Exeter Times, 1904-4-14, Page 7114NY O1TT$E3 OF 8TRIF.E 300 YEARS OF VITAR, FOR A OLEAN SHAVE. Trivial i:aaairs Have Su.Alced. te Plunge Nations Bloodshed, Nothing is more amazing in the histor,y of nations than the absurdly trivial causes which have been POMO.- ent to let loose the clogs of War and deluge continents in blood. Many a man has started an riet in his household by appear- ing ueannouneed with a clean shave after having worn a IlirStIte adorn - moot for a member of years, hut it ta pastiest ineredilaie at first glance that two great nationa silcrald have plunged into an itaterneittent warfare, laSting SOO year from thie same cause, Yet. Atothing more than enis was the primary source of three cen- turies of war between Englar,d and Praoce, In order to pea ee the arch- leishop of Boum, Louis WL of France goosented to reineVe Ids beard in common with his subtects, awl preaent a clean eboven Moe to toe world. wos diettstroue shave, Per it le4 to so useeh friction with hie wife, who reeented her husband's cheoged oppearenco tbot at lost the ko4a. deverceet her. to become a few months later the wife of Henry U. of From this marriage et Henry to the ang;ry, discarded we or Louis centariea Of idondstled may f4oi4 ro have followed. Suelottell141 eu iron eaSo in the t r nuoQua eathedral may be see iodc9;a bucket, which, 900 years o, wan the innocent eau se of a ter - dale war. Seine seldiere of Modena, in a mood of mischief, bad stolen tbe bucket froot a poblic well in Bologna eont reineed te Kiva it up on demand. Fights between the eoldiere of the rivel And jeulous stotee ensued, and from this spark was kindled a Aro of Or which devastated a large part of Europe lead led to the lifelong bu- priserituent of -tile In of Sardinia. Ion IV the German eMperer. 1111011EN TEAPOT. A war in Chino two cnt'ues and haVi ago, 'Width involved the less of half a million lives, sprang direct- ly rroIll 0, broken „teapot. Tho tee, - 141.4g, 144'5 the treosured posSesSien dignitary b3giu tu 'mu twor and Pens of the etripertere and. when be travelling through the lawless provitaCeS in the northwest of China write of Ids retinue. nho bad Wen behind the main body, were intercept- eit by a band of robbers, and among the rzoil the teapot wes found and vontempluotitly dung on the ground and boakin. Thu Miner was report- ed to the emperor by the lodignant netioluein. a punitive force 'lotto sent Out, oral a long and terrible war en- sued. Lord Palmerston used to tow that mile three men bad ever known the nature of the troubles in Schleswig- Holstein which led to two great wars ..,et,we of them bad died, before war brae out, and he, the third oL the trinity, bad completely forgotten what it was all about. It la now won known, however, that a slight meuipulation by Bismarck at a, tele- gram set Franco and Germany fly- ing at earl) other's throats a gentlea- tion ago, with results too appalling to contemplate. SPILT:RD WATER. The war of the Spanish etteression, to '<Odell the great duke of Maribor- ough played so conspicuous and bril- liant a part, wns, it is said, the out- rome of a spilt glass of rater at a. Tuileries ball. One of the tourt ladies hod expressed a wish for a taus of water In tho hearing of the British and Spanish aMbaSsadors, who forthwith hastened to fetch It. On returning, each holding a tumb- ler, they Sound that the fair bird had Sown and was dancing with a yrench itatesman; and to crown their dis- :orafiture the English diplomat ean- uoned against the Spaniar(l and up - /et the water he was earrying--an ac- rident. wbidz led to an apology and an exchange of courtesiee. A trivial ridiculous incident enough, but it :erred to inflame jealousies and ce- ment