Exeter Times, 1904-4-28, Page 1TRIR"l Y-FIlts T YEAR—NO 19 ON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTK i''XE° ER, OST., CANADA, THURSDAY ATORNING, APRIL '.1;.11 19 •�- SEEC�S ,Any person wanting first class Seeds will find it to their advantage to call and examine our Seeds, We have now on Band Rd and Alsike Clover Seed And Timothy Seed We also have a quantity of goad, clean SPELT , which yields *014160 to 70 bushels to the acre and takes the place a pease for hogs: Sugar ar M g-_—. . Pads, Sugar Kettles. 1 tat d Stock at right prices. Wo h Hardware We have the largest stock of hardware iii teas gunIghing. and Builders' Supplies at all luta' Pumps well to T. HAWKINS New Spring;'�fSQ Goods e o;tu m'rlt.e it Worth yotty wlrUe to order It New Snit now instead tFf 'waiting till spring, Can't Wood to rest on oar oars because it happens to be rind Winter. Itis worth sometbing to us by way of advertisement. Everybody doesn t: know yet what we metro by Cool Cutting and Fitting Good Sewing o la stitching Goad Linings audSho e e tpect to pay something for ate ;znttedtuction. Coma in and see, W Ta.maC. � I4 r. ti Tailor. Mot -chant Glttlt �irilk�Qi♦+!♦♦@M+���l�1l�44+M i4; Hensel!, Q. J. Sutherland, Notary „ ab1zC, 4nve ion cer, Couam' sioncr, Firo Insurance Agent, and. I•F..surer of Marriage IFiceusee Legal no;.uuients carefully drag at X03.50u01:4e. rates., atenoY� to lean on real estate at low rates 4t ilatereat.'� ()Mee at tete I'*ast °,bice Iienrall --1lsuse .ea utog is RAM thn order e,^ the day ir•itlr, the gentle ; 1:. . —Mrs. Ran + til;il, sr , is reoaretizLg ,l trot'0 .11014 4 .,,,,-George hunter nicely from her late • very tsev�re ill.U. 'iIi eft iCowls, o s Goodbheifers, and attle �a 1. See nc.ss at Centralia. sin Friday, �jApril 89th. --Mr. Dow, moved this week iLito at 1.9., Tareeas 0 months credit, 1 tie: e.. as ece,ntl • me is e ir., 1 recently 1 1ras;�! thej. Loudon Road. l --.its, Robert Aloaor ten was 1:,•11 - tell , xp notch 'this week azr•iztg to the illness oft ;her mother, --Airs. Medd has returned home from Leamimgtorz. where she lees been v.lalti mq her sis,ter and friends. Mr. '-1 t.•13erry!hassuedhis rami ons Clydesd;aie stallion Durtraggittfor e handsome sutra oP.;100. Elelgoi� Port Elgin. Mrs. 'Sweet, of Exeter, revue, last, kwith lac 'tar, Airs. Blackwell,a e 1 l : tit'. tnwnslnii4 of Ray. who is - •ye_piaor health. nil Air$. orris shipgi.aag; their Atwood. whore )J .gid ;r good sittratioai • 1'4Telford,; who las h on's Rani% hero Jot the on Saf.ur$asr for Wood cyser ,oll 11Tkkik44tce ▪ ltls place in the !hauls here. •. nod; !Arra. Ii„ A a<l;arkincaf•vL_. Raadkrecently very izleasastt� xta]natt a number of their rids in truer good ticattish:. bty'1:+. be evening of the stuuruea;a;at>1'yr of 1. A..:1,ycarst, "B, .1,., o1; •T.ti. ebeait R.Rworth 14,Ague 4ln- 4cerFuaorns ,here, on •` „inday ilfetid taa]cing 1rr, 4y+ir3r.'4t'ar 110311, iniel T. 1t all , tn. who, .litre* tea, tele,granpliini".t arril:rafl-. as tees:red :r s5ituattiau tree„ .os,,au cfficr tts5ista.tn, the first et thlt; s►c*la; i dais duties. Crediton � rt Painting-, , tcc 1am a• an .r i lig and graining; i vase ialty, apply o li. A. Atom, Crediton. troll ti ;e pt •S:FY. week s:edtaal Iasi* rot tlat•r,11 E AL Thompson, --Ray. Mr. Baker atald .ortlr Leal3ne rule Mtixk-(.,S xecer, one eveuixtgtlast weeJJ. x ;,s. Gaid.lal�, art _lied Bluff, C'al,, • iai5.