HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 3nrtroorreorrerwm.ser ti:)‹-eiseeK'‹4‹ e A w ✓ Or, Kinship Be v Ay ✓ Horse w -ITI&PTER KW. tween flan and Tho next morning Rate felt terribly and all movement was attended with sixth extreme pain that she could scarcely turn roond in bed, and con- sequently, Foritly against her will. was obliged to remain quietly there fer the whcsie of that day, a proceed- ing she asest highly clisappro•ed of, and one whieee nothing but eheer ne- cessity induced her reluctantly to sub- mit to. At about ten o'clock Colonel Choker mid Orr. Metirath had ridden up to Sport Lodge. on their way out to covert, In Order to inspire after of thie forthcoming Kate's request, had gone down to the °WY on 4Ce°14t S>ek-ItO,SiaiMeDnat3W* nerable. I verily believe I Should pack up there and then, aod hide my diminished head abroad for the re- mainder ot the see.son," She paused, as if contemplating the cataetrophe conjured up by her lively imagina- tion.. "Nonsense, Kate," said Mary ea- coura.giagly. "You aro no more like- ly to disgrace yourself than anybod,y e.,, elee—not eo likely I should say. la ,itolging from the VariOUS repreFenta- tilnAtait,a tives of female horsemonship I have beheld lateiy. however, since your self-confidence appeare so defieient. . . 1 why don't you get a man litre Colonel Clinker for instance to coaOh you ieed, before plecing on, benches ene . , , up a bit? Your determination to free from all foreign matter, Ile ride boiner, beflexible, it is my elotY 1 white glass :mod gives bsst results, . to give you, good acheice Ile kuowa 1 Ordinary drain tile 6 inches In ilia - ail about horse-raeing, mid doubtless r ehoold be split lengthwise and could impart many valoable birds." 1 id open side up in a continuous line 'Perhape so, but all the sante /from one end a the beech to the otbe pain in her chest, took up a posi on the drawing -room sofa. j "There, More', that's decidedly bet- ter!" ehe said, as soon as eie was relies' established. "Rut oh dear! how my bones exile! Just es if I had been thrashed soundly Owe head to foot," 1 "You OeServe a good wbipping for 'your inprudeow in getting up. now - ever. I suppose `a wilful woman maim have her way.' "Gf course she must, and notim 'frequently it turns out to he the right way. Besides. you know. most. lc t d t well if the invalid, and Mary Whitbread, at P°sitivebr 143 e las e *Oliesereellea**goirew*s8.- • FOR FARpIER able that the apple eeab and the pink mold, so serieus eti weetern New York in 1 902, wad the bitter rot, do not sPreod after the fruit is cooled flood; PERSON.AL POINTERS. Notes 01 Intereed .but Sem Prom' eat People, 3') degrees in the storage room, The Prince ofUlWales enjoys one pri- to e $eaeonable and Profitable while "me of the molds which eanse vilege from which his Majesty is the fruit to rot, grow slowly and ,,ow debarred, So loeg as his Roy - flints ttn* thc Busy Tillers _dread in the cool temperature, al joighness remains prince of wales or the Soli• „ It has been our observatioe that he may take a seat In the gallery of 'ereeetOreeKeeeteeeelerolee-leaeleess000dese in a large majority of cases, serious the mese ei caannens and ilear the rotting of apples. in reel(' storage eau debates. erbe King is not supoonel 2 0, TESTING VAltAf SEEDS, be attributed to the spread of the to do so. ginenhovee is avellable seeds lays between, the orchedd and the, A preole betonos tc disease in the barrel daririg the de- cal). be tested, in, it with taut little storage house. It is proboble also riferyoress York, Engler, trouble. Fine sand should he used in thot the rotting, in the storag. e se= hoiaeNmeoitehael epitisetnoxne.„LItdyid, 1:11;ieefor!ofe. greenhouse tests, It shgAdd be etern- is most serous within shor, tiae -c J;• after the fruit is stored, end before name for the rest Of her toe. becomes thoroughly cooled. Sore ay rbYdoe runs:— , er those lots of elegies that have been obused within a month after their ar- rival at the storoge 'home in order to remove the decayed speeiniens end prevent the spread from apple to op - would not ask him for worles." ee. The rounded eides can Lie set ed im- to 1 11 le . o ey s„il ., . pie of disease$ that sully grow in th "You ueed oot ask hini, Be may rni sand''' " ' cola temperature. probably ahfer to help you a his Own 1.)'ae.e• ' . nor niators, nor eshos. One line of sach open tile ;should be laid for every knot in Widtb Aside from the rots the scold is ' ce accord. It struek me the other night the enost, serioos trouble that rep- olalY' Pleasure is reosie. Like the at 'fi•s. loorrester's lie was on the of the beech- Fill the tile with cle,ian, pears in the storage bonen. Applo Canon leidclon, and like Mr. Alger r verge of melting eoroo proposition oonr40 gravel* level Pall* 0 -Id etnesi 44' Kahl is probably caused by a feint Swuroe, be is very ionc.1 91 c r. the cello of the :end can roe more withstend tbe tome when Yon enubbee him as ueual." iwildie PiOe uPright at eech end of the mest tilat oasis line resting on the gravel. CoVer — '1* tatiOn to str fee etre.