symPathies and thus to torn the balance in the direction of war. The seven years' war was largely due, according to his own confession, to the vanity of Frederick the Great in wanting to see his name .figure largely in the gazettes; the Indian Mutiny was precipitated by the ear - tri es served out to the Sepoys, hich the3r believed were greased with the fat of animals unclean alike -to Hindu and laohammeattn; and the rurko-Ressian war, in the opinion of thousands, was started by the black - males hammer with which a Herm- rovinian blacksmith killed a tax col- nctor who had insulted his daughter. . sToLEN PETTICOAT. Arnong other ludicrous causes from ;ninth wars have sprung are the steal- ing of a laced petticoat of a Castile lady by a Moor, ;which, with the ven- detta that followed the theft, led to many years of fierce, warfare between the Spaniards and the Moors; and the emptying of a bucket by a Fier- natine -citizen on the head of a man *1 Milan who was passing underneath Ili window. Eorroydng a tobacco pipe and fail- ing to return it kindled civilwar foe V°' s among the rival races in the Pamirs and Afghanistan; a dispute as to tile relativo a.ttraidilons et snails and 'vipers as food gave rise to fifty yeaa's of fighting between Milan and Pisa; and it is said two German states fought for years out of rivalry as to,their respective powers of beer drinking. "Do you know, George dear, that When you gave me your first kiss I was so astonished that nearly fainted?" , George—nAlo yes, dar- ling! T should have knoent better than to give you oral3r one..", "Tho t (.11..e5$ =1 becoming, »ly dear, said the man W'rio thinks he is a dip- Th,atjt• .She looked at him coldly 1 'a inomen-,, and trnen Tepli d Yea,. It in bela(acting threadtare."- 1 A SPRING NEED. Indoor Con5nenient in Winter Hard ore the Health. Ninety-nine people out et every hundred aetually need a tonic during the spring mouths, and the hull"' dredth person would make 120 IrliS- take if he too infused ,a little extra eigor and power into his blood. The reasoi for this condition is (mite apparent, In the desire to make Canadian heuses warm during the winter months, ventilation is seed, Seed, and the heelth is impaired. Tiiere may be uothiug seriously wreoro-nothing more thee) a variable Anne -ate; little pimples or eruptions of the skin; a feeling of weariness Ond a desire to avoid exertion; Pere hops en occasional headache. These , pethaps tat may think that the trouble win pass away—but it won't lialeas Yell drive it out by outtina the blood right with a. hea I t h-giv ing ton ie. And ;s only ono blood-renewing,1 health -giving, oerve-restoring tonie-a Dr. WifliamsPink Pins for Palo People. Over and over ;wait/ it bos been proved that these pills core when other medicines fail, And thou sands of grateful people testify that theY are the beSt, of all spring needle ewes, Iltes D. Brown, Collirta. N. B., seys e --"I have iteed The WL llam Pink Pills for a run down nYstoro. and have found them better than ay other medicine I have tried. In the eerier spring My blood was out of conditiott and 1 had such dizzy spells, that if 1 turned quickly 1 would almost fzU j took, De. Villiams' Pink Pills for a, few weeks la the trouble entirely disappeered. thin% these pills on ideal. apring Medicine," It aroo wont to be healthy In the spring don't doe° your eystem with bareb, gripine; purgatives, and don't experiment with other So -Called Unlit's. Tote Dr. Williorne" Pink Pins at once and ace how quickly thdy will banish all spring antra:MU. Sold by medicine dealers every- where, or sent by raait at 54) cents a box or six boxes for2.50 ley writing the De. Williams ATedicine Co., Broeltville, Ont. =OGRESS