°;been vcha4irrs, -,friends ire tis lett for home on Thursday la^3t mitt, to the illness aP' Su °perl" bGxa `lraofttaa<tvett is avau °purchatsed a dwell'tni t.. WO are, sorry to Ice` •It weliff'e iaa xrside.ai t in 1. rig y follow them tart n 1 deter, Haat they joy a tvelZ.artrejI rest 'ar.4 rf hard toil trtt�l i snout rr'h©nry 'Wiarm en lbert, ofd DasiLwoed. r-, .- a _; has � a � h;zts v . "b e rt oza { �.� s with her :family ,to I'Lg.on'�im l?ir"isu %..hers: (she intends 'to 'tart ftrrraikv with lie i i Jacob. Thomas .Atehiason w •s luelty z"u°ugli in finding his three -.3." -air -old a �r•kio3a< ,1za.tl tatxatFeca from a, lx: place about a weelt< ago, —.Mr. 11. Reynolds w a4 out so, laer fisJrin; Ia.'tL ]unsay night. Ile doos mat .• lzamt, g/2-2[tyr,h held: tau WWQuld :surely Boma 4, is q ;11r, Phillip Leaver, ;Fier *sie9ler Ind Air. ii.e ire l t� Killip d•astasd, all of Saa patting nti ii ne,t.' tv.ir+r^ 1£.s1Wd.a3FWW!. ftp a , ▪ g!tor zz w F at fr-crxm; lire, e,t to ae 3IeKellaz•. son of tQ Crania r w,r tris .tI WIuir 84 So/4. a toc aking Sa "n are holding a s ...soul s< A , '� � � �lll']lfltill,for the 13E; 30 days beforo, taking ' r k and 11), •e greatly 1"educed the prices o ` Cvery article In QL1.Y store (taring this sale. - t'. CAT_414 nyEE US and we 111 save you dollars. Tft leaclixag Farr ERMON Pr ODW N 7nderta ce -s. al embalmer Exeter, f7rit d t,"ornisll, ever tr.ass 31h a paralytic 5rc•i ai preszat very !top os Ara eusert user 43s teceivc i xltz°a A., Agent," t man from. elp him on .Use i,5launaal .r• ' Clrxx TYillat ei D. t lemtialrt i.i �ltizt . house and otherwise rittuas ra lying occupier] b,. fi oryr f1Jal Scotia; a cousin, o jr., 4i rit4bArt. d r1a nd Portland Ge? s and Barley* aL1 tt .,lar alt s Wnaa�, w1loo left here tlt conga axf lr 'kap m;?;o for trine\%est a 'eel 1laatrl or 1iors?s, in writ/u_ having rettehiee, WANTED Far Milling Purposes, poses, 1. Wheat, Oats, Barley, ToP Prices Paid at Exeter, Gentraiia, MHO* *** j. Cobbledick tet ;z car to 7rolativee, x „ Calgary safely. wlliell is within sixty miles vf whew. he Iles taxken.triklautt. and i$ carrying on rhotic -r iisnnl r.x- tcxlsis'o1y. pier. Sa►riiuel «Irxiitl;a trial qtr. 4as. 