- e -t, then can 'Idie mayor is a lord for a a day. But his wife Is a lade"' for aye. . Johnidgerley neither red RUBSIAT TM, SONETEING ABORT rrs QUS ifrAc.,RANTR.2., Dessripfeon of Service in Ilse Cathedral of St. Sastiouesr l'tloscove, It was drawing near to seoset t on a ;Saturday afternooli, and etin----a larger owl rei-hier ver we see in Eng-Mod—was o g ewiftly dolrn towards the nOw '05 to the west. of Moscow, ites correspoodene of au Feaelleb wefeeper. Tie lend Sr`"5 very quiet as t,t. 141d nrllSt be that .1:6 covered with ▪ CI-411.0‘.02tr$g Sat OS the ;Nee red siin fell below the sea of awe turned it an to rucloiactse. peal from all the forty epics of the towo of on thoueeade oned ely Chard?.al , WAS •Call weekly SOur'S cl sild leave them reee L;P meets -deed for the nastily Od it seiglit be decision the mot -roves sadm.tb, 1N TW CA,TITEDItieTer. as1ng from the Kremlin. the esp.- of c "ed and painted ehorelise. "widen, own to the great Crithede f St. viouref, to nhieli rem". -.rtinoiag eleighs. were move their weekly bleesing aznl e suriving. st • t "Why do you aey as „usual, M.Ary?" "with Id at least p„, inches de fruit- All varieties are not equally o . a some women pees a strange baby. hall -door and given them the latest ste8-I - • . "Becanee I don't thine; pearl) par-oi - hi 4 14" noseePtible. Feed the trouble aPPeare particulars. 'terribly' •out er comlition. pet - itrrhe• zoolstore for t 6 bed IS then Ocularly' eivol You talk as on* lnek ettiu lee • • " only 'when the fraitt OP,Oroaches the 1 1,,orO nipor; is a formidable rival t a - water into the -, - - - my , g g d up edestlY when. thad some eore of spite against hira• liwhole tile, whereupon it will nuietslY as more moor to appear if the fruit 8 dairymen. At Studley floYal he 7446 good night upon the Nvhole?" asked A. . _.,.i s ,.,. , .. v., . terem• n ag . ,noon r•od you haPPele to gee ow "•°!tde and be absorbed by the sand- -.1"hd before le es stored, In the practical Eagland, to which many of the neieh'llh" 1 Colonel Clirikee, with no little inter- -.Kate, down you thank i+. would te ssbi,t, 1 can see no reason sehY You 'seed sbould pot. be eaturatoth hus • - • - est. 'Iron say she'e progressiog?" g • -. for vou to s es-- r their intik to be '841)Plield bY Tigur n8e end ot ide btstory. The scald Lord Rayleigh as ala ariStoeratie "Sct. Mis's 13rewser Passe81 4 InirlY I want to do a tionase•nd-andeente tiffs liereeesee, ;t "" e°48es bere this aiter*Idieern tbrough the grad'el 111 °Pen' ripens quielvly after it is picked anti 1),ertee/r.e the best equiriped eloire- do de di db, ea she • ,art exec est oppertuniey , nbeesd pot s2ek a litAle AsSiStance handhing of the apo clop the 4boring fa mere take. Is de *I out of this $aid eteepleelmee at- from one SO vain etent to advise." + The seed shen/d ianteo or; rews.1 cePtibilitY to seeld.refY re4144:" converted into bntter fIn'°9?: and ob.letoteeorteadillatr tteloneireroutiXtultuareves.ileg it;d4.tS.ther? . I bate.tbe ides' .°1 $8.'8ur bet "Puttered ae.zg.gizet berf„rinlr small label site. Tin r.ivora to a minimum, Poste by growing, the produce of tbe dairy is co/le-eyed the fruit to Maturity ond with good by VOrtS tO hIS eliope ia leeede 4104 'cave with tbe eseiteee, iquielc*eet Possible tinia ertra.pticilvingniri one ot 4,jpou 410,eanlr.ds fevorit "Yee if I evaded excueve. which iolosiou you thia. Ito •ss,iu come, t4,, germ down, She IS never Quo to give in. Tr oaa knew her OS Well as 1 do You'd say the eaine thing." poseeesing that privilege. I can fulls* endorse the statement. Miss Breweer has marvellous courage. ether Will you be so good ee to tell her benstle4w" The lelY ;ties -gown. felle berselt had oPeouloted light layer. otter the Scotto ere plant eallea. Miss Whitbread, and hope timiug It °I. 4;e8-eulr taking Put ln 88" rave such an event. boidag he might ,ed. ond the seeds removed. ;hen in it. and erleir f011 Vali. be coolog r,N.