IN ASHANTI. IMO d Prosperous rut= Before It. Stewart, tho OR at ()Malt soldier of tbnl liesident at Kan POOR 13RITIsea GUNNERY. ne prize -firing returns of the Bri- tish fleet for 1903, which hove just been compiled, are disappointing. In ships are shown. The average per- centage of hits was just over forty- six. The best ship secured an aver- age oe 70 per cent. in hits. Only seventy-three men have earned the nowly-iestitated medal arid gratuity for good taarksmanshin. The larg- est number et Medals go to cap- tains of 0 -in un- twenty whom receive tlie decoration. The remainder of the medals are distri. Unted as f011OWS a—Thirteen to cap- tains of 12 -in. gone, ten for riarks- menship with the 4-7, fourteeo for the 12.6, and, tl-pounders„ three or the 13. one for the 10 -in.. five for the 9,3 four the 4 -in., end three go to mea serviug on destroyers, FOTATO .ATX01I014. The Ise of potato alcohol to fur - !rush itght, beat, mid rnotive power 1 hes been developed rapidly end to a .„ very higIi degree in 0ermany. Ger- !onany produces about S$,000.000 tons of potatoes a year, and uses for bunion Mod, stock feed. and „ sterch only about 35,000,000 tons. The reinaluder hi converted intb al- eoh01, and itscd ile a power genera- tor for both land end water Inotors„ " and for ceoking, heaqng. end light - no,. the alcoliel vapor is burned like gas in cbandelierz and street lamps, and eves a very bright light. To districts distont from mines it is cheaper than coal. 4 IV Tim lila:MISES otRATS. din tanner' e mode hia presmaes of rats end n 'you wIB eprinkle eelphur 914you burn near and through your aor as you gather it there will ne rat or Mouse bother. I have „Me for several yenrs arid have ihemi bothered with rats or mice. .baere sonle old corn in My crib present owl not, a rat or mouse can be round. In stacking hay or oats.. nprientle on the ground and 4 little through each load: and my word for it, rats Or Mice ean t stay there, A pound of efulplatr will be atifileientto preserve a large harn of earn. and it IS good tor gec!. and will not hurt the one foo bread," 3111KE ,OFY. TEAT PRIM EEELIM ,01.1•1,1, DODD'S IS-IDITEY )'ILS WILL DO IT BTATITRAT,LY AND WE/0-14. Cause and Care ef the Tirde ing That is Epidemic ab'0 Season of the Year. The spring in bei -e. You can feel it 14 every part el your hoey. Your elothes ere too bettey end though you are not sick, you are too tired to walk, too tired to work, yeS, ON'eXt too tired to eat. It's tbot "spring feeiing." o you lereow tLc caere of it? No, all you want to know is how to get rid of it, Welt, the explenation anal the cure are alike simple. In the winter you "get used' to,I the cold, you think, .4'i a matter of feet it is the body that gets pre. ynkred It puts on a Mrtification f A little Sunlight Soap will dean Cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap VIII wash other things than dotheS, 4-13 111,1#0.1iDEVART LAKES. On the Mangishialt peninsulaan the Caepian Sea tbero are live smell lakes. One of these ie cevvred with salt cryetuls, strong enough to al- low a ellen and horse to eross the hake on foot. Another is as round as any eircle end of a lovely rose color. Its batiks of salt crystals form a setting as white as white us extra, ti.5,s00 that keeps Ito cam ouot. mow to tba water, wifieh not only In yin spring. owe this tissue 45 Is.ohseywsreadi,l, btobet cfrooloyarsitfroarsoviroirs to thrown off by tbe bndY and 11 the perfume as of violets_ Both the systei4l is all in good working order, tI1erftinte and the color e"e the result the blood carries away the ceet-ol f the leaseare at geawrds. Whieh is in turn filtered out 'or the blood by the Eideeys, end ex- pelled from the body- 07' HIS FAULT. This means extra. work for the 1i4- 'neYs. and if they ore at all tired or rweVitt il'e. h.Iegfagieldvireuintire5lcielevQ;loid. thTiler: sc tired spriog feeling. The cure Is to touo up the Kidneys ith Dothre KidOSIT rills. IN:whys Here Is e. 