'octlie vrliam land the iris., £e Ione to get chair legs "fracture:!, w llmin s few days of eueh other aro iri>rnvio, nicely, and, if,°lliolarveaut, cote sE ea then; eontinuea Walt lenge Or NW truly expect t+a cr.n them, out with the _cabins III t!r'itlClaCu atl ti to lalli:y F,r t P. S. --Seer. Peas direct from ottani• 4uL' txtedtnmen and their despatch in teulin Island for sale at (:obbletlick s busincmt, might: mention that very. r Statehouse, I+<a,eter. i^ecently, Mr. [tern. J. Miller, carriage her, received lin order froma par ty whet wait going nut West, roe . ,i lttrliher, wa gen, and 'not having ow lei slack to Sill th,e bill Ito. undertook W°VestMcGillivray t rusk a uta ono Ito r •a ceived tlmsar- dor. an Tuesday, tendon Saturday et Mr. A. 11. Tiod> ins SOU a fart 121a7 Su , lu ..nweek* the waggon© a5 ful- hunch cf cater - r„• a to 'Mi. Alex. 11,t,_.,r. FR An Accident and Disease Baby Po«cv Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages :and Go -Carts are always in it •sort style stock ij1n b a nicely as - We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland $ieycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money. epairing Bring, in rrepaired our id wheel and and cleaned satisfact;ion:. guaranteed, PRICES MDCERATE With the Ontario Accident Insur- ance Company of `I'rlron ofwill be given tree with every ORDERED SUIT amounting to $10.00 or over, for particulars call at my shop. i'f�ilti a S 1VIerchant Tailor Only a limited number of the poli- cies to be given away. I is estimated that 200 bricklayers,. 1.00 Wtonocu,ttons, 700 ;caii!petnte:rs, 100 leleSsterers, anit-;'1,500 laborers will be s°F.`&il ,l li tea Ci ?x�at ta: `ta,otlir+r toot!+ -Baits, _ t.netiversary +a dais l?owslamlF srz� Far k+c ^eras lOr+lel in alai ' Lt ?t;3tac3l� k chtatali. itrA *^aatal'a.� •ot Tike est tLe:t ;it'c�,r t:sl :nel;6iruilihr ai itb our tiyrophosplifte. t is necess'Sp, '. ];t1)1 !sites and renews vital ;;Lei Ecce hotter int 1e than s the iniparriit=zt ;rd- I1ag fresh, ti Seed ctek ,is at pet t: ss with if ;lea. 511"a day wi roskor ;rpt; Kl" r t'. I]r, S a 11ti -lo-law of ti,e ust”, le tontreal1're 4, , in. 4,suce-xsion to the t. IIe ,is the un,lilimo Tul�ITuVM4,1 S, ' ' "ebb aFul Aire. Santa" rtlleking ptal'yk:tr , tri brick restalcnets 4 ael1," • X11. �atitl yIr.s W`Y'gt. h'ru.tx; a "Clef. let. t1lt€papain, :Ir. erred yir.sa .54s'k,'{�'� 1113 47,ra; raft „shiptto, 'ar'vi't i he got -1, . s n t: ani=^ t;� '•� �:�xax::laslspla 13 t�1 u, r i ,r x , slat m"lea Drug ....South of Fos 1� �tvand�eryyy y�ry lhaareir l knav 1*4r" c4 It. Ws mirk, 01 s. the coutra� 1. to build as to rp;>zt' e Dice oi? a hla9r tYalt r Eanmstt'ec recently appointed to Iberia 1aiat; week. 1Jti, eerie .� t°e, tart* ii►ti t ;tic 'klue.it.le a. The elitainb ', will ). ' commenced, in esu 1 onfik)nera by tlta. Presby). .,., Ir} teranii faeuexnl Assembly: cr t trirelz, butt it, -i3 se -i ordeal. as assured. that it inti!! endorse the committee' selec- tion. ly complzted, receiving the ustialeoat of paint' anti varnish besides, This is o instance of h w u t buy just no ourt .i au e CA 9110 whenoccasion n 4 xn n hu U. � rcrit fres, and We may .give ccth4,x mix :li''n. 13ndgins,; of Hensel', proofs of whoi, our tradesmen can w11e fi.ali1,b^gin vlsi,tin "t ;iiia br�oftlter, do. Zr. ,A. 11. Ilodt3LX1 dur]ni,� i(i10 19t r c n • returned., e�1, z od 'home on rt >_h urc tt night or a week in , —,1'V.edi>esd, Y al t��.it