Exeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 4,
L 8th, 1901.
There's nerve zitourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea.
There's rest for tired brains and worn -oat bodies,. There's
food for impoverished blood.
The most delicate and fragile leaves of the tea plant are la
thLtea—thats why it is so fragrrant and aromatic,
Blue 'Ribbon Tea invigorates the faculties—makes
de.ar, gives new zest to living.
BIue Ribb
a fort
Fergesan. and Miss. Idepkirk. Refresh
Inen1S. were serVed !hy tlae ladies of
the churehr: to all, for Whirth:tepteali
't a bier; „Were providad, ant t leo ' skr, -
in 1. evening" NvaS enjeyed to the full.
e.'st 'extern,.
prolific cause <A Piles is the use
eatharties ant pills of a drastic'. vi-
olent nature.
Pollewe.t. by tt eaction en account:
the resinous, drying, properties they
Thetre are other ealtSeet but no neat-
er what the cause or what the kind
of Piles., Dr. Iteonhardt's Ilene -Reid
.r)Ifieul upon to euree-to stay
•an interoal remedy that re-
Mov-os the Cause of Bleeding, Itching,
Plial or Suppurating Piles.
A guarantee gees with each pack:nue
coutainirm montles treatnient.
it cart be clebtained ftter f$1.00 at drng
.4.0.4444,44.4 • 4.
porated by Aet of Pal t Ft;t •
t".t.prra,t. Aral o .. • • „ • ,tififi.fil0,iffi
Capital (Au. t..tto .......... e,,c)00,000.00
Roservect Fund.— ••• 2.550.000.0Q
417 ntmai:1A. att 0007.040. 0,1! l'ettee. e‘ioctrtotafn't.o.ittitnbit. wee 3iintitelyo.•
v y latvitd Day trem P. a. st. to r• M. exec:A 84;uu1aa 71,, 0 I i%
rs' Sale Notte,.., cashed or collert.A. F.,:frens batriplied. •
17.4...311Pu, int VFT- .•'..\.1•20intsia the Perninion. Great Ilritale and ra•
are-- toeet r and se: at l'owe-•-e" roars et ex< laieer.
at 44400 oni upwards received. Interest coiu
Itey. and rediett prineleal Jure Zrzlt mad Deetenber
t'dau.; current ratts, iatvre-t attar:v*4,
rade ta f."1"nelrs.star4 c'e-ectes an 1 late:mess inert n
e.tr Ter Vora. 0.47e/7 item:,
n Soliulfors„ N. D. litURDON, mfialgtgar.
/.elc.sed aVe
offer a word in (let hi-
zalsbu onfloed
,r a 'frenzied appeal to 1t p
vote and -rote right. „••Itte
;1011:'4on a the 'firststag,
afl ling neithee edifyinrr,
a raimons to tito etvani rv.
Alorli 1 904-
8 10 17
4 11 1S 2
5 12 r,1
0 13 20 27
11 2 2s ot•U8' J
2.9 tor ui
' s
1 8
A .11L 2:3t ,
e‘111 .
102.1 or, tha rosohallon i -faring
&deploreof '.lite ant•.:tal.?d, f; t lnd
Tritrelt l`tecific eentraet. Th., --,;•v•trn-
forete. --I tit-.
l, 1:111.1• and, Ali, . -the raevthat at , on I an never ?catboat it. 1 lava
...r.43 lao riesshin or parlia.,..,,,,.....; ., .1 found •N'arvilino %atati Tor siO:k 111.1.1.:1 -
La w.. nzr-,e5r, ,,, • . -
. 44.113 and era areachl Irrouhlts, and re.
declared ovary ploviAlon wIptil out, tty . toinmenti. it Tor istx‘ingtli and sure-
. :tin art tv• centrael. air be in t ler fir4- Wes." Excellent' for inward use-tar/A
ferteste ier f,b,,e, colintry. and the 13,0.0a 1 to rub on. Prie.c 2e.