'YFUL CEIZDEEL asure on earth is 2221)1V to gives an interesting ae- be prtse4 than a bright, active, 34041 - w Ashanti is gradually thy. ;playful child? In hOnieli wbera ilized. The natives areet- 110re Own Tablets are used yon Jing down to -ways at peace. con- nevee find filekly, eroSn. slrenlena ehili tetittnent and prosperity. The court- then: if the little ape is ill the Tab - try. in fact, has returned to almost Iota will proMptly make ft well. As?: , alsalute e% ft tnli ateneils. and tho any 41101I4r Who has used the Tab- , peOPlo mem to heave eompietely for- lets and she will tell yon that this is gotten Um old ern Ive..$ MC KIIIX absolutely trUO—Slie Nval21 WI you Pretunkin The roost, important lea- the Toblete aliveys do good, and 310...1 ore In the prerent condition of the er do berm. You can give them to country is tile eatioinetory progreea 4 child jest. Ian% with perfect safety, .. that has beet Made with the rail- o.nd they aro „many as good Au.; way. Tills Is a, tloverernent uneler-lwou grown children. Mrs. MurY J. taking., and Iltnrts fr°111 8°4°10/, 04 ,Moom Hepworth, Ole., says:- ''My) the cowl. It proceeds threugh 1 roux IComassi. Next yertr it wilt be !,1,1,12/11,1141;lv cab.1..e.a: blessing t° Imth 1110- baby ban never been sick fiinco 1 d has reaehed a point not far " Tarliwa, the eblef gold -mining centre (7,11 giving her pobyee then widget% tut and 1 would not be opened right to King's PrennteWs ''''''''' eaPital, and will make the One day instead of two as a°111. i nv e 4 withwit °Pm," Don't let Your nlilld In -__ --t Pre- ,su'' ffer and don't dose it with strong Lin ut. In addition to their work, orugs or medicine containing oniates. 1 041 the railway, the nutives aro . ' „..1.ti "Qs w it i iLlii 1 takingcocoa. planting On an ex- fin get Irina anY druggist or by mail 1tenslvo cale, to gold milting, end,at 25 cents a box by writing The f nine-. Altogether jesitoni14Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., 13roo1;, looks as if it, bad a peaceful and' vale. Ont, prosperous future before it. SPISAKEWN PERCICISITRS. The Speaker of the British House 'of (Mormons bas several peculiar Privileges. Every year he receives a gift from the Master of the Buck - hounds of a. buck and doe killed for tho royal preserves. This custom goes back so far that there is no l'ecor4 of it. Later in the year the Sneaker receivee another tribute from a different source. The doctors on tho second occasion are the Cloth workers' Company of London, who send to the Speaker of the House of Commons and to several elf His Majesty's Ministers a generous width Of the best broadcloth to be found in England. EMPTY NOW. How One Woman quit Nedieine. "While a coffee user my stomach troubled me for years" says a lady of Columbus, 0., "and I had to take d" 11 tile thno. 1 had what thought was the best stomach medi- cine I could get, had to keop getting it filled all the !lime at 40 cents a bottle. I did not know wleat the cause ,of my trouble was, but just dragged along from day to day suf- fering, and taking medicine all the "About six months ago I quit tea and coffee and began drinking POS tum and I have not had any prescrio- tion filled since, which is a great sur- prise to me for it proves that coffee was the cause of all nor trouble al- though I never suaPected it: 'When n-i:kr friends ask inc how feel since I have been taldng Postum I say, 'To tell the truth I don't feel at all only that I get