lett t �cl. wb;at' might have proved. a rAtal oc --We txo glad' tor' Wttltc tlia;t, Ir. eu;rroitcd happened nt the home of IVan. Corrie, Jx„ 3s, impravin as Stell Sr. I m., :\T'cfaugs]1 of this village. ads ca>1 bG �esgnerati, lie liavinn wek�:r It appear$ that, ;heforo retiring Aft. thrtru{;2t an operation far,a] ent1+:�Jti;, :rrc:ka.uraati axxe�trsed to the coal �sto've.n;s-usual, and did not notice any 'gas tecalAug, but' wlt;ather ,through .Arr. Ian Torrance,, loth can., very low. at �preozaat, very little `7aop. es were entertained for his, recovery, Sexsmith 'faring tat tha3 jstovei and parting iii; Jounce 33r1'Cli�cnmaitt js a't pries- 'gertd teas in "th~ 'ill"' 4an Sandal of the pipes or some defect in theta nm visitingher �..laughthr, Arrs, Jna. afternoon, the guest of 111:iss,Lidi. tint gas began to esepae and in afens- ,ap,0,q, 3. txotc, trot LciSv arulltyl, lissom, afterwards itttssPaisplc and her --Mrs. T. 13. 131ickwood, or Thatl- 5it,rtait to saw rxn°Cussday He este !tills neices an d Inuits%%, who vera for, cailett au bet fatbet :read math- "'" tr a . r logs ,,, his .•„,,t sl�i;:pizig, up ;stairs, narrowly escaped. c9.i..:L felt* days ago, at,Iphyxiatian. .As it was they wfrt! all very ;much overcome and the ser 7atirxa s rntrld sold a fine ta~;tnm of vices at o. doctor had to be obtained.c,I horses% ai shone time age to'f'itas, lI andfard, of: Exciter. Dashwood 'gmera�l ni of' Crediton, ttno .ht town on da,}. —Mr. and ZI1; . 3, Il.aii, ;and &nigh- tskr„ ,ran^, sprit unday. and Mon- day, in London. Mrs. Hawthorn or I/Ash;tta r• , v t. t t with ,.tea• 1 r•n i L, a � it,z J t till], Ibis w 1, t! 7a week. , —Was Ella nerin�.., ct :uriclt, is tltaa 'guest; or help ;sister, Mrs.. E. t' a 1' to week. - i aulin, {k a ]., 1lr;s, J E. -enemata yisitetl irtr sister, Mrs. CA Ter.itz, at Zuil%it, .i feW, 1311 YO la9t week., +tiT , 9 L, 4t"bier .left 1•*st ti`ri�Lty . 1. mt. Clemens, Mich„ typera she itends to, stagy for same time. y-:l3ruee Ecrosscknberr , oP,Gra raid r av aril a1 tAr4p. i,;.# ,11 ttlltK a 1 k �' �' (,rirtlat. Fl1,^t nary 4.bb1 < r9 1f.cai` T`.. 1, 4,' i11. T z' liVr71D r k fsf ¢:i13 ° 11 _ _ . 1 ed ifil cultic. Tonflb-sn w „ 1 pts i„ !x own cell , This ',7' raiththe s ordsatut,l'osuc,; kliarlt love tbg naa,ahbor as thy ��xsc old portrait,. thalami'. 14 t e tr ,^= of ,the 1;•', ther;itaarl irnal els: 11'crihelloed o iota. ley embrace' pili ;t1a<n iitirlal, Aran will ou(•1h .411 1t a`igtairlartions aced. will atet;+ai,�.F:,!1►at-- ti. Ji �.` a beyond !. and 'ltzrr.. } ''ta itn , ,, Lows ion ii bb of ttltzr.it lead• TJa ire is f lrinditrl,,lextriotz uw, or• 1o'. cacurxirF rrarI irleat�d,sllip alt the /ow, the and friendship .aro i ,s.^d; upaara tvzytlt There can be no • .Z a fr,., rill,�Ji11� ,^Ilion.- there 5s ,rim Si tl= li st and v l ir,i xln•t n. r V of 1, lists. �(?tidfello►vsirila is noosed very lar- gely 'on Uibie iucidon,ts and truth. It �t.. a nlenlbel of tis_ order who o 7 mN�tt.i� tri, toile%nisi,:, . 