Thert,s. were 116 Liberalz in. the i
Rau:* avit.1,ni ,the di.`tision was '',".•tk'2it, i 'aA.VE RECEPTION TO REV
it. la a re,gretI;eAlo .Ltae,t, . it:17f ',, RAMSAY
s t ,ion was und.r dirt- ',; -,•••*-t...i-
in0z 313ir of 11,0E3 ,,,,..b.„, .....,A...,..1 ..'i 1KNox .c111'11C1.1 .CONGREGA,TION
00,000 or t)io, public Dial 3 i A is_PRECIA,TE no:con CON-
rouria a o iii„. px.,,,sclat uu,i 4 ,...1141.! FERREL, ON THEIR PASTOR
,Aart...rwation tuel 1., th.e, wit5don., cir 4...n.. L VIE: are pleased to publish ha fol.-
-lug firmat the, Ottawa Citizen,
." 'cb will be read -with interest by
many per.sonal friendsitere or Dr. and .
Mrs. Ramsay.
Re'v. Dr., anti Mrs. Ramsay were
tha gue,r.ts of honor /ast night at
reception held in the lecture roam
of linex church.
..:.t- tio escon.ar 1ily..2. z o raise an ire, Thz 'congregation: ,iurntsd outen-
rrui4sa Lo tpay 1,11617: respects to their
raense telertion farle and the men lee-
k hind birta rest:onded. lot until t 'tee , much :esteemed 'feaster and his wife.
stage:a ,of :the deJeate w,t•ro -the The eireunsla,nces c<1 the occas10
was .that,th,e degree pf D.D. has re-
:tornent< -forced" -to- -admitetionet - .
Iner,_ 14.;-1 e one eelled in f arm 1 , i en oantle- been conferred upon Mr. Ram-
. wihlth. f3hows that tlee. centre, ..tt -t.:4 say by I•Znox Cole, Toronto,- ,ind
' !pleidered, ;to pay ;Oh,t, cf t,he tratsary the alen's Association and Ladiee'Ard
' feel the Grand Trunk millions of dol. Society d:eterra,ined upon making' it
) *
Jars additional in spot cash.. neeruerablei as was evidenced lest
I The ruinisterefof Bail -ways was shut nAght. Ali ithe minsters from the
PrreiSt6ertr.*rmn churches were 'invi Led
to be present. ,Mr. Geo, Has, sr., was
chairman :of the evening. The Revs.
Dr. Mattre, Dr. Areastrortg arid Dr
Heroiclge Warethe
r m
Dr. Ramsay aseaspres:ented with the
, <speakers.
hood., which he is now entitled to
wear, wiaich ,is very handsome awl is
of 'black, lined iwitlopurrele. Mrs. p.
I M.. Northrup, the ft/1st --vice-prersident
oil! the Ladies' Society, was selected to
pie the head on At Cho Learae time.
is. Ra nesay was presented with a
beautiful Jooequet or roses by. -bliss
S ta lk a r, 't reareu 1,e, I: 0.E' 1.1.1 a f.E.adiOS' SO.
De. .Romsay replied, Ola 'bell'afl of
Mia. Ramsay and himself. The coll-
o re.„tiula don,s of: theernembers' of the
Youreg- l\lan'e Clarlystirin Associii lion
were couvred t o LJa doctor by the
k-Ljcs,eLa,ry, ;dlr. P. 1I. Farrell.
'.i.ita leceptiou c oniutit Lee W a 8 :M,rs.
Hiram Rubinson, tMrs, Hugli iLlas.,
eon. and Ma's. El ugh St a llrer, by 'wheel
all Lha guests were received. T h ere
were about 1 h re e\ hundred parsons
tyr oli.ant , :of, ,vatUlll a Lair tierce rt. i.: a 2,1)
were men, I -iota young' and old, testi.
;fying It e; e her ‘g, acid, 'efts. p Ulm of' an or -
ganiali I li-,',•11 such as 11.1; i‘len's A 55C,Oid-
'111.c:T1.; C1144
attup..N and stemacb pub* estv.a 4:14-
e Nerviline eels promptly and
very Itteasm,nt to take. 3. think
rviline is, the fittest renaudy hlila
rriiL dor cello and 'Cramps" writ es
;I, Wileu, 1Cltdoslo. "'When 1
tleef•Ncrviline Ir,riertv1t prairtg
reltertc quickly and for 1..112T
gaging Canado in tlds gigante prese
entatien ta t ralloytey tompeny to
ozialusion of tir; 'fitereoloinItl
recorded their vote's [..e. tie
t, of the nerte whip. Teey
eared not a jot for the propriety of
'the ea1. :Tht•ir leader has ere:a:zed
If your blood is thin and im-
pure, you are miserable all the
time, It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes, You certainly know
Sarsa tarn!