hungry and eat everything I want and lots of it and it never hurts me and I am happy and well and contented all the time.' et could not get my family to drink Postunt for a while until I mixed it in a little cofTee and Rept on reducing the amount of coffee 'un- til I got it all Postum. Now they all like it and they never belch it up like coffee. "We all know that Postum is a sunshine loaner. I rind it helps one geeatly for we do not have to think of .aches and pains all the time and Can use our minds for other things." Name , given by Posttun Co., Battle Creek, Mich. The one who has to bother with coffee aches and pains is badly handi- capped in the race for fame and for- tune. Posturn.is a wonderful rebuild- er. There's a reason. Look an each package for the fam- ous little book, "The Road to Wen - A woman's idea of mutual Pleamire Is to spend the money lter bushitnd °arra by the sweat of bls brow. GO Specialiste on tile 0ase.- 171 the ordinary ran of medical practice greater ntunbcr than thie bave treated Casa of chronic tlyspeptia and have failed to cure —but 1)r. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets (6e in a box at 35 cents cost) have ma.de the enre, &leg relief in one day. These llttTe "specialists" bare proven their real merit, -72 GERMAN SUNDAY -SCHOOLS. In this couutry tbe term "Sunday - school" has a definite meaning, and is exclusively used to denote a plane of religious teaching. In Germaxiy, however, the race for commercial su- premacy bas led to the eStahlialt- ment of the Sunday-sebools at which mechanics are given practical in' struction in their trades. There is, for example, a school for masons, at which the students, many of them mechanics who work (Wring tbe week and spend several hours on Sunday morning in learning the higher bran- ches of their craft. Similarly there are Sunday -schools for tailors, iron- mongers and followers of other trades --even barbers and black- smiths. QUEER IINDERCLOTHES. Eaquimaux women weae the most curious kind of underclothing, its pe- cullority being that Itis made of the skins of birds. These skins before 'being sewed are Chewed by. the women in ordSt to make them soM About a hundred skins are required to make a shirt, and the labor of chewing the skins which form _their garments is quite enough to aceount for- the massive, well-developed jaws of Esquimaux wonien. CURIOUS GREEK LAW. Amongmany curious laws concern- ing capital punishment, none perhaps is More curious th,an one which pre- vails in Greece.. It enacts that a man, being sentenced to death, shall await his execution for two years'. Thus for twenty-four miserable months he lives with that terrible vision of doom beforehis eyes. LESSONS. FOR POLICEMEN. 'faking the London police as his inodel, the Chief of the 'Zurich, (Gen- eva) police means te make his men as good, if not better. In future the gerislarmes'are. to receive lessons from professoi s hi civility and de- r:ortment. Tha lessons are to take place at the police -stations, where those who are not on duty will be paraded before the professor of d an!: cho g and pat threuga their steps and ikttitud es. , Customer—"I believe you are the man of whom 1 bought this eane?" Shophoeper—"Yes,1 mild you that t. euntornm---"And you said that the Inmate was of genitine ivery. and 1 tied that. is artificial." lane:: rills make, beaitby Kultwys. Shopkeeper—“1 can't help It, sir. Poitby Eidneye qulaly cleanse tifo'41 inTort my vorY direct. front Cey- lood of all impinitice arid t10,:lng , and dtlbsetttnaly teixiopelareeptiaonolve nthalat1 • taken to Wearing false tusks." 