1f,.tui.iftrl ticr=- eripiion at truth. tet 0 tc 'Inca Miss Pampple not awakened. in, the middle. of the night ,the doctor stat- ed it would only ,have been he, matt ter •cC . Sew momonts before medical —iMr. and 'Alins. Northcott and 'son, Will, have lnft for 'the, North .—We are* glad to note (that Mrs - C. E. Aidworth is al. -do to be around thilke (spring. —Owing to Rev. :11orlack attending conference at SobringYille, then! was no service in the, Evangelical church. Teat Sunday either morning or c.ven- regret to. chronicle the deaith ..Mr. ltkiward Neeb, which occurred illness of about Iwo weeks. Ills re. that t discovery et the gas -tv.zis iAgank, atter her kv.tent severe. illness: mains wi3lbe iniorroti in the Exeter made in time. Alos.srs. Ford and. Wilson, of East- ceIrretery en! Friday forenoon. cr hare commihneed opera Lions on leaves to mourn his less a sorrowint, elle whitalk; they haverente'd .; widow; tun] lour ternall children. Tee, from the Canada Company family have the sympathy, ilia colninunity in their sad ,bereavement —Rev. 3. Mos:lock returned from Confenence' on Mond.ay and !Dias been Tilluir—tW'corl.—Thal; 5 inch tile be e.—it's a boy. Year. At W. -M:Pr3,0e13.: ell Exeter Municipal Council. requaxed 'for t,(13e. neat three. seam to meat. at. town ,hall, April 260tb. .A4b- repair, .the dirmage wrap:gilt by (tile ) ar 'Councillor Taylor. Igo:kites previous mecling read and confirmed. artint,[!re! a�t ,fioron,t�, Bears the TM Kind You Have Always Bought of THE— Bethesda —11 -. %Arthur .0,,fitchall is all snail- furriished for a drain on Heron _..m.hss ida Fergasom, 0.c Ex,,,,,i., i„ in. 13a,sho ood for four years, which is the longest time for any =Mister' to rieid, . fairm ena a.r le.; husy prepartnts I'Ll.e. sa'ont(II 1;11.1301-acak"'hfai:la'3111.::ammPelite3'32,3L111115:68:11eitn:°: :111.1.4z1V-It.nlig‘;" es be paid the sum of 25e, each for (hie - drirer,e: theraficr they ca,nuot and their re'lneval ''Erern hare' IS ' re' for 'each new deied ,'1,ssned for comp- mato .1-h,c..L. trios regular,4 ‘grettedi by many. ;But .our loss will „,k nad da' 1111 on treasuret for same, lowing, accounts be Tassodand ordPrs winter, having eleven hives. livin a, ''''''' . iarY lats.—Carried. t•-•=;illr. Zahn Oke 10 8. 'teen very -sae- lbs :Itrilv'a.rtan'a gain' 'Bev' Mr-'elain- .2Sfirr.,t-rong---Vv-ood--,Tbat the fol- ot,/..Lut ;in keeping) his . bees this uiri:' '01 :t46'malulY will be Ills succ''''- i bic- hly papule L ed .While some a ro lp.1,5y; review exakaaina LiOnS hol d in S. S N o. ord of twelve. The names are in order of 1AT oz.,`,i-coltt, do,'3 ; ,9. krand.co,rd, do. 0.0 I i/D 'Tilil test rUorti..k know n in this Edi i 11 w6.‘16)::x• -Aaron Oestraiaer ; HE.A.D OEh ICE. MONTREAL. SAVINGS BANK Interest at mbst favorable current rates allowed op Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men, tO whorn loans. are made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the OREDITON :BRANCH w, S, CHISHOLM, Manager. rrom the 'south bon/nit-41'y 4-,o the. north 4 ehroed'ar ; protnoteit f root ,T1'. ir 4.:0 (Too late tor last xveolc..) side': 'of the Presbyterian 'T.Valase,too4 —5.tro. s(k•LIA .131roWn ttk taibiti. to be Sr. .11.. Roland KlemCalcl t., Tusneida delis ,L, „;s1.7,ate vrioe per week with avolind 'uguln, Tronincr, Lizzie 1‘11e,ssner ; promo) od. And 'without purnp.ing.