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine.
owe my lira, without doubt, to A-, er';
atsaparala. It 53 the 11.4(St Wonderfnl mod:- v.,
-world for nerVOItYrey8.. Iycurcis k
peremn t, /uu 5 can et, th ant: 4, cat enough.' y
ME!, DELIA. L%CGWaLL, Newal It, N.. J.
00- beEtie. 00.1
57(774 r reav-..,---zt,atee=m4en,
IA delightful Lrb of so rigs, b IIenr erSeu7 Mcoot
iVedogUs tbf:-145A,fiarouParIlla- Or's 'Pins 'each oletiecl'llte. Onairte,
rawhinh n
(ism(' Pan - I was re.,
ti•oe-ftly attt . 1 '
e for Lang-leellareel
r Next" iSerpretribere [
,INts.rth 1r1h. St,ratfor:1", 10 a. In.
O1TH ` E
at Bcebrd0
Sault Ste, 7.i.lar:.•, el Sattali SI.- ilLiii.oS
...,VInsktica. raige, 11. 111.
I i II r
'It:' -y, Sel4illlaba-• a.
T.acoact..r. ',,..--z,?.T.,.?.0.1b.?,r ft.
''8,me Turesday. September 13.
1C4.1)1,y, ,\`„it OWen Sctinid,, i2,
TU,Z7 .S.optelabcr, la.
ri -,1:ert?, at 4 N%-,,,,i-ntark..t, 11 a
' T t.i"O*Io‘b,:'r
tre 1tl8 t Waiteerivn late
treesdaje... leer tla, .
:Ne 1 ,1orr01 itapv0, 1
Tt-34d ptozb 7.
NOrib, 11.1enfretv$ at rezatirel“,„ 10
;.Vatiaria.y, ,lektonber ;
Thew are the darters ',and 'f/1// t1
tue,.120,n iporttpouckl triaii or
...t•tection pet/dens will:W.
•*tied 100E.4.0' W. RfAssdo
tniatepct anot=r, 0.4%.).0n,eit tb.,4
ure Swirl 'Th-) ordinary oZkr
9 D
1: -.thus i men-
• t 1r i tzjt we ;should live to
o'er n 'Vvd V(' but •there. are
uci" man.te1 nt uryy 10$111C„
srreet gevity would
weuld not g.n
leldten 1 d oni. That tar..
get.s plenty QC abuse, and Is
rvog. cf a <enrimt-it Ls the
iner 11Oi1)1, •of luest 1ti1111111111.4', ani
1.11s Sate Itira a tentien whlnit•y-
14$- or siekruss appears. If au
v s emach can ba kept working
ottre. 9r a riwanit
o t age, comp, t ra t
y-1401 hurdeni. Tbd
new dit%envery, ANTI -PILL the
System Treatment, has a gcand
effect in, helping .chl and 11.,re.onged
.Aity aged pertS011
ailli117_".;4 WaS011.41yle CO,
NangotoraTIS, Our . will get a fre.4
trial bottle; by tereenrn math
in newspaper man, •tvito ha's
the rAputaiLion nff tains Ta:ther
Rent ten oeCasional attereiditd, , a func-
tion an Waollinz, ton recently where the
s:k nown 'to 'b clever, at rte-
potrae, Whu ilia journalist -he'vtas
entitled TO be collet" a journalist,b.:.
etee.,4e. lie ba d re„eched hat stagin
111,s career where, when he goes to
interview a. great men, he ,ctriain the,
Interview what hetsaid to the man
r et'iter limn what t he man steid to
hint -when this journalist was. about
tot take his leave he went to .the
hostess 'to say.' good -night.
Refers. Ito could texpress 1 he pleas-
ure Isfhicla, the evening had afacrelf,td
bin, tbe bcatess said:
-Neu- don't say anything conventi-
crud. I am. tired of idatitudes."