-t, sr. poor-gon, utt. s n on written 10 lead Pelle nr'e" t i it i tho apatoa meeitee.'" being bothered for niaro? llut what seeds should be puebed tile send. i eh.r 1 do.,v?" Slie looked favaY as '7:111) the cant'. The, small sente sea te ..t„ re .. ' i j6 61" 4 frightl881-'spoke, pretendiog to Ise busy Curling sewed an the surface. firnd sand a g es. oeelipations wheel she us stnusement8" urged the Plat Noel -4'141g' the ribbons oil her should be eprinkleo over the top in a 'andringhani. or any other of tli yal palaces IS that or arrengin IMES of ASBESTOS. (neuter ire the Tree at Chicago hes at- iver cetterftion to the lenni s148/ nn8 it" " ° ' 4 ' 8 Suddenly there began to sing. with., ebetiou . nobeetee. which has reeeived le9,;011454 1st flowerstirseeilits „ dendgsliltiteo Woetieble aunodrufuoirienucode afrrentn:bonioasaba:r:er Itel:v.:110Itset e'lliniii":1;1':at* 4444:4.e,94:' 41;0,:tiin41:41, :to:74:1:40111::::4"Ist:lia oof cloth 4ar paper. sn., 'woo regard this <WOW:Atop as a l'im tanSio, a Most anlaZixig Choir, WIAOSS ., ie. lilted tho enormous tepees a Itind of link between ! 'here la P. good store of II church whit notee thee minerols. and in eorrie re- i 1" r A V Canino at enter) V hen "dr 4 8 " ,SAMer 'Mae °royale whose arid attineal kingdoms. Spencer went i, not veva-veer itn • • • . . * • ,- , • oevirer WaS boreneeepun lied euddenter keen tivreee ;.4•11ver invitilli5otIc'crauldlli 111finatrlieltegl:enht*Ise roearg;:rs?rilgi(11111Y15.dilreelvtillal'Igs ' . 1 tiate, Y CEREM(INY. .'" rig of the choir evcoad choir. laimete ti743311, any mom, whether he comes or wlie-Abroad?' 'It is not death I fear„ bat life , 1 '11 did you? ITow very elegize OVOPoratiOn of neolsture. S, t this I 18r°°i ee°118. e8na" freza• 1°wer CATI- feetion. so ItOr. Speeeer called his •,' , Ike in eound and volleme. toolt sour. A prieet retiree wee. wed " temperatut*e not above h is st home boom long to dnd ber downstairs eilaisce?,1 in,,,,,y,,,,bolibood run cold., Iluntalg call, yet feigning Complete indiffercurs. ivprout.ed. ‘ again. COMO. Terry, 'we must, be off, "" "--•. ----o- surely' but the r81-41',;:. !Mary Wieltbeeed turned her quiet So saying the two friends bad rid "Ana' what 81° Y°81 41.1 l'unong.' -11 1 Pet vett sere mune of ; Verlr slotiPle apparaton den away together. iesoinq vary to au dear little ignoramus, but erOES- COnvel• to late sundry messages full °QueirY business? 11° Y°u ilnnine of condolence and empathy. eebich eVeneborly eticlre, to the gelesr that, 'young lady - • - - - "I know You don't, linte, for ono, . eomplacevey. I only wieb. von did, Then you t .. . ,- - ,noon? she repeated with coneoler- "T thought bed come " she rem rk °18141 ln°11 I t sa' 1°' this 'able YlvoeitY• . o - sv not be - g i b ' ell to ;Mary. TA1181.1e FARM" T or we ellen be late for the meet," eQuntrY business is 11114111°Y w°rse'• 8tiereri upon her aS she oneWeredoe 1,4 The them will walk up thla afternoon,'" in -touted for home testing ot It was Idato'S tura to $tare torrejsimpleet and most setts/ace:se* is he And why ehould you feel pretty sand Mote. Use An ordfnore' chino me or thew wm, walk tbis eftere telinner plate. filled with Sue sifted !genii. free front Ponr boiled water over the sand tine ehaliet80 V the Band, down into an even lied in 'It, is.fa ,the Note. Drain Off the eseees oe 'fibrous a alarming state," "I reou't see tbat it8e $o STry ter-- "BeeeillEe." and Mary blushed row • "Tie? Rho's lie?" "the hitter becouse, it you meet hig w be do indlea pi build - flowers VaS-F'S for the tAblies, t • • ss of the different apartments. In thie;wemen• ofike • 6111°P6141/1C iatter Tier Maiesto has ouite enceps 'Peasants side by etood • bowed, beagle before tbe glided altar. plied in eetoniehnient, oom colonel Tilde atter all." I happesed to meet Jr. Ora.. water by tiPPing plate for o few he Cliaer, I suppose you mean. Reap), "DO TOO remember Garabetta thia moraine' when I came out ands. owl Pialit doed germ Omni in auto.