--iearried. —.13.y' ,t he,, t1,13Pea fance. all the, wea Lb- Cron:. 116,.'11 Sr. t o Jr. 11., Annie W.11- 7.0Cnoltli.„nclinit,'a'cljourned to April 29,th 11.1. er At, \ i:•• wit'. IA til.'") 11 1.'..t t 0 ,s,P a VT. per, I taart Bro,qorialt ; pr o rta of ccif from GEO II. BISSETI1, Clerk. 1 wint, ex's WO 0 d 0 11 t . '11 f I 1.2y l' lik.,2,1,1 elraita', Susie ICla ill tt' ld t , iltnitti Solt - IC ..A....,S, till C:n Mt 5E ..Z&.... 1 101,s al- 'wood around no.ocier, Susie XlontEeldt, '1,yd6,a -itres•s- Dawn; the corridors 1.1 time, As was taught by a.nciertt sages, Steadia.st as:the Rack of Antos Conics trot h eternal and. Sublime.” "Friendship, Lave and Truth, w have the throe link's .this frater- -II order. Love': is earth's 1.h, friendship lAnefattior and t its 'guiding Art organization based upon 111?s3 have ecenrred On the continent with. - principles deserves tile success, which tha plat few =tenths wero eausid htt.4 crowned ,11ra 'history of Odd- by spree' daect in eientrie ifelltrolsikie. It is toJklay the largest Chicago, Baltimorei Rochetsber, and fraternal order in ,th7.• world, having Toronto have; learncti a, ce,stly lesson 1902, 1,529,95$ ine,rttbart.... hen., wires are Installed in huild1ngs, binuainiefes.erta.atiersire:stutItchaonsnycetiih.ber.sciioangfin er to have all prolkarly insulated. iisThoeb,.;eperte.acito:dsraeildiat:sabLio ilsor4 scelrs the grea test precar.tien should be tak- st smeeoksro:l t,,ilgeto.ostaraop,,,e7ratils imnteellnlebeA.sua.1 r1:11n137XtInlYalyall:LcWia7;nbl'eaeaagrbeSisl'eatig?;-'''rtN,'?:ort direst: calamity. f6' slapla: t tai rhe riRlc1*,v, &; I .441 a1,N l.t4 :v rho 11; t..1^ w. k tai' torre, t"; annti+ttex.. M• ... , its fJii :�. It � $� arlllik4:©�14314,i1i31 J fear t1a'i a�eliel' 4 ita R lara 'me tier milv.r.s ;tans treviled for a of tire crd.:r La guarded vocoliz: in moral character, The yer who 4.savo.., form and taw to nitii ched lis iitcrature, are gene. Their mantle tilatuld fall co their followers. In et-melts:ea ho appealed to Aikk d,e'voled, ;to thol.r Or- der, and 10 Christ, their unfrilingt, rabled ,t heir room, N'Ote p£ :thanks 'was ,tond.ered. Godwin fort izis very practical and helpful address wh;ch was enjoy:_nlbs all preFie-n.i. We are better prepared 11mt wants. tIOLLYWOOD Beady Mixed Paint. 15 25 and 45C per Tin. ENAMELIT For Enanitsling Furni- ture, Picture Fra e s, Brie-a-brao, etc, 20 35 and soc per Tin `Hollywood Floor Paint Jewell Floor Paint 40C rer Quart Tin TIN JEWELL Zeady Mixed. Pain, 15, 25 ancl 45c Wall and Aiabtistin-e mid Mtn, PLOr'R :STAINS Chi Jap Floor Stains for staining ficers AST BUT NOT LEAST --P tint flitusbe. from 511 up to $0.50. Our stlecial 90c ar d "5 1 Id rids, e extra