-1 won't.," he replied. "rn :say
a:ad a ---'cad
"rm---glad of it," replied, the hasl-
1; Dr. ale.raiitoros rills of Mandrake
and Butternut, which relieves consti-
pation, headache arta liver complaint
in a :few liners. Very mild % yet car-
t -Art. 1s anLy Dr. alamilton'S
Prier: 25c.
Mr, R. L. Borden, the leader afthe
Cen)3ervative party; ilas laid down a
transportation policy which rneants
ic ;the people ,of Onnrid?,x. Ja
has declared emphatically in fatter of
tho :extension of the Intereoloniai
Railway: to Georgian rflay, the North
wrest. 'Territories and 'the .Pattfic Oe
ean, but in doing, so he has
independent and com-
petent adsiies from t:ranisportation.
parts shall govern tbe•action or the
Ctons.eretteative party in carrying ,out
trlik, ;great work. He provides for
tJidcvelctmeuL of every link in the
grast traiisjx,rtatiou chain.
Ancient Foe
To health and happiness is Scrofula -
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the neck, dis-
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resiatance to disease end_ the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con-
"Ty7o el tny children had scrofula sores
Tvhiell kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to school for throe 'Months.
Ointments and medicines did no good until
I began gjving then: Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This mediclne caossci tis sores to heal, and
the children ba: -e sllown no signs of scrof-
ula since." 3, W..•1,10C;u\is, Woodstock, Ont.
nood s Sarsapartila
a -ill rid you of it, radically and per-
an:neatly, as it has rid thousands,
lit nws or interet tQ
s RtaalJers jaappiming
iu leele Counties.
Molsoa flank at, linton b oet
<1 into titair new truartere
.r51. 'W. Colwell hes ;sold out the
Teeeswater Newe: to Mr. A, 'D. :Me.
•'Kenzie, of QuIrces,
. Charles :McKinnon, of LT:know
hi,reicelved * the alamintment or
bresical master in the Clinton Ool-
legktte institute.
Urs. Aun Late
Nt$ as. Taylor. taC Clinton., an nItI ;and
„..etO1 resident or Clint= pt,ssed
Le • er $1Ital re.Ward an Pri "day
led week, afr.er only it few (bye
less a orounlowa,
i1-. ttarcareot ellamm wiso
untkrwut 2 4a.rgica1 operation, -
eno in his Mg toe, Illna 41000
lug the Psame. an hopes of was
liFe in slant ing':off :the
not czepecred to recover,
f you ogee try•Carter's
er fen' sieleheadache, bliliousness,
tipation, you will never be with
ro. .They• are purely,vegetab-
: small emit., any to take. Don't or
11111sVi. (3olwell, or Ilona:III, whil.t
using a to ladderr was thrcwu viol-
ently to eta floor, liesides
1.1istit:4 dirt0r4n11. parts /of, the body
em, or thz, Imp.% o ber n1ki apioats
LO have be•ml. brolon. It wilt hematite
tinle berOre, ),Ile will 1)4 'to go
a r Otani again.
At Lmeoting.or 1„le• Lx,...eartAva of
the South Huron rartnens' institute
held ot Rensall, on April 70e, 'it was
dee id,ed 1 ahold, ane xour.ston O Guelph
ott 4,11,e 11thor june: next, of which
Dandier onstiee will be givem in due
:time, aet to rates end other neteesst•
ury InfOryttnti011•
The dop. bsbiL is being acquired
by .thtresa lids ot CanadienS 'through
using so:palled cures for Catarrh:
,pottlainterganexoessiye araouut o.f
alcohol and' oth.411.r.daltigerotts
Daetonsi eitelm there is only one safe
nd, por:letin date tor catarrh -if MG" -
ant healing Cularrho2one which cur
p3,- medical vapor that is breath-
ed direct to Lim seat or the disease.
Tit balsauxic vapar of Caitarrhozone
kith; the. "germs, theals sore spots,
11-toppe droppirer- in tire throat, kneps•
ili;no.a eleen and per ter try soVadi.
rates every trace et Catarrh from
the system. Cetterrhozone can't:Tail;
it's guaranteed. '1'wt; months' t neat -
mem, •a1.00; trial tin 25e.