* -Yet light n8 thiStle'down when the doreeedio arTrnirs tif Inn eseteblielie Knien it is wonderful for you to sive,...istvcrbiriteuritiztinto,„orwur .tahtualt; * Rthe, „rim utona 14.rto over miebleileatollry otereulatat.tracolo;h000t pesoeleattetrec:rabacodnenloaltereirnilitveinntl. tiaTulise: I vlate' on the probable movements of xi you halipened to Wit Mr, tile first to prevent the too rapid 4`15'°3'"*' thin' he does not some being general.1 utilation* Veseo it you were' itetiter in a warm living rootii eral re, lade. It is round in norrow ceams, liousdireerfer Wridl ktaVf, tier direetione U. %Otte"' SO thdt dtheedi ly a, matter of supreme Inclifierenco to 4 * Sh d ie quiet Nate, or I move meds QS they sprout. le the about and, loch and a -arlarter In ,,thielerteree uometimea verticel to tronsler coelora anot the en. none mue. her ' • • "e of td ere•re sea haled or diefigured for life 'Owl one water can be added. your highness." t 11 'our fro t • . sand dries out before the ;et of teat sometime; horizontal in the 'Contain. tradoorenn. whos° rPc...41 'the ‘IP" ;;-414 411/11t' 111-4 tP "And pray did r say it Was other- e3re g81nget1 "" IN " '011l there s Moro to come. linquerat's. "And. Wise R.reatli." Sold ror the cheese dean like Wedge Of Your 3101A1 SeWileil in!. on ,Nvoir't tell Von another word." wise? 1 ohms:, remarked that 1 teeth destroyed. how would you there? trlo mho ,..., A. second method for home teeting is , ing 11- A.; it "n1e51fr°114 the rne/; it' the author of "Sytoloale plainee. ileves to eiselt olher cors - an apperu•anee, ,After all it wes Miro- coiered with water. Pans. entieers or and weaving .0 worth .1. owe oe • or 11„ 'were thing open. veld the e°88181 with dipriity. "revolted Part °I Of COUVPrSOtiall intlinated that it was stet., and lilottlios paper, 1 Colonel Clinker Nvould put in 1118° 188 sltrm F°urnelf °en?'" Is worth .,0t.1 a --- the long "he particuler that tlei fleet 'Wen specie t the golee.o ;loom of Grahame resinaled tin baSin. the bottom or whit% fibres, etripped ready for epinning P ' • oulterer sees you nivirar, „VOW' Ol'iletri the eenettiare Which typify the gates iftlies of saucer ehape • t the IL ton. 8 to the second ponlierer: lY a mere matter of forme --an aet of the niost ordinary CiN 'My." "I needn't shrew myself. etop at home. "You'd Wen tiro of that. SOUtude I not much in yoiw 1W." "Wen, them I'd purchose a new nose. AM eye, and 0. neW rOW Of way home with roe and in the coo "Certainly, Kate; only it struck me hia intention to honor us with re coll laid on the saucers. The 6 Or . IOUS ovation has just been tIbletllneura op einglinilii:fie:0girls near plillin oli ins pc ati I ill' iv e. 6 ttro tivv tn . orreto. tteeeiluren4,1Ittdontraintoilabandoued by °I.:;11t 1"213111P3 WA' til'''' Pr(14e' ell."'N1 triempore eta i tberriselvee three times, booing them- dec• not ill their 5i1ni40 Am -TY; turn from Poltaen. Win crowaing vie- s4vet1 tb(8 wbile' su81 theth tir°PP/a3g Many of them 060 having nith them tory over i'llarlea Md. of Swedes:. to their /Itees' grind r'Ith thAr hstr19 Om stock a linen, household and sin" then the uno,d,In rearnarrh !alert on their breaetre with o, arm PerSonal whiell fOrreS Part of their been ofdelany eatitr,`,,d tbe 'emperor. efinnegrfrrfaterliouluounrio,voefioe.nto tucislr :11....certitlzhe lowry. d'ho young men eontereolate seeds. In =turd practice the temper- moved towards the church, and eei- eyes admitted ho the 1 eiee. with AN l'ONTkirgiciTA;. rsorix, • ected the girls or their clioicc 'A Pr"is° that tboieth lie 'iv as 'Emperor It WaS wonderftd, it wan MO‘ing. It accordiugly as the seed's are 41131* or formal visit. to the parents to ar- he heti no sineedenee over the Kings almoat forced one to the belief thet aura recommendeS for tests is varied ! slow sproutteg eseds. roc slow range details was tben made in each of 'Western Europe. /slice a Srine could only Lo 4-neeted by 1 2 The geueral aitor.ion tbo ram. nuesia ns the "Cm" is. otrietly you began to display a little more tl I lateen on " placed between the folds of r „speaking. ineorrect. Ms onleiel title interest than usual in this fascinat- ICato looked at Mary with a min- cloth, and the top or the begin IS "Emperor and Autocrat." "Czar" ieg guardsman." teeth. Perhaps they 'might MP or- memos smile. **So Miss," she said, moll with a pane of gleee. Ithie test -he old Russian word for "lord" "YeAdre a donires. Memo mid oho feet an butrovement In lily Personal I attest is the reason why, although the er Is kept in n warm living room and n reply, though the tell-tale Wood aliptiarance. ,,, d e , , ,.1 morning was tirbziY and the roads wilt give 'satisfactory' results ir eee rivaled, to her cheeks. "I don't care .... "You ore ""gres;"nir. a''' 1461144 01" orie ma, or leant, you put on your best. trelnes of temperature and InOistnre 1 Wspenes about tho man, and. prob- *vela", will Y°88 Pr°8111" to give all ,bleete tin froelo Mary, there are are avoided. Record sups eau bo '--ably never ellen," ths steePleeh"°' ii °n1Y to oblige de ti f tf I I Id I beneath Placed with esell saillPie. p is o ar u neSa 1 ten nie?" „ 'eerie:etc paSeed MO -ore she doom se:ong to. sod a third via* t bleselog from the Throve vitilin the fiedos of heaven. 