'spring feeling" ta replaced w 'Igor of body and bouyancy or bat makes work a pleasnre, VESSELS LOST AT SRA Eitntor Onto, Crrg ee Tomo, 1 .., I IS44.4 coolver i" ,rene 3. Cheney onakiees snkth that he lo eentor partner or the Jim at F. J. le official return of easnaltieS to ...Gbeen4 4 et,,o-, deiatt businese in the Leh and foreign ve-reis of two volife5,111. and That 4- 4W I rola nclw 0 ttxt• - gross register and upaortis duo. the tien, or LINE lintinnEn noi,I.Arg Jetta r Parti4)47 lef1,--Left eta .117 itlaarovra tglctere t7/14aatesui:grigYin Ilie peera ptentd atici•elirui4a1.40,,,,,,, 111;;;;,,t, 5,...,;5(re i icirf,tzthu Ige.ralcouvrenal%ylifya?siliter urOvoersteantranthlia4t owes cow 3 gOilling 00'; I.i..ilis' tot- "nen"., end caattal oggregato 2.733, 67 rtea- it' P. 1,1440' Q, partially. T4,0 paitish my eresenett, tale eta ‘deygaleill;iwreoctere:,:rr; 113y lorit. The total figeres f :Sow ou ' screal:e over the prOVIOUs 'no,'Ar of 92. Strandlngs were onperisilde *),TIVAI „(11 , s nra or 154 rasualties; eollisi1'ing. 1.080: miaseciamlee:yer:it lira liar,40 to inaelainery, 4,141.; and for testtmenatle 41 Ugh Weather. 1,050. 6,......... V. 3.11z:•Izi,In April, cheap one way Voleni Effective daily during WEST "TA GREAT NORTII- CII..er eggpl -may RATES TO: IP yairtli:nri\:17:4:11:: al:mil ttaz,i, ERN RAILWAY. ets trill be isetted from all 52 24110541 in Ontario to all points on theI crown, uten?" Northern Ry. in the Stotee of tante, Idaho, Washington. and Ora gen, also all Points in Britteli Col- n14160,:t burble. noel:tea t On March St.h, 15, 22nd and ,r1Y31,C;91" (113, Twenivire cents a bnii* 2001; and April rah, 12th, 101h,, 1 iiiiliViiete 1 torseit the tenetlo,,d 26114. one way second chum tickets 814 4 .1141‘.4"Ifil4"7"°°"4" 4"1 -7:'14r44 -4a will lie fest:04 front Oilman to points In North Dal,ota at afreatey reduced During courtship a girl thinks mare rates. riage IS a haven of rest in whlelt she Full in::-tatition to tram of will be free from all worry and euro. tralus, berth rates it urist Sleep-IA[0r marriage she has another thinit e . also i .1 ;tune on any of the anninin above Statee on epplietttion to Clots. W. Orares, District, Pazeenger Agant, Hove you Ecserna?-11ave yoi 6 King St. West, Room 12, Toronto, any stio disesse or eruptions? Are yet or I'. I. Inbithey, Geneeal Passenger subject to chafing cremiding ? DoAgnew't Agent. St. Paul, Minn, Ointment prevents and cures Any and all oi them and curse Itching, Bleeding and Stella—"Tom mid 1 -were out drive Blind Piles besides. Otte application brine. ing- last night, tool I'. had to drive relief in ten mieutes, and is cured le all the way." ritynis--..wkr, what three to six nights. 35 centa-7z was the matter with Tom?" Stella. -- "Oh, oothing. Von don't soppoee lie KEEN SIGHT. could drive svilli his feet, do you?" The krestrel is possessed of such Lever's Y-7, (— Vise Head) Disinfect.- wonderful powers of sight that it is ant Soap Powder is better than able to see a mouse "when it is itself other powders, as it is both soap and IA such a height in the air that it disinfectant. is invisible to the naked human eye. ,...-",.... ....v..,0+.47....0,00.......---.4 -,..1-7,...,,, 7 51 I r r Over Sixty WOWS (tentriu serve hair helm nted 'by ter r Ctildrel}thl4o 4%,,141in; $011112.$ th0 maul& oyoplAt. coreit l'e Vtonvich Wye.% mad Ihe 'iad n4 41 11 %Iced teeep .TlysT TITO THING. n Mr. Goodhertrt--nllegarding those Bap NI •Testimony kittens, my dear, the president of oursociety says the most humane woy to drown kittens is to put them in an ordinary earthen flower -pot and then suddenly tern the ilower-pot up- side down in a pail of lukewarmwa- ter." Mrs. Goodheart—"Why, yes; that is a good idea, isn't it, because you know there is a hole in the bottom of the flower -pot for the poor little things to breathe through." Young Ma cannot undereSand, sir; why you permit your daughter to sue me for breach of promise. You remember that you were bitterly op- posed to our engagement, because I wasn't 'good enough for her, and Would disgrace the family?" Old Man—"Young man, that was senti- ment; this is business." 