• Pertte
The Horse Shoe Quarry eo.. St. Mar-
ys, havea contract to supply St r it
rant Council with sone.,‘
Th.:, Peter MeLeughlin farm. near
ht. Rao Tavern has been sold to David
McLennen,,of Fullardon for $54000..
Will be found an ,etteellent reemedy
far sick headache. Carter's Little Li-
ver Pills. Thousands of letters front
people :who have used them testiZy to
this fact. Try them.,
Mr. 'George Dcdesoni of Str;)tf.ora
who Travels for. a aTorotrito„.s.ltee firm,
is saidto be quarantine -4 at S,irat-
fcril wit smallpox.
James tivingsteme, who, at. one
time lived int lot 11, con,. 2, Fonoir-
trn, died at Langley Prairie, B. C.,
on -March 28ih
The marriagetf MI, tee Lila E. E
Carrie, daughter of John Gerrie of
Stratfcrd, to tar. Nor:rai 7. .13abb,
j rerfeler, t colt pla ca. in St rat ford April
If sick hea d <mite, is misery, what are
Carter's fill:Lie liivar Pills if they
will positively cure i Peopla who
have used them . sp.2ak Er'ankly of
their a-orth. They ;; re small and easy
Mr. \I. Sperling of Fullerton has
frurchtised tho ty-acro 1 tem owned
by C. I-Tyda„ar AnderSon, Hyde;
bought a farm near Thorn -
where' he itetends movinit in a
[sit art ti ill a .
:ir Frd of lL St ra t ford
W 001 Si ocIr. Mills was caught in the
bs;1:1 ins' ar a I7.hmfi: that ILO '11,(11$
and whirittri round the :shaft. ele
fraetured on& arlo and Cliniocated the
c.ther •
Mrs.. 'Helene li
of1 isa )a ITnytV,...5. of blast NI -
sudden:1,v on the ',F. rte. r rt 0 on
Lai 1W ed neer y, April ,I 3 I. h
wart caursad teem heart failure. 1 AL
supeer• tinie .she 'W-111 etanding ily the
'stove making. orr<Lngernents for the
when she soridenlY foil down
One 'of St. ..11.ta rys' popular young
ladia 1 1Va married [on A.frril 11.41111),
at the residence a tar pArents>, NV1121.1
1..Lis.s Mabel T. Wjelb* worth became the
pride to.8 3Ir. Albert E. Yonng of St.
Catharines. The ceremony took
piece at one o'clock in the pres-mce
of the imxnedia,te, friends and rela-
tives, The bride Waki Ulla,tt2,20430,
vr, by littip 010,40 Kerr,. wh.0l made
a pre ty £lorwteirir1 njidLe later
Teddy Willi,aro,son anted an Pa'Sle•
1\li)...is Whit Worth` has been a ,valued
mem bar" of tthe U.Stlintli.sit choir and
. .
en active helper in EirenortbeLenente
and sethor, work. Mr. Young former-
ly -resided here and was in the em-
playt;OD .T. T, !Garner. Sore's) three.
YOatts^ ago he went to St. Catharines,
etd,herle° he; teMpleyeel by :tlae Mar.
Laren.firra in their furnituradepart-
• ,ntent. Ile WgiSl EatT aetive ohnrob
=alter And very .well liked in .towo,
Tbe young couple were the recipients
of many usiful and valualbler gifts
from thel r manyy friends, ?X' -o their
new tome ttierr carry with thens the
best wishes of '1,beir many frientlsr•for
a long and balmy married lite,
011) (.ET UL 1IRE,1,/)
At; litts sewasea tiredru)SS
r...ven upon the lienitikr • 4WI
rang. If not feeling well you
should build up got trtor;o blood ino
7011r Tein.s, itterMs:4 your ),itou;) °V
nerve energy. What you, need
Ls that rtebtnidor and tunic 1,e'err0zono
Iselattl c011ta10:3
lements eccur sAiem treedii. eerro,,
zotta :makes Ihksh oerva anti muscle:
vices. yon ame,11.1e, 11-1111ndaat euertzy.
het:Sant tspirlts-dn short Fe,rrosono
assures 'health awl costs 50e. of .til
druggists. Get Verecqone to -day,
Line:* written tr,pen. Ale death 44'
4M.$011, WIttit died on Arril 11
' fwas no. w;t1.;
4)' isa'erecir wine -or friends that tv;
Bet buSied with her household earc,•s.