0 neuing ellenee thero wae The conversation dropped for the .1 Ifni I quiet exterior of yours which TEMPERATURE TO MISER:dee. y not? have you any par7;cit- th"t present, but Afary Netutbreeel, who in sou. wary. but 1 coln Remise what her little quiet weer was not devoid of you asido observation, took occasion to remark "Who although she wisely bold her peace, lar reason for innIsting?" -the introduction of that word "Pro- +Took,. would think 1 was edraido baby." She Was accustomed to the oyou do not generally show yoUr- 'nag. Vigorous denials, and formed' self so Sensitive to ine to at- Imithe °Inneen an t sad eoneluSion Posslblo tor ber on e°nelusi°uson the matter' ell that. Whose criticisms (19 Yoll Two dsys elapsed ---- - auy-thing partioolorly fear?. rivo at Is that these young men are taking piece, but b)r noon on c o goo; re. to :go defy eompreheusion. Virst you insist on going to church in spite of a old; eecondly, you profess to despise U.N rain; rind thirdly, you appear in your smartest clothes. though in an ordinary way you are an ecorsomical- ly disposed little person. The only Su- , 'teaming your head. Phi Mr. Oia-• . "No Ont‘N " saki she reddening in ' • e cloy, in spite of Mary's protestations, hm e ,, i • ' ir ne -; .1., , , iral:OO OPPrOVO 0; your best black silk, Kate suddenly announcee her given or was he so absorbed in tontempla- ham, e....A...,,,,,,,,,0,40aerse... oue s have and don't Weed to so tion of going downstairs vowinn• nod •‘4•Y "4"2`" * CI tion of the wearer as to be obvious of all such minor considerations?" "Kate! I never heard auerone talk declaring elle neither could nor would remain longer in her room. "You are Very foolish, Kate. You know the ddetor told. you to keep quiet," said Mary repeatedly, trying to dissuade Ler from such it step. course I'm bound to pretend I dont "And what if he did?" she retort- ed. 'Tin perfectly sia of molly- care inueli one way or the other about coddling, and the beet way to cure the result, I don't mind telling you in strieteet confidence I'd give any- one's self of stillness is to dote it, and walk about all the satne, There's thing for ICing (Nat to win. Wouldn't aothing, like volition in such cases. If it be Oirimie' MarY?" you cihtermine on doing a thing yoa oWell„ Kate, I really don't know, can eiretty nearly always do it. In- I suPPoSe it would be better than decision and weakness of character losing. lre has a, very good chance, are et the bottom. of two-thirds 01 has he not?" human failures." "Yes, according to Mrs. Forrester beck from it. Mary, my dear, don't worry me any loeger about the mat- ter, there's a good girl, Besides, to tell the truth, Pm looking forward to the Whole affair tremonduously; it will he great fun, and though of A.ccordingly, the young lady ar- rayed herself in an uncommonly pret- ty and highly becoming tea -gown suitable to the existing eireunestances, at eocquisite garment composed of pale gray satin, with cascades of dainty lace; and descending the stairs t oup-,h not without considerable floully, and a recurrence of that old OU The temperatino lot getininetton mat e„ ' • and at the et.Ni•ri...S. of "k . ° " r many WOLCCO down 1 in varies with 81111erealt varieties ar the serried rallies of beauty as they 1815 his r1411t to the 1 1""ital t''rur:thetr 1°P141e449' sprouting seed% such as bluegrass, liviefe In leer, Norte at the f 4 perode stirred by some strond rear- . . case, and a date fazed for tho cere-1 'There is ' I present -thee a man echo is said t Itind impulse, uplifted by emeee, go. at oats, wheat, etc., the temperature is el n • 0 -` • kept at 80 degrees for 12 hours, tend : have written 300 aovels. As, hottiov-inlea,le The strength of it, the beauty more rapid end *uniform. results. For le„rro, tiliser: 1,elku,..0s7isan.aar:mili:henditrldirsoilgrtaini: o. c; at, was i,,i0 overwbelming. the people, one was idled with doubt. noting temperature twins to induce author is not widely knows to fame. i I But. turning to scan the