could Ry through the air to its drinking it until becanie almost in - nest, •sane, ray mind was affected, while my When the seal is about to build her whole nervous systera was a eoinplete house she first. makes the breathing wreck. I suffered day and night from hole larger, and then by means of her thirst and as water would only mane strong' claws and flippers or fore- me sick I kept trying different &inks paws, scoops out the snow, taking 'until a friend asked nee te try Pos- it down with; lier through the -ice un- turn. Food' Coffee. til she has made a dome -like apart- "I did so, but it was some time merit of the same shape though not before I was benefited by the change, • the, same size as that built by the my system -was so filled with toffee Eskimo. 'Unlike the huts built by poison. It was not long, however, roan, however, it cannot be seen from before I'. Could, eat all kinds of foods -without, for above it stretches the and drink ail 'the cold water I want - long sloe° of untrodden snow, and the ed and which ray system domande. It baby seal, for whose 'comfort the is now 8 years I bave drank nothing house was built, and its mother, are but Post= for breakfast arid supper sere from any foe § that cannot find and the result has been that in place where the house is by the sense of of being an invalid with any mind smell-. affected I am now strong, sturdy„. The house, however, is sometimea happy arid healthy. discovered by the great polar bear, I have a very delicate daughter who who, when his nose has told him that, has been greatly benefited by drink - he is upon the top of the seal house, ing Postern, also a strong boy who • leaps in the. air and, bringing his fent together, cornes down with all his great weight, breaking through • the roof and catching- the baby seal before it can get awa),. Hooking one of his sherp claws into its little flip - par, the near then does' a very cruel of clrieking strong conee Should make thing. ' He lets the cob down the the Postern very strong at first in breathina. hole, sp as to lead the meei- order to get a strong coffee taste." oue mother to collie f -p' it as it strug- Name given by Poston). Co., Pattie glee in the water. When she does so, Creek. Mich. he slowly draws ly up again, and. as e follows it, F:c'rilie ht.e.--7 with His .F.A1 et• Dolma rs pannier of the Bile at F. J eo„, &rine b4 ns* In the y Toledo. Ceunty and Stet. atOT let end the.. tend Arm pey the eu of tztele P01,.iatftu or each 41.11,1 every Okla of Catarrh that or be cured the u4e Heira Outarrh Cure. j, OREN WY. -ern to before me 4nit subscribed la reeenee. ;hitt Oth day of Decemborii 000. rerfE,r/ o shun 4. W. OLEAgiON, A (gory ?obits Cure talom interna4. en the blood vat I *he eysteen Seed ree. BY 4 CO.. 'rated*, 0. ggista. 75c. l4u' rills tor coaati- t -f the tireless ()ricer who trying to work you, PilTICilt (es BUMS, etc, "Mir' she sighed; " t men all deed." "Dot eautiful n are not," be, answered. Then a looked soulfelly up Seto his eyes told hint *be had said it just to trary. and not because she it tor a moment. L'A.C411.5. "Frauldy, mediae," t Th Dr. 'trilliums' Medicine Oo,,, emesh,..‘m, ..1 wenwh. Itake that gown.' "Why not'?" atl.cd the won g by t 'qt. doesn't • irnatch your complex- th ion," he explained "Oh, well," site replied carelessly, i "I can change the complexion " I ' She (during the lioneymoon)—"And what would you do, dearest. if 1 should be turn from you by the cruel snort in iti, fate moat.% Atm awe," to viz hand of death?" Ile (naturally num- eis' upplicati-n accordiug to carectioni id cure chronic easel, It relieves all mantle and after a pause during t.hing ad) burning skin diseases in a da . which he puts In some hard thinking) Ole onen dvi o o ot . a at the head ‘r. r, aro ou ere for Pars 11 ftns, Ole applientierf mult ,g1Ve. As • ,.._ the nyin . ..... dame* tons II .Aigrorkeri Cure for the it oi o'ro them and cured her Per ntteen „rare Yrs, John A. JAII1V5, of 'Marton. Ont.. Was 0, great sufferer from licart Disease. Por days at a time she num confined to bed. and it seemed as though every breath might be her Inst. tier Jwysichins sem that slio might "(Iron alt"any minute. With NVOMAlleti tilltatity fit sue -crier:. and bo. lievirin that "while there's We there's hope. she started using Dr. Agnew's Duro for tho ileart. Three bottles cured her. This remedy relieves la thirty minutes and cures every form ot heart disease and nervousness. ;20 Or Ain* ..