Ged's finger tonelatel ber anti eke
OtiPt •
A flegiLt. worau, ant
w sswiv.
breta th
Vet in iter casket
fanile serene
1,t :quite shoubt dr
too by a
• vi'et
I r*
ivine may gam
var ‘i'n and ‘itatli.
The lereared onas, grea
ated tLe kind ttesietenea et
ends and naighbors, and .wish
their r t -felt grat itude.
atee- tender 11LV - thanks' to tibri
who so kindly esslsted my •
eind nly sympa thy t o t base who
m turn.
Mutilated Coi
Prete the ut I y Plea i rte. a re rn vett a -4
c 'whether or nut it le: an ai'llern
l'Ortinst the law to pass nuttilattel,
coins. ,1" Maead coinstis nor
an "indictable rffenete" if weight. hat
t been 1e4s.une.1; but section .170
01 iso 'criminal ode pro,vidpis Usa 1,
anyone utter -Mg
any names ,or words have. been
tillarnpod ;is guilty of an offiene, and
liable :onsummary conviction, to a
penalty not exeeerliMg .••110."
•.1).ff:sett:dim:es undier this seeltion It'am
be ettraxaeneed without, • leave of the
kriearne r -General, Ut teKng coin
the weight or which lbas been Lessen-
ed by mutilation" an indictable of-
fence tpunishablo with three years' in
prisonment. SlseLioo 470 of the code
dh)scribes the .offerioe"ulters as
ing .current, any gold or silver coin ,
011 less4than its lawful waight,
n' isnah coins to <have been
ed, 'diminished or lightened, other -
Miss Rose Peterson, Secre-
tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi-
cago, from experience advises all
young girls who have pains and
sickness peculiar to their sex, to
use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound.
How many beautiful young girls de-
velop into worn'listless and hopeless
women, simply loccause sufficient atten-
tion has not been paid to their physical
development. No woman is exempt
frona physical weakness and periodic
pain, and young girls just budding into
womanhood should be carefully guided
physically as well as morally. Another
Bliss Tifqatnala E. Mershon, Col-
lingswood, says:
"I thought I would write and tell
you that, by following your kind ad-
vice, I feel like a new person. I was
always thin and delicate, and so weak
that I could hardly do anything. Men.
struation was irregular.
"I tried a bottle of your 'Vegetable
Compouni3 and began to feel better
right away. I continued its use, and
am now well and strong, and men-
struate regularly. 1 cannot say enough
for what your medicine did for me."
—$5000 forfeit if original of aboue latterploving
genuineness cannel be ooduceth
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will cure any woman
In the /and 'who suffers from
womb troubleS, inflammation of
the ovaries, and kidneytroubles.
74:1u0. You -flaw Always Bought, and which bas been
la use for over 00 years, bas borne the signature or
lral. has been made undez his per-
VA'r*-211-4_, ,sonalsupervision Since its infancy.
.4:11011TX1.0 one to deceive you in this.
InOtations and "Just -as -good" are NO
5sorhsents that trine with and enelnuf,',7er the health or
Infants and Citildwn-Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
r.;otie, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is rleasant, It
et)-1;t:tizto. neithei.• Opium, Morphine 'nor other Narcotic
"L•4 14. its guamatee. It destroys Worn*
risdalhays rovori;b71.eqs. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind,
rcdieve,-; r..47...-"ething Troubles, cures Constipation
;..110. Flatulencyit assimilates the Food, regulates the
btu:mot-b. mad Bowe13, giving healthy ancl natural sleep•.,
Tito Children'S INItttl•nerte-TiNt Friend.
rs the Signature of
The Kinc. ave Always Bought
Use For Over 30 Years.
oza C ANY. ar L1UIijLI,Y CTflCCT,iigtYy0st 0T5,
The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the ola-
fashioned qpit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other cook ng
apparatus invented.