fac,,,Ft a 78 degrees for 12 hours. An alter - quick sprouting : merle, a temperature med Saelreleitelt. J uet now he has ,718re wer° st"I" fares snd tleva. of n degrees is kept constant during Wes weak fates and stroug, faces; the course. of the experiment. JAPANESE SIITP ).;:twr,s. Th view of the pericelle, discus:3w about the appropriato naming of • sr' it "s of interest to four novels running in as many n hilt, 310 t a _ace in wluch there showed any trace of a clean inward life. There were signs, signs and wonders, outward anti visible. signs of a wry striking kind. But, so far as I could see. aria So fur as could learn, no inevarti and spiritual lila. learn from Sir Edwin Arnold that pers, and tor all of there four he bas have only seen Mr. Grahame some 'Pim substratum or material in or Japan has christeued her big battle- not a line e'repereil aheaO. Ife writes so much nonsense in 011 my lire. I two or three times." on which the seeds rest, should be ships after great mountains and the as he goes. leveler deo he makes the kept lnoist but not saturated. Ube° i smaller war -vessels from mime well- rounds of the rapers and sopolies "No matter, there's such a tbing as love at first sight, and yours'is just lidlecIteme-s are moistened to tlie proper i known naturalm features of the de- them on the spot with an iratalinent pressure of the finger tip On ' try. It may also be mentioned that and vet all of Sailrewitch's tales are i . the sort of tender, romantic disposi- ' tlui paper will press out a thin alni i at the end of the rOnne of every Jo.- said to be complicated in plot am 11 ra.cters, .esiaeo tion kan or maru. They stand, fee "covering an amazing +It is not very much to be wondered of water about the linger tip. The t panese ship is either the terminee crowded with elm I- ' 1 atniosPhere should be kept moist, but extent of I in, for the Greek Church is fouuded on the eredulity of ignorance, and an excess or moisture is cletrimentcd. , it, were, as equivalents lor our own ' ground." i The Xing of Wurtrenhurg, whose in- i provides sensuous pee -wilts for an Experiments alone will determine the! ir.u.s. and $.S, 'Can OICIAIIS war- mans to vary with the variety al i vessel and is applied, of course, only oess prevented him attending from attend.What Is ono to proper methods for sAuuring the right 1 to the Emperor's fleet. Marto tile weddiug of hi . 's niere, Pr . o 'think of a so-called spirituel organ- incess - motion the board of Siiroctors of which • tion that falls a victim to it; while, unless I'ra much mistaken. Mr. Gra- hame possesses a somewhat similar natura.'' "I can't answer for Mr. Grahame's nature, but I can for my own," re- torted Mary, blushing and smiling, as if Kate's accusation were by no means altogether distasteful or even impes- and Colonel Clinker, both excellent isible. authorities. I'm not a bit afraid of The conversation was now brought, King''Olaf making a fool of himself, to an abrupt 'conclusion by the ring- butI am of myself. I might cut a ing of thct front -door bell, and by the voluntary before the whole assembled sound of masculine voices outside, multitude. Iniagine what an awful fiasco; yet such unfortunate centre - tempts are by no means rare, and the best of riders not always ineein reome e Tire Feel instil INIew Vigor and Energy Into the System a.nd Add New Flesh and Tissue by Using r. Chase's Nerv F :Why not join .c,itli nature and re- joice at the coining of spring? There is 'means at hand whereby you can overcome the feelings of languor and fatintie and make, spring the time for nen:owing health and vigor, instead of .giving way to v.-ealjness and despond- Ever3lborlY reeds a spring restora- tive to enrich the blood and build up the systero. after the debilitating ef- fects df artificial wintee llfc 111xperioneo hat' proven that there is 00 pet-r;nivation oxtant so well suited LO incise noodS, as pr. Chase s :Nerve Fo'Cd. ' lo is only reasonable -that this groat 'ood cure, Ivili011 has been endorsed by nS 'of tlionsand,q of peo,„")le on this I lent., shonhl be superior, to the od hastily written andlastily ed at the drug s tore. , Headache Sleeplessness, irritability, stomach troubles, hiss of energy, am- bition and the ability to apply one's self to the task in hand are among the indications of an exhausted con- dition of the system. A month's treatment with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will do wonders for you. Besides the. benefit you feel, you can prove that new flesh and tissue is be- ing added by noting your increase in lvelgllt . Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box„ six boxes for $2.50, at all deal- ers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., To- ronto. To protect you against imi- tations, the portrait, and signature of 1)r. A, W. Chase, the famous uplai,,pt id ta 710dihry doctor, been rnaeor, are 011 every nose , shortly followed by the appearance of Colonel Clinker, Mr. McGrath, Cap- tain Fuller, and Mr. Grahame. After the first exchange of civilities was over, the Ffonble Jack placed a chair close to Kate's sofa, and seat- ed himself, as if he had a right to the principal position near her. "Well, 1Miss Browser," lie said, "and how are you? Getting over shaking I hope, and beginning to feel more like yourself again." - "Thanks, I'm rather stiff, but on the high road to convalescence, and very considerably improved since I last had tlie pleasure of seeing you." "A1-0 you Were being dragged up the staircase then, with Miss Whit- bread on ono side and Dr. Baker on the other, while I looked on and felt myself superlatively de trop. After all, 111011 are but clumsy creatures." "You did not display Misch clumsi- ness throughout the afternoon. I don't know what I should have done had it not been for your help—prob- ably remained lying on my back like a capsized turtle to this very hour." looked gratified. It was no small reward to find himself received so graciously by one tvliose moods he had already learnt were apt to be changeable and wayward.. "I wish you would cease trying to thanlc rne," he said. "I did nothing—at least, nothing that any other man wouldi not have done in my place." "It depends so much on the Way things are done," she returned. "You must not destroy my gratitude by any disclaimer." (To be continued.) —4- A man tvlio never abuses his part- ner or his employer has tbe true Qiristian degree of moisture with individual tip - Retails. The effect of light on gerreination seed. As tlie seeds are usually coe-- ered during 'a. test, light is excluded It is commonly thought that in some cases light retards germination, DRIVING' A PIG. The general impression seems to be that the pig is a stubborn, mul- ish beast, and must be forced along whenever lie shows any hesitation. "1-Iasto makes waste" is a saying nowehero more applicable than in the treatment of pigs. If a pig is hand- led quietly and given time to con- sider the prcniriety of entering or crossing some strange place, he usu- ally makes up his raind to go peace- ably, whereas if tlie drover is impati- ent and attempts to force hini along, he is convincedthere is something wrong in it, and his impulse is to get away as quickly as possible. Then as soon as he starts off on a run he is in no condition to pay attention to anything but his one impulse, which is to get away home—the only refuge he knows,-,aS soon as he can. The same remarks apply to the case of other animals when worried "" That is to say, that laughter in to the point of exhamstion is more what intry be called the verbal kee-s quickly reached in the case of the pig. of A E 0 and II corresponds with "live distinct moral characters. A tells of loyal and open natures, who love noise and inoeement; E announces a phlegmatic tempera- ment; I is sympathetic, and belongs to children and naive spirits; 0 is usually reserved for heroes. As to U. it is the laugh of a black ',misan- thrope. which means round, is applied to merchant-vessels—why, it Is difficult * „.. , Sitting hp the arynaid at St. Pet - Alice of Albany' is tilt-lois:ell; 11.toetteelve to say. ersburg, do not liesitato to profit by menet who is .n. le nig. v alleged miracles of the most astound - CRIMINAL' EDUCATION. the Great Was travelling hicognito through Europe he. refused to stay anywhere but at an inn. 'Ti) eliTcum- vent this whim the then King, oi Wurtemburg pet a tavern sign out- ing kind? EXPLOITIXG A SAINT. Some remarkable details have just Being rather pressed for additional crane to light regarding a criminal side one of the Ros-el palaces, and, funds some time ago, it was snadenlY wet_ coined the Czar. dressed as an inkerper, 'himself wel- discovered that the bones of a dead. oducation society in the Italian city ad the "Malavita," aimed at This monarch's de- divine in the south of Russia possess - of Veggie. This organization, call- mittiog all sorts of crime, fallible healing power. They scendants have been in "the trade" cd in highway robbery to kidnapping. Two from ever since; and the present lCine, owns I were unearthed, and the deed divine schools existed, one to teach the two berge botels, from which 'he de- !woe canonized. And now, by selling . n r - - ld n iletuees-- way to use the knife and the other for pickpockets. 