**1.lwar Pills. 43 Reset Co Y —"Wity bury youi't! 5.-79 WORI.D'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, llf0. long the gown isn't 0 From April 2lith to Den let, in- n • u can build nerselt up elusive, the We.beish Rearm:fel will t. sell round trip tienets to the Great -- World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- .. For Over Sixty Years est one-wny firr,t-cless fare, good for lo,, Wrou ow S li ,OThriu Srrer hue hoop usie,i by fifteen duneSe fare and a third; good Tiro. Born in • Latium in Ifni 11.• C. re-ngiliZengiitio-a =VA vtiVtirg°V,i 's")1) °'ver Privileges. Canadiana goe height. A Case Where the Taking- of Nor- phine Began With Coffee. LONDON FIREZIEN'S DOGS. -- Dnettal Nasectte of the City's l'ire Statior.s. It, is a well-known fact that dogs firenaea make pets of frequently dis- play an. unUsual amount of intelli- gence- This is probably because a great deal of the compulsory leisure of the men is utilized in developing any promising feattire that May be detected in their pets. At the present time there is at the chief district station of the Metro- politan fire brigade in Queen's road, a handsome Scotch collie belonging to the men which is evidently en- dowed with almost human under- standing. It occupies a berth in the single men's quarters, and when at night the bells are rung for a fire call the dog rushes from. room, to room to see that all hands have been. awakened. Sometimes it occurs that one or two of the men are so tired that the clanging of -the bells fails to a.rouse them. It is to such as these that Nellie devotes her special attention. With a bark she bounds upon the bed, and having dragged the cloth- ing off, proceeds to dislodge the sleeper. This is done by rataraing her nose beneath the body, and if not then awakened the man will find himself turned completely over on to the floor. 13aron, the famous St. 'Bernard, which until quite recently, was a feature of the fire station in Car- melite Street, Whitefriara, although not quite so intellectual an. animal as Nellie, neVertheless was very in - would rather go without food for his telligent. His principal • anxiety breakfast than his Posturn. So much e,eerried to be that nothing should depends on the proper cooking of bar the progress of the engine Pesti/en for linleSS it is boiled the threttgh the streets, and bounding proper length of time people be on ahead, he would invariably effect disappointed in it. Those in the habit the clearance of a passage almost, before the shouts of the firemen could be hotaad The Wife (bitterlyp-"Our married lies been a long series of battles, Look in each package /or the fam- hc`glaining with our wedding day." ous little book, "The Road to Well- re he I feel)ar,c1--"Indeed , there was an vine." !,..'ellgaiSument before that,", senger Agent, North-east corner Xing arid Yonge Streets. Toronto. A num always warits to marry lifs ideal woman the first time, but the second time he isn't so particular, (trilled's Linlifierit Relieves Neuralgia "Yes, sir," remarked the builder; "every house but one in that street is rented riow." "Ah!" said his hum- orous friend. "That one, I suppose, is last but not leased." 'Dear Sirs,—This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame bach for fifteen years. I have used three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT and am com- pletely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- tommend it and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable medicine. ROBERT ROSS. Two Rivers. Winks --"I had a beard like yours once; _but when I realized how it made me look, I had it cut off." Binks—"And I had a face like yours once, and when I realized that I couldn't have it cut off I raisedthe beard." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Read) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder ie better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Young Wife (sobhing)—"I will not be quiet! 