1 I i Yon can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. 411181111610110.120 Sikilokes C ristuamptiort Cureho.nicLung is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices: S. C. Vinsts & Co. 312 25c. 50c. $1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. 15-04 7,pattcmck,,00,0,0-0,0,010.,670.00....‘000sseams.... POSTAL APPAII.A.TUS. A :French postal clerk bus evolved a simple apparatus Tor dispensing with the postage -stamp and enabling anyone to get his letter franked af- ter office hours. The apparatus can be fixed to any pillar -box. A coi11 is dropped into slot, the corner of the letter is inserted, and •tl•r... ma- chine stamps the envelope with the amolint paid. All you li,y to de then is to Soap the letter into pillar -box for collection, 2--a.51JE NO 15-04 INSTANT RELIEF FROIE COLDS, HSADACHE MID CATARRH, REV. FRY'S STATED/1E1%1T: new. F. 1. Frey. Pastor of the Maple St. Baptist Church, Buffalo, N.Y., says: "I have been greatly troubled with colds, headache and catarrh, I have used Dr. Ag,new's Catarrhal Powder with best results. In fact it has done wonders for 3ne, and I wish to recom- mend it to everyone." This remedy is also a perfect specific for influenza. 24. Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is without an .equat for Skit; Diseases dud PHs& Am admirable Food of the ; Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious and Economical. 48-21 NNW FRE E tregigabriepirentrevega It costs you notljt3glit.olliota tPls bandsowne, guaranteed watch. with :Inelegant, 010'11W:shed eliaih and o1000111; 117, Nrktch her aline silver finished nickel case. Anterlean Inurement. strong end well made. Every Watch Guaraateed rei alga become a contestant for our extra oak ink..., thnit af whlehis'iretro gd one° an worrill, n3115010 poetpelel'20 pack. 0ge3 z marvel NI neinnr, eltio. the greet weelidsy help. to sell at 10 cents & package. W.04 hand 00117.0 47011,7701,77,71 Scarf line and Br000bes 10istvo aworwith the 1311314. Every.10dy tdado bluhar Whet sold return tut the mousy, 0.00110 we will imrneillatelv for. ward you Cho 3102011, and chain and Charm rree, also %Cush prize " certificate. We fake back all Y cannot evil. IVrite Addres l'Ites Marvell, Bluing cos. Wtch Dept,. mG Toronto, 0s5 FeartOri; tot; jzw /ARC ',,seem4z7.-.4,Ixoczrozo' sta ,,, reeeey vrael, netet *cot ;ea, orroneeererne to 4.4tver tat's it te year nednr,enlvititeut coal y clitts,ve give the -41 levelypre "i1 Wee. Meta% Nzrvel, fat a re- gent -- es. Lo A TY Pa CAN SE HA1.4 IN ah Basins, Milk Pans Any friest-can.o. Cr000r Caro CopplY You. ON GETTING EDDY'S. .thO8., 0• 41,4 trjt 140 4 r 4 014 Iona insert nuosmb s'sto• eie..towylott000ensbes,damsel $ ntiV4Lb^rezdtar:40,de1crrur. .1 04 074 itt chestier eetion ettulal0igtettofsettlt, 0300,telesdfn . $25,!r#3.10E CO rRESER NTS a.12.47:471a1Ttgoriel.AlarlitcrErb,utillarotiVrigtiaeratfztle. alder eara-0119 -MUM, 01e4ttod end tested: very accent% Acts eiztst tonlilhandeonudY grAhlied stocks; thequeueotates. 