'A few francs were charged for admission, and pupils, graduated accoring to the proficiency they attained. If any ono of the as a masterpiece from. Glasgow to Members was arrested other mem- is being so much discussed. tiers volunteered. to give perjured syseeee Dr. Eiger is en excellent sample of testimony in his behalf, while a few more took charge of the witnesses athletic English manhood, who is for the prosecution, whom they never happ;:er than when chasing the rives about .5.50,000 a year. uon of the new saint, St. Seraphim, and It would be difficult to picture a ,oepheeing. pilgrims to his ovine, over man more unlike the typical musician ie than Dr. Elgar, 'whose D clash of minion and a half roubles ah'.1 50.- r 1 000) have been made out of the G eronti us," which has been hailed saint's canonization. The priests, too, witli rare excep- tion, show nothing in their lives that makes towards inspiration. The home-- ly example of the country oarson in. England or the village priests of France is seldom to be rotten in Rus- sia. There, the village priests, pro- fiting by the unseemly example of those who wield attthority, are often to be Sound drinking and drunk with their parishoners in the. Village vodkie shop; and oftentimes the mooey with which they riot has been wrung from their unfortunate little flock by threats of absolute perdition. scared by threats into refusing to testify. ISOW DO YOU LAUGH ? 'A worthy Frenchman has been tentious cottage on the uplands of cataloguing the different kinds 01 Malvern. E'en: ho works hard every laughter, and has discovered that mornieg until the clock strikes one laughs are of five kinds, expressing and releases him for the rest of the d by tho five vowels. clay, Perluros the most remarkable, thifte about this gifted composer is thatThe is almost eutirelv self-taught. the sot instruction \Thiel) ho e\ or had in music \vas five lessons on the lard' onerilui golf links near his Ivor- cestershiro home. Ile is a lover of the country cool fresh air, and for this reason has made his home away from the haunts of men, in an mipre- A quiet, even temper and plenty of patience are necessary on such occas- ions. The greatest assistance that the loud ,and boisterous man can ren- der under such circumstances is to make himself scarce. Do not try to be more stubborn than the pie. Give him plenty of time to consider the situation, and, if you avoid creating the impression that he is being coyn- ered, he will decida to go your way. FUNGOUS DISEASES. nnie spores or the apple rots are usually on the fruits when they en- ter the storage house. They develop rapidly if the storage of the fruit is delayed after it is picked. It is prob- To 'Prove to eon twit V,. Chase's Ointment is a Car; am and absolute cure for cud, every form of itotonz. bloedingana protruding 1,11w3, ihr, manufacturers have anarnnteed it. Sot buonials in 'to daily press and af-k your nei Jh. tors what they think el' it, You can use it and fet our money back if nob cured. Mc a box at ill dealers or EDMANSOMBATES S6 CO -1'01'00i°, Cho@e36 Oantr-D 1111 NOVS T , A very remarkable tree grows in Nevada. It is called by lila super- stitious Indiau.s the 'witch -tree. It grows to a height of 0 it. or 7 ft., and its trunk at the base is about 1 • tin,es the sixe of an 00111 at titan's wrist „ 'Ube wonneritil charac- teristic of the tree is its luininotiv, which is so great that on tho est night it can be seen plantly at lettr4, a Mile owciy d person stand- ses. cc1 0 ieo c I, p01111 1,*, '11.5 ClONNT:2,BIAL BLISS. Brother—"I trust. that, e -on nre leen- py with your husband, Maud?" ' Maud—' Oh )res; as Impoy as tole can m:pect to be witha man who is talking of himself half the 'time and of bi first. 'Wife the other half." TIlDN'T WANT THE FAMILY, 'e had at, last stun -Monad up cour- age to ''ask papn,'' when, to his as- tonishment, the bluster:Mg - parent denlancied : ",Ara you capable of sup-. porting a family, sir 7" 13;irtia---"nliss queenly is a tiery saii',3i1•1;0 1:1,0t.s.iter, peter:- Gertiese