In the olden days tbe spit had to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast
cooked. It is much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The beat of the
oven is greatest on the fire side -roasts, bread, pies, mkes, etc,, bave to be
turned. atkd twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac-
tory coolting-good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction of the
Imperial Oxford
draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -beats it and diffuses it evenly over the
oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniforndy-back, front and sides
are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light,
dainty pastry, evenly raised bread -successful cooking. •
When you buy eto Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years'
thought and exile:it:nee in scientific construction of cooking apparatus.
The Gurney 'Foundry Co., Limited
'Toronto, Canada
i Montreal Wisartlped VSICIC ouver 2
Sold by T. 11,-VVVKII;,'S (35 SON, Ex(.tor.
Patients will bear of
something to their ad-
vantage by writing to
The Diabetic insti=
tute, St- Dunstan's;
Hill, London, E. C
everse than, ,by la tv,Cul wear." Tim cif., 1 making a steong .rt•gfor to interest'
Ler .of a; coin though ti be refused is the. Met thoditstel ;in the City and Pro -
held to complete the offence of utter- .s..inet, ,151
,the idea.•
iNlayor 'Ilrquittar, ft," .c/f T °rant o, waid
.1.114,L isa nonsid;ered. .11.e rising 0.r in-
.Gurancer rates hasty and unjustable.
Cuba has concluded, an extraditianal
a'rir,aaeCorant0 ',for 'the er,eetion of 1.11
anillion dollar hotel at Havanna: Ou,ba,.
Otwtngi ,Oet dna strike of The Hun-
g,arian Government railways, Emper-
or Prances JoSeph-Oaa.s ale-ea:atoned his
propasede visit to Buda -,Pesth.
.T.bi..!„ 'grand T.runk-. Pacific bill; will
t a ke. precedence over all other G ov-
ar ement business in .be Ilteise
Commons next: Ivrteele, .and until dis-
A deputatioal, of tine telegraph oper
a toris o3 ifhe 1.0. B. [aro :in Ottawa;
Nei'ce erre campipeilit'pre;sident 'of 'the
union, ,to) ,mefeit Hon. I -I. R. Vininero.n
and ask for an increase in paly.
"All is gale at.,the e.sali of war to-
day," is. the report sent from' S't.
PeUenslaurgi' recently which is greaty
affected by the lass 'of a score trior),
AnteSi,a,T1 lire,S. by bia eivpl'osion of in -
ether \mine 0 t l'ort Arthur.
„,, . „
!„.neriii, lc) a pr(rpriSti tOJra n: OD L L (1
tarl: ,a Me,t1tedist Hospital in Toronto
'file aria•t.teir has brien .braaelied be
The. niutiook , for, ma Le,rial
from 't Ite" present agitation is brig'll t-
er, 'The Christian Guardian has taken
a 'firm igtand in the;eso t,tor, and is
A Montreal wirc,. gives credence' to.
tha report that the;IVfackay ,Cora -
parties and the American Telephone
and 'Telegraph Company are Lo be am
aigarma..ted. with; 'a capital 'oil5',200,--
000,000. The ,Gcrarcr controls the Oons
painy. an dttlie 'altter holds a. bj in,.
teresi in the 13e11 Telephone Com.
ponyof Canada.
Jermes 33-ertrenn, private, no capq,a.ry
to tAntinsw Carnegie, was recently
married in New York' to Miss Nettie •
:Owing, !yetungestl: dough herr )1/1irs.
G.eorge Ewing, of Searth, a eating
Ganadip.n lady wh'et has rowan a 'rtelsti-
dent .o.t New York for some years.
The maltreat:5re -c,ause,d :some seir -
among friends,' of ,both ,parties. The
happy couple have left for Skibo, Mr.
Cernegie's co.s,tle in Solodland,
" -2.1r1
'Jo begin 1ttit int es or F.„Iertliatal
Gourt,..1', Y 0 call ili.t r_4et (11 011g)1
1411111ml Qti1, 11he call upon vs
to I
de help Cita place 25t more
nlon 5 1 it ergo 01. iy
'0 serf. Ncw
11 0.1 ' rite
r • .t,n't,e,
I 71±551,