13efore we were married you said I had a charming flow of language." Young Husband—“And so you have, dear. ' It not only flows but dashes, leaps, bounds,•roars, goes o -ver cataracts, and milnaluices, and there ie an. oceasidnal ,water -spout as .4021.8...11.1.96••••Weeit,rn L.SSUL NO 17-04 NfifIfFEMESESSII=NCifirieffign3 $19 in one PiliZt) for the greatest number of words. $10 In two five dollar prize* for ths next longest Het& MO in five tem dollar prizes for the smaller tete, We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three wares " MA$SEY - HARRIS WHEELS. Letters to be used in answers only as many timea as they appear in the above words, Competition clO$44 May aoth. bend in your list to -day. NOTE I ilassers-Iburrie 15Mart trei busbien frame/and coaster Imprevoincattithat made ItiertsIdi 441 �04I$ pouter. Write for our new r Ribbon" ookt. ADDRESS, OFPA TMENT 'A' CA)IAIA CYCLE & MOTOR CO. Unilttni Toronto Juno IN CA NIA Faroe or Cro DO THEM LEVEL BEST because Cllrnate Goes with the Larni Winter has much Sunshine and warmth and GROWTH IS CONTINUOUS ell the yor IIOOKS PUSI,ISHOD UV 'MU OUTHERN PACIFIC l'Ut.Lb Tun WII01.11 STORY, "The So Joaquin Valley*" California to the Settler," 41 The Land 01 opportunity," and descriptive matter tree oft Agents, colonist Ratestistvotrit $33,00 from Chicago write to it F. CARTER., fr. P. A.. 75 'range Street, Toronto, Out, MYR')." .4. 3r.• te. kt.1.1 ." ".e."i"Yrss net "tsitTier,"":11.,,,,. LOWER PRICES 401006tomookerms,.. USE BETTER QUALITY AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is a.ppre- elated by the best informed because built on correct raechanical princi- ples, of bighest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaeer you dare not, in faU justice to your- self, take chances on an 'inferior car. By presenting a car of such Imperial merit as Is the 1904 Winton, we become "automobile underwriter?"—insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog? The Winton Motor Carriage Co Cleveland, 0.. U. S. A. Represented in the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE IA SerPLY co 79 Rind St.. E., Toronto, Ont. Sub Aiieneies in Chief notolutoo Cities CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins. Milk Pans, & Any First -Glans Grocer can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. .an arlrfi 'able rood of the Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious and Econeirdeal. 4E)-21 • Dyeing Cleaning Forth,. Tory best tend your work to the ga BRITISH AigEniCitil DYEINC CO." Look for agent In your town, or sow% direct. Mantrical,Torooto, Ottawa, Quebec. Almost any. inarried woman will produce bread, cake., and pie if • her husband will furnish the dough. Life's a 13urdenZ-Ii the stomach not right. Is there Nausea? IS theie Constipation?' Is the Tongue Coated? Are you Light -Headed? Do you have Sick Headache? Any and all of these denote Stomach and Liver Disorder. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pi1ls act quickly and will cure most stubborn and chronic cases. 40 in a Vial for zo Cents -77 "Do you buy condensed - am?" "I presume that we must, but FOR SALE. 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 4, upright discharge, 9 inch outlet. I Buffalo Blower, No. 5, horizon- tal discharge, 10- itt. outlet" 1 "Earl" Steam Blower. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 Adelaide St. W., Tor o nt Billiard Tables The neat at the Lowliest Price Write for Terme REID BROS., 00:1 Tee MOWS& lIge 82-31 'Butter) Eggs, Honey, 41)0516 )f, Tivtz I never thought of It before. always:111.4„,,encon. Gmerirrtiee+1.1 order two quarts ,:and Pay ' for two UMW gun '.."31111" " Ocq quarts, but it nevet measures More a TOIROX.ZWCa. iterraf than three pints,' • e T.. F. icttemec,,curscuseveasommuurinstasomme,..vesestApt-monorse..,,,,nveril 'ALL KINDS OP FROFTO And Farm Pre - duce generally9 consign it to US a01.1 WO will get_ you good price.a. Tufa It is the fence that bas steed tee test ee time--standu tho heaviestEitra' Saga -.-the standard tho world over, 'Ordtw through oar local agatit or dircettlis. Atom tififiR2Waarrix Out. 2W.43'-ce411,t. " e' eel