0 eild'orrotolerVins.13-11°Y14:106,Thlrrreamatc‘UrnaPdh0ddod7"ht:14:, °tolvieciraatreltlitir artillk3""ofc.PcievrindleoP.; hgrud. mme ti,144,70::,,folcarpcorna:,:gou andtos2troo.nat4teeartoonct:turwn e0e7e3:13trultthene, tzlz:Lsta,striste:::12:Etttio IA obis, When mild, return us the money, gain, and we will ssad EV) yOn, once,thophiwdrernealte h podo ef shot ez_d_rio710, tee a efoh_prize eon drat& We tau* bock an you cannot self: ikagiees1 THE MARVEL BLUING CO., atm Dept. ess Toronto, Ont.. -CIIICSIOMall,g9ItMelteSgartaPliklaSiEM44334, lefftleSSXCEMR=2, HAlkIDSOME GOLD WATCAND $25.00 H ree TtdseirgantstemWiadandszt guaranteed Watch. It has a ontarailleently finished gold laid 00w, hundsentelY 0114 elaborates-, co.navola in the most tract!. faideialgan, A03er:4m =oJost hand sednedial, eStpar.sionhalanneAniek train, warratfed to Reef. 0031001 1713". Tou fl1 fer Itraul So Own Oar et these ter.arkallt ilne and trzfty Iseasonle rattt.hre. It hes the apacaranneof $4OisOt ..7.weemo .0o WATCH Erfirua', d. We ION* tide eleaank 'isatth fret 00005c551o10 r70.7111100701,72.130,11 agent:afar% Washineellnec 110, areatwasleley help. Exery11ont4l3 nerds hgalchly. Scratl year Yalu, arid. luana Son can tell address. 100send Ming hy lostpaid. r‘or also 1000400noon thnhfccrour extra 07,4140000, 14.710 1110f *which 1,111. W end handsome sold.finished Scarf rinenad Itimelpre teal* sway wzth 1100 1101115. st told roams us the toolley,r.L. and we wdleand rune*, ease theluendsome watch, also au 45j110 04'01140010. Wear,, giving awaytb see `Note/act to entell, artrar Ise our husinecut. Write tor ru day. Adelson 2.7.arwe0lESItttrzzpo., Watchpepi. 1.1,611v,, ont 6,-.2141 Dyeing I Cleaning! ror the -very hest vend your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN OTE1110 CO." Look for agent 40 70,111 town, or send direst. Montreal,Torooto, Ottawa, Quebe& nAnd yo14 have family- decided the momentous question?" "Well, no--er —not exactly. We have decided to get married, but whether we'll board, keep house, or live in a fiat, is still in the air.' 20 'Soars of Vile Cantartit—Chas. 0. Brown'journalist, of Duluth, Minn., writes : lhave been a sufferer from Threat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 ;ears, during which time my head has been stopped up and my condition truly miserable. Within is minutes after using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder1 obtained relief Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, cured me,. 500,-73 "Voting man," saki the pompus in- dividual, "I did not always have this. carriage. 'When I, first started in, life I had to walk." "Von were chuckled the youth, '`Whert I first started in life I couldn't walk. Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, tipples, KU. KINDS 0, FRUITS And Farm Pro. duce generally, consign it to us sal we will get you good prices. Davison Commission Coot ztctitcaNT'rQ. tetutaf Ts le. illard Tables en a save at tho Leoivest Prize Writ° for Toorrrts REID BROS', Wet' 00.131 vss iC4i L W. 32-31 ENGiNE OiliEtt FREE $26.00 CASH ilndsaoemnrireirbsfmtneoInot ,ioneautam;ea85lmrittTVLbInY ondo oreteetbvz!El steel ban* 407071001' plodefhastottetyvnlyo,- eans, lltdara: 8344,1t4[1.311:5:7aeut3t1:1)1Pf:Ifiri:11:3,011e5... fufl 4031014: 1103010 00010,010,041, rala Nvelvilt yott., Pnt)l1:I12:i7i::71iki 1eS0t 474.1trab.palc lc° ga gt ll atNI1o0', fic°ailr'f! 0.Y011nae- it'aveldeP3rithvitthl lt3oglbsr. fi"rstr prellehorY31;IL'Llirs 01501.001. lco 10113110coatectant for 0031' tvery 1.dy nreds bluing', 'Maui nala, reflux', us tko moncl 151.10, 0,10 ll .; k1 131. 11 ,t01 30111' :1.1710- 50071 1'1,011007 1>c014 00 c 'tulso luck 'a you (11001 1110. 520 T71:41,01„iteti 4.9- .) "' .: t • , .. • . . ,!.. '., • I& . q •, 0 ... ” ....,' ,,tii '.... -. ' ' 5) ..,i . 1 • '' .h.4 ..4 „.$ ), ... . , a:. t 4 0 .. .. • '1'1, „..4, 150 -foot roll, 4 feet ISO -foot roll; 5 Voqt Met— s,....,..... 6.10 154.foot rtdff 4 foot 0.00 Pox' poultry and, garden. Better than eld style. 011ceal dealer er ee, _ THE PACE WIRE PENCE CC, LIIV47,E0 WeIrtervine, Montreal Winnipeu14 11 "ie tht rni 201 "ea.